
cyphermoxhi; I'm looking for the source for udevbot_ on #ubuntu-devel, it says supybot, but I'm under the impression it's likely something slightly different09:50
Unit193It's a supybot with a certain plugin or two.09:51
cyphermoxwhat I want to change is the patch pilot code09:51
Unit193Plugin appears to be UdevTopic, but no idea where you could view it.  What is it you're thinking of?09:53
cyphermoxrenaming the command from @pilot to something else, and adjusting the exact message09:56
cyphermoxnot much more than that tbh :)09:57
Unit193Don't think it's in a vcs, but could be wrong.10:02
cyphermoxhow do we go about changing things then?10:03
cyphermoxI ask, you do? :D10:03
Unit193I don't have access to that.10:03
cyphermoxahah :)10:03
cyphermoxUnit193: so, you possibly found where this was running, maybe?11:23
Unit193cyphermox: I think ubottu.com would be my guess.11:23
Unit193That'd be Pici.11:24
cyphermoxthat doesn't tell me where that code is being run, but at least I have something to start with now11:28
Unit193Might be better to have it under ubuntu-bots, the git side of that is more active though.11:33
Picicyphermox: poke me if you want me to patch the code the bot is running14:11

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