
leosemilieHow to unlock dpkg resources? E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?00:05
xamithanWait for the auto updator to finish00:06
leosemilieIt looks like something trashed the ubuntu system where it doesn't shutdown right or hibernate.00:06
leosemiliexamithan: It doesn't look like the suto updater is on00:07
xamithandoes apt show up under a ps aux ?00:08
leosemilie;yeah a systemd daily00:12
leosemilieit looks gone now00:12
leosemilie└─ $ ▶ watch 'ps aux | grep apt'00:13
xamithanWell it should work then00:13
xamithanIf not you'll have to delete the lock files00:14
leosemilieit shows without watch: root      4510  0.0  0.0   2368   580 ?        Ss   19:06   0:00 /bin/sh /usr/lib/apt/apt.systemd.daily install00:14
xamithanOk so it is running00:15
xamithansudo kill -9 4510; sudo apt update00:15
leosemiliethose things hang00:16
leosemilieas if the os is only a surface session00:17
leosemilieit worked xamithan00:17
BloopMonsterOMGin #weechat00:17
BloopMonsterOMGAh! Now I'm trying to set up things in a tmux session on my Raspberry Pi, and I seem to be stuck in what the docs say is bare layout -- just one big window.  I can't find yet how to switch it to the standard layout00:18
BloopMonsterOMGAlt+F1 takes me back to my freenode window00:18
leosemiliexamithan: doing well so far how about hibernate is there some way to make hibernate work00:18
BloopMonsterOMGAnd this is the wrong channel... yep... this i snot #weechat.  That is why this is super lame00:19
BloopMonsterOMG^ sorry00:19
xamithanHibernate is strange because you need a certain amount of swap and sometimes proper driver support00:20
leosemilieyeah it has a cryptswap larger than ram00:20
NewToLubuntuwould anyone know if there's a way on lubuntu to have 2 rows of tabs or to un-collapse multiple windows by default?00:20
leosemiliewhat is the driver support?00:20
NewToLubuntuclicking back to pidgin or to a folder is a 2 step process and I don't like it00:20
leosemilie2.1GB swap active00:21
xamithanSo you got encrypted swap ?00:23
leosemilieyeah confirmed 2,003.4 MB total ram and a bigger swap00:23
xamithanCan't use hibernate with encrypted swap00:23
leosemiliexamithan: yeah cryptswap00:23
xamithanThats your problem00:23
leosemiliethen hibernate is not a secure option if it passes out of my hands during hibernation00:24
help_ubuntuHi, I just found a usb stick, made it bootable for 18.04, it boots but when I click 'Install Ubuntu' it doesn't find my current installation??00:24
leosemilieall security is gone after a ram dump00:24
help_ubuntuI need to get my files back..00:25
leosemilieonce the ram is dumped everything is trashed00:25
leosemilieall security happens in the ram00:25
xamithanYeah hibernate is definitely not something you want to be using if you need security00:25
leosemilieok forget it then00:26
help_ubuntucan somebody help me?00:26
xamithanTry a recovery option on the liveusb00:27
xamithanIt should try to chroot mount your current partitions if they are there00:27
leosemiliexamithan: which pgp app is ubuntu using now anything which secures a ramdisk for operation?00:27
help_ubuntuxamithan: you talking to me?00:28
xamithanYeah help_ubuntu00:28
leosemilieif the key is lost the ramdisk can be a secure environment while running until reboot00:28
help_ubuntuxamithan: I should pick 'try ubuntu without installing' or just 'install ubuntu' at grub menu00:28
help_ubuntuI picked the first one at first00:28
help_ubuntuok I clicked install ubuntu now..00:30
xamithanThats the only two options you got ?00:30
xamithanIt should have "Recover a broken system"00:30
help_ubuntuno also OEM00:30
leosemiliexamithan: do you use pgp00:32
xamithanOnly on my desktop,  which doesn't have ubuntu00:32
xamithanDon't really care about stuff on my laptop00:32
help_ubuntuxamithan: 'check disks for defects' also00:32
help_ubuntushould I pick that?00:32
xamithanNo,  it sounds like you downloaded the wrong image that doesn't have the recovery on it00:33
help_ubuntuxamithan: just picked the latest LTS version00:35
leosemiliexamithan: is there a better visualization interface for wireshark00:37
leosemiliexamithan what are you using on the desktop00:38
help_ubuntushould I do this? https://linuxconfig.org/ubuntu-boot-repair00:44
hongo2536 nacc: Just fyi, the issue i was having was related to a $HOME/.themes directory. I removed it, and bam, all the windows are fine now. I just took a guess at the removal, i didn't find anything googling. I don't remember why i needed this themes dir. The history is that i just started working again on a project that i "suspended" a year ago.00:55
effortDeei cant get steam to work00:58
leosemiliexamithan: some interface for wireshark which shows continuity of packets00:58
leosemilieinstead of breaking them up into a line by line feed00:59
effortDeeanyone know how to get steam to work?00:59
xamithanNo idea on wireshark,  I don't generally use GUI programs.  Just thinks like Tcpdump01:00
leosemilieif this were piped into something like xmatrix it'd be great01:01
leosemiliesomething which can be made to zoom in and out change focus etc01:02
leosemilie;so if there are three lines going of packets it shows the three on screen like a pipe01:02
leosemilieand clicking on the pipe zooms into only that line01:02
leosemiliethat makes it a useful productive tool01:02
leosemiliethere was etherape01:03
leosemiliewhich had a visualization worth using01:03
tgm4883leosemilie: so use etherape then?01:06
leosemilieit doesnt show packets does it?01:07
leosemilieetherape needs to meet wireshark and use something like GLmatrix01:08
tgm4883IDK, I don't use etherape. Maybe I misunderstood what you were saying01:09
leosemiliethat is the status quo isn't it01:09
tgm4883misunderstanding what you're saying? I mean maybe. Do people often have trouble understanding you?01:10
leosemilieand then continuing on with non-sequitur bot scripts01:10
leosemiliethere is some way to do this01:17
leosemiliethough it is likely to be the apex tool of computer networking01:19
leosemilieand because the world essentially prostrates itself before the computer nearly the tool to own everything01:20
hggdhleosemilie: please stay on topic01:20
tgm4883leosemilie: this isn't really the channel for you to sit here and talk to yourself01:20
pgrytdalHello, I could use some assistance getting a Logitech H390 USB headset to work on Ubuntu 18.0401:41
Sven_vBI got bionic to install the basics, but then Ubiquity crashes: "InstallStepError: Plugin language failed with code 2" – any ideas? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/w4KdvtsnCv/01:44
dman777hi, does anyone have a link on how to install compiz fusion on 18.04 lts?01:53
NewToLubuntuis there a way to make the ubuntu or lubuntu OS read like a mobile device to allow mobile apps to install on it?02:09
leftyfbNewToLubuntu: That is unsupported here. But you could always google for "run android on ubuntu"02:10
NewToLubuntuI'm trying to get some kind of free VOIP service, I want a private phone number02:22
=== jeffyboh_ is now known as jeffyboh
tripelbHello. I am trying to dualboot windows 10 with ubuntu 16.04 (because I cant find my other usb drives and I despise windows/10 so any ubuntu is good)03:32
Bashing-om!18.04 | tripelb May as well learn on the current release03:34
ubottutripelb May as well learn on the current release: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) is the 28th release of Ubuntu and the current LTS release. Download at https://www.ubuntu.com/download - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes03:34
tripelb May as well as soon as I get ubuntu so I can download 18.04 and then learn how to make the usb and then do that. Even though I cant find mine I have one new one.ho I cant find03:35
Bashing-om!dualboot | tripelb03:36
ubottutripelb: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot03:36
tripelbthanks Bashing-om (youve been around here a long time)03:37
tripelbthen I can ask another question. I have a dongle for a BT logitech kb but when I plug it in this lenovo laptop switches sound to an imaginary bt speakers&microphone. when I reset the sound settings, it resets on reboot.03:39
Bashing-omtripelb: Sorry, sound issues are not in my tool box :(03:44
=== capella|away is now known as capella
=== viv`d is now known as vivid
ubottuA desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), !LXDE (lubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors04:27
tucemiuxanyone knows how to enable multiple desktops on unity ubuntu?04:29
guiverctucemiux, i don't know what you mean by multiple desktops on unity; only one desktop at a time can be used (if excluding virtual machines) - you can install multiple desktops, and select which you use at login, is that what you mean?04:31
tucemiuxguiverc, no i want to have more than one virtual desktop04:31
guivercokay, I'm not a unity user (and don't have it installed), if not in settings, try unity-tweak-tool (just a guess)04:32
tucemiuxok ill give it a try but the look on my laptop is perfect! I just need more work spaces o.O04:35
kaddihi, i'm on ubuntu 18.04. Is there a repository for a newer darktable version?04:40
kaddiI have a sony camera and that is only supported starting from 2.4.3, ubuntu currnetly comes with vresion 2.4.204:40
jjayyhow r u04:42
lotuspsychje!latest | kaddi04:45
ubottukaddi: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.04:45
tucemiuxguiverc, i figured it out, its already configured by default, just press ctrl-alt-[up or down arrow], im back in the game !!!04:46
kaddi@lotuspsychje yeah that's why I was asking if anyone was aware of a repository shipping the newer darktable versions :p04:47
arTeekaddi, snap has 2.4.4 version04:47
lotuspsychjekaddi: we try to avoid adding external ppa's as much as possible here mate, as they are a security risk04:48
tucemiuxkaddi, i recommend you download ubuntu studio and install it on a DVD or a USB stick and try it out to see if it has all the features you want out of the box04:48
lotuspsychjekaddi: (could be)04:48
guiverc:) tucemiux04:48
kaddithe thing is that the program is useless to me as is. It's a photo editing program that doesn't work with raw pictures from my camera04:49
kaddiarTee: thanks I'll take a look :)04:49
=== BgLamersTeam is now known as Dreaman
ne1TIL making an APT repository is really hard: https://github.com/Eloston/ungoogled-chromium/issues/3704:50
ne1wish the ubuntu team could make the process easier04:50
lotuspsychjene1: can you explain your end goal please, what are you trying to do exactly?04:58
ne1try to get this project put in an apt repo04:58
ne1ticket was opened for this 2 years ago - still not completed04:58
lotuspsychjene1: we try to focus on ubuntu issues here, support for git its best to contact the maintainer of the git itself, or their forums05:03
ne1ok :/05:03
=== Dreaman is now known as Blade
silv3r_m00nhi there05:34
silv3r_m00ni need a simple video editor that can erase some areas of the view and make it white05:34
silv3r_m00nwhat is the best video editor for this05:34
Nokajisilv3r_m00n: kdenlive is popular, no idea if it does what you want05:38
silv3r_m00nthanks, i will check some videos on youtube05:38
=== [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius
gjaekelWhere to find a documentation of used extended attributes on a Ubuntu standard installation, e.g for /media . I have to restore it because I have a backup made without saving it.07:03
uboahi everyone :)07:21
=== capella is now known as capella|away
neurei inserted usb disk but it is not shown anywhere07:50
neurehow do i find it and see if there is anything on it, and / or format it?07:50
neuregparted does not show the device07:51
neurelsusb shows the device07:51
neureI think it could be formatted by my samsung TV07:51
lotus|NUCneure: open a tail -f /var/log/syslog and unplug, plug back in your usb to see errors07:52
neureoh actuall gparted does find the device07:53
neuremy mistake07:53
neureso the usb stick has ubuntu 16.04 installer on it07:55
neurewhen i try to mount it, I get warning that device is write-protected07:55
neurethe stick does not have any physical write protection switch07:56
=== Katnip- is now known as Katnip
=== akem__ is now known as akem
=== Blade is now known as BgLamersTeam
pantatoeive input a kernel parameter that allowed my linux install to boot using a secondary gpu, but once i get past the loading screen my screen goes blank. I can ssh in and make adjustments, and I'm trying to configure xorg to use the secondary gpu but I'm not having any luck. I'm using ubuntu 18.04. Trying to do this for vfio purposes. Any ideas?09:44
lenny_lemonhow can i fix:    malformed entry 52 in list file /etc/apt/sources.list (component)     in ubuntu 16.04 ?09:52
cristian_cpantatoe: you could look at Xorg.0.log10:02
cristian_c!paste | lenny_lemon10:03
ubottulenny_lemon: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:03
=== capella|away is now known as capella
lenny_lemonwhat is it about? that was 1 line ...10:09
pantatoecristian_c: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PrfhdmXs26/ not really sure...10:09
ace_mehi all ! I jsut added10:09
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:10
ace_mehi all ! I just added */1 * * * * su me -c '/usr/bin/notify-send "Pay Attention to your Eyes and Neck!" "walk a minute..."' >/dev/null 2>&1 but no notification is shwon10:11
pantatoecristian_c: I ran X -configure and I get segmentation fault signal 1110:12
jlucwhere did you add that ace_me ?10:13
ace_mecrontab -e jluc10:14
ace_mehowever /usr/bin/notify-send "Pay Attention to your Eyes and Neck!" "walk a minute..." works10:15
ace_mefrom terminal I mean10:15
ace_mebut I want to make it work from cron10:16
ace_meI am on ubuntu 18.0410:16
Ben64pantatoe: you need to set up your passthrough stuff properly10:16
pantatoeBen64: it is setup properly. It works just fine when I have the host gpu in the primary slot. But for the way my motherboard is that forces both cards to be in 8x mode. I'm trying to make linux work when I have the host gpu in the 4x pci e slot10:17
Ben64it isn't set up properly, if it was you wouldn't be having this problem10:17
pantatoeBen64: you're not being helpful10:18
pantatoeBen64: my passthrough is set up fine. I have all my bases covered except xorg10:18
Ben64ok, good luck10:18
pantatoeBen64: "set up your passthrough properly" doesn't tell me anything10:18
pantatoeI have all the vfio stuff enabled in the kernel, i have the pci e ids assigned to vfio, i have nvidia blacklisted in systemd10:19
cristian_camd + nvidia10:19
pantatoeBen64: how am i supposed to believe that I don't have it set up properly when it works in another scenario? I'm trying to make it work in *this scenario*10:20
=== solsTiCe_ is now known as solsTiCe
pantatoecristian_c: right. I want to use my nvidia card for the guest (which works with the host gpu in the primary pci e slot)10:20
ace_meSep 22 13:20:01 mypc CRON[3259]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user me by (uid=0) jluc10:20
ace_memaybe su han no rights or so ?10:21
cristian_clenny_lemon: paste spurces.list10:21
ace_mewhat should I check in order to run a cron command with su successfully ?10:21
ace_meI just added in cron */1 * * * * su me -c '/usr/bin/notify-send "Pay Attention to your Eyes and Neck!" "walk a minute..."' >/dev/null 2>&1 but no notification is shwon10:21
ace_meor maybe su is not needed ?10:22
cristian_cpantatoe: what do you mean when you talk about 'host' and 'guest' gpus?10:23
pantatoecristian_c: I'm referring to how I have my GPU passthrough set up10:24
pantatoecristian_c: I'm trying to change it10:24
cristian_cgpu passthrough10:24
lenny_lemoncristian_c, how can i do that? with nano /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit ?10:24
cristian_clenny_lemon: also10:25
cristian_cnano is interactive, btw10:25
cristian_clenny_lemon: use cat in placemof nano10:25
cristian_c*in place of nano10:25
pantatoecristian_c: everything works fine if i put my AMD gpu (the gpu I want to use for the linux host) in the primary PCI E slot, and the 980 ti (the gpu I want to use for the windows guest) in the next slot down. But this scenario makes both GPUs run in 8x mode. When I switch the AMD gpu to the 4x slot so my nvidia GPU can run at 16x in the primary slot, ubuntu loads, but things go blank when I get past the loading screen10:26
pantatoeit's a linux problem, not a vfio problem10:27
cristian_cpantatoe: oh, you're talking about virtual machine10:27
cristian_cI'm not very focused out that, I've tried in past to use audio internal card in virtualbox, using pci passthrough, no success10:28
cristian_cthen, I don't know what virtualization aoftware you're using10:29
lenny_lemoncristian_c, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mfxvrDgW8w/10:29
cristian_c(I know pci passthroug is possible if host OS and guest OS are both linux)10:30
pantatoecristian_c: it works just fine with guest as windows as well. Everything was great with my intel build10:30
pantatoecristian_c: i'm using libvirt10:30
cristian_clenny_lemon: I think that:10:32
cristian_cdeb http://archive.canonical.com/xenial partner # deb-src http://archive.canonical.com/xenial partner10:32
cristian_cis malformed10:32
lenny_lemoncristian_c, what does it mean and how to fix it?10:33
cristian_clenny_lemon: btw, partner is already in pkace at line 4310:33
cristian_cI don't know how you've added line 5210:33
cristian_clenny_lemon: just delete line 52 and 53, and decomment line 4310:34
cristian_clenny_lemon: opening sources.list by root user10:34
pantatoeBen64: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3dGbzTsMK5/ as you can see here the gpu that i want to use for the guest is bound to the vfio-pci driver while the amd gpu is not10:34
cristian_c(using sudo, I mean)10:35
pantatoeBen64: Care to clue me in on what is "incorrect" about my passthrough setup?10:35
cristian_cacetakwas: of course, you've tested the notify cokmand by terminal, at first10:36
lenny_lemoncristian_c, works fine ... thanks ...10:40
pokmoanyone know if the image control settings like exposure available in webcam viewers like guvcview are hardware or software exposure?10:40
jlucsame here about crontab10:41
lenny_lemoncristian_c, do you suggest any read concern this to understand what does happen?10:41
lenny_lemoncristian_c, btw in other terminal i ran:   sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit and is still running ... can i just close it or is there safer way to kill the process?10:42
lotus|NUCpokmo: can apt-cache search v4l2 help?10:54
pokmolotus|NUC but that won't tell me if the settings are hardware or software, right?10:55
lotus|NUCpokmo: those are tools you can install to adjust webcam settings10:56
pokmolotus|NUC yes, i'm just using guvcview right now which offers a range of settings, e.g., exposure, gain, saturation, brightness, contrast, etc.10:56
pokmobut i wonder if these are software manipulations or hardware settings10:57
pokmoby software manipulations, i mean those offered in photoshop10:57
jcduttonpokmo, guvcview can only adjust hardware settings10:58
pokmojcdutton i see. does it use v4l?10:58
pokmobut guvcview offers a 'sharpness' setting too10:59
jcduttonpokmo, it uses the uvc protocol. This is a standard for video over USB10:59
pokmowhat's hardware 'sharpness' though?10:59
jcduttonpokmo, the webcam itself is exposing the control. How the webcam implements it may be hardware or software.11:00
pokmoi see11:00
jcduttonpokmo, sharpness is normally a parameter fed into the format conversion function. I.e. if you take a photo and you get jpeg output. The conversion from hardware to jpeg format will be different depending on the sharpness setting.11:02
jcduttonpokmo, when going from hardware video capture to the video stream format, there is an algorithm. It has common controls such as resolution, but also others such as compression ration etc.11:04
pokmojcdutton is compression ratio usually exposed?11:05
jcduttonpokmo, it is normally instead exposed as select average bitrate.11:05
jcduttonpokmo, so selecting a 12mbps stream will compress less than selecting a 128kbps stream.11:07
pokmojcdutton hmm maybe my webcam is too cheap :\11:07
pokmojcdutton could it be frame rate?11:07
pokmoa low frame rate on my webcam seems to give less noise11:07
jcduttonpokmo, low frame gives less noise because the hardware can average the measurement over a longer period. Low frame rate can also cause more blurring when there is movement in the frame11:09
pokmojcdutton right. does that mean a lower fps gives higher exposure? thus, lower noise?11:11
pokmojcdutton all good now. thanks!11:20
cristian_clenny_lemon: nano is interactive11:20
cristian_cso you've to kill procrsses pending yet11:20
bavrogarI am running bionic and I have problems with printing as normal user from a GNOME application (evince, and others). My printer is a printer from HP and the official HP drivers are installed from the repo. As far as I can see, AppArmor is blocking it. I have fiddled around with aa-complain and aa-logprof, but now I am stuck. Any help would be appreciated.11:23
bavrogarPrinting a test page from the CUPS admin website works.11:24
lenny_lemonchrisml, and how can i find that process ... i try ps, top, htop, pstree but cannot find it ...11:27
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
lenny_lemoncristian_c,  and how can i find that process ... i try ps, top, htop, pstree but cannot find it ...11:27
gpunkps aux| grep nano11:28
caipiblackHi guy's, I currently didn't have APPLE products but I have compatibility questions with linux in 2018. Is it possible for exemple with an Ubuntu to plug the ipad on the computer and open a file browser and add files to the ipad "like a usb key" ?11:32
lotus|NUCcaipiblack: yes, ubuntu will mount Ios devices11:33
lotus|NUC!iphone | caipiblack11:33
ubottucaipiblack: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod11:33
lotus|NUCcaipiblack: some music players will also sync with Ios music like clementine for example11:34
cristian_clenny_lemon: btw, you could look also in task manager11:34
caipiblackOk because on google I find topics from 2013 where they speaks that you need to use itunes, witch is not supported in linux (of courses) so someones use a VM with Itunes (because on theses post they say that usb doesn't work correctly with wine) but as I say it is from 2013 :D11:34
caipiblackThats why i ask it ;D11:34
lotus|NUCcaipiblack: itunes over wine is not ideal, but might work on some versions too11:35
lotus|NUCcaipiblack: you could talk to the wine channel about that11:35
cristian_cbavrogar: of course, you've already your user to printing related groups11:36
caipiblacklotus|NUC but when you "mount" the IOS device did you see the filesystem ? Or is it a pseudo filesystem with just 2 folders: "Pictures" "Video" where you can't add something else than accepted extensions ?11:36
bavrogarcristian_c: just for a check, which groups?11:37
lotus|NUCcaipiblack: you can see the filesystem and send/receive files from both ends yes11:37
lotus|NUCcaipiblack: best way to test this, we advice you to try a liveusb 18.04.1 for example, see how it works11:38
bavrogarcristian_c: my user is a member of the groups lp and lpadmin11:39
GuiLuxhi there11:40
bavrogarmust be sufficient i guess. Also with xenial and 17.10 everything worked11:40
cristian_cbavrogar: and system-config-printer ahow all the stuff in place, is it?11:41
bavrogarcristian_c: system-config-printer shows my printer with a green symbol11:42
cristian_cI don't know why apparmor is doing this11:43
caipiblacklotus|NUC in fast I am on 18.04. But I don't have the IOS device Yet. I'm asking theses questions because I don't have buy the device yet11:43
cristian_cbavrogar: but you could look at journalctl or prin server logfile11:44
bavrogarcristian_c: the wiki states that the combination apparmor and third_party drivers in cups are not a good combination.11:44
cristian_cbavrogar: have you already tried  drivers included in ubuntu official repositories?11:45
bavrogareverything is from the ubuntu repo11:45
cristian_crather than hp official website11:45
bavrogari have installed hplip from ubuntu repo11:45
cristian_cah, ok, sorry11:46
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
GuiLuxI have a syslog problem, far too much debug incoming into /var/log/syslog. Any audio/video player produces debug about scrobbling, icon cache.. ureadahead produces hundreds of lines...   my setup = ubuntu server 18.04.1 + slim + awesome wm (xorg and nvidia drivers)11:46
cristian_cso, they are not 'properly' third-party, though they are developer by hplip project11:46
GuiLuxmy files /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf   /etc/rsyslog.conf   are the default ones11:46
GuiLuxany help will be appreciated11:47
GuiLuxthx in advance11:47
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cristian_cGuiLux: but ypu aren't experiencing playback issues, is it true?11:49
GuiLuxanother thing : my setup is upgraded from 16.04, there I used to have debug in ~/.xsession-errors but now it's empty11:50
GuiLuxhi cristian_c11:50
GuiLuxplayback is fine in every player I use11:50
cristian_cI don't know why syslog is so spammed by these messages, but it doesn't affect your experience, I think11:51
cristian_cah, ok, ypu've to check logfiles for other issues, so you would like a cleaner one11:52
GuiLuxindeed, the only thing that bothers me is that this write over an SSD disk11:52
cristian_cypu're right11:52
cristian_cwhat video player do you use?11:53
GuiLuxmplayer and vlc11:53
cristian_cyou can change debuglevel in vlc11:53
GuiLuxaudio players = vlc, clementine11:54
GuiLuxand mixxx11:54
cristian_cso, are messages not coming from video players itself?11:54
GuiLuxvideo and audio players11:54
GuiLuxand I'd like to understand why ~/.xsession-errors does not receive anything since I've upgraded to 18.04.111:56
GuiLuxbut these are two differents problems11:57
GuiLuxI installed these from their ppa's : mixxx, clementine    from the main repo : vlc, mplayer12:01
GuiLuxmy guess is that this could be an X issue rather than rsyslog12:02
ioriaGuiLux, good question; i think it's not used anymore (despite  grep ERRFILE  /etc/X11/Xsession) and journald is used instead ... but i ' am still searching12:06
BluesKajHiyas all12:09
GuiLuxthx ioria you inspired me another set of checks12:11
ioriaGuiLux, ok12:12
ioriaGuiLux, du -sh /var/log/journal/   will tell the folder size (is huge, you might have a problem)ù12:14
ioria 12:14
delsenhi peoples12:14
delsenhope you are all good12:14
delsenmaybe someone could help? my ubuntu, fresh installed with mate and compiz, using the xorg driver, not nvidia, suddenly doesn't recognise my monitor and start with minimal resolution12:15
delsenand i can't edit the xorg.conf anymore right...i'm new again with ubuntu...using it again since some years :)12:16
ioriaGuiLux,   https://mail.gnome.org/archives/desktop-devel-list/2016-May/msg00015.html12:17
atm0sphere1Evereytime i am getting an error /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER atm0sphere1 xbhzkzvmyagk12:20
GuiLuxsorry, i'm a bit slow, having lunch   :)12:20
atm0sphere1You might want to run 'apt --fix-broken install' to correct these.12:21
atm0sphere1The following packages have unmet dependencies:12:21
atm0sphere1 linux-headers-4.15.0-34-generic : Depends: linux-headers-4.15.0-34 but it is not installed12:21
atm0sphere1E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt --fix-broken install' with no packages (or specify a solution).12:21
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:21
atm0sphere1any idea how to fix abhove problrm12:21
atm0sphere1This is in ubnut 18.04 LTS12:21
GuiLuxwell ioria  that's nearly 500MB for /var/log/journal12:21
ioriaGuiLux,   you can trim it (sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=2d); but first check the info you're looking for12:23
GuiLuxwaiting for the coffee for that   thx for your help12:25
ioriano prob12:25
atm0sphere1any idea how to fix https://imgur.com/a/yq05FgW12:32
atm0sphere1there is an error which is creating an issue for docker too12:33
atm0sphere1don't know how to fix the package12:33
DbuggerDoes anybody know why my gnome extensions always give me an ERROR when I try to update them?12:36
DbuggerI am using the browser extensions for that12:36
ioriaatm0sphere1, and have you tried  what suggested : apt-get --fix-broken install12:39
atm0sphere1ioria, yes, did that12:40
sliverahey guys, just got a question about setting a start up command to run a command with a datadir in my storage (e.g. /dev/sdb1) - on start up I get an error that the directory couldn't be found. Can anyone help me understand why this is happening?12:40
ioriaatm0sphere1, and ? same error ?12:40
atm0sphere1but after that also while doing upgrade it throws same error12:40
ioriaatm0sphere1, your kernel ?  uname -r12:41
melkorWhat is the alternative to ifconfig? eg if I wanted to check my local ip address.12:42
GuiLuxip a12:42
atm0sphere1ioria, I am using ubuntu 18.04 LTS12:42
ioriaatm0sphere1, yes ... your kernel ?  uname -r12:42
melkorThank you.12:42
atm0sphere1ioria, ^^12:43
ioriaatm0sphere1, it's an old one;    sudo apt full-upgrade   and paste the errors12:43
ioriaatm0sphere1, you can use  paste.ubuntu.com  or what you want12:44
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atm0sphere1https://imgur.com/a/2OadPI8  ioria12:45
ioriaatm0sphere1,  sudo apt install pastebinit12:46
atm0sphere1ioria, what this will do.12:47
atm0sphere1I did and it throwed the same error12:47
ioriaatm0sphere1,  a pastebini service ; so you can pipe commands outputs12:47
ioriaatm0sphere1,  ah, ok12:47
atm0sphere1ioria, because of this issue I am unabel to get docker also12:48
ioriaatm0sphere1, sudo dpkg --configure -a12:48
atm0sphere1ioria, it is giving error dpkg: error processing package linux-generic (--configure):12:50
atm0sphere1and its multiple times12:50
sliveraI think my problem is something to do with fstab and how my second HDD is mounting (or rather, not mounting until I manually click it), can anyone give me a hand?12:51
ioriaatm0sphere1, dpkg -l | grep linux-header  | nc termbin.com 999912:51
atm0sphere1ioria, it gives http://termbin.com/lswj12:52
ioriaatm0sphere1,  sudo dpkg -P linux-headers-4.15.0-34-generic  inux-headers-generic12:53
ioriaatm0sphere1,  sudo dpkg -P linux-headers-4.15.0-34-generic  linux-headers-generic12:53
atm0sphere1ioria, both the cmds or later one12:54
ioriaatm0sphere1,  on one line12:54
atm0sphere1ioria, https://imgur.com/a/EAD0lm912:55
ioriaatm0sphere1,  sudo dpkg -P linux-headers-4.15.0-34-generic  linux-headers-generic  linux-generic12:56
atm0sphere1ioria, looks like it worked12:57
atm0sphere1but let me ckeck12:57
ioriaatm0sphere1, sudo apt full-upgrade   and if it fails   sudo  apt-get --fix-broken install12:58
atm0sphere1ioria, it gives The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:13:01
atm0sphere1  amd64-microcode intel-microcode iucode-tool libboost-program-options1.65.1 libgoogle-perftools4 libpcrecpp0v5 libtcmalloc-minimal413:01
atm0sphere1  libyaml-cpp0.5v5 linux-image-generic mongo-tools mongodb-server-core thermald13:01
atm0sphere1Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them.13:01
atm0sphere1do i need to auttoremove it13:01
ioriaatm0sphere1, we don't care aout autoremove atm, you care about updating kernel  ...13:02
coconutatm0sphere1: try to copy and paste on paste.ubuntu.com , try to paste...13:02
ioriaatm0sphere1, sudo apt full-upgrade   and please paste the errors you got13:03
atm0sphere1ioria, doing13:03
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atm0sphere1ioria, https://imgur.com/a/MsYQNMh13:07
ioriaatm0sphere1, ls /boot | nc termbin.com 999913:08
atm0sphere1ioria, http://termbin.com/aquu13:09
ioriaatm0sphere1, looks fine for me ... but i don't get why it wants to remove microcode13:10
atm0sphere1ioria, if it remove it. Will it create an issue13:10
ioriaatm0sphere1, sudo apt install linux-generic13:11
wudo_honourhey guys13:19
wudo_honour I have found a script in my disk, and I wanan find what program execute the script,13:19
wudo_honourso  what should I do13:19
atm0sphere1ioria, sorry, I restarted my system.13:20
atm0sphere1Was there any msg.13:20
atm0sphere1when I open  my terminal it always open as /bin/bash  ?13:22
atm0sphere1any specific reason why its happening. Everytime i need to do ctrl+z13:22
cristian_cwudo_honour: your disk? Which directory?13:24
wudo_honourI mean this have any script which be execute , So I wanan follow this ,found out which program execute the script13:26
atm0sphere1ioria, +113:27
cristian_cwudo_honour: do you mean ubuntu filesystem?13:29
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wudo_honourdo you know the pid and ppid ?  pid and port ?13:31
delsenok nice, i helped myself simpl installing the nvidia drivers, thanks for nothing bye13:35
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ioriaatm0sphere1, are you back ?14:07
cristian_cI've got rtl8188etv wifi card (using r8188eu driver). I've made several tests but when I try it on an amd ryzen machine using 18.04, system freezes/crashes14:14
cristian_cI've tried also on different machines/OSes and it never makes system freezing/crashing (intel platforms)14:15
cristian_cI've tried also an old kubuntu 17.04 with kernel 4.11 on ryzen machine and it doesn't crashes when I try to use that wifi card, but if I inatall the recent kerbel, it doesn't appear in grub14:15
pragmaticenigmacristian_c: how are you installing a recent kernel in 17.04? 17.04 is EOL and isn't supported any more, there are no kernels built for it. If you are looking to downgrade, go to 16.04 in install !hwe14:17
cristian_cso, I've tried to re-install 18.04 in ryzen. The machine doesn't freezes using that wifi card in live mode (dvd), with kerbel 4.15.0,14:17
cristian_cbut if, after installed, I upgrade to a recebt kerbel, system freezes when trying to make connection14:17
cristian_cpragmaticenigma: ubuntu kernel mainline14:17
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)14:18
pragmaticenigmacristian_c: 17.04 is end of like... there are no kernels being built for it. even mainline. You have to use a supported version of Ubuntu14:18
cristian_cpragmaticenigma: there is a kernel deb store (updated)14:18
pragmaticenigmacristian_c: 3rd party ppa's and software are not supported, especially the kernels14:19
robbHello, I have 3 hard drives in my ubuntu server 18.04. I have two volume groups. One of the volume groups I want to delete, but when I run vgreduce, I get Physical volume "/dev/sdb" still in use. How do I stop it or unmount it so that I can move it to my ubuntu-vg?14:19
cristian_cpragmaticenigma: I've tested 17.04 in order to test the wifi card14:19
cristian_cas told at fist14:19
pragmaticenigmacristian_c: It's not a good test case14:19
cristian_cI've downloaded kernel debs, of cpurse14:19
cristian_c*of course14:19
cristian_cpragmaticenigma: as told before, I tested several machines/releases14:20
cristian_cand different kernels, too14:20
ioriacristian_c, you mean that it freezes only on a  4.15.0-34 kernel ?14:20
cristian_cin order to underatand why wifi card make syatem crashing in 18.04 on ryzen14:20
cristian_cioria: no, I've noticed it freezes juat on ryzen with 4.19 but also 4.18.8 (stable)14:21
cristian_cif I try 4.15.0-20 in 18.04 live mode, it doesn't freezes the system14:21
pragmaticenigmacristian_c: here's what I'm going to suggest, as I think you've been here for the past week about this problem, If the wifi card doesn't want to work, then you should consider finding a supported card that does work without issue. there are plenty out there and they don't cost a lot of money.14:22
cristian_cbut system freezes at boot time, before 4.19 kernels14:22
cristian_cjust, after grub14:22
cristian_c4.19 solves the boot process, in older kernels nomodeset is needed14:22
pragmaticenigmacristian_c: if you haven't solved it with this channels help by now, you've had a very good chance of exhausting every resource here that would have any ideas for you14:23
leftyfbcristian_c: whats the issue with using 4.19 if that works for you?14:23
cristian_cpragmaticenigma: I don't know why but system doesn't freeze on 16.04 and 18.04 on intel machine14:23
cristian_cleftyfb: 4.19 solves the crash at boot issue, but if I connect the wifi card and make a connection, system hangs14:24
cristian_cthat didn't happen on older kernels14:24
leftyfbcristian_c: file a bug14:25
cristian_cexcept 4.18.8 for what system freezes in a similar manner14:25
pragmaticenigma!details | robb, how are the drive configured in the current volume group?14:25
ubotturobb, how are the drive configured in the current volume group?: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.14:25
cristian_cleftyfb: ok, but bug against what package14:25
atm0sphere1ioria, yes, I am back14:26
leftyfbcristian_c: maybe just ubuntu in general to start. Maybe the latest 4.15 kernel14:26
cristian_cI don't know if there is an issue with kernel, network manager, wpa_supplicant, or toher packages14:26
ioriaatm0sphere1, ok...  uname -r ?14:26
leftyfbcristian_c: I'd start with the kernel14:26
leftyfbcristian_c: the rest won't cause the system to freeze14:26
atm0sphere1ioria, 4.15.0-34-generic14:27
atm0sphere1ioria, is that latest?14:27
cristian_cleftyfb: do you mean about desktop freeze, btw?14:28
ioriaatm0sphere1, yep, it's ok    dpkg -l | grep microcode | nc termbin.com 999914:28
cristian_cleftyfb: I mean filing a bug about desktop freeze?14:28
robbpragmaticenigma: how can I check? I am using LVM214:29
atm0sphere1ioria, http://termbin.com/ppji14:29
leftyfbcristian_c: I mean, file a big against the kernel since that would more likely be the problem causing the crashing. A lack of or incorrect driver module or something14:29
ioriaatm0sphere1, ok... if you run  sudo apt-full upgrade do you still get 'autoremove' message ?14:29
cristian_cleftyfb: ok, but deskrop doesn't crashes using 4.1514:30
leftyfbcristian_c: but the driver for the wireless is built in14:30
cristian_c(os crashes during boot, issue fixed since 4.19)14:30
leftyfbcristian_c: if the problem is with another package, one of the developers will move your bug to the appropriare package if necessary14:30
atm0sphere1ioria, yes14:31
cristian_cleftyfb: yeah, but you're talking about wifi card related crash, that doesn't happen in 4.1514:31
atm0sphere1ioria, should i run autoremove cmd ?14:31
leftyfbcristian_c: ok, then don't do anything. That'll certainly get things resolved for you.14:32
cristian_cand 4.19 is not official yet14:32
cristian_cleftyfb: I don't underatand14:32
ioriaatm0sphere1,  wait ....   sudo apt install --reinstall intel-microcode14:32
leftyfbcristian_c: file a bug against the 4.15 kernel. Go14:32
cristian_cleftyfb: ok, when I file the bug against 4.15, what have I to put in the description?14:33
pragmaticenigmarobb: didn't you set them up? how do you not know your disk layout?14:33
leftyfb!bug | cristian_c14:33
ubottucristian_c: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.14:33
cristian_cleftyfb: I mean abput the issue, not related abput how tp do that, btw14:34
atm0sphere1ioria, did, but again after doing full upgrade same notification14:34
leftyfbcristian_c: put everything you've tried and know14:34
ioriaatm0sphere1,  sudo apt install  linux-generic14:34
robbpragmaticenigma: honestly I just ran the installer and hit next untill it worked.... the volume Im having trouble with was set up on a previous version  of ubuntu on this server that I set up 2 years ago when it was 1614:35
pragmaticenigmacristian_c: make your best attempt, and everything you told us here... when someone responds they will tell you additional information they need.14:35
atm0sphere1ioria, here theres an error14:36
ioriaatm0sphere1,  please, paste it14:36
cristian_cpragmaticenigma: the issue is: leftyfb suggests me to file a bug against 4.15, but that bug doesn't happen in 4.1514:36
atm0sphere1ioria, https://imgur.com/a/HbiBhTC14:36
cristian_cpragmaticenigma: so, I wonder if this way is lgit in launchpad14:36
pragmaticenigmacristian_c: oh, just go and file the report... if it isn't someone will tell you that too14:36
cristian_c(if I file a bug for a version different than the one triggers the bug)14:37
cristian_cok, I'll do so (I'm a bit shocked btw)14:38
ioriaatm0sphere1,  do you really get those artifacts or is  a pasting issue ?14:38
atm0sphere1no I am getting those ioria14:38
atm0sphere1ioria, i am pasting by taking screenshot14:38
NewToLubuntuthese 4 desktops lubuntu comes with seem potentially very useful, but sort of throw you for a loop when you start using the OS and have no idea they're there until you accidentally switch between them14:39
ioriayep, never seen , looks like a corruption14:39
NewToLubuntulike moving a window around, drag one too far to the side of the screen, suddenly can't view 2 windows together anymore14:39
help_ubuntuHey, I can't open my encrypted home folder on a live usb.. I have this issue, but the solution doesn't work for me https://askubuntu.com/questions/659242/problem-with-ecryptfs-recover-private-mount2-failed14:40
ioriaatm0sphere1,   dpkg -l | grep linux- | nc termbin.com 999914:40
atm0sphere1ioria, I was getting same generaic pacange msising14:41
pragmaticenigmacristian_c: if you haven't figured it out yet... you've been walked through nearly every known step (i've gone and read all the logs for the past week involving you.) to figure out a remedy for this issue. It appears you have litterally exhausted nearly everyone's knowledge on the topic. There is nothing to be shocked about, Bugs happen, and the only way to get them addressed is to file a bug report. Clearly something has14:41
pragmaticenigmabeen fixed if the latest unreleased kernel fixes the problem, it's just a matter of time when it will be ported into the older kernels. To help speed that process along, those teams need the bug report.14:41
ioriaatm0sphere1,   dpkg -l | grep linux- | nc termbin.com 999914:41
atm0sphere1again i run sudo dpkg -P linux-headers-4.15.0-34-generic  linux-headers-generic  linux-generic14:41
help_ubuntuMy machine is completely broken after upgrading to 18.04 and I'm trying to get my data back with a live usb install14:41
help_ubuntucan somebody help me please?14:41
atm0sphere1ioria, http://termbin.com/d4qg14:41
cristian_cpragmaticenigma: I've asked my question just only two times, yesterday (no response) and wesneday14:42
ioriaatm0sphere1,  did you already run that command  ? yes ?14:42
atm0sphere1ioria, yes14:42
ioriaatm0sphere1,  run again   sudo apt full-upgrade14:43
atm0sphere1ioria, did14:43
atm0sphere1same autoremove thigns are coming14:44
cristian_cpragmaticenigma: my shock is releated abput filling a bug f0r a version n0t affected by that issue14:44
cristian_c*related about14:44
ioriaatm0sphere1,  but no  errors, right  ?14:44
atm0sphere1ioria, yes, no error14:44
pragmaticenigmacristian_c: You have your options laid out for you. You make the decision, live with it, file the bug report and get better results.14:44
ioriaatm0sphere1,   dpkg -l | grep linux-header   | nc termbin.com 999914:45
cristian_cpragmaticenigma: I'll do that because I've  ot other chances, at the moment14:45
pragmaticenigmacristian_c: and file the bug against the kernel you are using when you experience the issue.14:45
atm0sphere1ioria, http://termbin.com/x0t014:45
pragmaticenigmacristian_c: everything has to start somewhere, but you have to start the process to get moving14:46
NewToLubuntuI am running Synaptic Package Manager and would like to know if "mesa-utils" seems trustworthy. I was told I could use it to find out more about my graphics processor14:46
cristian_cpragmaticenigma: ah, so have I to wait 4-19 official release or 18.10?14:46
cristian_cI dpn't know what kerbel version 18.10 will bring14:46
ioriaatm0sphere1,   apt-cache policy linux-headers-4.15.0-34   | nc termbin.com 999914:46
cristian_cpragmaticenigma: maybe, I'll try to get another wifi card, because at the moment I can use it just on windows 10 on that machine14:47
cristian_cbut I'll file a bug against kernel , however14:48
atm0sphere1ioria, http://termbin.com/y07s14:48
ioriaatm0sphere1,  the point is: you miss the correct headres for your -34 kernel; we need to install them but looks like there some issues14:50
ioriaatm0sphere1,  apt -s install linux-headers-4.15.0-3414:50
atm0sphere1ioria, did14:51
atm0sphere1still there are autoremove option14:51
ioriaatm0sphere1,  oh man, ok   run   sudo apt autoremove --purge14:51
help_ubuntuI really need some assistence, can somebody help me?14:55
atm0sphere1ioria, did14:56
ioriaatm0sphere1,  run again   sudo apt full-upgrade14:56
atm0sphere1ioria, did, no error14:56
atm0sphere1ioria, https://imgur.com/a/FUWr1Y214:56
ioriaatm0sphere1,  sudo apt  install linux-headers-4.15.0-34 linux-headers-4.15.0-34-generic14:57
atm0sphere1ioria, https://imgur.com/a/ETv3PV514:58
atm0sphere1artifacts are again14:58
ioriaatm0sphere1,   dpkg -l | grep linux-header   | nc termbin.com 999915:01
jcduttonioria, looks a little broken there15:01
ioriajcdutton, yep... got ideas ?   fsck or similar  ?15:02
jcduttonioria, df  - are any > 80% used15:02
ioriaatm0sphere1,  paste   also   df -h  | nc termbin.com 999915:03
atm0sphere1ioria, http://termbin.com/xljw15:05
jcduttonhelp_ubuntu, Just ask a question, if someone can help, they will15:05
atm0sphere1ioria, http://termbin.com/77pl15:05
ioriaatm0sphere1,  sudo dpkg -P linux-headers-4.15.0-34  linux-headers-4.15.0-34-generic15:06
atm0sphere1ioria, did15:06
atm0sphere1it says dpkg: warning: ignoring request to remove linux-headers-4.15.0-34 which isn't installed15:07
atm0sphere1(Reading database ... 161725 files and directories currently installed.)15:07
atm0sphere1Removing linux-headers-4.15.0-34-generic (4.15.0-34.37) ...15:07
ioriaatm0sphere1,  it's ok15:07
jcduttonatm0sphere1, how did you cause your problem ?15:07
ioriaatm0sphere1,  sudo apt update && saudo apt full-upgrade15:07
atm0sphere1jcdutton, i installed 18.04 then after I am getting15:07
ioriaatm0sphere1,  sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade15:08
atm0sphere1ioria, did15:08
atm0sphere1it went well. but I am afraid it will pop up again15:09
ioriaatm0sphere1,  what will pop up again?15:09
atm0sphere1same header pacakge missing error15:09
ioriaatm0sphere1,  do this; reboot -> grub -> advanced options -> fsck15:10
ioriabrb in 10 min15:10
atm0sphere1ioria, it says Too many arguments.15:10
ioriacome on15:11
ioriaatm0sphere1,  you need to reboot, enter grub , advanced options and run fsck15:11
doreiwhy ubuntu18 is so ugly and slow? :( why did they replace unity with this thing? :(15:11
atm0sphere1ioria, will that loss my exiting data?15:12
atm0sphere1will brb in sometime15:13
help_ubuntuI have an encrypted home directory, I try to access it on a live usb, but I can't get it to work. I followed this guide now and now I can read all the entires of the root of encrypted directory but can't access any files https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Mount_Encrypted_Ubuntu_Home/Guide15:14
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ioriaatm0sphere1,  you need to reboot, enter grub , advanced options , Recovery mode and run fsck  (no, no data lost)15:21
SmashcatHi, I've just added a WiFi card to my server (so I can remove the Ethernet cables), but although the Kernel modules seem to load, there is no wlan0 device. lspci -v includes the new card ( https://pastebin.com/Pe6tTHzK ) but no wlan0! Server is currently on 16.0415:21
gpunkcan you do ifconfig ?15:25
Smashcatgpunk: Yep it just shows the Ethernet adapters.15:25
gpunkcan you post it?15:25
SmashcatYep, hang on15:26
SmashcatShould probably mention I've never used WiFi on this server before, so I guess some things may not be installed15:27
gpunkrun nmtui-edit and see if you can the interface15:28
mustmodifyI just ran the 18.04 system update. Machine is stalled on "A start job is running for Raise network interface (  4min / 5 min ) -- I gather it'll quit in a minute, but do I need to be concerned?15:28
BiessieJIMMY DEAN!15:29
Smashcatgpunk: I don't have that command15:29
gpunkdo you have iwconfig ?15:29
gpunkwhat does it show, when you run it ?15:30
Smashcatgpunk: It doesn't find any wireless devices15:30
SmashcatIt's weird because the kernel is finding the device and loading the drivers15:30
mustmodifyThis doesn't seem promising...15:31
gpunkthe module is b43 ?15:33
Smashcatgpunk: It's using brcmfmac and wl . The device is coming up as 86fb15:34
BiessieJIMMY DEAN!15:37
gpunkwhat do you men by 86fb ?15:39
SmashcatThat's the device it reports. From what I've read I think I'll have to get a Windows install on the server, as I know it works under Win10. Only really use it as a file server, so doesn't really matter.15:40
gpunkwhat report ? where do you read it ? ... it is up to you15:41
Smashcatgpunk: The report I posted on pastebin from lspci -v15:41
SmashcatIt has 2 device IDs - 43c3 and also 86fb15:42
* ablil98 15:43
ablil98hello world15:43
coconutAre there any flat wireless mouses which are always supported?15:43
ablil98coconut: i dont think so15:44
gpunkSmashcat:  i think the formware is not loaded tho, can you post your whole dmesg ?15:45
ablil98mustmodify: what are you doing hhhhh15:45
Smashcatgpunk: ok...15:45
mustmodifyI'm running the upgrade to 1815:45
Smashcatgpunk: https://pastebin.com/r1dztkSp15:46
doreican i install unity on ubuntu18?15:48
gpunk[    4.091589] ERROR @wl_cfg80211_detach : NULL ndev->ieee80211ptr, unable to deref wl   , the driver is not loaded , is your server up to date ?15:50
Smashcatgpunk: It's still on 16.04 currently. But it's up to date as far as possible15:50
BluesKajdorei, sudo apt install ubuntu-unity-desktop15:52
Smashcatgpunk: Ah I see this version doesn't support it, cheers!15:53
BluesKajdorei, but heed the expanation of your DM, https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-unity-desktop-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux15:54
Smashcatgpunk: Seems like it's a bit of a kludge even with the current kernel. Might try finally updating my server, need to back up 12TB of data first :)15:54
gpunkgood luck :)15:54
mustmodifyafter upgrading to 18, machine is frozen at this screen. https://photos.app.goo.gl/Ha9HKLbmjm1CzUqg715:57
mustmodifyany suggestions?15:57
gpunkhow long ?15:59
mustmodifyhow long has it been locked?16:00
mustmodifywell, let's see. The first time it was like that when I got here,16:00
mustmodifyctrl+alt+delete it restarted. still got stuck on not being able to connect to network for 5 minutes, then showed that screen for another 5 or so16:00
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
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ioriaTJ-, you got a sec ?16:02
TJ-ioria: seems my PC has! Didn't realise it'd connected16:07
ioriaTJ-, lol16:07
ioriaTJ-, if you can, give a look at this : https://imgur.com/a/ETv3PV5   (maybe /var/cache/apt/archives/ need cleaning)16:09
atm0sphere1ioria, ping16:09
ioriaatm0sphere1, pong16:09
ioriaatm0sphere1, did you perform the fsck ?16:10
TJ-ioria: it does appear the .deb package(s) are corrupted16:10
mojtabaHello, do you know how can I provide a variable name to a command? something like: scrot -q 89 'Screenshot_date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S-%6N"_$wx$h.png'16:10
atm0sphere1cant i run fsck from my terminal whithout shutting down my system16:10
ioriaTJ-, yep, would enough cleaning it, or better switch mirror ?16:10
ioriaatm0sphere1, i told you to use  Recovery Mode ...16:11
TJ-ioria: I'd just do 'apt-get clean' to start with, then retry the install. If that breaks, I'd be concerned there's a transparent HTTP proxy interferring16:11
ioriaTJ-, fair16:11
atm0sphere1ioria, ok will do,16:11
ioriaatm0sphere1,  wait ....16:11
ioriaatm0sphere1,  sudo apt clean && sudo apt autoclean16:12
TJ-ioria: you can also add debug output to the apt command to get some more insight if required16:12
GuiLuxioria: my logs flood are fixed, commented out MaxLevelSyslog in /etc/systemd/journald.conf, then added the value 'err' to that line. This is it all. Thx again, your hints really helped16:12
atm0sphere1ioria, done16:12
mojtabaI have changed that command to this one: scrot -q 89 'Screenshot_$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S-%6N")_$wx$h.png' but I am getting this error: sh: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected16:13
TJ-ioria: as in "sudo apt install -o=Debug::Acquire::http=true ..."16:13
ioriaTJ-, yes, tx16:13
ioriaatm0sphere1,  TJ-     sudo apt install -o=Debug::Acquire::http=true  linux-headers-4.15.0-34  linux-headers-4.15.0-34-generic16:14
ioriasy, brb again16:21
atm0sphere1ioria, that cmd successfully run16:22
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testUser_Hi I want to run Ubuntu on my Windows machine. I want to get a seperate HDD as I don't want to loose my Windows install. I plan on unplugging it entirely. Before I buy a new HDD i wanted to know if there was a recomend drive or will any old thingdo? I want to make sure I am buying the best thing for the job. I want to use this machine for genraly home use. Gaming/a bit or programming/messing around with what ever comes up16:33
testUser_sorry ssd not hdd16:34
rfmtestUser_, nothing special about Ubuntu.  you'd probably be better off reading reviews on a hardware site (like tomshardware or anandtech) than asking here.16:37
jcduttontestUser_, Is your machine a laptop or a desktop?16:40
gpunkyou can install ubuntu on a hdd/ssd without destroying your windows16:44
EnrgyXprtAny folks here running 16.04 in VBox on Win10 who would know if a shared folder permissions ON WINDOWS should be read only ?16:44
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haroldv22FortKnight, this is normal ? http://termbin.com/dbix16:49
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ioriaatm0sphere1, are you ok ?16:58
cnnxwhen my ubuntu boots is there a way to run a command as a user without using sudo -u username17:02
cnnxjust native as a user17:02
Tin_mandoes the the mv command calculate the destination drive to make sure there is enough space, before trying to copy?17:03
atm0sphere1ioria, yes17:03
cnnxTin_man: no17:03
Tin_manflip a coin17:03
atm0sphere1ioria, hopr that header issue won't appear again :)17:04
cnnxwhen its full it will error out I believe17:04
ioriaatm0sphere1, good, we hope so ; can you please confirm : dpkg -l | grep linux-header | nc termbin.com 999917:04
Tin_mani'm transfering a large amount of file, and I started it, then thought about my question. oh well if it errors out i'll do some clean up17:05
atm0sphere1ioria, http://termbin.com/li7317:07
ioriaatm0sphere1, very good17:07
pulcheriorhello w0rld17:07
doreithe ugliness of ubuntu18 makes me really sad :(17:07
cnnxis there runlevels or systemctl for a specific non root user?17:07
cnnxi want to run a script at boot as a user17:07
atm0sphere1thanks ioria17:08
atm0sphere1ioria, +117:08
ioriaatm0sphere1, we're welcome17:08
FortKnightharoldv22: are you chatting from the system right now?17:11
SmashcatHahaha! Wow, I just installed the latest version of Ubuntu to try using this ASUS PCE-AC88 WiFi adapter. On windows I'm getting 388Mbps down/21Mbps up . On Ubuntu: 1.61Mbps down/3.78 up :)17:11
SmashcatThink that driver needs some optimisation LOL17:11
haroldv22FortKnight, correct17:12
haroldv22FortKnight, but when my system boot-up is very slow17:12
FortKnightharoldv22: systemd-analyze blame|nc termbin.com 999917:12
cnnxfound it17:13
FortKnightharoldv22: then do17:13
FortKnightharoldv22: systemd-analyze|nc termbin.com 999917:13
haroldv22FortKnight, http://termbin.com/m2cio17:14
FortKnightharoldv22: now the one above, those are two separate instructions they might look the same but they are not17:16
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
haroldv22FortKnight, http://termbin.com/838h17:19
FortKnightharoldv22: awk -F\' '/menuentry / {print $2}' /boot/grub/grub.cfg|nc termbin.com 999917:21
haroldv22FortKnight, http://termbin.com/9yel17:22
FortKnightharoldv22: inxi -Fxxprzc0|nc termbin.com 999917:22
haroldv22FortKnight, what do it that command ?17:23
FortKnightharoldv22: when did you notice the slow startup17:23
FortKnightharoldv22: what had you done or installed just prior to noticing it?17:23
FortKnightharoldv22: does it take 6 minutes if you boot a 4.4 kernel17:24
FortKnightharoldv22: boot into one of your 4.4 versions and tell me if it still takes 6 minutes17:25
doreioops, wrong17:25
haroldv22FortKnight, nothing after the upgrade the distro remained slow17:26
haroldv22FortKnight, How I boot with the version 4.4 ?17:28
haroldv22FortKnight, I ask you because not appaers me the grub17:28
FortKnightharoldv22: you might have to push ESC or the left SHIFT key to see and make a selection17:30
haroldv22FortKnight, ok but I need reboot and then do it ?17:30
FortKnightharoldv22: yes17:30
haroldv22FortKnight, ok I am go17:30
mustmodifyAnyone have time to help me get working again after upgrading from 16 to 18?17:37
haroldv22FortKnight, the same, 6 min17:41
FortKnightharoldv22: you said earlier17:42
FortKnightharoldv22: <haroldv22> FortKnight, nothing after the upgrade the distro remained slow17:42
FortKnightharoldv22: what version did you upgrade from?17:42
haroldv22FortKnight, from 16.04 until 18.0417:43
mustmodifyOh wait, am I fortnight?17:44
mustmodifyI'm usually MustModify17:44
mustmodifyI see me as MustModify17:44
mustmodifybut that would explain why no one is responding to me.17:45
mustmodifyOh no, nevermind. I see FortKnight17:45
m00n_urnHey! Is there a way to change the FDE pass setup on a fresh install of ubuntu 16.04? Is this https://askubuntu.com/questions/95137/how-to-change-luks-passphrase still relevant?17:46
Elec_aHi, I haven't used snap before, I searched google for installing android studio in ubuntu and I found an article about using snap to do so. Should I use snap?17:46
Elec_aThe packages installed with snap will be updated through regular "apt update" procedure?17:47
Elec_asnap somehow reminds me of AUR in Arch. Are they similar?17:47
trafaret1hi there17:48
trafaret1can anybody help me with my problem17:48
hggdhElec_a: snap packages are auto-updated the snap process17:48
hggdhElec_a: and I do not know what AUR is, so no response there17:49
Elec_ahggdh: so they won't be updated with apt?17:49
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trafaret1how to make keybinding in ubuntu where I type space+(vim_keybinding_navigation)17:49
FortKnightharoldv22: give me a moment17:49
trafaret1in browser17:49
haroldv22FortKnight, no problem17:49
arTeetrafaret1, what are you trying to achieve?17:50
Elec_ahggdh: oh, I just found out they will be updated daily and automatically. it's weird :/17:50
FortKnightharoldv22: ls -ld /var/log/installer|nc termbin.com 999917:51
arTeeElec_a, and snap packages are precompiled and kinda isolated...17:51
Elec_aarTee: what do you mean by saying isolated?17:51
haroldv22FortKnight, http://termbin.com/1goz17:52
Elec_ado they come with their dependencies included in the package?17:52
Elec_aIf that's the case, they should be huge in size then.17:52
hggdhElec_a: yes, they are complete17:53
arTeeElec_a, yep... I would say they are bigger17:53
trafaret1arTee: In windows I install autohot key and set keybinding space+h - left, space+j - up , space+k- down, space+l left17:53
trafaret1arTee: I want to make same in ubuntu17:53
trafaret1I know vimium for chrome browser but in text filed it not workign17:54
Elec_ahggdh: I liked the idea, I use "docker" a lot and this makes sense.17:54
m00n_urnHey! Is there a way to change the FDE pass setup on a fresh install of ubuntu 16.04? Is this https://askubuntu.com/questions/95137/how-to-change-luks-passphrase still relevant?17:55
FortKnightharoldv22: https://askubuntu.com/questions/837932/boo-networking-service-incredibly-slow-5minutes-ubuntu-16-1017:55
arTeetrafaret1, sorry, I do not know...17:56
Netwolfwrong window17:57
FortKnightharoldv22: you could try implementing a 5 or 10 second timeout like in the link17:57
haroldv22FortKnight, ok I am go reboot17:57
mustmodifygpunk: You asked how long it had been like that. I restarted and timed it. 10 minutes so far. Same screen. https://photos.app.goo.gl/Ha9HKLbmjm1CzUqg717:57
arTeeI'm using terminator as terminal and had this weird thing going on where I was typing something in different terminal and the same commands were replicated in the terminator with weechat... really strange17:57
mustmodifyOh, actually, there was another message after that one.17:58
mustmodifyIs this part of the update?17:58
mustmodifyOr is part of a hung startup?17:59
zzzhey. im trying to do-release-upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04 and getting "An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade.". It's probably some unofficial package. Is there any way I can easily identify how to solve the problem?18:04
ioriazzz, cat /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log  should contain some infos18:06
ChiLLabiSHi! Do Ubuntu 18.04 only make 1 partition on the installed drive? I can only find sda1 and not linux-swap partition...18:06
ioriaChiLLabiS, check     sudo ls -l  /swapfile18:08
ChiLLabiSsudo ls -l /swapfile18:08
ChiLLabiS-rw------- 1 root root 2147483648 sep 20 01:53 /swapfile18:08
ioriaChiLLabiS, ok     sudo file  /swapfile18:09
ChiLLabiS /swapfile: Linux/i386 swap file (new style), version 1 (4K pages), size 524287 pages, no label, UUID=a81d68f0-ecfa-4c6b-9026-fd9bc9c0794c18:09
uebera||I'm trying to rebuild a Debian package on Ubuntu 18.04 and the config script fails to locate "dracut.pc". Where to get that file from? Is it part of a newer version of dracut?18:10
ioriaChiLLabiS,  18.04 uses a swapfile and not a swap partition (in the automatic scheme)18:11
ChiLLabiSokay thanks for the info and help :)18:11
m00n_urnHey! Is there a way to change the FDE pass setup on a fresh install of ubuntu 16.04? Is this https://askubuntu.com/questions/95137/how-to-change-luks-passphrase still relevant?18:13
haroldv22FortKnight, nothing18:16
FortKnightharoldv22: only thing else i can think of is to fresh install 18.04 and determine if symptom occurs18:18
haroldv22FortKnight, ok thank you very much, for taking a time with me18:20
FortKnightharoldv22: no prob18:21
Sven_vBwhat's the easiest way to boot the Bionic live CD in a mode that keeps the screen visible and the wifi connected, ideally while allowing other power-saving mechanisms to remain saving?18:23
Sven_vBmaybe also leave disks determine themselves when to spin down, in case the live CD would be more aggressive here than manufacturer defaults.18:25
haroldv22FortKnight,  http://termbin.com/z009c18:25
haroldv22FortKnight, TimeoutStartSec=5min not change18:26
FortKnightharoldv22: "seconds"...NOT minutes18:26
FortKnightharoldv22: https://askubuntu.com/questions/837932/boo-networking-service-incredibly-slow-5minutes-ubuntu-16-1018:27
haroldv22FortKnight,  I add `TimeoutStartSec=10sec` using this command `sudo systemctl edit networking.service` but the file not change18:28
Sven_vBI already have an autorun script that sets xset dpms force on; xset -dpms off; xset s off; and fakes mouse movements18:28
Sven_vBit also sets dconf options that worked in trusty and xenial, but seems to be a bad approach if each version of ubuntu needs other dconf options to opt-out of screensaving and standby.18:29
haroldv22FortKnight, I'm trying something18:30
FortKnightharoldv22:  you'll have to manually edit the file with a text editor you're comfortable using...some text editors like vi,gedit nano18:30
FortKnightharoldv22:  sudo gedit /lib/systemd/system/networking.service18:31
RojolaI just wrote a loooong question in #ubuntu-unregged before I realized I am not in #ubuntu18:32
Rojolain order not to write it again, I will simply copy & paste my question from #ubuntu-unregged to a paste-service18:33
Rojola^ my question from #ubuntu-unregged18:34
Sven_vBRojola, unfortunately lots of people would need to first see it's an interesting question before they're motivated to follow links.18:35
starfyterIs this a laptop Rojola?18:35
starfyterAh.  I see laptop. :)18:36
Rojolayes starfyter18:36
starfyterSimplest solution.  Is there a switch to disable internal wifi?  That or disable in bios?18:36
starfyterNo bios option?18:37
Rojolamaybe in the bios18:37
Rojolastarfyter, but as it looks, the external wifi adapter is disabled18:37
Rojola^ that's the output of "sudo lshw -C network"18:38
Rojola"RTL8188EE Wireless Network Adapter" is the internal wifi adapter (as far as I know)18:38
starfyterCould pull the external and see what it reports.18:40
Rojolaok - but maybe I am gone then18:40
RojolaI try to pull it now18:41
RojolaI just ripped my external wifi adapter apart18:41
Rojolanot kidding you18:41
Rojolait just broke while unplugging it18:41
starfyterBut you're still here. :)18:42
Rojolayeah - I am using the internal one, obviously18:42
Rojolawell, the question is now officially obsolete18:42
Rojolanow I only have _1_ adapter (the internal one)18:42
Rojolathank you!18:42
RojolaI will try to find the second external one - should be in my laptop bag somewhere18:43
mustmodifyWhat's the name for all the status messages that appear when you're starting up and shutting down?18:49
Bashing-ommustmodify: Boot messages is what I often see them refered as .18:54
mustmodifygreat. So what does it mean when your boot messages start cascading? That is, the assigned width doesn't match the width of the screen?18:59
ioriaplease, can someone on bionic 18.04  confirm that /home/$USER/.local/share/recently-used.xbel  belongs to user and not root ?  thanx18:59
Bashing-omioria: " -rw------- 1 sysop sysop 23432 Sep 22 13:49 /home/sysop/.local/share/recently-used.xbel19:00
ioriaBashing-om, thank you19:01
Bashing-omioria: ^ that is on xubuntu .. wayland could be different ?19:01
starfyterSame here on Ubuntu...19:02
ioriaBashing-om, nope... but it's weird ... i'd try  'sudo gedit' and for an instant that file became owned by root  (confused)19:03
starfyterShouldn't need sudo19:04
Bashing-omioria: A thought - sudo is depreciated ... maybe as ' sudo -H ...... ' .19:04
ioriaBashing-om, absolutely ... it was a test19:04
ioriaBashing-om, gedit[2908]: Attempting to read the recently used resources file at '/home/ioria/.local/share/recently-used.xbel', but the parser failed: Failed to open file “/home/ioria/.local/share/recently-used.xbel”: Permission denied.19:05
mustmodifyI just upgraded from 16.04 to 18.04 and my ethernet connection is not working. Google isn't being particularly helpful. What's my first step? Yes, I checked it was plugged in. :)19:05
Bashing-omioria: testing is good :) .. I used to often break my system testing ..:P19:06
ioriaBashing-om, you're right ... but now that file it's again owned by me .... :þ19:06
ioriaBashing-om, and i did nothing to chown it19:07
Bashing-omioria: I try and open in mousepad. All I get is a lot of  GTK-WARNINGs .19:09
ioriaBashing-om, let me try ...19:09
ioriaBashing-om, yeah19:11
ioriaBashing-om, but it did not change ownership of .local/share/recently-used.xbel ; gedit does19:12
ioriaBashing-om, -rw------- 1 root root 218 Sep 22 15:11 /home/ioria/.local/share/recently-used.xbel19:12
Bashing-omioria: Maybe mousepad does not like XML files - " file .local/share/recently-used.xbel >> .local/share/recently-used.xbel: XML 1.0 document, ASCII text" .19:12
ioriaBashing-om, unbelivable19:13
Bashing-omioria: Curiouser, Thunar has no problem opening recently-used.xbel.19:17
ioriaBashing-om, i know... i guess it's about gedit ... i'd try with leafpad19:18
mustmodifywhy are my network connections called enp2s0 and enp3s0 instead of eth0 and eth1?19:19
ioriaBashing-om, yes, just sudo gedit  changes the ownership (temporary) .... wow19:19
TJ-mustmodify: it's called predictable interface naming, it is based on the hardware port assignment19:20
Bashing-ommustmodify: See: https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/ .19:21
mustmodifygreat, thanks.19:21
iorianot a big deal btw, reverts automatically19:23
BerenHi, I want to move my Ubuntu install to another disk. I'm planning to use Clonezilla/partclone to copy my Ubuntu install over. Would I have to modify the fstab manually to suit the new disk?19:26
TJ-Beren: if it's a bit-for-bit clone, no, since all references will be identical. However, you may want to change the clones hostname, and any static/manual network configuration19:28
TJ-Beren: one gotcha would be if the two disks have different logical sector sizes, since then the logical offsets would be wrong19:30
BerenTJ-: I'm doing partition-level clone. Would UUIDs of the source and target be different?19:31
TJ-Beren: I'm not familiar with how clonezilla does its work. UUIDs generally belong to the file-systems, not the partitions (although GPT uses unique GUIDs per partition)19:35
ioriaBeren, you should be ok... in the worst scenario you boot the live cd, mount root , run blkid and edit fstab19:40
FurretUberHi, I'm experiencing a problem with Ubuntu 18.04 using GNOME DE on Xorg. When I change the volume up or down using the keyboard function keys everything freezes for around 2 seconds19:47
FurretUberIt unfreezes when the popup showing the volume appears19:47
nullbyte_Get:1 file:/var/cuda-repo-9-2-local  nvidia-396 396.37-0ubuntu1 [80,0 MB]19:48
=== capella is now known as capella|away
djp_Hi. Trying to set the following variable... "hvsc_base". i need to set it a base directory. it's then meant to load a specific db and allow me to use relative paths. how do i write the variable and where do i put it? bashrc or profile?20:12
gorginatorHi, I'm trying to reinstall ubuntu through a live usb installation, but I get the following when I choose 'Reinstall ubuntu 17.04': two filesystems are assigned the same mount point /boot/efi /dev/nvme0n1p1 and SCSI2 (0,0,0), partition #3 sda. Please correct this by chaning mount points20:16
gorginatorIt's a dual boot installation with windows and ubuntu20:16
gorginatorand two drives, one SSD drive, and one normal hard drive20:17
gorginatorwindows is normally installed on the SSD, ubuntu on the other one20:17
gorginatorwith pictures: https://imgur.com/a/rhBAxBA20:19
gorginatorAny idea what I should do, already google a bit but haven't found a solution20:20
gorginatorlooks like this bug, but nobody answered https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/156746220:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1567462 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Identical mount points for two file systems error" [Undecided,Expired]20:22
leftyfbgorginator: Ubuntu 17.04 is not supported anymore. Use 18.04 installation media20:23
gorginatorleftyfb: I know, but otherwise I can't keep my personal files20:23
gorginatorcurrent 17.04 installation is broken, but with live usb I can reinstall by keeping documents20:24
gorginatorIf I do a 18.04 install I don't get that option20:24
leftyfbgorginator: 17.04 is not supported anymore, sorry20:24
leftyfbgorginator: you can always restore from backup20:24
gorginatorleftyfb: it looks like it's not only for 17.04, since bug report is from 16.0420:25
leftyfbgorginator: Again, use 18.04. That is the latest and is supported for 5 years. If you're worried about your data, you can always restore from your backups. If you don't have backups, then the data isn't important.20:26
Netwolfkeep data in a s3 bucket (secure) than mount on whatever os of the day20:27
Sia-Hi, why on macbook peo 2012 my eyes hurts if using ubuntu but not macbosx? eye strain?20:28
gorginatorleftyfb: 16.04 is still supported no?20:30
gorginatorIt's the same bug20:30
nullbyte_Get:1 file:/var/cuda-repo-9-2-local  nvidia-396 396.37-0ubuntu1 [80,0 MB]20:33
nullbyte_dpkg: error processing archive /var/cuda-repo-9-2-local/./nvidia-396_396.37-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb (--unpack):20:33
nullbyte_ trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libGLX_indirect.so.0', which is also in package libglx-mesa0:amd64 18.0.5-0ubuntu0~18.04.120:33
nullbyte_Errors were encountered while processing:20:33
nullbyte_ /var/cuda-repo-9-2-local/./nvidia-396_396.37-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb20:33
nullbyte_E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)20:33
nullbyte_this is from cuda package20:33
ducasse!paste | nullbyte_20:33
ubottunullbyte_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:33
nullbyte_how to install nvidia and nvidia pkgs*20:33
nullbyte_i have cuda-repo-ubuntu1710-9-2-local_9.2.148-1_amd64.deb and cuda-repo-ubuntu1710-9-2-148-local-patch-1_1.0-1_amd64.deb20:34
nullbyte_they are added with apt-key add /var/cuda-repo-<version>/7fa2af80.pub e.g., keys OK20:35
nullbyte_but after apt-get update20:35
leftyfbnullbyte_: cat /etc/issue20:35
nullbyte_i run apt-get install cuda20:35
nullbyte_everything installs20:35
leftyfbnullbyte_: cat /etc/issue20:35
nullbyte_and on nvidia drivers gets error20:35
nullbyte_Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS \n \l20:35
leftyfbnullbyte_: then why are you using a repo from Ubuntu 17.10 to get those install files?20:35
nullbyte_leftyfb: no it's a cuda package from nvidia.com ready for 18.1020:36
leftyfbnullbyte_: Ubuntu 18.10 isn't released yet20:36
leftyfbAnd as far as I know, nvidia.com does not supply .deb files20:37
nullbyte_who knows20:37
leftyfbwho knows what?20:37
nisankhindia_gorginator: to reinstall ubuntu without lossing your windows installation choose the last option SOMETHING ELSE20:37
leftyfbnullbyte_: where did you get those files?20:37
gorginatornisankhindia_: ok, and what should I choose then?20:38
leftyfbnullbyte_: I take that back, looks like nvidia.com does supply .debs now. That's fairly new.20:38
nisankhindia_gorginator: go ahead carefully with looking at file system , mount points and your /home ..20:39
mustmodifyI upgraded fom 16.04 to 18.04 and now my server is going to sleep. :( :(20:39
leftyfbmustmodify: servers do not "go to sleep"20:40
mustmodifyYou'd think20:40
leftyfbmustmodify: there is no suspend option in ubuntu server20:40
mustmodifybut I'm ssh'd in, I leave it alone for 20 or 30 minutes, and the machine is off.20:40
mustmodifythis happened twice.20:40
mustmodifyit's OFF. No lights. Ethernet light is off. Fan is off.20:40
mustmodifyComputer is down.20:40
leftyfbmustmodify: ok, maybe overheating? Maybe some script you have is doing something wrong?20:41
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mustmodifyYour proposal is that a server that worked for more than 2 years, got upgraded, and the same day starts spontaneously going to sleep (and also has a new UI installed) is doing so because of something that was there before?20:42
gorginatornisankhindia_: sorry, not sure what I should do, mount points aren't filled in https://imgur.com/a/gxc3BAi20:42
leftyfbmustmodify: UI? Ubuntu server does not install a UI by default. Why did you install a desktop environment on a server?20:43
gorginatornvme0n1 is the ssd, sda the other one20:43
mustmodifyleftyfb: Again, I didn't.20:43
mustmodifyI typed do-upgrade-whatever20:43
mustmodifyand it's there. But it wasn't before.20:43
nisankhindia_gorginator: follow any tutorial available online for overwritting previous linux distro installation ..20:43
mustmodifyFound the setting. Disabled it. Will uninstall UI this evening.20:43
leftyfbmustmodify: Again, Ubuntu server does not install any sort of UI. It is completely console based. If you see a UI, then you installed it during or after installation.20:44
mustmodifyOK, well maybe my 9 year old did it.20:45
Bashing-ommustmodify: unity ? pastebin ' ls /usr/share/xsessions ' .20:45
mustmodifyor when I typed do-release-upgrade I also typed whatever you'd have to type to convert a server into a not-server.20:45
nisankhindia_gorginator:windows for  Ntfs file systems , your ubuntu installed file system ext3 etc etc , look carefully in your partitions , take care of them and go ahead , if you want to have your data videos musics files than take a backup from /home20:45
anddamhi, are there instructions to update a 16.04.5 without Xorg to 18?20:46
leftyfbanddam: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes#Upgrading_from_Ubuntu_16.04_LTS_or_17.10  Found but googling "ubuntu 16.04 server to 18.04"20:47
anddamoh thanks, I landed on /StableReleaseUpdates in my previous search20:47
anddam"Note that the server upgrade will use GNU screen and automatically re-attach in case of dropped connection problems. " hope that'll be fine in the tmux session20:50
anddamleftyfb: doing the release upgrade now, thanks again20:51
KristhianWhat do i need to do to install identd?21:09
Bashing-om!find identd21:10
ubottuFound: bidentd, nullidentd, oidentd, pidentd, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 246 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=identd&searchon=names&suite=bionic&section=all21:10
qwebirc95665hello, if i login into my ubuntu maschine vis ssh i get a  "* Canonical Livepatch is available for installation."  i checked everything, it should be installed and have a key, etc. why does it still show me that a installation is available21:12
nisankhindia_Kristhian: do execute apt search identd than select your choice and use apt to install that , you need to open some port , ident servers uses port 113/tcp21:13
nisankhindia_qwebirc95665: try enabling canonical live patch for your system ... Generate your credentials from the canonical portal and enable it in your system21:16
nisankhindia_qwebirc95665: enable the service as ubuntu user rather than canonical customer21:18
qwebirc95665@nisankhindia_ 2018/09/22 23:22:48 error executing enable: Machine-token already exists! Please use 'disable' to delete existing machine-token.21:23
nisankhindia_qwebirc95665: disable it and than re enable it21:24
qwebirc95665@nisankhindia_ it seems to be enabeld and working, but if i try to login again via ssh it still says " * Canonical Livepatch is available for installation."21:25
Sven_vBhow to get ~/Desktop/*.desktop "trusted" in the Bionic live session? the web says chmod +x, I already have mode 0755 but the files are still listed with real filename and some placeholder icon, even the common ones like ubiquity.desktop.21:25
nisankhindia_qwebirc95665: what is the output of " canonical-livepatch status --verbose  "21:26
qwebirc95665client-version: 8.0.3 machine-id: *** machine-token: *** architecture: x86_64 cpu-model: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4702MQ CPU @ 2.20GHz last-check: 2018-09-22T22:43:55.632505984+02:00 boot-time: 2018-09-22T13:42:34+02:00 uptime: 9h43m49s status: - kernel: 4.15.0-34.37-generic   running: true   livepatch:     checkState: checked     patchState: nothing-to-apply     version: ""     fixes: ""21:27
leftyfb!paste | qwebirc9566521:28
ubottuqwebirc95665: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:28
Sven_vBfound it, seems you have to (as the user that owns the .desktop files, with valid $DISPLAY, inside a gnome session) run: for D in *.desktop; do gio set "$D" metadata::trusted yes; done21:29
Sven_vBmaybe I should just learn to use default Debian.21:30
qwebirc95665@nisankhindia_ https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mGW74Zgszq/21:30
eletiousHey, is there a way to force the top bar to be transparent in GNOME in 18.04?  I did some googling but it wasn't really helpful - it's transparent when nothing is touchning it, but as soon as a window reaches the edge it turns opaque in that weird gray color21:31
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nisankhindia_qwebirc95665: i suspect motd could be the reason21:34
qwebirc95665@nisankhindia_ what does this mean?21:35
nisankhindia_qwebirc95665: it's not an issue at all , you can ignore this .21:36
qwebirc95665@nisankhindia_ ok, is this like an ad inside my terminal?21:37
qwebirc95665@nisankhindia_ thank you for your help.21:38
nisankhindia_qwebirc95665: it's Ubuntu SSH Ads  , so this is not any issue21:39
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=== Blade is now known as BgLamersTeam
messa4does anyone know some oldschool irc channels where u can talk about anything? like in 90"22:03
messa4including politics22:03
nisankhindia_messa4: this is a Ubuntu Support Channel . ask anything that related to ubuntu . for your query you may use google , thanks22:04
messa4i did22:04
leftyfbmessa4: go to #freenode for general help22:04
messa4see? no ability to speak anymore on irc. all cahnnels are ghettos about just single topic. what you have done...22:05
mark721hello guys22:06
mark721I dual boot Win10 alongisde ubuntu 18,04 due to problems I had to factory reset win10 noww im trying to get access to ubbuntu again. At the moment I'm running ubuntu via a bootable usb on "try ubuntu" mode22:07
mark721each time I run [sudo grub-install /dev/sda] I get  [grub-install: error: failed to get canonical path of `/cow'.]22:08
marcodiegomark721, I think you will have to chroot in the ubuntu partition on disk to do that22:09
mark721marcodiego: like this https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/9698122:09
marcodiegomark721, step 3 is wrong22:10
mark721marcodiego: wwhat should it be?22:11
marcodiegomark721, just a sec, I'll find the right command for you22:11
mark721marcodiego: ok also one more thing in step 2 this should be the partition that has Ubuntu on right22:11
mark721marcodiego: not windowws22:11
leftyfbmark721: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery22:13
marcodiegomark721, leftyfb are correct, just use that. That should do it22:14
mark721leftyfb: ty just to confirm its the partition that UBUNTU is on right?22:14
leftyfbmark721: negative22:14
leftyfbmark721: wait, yes. sorry22:14
leftyfbmark721: to chroot, yes. To reinstall grub, no. Grub gets installed to the drive, not a parition22:15
mark721leftyfb: i wwas talking about the mounting22:15
mark721leftyfb: so its ubuntu yeah22:15
leftyfbmark721: lsblk -f -e 722:15
leftyfbuse that to help you determine which partition to use22:15
mark721leftyfb: wwhat is ctrl+alt+f1 supposed to do because its not doing anything for me22:17
leftyfbmark721: just open a terminal22:18
Bashing-ommark721: TTY1 is where the GUI runs in 18.04 .. try as F2 .22:19
ChaiTRexF1 and F2 are both in use, I think. One is for the login screen, one is for the logged in stuff.22:19
mark721I keep getting this error22:19
mark721sudo: unable to execute /usr/sbin/chroot: Input/output error22:19
SmashcatCan anyone recommend a good multi-antenna WiFi card for Linux? Need something like this but wth Linux support https://www.asus.com/uk/Networking/PCE-AC88/22:20
mark721leftyfb: marcodiego sudo: unable to execute /usr/sbin/chroot: Input/output error ??? any ideas plsssss22:21
leftyfbmark721: pastebin the output of lsblk -f -e 722:21
mark721leftyfb: https://pastebin.com/RTXP29bc22:22
marcodiegomark721, are you trying a 64 live-environment on a 32 bit installed system?22:22
mark721marcodiego: i dont think 18,04 has 32 bit and 64 bit?22:23
leftyfbmark721: did you bind mount those locations per the instructions?22:23
mark721marcodiego: only 6422:23
mark721leftyfb: the first command i did was sudo mount /dev/sda8 /mnt22:23
marcodiegomark721, what is the output of ls /mnt22:23
leftyfbmark721: it looks like it's already mounted there22:23
mark721bin    etc             lib         mnt   run   sys  vmlinuz boot   home            lib64       opt   sbin  tmp  vmlinuz.old cdrom  initrd.img      lost+found  proc  snap  usr dev    initrd.img.old  media       root  srv   var22:24
leftyfb!paste | mark72122:24
ubottumark721: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:24
leftyfbmark721: continue on with the instructions after the mount22:24
mark721leftyfb: it gave me the same error sudo: unable to execute /usr/sbin/chroot: Input/output error22:25
mark721leftyfb: after doing the chroot22:25
marcodiegomark721, what is the output of mount?22:25
leftyfbmark721: when you get to "sudo chroot /mnt", after that just try to reinstall grub to /dev/sda22:25
leftyfbmarcodiego: it's already mounted22:25
leftyfbmark721: you tried "sudo chroot /mnt/" ?22:26
marcodiegoleftyfb, I'm thinking about the other dirs "/dev, /proc..."22:26
leftyfbmarcodiego: that's what the bind mounts are for22:26
mark721Guys please see this https://pastebin.com/fr8rxvwP22:27
marcodiegoleftyfb, typing mount would make us sure they are mounted22:27
leftyfbmark721: sudo dmesg -T | nc termbin.com 999922:27
mark721marcodiego: this is the output of mount https://pastebin.com/rbEcZAiE22:27
leftyfbmark721: it doesn't look like you ran the bind mount commands22:28
marcodiegomark721, I don't see the bind mounts there22:29
leftyfbmark721: for i in `dev proc sys` ; do sudo mount -o bind /$i /mnt/$i ; done22:29
marcodiegomark721, are you sure you did the bind mounts?22:29
leftyfbmark721_: sudo dmesg -T | nc termbin.com 999922:30
mark721_leftyfb: that just made me sign out of ubuntu and sign in again?22:30
leftyfbit shouldn't have22:30
mark721_leftyfb: like literally it brought me to the sign in and select a user22:30
marcodiegomark721, it looks like you didn't do the bind mounts. Can you confirm you did the bind mounts?22:31
leftyfbmark721_: I get what you said before22:31
leftyfbmarcodiego: not having those bind mounts won't give the I/O error22:31
leftyfbmarcodiego: there's other, more pressing issues at play22:31
mark721_leftyfb: http://termbin.com/y2ait22:31
mark721_marcodiego: https://pastebin.com/rbEcZAiE this is ur mount thingy22:31
leftyfbmark721_: I would reboot back into the live session. It's possible you've got something weird going on with mounting. Or a possible bad drive22:32
marcodiegomark721_, http://termbin.com/y2ait is bad news... it looks like you have badblocks22:32
leftyfbor bad memory22:32
mark721_leftyfb: ok i will reboot22:32
leftyfbmarcodiego: it's not definite.22:32
mark721_leftyfb: its a bad deay :(22:32
leftyfbmarcodiego: it's complaining about loop0, which isn't necessarily the physical drive, but might be one of the live session partitions.22:33
leftyfbIN which case, it could be bad memory since that's the "drive" the live session lives on22:33
SmashcatWell, installting another server here, first time I've looked at the Linux desktop in years - it's still a horrible mess :)22:33
leftyfbSmashcat: ok, feel free to go back to Windows22:34
SmashcatOSX mainly, but yeah. One day the Linux guys might finally make a decision whether to use CTRL+C or SHIFT+CTRL+C - it's only been over 20 years - hahaha!22:35
leftyfbSmashcat: ok, goodbye22:35
marcodiegoCTRL+C has been sending SIGINT since forever on all terminals I've ever tested. Seems quite consistent to me. To copying and pasting CTRL+INSERT and SHIFT+INSERT works fine even on windows22:37
SmashcatWell that's a minor one - which is solved in other OS'. Also not being able to drag a window between 2 displays on separate GPUs is pretty special :)22:43
leftyfbSmashcat: This is a support channel. Not for ranting22:45
Smashcat+ no high DPI scaling. It doesn't seem to have changed at all in 5 years. I use it on servers all the time, but just surprised that the desktop is still pretty clunky.22:45
leftyfbSmashcat: Also, nobody that knows the first thing about running a proper server runs a desktop GUI on it.22:45
SmashcatIt'll be switched off once I'm done. I only installed it to have a look and see what's changed: nothing22:46
leftyfbSmashcat: Please take your rants elsewhere.22:46
SmashcatThey're observations, I'm not mad at all.22:47
leftyfbSmashcat: take your "observations" elsewhere. This is a support channel.22:47
mark721hi guys im back22:47
mark721leftyfb: could you resend the link22:47
SmashcatYou own it?22:47
leftyfbmark721_: sudo dmesg -T | nc termbin.com 999922:48
hggdhSmashcat: what is meant is this is a support-only channel. You did not have any support issue, just observations -- which are not for this channel22:48
marcodiegoSmashcat, I understand your observations. What you're gonna do about them?22:48
Smashcatmarcodiego: Uninstall the Xserver I guess.22:49
ChaiTRexSmashcat: If you're worried about ownership, please see the IRC Guidelines in the channel topic, which include this sort of thing.22:49
mark721leftyfb: wait lefty22:49
mark721leftyfb: chroot is working now!22:49
mark721leftyfb: only one thing22:49
mark721leftyfb: after chroot it keeps saying grub not found?22:49
leftyfbmark721: I would recommend checking dmesg for possible I/O errors before doing anything else22:50
leftyfbmark721: outside of the chroot22:50
marcodiegoSmashcat, great. I don't think this is a proper solution. I'd suggest you to donate or help projects that could fix them more definitely. Think about that. That will help more than making "observations" here22:50
mark721leftyfb: http://termbin.com/fafi22:50
leftyfbmark721: ok, look good. Did you run the bind mounts?22:51
Smashcatmarcodiego: I do help with OS projects, mostly for server-side applications. Just haven't looked at the desktop in a long time.22:51
mark721leftyfb: all i did so far was sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt22:51
mark721leftyfb: woops sda8 i mean22:51
leftyfbmark721: for i in `dev proc sys` ; do sudo mount -o bind /$i /mnt/$i ; done22:51
marcodiegoSmashcat, maybe they need help, donations or support22:51
SmashcatYep ok, anyway, time to get this uninstalled and finish up. Cheers.22:52
leftyfbmarcodiego: please stay on topic22:52
mark721leftyfb: it says dev not found22:52
mark721*command dev not found22:52
mark721leftyfb: do I need to do those for loops coz i didnt see it on the site?22:53
leftyfbmark721: my bad:    for i in dev proc sys ; do sudo mount -o bind /$i /mnt/$i ; done22:53
mark721leftyfb: do i need it tho ? im confused what it does and why its not on the site?22:53
mark721-- trying to understand what im doing this time coz thats the reason i had to reinstall wwin10 LOL22:54
leftyfbmark721: that makes 3 commands into 122:54
mark721leftyfb: wwhat I mean is none of those commands are on here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery22:54
leftyfbmark721: as opposed to:  sudo mount -o bind /dev/ /mnt/dev ; sudo mount -o bind /sys /mnt/sys ; sudo mount -o bind /proc /mnt/proc22:54
leftyfbmark721:  for i in dev proc sys ; do sudo mount -o bind /$i /mnt/$i ; done     <~~~ this willl do the same thing22:55
mark721leftyfb: i was following the recover grub instructions22:55
mark721leftyfb: ?22:55
leftyfbmark721: do you want help or do you want to just keep debating everything I suggest?22:56
mark721leftyfb: was I supposed to follow the update failure ones?22:56
mark721leftyfb: no i just want to understand :( im sorry.22:56
leftyfbmark721: You bind mount so you have a proper chroot environment. Otherwise, within the chroot you won't have the ability to reinstall grub to your drive22:56
mark721leftyfb: ok what's next22:56
mark721I did for i in dev proc sys ; do sudo mount -o bind /$i /mnt/$i ; done22:56
leftyfbmark721: type mount and make sure those 3 are mounted in /mnt22:57
leftyfbtoward the end22:57
mark721leftyfb: https://pastebin.com/71fC46wz22:57
leftyfbsudo chroot /mnt/22:58
leftyfbsudo grub-install /dev/sda22:58
mark721leftyfb: grub-install: error: cannot find EFI directory.22:58
leftyfbmark721: ok, you failed to mention this was an EFI install22:59
mark721leftyfb: idek what efi is :(22:59
mark721leftyfb: sorry.22:59
leftyfbmark721: pastebin the output of lsblk -f -e 723:00
leftyfboh wait23:01
leftyfbtype exit23:01
leftyfbthen pastebin the output of lsblk -f -e 723:01
mark721leftyfb: https://pastebin.com/ELatF35123:01
Sven_vBwhere's the manpage for overlayfs? e.g. which man keyword? (I tried {,mount.}overlay{,fs})23:01
leftyfbmark721: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot/efi23:02
mark721leftyfb: should it be sda8?23:02
leftyfbmark721: negative23:02
mark721leftyfb: ok next?23:03
leftyfbmark721: your root filesystem (sda8) is already mounted to /mnt. We just mounted your EFI partition into the chroot environment23:03
leftyfbmark721: sudo chroot /mnt/23:03
leftyfbmark721: then: sudo grub-install /dev/sda23:03
leftyfbmark721: if that works, then run : sudo update-grub23:04
mark721leftyfb: okay so its all done no errors incl the update I assume just disable fast boot and im good to go (fingers crossed)23:05
leftyfbmark721: type exit # then reboot23:06
leftyfbmark721: without the live cd/usb23:06
mark721leftyfb: will it work if fast boot is still on23:06
leftyfbmark721: just keep your pc in the same state you had it before when it was running23:06
mark721ok ty23:07
mark721will be back to tell you if all is good ty :)23:07
dviolaI've installed Ubuntu 18.04.1 on a ryzen 5 2400G computer, but it keeps crashing occasionally, I'm not sure if it's a kernel panic, but when this happens the video/monitor doesn't turn on anymore, is there a way to upgrade the kernel to the latest version?23:13
dviolaI run Arch on the side and it doesn't happen on Arch, so I'm guessing it's a kernel issue23:13
dviolaif possible, I would like to upgrade mesa/the kernel to the latest versions23:15
ducasse!mainline | dviola23:21
ubottudviola: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds23:21
ducassedviola: those are reaally only intended for testing, though23:22
dviolaand what about for upgrading to teh latest for production use?23:27
dviolamaybe I should wait for 18.1023:28
ducassedviola: no, there will be a later kernel some time after 18.10 is released, but that's a while off yet23:29
ducasse(about three months after release, i think)23:29
ducassedviola: there are ppas with newer mesa releases, i suggest you search launchpad23:29
dviolawhat would you recommend as for now?23:29
ducassedviola: the best option is probably mainline23:30
jcduttondviola, do you have 2 PCs ?23:32
jcduttondviola, if so, you can set up netconsole and get the kernel messages sent to the other PC when the first crashes23:33
dviolaah, yes23:33
jcduttonit might give you a clue as to what went wrong.23:33
dviolait's very hard to reproduce though23:33
jcduttonwell, if it is a kernel panic, at least then you will see the panic messages.23:34
dviolabut yes, that's a good idea23:34
jcduttondviola, I had a similar problem once, and found out my cpu fan was intermittently failing. Fan stop moving -> cpu shut itself down.  Netconsole told me why.23:36
dviolanice, yes23:36
dviolait's a very useful module, I've used it in the past as well to track down issues23:37
jcduttondviola, which kernel are you currently using?23:37
dviolaon ubuntu, the stock 4.15.0-34-generic one23:38
dviolaon arch 4.18.9-arch1-1-ARCH23:38
jcduttonthe problem one is ?23:38
jcduttondviola, to test, you can just copy the arch one onto the ubuntu pc. It should work.23:39
dviolawhen I booted the ubuntu 18.04.1 live USB the graphics were corrupted, so installing ubuntu was a pain... it went away after I rebooted to the new installation, it seems like one of the updates fixed it23:39
dviolabut it still has issues with stability...23:39
jcduttondviola, make sure you copy all of /lib/modules/...18.9...   as well.23:40
jcduttonarch one. i.e. the kernel on the arch pc23:40
dviolaboth installs are on the same computer23:41
dviolabut yes, I guess I can do that23:41
jcduttondviola, you can use the arch kernel and still run ubuntu23:41
dviolaor I can compile a new kernel using the /proc/config.gz config23:41
jcduttondviola, that will also work.23:42
dviolaright, I think I will do that, thanks23:43
miceikenHey guys, I need some help. I recently installed Ubuntu 18.04 on a ASUS laptop with Intel process and Intel HD graphics. Whenever I watch videos it, the video will periodically chop, as in freeze for up to several seconds at a time.23:46
miceikenAny ideas on how to fix that?23:48
riotzmiceiken, i had some similar problems a while ago. my problem was an erroneous hdmi cable23:50
riotzwhile researching i also stumbled upon a thread where some people did had such problems because they set the wrong refresh rate for their monitor23:51
miceikenthis is on the laptop display though23:51
riotzwell.. no clue23:51
riotzmaybe open htop and check computer resource usage23:51
riotzprobably cpu or ram is on its limits23:51
miceikenworked fine on Windows. might be the browser, ill try firefox23:52
ducasselook at dmesg output for errors23:52
toddcbandwith issue or driver used23:52
riotzyeah.. changing browsers wont fix it i bet23:52
Bashing-ommiceiken: Nvidia graphics card also in this laptop ? Updated driver: http://albertomilone.com/blog/?p=670 for testing.23:56
miceikenapparently it was chromium, firefox seems fine23:58
ChaiTRexmiceiken: You can try turning on or off the hardware acceleration in Chromium options.23:59

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