
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
cpaelzergood morning05:05
freephilegood morning :-)05:14
cpaelzerhi freephile!05:18
lordievaderGood morning06:06
linuxperiaHi all. I have a small problem with courier on my ubuntu server and dont know how to fix the problem. I get always this error message here => "authdaemond: marker line not found in /etc/courier/authmysqlrc (probably forgot to run sysconftool after an upgrade)" I had a broken upgrade and it looks like that courier is now somehow stuck. i am not able to login to my mail on my ubuntu server. Thanks in advance for any helpfull tip how to resolve11:53
linuxperiathis problem.11:53
Ussatany splunk users here ?15:28
Ussaton Ubuntu ?15:29
zioprotocoreycb: are you here ? I have a an error message that prints your name in it :)15:32
zioprotowe recently upgraded libvirt on staging to go to Ocata. We have some scripts that do stuff like 'virsh list --all'15:33
zioprotonow if I log in into an hypervisor the command works as expected15:33
zioprotoif I do from a jump host "ssh hypervisor virsh list --all"15:33
zioprotoI get an empty table15:34
zioprotoand the hypervisor logs the following 4 lines:15:34
coreycbzioproto: i would guess that the user that you're running the ssh command as doesn't have the proper access17:15
nacccpaelzer: i put what debugging i coudl in the git-ubuntu bug you found. It is a bug, probably due to some indirect dependency changing (but not sure on that).17:37
wtfluxhi all i just installed ubuntu server 18.04.1 LTS and im trying to restart the networking service can anyone instruct me which command to use? ifupdown is not installed, service networking restart isnt either17:37
naccwtflux: well, i did tell you waht to do in #ubuntu -- you just need to do some reading17:38
wtfluxwas that before or after you said to "seek guidance in #ubuntu-server" ?17:38
naccwtflux: in the same line.17:38
Ussatgoogle is your friend17:44
linuxperiahi all. after upgrading my ubuntu server to 18.04 my courier mail server makes problem. i get in the logs always this message here => "imapd-ssl: /etc/courier/shared/index: Permission denied" How can i fix this ?18:15
nacclinuxperia: did check said file's permissions?18:18
linuxperianacc: yes i did both group and user is root18:19
nacclinuxperia: that's ownership, not permissions.18:19
nacclinuxperia: and what user is courier running as?18:19
linuxperianacc: ahhh huh well thgis is the output of ls -la "-rw-r--r-- 1 root root       0 Dez 14  2010 index" looks like it never worked till yet but was ignored as i just today activated tls18:21
nacclinuxperia: right, if courier is trying to write to it, that would fail unless run as root, etc.18:21
linuxperialet me check the user running courier18:21
linuxperianacc: looks like imapd-ssl is run as vmail18:24
nacclinuxperia: so it depends on if it's reading or writing. I assume writing based upon the error, but hard to say.18:25
linuxperiayes will try add vmail to the user and chmod the file. i tweaked the config i guess that is why vmail tries to write to the file18:26
nacclinuxperia: could be, i don't know, sorry18:26
linuxperianacc: thanks a lot for your helpfull assistance. i could make the error message dissapear. lets see if i get my ubuntu mail server configured with lets encrypt certificate18:34
nacclinuxperia: nice, np18:34
hallynsmoser: hey, you should know this - long ago there were restrictions on the kernel you put on an aws ami image, so 4.14.65-serge1 would not work.  do you know if those still exist?22:27
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