
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
mupPR snapd#5851 closed: tests: don't fail interfaces-bluez test if bluez is already installed <Created by plars> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5851>05:10
mvomborzecki: hey, good morning05:12
mborzeckimvo: hey hey, how was your trip back?05:14
mvomborzecki: hey, it was mostly good, one train was super delayed but fortunately I found  an alternative so no harm done05:15
mborzeckimvo: nice05:16
mvomborzecki: and you? had a good trip as well?05:16
mborzeckimvo: yup, no hiccups, though i got home around midnight05:16
mvomborzecki: nice05:17
mupPR snapd#5847 closed: overlord/snapstate: improve cleaup in mount-snap handler <Parallel installs> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5847>05:24
mupPR snapd#5809 closed: tests: using single sh snap in interface tests <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5809>05:35
mborzecki40 PRs, not bad05:36
mupPR snapd#5855 opened: tests: cleanup copy/paste dup in interfaces-network-setup-control <Simple> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5855>05:36
mupPR snapd#5855 closed: tests: cleanup copy/paste dup in interfaces-network-setup-control <Simple> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5855>06:33
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
mborzeckipstolowski: hey07:07
mvohey pstolowski07:16
mupPR snapd#5672 closed: tests: make nfs test available for more systems <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5672>07:20
mborzeckimvo: have you seen this? https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snap-refresh-over-metered-connections/5001/3007:27
mvomborzecki: no, let me see07:33
mvomborzecki: hm, that is a complication indeed07:34
mvomborzecki: do we considered it metered if GUESSS is set? or only if we know for sure?07:34
mborzeckimvo: yes, it's both NM_METERED_YES and NM_METERED_GUESS_YES07:37
mborzeckimvo: YES is only set if it was explicitly marked by the user, otherwise it's GUESS_YES07:38
mvomborzecki: aha, I see07:38
mborzeckimvo: the idea of defaulting to refresh.metered=hold only on classic devices is actually quite appealing07:42
mvomborzecki: yeah, it looks like thats the best way out of this mess07:43
mborzeckimvo: in the notes from friday niemeyer mentioned more strings for refresh.metered, do you recall any examples?07:43
mvomborzecki: I think there was a slight misunderstanding in that there was this notation that the old config option was a yes/no boolean07:44
mvomborzecki: but it was not iirc, it is already "" or hold07:44
mvomborzecki: iirc that were the bits we talked about07:44
mborzeckimvo: ah, ok, well it's kind of 2 state now to be fair :)07:45
mvomborzecki: yeah, its boolean :) but also using mostly sensible names (not just yes/no)07:46
* pstolowski does the expensify. yuck07:48
mvozyga: quick question - when you did the flock to mount you mentioned that systemd did timeout on boot when the mounts are serialized. how many snaps did you had installed when trying this?07:49
mborzeckimvo: left a note under #579208:05
mupPR #5792: [RFC] {config,snap}state: add new refresh.metered=force option and flip default <Blocked> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5792>08:05
mvomborzecki: ta08:07
Chipacamoin moin08:08
Chipacamborzecki: wrt metered, how's it looking?08:10
Chipacareading the feedback from field, it sounds like we might want an 'auto' setting that only looks at _yes (and not _guess_yes)08:11
mborzeckiChipaca: hey, some updates in the forum topic, https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snap-refresh-over-metered-connections/5001/3008:11
Chipacayeap, was just reading that08:11
mborzeckiChipaca: well, _yes is half solution for desktop users08:12
Chipacamborzecki: yes, otoh they're much more able to tweak it than devices out there08:13
mborzeckiChipaca: we could tweak the nm wrapper to return whether the result is a guess or not and use that to pick proper default for desktop/device scenario08:13
zygaHey hey. I just want to say I’m off today.08:14
Chipacazyga: are you sure? because you don't _look_ off08:14
Chipacamborzecki: it's looking like we'll need something like that t make erryone happy08:15
mborzeckiChipaca: that and 'refresh.metered=force', you could mark the connection as metered for some other application but would stiill want snap updates08:18
Chipacamborzecki: 'force' was the 'ignore metered', right? and what was 'assume metered'?08:19
mvozyga: thanks! enjoy your time off08:21
zygaChipaca: yeah, servicing my laptop now08:22
zygaSee you later :-)08:22
Chipacazyga: boot your mac sometime08:22
mborzeckiChipaca: there wasn't, there's 'hold' which covers yes && guess_yes, and default '' which was like ignore-metered08:22
Chipacazyga: ah you already have, thanks :-D08:23
Chipaca… wait no it's dead08:23
Chipacamborzecki: we need to map out scenarios08:23
Chipacamborzecki: i think08:23
kyrofaChipaca, buy your own mac! popey might be able to help as well08:27
popeywat wat08:27
Chipacakyrofa: I possess one of AFAIK 2 canonical-owned macs!08:28
Chipacakyrofa: alas it's too old to be useful at this point08:28
popeyI have a macbook air if needed08:28
kyrofaChipaca, yeah I have one of the first intel ones, I know what you mean08:29
Chipacapopey: good to know in case something urgent comes up; zyga has a lab I can ssh into for a bunch of different things and his mac is just one of 'em, and I thought I'd test https://github.com/sergiusens/homebrew-snapcraft on it ahead of Sergio, but it's not urgent at all08:29
ChipacaI tested it using linuxbrew, which is probably good enough for now :-)08:30
popeyChipaca: i know you love terminals. Did you know on a bare tty, the tickmark next to a verified snap is a green diamond?08:39
Chipacapopey: yes08:39
Chipacapopey: I thought that wasn't too bad08:39
Chipacapopey: I'm open to being wrong though08:39
popeyI haven't investigated the alternatives. I expect you're right.08:40
Chipacapopey: add --unicode=never to see if it'd be better with "linux terminals don't do unicode"08:40
popeya green asterisk08:40
popeyI am honestly not sure which I prefer.08:41
zygaChipaca: I’ll boot it in 30 min08:42
popeywonder what it would look like on this bad boy... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/WANG-Computer-WANG-Terminal-Model-2246-Computer-IBM-XT-AT-DEC-SPERRY/11322144945608:43
popeyso tempted08:43
zygaReturning home from apple support shop08:43
Chipacapopey: eww, AZERTY08:48
ogradiamonds are forever, stay with it !08:49
mupPR snapd#5823 closed: snapcraft.yaml: add workaround for LP:#1791871 <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5823>08:55
Chipacapopey: also: it'd be cheaper, easier and more reliable to take a too-old-to-be-useful laptop and use it to boot linux as a dumb serial terminal09:00
Chipacapopey: OTOH, not as cool09:00
Chipacaand this wasn't ever about cheap, easy, nor reliable :-)09:00
popeyMay I point you at my ThinkPad X61S running Ubuntu Core :D09:00
popeycoreThat's me! :D09:01
Chipacapopeycore: you can point all you want, but my virtual reality irc headset isn't working to see where you're pointing at09:05
Chipacamvo: can we refresh go-flags, or was ppc bocking that?09:06
mvoChipaca: lets try it09:07
mvoChipaca: if it needs an updated sys/unix we are in trouble09:07
Chipacamvo: some nice fixes landed over the weekend09:07
Chipacamvo: if you look at 'man snap', and search for '^ *info', you'll see a bug09:08
Chipacathat's fixed :-)09:08
Chipacamvo: it does not depend on sys/unix09:09
Chipacaits unit tests no longer work with 1.6, alas, but that's another issue09:09
Chipaca(easy to distro-patch a fix if needed)09:09
Chipaca(and what we currently use has the same issue afaik)09:09
mvoChipaca: "easy" ;)09:09
mvoChipaca: but yeah09:09
Chipacasouper easy09:09
mvoChipaca: it will be a small pain for the debian downstream09:10
Chipacamvo: are they still on 1.6?09:10
Chipaca1.7 works09:10
mvoChipaca: oh, right, sorry09:10
mvoChipaca: of course not09:10
mvoChipaca: so hopefully no problem for anyone except us09:10
mvoChipaca: and we don't run the unit tests of it so …09:11
Chipacamvo: if we vendor it, we're fine09:11
mvoChipaca: yeah, we do09:11
mborzeckiChipaca: mvo: how does this sound? https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snap-refresh-over-metered-connections/5001/3209:23
Chipacamborzecki: terrible, awful, it's the worst thing to ever be put up on the internet, and it's all the wrong colour09:25
Chipacamborzecki: maybe I should click the link09:25
mborzeckianyone using discord under KDE?09:35
zygaChipaca: re09:37
zygaChipaca: do you need access now?09:37
popeymborzecki: i am09:37
Chipacazyga: I could use it, i dont need it09:37
zygaChipaca: try now09:37
zygait should be up09:37
* zyga just rented the house for TV production on Wednesday 09:38
Chipacazyga: computer says yes09:39
zygaChipaca: FYI today is the day when a new macOS is available, you can try now and then later when I upgrade09:39
Chipacazyga: didn't you have homebrew installed?09:39
zygaChipaca: I think the next OS doesn't leave any old apps behind so you can reasonably expect everyone to be using this version soon09:39
zygaChipaca: no, I didn't09:40
zygaChipaca: want me to install it?09:40
zygaChipaca: I have go installed09:40
Chipacazyga: I should be able to do it myself without sudo even09:40
zygabut not homebrew09:40
zygaChipaca: cool, let me know if you need anything09:41
Chipacazyga: hmm, it's asking me for sudo to do thinks in /usr/local. It seems doing it in my home needs more options. Which would you rather I do?09:41
zygaChipaca: just use sudo09:41
zygaI gave you access09:41
* zyga hugs and trusts Chipaca with his main computer :)09:42
* Chipaca accepts the hug, and trusts the brew people for this09:42
mborzeckidamn, desktop files are a mess09:46
zygaChipaca: there's an update to command line tools for Xcode (aka the toolchain)09:50
zygaChipaca: shall I ignore that for the duration of your experiments?09:50
Chipacazyga: yes please09:51
Chipacazyga: now you have more go than before!09:55
niemeyerHellos o/10:01
pstolowskihey niemeyer!10:02
Chipacazyga: done10:05
Chipacazyga: what's the difference between today's update and before? so I can write "tested with _____"10:06
mvoniemeyer: hey! how are you? good trip back?10:06
zygaChipaca: today is macOS high sierra10:06
zygaChipaca: tomorrow is macOS Mojave10:06
zygahey mvo, niemeyer10:06
* zyga is off b10:06
niemeyermvo: Yeah, that was surprisingly easy :)10:07
zygabut apparently terrible at it :)10:07
niemeyerWas lucky enough to get out of the plane and straight into the bus10:07
zygathough I really want to take a nap, sleeping with two kids and a dog in one bed is ... not perfect10:07
niemeyerI was home in no time10:07
zyganiemeyer: nice change, right? :)10:07
niemeyerzyga: 8)10:07
mvoniemeyer: nice!10:10
Chipacacurrently "snap interface"'s help says "List snap interfaces" and "snap interfaces"' help says "List interfaces in the system"10:22
Chipacawould "Show details of snap interfaces" and "List interface slots and plugs in the system" be better and more accurate?10:23
Chipacaniemeyer: zyga: ^10:23
niemeyerChipaca: +110:23
niemeyerChipaca: First one should probably be singular10:23
niemeyer... of snap interface10:24
Chipacaniemeyer: if you just do "snap interface" it lists them all though10:24
zygayeah, that's a nice change10:24
niemeyerChipaca: while the second should be plural10:24
niemeyerList interfaces ...10:24
zygaChipaca: all instantiated and connected10:24
niemeyerAh, no.. slots and plugs10:24
* zyga runs and tries to be off10:24
Chipacazyga: which were you adding to there10:24
niemeyerChipaca: Ah, interesting10:24
Chipacaniemeyer: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯10:25
Chipacatrying to make it less interesting :-)10:25
niemeyerChipaca: +1 either way :)10:25
Chipaca"List interfaces' slots and plugs" works too10:25
Chipacabut then we get the dreaded "plural possessive" discussion10:26
ChipacaI blame degville10:26
mupPR snapcraft#2289 opened: local source: only filter out snapcraft artifacts <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2289>10:49
mupPR snapd#5856 opened: cmd/snap: tame the help zoo <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5856>11:02
Chipacaniemeyer: can you make it so I can request a review from degville? (currently I can't)11:02
niemeyerHmm, I guess he's not in the org yet11:03
degvilleI  am looking through though - how about `List slots and plugs for all interfaces' as an alternative?11:03
Chipacadegville: if you could say so on the PR, then we can keep tabs on it all11:04
degvilleChipaca: will do.11:04
Chipacadegville: thanks11:04
ChipacaI expect "Admin" to be contentious, just didn't find anything better and thought it best to just push it and see11:05
niemeyerChipaca: Done11:06
niemeyerdegville: You should have received an invite11:06
degvilleniemeyer: got it, thanks.11:06
mvoChipaca: I reworked 5717 a bit with gustavos input in mind, would be great if you could have another look to see if looks sane. it will unblock two more PRs11:15
* Chipaca is afk, punching trees11:16
Chipacaj/k. Looking.11:16
Chipacamvo: q: why can't one do GET things in degraded mode?11:26
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mvoChipaca: I was simply conservative, happy to allow that11:36
Chipacamvo: I'd just make it degraded -> nothing but GET11:37
Chipacamvo: but I don't know if there are exceptions that would warrant the flag11:38
ChipacaI don't _think_ so :-)11:38
Chipacaby definition, GET should not be writing state11:38
mvoChipaca: lets say YAGNI and I will just allow get and we add the flag again when we need it?11:38
Chipacaand we never have bugs11:38
Chipacaso, \o/11:38
Chipacamvo: sgtm!11:38
Chipacamvo: less flags -> less code -> less bugs11:38
* mvo goes and makes it so11:40
mupPR snapd#5857 opened: userd: extend the list of supported XDG Desktop properties when autostarting user applications <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5857>12:01
* Chipaca ~> lunch break12:01
mborzeckioff to pick up the kids12:07
=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski
mborzeckiChipaca: can you check what's the value of XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP in your env?12:37
Chipacamborzecki: my EAAS costs are 2¢ per request, and .5¢ per byte response12:38
mborzeckiChipaca: EAAS - env as a service? :)12:39
Chipacamborzecki: your request was: $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP12:39
Chipacamborzecki: your response is: "Unity"12:39
mborzeckiChipaca: ooh, that's 16.04?12:39
Chipacamborzecki: you account is now overdrawn by 2.3¢12:40
ChipacaI think there's a bug in my accounting software12:40
Chipacamborzecki: yes :-)12:40
mborzeckiChipaca: i'm sure i can expense it to canonical :D12:40
Chipacamborzecki: why?12:41
Chipacahow did you get from "Unity" to "16.04"?12:41
mborzeckiChipaca: i figured it would be GNOME on 18.0412:41
mborzeckimvo: are you on 18.04 by any chance?12:41
Chipacamborzecki: I have that on my tablet downstairs, I think (haven't turned it on in a couple of months now)12:42
Chipacagrmbl grmbl kernel broke the touchscreen grmbl12:42
mborzeckiChipaca: pieces of autostart handling look at XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP when deciding if the app should be started, I wonder if GNOME specific settings should be applied under unity too12:44
Chipacamborzecki: making that desktop-dependent will probably confuse app devs more than not12:45
Chipacaunless they're _wanting_ it to not autostart on non-gnome (or bicerveza)12:45
mborzeckiChipaca: discord sets X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled atm, don't know what they set for unity though12:51
Chipacainstalling discord...12:51
Chipacamborzecki: in what file do they set that?12:54
Chipacamborzecki: the option to autostart defaults to enabled, and grep finds no X-GNOME-Autostart12:56
Chipacamborzecki: but I also find no desktop file under ~/snap/discord12:56
Chipacaso … dunno what I'm looking for12:56
mvomborzecki: I'm on 18.04 - yes12:56
Chipacamborzecki: haha, I disabled it, and it created the file12:57
Son_Gokumvo, zyga, so I'm currently working on compilation failures with snapd on el712:57
Chipacamborzecki: so it looks like they have a bug :-)12:57
Son_Gokuseems like there's a bad interaction with partial static linking now :(12:58
Chipacamborzecki: and they do create the file, with X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=false in it12:58
ChipacaSon_Goku: nobody uses e17 anyway12:58
Son_GokuChipaca: hah definitely no one uses e1712:58
Son_Gokuat least, I hope not12:58
Chipaca(I seriously read that the first time and did a double-take)12:59
Son_Gokumvo, as you're aware, parts of snapd's go code is statically linked to support bases properly12:59
Son_Gokuso I'm trying to figure out how things are blowing up13:00
mupPR snapd#5854 closed: interfaces/docker-support: add rules to read apparmor macros <Created by anonymouse64> <Merged by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5854>13:00
Chipacapopey: discord snap has a bug, fwiw, want a irc rantoid, or a github issue?13:01
popeypull request pls :D13:02
popeyissue is fine13:02
mborzeckiChipaca: yeah, the file is dropped only when you tigger the radio button :/13:04
Chipacapopey: https://github.com/snapcrafters/discord/issues/46 fwiw13:07
mborzeckipopey: would you like a PR with autostart desktop file support too? :)13:09
popeyPR's are always welcome :)13:14
popeyAlso, I have a bug for you guys :)13:14
popeysnap install something --edge, then replace it with snap install ./something --dangerous13:14
popeysnap list says x1 edge, as if I am tracking edge, even though I am now on a local install13:14
mupPR snapcraft#2290 opened: pluginhandler: update build should overwrite organize <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2290>13:17
Chipacapopey: not sure that's a bug, exactly13:30
Chipacapopey: snap install ./something --dangerous  and tehn  snap switch --edge something  works13:30
popeysurely if i install something locally, I should stop tracking the store?13:31
Chipacapopey: you can then do 'snap amend'13:31
Chipacaniemeyer: I could hear _something_ in the background, but thought it was just aggressive audio compression13:32
niemeyerChipaca: Cool, so not enough to be a nuisance13:32
Chipacapopey: er, i meant 'snap refresh --amend'13:32
Chipacaniemeyer: unless you're degville13:33
Chipacaniemeyer: what do you think? should "snap install ./something" when you already have 'something' installed break the 'tracking' relationship?13:34
niemeyerChipaca: Isn't that the case already?13:34
Chipacamaybe 'snap install --dangerous' should refuse to work if you have an installed something13:34
Chipacayeah, that sounds like what should happen13:34
Chipacaniemeyer: nope, you can have a local snap tracking the store13:34
Chipacaniemeyer: ("snap switch" works on local snaps)13:35
niemeyerChipaca: That's a bit awkward..13:35
Chipacaniemeyer: you then can use "snap refresh --amend"13:35
niemeyerChipaca: I don't think it should work, and my memories are that it didn't13:35
niemeyerChipaca: Ah, okay, so it won't refresh until that takes place?13:35
Chipacarefreshes are blocked, yes13:35
niemeyerCool, ok13:35
Chipacait's a bit weird13:36
Chipacabut in any case, we probably want to block the asserted -> unasserted install13:36
Chipacaunasserted -> unasserted is fine, used for dev all the time13:36
Chipacaunasserted -> asserted also fine i think13:37
Chipacaasserted -> unasserted, you're trying to do something you shouldn't13:37
Chipaca(otoh you did say --dangerous)13:39
Chipaca¯\_(ツ)_/¯ dunno, send help13:39
* Chipaca goes to the gym13:39
niemeyerChipaca: Yeah, not sure.. we need to think about the actual issues on these cases13:42
Chipacathinking is hard13:42
* Chipaca aborted the gym trip, gets back to work13:49
niemeyerChipaca: gym is harder? :P14:29
Chipacaniemeyer: it's going to be rough :-) but nah, i just missed my window14:30
stokachui had ot make adjustments in how we built conjure-up, now juju/jujud aren't being included in the snap15:03
stokachuso not sure what im missing here now15:03
stokachuthis is came about b/c we're now forced to move our snap specific wrapper scripts outside of snap dir15:04
stokachusergiusens, ^15:15
sergiusensstokachu: did I not propose a PR?15:28
stokachusergiusens, nah15:28
sergiusensI just landed now, so I think I will ask kyrofa to look at your repo15:28
stokachuok thanks15:29
stokachucory_fu, with charmtools had to do something similar wrt the snap/wrappers die15:29
stokachukyrofa, the workaround i have in there for the wrapper scripts work now, but juju/jujud isn't being included in the snap anymore15:30
stokachuwould like to not have to use the workaround with snapcraftctl prime though15:30
cory_fustokachu: I think the reason juju's not being included is that you don't call `snapcraftctl build` at the top of the override-build section15:31
stokachucory_fu, good catch15:32
stokachurebuilding now to see15:32
cory_fustokachu, kyrofa, sergiusens: I would really like to know of a better way to manage the wrappers, because having to use override sections is messy15:32
cory_fuOriginally tried to use dump plugin parts but could never get the paths to work out correctly15:33
cory_fuIt was particularly frustrating because the pwd seemed to change depending on whether an override section was present or not15:33
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
stokachusnapstore seems down too, Store upload failed: ('Connection aborted.', gaierror(-3, 'Temporary failure in name resolution'))16:41
stokachuthat's from launchpad16:42
cjwatsonno, that's a SUPER WEIRD problem on one of the Launchpad script servers, not a store problem16:45
kyrofacory_fu, stokachu, why not create a new part for the wrappers instead of trying to do it from an unrelated part?16:56
kyrofaHard-coding paths like that isn't stable16:56
cory_fukyrofa: Tried that originally and couldn't get it to work.16:58
stokachuthat's what we had originally17:00
cory_fukyrofa: First issue we hit was the change from things not being allowed in the snap directory anymore.  Even once we moved it out of there, though, for charm-tools at least, I couldn't get it to include the file in the built snap properly.17:02
stokachucjwatson, ah ok17:03
stokachucjwatson, it looks like it was uploaded?17:03
stokachuim getting a different error now17:03
stokachubinary_sha3_384: A file with this exact same content has already been uploaded17:03
cjwatsonstokachu: Yeah, unfortunately some errors aren't currently retryable sensibly (we have a plan but it's not implemented yet), so in this situation you have to rebuild17:15
stokachucjwatson, ok cool, np17:16
cjwatsonAnd the worker in question hasn't been restarted, so there's a 1/3 failure chance17:17
cjwatsonIt is really very mysterious17:17
kyrofacory_fu, which file exactly seems to not make it?17:20
cory_fukyrofa: For charm-tools, there's one wrapper in https://github.com/juju/charm-tools/tree/master/helpers/snap-wrappers and I was trying to get it into bin/wrappers/17:22
cory_fuSeems like it should be pretty straightforward, but I tried for a long time to get it to work17:23
kyrofacory_fu, hoo boy is this a hefty snap. I'll make a PR shortly18:07
cory_fukyrofa: Thanks!18:13
kyrofacory_fu, https://github.com/juju/charm-tools/pull/44918:14
mupPR juju/charm-tools#449: snapcraft.yaml: add new part for wrappers <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/juju/charm-tools/pull/449>18:14
ograyou call that a hefty snap ? you havent seen the gimp snap yet, have you ? :)18:17
kyrofaogra, not in size, in build time18:17
kyrofaogra, but yes I'll admit: I haven't messed with the gimp snap18:17
ograoh, seems popey or diddledan have cleaned it up ... last time i looked the snapcraft.yal had 1800 lines !18:18
diddledanyeah, moving to core18 allowed a LOT of dependency trimming18:18
cory_fukyrofa: So that's going to hit the the issue that originally started all of this, which was the dump plugin failing with a "part modified" error.  We worked around this at first by adding "source-type: git" but then that had path issues or something.  I know there was a snapcraft fix for that, but I don't know if it's available on the LP builders now?18:19
ograyeah, it was a bit like a novel before18:19
ogramissing chapters though18:19
kyrofacory_fu, you got "part modified" because you were using the snap dir18:19
cory_fukyrofa: Oooh18:19
diddledanI believe reading it in it's entirety would have opened up a portal to hell18:20
kyrofacory_fu, snapcraft makes the assumption that it owns the snap/ dir (we'll ignore the fact that this assumption wasn't at all well-communicated). It writes caches into it, and so on. Then if you say `source: snap/` it picks up the changes it wrote itself as source changes18:21
cory_fukyrofa: Hrm.  But we originally got the "part modified" error on the versions part, which is why we have the source-type in it still18:22
diddledanhalloween just around the corner, too ;-p18:22
cory_fukyrofa: And that doesn't touch the snap dir18:22
diddledanI really don't get why folk want to put random stuff in ./snap/18:22
ograyeah, i' also always surprised18:22
cory_fukyrofa: Although, maybe I'm confusing multiple bugs, because there was also this: https://github.com/juju/charm-tools/pull/44518:23
mupPR juju/charm-tools#445: Fix version causing build signature issues <Created by johnsca> <Merged by johnsca> <https://github.com/juju/charm-tools/pull/445>18:23
kyrofacory_fu, certain git commands can update the timestamp of the .git directory as well, which can trigger that behavior18:23
diddledanlooking at you, vscode!18:24
kyrofaYeah vscode does it, intellij does it, and git describe does it, I think18:24
diddledanI "fixed" the alsa remote part by specifying a source even though I'm using `plugin: nil`18:24
cory_fukyrofa: Yeah, we did originally have "source: snap/" in the versions part, so that's what it was18:25
kyrofaAh, yeah there you go18:25
cory_fukyrofa: Would you mind terribly also removing the source-type line from the versions part in your PR?18:25
kyrofacory_fu, we're trying to make that a little more friendly, but if you want to be absolutely safe just leave the snap dir alone except for stuff that is supposed to go in there (hooks, plugins, snapcraft.yaml, desktop files, etc.)18:26
cory_fukyrofa: That makes perfect sense.18:26
kyrofacory_fu, want me to squash?18:27
cory_fukyrofa: I'll squash when I merge it.18:27
cory_fukyrofa: But either wya18:27
kyrofaAlright, it's 2030 here, I'm off. Have a good rest of the day, folks!18:29
cory_fukyrofa: Have a good evening.  o/18:35
cory_fuI just noticed that the previous build of the charm snap failed to to release and I have no idea why.  I don't see anything in the log: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/389460316/buildlog_snap_ubuntu_xenial_amd64_681cc7a9b635a1e50b11af9067b472ad-xenial_BUILDING.txt.gz18:37
popey" Store upload failed: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory "18:45
popeyone for w_grant or c_jwatson18:45
cory_fupopey: Thanks.  It looks like the latest build released fine19:08
=== Guest43845 is now known as jero
joelkraehemannhi all22:33
joelkraehemann^^ I am new to snapcraft22:34
joelkraehemannhow does the review process complete?22:34
joelkraehemannError: The provided video url does not match any of the currently supported services.23:14

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