
Spassbluesabre, seems like not only Polish translation is affected, we now know more about this issue - https://bugs.launchpad.net/menulibre/+bug/179340600:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1793406 in MenuLibre "Cut off launcher name and description in Polish translation" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:34
SpassRussian is also affected00:34
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
brainwashbluesabre: do you think that bug 1550444 is a duplicate of bug 1374887?10:04
ubottubug 1550444 in parole (Ubuntu) "Parole media player segfaults when seeking forward in a video file" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155044410:04
ubottubug 1374887 in parole (Ubuntu) "parole crashed with SIGSEGV in parole_provider_player_get_stream_position()" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137488710:04
brainwash32bit etc.10:05
brainwashochosi: I think that the fix for https://github.com/shimmerproject/elementary-xfce/issues/71 needs to be done for the 16/22/24 variants also12:45
brainwashotherwise the mono style icon is used in whiskermenu or the classic application menu12:45
brainwashwhich is not correct, right?12:47
brainwashfix works for 1612:51
brainwashI guess because there is no panel/16/blueman.png for -dark12:52
brainwashbut a panel/24/blueman.png still overrides a apps/24/blueman.png12:53
brainwashsame for 2212:53
brainwashthis affects whiskermenu which shows 24px sized app icons in xubuntu12:56
brainwashochosi: the reason why I even looked into this -> https://i.imgur.com/GmMqRaz.png14:49
brainwashnot because of the mono style icon, but because of the lack of resizing14:51
ali1234brainwash: about that font bug: it affects most of Xfce and the only reasonable fix involves convincing GNOME that they should add another parameter to a deprecated API in order to support third party desktops. in other words it's about as likely as convincing them to go back to gnome-panel. i don't know where to start with that. opening an xfce bug probably won't help :(19:34
brainwashali1234: and there is nothing that could be done via xubuntu-default-settings, right?19:39
ali1234no, because the apps don't look at that19:39
ali1234actually i can't remember... do you ship gnome settings?19:40
brainwashgsettings? https://git.launchpad.net/xubuntu-default-settings/tree/debian/xubuntu-default-settings.gsettings-override19:41
ali1234yes, i think so19:41
ali1234so you could set /org/gnome/desktop/interface/monospace-font-name19:42
ali1234to match whatever it is in xfconf19:42
ali1234i'm not sure that aps will be able to see it though, unless gnome-settings-daemon is running as well19:44
ali1234because apps that try to follow the gnome setting just make a dbus call19:44
ochosibrainwash: i'm not sure in which contexts the "blueman" icon is actually used19:44
ochosiif it's just for the application's desktop file/launcher, then ofc that's easily fixable19:44
ochosiand yeah, i could amend the 16px version in -dark19:45
ochosibut then again, i'd prefer to know the contexts beforehands19:45
brainwashblueman.png for app launcher and (mono style) blueman.png for the tray icon in the panel19:45
brainwashthose two conflict19:45
ali1234blueman icons is one of the two things i had to hack to get my desktop looking right (the other was battery icons)19:46
ochosiactually with statusnotifier plugin you can switch to symbolic19:47
ochosiso that problem should be mostly gone19:47
ochosi(if you use that plugin, that is)19:47
ali1234i have never seen that checkbox do anything19:48
ochosiyour icon theme needs to support it19:48
brainwashbut panel/22/blueman.png and panel/24/blueman.png are still in -dark19:48
ochosias elementary-xfce supplies a "blueman-symbolic" icon it has an effect19:48
brainwashyou would need to remove those19:48
ochosiyes, because so far we haven't had a single release with the symbolic feature19:48
brainwashwell, 18.10 will be the first, correct?19:49
ochosiand until the next LTS we have some time to figure this out ;)19:49
brainwashhaving that 16px version in -dark would help already19:50
ochosiyeah, with certain menus it would19:50
ochosibut with small panels it wouldn't :/19:50
brainwashsmall as in 16px?19:50
ochosismall as in <22px or so19:51
ochosii don't remember when the panel switches to 16px anymore19:52
ochosibut there is a scaling logic i added so the "best" icon size is chosen19:52
ochosianyway, bbabl19:52
brainwashali1234: would it be worth to test if overriding the monospace font via gsettings helps?19:55
ali1234i just looked it up and it does help - i have a workaround in my dotfiles19:55
brainwashohh nice19:56
ali1234the issue is that if user changes the xfce setting, then the gnome one won't match19:56
ali1234i'm not sure if they match by default, but if not they should19:56
brainwashnot much can be done about that19:56
ali1234just running that command on a default xfce install is enough to override the setting in gnome apps that use it19:57
ali1234i have to have 9.5 pt font because of the weird font rendering in 18.04 :(19:58
brainwashI assume that hacking that command into xfce4-settings won't be accepted, or?19:58
brainwashdconf write19:58
ali1234it might do but the issue is it's supposed to be desktop private19:59
ali1234this is where that deprecated API comes into play19:59
ali1234the desktop reads its private settings and turns them into xsettings and sends those to the app. that's cross desktop. but there is only an xsetting for "font" and not "monospace font"20:00
brainwashbut there are only two option left: a hack or doing nothing20:02
ali1234well, making it at least match by default would be better than nothing20:03
ali1234if it doesn't already20:03
brainwashyou don't seem to be in the mood to argue with the gnome devs :)20:03
brainwashdconf read /org/gnome/desktop/interface/monospace-font-name20:06
brainwashreturns nothing20:06
ali1234it wont if nothing has been set20:07
ali1234you have to do something else, i forget what it is20:07
brainwashI expected a "default" value20:07
brainwashit's probably just "monospace", but which size?20:07
ali1234no, the defaults aren't shown by dconf - it only prints something if the user has set a custom value20:07
ali1234if you install the dconf-editor you can see the defaults20:08
brainwashXfce reports "monospace regular 10"20:08
ali1234yes i think that is the default20:09
brainwashdconf-editor tells me it's "monospace 11"20:10
ali1234ah yes, that's the default mismatch :)20:11
ali1234from dconf manpage "This tool operates on dconf directly, without using gsettings schema information." and gsettings schema is where the default values are20:12
brainwashokay. so, it should be set to "monospace 10" in the gsettings.override (xubuntu-default-settings)?20:14
ali1234sounds about right. i don't know the technical details of how that stuff works20:14
brainwashI'm just wondering if that would help20:15
brainwasheven if it works20:15
brainwash10 vs 1120:15
ali1234its very noticable (especially if you set xfce to 9.5 so that fonts are the same size as they were in 16.04)20:16
brainwashthat is only one use case though20:17
brainwashali1234: will you add gsettings.override suggestion to your report?20:20
ali1234i already mentioned the defaults under 2.20:22
brainwashali1234: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZG9w4CCZrf/20:31
brainwashondondil: looking good re custom action shortcuts21:01
brainwashondondil: the unique IDs could be made a bit more meaningful, like "search-files-3" instead of "3-3"21:06
brainwashmaybe even without the -321:06
brainwashbut that's for bluesabre to decide21:07
brainwashI think after all these changes in xubuntu-default-settings it will need some good testing21:09
brainwashbefore 18.1021:09
ondondilI weren't sure what to put there so I just wrote those numbers21:18
ondondilAnd I just noticed that someone forgot to edit description field here https://git.launchpad.net/xubuntu-default-settings/tree/etc/xdg/xdg-xubuntu/Thunar/uca.xml.in#n3121:19
brainwashondondil: not quite22:17
brainwashsee https://git.xfce.org/xfce/thunar/tree/plugins/thunar-uca/uca.xml.in22:17
brainwashit is just an example uca22:17
brainwashxubuntu's uca.xml.in is missing https://git.xfce.org/xfce/thunar/commit/plugins/thunar-uca/uca.xml.in?id=be7c64b6ece15d96b16f3ca097070195ebe5629d22:22

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