
wxl[m]@HMollerCl on a quick break so can't give you much more than this now but see here https://phab.lubuntu.me/w/packaging-tutorial/00:16
lubot<luca_aleksandr> the guys' that I assert that my driver did not install on lubuntu 18.10, yeah, I was able to install this afternoon! I did the installation again and everything happened! and look at my old video driver! a Gforce 210 that in the case in the proprietary driver would be a 340,10700:21
lubot<luca_aleksandr> Lubuntu is Life ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️00:21
lubot<tsimonq2> @luca_aleksandr [the guys' that I assert that my driver did not install on lubuntu 18.10, yeah, I …], Excellent!02:34
wxlomg the wifi at shari's sucks06:57
wxl@TheWendyPower @HMollerCl what do you think about making the border a bit thicker? or did you already do that? it's super hard to grab the edge if you want to drag open a window07:03
wxlso i'm pretty sure the position has something to do with it07:16
wxlif i change the menu key in the menu settings gui, it's always changing [<key>.9]07:17
wxl(in ~/.config/lxqt/globalkeyshortcuts.conf)07:17
wxlbut our global one (in /etc/xdg/xdg-Lubuntu/lxqt/) is [<key>.34]07:18
wxland indeed if i change the one in $HOME from 9 to 34 it does not work, most likely because there's another 3407:18
wxlalthough restarting the panel between changes may be required..07:27
wxlok this is super bizarre. if i stop lxqt-panel and edit the config to be Super_L, regardless of whether or not it's local or global or both, it throttles over the local config07:34
wxloh and that's with the global config being an exact copy of the default config in $HOME except for the change from Alt-F1 to Super_L07:36
lubot<HMollerCl> @wxl @TheWendyPower tested yesterdays daily LIVE. Super_L didn't work.  There are  36 set in .config/lxqt/globalkeysshorcuts.conf and only one in the xdg version (SuperL in position 34). I believe it is overrided the one in xdg. We could put a higher number and we should be done. ... I will check what happens during installation12:21
lubot<SivaMachina> When I tried Lubuntu previously. It did annoy me that superkey support wasn't enabled.13:02
lubot<HMollerCl> @SivaMachina [When I tried Lubuntu previously. It did annoy me that superkey support wasn't en …], yes, lxde+openbox didn't support it. Now lxqt suport it.13:10
lubot<HMollerCl> @HMollerCl [@wxl @TheWendyPower tested yesterdays daily LIVE. Super_L didn't work.  There ar …], same bahaivour after installing. Those 36 shortcuts shoudl come from upstream, but I couldn't find the file globalconfigkeys in https://github.com/lxqt/lxqt-config13:26
lubot<TheWendyPower> @HMollerCl the 200px is perfect for the default button width for that applications in the tool bar. Have you found the config file for that. I was looking yesterday morning and could not find it. Winding the border a couple pixels might still looks good and be more functional. ... @wxl As for super key support, when I changed it13:54
lubot to that in the menu configuration GUI the change stayed. I did that on the last daily I was on, and it went through many reboots. Finding the dang globalconfigkeys file is a pain! It has to be in there somewhere.13:54
lubot<HMollerCl> @TheWendyPower the file is panel.conf and the line is buttonWidth=200 under [taskbar] if it doesn´t exist must be added.14:37
lubot<TheWendyPower> Perfect14:39
lubot<HMollerCl> as for the border, you could change it to see what is best in th file /usr/share/themes/Lubuntu Arc/openbox-3/themerc14:40
lubot<HMollerCl> but since it isn't in your home you shoudl edit it with sudo. I do it this way: ... sudo -i featherpad /usr/share/themes/Lubuntu\ Arc/openbox-3/themerc14:41
lubot<HMollerCl> thi first editable line is ... border.width:  114:42
lubot<TheWendyPower> Thanks! I have edited that file before. It seems finding the right configuration file is hardest part of tweaking the UI. LOL14:45
lubot<HMollerCl> 😉 agree14:52
lubot<HMollerCl> After editing you should open openbox configuration (and maybe reselect Lubuntu Arc theme) so changes are apply14:53
lubot<acheronuk> Fwd from popeydc: @tsimonq2 oh btw, forgot to mention. I installed Lubuntu 18.10 and when i clicked the installer icon on the desktop, libreoffice launched.23:07
lubot<acheronuk> Fwd from popeydc: i saw that23:07
lubot<acheronuk> Fwd from acheronuk: @popeydc you got that? and 'open' starts libreoffice23:07
lubot<acheronuk> (Photo, 800x598) https://i.imgur.com/I8qG7Nq.jpg23:07
lubot<acheronuk> is this known?23:09
lubot<TheWendyPower> @acheronuk [<reply to image>], Click execute.23:35
lubot<acheronuk> @TheWendyPower [Click execute.], point is, you shouldn't have to. you should never see that23:36
lubot<kc2bez> @wxl is working on a solution I believe.23:36
lubot<acheronuk> ok23:37
lubot<acheronuk> would be nice if that was fixed for beta iso this week23:38
lubot<TheWendyPower> @acheronuk [point is, you shouldn't have to. you should never see that], Very true, it should not be in the final release. There are a lot of changes that are still happening...23:39
lubot<tsimonq2> wxl: I'm tempted to just revert the functionality23:40

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