
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
bluesabrebrainwash: we opted to not include the color emojis, since they only work in gtk3 applications (non-color look the same in gtk2/gtk3/qt/everything else)02:15
flocculantbluesabre: supposedly next week is beta week - assuming it happens and I see a reminder that a iso is ready I'll pointlessly e-mail both the lists09:41
bluesabreflocculant: thanks10:31
ochosibluesabre: so, regarding 18.10 we have the following missing pieces10:32
ochosi1) elementary-xfce update to 0.13.1 for consistent wireless icons10:32
ochosiand manila-folder fixes10:33
ochosi2) xfce4-settings latest point release (once it's out, if we're happy with it)10:33
ochosiwithin greybird i don't expect any more important changes/fixes10:34
ochosiand everything else i guess can also be delivered after the release10:34
ochosi(if we have bugfix point releases of 4.13 components)10:34
bluesabresure thing10:35
brainwashbluesabre: new comment in bug 179339310:54
ubottubug 1793393 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "[Suggestion] New custom command (file search) for Whisker Menu and Application Finder" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179339310:54
brainwashmakes me wonder if the overrides for custom search actions ever actually worked10:54
brainwashalso, adding --path=~ to the command makes sense, or?10:55
ochosibluesabre: oh and 3) switch the "symbolic" option to true for statusnotifier plugin in x-d-s10:57
brainwashsymbolic icons are enabled10:59
brainwashjust opened the properties dialog in daily10:59
ochosioh ok, great11:45
ochosione less thing to fix11:45
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: xfce4-weather-plugin 0.9.0 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-xfce4-weather-plugin-0-9-0-released-tp51829.html (by Sean Davis-6)11:47
bluesabreknome: how's the wallpaper looking?12:11
bluesabrebrainwash: aha, so that's what we're missing12:12
bluesabrebrainwash: sure enough, adding that line to the defaults.rc makes the find keyword work12:23
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-default-settings:: Add file search custom command (-) to Whisker Menu and Application Finder (LP: #1793393) @ http://git.launchpad.net/xubuntu-default-settings/commit/?id=37c1122de5db3e6728b5966054c0a2a42a8df223 (by Sean Davis)12:48
brainwashbluesabre: you sure that '-' is better than 'find'?13:09
bluesabrebrainwash: the other keywords are a single symbol, and find really only makes sense to use for the english speakers13:09
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-default-settings:: Add items to the Atril toolbar for improved usability (LP: #1792788) @ http://git.launchpad.net/xubuntu-default-settings/commit/?id=da0417a5340e0a8194022c80492f2938b4857ef2 (by Sean Davis)13:09
bluesabre(also faster to type)13:10
brainwashit's just that I would associate - with search13:12
brainwashwould not I meant13:14
brainwashbut oh well13:14
bluesabreyeah, that's kind of the same problem with the existing #, ?, ! keywords13:15
brainwashdoes not look like people were using 'find' anyway13:15
bluesabreyeah, definitely hasn't ever worked :D13:15
brainwashwhat about '/' for search?13:15
brainwashit's odd too13:15
ondondilhey, thanks guys13:16
ondondil'/' is already used in appfinder with "exo-open --launch FileManager %S" command13:16
bluesabreThat's currently used for opening directories in the app finder (I thought the same)13:16
brainwashondondil: regarding the other report, can you modify Ctrl+F via Thunar's accels.scm?13:25
brainwashpersonally I don't think that it should be altered13:25
brainwashit opens the empty search input field (just like in pcmanfm)13:26
bluesabreinterestingly enough, if you don't have a file highlighted in thunar, ctrl+F opens catfish, otherwise, opens the in-window search13:27
Spassthat would probably require a new custom action "catfish --path=%d" that applies only to files13:29
Spasssimilarly to "Open in terminal" one, I think13:29
brainwashit does not open catfish for me13:30
brainwashbut ctrl+f is ignored pretty often when I press it and nothing is highlighted13:30
bluesabreI see it when I click a file, ctrl+f (shows the in-window search), press escape, ctrl+f again (shows catfish)13:31
bluesabregotta run now, bbl13:31
brainwashnope, no catfish for me13:32
bluesabrethanks folks for all the bug reports/triage/suggestions/general interest in improving xubuntu :)13:32
bluesabreeven more weird :D13:32
ondondilbrainwash: yes, I was able to modify that, but unique identifier for custom action needs to exist before in ~/.config/Thunar/uca.xml13:32
brainwashwhat is the <Action> for search?13:35
brainwashmine accels.scm does not seem to have one13:35
brainwashoh. now I get it. you want to override it with a custom action13:36
knomebluesabre, pretty close with it actually!13:39
knomei can probably show a draft today13:40
ondondilbrainwash: I have https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nKPRVFPYwH/ in uca.xml and "; (gtk_accel_path "<Actions>/ThunarActions/uca-action-1524816562683873-3" "")" in accels.scm13:45
ondondilI edited that line in accels.scm to "(gtk_accel_path "<Actions>/ThunarActions/uca-action-1524816562683873-3" "<Primary>f")"13:45
ondondilAnd I also can't get catfish to run without making that change13:50
ondondilDoing what bluesabre described I get in-window search every time13:51
brainwashhe probably added that manually to his config13:52
brainwashondondil: can the ID be stored and then read from uca.xml.in?13:58
brainwashthat would bypass the ID generating part if it works14:00
brainwashbluesabre: what does the /s do? https://git.launchpad.net/xubuntu-default-settings/commit/etc/xdg/xdg-xubuntu/Thunar/uca.xml.in?id=d4e1c1717b8784163fc7fba84192132122985bd714:12
brainwashohh nevermind14:13
brainwash/s as in (s)14:13
brainwashthat got me confused for a moment14:14
brainwashbluesabre: "print file" custom action is another thing that does not work :/14:25
brainwashyou have to separate file types with a semicolon and not a comma14:26
brainwashalso, you have modify the selection condition -> https://i.imgur.com/58kOyla.png14:30
TJ-I'm revisting Bug #1784964 trying to figure out a way to further debug it. It seems like it mostly affects xubuntu due to lightdm. I've hit a dead-end as to how to further debug it. Logs aren't helping.14:35
ubottubug 1784964 in policykit-1 (Ubuntu) "Regression due to CVE-2018-1116 (processes not inheriting user's supplementary groups )" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178496414:35
TJ-Any suggestions or ideas?14:36
brainwashbut that's not specific to Xubuntu, is it?14:37
TJ-I'll get hints from anywhere at this point! I've got a fleet of xubuntu systems and it affects some and not others14:40
brainwashthis looks like a beast, not sure if I would be able to follow all the information14:42
brainwashwhat is the reason why ubuntu keeps patching this old version of policykit instead of moving to a new release?14:46
TJ-it's a weird one for sure, seems like the a user session started via lightdm doesn't get the supplementary groups, which also affects a subsequent tty console login (presumably due to somehow using the same user session).14:46
TJ-I'm not sure; I've asked in -devel but never got an answer when I was orginally debugging this.14:46
TJ-I have to do the workaround (log-in via TTY first) but sometimes forget -as in today - which makes me revisit it :)14:47
brainwashdebian sid has 0.105-21 too14:48
brainwash0.115-1 in experimental14:48
TJ-I think that's the primary reason - sync from Debian. Until you said that I had forgotten I did research that14:50
brainwashTJ-: did you test with debian yet?14:54
TJ-brainwash: you mean a Debian install?14:58
brainwashor did I miss some detail?14:59
TJ-It's so hard to reproduce I doubt it'll help. This doesnt affect all systems, so there's something in the config influencing this. E.g. the PC I'm on now which is supposed identical Xubuntu 18.04, never suffers it14:59
ondondilbrainwash: I'm just a casual user so I'm not sure if this is how I was supposed to check this, but here's what I've done: I replaced /etc/xdg/xdg-xubuntu/Thunar/uca.xml with this https://pastebin.geany.org/7ogKt/ then removed the content of ~/.config/Thunar/ and rebooted.15:00
ondondilAfter the reboot ~/.config/Thunar/accels.scm got recreated with hardcoded unique-ids from /etc/xdg/xdg-xubuntu/Thunar/uca.xml that I created15:00
TJ-well, config or a race, based on system speed. We've seen it affect Core 2 Duo, and VMs, but this I5/i7 whatever (faster) never shows it15:00
brainwashTJ-: oh boy15:01
TJ-brainwash: exactly my thoughts!15:02
brainwashondondil: nice. so the unique IDs could be predefined in the uca.xml.in (with an actual unique name, and not a timestamp)15:03
TJ-brainwash: as the policykit-1 fix is about 'race' conditions thats why I think that's the culprit15:03
brainwashbest thing would be to get the policykit involved15:04
brainwashbut they probably would want you to test with their latest release first15:04
TJ-right. I'm going to try the revert of the changes first, then I'll also try  fast-forward to 115 (if that doesn't affect (build)-dependencies 15:05
TJ-I'm off out for a run with my Huskies, I'll report back later on15:06
brainwashyou can check the package build from debian experimental15:06
brainwashmaybe rebuild it for ubuntu15:06
brainwashok. cya15:06
knomebluesabre, Spass: https://temp.knome.fi/temp/xubuntu/.wall-1810/draft_03.png15:17
knomeochosi, ^15:17
ondondilbrainwash:  Should I mention this on launchpad then?15:18
Spassknome, I think the purple will look great with new manila folders15:19
knomei feel like this one might need a bit more blue somewhere...15:19
bluesabreknome: cool, I like where that is going :)15:25
Spassyeah I like it too15:25
Spassthanks for sharing15:26
knomeof course.15:27
brainwashondondil: I guess so. maybe even attach your modifications (or a diff of them).15:34
ondondilOkay, will do15:35
brainwashaccels.scm only containing the new custom action shortcuts and the modified uca.xml.in15:35
brainwashwith matching unique IDs15:35
brainwashhowever, there are two "open in terminal" actions15:36
brainwashyou cannot assign F4 to both of them15:36
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-default-settings:: Fix file matching for the Print file/s custom command @ http://git.launchpad.net/xubuntu-default-settings/commit/?id=02a6161bf484d3bbd170a83db011990fd3837505 (by Sean Davis)15:36
brainwashondondil: more info https://git.launchpad.net/xubuntu-default-settings/commit/etc/xdg/xdg-xubuntu/Thunar/uca.xml.in?id=6e83025026b210709bb82d03a8a0b48120fae8f915:37
brainwashbluesabre: nice15:37
brainwashbluesabre: but once again, how did no one notice that? :D15:38
brainwashwell, now people will be able to easily print files15:38
bluesabrebrainwash: dunno, maybe Thunar had some fallback code for those scenarios15:38
ondondilbrainwash: If I only assign F4 to custom action with "exo-open --working-directory %f --launch TerminalEmulator" command, I won't be able to open terminal with F4 when a file is selected and vice versa15:43
brainwashthat is the issue15:44
ondondilI've assigned it to both actions and it works fine here15:45
brainwashin list view too?15:45
brainwashit may work, but it's something that you cannot do via the graphical editor for custom actions15:47
brainwashassigning the same shortcut to several actions15:47
ondondilIt works with all views. It doesn't work only if multiple files are selected15:47
brainwashok. add that info to the report also.15:48
* bluesabre waits to release new xubuntu-default-settings until the productive folks are done15:50
ondondilI'll report that later today because now I need to leave for a while15:52
ochosibrainwash: it was tested against gtk2 and worked, so it should be ok in 18.0418:11
ochosi(the printing)18:11
brainwashochosi: sadly, it does not work in 18.0418:37
brainwashthe printing action does not show up in the context menu for a .doc file18:37
brainwashdon't "plain text" and "empty file" create the same thing? https://i.imgur.com/89i4Gb4.png18:43
brainwash"empty file" is hardcoded18:44
brainwashbluesabre: ^18:47
bluesabretechnically, yes... only difference is Plain Text brings along a .txt extension18:48
brainwashwell, that is true18:48
brainwashit should stay then18:49
brainwashbluesabre: there is something broken in parole's Plugins settings window19:06
brainwashthe checkboxes reset sometimes after reopening the window19:07
brainwashthe MPRIS2 one can even crash parole19:07
brainwashdisable it, close the window, now try to re-enable it19:08
brainwashthat would be bug 169854019:08
ubottubug 1698540 in parole (Ubuntu) "Parole crashes when choosing to open a file if MPRIS2 plugin is deactivated" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/169854019:08
bluesabrebrainwash: thanks, added to the bugs bp, will hopefully tackle soon19:10
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: xfce4-cpufreq-plugin 1.2.1 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-xfce4-cpufreq-plugin-1-2-1-released-tp51832.html (by Andre Miranda)20:27
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: xfce4-battery-plugin 1.1.1 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-xfce4-battery-plugin-1-1-1-released-tp51834.html (by Andre Miranda)20:55
ochosibrainwash: that's odd, it did go through quite some testing, maybe i dont have enough .doc files ;)22:36
ochosianyway, your testing and reporting is much appreciated22:37

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