[13:50] o/ [13:50] কেমন আছেন ? [14:11] ভাল [14:29] zaki: RemonShai Guys you can create a local irc server by just installing the server package and you can use it on your local network with the device ip on which the server is installed. [14:29] like this, https://imgur.com/M33XGIS [14:29] [ Imgur: The magic of the Internet ] - https://imgur.com [15:11] zaki: https://imgur.com/M33XGIS [15:11] [ Imgur: The magic of the Internet ] - https://imgur.com [15:12] pavlushka, which source code used? [15:13] or application/package * [15:13] zaki: `ngircd [15:15] zaki: just like an intra office communication without any crafty work or critical server setting [15:16] got it [15:16] zaki: all log can be saved using a bot [15:16] or I don't no if it already has that feature [15:17] commands are same? [15:18] zaki: almost [15:34] zaki: and for logging the server,the familiar bot is https://github.com/BotBotMe [15:34] [ BotBot.me · GitHub ] - https://github.com [15:39] zaki: i installed the server on RPI just as a debian arm package using apt! [15:40] pavlushka, great . [15:40] test project ? [15:41] zaki: kinda, I just installed the server as a package and its running, I just had to connect to the ip with the IRC client [15:42] zaki: and the ip is the ip of the device on which the server is installed, the client finds and connects to it automatically to port 6667 [15:43] zaki: like "/server ip" instead of "/server irc.freenode.net" [15:43] and that's it [15:47] brb [16:06] pavlushka, nice work [16:44] zaki: ty [20:35] night night