
outoftimeCarlFK: there are button that allows you to caprute screenshot of dropdown menu00:02
outoftimeCarlFK: + you can set delay for screenshot00:02
CarlFKyeah - but its grabbing the whole desktop - trying to avoid having to pull it up in gimp to crop only just the window00:02
CarlFKthe "just a window" doesnt' get the menyu00:03
outoftimeCarlFK: there are other options, I did it before, but it was long time ago, do not remember how precisely.00:04
CarlFKk - this may be the only one I need this for... Ill edit it.00:04
outoftimeCarlFK: shutter have editor out of the box00:05
outoftimeCarlFK: or you can install it as plugin, I'm not sure00:06
CarlFKmeh - I know gimp so..00:06
outoftimeCarlFK: gimp is too much for such stuff, try shutter plugin, it is light and you do not need anything alse in most cases00:07
=== Menzador is now known as SonikkuAmerica
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as Menzador
chullhi can anyone remind me please where to look to find the full volume?  "The Volume "boot" has only  5.8 MB disk space remaning.  You can free up disk space by removing unused programs or files, or by mounting files to another disk or partition."00:44
fijidrummerboiiWell I can't do anything like that; school chromebook right?00:47
FortKnightchull: you might be able to free some space by removing/deleting older "unused" kernel versions00:51
chullFortKnight, yes but it needs more than the usual cleaning [sudo apt autoremove] sometimes00:53
chulland i forgot where00:53
=== evilnewbie is now known as beaver
ChiLLabiSAnyone knows of a good and easy to use VNC server and client for Ubuntu?01:21
toddcChiLLabiS: remmina client01:23
ChiLLabiSokay and a server then?01:23
FortKnightChiLLabiS: a simple google / duckduckgo search would have told you this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Servers01:24
toddcchecking 1 sec01:24
ChiLLabiSOkay sorry then. and thanks :)01:24
toddcvinagre is my current server01:25
ChiLLabiSThank you toddc :)01:26
toddclooks like vino is the default server in desktop01:27
ChiLLabiSCool. Ubuntu/gnome has a vnc in settings->sharing. And Remmina is already installed. I've tried access my PC from my laptop and it works! :)02:18
lidja007what is a Remmina02:23
ChiLLabiSa program, a vnc viewer02:24
lidja007I am assuming I can achieve the same results from one Ubuntu client to another--like managing my kids computer...02:25
hggdhlidja007: it all depends on what type of management you want.02:33
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=== ToBeCloud is now known as ToBeFree
=== ToBeFree is now known as ToBeCloud
Adureehey guys04:52
Adureeid love some help04:52
Adureeim having trouble with pulse audio on ubuntu kde running on a chromebit04:52
Adureeall system sounds work04:52
Adureebut when i try and play a sound from my python program04:52
Adureewhich is using kivy's sound04:53
Adureeit throws a permission error04:53
Aduree"Home directory not accessible: Permission denied"04:53
Adureeand when i run `pulseaudio`, it gives me an error saying: "pid.c: Daemon already running.", "main.c: pa_pid_file_create() failed."04:54
Adureeplease help if you have any idea what the issue is or if theres any other info you need to help04:55
arTeeAduree, have you read this? https://askubuntu.com/questions/338382/pulseaudio-not-working-home-directory-not-accessible-permission-denied04:55
Adureeive read and tried absulutely everything04:56
arTeeAduree, second, check whether pulseaudio is running under your user04:56
Adureeive spent many hours researching and have tried every single suggested fix04:56
Adureeok how do i check that04:56
arTeeAduree, ps -ef | grep pulse04:56
Adureeok one sec04:57
friendlyGoati have a rather simple question04:57
friendlyGoatim on Xubuntu but i think its universal, i have two sessions and im not sure how to get rid of the extra one. i have xubuntu-desktop and xfce-session and i was wondering how to get rid of xfce-session since i only use the xubuntu one04:58
Aduree@artee the first line outputs with aran_wit+05:02
Adureewhen its meant to be my full name05:03
Adureeis this just it cutting off? or is it incorrect05:03
Adureewell, "aran_wi+"05:04
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Adureefull output is: "aran_wi+ 12279 19747 0 14:58 pts/6 00:00:00 grep --color=auto pulse"05:07
Aduree"aran_wi+ 14068 738 11:52 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/pulseaudio -- start --log-target=syslog"05:08
Adureesorry, i dont really know IRC conventions, this is my first time using irc05:10
Adureeits my last resort05:10
Adureenothing i have tried as worked05:10
friendlyGoatanyone know about my question i posted earlier or should i repost it?05:18
arTeeAduree, and is it your user? you can try to kill that process via kill 14068 and run pulseaudio from hand05:20
Adureewell i dont want to say my full user as its my full name but "aran_wi+" is not my user05:23
Adureewould this just be it cutting it off because of the length?05:23
Adureeit is the user associated incorrect?05:23
Adureebecause thats what it outputs05:23
Adureeok ill try that thanks05:24
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AdureearTee, I tried killing it and running it again, and im still getting the same error05:26
Adureewould this have anything to do with the fact its on a partitioned chromebit?05:27
Adureebecause i when i was trying to fix this issue previously, i completely reinstalled ubuntu on it and am still getting the error05:27
Adureeon a fresh install05:27
AdureefriendlyGoat, I'm not entirely sure but try "sudo apt-get --purge remove xfce-session"05:28
Adureeim quite new to linux05:29
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arTeeAduree, sorry, not experienced with chromebit at all05:32
Adureeah damn ok, appreciate the help05:33
Adureeim at a complete loss lol05:33
friendlyGoatAduree, i think i tried that before but for some reason after that i couldnt log in anymore and had to reinstall it from command line05:38
friendlyGoati might try again in a bit if nothing else bares fruit but thats what happened last time05:39
Adureenot sure sorry man, am fellow linux noob05:39
arTeefriendlyGoat, I wouldn't remove xfce-session... you can do nasty hack and just rm /usr/share/xsessions/xfce.desktop05:43
Adureedoes anyone else have any idea on what my issue could be? or have experience using ubuntu on the chromebit?05:44
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=== anonymousK is now known as kundancool
Adureedoes anyone else have any idea on what my issue could be? or have experience using ubuntu on the chromebit?06:27
Adureedoes anyone here have experience with ubuntu on a chromebit?06:27
servergeekany ideas why livepatch would fail to start with a message like -> "cannot change profile for the next exec call: No such file or directory"06:39
servergeekrunning 18.04.1 with 4.15.0-34-generic06:39
servergeekfixed...snap remove && snap install livepatch ...06:45
servergeekand it's all good06:45
Adureewelp last attempt06:52
Adureehas anyone here worked with ubuntu running on a chromebit?06:53
ducasseAduree: what's a chromebit - is that an arm device?07:06
ace_meI have hundreds of these errors in varlog sep 24 10:17:...  org.gnome.Shell.desktop[7138]: [9940:9940:0924/101759.152375:ERROR:gl_surface_presentation_helper.cc(161)] GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed!07:19
ace_meany hint to fix them please ?07:20
ace_me journalctl -f -n20 show every few tns seconds new lines of that coming out ... :(07:20
Adureeducasse, a chromebit is a small usb device which is a computer running chromeos07:22
al2o3-crAduree: but it's arm architecture tho.07:23
nisankhindia_ace_me: I assume its an issue specific to your video driver07:30
nisankhindia_ace_me: as error indicates about Vertical Sync07:32
nisankhindia_ace_me: run firefox using terminal , as " firefox --noprofile " and look for the messages what it shows07:36
ducasseAduree: if it's an arm device, try asking in #ubuntu-arm - they might be better able to help07:37
linuxhi guys ,does latest ubuntu support PCIe ssd drives?thanks07:38
Adureealright, thanks, ill try tomorrow, heading home now07:38
nisankhindia_linux: yes it does ... any issue!07:40
linuxfind contradictory infos on the subject ,just want to be sure before bying laptop07:41
nisankhindia_linux: all supports just sometimes behaves differently07:43
wrksxhello there07:43
linuxso the asnwer is ,it might work?07:44
nisankhindia_linux: for general users it works ,you can not see any differences07:44
lotus|NUClinux: the best way to test is try a liveusb ubuntu on your hardware, if everything works= physical install07:44
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nisankhindia_linux: you will not get any issue while using ssd pCie devices07:45
lotus|NUCwrksx: welcome, how can we help you?07:45
wrksxI'd like to install gcc 7 on ubuntu 16.04, how should I proceed ? It's not available in the std repo I suppose07:45
linuxbig thanks !!07:45
nisankhindia_linux: as NVME in box supported by linux or it's all distros07:45
lotus|NUC!latest | wrksx07:46
ubottuwrksx: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.07:46
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging07:47
lotus|NUCwrksx: it means, we advice to use the package versions for your specific ubuntu version07:47
wrksxI guess I'll find it in backports07:47
nisankhindia_wrksx: https://gist.github.com/jlblancoc/99521194aba975286c80f93e47966dc507:47
wrksxthx lotus|NUC, will have a look07:47
linuxnow is there a way to manually create an encrypted LVM with ubuntu installer ,to have separate lvm partitions for home tmp var ,with only one luks password at boot ?it works with debian but I don t find a way to do it with ubuntu07:47
wrksxnisankhindia_, ty. what is that repo ?07:48
shaylaHi everyone. I'm using ubuntu 16.04 gnome. I've got a problem with disk space, today I examine the situation and I get that I have 46GB used by /var/lib/gdm307:48
shaylaIs that right?07:48
wrksxuntrusted PPA ?07:49
wrksxseems scary07:50
nisankhindia_shayla: run command " du -sh /var/lib/gdm3 " and show the output here07:51
shaylaIt seems Xorg.0.log.old it's about 43GB07:51
shaylanisankhindia_ 43G/var/lib/gdm307:51
nisankhindia_shayla: thst a log file which generaly located in /var/log/07:52
nisankhindia_shayla: you may or can delete the file07:52
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shaylaThat's ok, I will remove that but just to know it's a log file for what? 43GB seems that something went wrong xD07:55
nisankhindia_shayla: size of a file is not a sign that something wrong , read the log and activities than only you can say there is something wrong07:56
shaylaThat's ok, thank you nisankhindia_07:56
=== Dreaman is now known as BgLamersTeam
linuxis ext4 supported on PCIe ssd drive? thanks07:57
nisankhindia_linux: first read what is ext4 , a file system and read what is SSD drive : a storage mechanism with no mechanical part  . now try to find out yourself ..07:58
wrksxnisankhindia_, awsome ressource thanks =)07:59
linuxthanks for the arrogance ,but it was known in the beginning that it wasnt supported07:59
nisankhindia_linux; it is not arrogance , i have given you the way how you can find something which you dont know08:00
ace_menisankhindia_: (firefox:8292): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:56:04.648: Theme parsing error: <data>:1:34: Expected ')' in color definition08:00
nisankhindia_ace_me: what graphics card are you using ???08:01
ace_meis a asus laptop k95vj08:02
nisankhindia_ace_me: do your system setting says Tearing prevetion is on / off / atomatic .08:02
nisankhindia_ace_me:check the OpenGL status using settings08:02
ace_mehow to do these please ?08:03
nisankhindia_ace_me: open your settings and look for the options08:04
ace_meGraphics: IntelĀ® Ivybridge Mobile08:05
ace_mewas this what you asked nisankhindia_  ?08:06
nisankhindia_ace_me: lets start from begining , whats your Distribution ?? ubuntu version08:07
ace_meI see no options tab08:07
ace_meubuntu 18.0408:07
nisankhindia_ace_me: based on Gnome or KDE or what ???08:07
ace_meis it displayed anywhere ?08:08
ace_mehave no idea08:08
nisankhindia_ace_me: from where you open the application  menu08:09
nisankhindia_ace_me: top left or somewhere else08:09
ace_meright bottom08:09
ace_mebut I usually press flag on keyboard and I add them to favourites08:09
wrksxguys, do I really need to install deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-toolchain-r/ppa/ubuntu xenial main08:10
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wrksxI mean it contains sources only right ?08:10
wrksxwhat would be the reason to install a deb-src repo08:10
nisankhindia_wrksx: you have added the PPA right ??? so do not edit it yourself let the apt command do it08:10
wrksxnisankhindia_, no I don't08:11
wrksxI don't have the software-prop-common08:11
wrksxso I don't have add-apt-repo command08:11
wrksxbut I'm fine installing it in the src list08:11
wrksxI'm just wondering about the deb-src part08:11
ace_menisan in the apps list I see gnome power08:12
ace_meprobably I am on gnome08:12
ace_menisankhindia_: ^08:12
nisankhindia_ace_me: look for seetings08:12
ace_meI did opened settings08:13
ace_medock, notifications ...ans so on08:13
ace_methere is no opengl setting08:13
ace_meshould I have there a Opengl too nisankhindia_ ?08:14
nisankhindia_ace_me: look for your graphics settings08:14
GalactorHello! I was wondering how does one access /connect bluetooth devices in i3wm?08:15
nisankhindia_ace_me:  "smooth scrolling" option in the Settings08:15
ace_methere is no such an entry beside in display tab where I do have both monitior I am using and where I can set the resolution08:15
nisankhindia_ace_me: Adjust openGL too08:15
ace_methere is I mean a Device tab where I can see and extend monitors08:16
nisankhindia_ace_me: cd /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/08:16
nisankhindia_ace_me: than look for config file related to intel08:17
nisankhindia_ace_me: if you can see something like 20-intel.config08:17
ace_menothing there like 20-intel08:17
nisankhindia_ace_me: what are the files present there08:18
wrksxso what is the purpose of a deb-src repo ?08:18
ace_menisankhindia_: ^08:18
nisankhindia_ace_me: install your GPU driver properly08:20
ace_mehave no idea how .... lucky it works like this then08:21
ace_methought it auto-detect or so08:21
ace_mebut seems it is not08:21
nisankhindia_ace_me: " sudo ubuntu-drivers devices "08:21
nisankhindia_ace_me: " sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall "08:21
ace_meI see there some GF108M08:22
nisankhindia_ace_me: run command " sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall "08:22
ace_meand I remember I did selected once from additional drivers somewhere and the x did not start after next reboot and hat to swithc somehow back to xorg drivers or so08:23
ace_mebut I did not run the command above...08:23
ace_mecould you remind me how t oswitch back if I will arrive in terminal after reboot ?08:24
ace_meplease :)08:24
ace_menisankhindia_: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/9qvGw7zcjy/08:26
ducassewrksx: you use the src repo if you want to rebuild some of the packages or inspect the source etc08:27
ace_meok... going to reboot just to be sure08:27
ducassewrksx: for example you might want to rebuild a package with other options, or apply a patch etc08:28
ace_methank you and hope to work after reboot08:28
wrksxducasse, alright, just what I thought. Thnaks for the help08:29
ducassewrksx: np08:30
nisankhindia_acce_me: than using nvidia panel adjust the options08:31
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quxgyverStallman's Blessings upon you.08:37
quxgyverCoder's greetings.08:37
quxgyverCan someone explain what an "executable file" is08:38
quxgyverin the context of Ubuntu08:38
quxgyvercus the system isn't showing me a filetype08:38
quxgyverand terminal won't recognize them as files from what i can see08:38
Bx1MNGhey guys08:38
Bx1MNGneed to decrypt08:38
Bx1MNGHow to decrypt this?08:39
servergeekask Siri08:40
Oolwith the key08:40
Bx1MNGit's ctf comptettion08:40
Bx1MNGxo | rorororo08:40
ace_meNissan I am sticked at login screen08:41
nisankhindia_ace_me: what is the issue now08:41
stevenmI'm guessing these packages are not in 18.04 because they were just empty (except for a changelog and copyright)  deja-dup-backend-cloudfiles   deja-dup-backend-gvfs    deja-dup-backend-s308:44
nisankhindia_Bx1MNG: this is Ubuntu support channel .. you may ask these to somewhere else08:44
stevenmand the actual functionality you'd *think* they provide is actually built into deja-dup?08:44
quxgyverCan someone explain what an "executable file" is in the context of Ubuntu? Because the system isn't showing me a filetype, and the terminal won't recognize them as files from what I can see.08:46
nisankhindia_ace_me: any update from your side08:47
mousesquxgyver: a 'executable file' is a file with the +x flag set.08:47
avuquxgyver: it's a very broad term, generally it applies to files with the execute bit set in their permissions (see 'man chmod')08:47
avuquxgyver: it can be ELF binaries or scripts with a shebang line mostly08:47
quxgyverAh I see.08:47
quxgyverIn my case the file has a purple rhombus-shaped icon with two cogs.08:48
quxgyverAnyone know what that is?08:48
avuquxgyver: you can ask the 'file' tool to find out08:49
nisankhindia_quxgyver: run command in this format " file --mime-type -b filename "08:50
ace_me_mobniSan I am stuck at login08:51
avuor just 'file <filename>', which will give you more detailed information in most cases and is easier to remember :)08:51
nisankhindia_ace_me_mob: ok what is going on there08:51
quxgyvernisankhindia_: It says "application/x-executable"08:51
quxgyverwhich is about the same information as I had going into this question!08:51
avuquxgyver: use 'file <filename>'08:51
ace_me_mobI enter login and it keep me ther08:52
nisankhindia_ace_me_mob: wait08:52
ace_me_mobI reenter pass and arrive at login08:52
quxgyverI don't know what that is, but you mentioned it so I guess that's the answer.08:52
avuquxgyver: the ELF format is the standard binary executable format for Linux08:52
quxgyverAh IC08:52
zambai want to output a dict as a csv.. with ',' as separator and the values in the csv line as key=value08:53
avuquxgyver: what you get when you compile a C program for example08:53
nisankhindia_ace_me_mob: you have faced the login loop scenerio ,08:53
ace_me_mobhow to open a tty to see logs?08:53
zambahow is this most easily achieved?08:53
quxgyverGotcha. :-)08:53
quxgyverSo on to my next question then, I downloaded an application which has an ELF executable, and it used to be that I could double-click it to run it up until today, when I copied it to a different partition and it now suddenly lacks the X parameter08:53
ace_me_moblogin loop scenario08:53
quxgyveror attribute* rather08:53
ace_me_moblucky me08:53
quxgyverI can't seem to change it either08:53
quxgyverAnyone know what might've caused this?08:53
nisankhindia_ace_me_mob: ivoke the tty08:53
nisankhindia_ace_me_mob: and that restart the display manager08:54
avuquxgyver: the partition might be mounted with the no execute option08:54
ace_me_mobalt f108:54
avuquxgyver: type 'mount' and look at the options in the row for that partition08:54
nisankhindia_ace_me_mob: i guess it works with ctrl+alt+F108:54
ace_me_mobf2 worked08:55
nisankhindia_ace_me_mob: now restart your display manager08:55
ace_me_moband how to restart display ?08:55
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ace_me_mobI did sudo service display manager restart but same08:56
nisankhindia_ace_me_mob: cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager08:56
quxgyveravu: Thanks, that's cool/good to know how to do.08:57
quxgyverI can't see anything about execs not being allowed08:57
quxgyverHm, I just read something about certain partitions not allowing file permissions08:57
quxgyverMaybe I need to format it08:57
avuquxgyver: the option is called 'noexec'08:57
nisankhindia_ace_me_mob: what is the output of " cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager "08:57
ace_me_mobno such file08:59
quxgyveravu: Yeah, no such thing there.08:59
avuquxgyver: and what happens when you try to 'chmod +x' the file?08:59
ace_me_mobusr sbin gdm409:00
nisankhindia_ace_me_mob : what it says " sudo systemctl status display-manager "09:00
ace_me_mobgdm display lasted 0.06s09:02
ace_me_mobactive running09:02
GalactorHow does one add a start-up command in lubuntu? I have a script I have a command I need to run every time I turn on my computer so bluetooth will detect my headphones, but I want this command to run on start-up automatically09:02
ace_me_mobstarted gnome...09:02
Galactor*I have a commnad I need to run....*09:02
ace_me_mobenv pm Unix gdm launch09:03
mousesGalactor: Is this a user script or a system service?09:03
mousesGalactor: If user script, Have a look under System > Preferences > Startup Applications.09:03
nisankhindia_ace_me_mob: restart the gdm service09:03
quxgyveravu: Nothing. It just remains at "Nobody"09:04
quxgyverCould it be the filesystem of the partition?09:04
quxgyverIf so, what's the easiest way to partition it correctly?09:04
Galactormouses: It's just a command, not a script (I think? I might be mixing up terminology).09:04
ace_me_mobrestarted... same behavior09:04
nisankhindia_ace_me_mob: sudo pkill X09:05
Galactormouses: the command is pactl load-module module-bluetooth-discover09:05
mousesGalactor: Do you normally have to do that as root?09:05
Bx1MNGhey guys09:05
Bx1MNGneed help for decrypt something09:05
Galactormouses: I don't know if I need to, but I run it with sudo anyway to be safe09:06
ace_me_mobsame after pkill09:06
Galactormouses: I havent tried doing it without doing sudo09:06
mousesGalactor: In this case, i'd just cron it - from a terminal run sudo crontab -e and add a line like this to it09:06
mouses@reboot /path/to/script09:06
mousesGalactor: that'll run that script on reboot09:06
ace_me_mobxorg log... no devices detected... no screens found09:07
Galactormouses: Do I need to make a text file in nano, copy that command into it, and then path to it with cron?09:07
mousesGalactor: so you just need to create a script (i'd just open a terminal and use nano to create something like this*09:07
mousesGalactor: yes, i'll give you an example09:07
Galactormouses: thanks!09:07
nisankhindia_ace_me_mob: thats usual09:08
mousesGalactor: http://i.imgur.com/AEKwSMt.png09:08
mousesGalactor: And then just do the cron thing I showed you and you should be good to go!  Let me know if you have trouble.09:09
ace_me_mobso need to uninstall all nvidua09:09
Galactormouses: thanks! Is there any specific place I should save the file? I know anywhere would do, but for the sake of keeping things tidy?09:09
nisankhindia_ace_me_mob: wait i am checking if it needs some reconfiguration09:09
ace_me_mobOK thx09:10
mousesGalactor: Well, considering it will run as root - I'd personally stuff it in /root09:10
mousesreally up to you though09:10
nisankhindia_ace_me_mob: are you using 18.04 lTS release of ubuntu09:10
Galactormouses: thanks! Thats a good tip. :) Let me try this out and Ill get back to you after a reboot to test09:11
Junioryello! :)09:12
nisankhindia_ace_me_mob: from your terminal run this first " chown username:username .Xauthority " where username is your user09:13
Juniorafter upgrading to ubuntu 18.04 from 16.04 i cannot start php7.2-fpm - i get php7.2-fpm.service: Start operation timed out. Terminating . I have tried to increase the timeout for the service without luck. I need to mention that after 2-3 restarts sometimes the service starts directly, what is wrong?09:13
Juniorkernel: Linux blade 3.13.0-52-generic #85-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 29 16:44:17 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux09:13
Galactormouses: would I run the command as $ sudo crontab -e ~/script-directory/script-name ?09:14
nisankhindia_ace_me-mob: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm09:15
ace_me_mobgdm is not installed...09:16
mousesGalactor: no, first just run sudo crontab -e09:16
mousesthat will open a editor09:16
mousesadd the line:09:16
mouses@reboot /path/to/script09:17
mousessave and exit, and then give it a reboot09:17
ace_me_mobshould we install it ?09:17
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nisankhindia_ace_me_mob: install that , or check what display manager your system used by default09:18
ace_me_mobhow to check ?09:18
mousesGalactor: so it should look something like this:09:19
mousesGalactor: http://i.imgur.com/f8snroC.png09:19
ace_me_mobdisplay link manager?09:19
nisankhindia_ace_me_mob: " sudo apt-get install --reinstall gdm3 gnome-shell " and " sudo apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop "09:19
ace_me_mobsad it does not work09:23
ace_me_mobinstalled all and dpkg-reconfigure... but09:23
ace_me_mobhave other ideas!?09:24
nisankhindia_it seems weird09:25
quxgyverI just initialized a format using Disks, but I'm not getting a confirmation or anything09:26
quxgyverhow do I ensure that it's done?09:26
nisankhindia_ace_me_mob: wait let me check the chat logs , your nvidia driver was 390 ???09:26
nisankhindia_ace_me: ace_me_mob: here is the solution it needs nvidia-driver-390 some dependencies .. it doesn't work without the libglvnd and xorg-server from bionic-proposed09:29
Galactormouses: Seems to have worked! Thank you very much! I documented the process so I could look it up later if I forget09:32
mousesGalactor: Yay!  Crontab is super powerful, you can do so much great stuff with it09:34
Galactormouses: Very nifty! Happy to have learned something today. Another step towards competence!09:35
mousesGalactor: \o/ glad it all works!09:35
quxgyverI formatted an SD card and USB stick using Disks10:02
quxgyvernow they won't appear anywhere in the filesystem10:02
quxgyvereven though they're clearly visible in the disk manager10:02
quxgyverwhat is this black magic10:03
EriC^^quxgyver: can you pastebin "sudo parted -ls" ?10:03
quxgyverError: /dev/mmcblk0boot1: unrecognised disk label10:04
quxgyverThis is one of the affected devices10:04
quxgyverCould this be an issue?10:04
quxgyver(also thanks)10:04
quxgyverPartition Table: unknown also.10:04
quxgyverIn Disks it says that it has the GUID Partition Table tho10:05
quxgyverBoth of them10:05
cfhowlettsudo gparted -ls10:05
quxgyverI don't have gparted.10:06
EriC^^quxgyver: do you want a gpt or msdos partition table?10:06
quxgyverI guess I'll install it10:06
quxgyverEriC^^: Whichever is the most compatible with Linux10:06
quxgyvercus the reason why I formatted was cus I've been having issues with FAT10:06
EriC^^what's the disk's designation under "lsblk" ?10:07
quxgyverI ran your command and just got "Unit -.mount does not exist, proceeding anyway." and "Could not stat device -ls - No such file or directory."10:07
quxgyverthen it booted gparted which again threw the latter error in a popup10:08
quxgyverEriC^^: Where should I check for lsblk?10:09
quxgyverNot sure what you're referring to10:09
EriC^^quxgyver: type "lsblk" and look at the disk size/name10:09
quxgyverhm, it seems to have no mount pointn10:10
quxgyverneither of them10:10
EriC^^yeah thats normal10:10
quxgyverSo there's nothing of interest for either device there.10:11
quxgyverAny idea of what might be wrong?10:11
quxgyverWell this is interesting. After checking the devices in GParted, they seem to have fully unallocated space10:12
quxgyverShouldn't format take care of that10:12
quxgyverNot sure how to format in GParted tho (GUI)10:12
EriC^^what does it say for /dev/ ??10:13
EriC^quxgyver: what does it say for /dev/ ??10:13
quxgyverAll the disks are shown as part of /dev10:13
EriC^quxgyver: can you pastebin the output of "lsblk" ?10:14
quxgyverEriC^: I truly appreciate the help but can you just tell me more specifically what you're looking for10:16
EriC^quxgyver: i'm trying to make sure it's the right disk before we partition it from the cli10:16
quxgyverAh. Well yes, I'm 100% certain that it's the right ones. I only have three disks in every single list and application we've used so far, and based on their sizes, names and descriptions it's easy for me to determine which is which10:17
quxgyverso if you just tell me what to do and how to target them, I'll ensure that it's the right ones. :-)10:17
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quxgyverif I target them by path then it's /dev/sda and /dev/sdb10:18
Guest43954ace_me: you need bionic proposed repository10:18
EriC^type "sudo fdisk /dev/mmcblk0boot1" if you're certain that's the one10:18
EriC^quxgyver: ^10:18
Guest43954ace_me: to get some dependency to work with your nvidia driver 39010:18
quxgyvershouldn't I type sudo fdisk /dev/sda?10:18
quxgyveror were you just using that path as an example10:19
EriC^quxgyver: no i wasn't10:19
EriC^quxgyver: i'd rather you pastebin the stuff10:20
Guest43954ace_me: as it fails to boot into graphical10:20
zambai have a string containing comma-separated values.. i want to read this in using csv reader10:20
EriC^quxgyver: sda is your main disk, not the sd card10:20
zambaimport csv ; cvs.reader(string, delimiter=",")10:20
zambabut it parses every character into it's own element, it seems10:21
quxgyverEriC^: I'm 100% certain that sda and sdb are the sd cards, because I only have three disks on this system and sda+sdb are the only devices out of the three that correspond with the cards in terms of size10:21
Guest43954ace_me:  nvidia-390 fails to boot graphical display it's a bug effected many users and solution is now to get packages like libglvnd0, xserver-xorg-core, and libgl1-mesa-glx from bionic propsed10:21
quxgyver /dev/mmcblk0 is my main sys, while /dev/sda and /dev/sdb are my sdcard+usb10:21
quxgyvermain device*10:21
EriC^quxgyver: ok10:22
quxgyverthis is also reflected in lsblk since I have a ton of partitions on mmcblk0 whereas there are none on sda or sdb10:22
quxgyverNot trying to sound terse. Just saying. :-)10:22
EriC^if you're certain10:22
EriC^quxgyver: sda has no mountpoint right?10:22
quxgyverOut of curiosity, what's mmcblk0 boot 0 and 1?10:22
quxgyverbecause lsblk shows up as follows: sda / sdb / mmcblk0 (with a ton of partitions under it) / mmcblk0boot0 / mmcblk0boot110:23
quxgyverand that's it10:23
EriC^quxgyver: those are likely the partitions of your main hdd10:24
quxgyvermmcblk0boot0 and boot1's MAJ:MIN corresponds with sda/sdb10:24
EriC^i cant tell much without a paste can i quxgyver ? :D10:24
quxgyverwell ok10:24
quxgyveri just don't like pasting stuff taken straight from my system10:24
quxgyverthat i dont know what it is10:24
quxgyverbut alright ill do it10:24
EriC^it's a partition table10:24
quxgyverPM'd :)10:25
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.10:25
quxgyverYa I just wanted to keep the info private10:26
EriC^it's not private info10:27
EriC^anyways you modded it as well10:27
quxgyverWill it suffice?10:28
EriC^quxgyver: yeah, type "sudo fdisk /dev/sda"10:28
EriC^type "o" to make a new partition table10:29
quxgyverthank you :=10:29
quxgyverHm, o wants to create FAT10:30
quxgyverI wanna do GPT instead10:30
quxgyverIs this all I need to do?10:30
EriC^you said earlier you want something that'll work more easily10:30
cfhowlettbooting from FAT is vastly simpler10:30
quxgyverNah, the problem is that a certain application wouldn't run under FAT10:30
EriC^huh no10:30
quxgyverand FAT wouldn't let me set x10:30
quxgyverwhich is why I formatted to GPT in the first place10:31
quxgyverso can I just choose g and that's it?10:31
quxgyveris that all there's to it?10:31
EriC^no, type "sudo gdisk /dev/sda"10:31
EriC^instead of fdisk10:31
quxgyverIt says:   MBR: protectiveBSD: not presentAPM: not presentGPT: present10:32
quxgyverafter I've written GPT to it with sudo fdisk /dev/sda10:33
EriC^i said gdisk10:34
EriC^quxgyver: press ctrl+c if you still have fdisk open10:34
EriC^type sudo gdisk /dev/sda10:34
EriC^then press "o" to write a new partition table10:34
quxgyverokay, done10:35
EriC^quxgyver: press "n" to create a new partition10:36
EriC^quxgyver: keep the starting sector the same (press enter with it blank)10:36
EriC^as well as ending sector10:36
EriC^quxgyver: for the type, enter"0700"10:37
EriC^quxgyver: ?10:42
stevendaleWhy does Ubuntu get so many update10:48
EriC^stevendale: software gets updated all the time, the more you have installed the more updates you'll get10:49
stevendaleEriC^, Does that mean I should install everything?10:50
EriC^stevendale: no the updates are for the specific packages10:50
EriC^stevendale: you should update when it tells you there's an update, so that everything is up to date and as bug free as possible10:51
stevendaleIs it okay to use PPAs to update stufff that is lagging behind in the official repos10:51
EriC^stevendale: it depends on the ppa if it's reputable and the maintainer knows what he's doing10:52
EriC^it could potentially break your system if the dependencies get all screwed up10:52
BluesKajHi folks10:52
lotus|NUCstevendale: nothings lagging on the oficial repos neither10:56
stevendalelotus|NUC, Transmission GTK is 2.92, the latest is 2.9411:01
stevendaleVLC is 3.0.3, latest is 3.0.411:01
lotus|NUC!latest | stevendale11:01
ubottustevendale: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.11:01
illuminatedwhat does dkpg-reconfigure do?11:02
illuminatedin plain english11:02
quxgyverEriC^: I'm not following anymore11:03
quxgyverI'm with you up until sudo gdisk /dev/sda11:03
quxgyverI don't understand anything past that point11:03
nisankhindia_illiminated: dpkg-reconfigure reconfigures packages after they have already been installed. Pass it the names of a package or packages to reconfigure. It will ask configuration questions, much like when the package was first installed11:03
quxgyvercan you clarify a bit?11:03
illuminatednisankhindia_: thanks man11:04
nisankhindia_illuminated: as word stands it tells the dpkg to reconfigure the package or reset a package11:04
illuminatedone of these days I'm going to reformat and install linux on this box11:05
nisankhindia_illuminated: than read books about linux / unix alike systems , from my side few resources at http://doc.lagout.org/11:06
nisankhindia_illuminated: you are free to make a copy of the entire server https://lagout.org/contact/11:08
illuminatedcool thanks11:09
nisankhindia_i am exhausted , the whole day spent to resolve an firefox issue but unable to get any clue , firefox freezes when i try to open facebook website .. after login to facebook if i do try to write any update as status than immediatly firefox freezes .. it seems like something went wrong with facebook web app service workers and firefox .. anyone else facing the same issue11:19
lotus|NUCnisankhindia_: ubuntu version plz?11:20
nisankhindia_i have checked it has nothing to do with system or OS , it is clearly a misbehaviour of Facebook Service worker . i am trying to confirm if anyone else having the same issue11:22
lotus|NUCnisankhindia_: did you try another browser yet?11:22
nisankhindia_i have checked with nightly release and works well11:23
lotus|NUCnisankhindia_: so its about your specific FF version11:23
nisankhindia_no it is service worker of facebook , which causing freeze11:24
lotus|NUCnisankhindia_: if another version of FF works, or another browser?11:24
lotus|NUCnisankhindia_: try launching FF from terminal, wee what it spits out11:25
nisankhindia_i have investigated the serviceworker which loads the cache to browser . but expected behaviour should be load the lightbox when user try to update a status but it somehow failes11:26
nisankhindia_in case of firefox version 64 ( nightly ) and chrome version 69 works well with the service worker js11:28
nisankhindia_firefox noprofile and resetting all ( which is shipped with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS ) unable to handle the SW js of facebook11:29
lotus|NUCnisankhindia_: im using bionics FF just nice here on FB11:30
nisankhindia_try this i have added google serviceworker script with this to check the system http://nisankhacharjya.me/player/ .. add more than 100 mp3 files and than check whether it respond as normal or freezes for a while11:31
Juniorafter upgrading to ubuntu 18.04 from 16.04 i cannot start php7.2-fpm - i get php7.2-fpm.service: Start operation timed out. Terminating . I have tried to increase the timeout for the service without luck. I need to mention that after 2-3 restarts sometimes the service starts directly, what is wrong?11:33
lotus|NUCnisankhindia_: i dont have 100 tracks locally11:34
lotus|NUCJunior: your kernel version please?11:34
nisankhindia_well let me look the other side too , may be my default browser is unable to handle the cache somehow11:34
lotus|NUCnisankhindia_: youre on 62 FF also?11:35
Juniorlotus|NUC- Linux blade 3.13.0-52-generic #85-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 29 16:44:17 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux11:36
Juniori have tried reinstall it using apt, removed it, now i am trying to install again11:36
lotus|NUCJunior: that doesnt seem right mate, 18.04.1 has kernel 4.1511:36
nisankhindia_yup its 62.0+build2-0ubuntu0.18.04.511:36
lotus|NUCnisankhindia_: ok, same11:36
Juniori have tried to change ExecStart=/usr/sbin/php-fpm7.2 --nodaemonize --fpm-config /etc/php/7.2/fpm/php-fpm.conf to remove --nodaemonize completly or to change it daemonize with the same result11:37
lotus|NUCJunior: that seems like a not-updated trusty kernel11:38
nisankhindia_lotus|NUC: yes main culprit finally have come out , i have corrupt cache11:39
lotus|NUC!yay | nisankhindia_11:40
ubottunisankhindia_: Glad you made it! :-)11:40
lotus|NUCnisankhindia_: i clean stuff with bleachbit myself11:41
lotus|NUCJunior: if you say you updated to 18.04, something must have gone wrong there11:41
Juniorlotus|NUC i have ran dist-upgrade, let me verify11:41
Juniorlsb_release -a returns Description: Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS11:42
lotus|NUCJunior: check your sources.list perhaps?11:42
lotus|NUC!sources | Junior11:42
ubottuJunior: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.11:42
nisankhindia_lotus|NUC : i dont undertsand the way facebook works , most of the web apps do uses serviceworkers to load their pages fast and use less data but facebook never works towards their serviceworkers and rectify these issue , i have seen most of browsers do freeze or sluggishness are there faced by users while visiting facebook web version11:42
Juniorlotus|NUC i know that on start of the upgrade i was prompted to replace x with y on sources11:43
quxgyverMy SD card and USB stick aren't showing up in Ubuntu after being formatted11:43
quxgyverI have no idea what to do11:43
quxgyverCan someone help me?11:43
quxgyverThey appear in partition applications as having unallocated space11:44
lotus|NUCJunior: i think you have old leftovers from trusty, not cleaned well over 16.04 and took it to 18.04 somehow11:44
lotus|NUCquxgyver: format with gparted11:44
lotus|NUC!info gparted | quxgyver11:45
ubottuquxgyver: gparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.30.0-3ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 493 kB, installed size 2032 kB11:45
quxgyverI know what it is, I have it open, but I don't know what I'm supposed to do to get it working again11:45
quxgyverthe devices that is11:45
Juniorlotus|NUC, let me see that11:46
lotus|NUCquxgyver: does gparted show your devices ontop?11:46
lotus|NUCquxgyver: ok, pick one and format11:47
quxgyverYeah I mean, I've tried creating a partition out of the unallocated space and then formatting it.11:47
quxgyverIt doesn't make any difference. The device is not showing up in the file manager11:48
lotus|NUCquxgyver: try to format the deive fully right11:48
lotus|NUCJunior: feel free to share us a pastebin of your sources, volunteers might take a look11:49
quxgyverOr like, what should I do in addition to what I've already done11:49
Juniorlotus|NUC i use digital ocean so i have deb https://repos.sonar.digitalocean.com/apt main main11:50
lotus|NUCJunior: im more interested of your ubuntu sources11:51
lotus|NUCquxgyver: i mean do you use your whole device format, or did you try a second partition next to the existing?11:51
Futurianapt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade11:52
Juniori don't see them being used though..11:53
* Futurian realises not looking at the latest page of text in IRC client... *doh*11:53
lotus|NUCJunior: you see there are trusty sources in there, try to remove those sudo apt update after11:54
Juniorlotus|NUC, they are commented out11:55
lotus|NUCJunior: check your software&soures please?11:55
lotus|NUCJunior: see if anything is enabled as it should11:55
Juniorlotus|NUC, this is a server, no desktop11:56
lotus|NUCJunior: what gives: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade please?11:57
Juniorlotus|NUC- https://pastebin.com/CyxNK5vQ11:58
Junioryou are correct, i have another server which i haven't upgraded yet and the kernel version reported is the same as the ones that are already upgraded...11:59
lotus|NUCJunior: this is how mine looks like: https://hastebin.com/vegususomo.shell12:01
Juniori have generated a list of repos and this are - https://pastebin.com/tcPTS3jP12:01
quxgyverlotus|NUC: No no, I always did the entire device12:01
quxgyverthe problem was that when i formatted with Disk, it left me with unallocated space12:01
quxgyverso I used GParted to partition the entire device, and then reformat it12:01
quxgyverI just tried rebooting12:01
lotus|NUCquxgyver: ok good, now after the format try a terminal: tail -f /var/log/syslog and plugin yur device12:02
quxgyverthe devices now show up but both have a lost+found folder that I'm not allowed to access12:02
quxgyveris there reason for concern?12:02
Juniorlotus|NUC, after i used that source and ran apt-get update && upgrade i get - https://pastebin.com/bL5dtrcq12:02
Juniorok to upgrade?12:02
lotus|NUCJunior: yes12:02
lotus|NUC!info linux-image-generic bionic | Junior is what you should get12:03
ubottuJunior is what you should get: linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 15 kB12:03
Juniorone sec to upgrade the others, then will do the kernel12:07
ducassequxgyver: the lost+found folder is a feature of the filesystem and perfectly normal12:07
Juniorupdate-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-4.15.0-34-generic12:07
quxgyvernow I can't even use my newly-formatted devices12:08
quxgyverwhy the hell is formatting stuff so insanely complex on linux12:08
quxgyverI feel like I just destroyed two perfectly good storage devices12:08
quxgyverjust by doing the most plain and vanilla format ever12:08
quxgyverand every troubleshooting step is just making it weirder and worse12:09
Juniorit generated /boot/initrd.img-4.15.0-35-generic , will reboot now and see if it comes back online :)12:09
illuminatedquxgyver: you didn't destroy the devices.  they can always be reformatted12:10
Juniorit came back with the same kernel12:10
JuniorLinux blade 3.13.0-52-generic #85-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 29 16:44:17 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux12:10
quxgyverilluminated: how though12:10
quxgyverformatting with fdisk or gparted does nothing12:11
quxgyverthe devices just wont work after format12:11
ducassequxgyver: fdisk doesn't format, it just creates partitions12:11
lotus|NUCJunior: reboot perhaps?12:11
quxgyvernot fdisk12:11
Juniorlotus|NUC i have rebooated12:11
Juniortwice :)12:11
illuminatedquxgyver: first you create the partition, and then you put the file system on it..(format it).  The fs can be ntfs, ext4, fat, etc.12:12
lotus|NUCJunior: thats weird man12:12
Juniormaybe it's a restriction from digitalocean12:12
Juniorthis is the first time i've done dist upgrade there, on my local servers had no problems12:13
lotus|NUCJunior: could be that your external ppa's are interfering, but apt doesnt gives us errors so..12:13
quxgyverilluminated: I've done both12:13
quxgyverdevices won't work12:13
illuminatedquxgyver: how are you doing this?12:13
lotus|NUCquxgyver: give us the tail errors please12:13
illuminatedare you booted into a livecd or what?12:14
Juniorlotus|NUC the bright side is that i have the php-fpm active (running) when it came back from reboot, now if i try to restart it, it fails :)12:14
lotus|NUCJunior: its not safe to still be running an older, unsafe kernel, you need to fix this fast mate12:15
i4hi there12:16
quxgyverlotus|NUC: What's a tail error12:16
i4Try to use Logitech G930 under ubuntu 18.0412:16
quxgyverilluminated: GUI and terminal in ubuntu12:16
i4But no 7.1 sound12:16
lotus|NUCquxgyver: scroll up, i asked you to pastebin12:16
i4Maybe someone knows how to setup the Logitech G930 headset under the ubuntu for 7.1 mode?12:16
lotus|NUCJunior: waitup for leftyfb, he might know howto12:18
quxgyverlotus|NUC / illuminated: It looks like I somehow lost ownership of the devices when formatting them12:18
quxgyverso... I'm gonna look into reclaiming them and see what that does12:18
illuminatedcan you not chown them?12:19
Juniorlotus|NUC i know, let me see why, brb 5 minutes, have to step out12:20
quxgyverI'm trying12:20
KristhianWhat is the command to check the if the ip has a reverseDNS?12:21
leftyfbKristhian: host <Ip address>12:22
leftyfbJunior: is this a VPS?12:22
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=== anonymousK is now known as kundancool
leftyfbJunior: If you're running a VPS or some sort of container, you're using a shared kernel across the platform. There's nothing you can do about that. Pay for a dedicated or colo server. Or worse, go with a shared platform and not have any real linux access to anything.12:24
quxgyverI... think it worked12:25
quxgyverknock on wood12:25
quxgyverthanks a lot for taking the time to help12:25
quxgyverone of the most messed up formatting experienced ever12:25
quxgyverbrings me back to the win 95 days of screwing around with partitions as a kid and messing up badly :D12:25
ducasseJunior: if this is digitalocean you need to select the kernel in their web ui12:25
leftyfbducasse: didn't know that was a thing. What's the utility of that?12:26
Cheezthey have different images with different kernel builds in them, you can pick which build you'd like12:27
ducasseJunior: there is (or at least used to be) a dropdown to select from a list of prepared kernels. if you create a droplet from a later release you just update the kernel with grub as on real hardware, though.12:27
ducasseJunior: i think they changed this after trusty12:27
KristhianAnyway does someone knows here how do i forward Reverse dns?12:27
lotus|NUCCheez: how come their not up to date? thats like a not-updated trusty kernel12:28
leftyfbKristhian: what do ou mean?12:28
leftyfbdamn, can't keyboard today12:28
KristhianFor example i have it set one on dns afraid12:28
leftyfbKristhian: Sorry, can you try that in better English?12:28
KristhianHehe, again. Sorry12:29
KristhianOk, so i have set one in dns afraid - are you guys familiar with dns afraid?12:30
KristhianIts a free dns hosting12:30
leftyfbKristhian: You cannot set reverse DNS on ip addresses unless you are authoritative for those ip addresses (you're not)12:32
KristhianActually i am12:32
leftyfbKristhian: oh? How'd you get that?12:32
KristhianI have an account in vultr12:33
KristhianJust trying to study it12:33
leftyfbKristhian: I would contact the owner of your IP address and ask them about being authoritative and reverse DNS for the ip address. I think you might be misunderstanding.12:34
KristhianI changed it here though12:35
KristhianYou see that kitoy.chickenkiller.com12:35
leftyfbKristhian: host
leftyfb18.197.76.45.in-addr.arpa domain name pointer kitoy.chickenkiller.com.12:36
leftyfbit's working12:36
leftyfbKristhian: mind you, that has absolutely nothing to do with ubuntu. Please keep on topic moving forward.12:37
KristhianAnyway why in my end it is still showing as vultr.com12:38
KristhianLast question12:38
leftyfbKristhian: again, that is not related to ubuntu. But check which DNS servers you're using. Use nslookup and dig to do the lookups against the vultr DNS servers and the ones you're using12:40
leftyfbKristhian: also make sure you don't have it hard coded in /etc/hosts12:40
KristhianOk, thanks though12:41
mousesDNS can be such a pain12:42
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UNIm95Hi together. I have problem with keytabs. I can create working keytabs only with rc4-hmac encryption. I'm able to create keytab with ktutil, but i can not get kerberos key to authenticate.13:20
UNIm95I'm able to create keytab with ktutil, but i can not get kerberos key to authenticate. I have Windows active directory as domain controller and ubuntu 18.04 as clients13:20
UNIm95kinit throws fail Preauthentication failed while getting initial credentials.13:20
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Juniori have wrong output in uname-a , it reports a kernel from 16.04 when i have 18.04 installed https://pastebin.com/hzKNeNRn13:41
Juniorupdate-initramfs -u did not worked13:41
simpledatWhere can I download ubuntu 32 bit?13:44
enzotibsimpledat, you can find 32bit versione of 16.04: http://releases.ubuntu.com/xenial/13:48
simpledatenzotib: What about Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS 32bit?13:48
nikolamI have troubles installing and running OSes as a VirtualBox guest and Ubuntu as ahost.13:48
nikolamSo aether it's about Linux kernel in Ubuntu or VirtualBox13:49
enzotibsimpledat, there is no 32 bit version of 18.04 on that same site, I suppose it is no longer developed13:49
nikolamenzotib, I thonk there is 32-bit Ubuntu, just not offered to be installed anymore, nor officially supported.13:49
Juniorlotus|NUC, thank you for your time, if somebody else come here that is using droplets from digital ocean and has the servers created a long time ago, tell them to power off the machines - https://www.digitalocean.com/docs/droplets/how-to/kernel/grubloader/#switch13:50
simpledatenzotib: Thanks13:50
lotus|NUCJunior: scroll back to what ducasse & leftyfb suggested please13:58
gpunknikolam install the gests modules :)14:03
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pragmaticenigmasimpledat, enzotib, nikolam_ : there is a 32 bit install of 18.04 available. There are no longer build images of the Desktop ISO however. You need to use the mini.iso 32bit offering which will install Ubuntu in 32bit edition.14:05
pragmaticenigmaIt is a network install method, which means you will need to have an active internet connection when installing. The extra bonus is that all packages installed will already be their most up-to-date versions offered, so no need to wait through a sytem update when done installing14:06
pragmaticenigma!mini | enzotib, simpledat, nikolam14:08
ubottuenzotib, simpledat, nikolam: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD14:08
enzotibthanks pragmaticenigma14:09
nikolamyeah, I used to use minimal image to install 32-bi, even in 16.04 time.14:12
lorddoskiashello shouldn kvm_intel module have parameters for l1tf mitigation i.e vmentry_*14:26
lorddoskiascurrently i only see: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PQpJvR5cNF/14:27
pragmaticenigmalorddoskias: That might be a question you'd have to ask as either a bug report or contact the team developing kvm. To me, I don't think it would, as the host system should provide the protection needed as the patch would be applied there.14:30
lorddoskiaspragmaticenigma: the thing is if i want to disable the mitigation for KVM14:32
kiskuCan not run 0 A.D game on ubuntu 18.04.1, GNOME 3.28.2,  Intel dual core 32bit, 4GB ram14:32
pragmaticenigmalorddoskias: Are you certain that the validation isn't responding to the exposed values through the hypervisor, and not the KVM instance?14:33
lorddoskiaspragmaticenigma: i don't understand the question14:34
lorddoskiashttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/KnowledgeBase/L1TF this page says that the l1 cache flushing behavior can be controller by kvm-intel.vmentry_l1d_flush kernel command line options14:34
lorddoskiasand this just means setting the vmentry_l1d_flush option of the kvm-intel module and my intel module doesn't have this option, so that's what i'm asking14:34
pragmaticenigmalorddoskias: You would have to research what version that was applied to, then file a bug report to launchpad to get the patch backported to the version supported in Ubuntu14:36
lorddoskiasi'm running 18.04 so according to https://usn.ubuntu.com/3740-1/ -> linux-image-4.15.0-32-genericĀ -Ā 4.15.0-32.3514:37
pragmaticenigmalorddoskias: why are you referring to a kernel version when asking about kvm modules?14:37
lorddoskiasactually i'm on 16.04 and it says linux-image-4.15.0-32-genericĀ -Ā 4.15.0-32.35~16.04.114:37
lorddoskiasbecause the modules are shipped as part of the kernel, no ?14:38
pragmaticenigmalorddoskias: Are you running the stock kernel or running HWE or mainline?14:39
pragmaticenigmalorddoskias: You may want to asking in #ubuntu-kernel ... More than likely, they will encourage you to file a bug report though.14:42
lorddoskiasthat's what i did eventually14:42
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gloomyHi :)15:08
gloomyWhat tool do you suggest for advanced keyboard shortcuts/macros ?15:08
gloomyI'd really like to have chorded shortcuts too (two-step shortcuts, not sure how they're called)15:09
gpunkit s usually at application level ....15:09
MoL0ToVhi to all15:10
MoL0ToVhi to all i have a problem with cups, someone can help me?15:11
pragmaticenigmagloomy: There is a built in editor for OS shortcuts, no need for an add on. As gpunk mentioned, most applications have their own set of shortcuts. You should read up on the documentation for your applications to find out what they are.15:14
pragmaticenigma!details | MoL0ToV15:14
ubottuMoL0ToV: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.15:14
gpunkis cupsd running ?15:14
gloomyWhat about slightly more advanced stuff (like: look up selection on google, react to an image on screen, etc)?15:16
pragmaticenigmagloomy: those would have to be features provided by the applications themselves15:16
gloomy(I can make scripts for it by hand of course, but I was hoping for a somewhat unified approach)15:17
pragmaticenigmagloomy: There might be, but I have no seen anything. Your question might receive better answers in #ubuntu-offtopic ... but I'd suggest doing some google searching for a specific feature and see where that leads you15:18
gloomyThanks. :)15:19
MoL0ToVi have a problem with cups, i tryed to purge cups via apt and reinstall but after that the cups server don't starts anymore15:19
pragmaticenigmaMoL0ToV: have you tried rebooting15:20
MoL0ToVpragmaticenigma, yes15:23
gpunkcan you do a tailf /var/log/syslog for example while restarting it ?15:23
MoL0ToVyes just a moment15:24
gpunkor tail -f15:26
gpunk /etc/cups/cupsd.conf  this file is missing as you can see ,15:28
gpunkcan you do :dpkg-reconfigure cups-daemon   ?15:29
CoolerZi need 2 packages TclMagick and TkMagick15:36
gpunkgreat to know :)15:36
CoolerZwhere can i find them? this documentation doesn't seem to say https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/+source/graphicsmagick15:36
CoolerZon ubuntu 18.0415:36
CoolerZare they in that package or no?15:37
leftyfbCoolerZ: they are not15:38
CoolerZleftyfb, how do you know?15:39
leftyfbCoolerZ: because I looked15:40
CoolerZwhere does it say ?15:40
CoolerZwhich section?15:40
leftyfbCoolerZ: apt-cache search and apt-file search15:40
CoolerZis it the build-dependencies section?15:40
leftyfbCoolerZ: apt-cache search and apt-file search15:41
leftyfbCoolerZ: a package information page isn't typically going to tell you all the things it DOESN'T include15:41
CoolerZleftyfb, no i mean where are the things that it DOES include15:41
CoolerZis it the build-dependencies section?15:42
CoolerZalso apt-cache search for those 2 packages didn't give any results15:43
leftyfbCoolerZ: apt-file list graphicsmagick15:44
leftyfbCoolerZ: which means there's no package with those names in it's name/description15:44
CoolerZleftyfb, so which package contains those 2 packages that i need?15:45
leftyfbCoolerZ: none15:45
CoolerZfyi the reason i need those 2 are because i want to build ffes15:46
CoolerZand its install notes say "NOTE: The new code for importing image data into FFES requires the15:46
CoolerZ      TclMagick and TkMagick packages. These are available in packages15:46
CoolerZ  for various Linux distributions;"15:46
leftyfbCoolerZ: Ubuntu 18.04 is not one of those distributions15:47
pragmaticenigmaCoolerZ: No distribution is it would seem... You might need to do a little research, or reach out to the group developing that application.15:48
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CoolerZpragmaticenigma, what? how do you know that?15:51
CoolerZthe software is cross platform15:51
CoolerZalthough it is from 200715:52
leftyfbCoolerZ: jeezus. Those 2 packages/files a NOT available in Ubuntu 18.04 or 16.04. Go contact the project maintainer with questions/complaints.15:52
pragmaticenigmaCoolerZ: The TclMagick and TkMagick are listed as Alpha release on the project's hosting site/sourceforge. The last updated was 2013. Do a little google searching and you will find the same information that I am15:52
dbff2my python installation is messed up15:53
dbff2anyone can help me fix it? I used sudo15:53
dbff2and now its broken15:53
pragmaticenigmaCoolerZ: All those are were/are iterfaces for the ImageMagick library. You need to contact the development team of the program you are trying to build for alternatives. Or find a different software solution that doesn't have that requirement.15:53
pragmaticenigmadbff2: what did you run that caused python to break?15:54
dbff2I should clarify, python actually works fine15:54
dbff2pip3 is messed up15:54
dbff2I can't install packages15:54
FurretUberHi, I'm trying to use Thunderbird to subscribe to https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/newpkg?format=rss but it keeps failing, bionic-backports and bionic-updates RSS feeds worked15:54
dbff2I have to run python3 -m pip install ...15:54
dbff2when I run pip3 I get ImportError: cannot import name 'main'15:55
pragmaticenigmaFurretUber: Did you try accessing that via a web browser15:55
FurretUberWhen removing the ?format=rss from the page I can access with the browser15:56
pragmaticenigmaFurretUber: that isn't what I asked15:56
pragmaticenigmadbff2: what were you installing or running with pip3 before it started failing?15:57
pragmaticenigmaFurretUber: The URL as written... can you access it?15:57
FurretUberI tried and it just keeps a gray screen (Opera Developer)15:57
dbff2pragmaticengma I wish I remembered15:57
pragmaticenigmaFurretUber: Which would mean...15:58
dbff2Its been broken for few weeks15:58
CoolerZpragmaticenigma, no i mean how did you find out that its not available for ANY linux distro?15:58
pragmaticenigmadbff2: You might want to try and reinstall it with apt15:58
pragmaticenigmaCoolerZ: The project appears abandoned and is listed as Alpha version. Distributions rarely include alpha versions of software in their distributions.15:59
dbff2pragmaticenigma already did apt-get purge15:59
FurretUberOpera Developer is able to open RSS feeds, but the Ubuntu ones from https://packages.ubuntu.com always lead to the gray screen15:59
dbff2and reinstalled it15:59
dbff2but again messed up15:59
dbff2is this the default location? /usr/bin/pip316:00
FurretUberFor example, the Xubuntu feed from https://xubuntu.org/feed/ works both in Opera Developer and Thunderbird16:00
FurretUberWhile the feed from https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic-backports/newpkg?format=rss work in Thunderbird but does not work in Opera Developer16:01
pragmaticenigmaFurretUber: If the page won't load in a webbrowser... why would it work in Thunderbird... they are both attempting to access the same resource...16:01
FurretUberAnd https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/newpkg?format=rss does not work in neither of them16:01
pragmaticenigmaFurretUber: What i'm trying to help you see is that if you can't access it in a browser, Thunderbird most certainly won't work either16:01
pragmaticenigmaFurretUber: And if it isn't working in the webbrowser, then it's likely an issue on the server that is hosting the page... which means you'll have to wait until said server is updatied16:02
FurretUberThe https://packages.ubuntu.com are broken on Opera for some time already, they never worked there16:02
FurretUberBut the question is: why the feed from bionic-backports work while the feed from bionic does not?16:03
FurretUberOn Thunderbird, as Opera case is different16:03
pragmaticenigmaFurretUber: The bionic page is 12MB in size, that's a lot of XML to process in a parser. bionic-backports has one entry currently and a much smaller size.16:05
kumoolHow can you disable the cd/dvd drive?16:06
FurretUberSo, Thunderbird can't process information from large pages?16:06
pragmaticenigmakumool: You can't... unless you physically remove it's power source16:06
kumoolwell, thanks pragmaticenigma16:06
gpunkwell you can disable the module ?16:07
pragmaticenigmaFurretUber: I'm saying it's likely timing out while trying to process it16:07
FurretUberI suppose this is a bug in Thunderbird, then?16:07
pragmaticenigmagpunk: not recommended16:07
pragmaticenigmaFurretUber: No16:07
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FurretUberSo... how do I enable the RSS feed for bionic?16:07
kumoolgpunk, I'm planning on using a usb drive instead because the internal one is faulty, so if I disable it, could i still have another load another drive?16:08
gpunkif it s faulty , better remove it,16:08
pragmaticenigmaFurretUber: I'm trying... over and over and over... to tell you... there is nothing you can do. It's mostly server side at the moment. In addition, it's a 12 MB file... that's huge in the sense of XML processing16:09
kumoolgpunk, yeah but then i'd have a giant hole on the laptop which might would allow critters to get in16:09
gpunkuse duck tape :)16:09
kumoolI was thinking of cardboard but that's good too16:09
kumoolI will though! thanks :D16:10
gpunkyes you can have a second cd/dvd-usb16:10
MoL0ToVsomeone can help me with xerox sane driver? my xerox multifunction printer is not detected by sane16:11
gpunkis it supported ?16:11
kumoolbefore doing that, why is it not recommended pragmaticenigma ?16:11
gpunkMoL0ToV: ^16:12
MoL0ToVyes, exists a linux driver for my network printer and network scanner, in ubuntu 16.04 works very good but in 18.04 don't work16:13
gpunkhave looked at your dmesg  / syslog ?16:13
MoL0ToVthe first problem is that cups admin authentication don't work16:14
pragmaticenigmakumool: It may disable other components, may raise bugs, it's hard to predict. I don't recommend disabling hardware modules like that... in addition to forgetting that you disabled it later when you have a replacement part16:15
MoL0ToVif i click on add printer the browser don't authenticate me with a user and password request16:15
MoL0ToVso i'm unable to add a printer16:16
gpunklog in as root ?16:16
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Sven_vB_where are gio file attributes saved?16:17
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MoL0ToVgpunk, i don't use root admin i use sudo16:18
gpunkyou lunch the browser with sudo ? i dont understand you16:19
MoL0ToVno i launch the prowser as default user16:21
gpunkthen you log in as who ?16:21
MoL0ToVthen i expect that browser ask me for password16:22
* Sven_vB uses sudo -b system-config-printer16:22
MoL0ToVwhen i click on add printer16:22
Sven_vBMoL0ToV, add the printer outside of your browser16:22
MoL0ToVbut the browser don't ask me for a user and password so i can't authenticate16:22
gpunkcheck if you have cookies ... just a guess16:23
Sven_vBMoL0ToV, use the printer settings dialog to add the printer, restart your browser and then the printer should show up in the browser.16:23
Sven_vB+system+ printer settings dialog16:23
kumoolpragmaticenigma, mmm not buying a replacement part, looking at new laptops it seems they have less and less dvd drives now, so i'm pretty sure it will all be external usb drives soon (5 years?) but I still want to try, if weird things happen I'll deal with them as they happen16:24
kumoolI was planning on disabling a lot of things since this laptop has a lot of crap on it, (a netcard adapter!? what!?)16:25
kumoolanyway thanks all16:26
pragmaticenigmakumool: Might I suggest this then: Write all the steps you do down. That will help with troubleshooting any issues that arise later16:26
kumoolalright, Will do, cheers16:27
Sven_vBFurretUber, you could use some auxiliary server that cuts off all but the most recent 20 entries from that RSS. that way you might miss lots when a big burst of news is posted, but at least you'll know that there are some news.16:27
MoL0ToVSven_vB, if i user xfce printer settings i cannot install printer via ddns but only via fixed ip address that changes every time i restart the router...16:27
Sven_vBMoL0ToV, is xfce your primary DE?16:28
gpunkcan you configure the router to give it a fixed ip ?16:28
MoL0ToVSven_vB, the only16:28
Sven_vBMoL0ToV, are the xfce printer settings you mentioned, the same as sudo -b system-config-printer?16:28
MoL0ToVSven_vB, yes i just tryed16:29
Sven_vBMoL0ToV, ok. does your printer have a hostname? assuming it's "printer", try to ping printer.local16:30
MoL0ToVSven_vB, i don't know the printer hostname16:30
MoL0ToVi try to print a configuration page16:30
Sven_vBMoL0ToV, scan avahi for available printers then :)16:31
gpunksome printer can be configured to not use dhcp16:31
Sven_vBMoL0ToV, also, which version of Ubuntu?16:32
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Sven_vBoh right, you might want to consider configuring your router to always assign the same IP to your printer (identified by its MAC).16:32
Sven_vBlet's try avahi though because it's neat. :D16:33
MoL0ToVi use the android phone as router i cant configure dhcp16:33
Sven_vBthe sane thing to do would be to put a real router in between.16:33
MoL0ToVi can't , i use thethering to surf the web16:34
lorddoskiasi've installed ubuntu-server on a dell r610 with uefi boot enabled but i'm not able to boot ubuntu after the install it just drops to a grub shell16:34
Sven_vBMoL0ToV, let's pretend the tethering reason were valid. ;P do you know how to scan avahi?16:35
MoL0ToVno i don't know16:36
* Sven_vB checks16:36
Sven_vBavahi-browse --ignore-local --no-db-lookup --all --terminate |& tee -- avahi-scan.txt16:37
MoL0ToVi want to configure a url to printer not a fixed ip address16:37
Sven_vByeah let's see if we can construct a URL for your printer.16:37
m1cr0st4t3I have a website I'm hosting on a seperarte port for testing. How can change my broswer to listen to test.com on test.com:1234 instead of test.com:80? I am using firefox.16:37
MoL0ToVSven_vB, avahi-scan.txt is zero byte16:37
gpunkit is not FF that listens16:38
Sven_vBm1cr0st4t3, usually "listen" is what the servers do. you could use firewall rules to redirect firefox's connection attempts to port 80 to the other port.16:38
leftyfbwhich would break all other sites16:38
Sven_vBMoL0ToV, is your printer on currently? =)16:38
m1cr0st4t3gpunk: Is there a simple way to set a rule that makes it always listen to test.com on 1234 instead of 8016:38
gpunkor configure the virtualhost / apache to listen on another port16:38
MoL0ToVSven_vB, yes16:38
Sven_vBleftyfb, m1cr0st4t3, of course that firewall rule should be host specific.16:39
m1cr0st4t3gpunk: well my live version is on port 80 so I don't want to use that16:39
Sven_vBm1cr0st4t3, you could also configure a proxy that redirects the requests.16:39
Sven_vBm1cr0st4t3, putting the port in the URL isn't an option, is it?16:39
gpunkcheck virtualhost on apache website16:39
m1cr0st4t3Sven_vB: No because as soon as you click a link it goes back to live site16:40
m1cr0st4t3Sven_vB: A proxy server might work16:40
Sven_vBor fix the website.16:40
leftyfbm1cr0st4t3: setup the site elsewhere on port 80 and set an entry in your /etc/hosts to point your domain to the different ip16:40
m1cr0st4t3gpunk:  again I don't want to change it on the serverside I know how to do that already16:40
leftyfbm1cr0st4t3: what you're asking isn't trivial16:41
m1cr0st4t3leftyfb: this particular server only has one static ip16:41
Sven_vBMoL0ToV, are you sure avahi/bonjour is enabled on your printer? because it should show up in the scan if it were advertising.16:41
leftyfbm1cr0st4t3: so make a local server in a container or VM16:41
m1cr0st4t3leftyfb: I'm not onsite16:42
leftyfbm1cr0st4t3: local, as in your workstation16:42
gpunkm1cr0st4t3  site:xyz should work, clear up your browser's cache/cookies and retry16:43
Sven_vBMoL0ToV, is the phone network IPv4? are the first 3 octets of the DHCP IPs always the same?16:43
m1cr0st4t3leftyfb: It would take days to setup my laptop to mimick this server. I'll try a proxy server.16:43
leftyfbm1cr0st4t3: pretty sure you would need a reverse proxy16:44
leftyfbm1cr0st4t3: good luck16:44
m1cr0st4t3gpunk: Yes it will work on the inital page but as soon as I click a link it will go back to the original without the port16:44
gpunkoh i see16:44
MoL0ToVSven_vB, ipv4 yes16:44
gpunkyou ll have to edit the html pages to include the port then16:44
gpunkin the links16:44
leftyfbm1cr0st4t3: links should be relative16:44
gpunkthet is normal behavior16:44
leftyfbrelative links should include the port16:45
m1cr0st4t3gpunk: Yeah I'm not doing that hense why I want to use a proxy16:45
MoL0ToVin wondows 10 the printer works and uses network name to configure the printer so if the ip changes is ok16:45
alterjsivewhy is it that everytime I get a kernell update, i can't boot anymore with raid 116:45
alterjsivesoftware raid 116:45
alterjsivebios software raid 1*16:46
pragmaticenigmaalterjsive: what do you normally have to do to restore your raid?16:47
alterjsivepragmaticenigma, there is nothing wrong with my raid, it's intact according to intel raid tooling16:48
alterjsivewhen I boot windows16:48
pragmaticenigmaalterjsive: that didn't answer my question, what are you doing to get it working again with Ubuntu?16:49
alterjsivepragmaticenigma, I can choose to switch to master or slave in the bios in case anything goes wrong16:49
alterjsivepragmaticenigma, I tried boot-repair16:50
alterjsivepragmaticenigma, to be honest i don't understand how software raid works, but my bios is supposed to handle it for me16:50
pragmaticenigmaalterjsive: I don't believe it is software raid... typically a bios control means there is a chip involved.16:52
Sven_vBMoL0ToV, try check the printer options for avahi/bonjour and enable it if you find it. also check the hostname. and see if you could configure a static IP, because that would be the next easiest thing besides avahi.16:53
alterjsivepragmaticenigma, I can reinstall kubuntu again and again, it works for a while and then it just doesn;t boot anymore16:53
MoL0ToVSven_vB, i print only for windows. tomorrow i downgrade to 16.04 that works perfectly16:54
Sven_vBMoL0ToV, good luck then. :)16:54
pragmaticenigmaalterjsive: I think the issue lies more in how your machine is configured than it being an Ubuntu specific problem. If this is a software raid, then Ubuntu would need to run software to manage the software raid to ensure it's not corrupting the raid.16:57
stevenmorning guys, how can I change the global nameservers on ubuntu servers (18.04) for some odd reason systemd-resolve --status lists a global server that doesnt exist anymore and I think thats why I have issues with the networking process16:58
stevenit used to exist, I changed it and removed the line from interfaces.d/interface but for some reason its.. cached?16:58
gpunkedit /etc/resolv.conf ?16:58
pragmaticenigmasteven: caching is what I was going to assume16:59
Sven_vBsteven, do you use network manager to configure your network?16:59
naccsteven: the interfaces file is only read at ifup/ifdown time16:59
naccsteven: so unless you reset networking, i don't think it will have any effect16:59
naccsteven: what gpunk said, although if you're using systemd-resolve, you may need to do something ele16:59
naccsteven: `sudo systemd-resolve --flush-caches` maybe? i'd read the manpage17:00
naccalterjsive: wait, you're using software raid or fake raid?17:00
naccalterjsive: your bios has nothing to do with software raid17:01
phillhey guys, I'm affected by this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/1742769 how do I iuse that patch?17:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1742750 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1742769 [bionic-proposed] Pulseaudio 1:11.1-1ubuntu3 will not start due to invalid /etc/pulse/default.pa file" [Critical,Fix released]17:06
phillsorry, wrong link: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/174275017:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1742750 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "[bionic-proposed] Pulseaudio 1:11.1-1ubuntu3 will not start due to invalid /etc/pulse/default.pa file" [Critical,Fix released]17:06
gpunkwait for it ...17:07
Sven_vBphill, the thread says the fix was released in january17:08
gpunkyou ll have to download pulse audio sources and it s dependencies's sources17:08
gpunkpatch it17:08
gpunkand recompile it17:08
phillSven_vB: your'e right :-)17:09
Sven_vBphill, if I understand the change log excerpt correctly, any PulseAudio >= 1:11.1-1ubuntu4 should already have that patch included.17:09
thinkyhi there17:09
stevenflusing didn't help and its not in any of the configs in /etc either.17:09
thinkyi am using dual boot with win10 and ubuntu 18.0417:09
thinkybut comparing windows ubuntu is really heavy and not stable17:10
thinkyincreasing cpu temp17:10
thinkyi keep it uptodate but no improvement17:10
Sven_vBphill, also it looks like the patch is about just a config file /etc/pulse/default.pa , so you wouldn't need to re-compile anything, just edit that config and fix the newlines.17:10
thinkyany advise?17:10
Sven_vBthinky, is the CPU temperature your concern? or too much overall activity?17:11
thinkywell it just feels too heavy and slower17:11
thinkyplus cpu temp17:12
Sven_vBwhat do you mean with "heavier"? reaction time to user input?17:12
thinkyfor example while i am on firefox - facebook it scrolls wavy17:12
thinkynot smooth17:12
lolcat-007hello, i have problem with bluetooth speaker ubuntu bluetooth audio lag after i pause the audio player17:12
Sven_vBthinky, check whether there are better graphics drivers available17:12
thinkySven_vB:  how can i check? i am using thinkpad x201 with intel integrated graphics17:13
Sven_vBlolcat-007, I had the same problem. I somewhat solved it by having another player constantly play very quiet noise.17:13
pragmaticenigmalolcat-007: Bluetooth uses a buffer to transmit audio... the delay is the bluetooth device finishing playing back what's in the buffer17:14
Sven_vBthinky, should be in the system update settings17:14
thinkyit says no additional drivers available17:15
Sven_vBlolcat-007, oh right, is it a general lag or does the lag increase when the audio channel was idle for a while?17:15
Sven_vBthinky, keep a terminal with htop open and see if your system might be overloaded, or start to overload once you scroll.17:16
alterjsivesorry lost connection, it was fakeraid btw17:16
lolcat-007Sven_vB, no it just an audio lag when i pause the media player even i have lag in youtube17:16
Sven_vBlolcat-007, so you pause and audio continues to play for a few seconds? then unpause and it takes a few seconds until audio plays again?17:17
thinkySven_vB: only 1 tab is open in firefox and 2 terminal screen17:17
thinkycpu usage is over 60%17:17
thinkyit increases 90% ..17:18
Sven_vBthinky, as long as system load is below 1, CPU's not a problem.17:18
gpunkcan you run top to see what eating up the cpu ?17:18
thinkyfirefox is using 90%17:18
Sven_vBthinky, what are the loads?17:19
lolcat-007Sven_vB, no what i did is stop the bluetooth device and connect the speaker with the audio jack to the port of my computer but i really want to fix the issue17:19
gpunkwhat ubuntu do you have ? is it up to date ?17:19
thinkySven_vB: load avarage is 1.7717:19
Sven_vBthinky, I'll check which of them is which17:20
Sven_vBthinky, ok the left one is the most recent. (1 minute / 5 min / 15 min) does it look like load is going up or down?17:21
thinkyload is 2.04 - 1.74 now17:22
thinkywhen i move mouse it increases17:22
thinkywhen i dont touch laptop it decreases17:22
thinkynow 1.38 - 1.5917:23
Sven_vBlolcat-007, yeah there are at least 3 kinds of delay in BT audio, so we'll need to know which of them you have17:23
thinky1.15 - 1.5617:23
thinky1.05 - 1.5317:23
Jordan_Ualterjsive: Please run Boot Info Script from here: https://github.com/arvidjaar/bootinfoscript and pastebin the RESULTS.txt it produces. That will help make certain things more clear, like which drives are part of your FakeRAID, which OSs are installed on top of the FakeRAID, what kind of metadata is in use for the FakeRAID, etc.17:23
thinky1.20 - 1.5317:23
Sven_vBthinky, close firefox and see if it settles down17:24
Sven_vBthinky, so we know whether it's a firefox problem or your system is just busy itself17:24
thinkyyes significiantly decreased17:24
thinky0.65 - 1.3017:24
thinkyf.k firefox %^&*17:25
thinky0.46 - 1.2017:25
Sven_vBwell 0.6 is quite high for an idle system17:25
Sven_vByeah it takes a while to adapt since it's calculated over minutes17:26
lolcat-007Sven_vB, ok just tell me what do you need to know in order so solved the problem17:26
thinkygnome-shell cpu usage is high17:26
alterjsiveJordan_U, sorry i'm exhausted, I gave up for now I reinstalled my system again. I bookmarked your page , thanks ! it's a fight for another day17:26
thinkynot stable jumps between 7% to 50%+17:27
Sven_vBlolcat-007, keep a music player ready (paused), connect the BT device, unpause the music, count in your head (or stopwatch if you like) until you hear it playing; let it play a few more seconds; then pause and count how long it takes until music stops.17:28
Sven_vBlolcat-007, then quit the player, let the sound rest for a few minutes more, start the player again and test both reaction times again.17:29
Sven_vBthinky, do you want/need the special effects that gnome gives? else you might try a more light-weight DE17:30
Sven_vBthinky, also there may be a chance you can find tweaks for your graphics settings online. and check whether other browsers can render more smoothly; in that case your firefox settings might be suboptimal.17:32
thinkywell i really dont need visual effects17:33
Sven_vBthinky, give xfce a try :)17:33
wtfluxhi all i just installed an ubuntu server o/s on a virtualbox vm and im trying to get a NAT network adapter up and running here... so far i've added the interface to /etc/networking/interfaces and i now see the interface in ifconfig -a but i dont know how to restart the networking service...17:34
wtfluxsudo service networking restart is not working17:34
naccwtflux: what version of ubuntu?17:34
wtfluxthat's what uname -a is returning17:35
naccwtflux: that's your kernel, `lsb_release -sd`17:35
wtflux18..04.1 LTS17:35
naccwtflux: i'm guessing that's 18.04. If it's a fresh install of 18.04 server, then you are using netplan, not ifupdown, by default17:35
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thinkywell i was happy with Unity :/17:35
wtfluxyes thats right ifupdown is not installed17:35
naccwtflux: meaning /e/n/i is not used at all by default any longer17:35
wtfluxoh, ok.17:35
thinkywtf changing to gnome17:35
naccwtflux: you may want to seek guidance in #ubuntu-server, but the 18.04 release note and netplan.io have guide17:36
naccthinky: you can still use unity. just not the default.17:36
naccthinky: and please stick to support topics.17:36
ledeniwtflux: try 'sudo systemctl restart network.service'17:38
ledeniwtflux: check 'sudo systemctl status network.service'17:39
wtfluxthat returns a "Failed to restart network.service: Unit network.service not found"17:40
naccit's networking.service, ledeni17:40
naccand network.target (confusingly)17:40
ledeninacc: ok17:40
naccsystemctl also has tabcomplete, which you should both use :)17:40
wtfluxthe file /etc/netplan/networkd is blank on my system.. is that correct? shouldnt it be filled with some comments and perhaps a sample?17:43
naccwtflux: why would that be the filename?17:43
naccwtflux: netplan config files end in .yaml17:43
naccwtflux: did you read the release notes, or netplan.io?17:43
wtfluxim reading netplan.io17:44
cristian_cI've tried to blacklist a module in 18.0417:44
ryanxmanyone have any exp netbooting ubuntu over a usb eth dongle? it doesnt seem to include the r8152 driver and I am trying to figure out the best way to load it -- thanks17:45
cristian_cI've put a blacklist line in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf17:45
naccryanxm: you would need to put it in the initramfs that you are netbooting17:45
naccryanxm: and then possibly alter some scripts to ensure it is loaded (if it doesn't work automatically)17:45
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nacccristian_c: ok (hint, it helps to put your question in one line. you've written three, and yet to state a problem)17:46
cristian_cbut the module continues to be loaded at every boot, so I've tried also to type sudo update-initramfs -u, no success17:46
ryanxmnacc: I was hopping that wasn't the best solution; been trying that and havn't had the best luck repacking the initramfs17:46
naccryanxm: not sure what other solution would exist. If you are netbooting, there's nothing local. So you need to load over the network, which means you need networking to load the rest of the system.17:46
nacccristian_c: i assume with more paramters than just -u ?17:47
cristian_cnacc: I've tried also to use blacklist method in grub command line, no success. Unfortunately, 18.04 continues to ignore blaclklist. Any ideas?17:48
cristian_cnacc: and yes, I've tried just -u in update-initramfs command17:48
nacccristian_c: are you booting the 'newest' kernel?17:48
ryanxmnacc: true, it loads the files fine, but when it boots into the initramfs to being the installation process it fails detecting the network, kinda funny.  do you know of any tools that can help me load a driver into the initramfs or am i stuck unpacking and repacking manually?17:49
nacccristian_c: -u without arguments only updates the newest one, which might not be what you want17:49
cristian_cnacc: yes17:49
cristian_cI've loaded the first kernel on the top pf grub list17:49
naccryanxm: if you drop to a shell there can you get the network configured manually?17:49
nacccristian_c: did that match the one that you rebuilt hte initramfs for?17:49
ryanxmnacc: since the netboot initramfs doesn't include the driver, no, not that I could see17:50
cristian_cnacc: I can check it again, but I think so17:50
naccryanxm: sorry, i thought you said you had repacked it? or did you mean the stock initramfs above?17:50
cristian_c(typing update-initramfs, again)17:50
nacccristian_c: how did you blacklist on the kernel commandline?17:51
ioriaryanxm, some adapters are supported by the mini.iso; i did it with a ASIX AX88772  (asix module)17:51
naccioria: oh good point17:52
naccryanxm: yeah, which image are you trying to netboot?17:52
ryanxmnacc: no worries, ideally I would like to not have to unpack the initrd.gz file, drop the driver in and repack (as I have yet to succeed with that)17:52
cristian_cnacc: at runtime, by 'e' key, and appended blacklist line after quiet splash17:52
naccryanxm: sure, understood17:52
ryanxmnacc: the stock ubuntu one -- let me get you the source url if you need it17:52
nacccristian_c: yes, i know "how" you did it mechaniicaly. I meant what exact syntax you used.17:53
naccryanxm: desktop or server?17:53
cristian_cI don't remember exactly, but I've tested two ways17:53
ryanxmioria: thanks for the idea; ill take a look at mini.iso - is that officially supported by ubuntu?17:53
nacccristian_c: well, only one way actually works :)17:53
ioriaryanxm, yes17:53
ryanxmnacc: this would be for a desktop install, but aren't all netboots thin, i.e. server?17:54
cristian_cnacc: I've not stored the two strings, and if I've got it from askubuntu17:54
naccryanxm: well, it depends on *what* you netboot :)17:54
naccryanxm: you can netboot with just a kernel and initrd17:54
nacccristian_c: ok, please find what you did and put it in the channel when you can17:54
zetherooI have been using gthumb for years in Ubuntu and really like it but have also experienced a lot of app crashes and freezes which all too often freeze up the whole OS (Ubuntu). It doesn't happen immediately when starting to use gthumb, but rather it usually happens after going through a dozen or so photos and doing some basic color editing and saving. It's like over a period of some minutes performance gets gradually worse until it comple17:54
zetherootely freezes up and takes the whole OS down with it. Anyone else experience this kind of behaviour?17:54
cristian_cnacc: for example: nameofmodule.blacklist=yes17:55
ryanxmioria: thanks, i will def look into it17:56
cristian_ctried also modprobe.blacklist=nameofmodule17:56
ryanxmnacc: hmm  I am booting the initrd.gz from here http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/17:57
ryanxmpossibly can try to find the desktop version - that would be ideal since that should have all the drivers preloaded that I would need17:57
fubHi. Is this a gnome or xfce DE: https://twitter.com/taviso/status/1044275800436957188 ?18:09
ryanxmfub: looks like xfce18:09
ryanxmnacc, ioria: thanks for the info, Im gonna dig into this more and try out a few things -- hopefully I make a breakthrough, but should be pointed in the right direction now -- thanks a ton for the help!18:10
nacccristian_c: the former is not correct (nameofmodule.blacklist), afaik18:11
ioriaryanxm, no problem18:11
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naccryanxm: right, that's what i was thinking -- the desktop initrd may be more in line with what you need18:12
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cristian_cnacc: both don't work18:13
nacccristian_c: which version of ubuntu again?18:13
ryanxmnacc: offhand do you know where it is on archive.ubuntu.com?18:14
cristian_cnacc: always 18.0418:15
mottehi, does anyone have any tips on getting a realtek 8188 ftv based usb wifi adapter to work?18:17
nisankhindia_motte: connect it and try " sudo ubuntu-drivers list "18:18
naccryanxm: sorry, not off the top of my ehad18:18
nacccristian_c: ok18:18
motte the adapter shows up in dmesg and lsus18:18
ryanxmnacc: no worries, thanks again for the info18:18
Epx998Is there a good archive mirror for the current cosmic dev? the debian-install really doesnt like the ones im using18:19
naccmotte: so what is the issue then?18:19
naccEpx998: #ubuntu+1, use the main archive?18:19
motteit doesnt show up in lshw -C network, or in iwconfig18:19
Epx998trying that, gives me bad archive mirror18:19
Epx998http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/cosmic/ right?18:19
nisankhindia_motte: what is the output of " sudo ubuntu-drivers list " after connecting the USB wifi card of realtek18:20
motteubuntu-drivers list didnt return anything18:20
naccEpx998: id assume so, but please switch to #ubuntu+118:20
nisankhindia_motte:  so you are not able to use that card to connect to any wifi / access point ??18:21
nisankhindia_motte: than what is the issue ???18:21
naccnisankhindia_: i think they meant 'no, they are not able to use that card to connect'18:22
motteyeah thats what i meant.. i cannot see APs or connect to any18:23
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nisankhindia_motte: what is the output of this " sudo lshw -C network | grep 'Wireless' "18:23
mottedoesnt show the realtek usb card, only the built in intel interface of the laptop18:24
naccmotte: any messages/errors in `dmesg` ?18:25
nisankhindia_motte: just show us the sanpshot18:25
nisankhindia_motte: confirm first any soft/hard block restricted the card to work properly18:25
nisankhindia_motte: as you have two wifi cards in the same system now ( after conneting the USB one )18:26
mottewhat do you mean by soft/hard block? like a hardware switch? the usb card has none18:27
nisankhindia_motte: soft blcok is handled by kernel or system itself it does not require any physical switch18:27
nacc`rfkill list` can help18:27
motterfkill list shows that nothing is blocked18:28
nisankhindia_motte: after running the " sudo rfkill list " what is there mentioned as wireless device18:29
nisankhindia_motte: or say Wireless LAN18:29
motte0: phy0: Wireless LAN, i assume thats the built in wifi18:30
nisankhindia_motte: there should be another option about wireless18:30
nisankhindia_motte: wait18:31
nisankhindia_motte: comparing it with my test system18:31
nisankhindia_motte; yup you have to disable the inbuilt card first18:33
mottesoft block by rfkill or hardware switch?18:34
nisankhindia_motte: what are the output of " sudo lsusb " , sudo lspci -nnk | grep -iA2 net "18:35
nisankhindia_motte: there are several ways to do so , one is by identifying the cards and using simple ifconfig command you can achieve so , e.g if i do execute ifconfig it will show the interface name .. than we need to take it down by simple " sudo ifconfig <YOUR INTERNAL WIFI> down "18:38
nisankhindia_motte: as of now i have tested that in my system like this ( with two wifi cards ) https://ibb.co/gyYo1p18:39
mottethe usb card doesnt show up on lspci and shows up on lsusb as Bus 002 Device 010: ID 0bda:f179 Realtek Semiconductor Corp18:39
ubuntutrhow i can install for ubuntu install mod_geoip GeoIP GeoIP-devel GeoIP-data zlib-devel18:39
nisankhindia_motte: now run " ifconfig "18:40
ubuntutrhow i can install for ubuntu install mod_geoip GeoIP GeoIP-devel GeoIP-data zlib-devel18:40
nisankhindia_motte: lspci is not for USB connected devices18:40
motteyes i know, but you told me to run that18:40
nacc!repeat | ubuntutr18:40
ubottuubuntutr: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/18:40
naccubuntutr: specify the packages that contain what you need to apt-get18:41
motteusb card doesnt show up on ifconfig either18:41
nisankhindia_motte: lspci means LIST THE PCI DEVICES18:41
motteyes i know..18:41
nisankhindia_motte: just paste the ifconfig output18:41
naccnisankhindia_: motte, you'll want to pass -a to ifconfig18:42
motteyou literally told me to run sudo lspci -nnk | grep -iA2 net18:42
nacc(or use `ip a` which is the more likely to work everywhere command)18:42
nisankhindia_motte: that to know about more Internal card18:42
naccnisankhindia_: also, neither of those commands need sudo, afaik18:43
naccmotte: is that ifconfig or ifconfig -a ?18:43
nisankhindia_motte: by taking down the card using ifconfig , or place the internal card in blacklist , or dactive the internal card driver18:43
naccmotte: is there any difference in output with -a ?18:44
motteifconfig -a is exactly the same18:44
naccmotte: ok18:44
nisankhindia_motte : You can blacklist the card ( internal ) but that i would not suggest18:44
nisankhindia_motte: rather deactivate the internal card driver18:45
mottei tried blocking the internal wifi with sudo rfkill block 0, after that rfkill list showed the card as soft blocked18:45
qwebirc95665Hello, i try to transfer a VM-image to aa real hard drive, but i cant even see the hd. So i tried to google and found "sudo fdisk -l" I tried it, but it does give me some weard output instead of the easy thing i saw on the web. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zjccdScX4y/ can someone help me how i can find the other harddrive and mount it?18:45
qwebirc95665i found this on the web: https://askubuntu.com/questions/177825/how-to-mount-an-external-hdd18:46
ubuntutrhow i can install for ubuntu install mod_geoip GeoIP GeoIP-devel GeoIP-data zlib-devel18:47
nisankhindia_motte: if it is intel card ( internal ) than " sudo modprobe -r iwlwifi; sudo modprobe -b iwlwifi "18:47
qwebirc95665this was my startingpoint18:47
motteyeah that worked18:47
ubuntutrhow i can install geoip ???18:47
mottei mean it disabled the internal wifi, still cant see the usb card18:48
nisankhindia_motte: this means you have deactivated the internal card permanently18:48
nisankhindia_motte: sudo modprobe -r iwlwifi18:48
naccubuntutr: please stop asking the same question over and over again.18:48
naccubuntutr: i have told you what you need to do. If you would like to ask a more specific question, please go ahead.18:48
nisankhindia_motte: you may activate the same using the same method ref search man page of modprobe18:48
naccqwebirc95665: what do you mean, 'can't see the hd'?18:49
nisankhindia_motte: restart the system , than plug your USB card18:49
naccqwebirc95665: there are two disks mentioned in your fdisk output18:49
qwebirc95665nacc inside nautilus18:49
naccqwebirc95665: well, is it mounted?18:50
naccqwebirc95665: if it's not mounted, nautilus is the wrong tool18:50
qwebirc95665nacc how can i found it, i tried like on my rooted phon under /mnt/ but there was nothing18:50
naccqwebirc95665: well, again, is it mounted?18:50
qwebirc95665and why does it give me so much loops18:51
naccqwebirc95665: it would only be in /mnt or anywhere else in the fs hierarchy, if it was mounted18:51
naccqwebirc95665: why does that matter? probably snaps.18:51
qwebirc95665@nacc how can i tell if it is mounted?18:52
mottenisankhindia_: did that, still cant see it18:52
naccqwebirc95665: look in `mount` output for the disk you are looking for18:52
nisankhindia_motte: For all distros: git clone https://github.com/lwfinger/rtlwifi_new.git cd rtlwifi_new sudo make install sudo modprobe -r <<YOUR WIRELESS DRIVER CODE>> sudo modprobe <<YOUR WIRELESS DRIVER CODE>>  #### Option configuration If it turns out that your system needs one of the configuration options, then do the following:  vim /etc/modprobe.d/<<YOUR WIRELESS DRIVER CODE>>.conf   There, enter the line below: `options <<YOUR WIR18:53
nisankhindia_motte: >>=<value>`18:53
mottemy card is rtl8188ftv18:53
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nisankhindia_motte: realtek brand18:54
qwebirc95665@nacc i tried "mount | grep ntfs" but no output18:55
naccmotte: do you know that the adpter is actually supported under windows? https://wikidevi.com/wiki/Realtek says it was first seen only last month18:56
qwebirc95665@nacc since i know its a ntfs harddrive18:56
naccqwebirc95665: ok, so it's possibly not mounted18:56
naccqwebirc95665: i'm really confused, though. Was your VM windows? Or are you planning on overwriting that disk?18:56
qwebirc95665i think yes18:56
qwebirc95665i am planing to override that disk, but to safe some data first18:57
naccqwebirc95665: i see. then yes, you may need to mount it by hand18:57
naccqwebirc95665: is it an 8G disk or so?18:57
guardianhello, I'm using 18.04 desktop. I'm used to etckeeper when using other distros. With Ubuntu, is it normal that I see differences in /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants even without installing packages? It seems a simple reboot creates a lot of noise there18:58
qwebirc95665no its more like an 1tb harddrive18:58
qwebirc95665the 8gb stick is my lifesystem18:59
qwebirc95665with some 2gbcryptostorage in it18:59
dimmhello, All! what start point to solve trouble - after i enter login and password os go to sleep mode. Then i power on once again and working fine18:59
mottenacc: so youre saying it has no support under linux? or are you asking if it works under windows? havent tried that, but i assume it would18:59
nisankhindia_motte: do your system shows this output after running lsusb18:59
nisankhindia_motte: result something like Bus 002 Device 010: ID 0bda:f17918:59
naccqwebirc95665: you have two disks in your system, per the output you gave before, a 1TB drive with an EFI partition, two LVM VGs and a encrypted partition. and an 8G disk with 1.8G of empty space and an EFI partition. I don't see any ntfs partitions.18:59
mottei posted a screenshot a while ago with output of lsusb.19:00
naccmotte: i'm asking why you think it shold work under linux? :)19:00
mottewell, it was advertised as such, also i have yet to come across an usb device that doesnt19:00
naccmotte: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1008669/install-realtek-usb-driver-0bdaf179-on-ubuntu-16-0419:01
nacccomment from feb 24 says not supported in linux?19:01
naccmotte: where is it advertised as such?19:01
motteoh right19:01
qwebirc95665nacc thats my problem, i am confused, since i know there shuld be one19:01
deepfreezHello, :) what software you use in ubuntu to manage all your servers (ssh user/ip/pass) ?19:01
mottethanks a lot. i bought it from ebay for like 3 dollars, not even surprised. at least i know now19:02
naccmotte: that would be my guess, at least, i'm not a realtek person :)19:02
naccqwebirc95665: i don't know why you think that?19:02
nisankhindia_motte: read larry Finger notes how to make it working in linux ( larry finger is the offixcial developer and maintainer for realtek drivers for linux )19:02
naccqwebirc95665: i can only report to you what your system reports19:02
mottealright, thanks for your help!19:03
nisankhindia_motte: according to him it works with all distro19:03
ioriamotte, confirm. not supported. sy19:03
naccnisankhindia_: link?19:04
qwebirc95665nacc what can i do to see this harddrive?19:04
nisankhindia_nacc: linux kernel community19:04
naccnisankhindia_: ...19:04
naccnisankhindia_: so no, you don't have a link?19:04
nisankhindia_nacc: patchwork , you need to have kernel.org login19:04
nisankhindia_nacc: and i cant allow with my ID19:05
naccqwebirc95665: what hard drive? the 1tb hard drive is there. There is no ntfs partition listed19:05
naccnisankhindia_: if you can't provide a link (hey, guess what, you're not the only one with a patchwork login!), then please don't provide info here.19:05
qwebirc95665there should be 2 harddrives, exactly the same size19:05
nisankhindia_nacc: you can ask him at github link https://github.com/lwfinger19:05
naccqwebirc95665: there is only one listed19:05
dimmi imagine that ontebook got to sleep mode because i run it in dock-station with closed cap19:05
qwebirc95665nacc how can i list the other?19:05
naccqwebirc95665: so that's what you've been trying to say? there should be a second disk showing up?19:05
qwebirc95665NACC YES19:06
qwebirc95665srry capos19:06
naccqwebirc95665: check `dmesg` to see. Is it an internal disk? or USB?19:06
naccqwebirc95665: sorry, that was not clear to me before19:06
nisankhindia_nacc: kernel.org does not allow outsiders to be in that side so ask him at github19:06
naccnisankhindia_: ... i have no idea what you're talking about now. If you can't provide a link (even one that requires authentication), then plese don't cite things.19:07
naccnisankhindia_: the git repo you provided earlier, rtlwifi_new, does not mention the ftv device, but mentions many others.19:07
nisankhindia_nacc: read the link .. https://github.com/lwfinger19:07
nisankhindia_nacc: this is Larry Fingers official repository at github and at issu section anyone can see and ask or post the issues19:08
naccnisankhindia_: no. Provide a direct link or please stop. You are not helping anyone at this point.19:08
qwebirc95665nacc https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QpN8D78JR9/19:08
naccqwebirc95665: only two disks detected by your kernel (sda 1tb and sdb usb 8g)19:08
qwebirc95665wow you can read very fast19:09
naccqwebirc95665: i just knew what to look for in the output19:09
nisankhindia_nacc : read the kernel.org wiki and if they allow you or anyone else to login to the portal than .. i have no issues19:09
naccnisankhindia_: ok, seriously, just stop.19:10
qwebirc95665nacc how can i get ubuntu to read the other harddisk?19:10
naccqwebirc95665: is it an internal disk?19:10
nisankhindia_nacc: wait than showing you the snapshot19:11
qwebirc95665i pluged it in after boot19:11
naccqwebirc95665: you plugged an internal disk in after boot??19:11
qwebirc95665yes, like an usbstick19:11
qwebirc95665is this bad?19:11
naccqwebirc95665: it's a usb drive?19:11
qwebirc95665its like sata and power thing19:12
naccqwebirc95665: did it work before?19:12
qwebirc95665under windoof19:12
qwebirc95665but it was not mine windows. so i wanted to reset it19:12
qwebirc95665but the monitor is broken and windows didnt want to give a signal to my external monitor19:13
qwebirc95665so i installed ubuntu, and it worked19:13
naccqwebirc95665: and you're sure you didn't accidentally, say, insatll over the windows installation?19:13
qwebirc95665i cnt boot with the oher harddrive, since it want to boott the windows19:13
qwebirc95665and i cant install windoof blindly19:13
qwebirc95665i cant acces bios to disable this harddisk19:14
naccqwebirc95665: so if both disks are plugged in during boot, it fails to boot (doesn't show grub, just goes into windows and fails?)19:14
qwebirc95665and if i boot with both it will boot windows19:14
qwebirc95665shows nothing19:14
naccqwebirc95665: are you sure the controller in question supports hotplug, etc.19:14
qwebirc95665so i have to unplug to boot19:14
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naccqwebirc95665: you should be able to specify a disk to boot in bios, why cant you access the bios?19:15
qwebirc95665internal monitor of laptop is dead19:15
qwebirc95665and laptop has a grafic card, that seems to need drivers19:15
qwebirc95665how can i see if this has hotplug?19:15
nisankhindia_motte: we are here to sedn you the whole new driver package for your distribution , mail us your email id at nisankh@fedoraproject.org or Larry.Finger@lwfinger.net , link will be emailed to you shortly19:15
qwebirc95665bios = blank screen19:16
naccqwebirc95665: at this point, i dont' know if your second disk should show up or not, if you plug it in at runtime. I'm not sure we can help you19:16
qwebirc95665how can i find out if this supports hotplug?19:16
cristian_cnacc: any ideas?19:18
qwebirc95665its an aspire v3-772g if this helps19:18
ioriaqwebirc95665 in bios19:18
qwebirc95665i am blind in bios, i cant see it19:18
ioriaqwebirc95665 sata settings19:19
ioriaqwebirc95665 what you mean 'you're blind' ?19:19
qwebirc95665i dont get a signal inside bios19:19
qwebirc95665my monitor goes to energy safe mode19:19
R13oseHow come I getting this error "E: Failed to fetch https://repo.skype.com/deb/dists/stable/main/binary-amd64/Packages.bz2  File has unexpected size (2248 != 2459). Mirror sync in progress?"?19:20
ioriaqwebirc95665  you mean 'i cannot access bios settings ' ?19:20
qwebirc95665i can access, but i cant see19:20
EriC^^qwebirc95665: do you have a vga monitor?19:20
qwebirc95665yes, i tried vga and hdmi19:21
EriC^^qwebirc95665: try to reset the MB maybe it's some setting19:21
qwebirc95665i even unpluged the internal monitor in the hope bios would show something19:21
EriC^^this is a laptop?19:21
qwebirc95665yes an Aspire V3-772G19:22
nisankhindia_R13ose: this is identical issue , no worries . just wait for few moments . it will be resolved by the package or repository mainatainer of skype19:22
ioriaqwebirc95665, yep, remove for a minute or 2 the cmos battery :Ć¾19:22
nisankhindia_R13ose: it may also show you weak md5 , sha etc etc19:22
qwebirc95665ok i will try, i will come back19:23
ioriaqwebirc95665, joking man19:23
ioriaqwebirc95665, sy, i mean could be buried somewhere19:24
qwebirc95665may be it will then boot directly ubuntu without removinbg the oher partition19:24
EriC^^qwebirc95665:  you could modify the windows bootloader to put ubuntu19:24
qwebirc95665i am on ubuntu19:24
EriC^^using the bcdedit command19:24
qwebirc95665and if i could acces windows i would just backup my data there19:25
EriC^^can you briefly restate what you're trying to achieve/what the problem is?19:25
qwebirc95665i want to mount this NTFS harddrive with window s on it so safe data, then wipe it19:25
qwebirc95665if its in while boot, then i cant boot19:26
EriC^^ok so if you dont hot plug it, it's booting windows instead of ubuntu?19:26
EriC^^use a live usb instead19:26
EriC^^did you try that?19:26
qwebirc95665yes, but windows is reinstallig itself and dont support a grafical signal, so iu am blind in windows19:27
EriC^^i mean use a live usb with the disk plugged in during boot, is it booting the live session?19:27
qwebirc95665hm, thats a good idea19:27
qwebirc95665it should otherwise i know its supporting hotplug19:28
qwebirc95665i will try and come back, thank you19:28
EriC^^when you hotplug it what happens in "dmesg" ?19:28
EriC^^try "dmesg -w" then hotplug it19:29
qwebirc95665[ 4291.009774] audit: type=1400 audit(1537817391.800:1440): apparmor="DENIED" operation="create" profile="snap.konversation.konversation" pid=4825 comm=517420626561726572207468726561 family="netlink" sock_type="dgram" protocol=0 requested_mask="create" denied_mask="create"19:30
qwebirc95665this was the output19:30
EriC^^that's not related to it19:30
EriC^^let me see the paste 1 sec19:30
ioriaqwebirc95665, only see a sda19:31
EriC^^qwebirc95665: doesn't seem like it's seeing it plugged in at all19:31
qwebirc95665ok, then i will try life system,19:31
EriC^^qwebirc95665: does 'udevadm monitor' show anything when you plug it in?19:31
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qwebirc95665i try lifesysten,19:33
EriC^^qwebirc95665: if the live usb does not boot, try pressing "F12" as soon as the PC starts, (spam it) then try various entries blindly19:33
guardianhello, I'm using 18.04 desktop. I'm used to etckeeper when using other distros. With Ubuntu, is it normal that I see differences in /etc/systemd very often even without installing or upgrading packages? It seems a simple reboot creates a lot of noise there19:37
nisankhindia_guardian: yup it is normal , as etckeeper follows VCS to store19:42
nisankhindia_guardian : *repositories19:42
guardianbut I mean, it's the first time I see so much changes without me interacting with apt19:42
nisankhindia_guardian: what kidn of changes you witnessed as according to VCS repo or something else19:44
qwebirc95665I'm back did not work19:45
qwebirc95665cant boot without remove windoof hdd19:45
guardiane.g. x2dcalculator-xxx.mount where xxx is a number19:45
guardianso for instance x2dcalculator-167.mount is deleted while x2dcalculator-238.mount appears19:45
qwebirc95665i cant boot with my life stick19:46
qwebirc95665F8 F10 or F12 did not work19:46
guardianor x2dthemes-791.mount appears but I don't even know what it is19:46
qwebirc95665EriC^^ i treid those 3 per key19:51
nisankhindia_guardian: network issue back again19:53
bpromptqwebirc95665:    how about hmmmm checked bios on booting USB stick?   or even check if safemode is ON, I think safemode ON disables usb booting, or check in BIOS to change the UEFI boot to CMS/Legacy19:53
nisankhindia_guardian: better you should report it to lauchpad etckeeper section19:53
qwebirc95665internal monitor is broken, cant see in bios19:53
qwebirc95665bpromt even vga does not work19:54
EriC^^qwebirc95665: you could switch the efi files of windows and ubuntu19:54
guardiannisankhindia_: ok thanks19:54
qwebirc95665if i could acces the other harddrive with that windows, i would just format it19:54
EriC^^qwebirc95665: you'd need to mount the efi partition in windows using diskpart, then backup /efi/microsoft/boot/bootmgfw.efi and replace it it and rename the ubuntu efi file shimx64.efi to bootmgfw.efi and put it in the windows location19:55
EriC^^ah right19:55
nisankhindia_gaurdian: owner of etckeeper team in launchpad is https://launchpad.net/~ttx and link is https://launchpad.net/%7Eetckeeper19:56
EriC^^qwebirc95665: did pressing F12 do anything at all?19:56
qwebirc95665 no, i hear tho other hdd boot every time19:57
qwebirc95665F8 F10 and F12 did nothing19:57
nisankhindia_qwebirc95665: are you unable to boot using USB media ???19:58
EriC^^qwebirc95665: try F2, i think it might be it19:58
wtfluxhey guys with netplan can you still bring network adapters up and down using ifconfig? like ifconfig enp0s8 down ?19:59
qwebirc95665 no, i am just unable to boot from usb if a harddisk with a os is in my laptop19:59
nisankhindia_qwebirc95665: make sure your BIOS secure moe is off , than make sure your USB media is formated using correct GPT ( GUID PARTITION TABLE ) and your BIOS is configured correctly to boot using USB devices20:00
EriC^^qwebirc95665: ah it says F12 boot menu must be enabled in the BIOS, F2 is actually the bios key not boot menu key20:01
bpromptqwebirc95665:   meaning the bios is in UEFI boot up, which disables external devices booting, IIRC due to safemode or some feature requiring a boot Key on the external device20:01
qwebirc95665yes it is UEFI20:01
EriC^^qwebirc95665: you could try setting the laptop to legacy mode blindly20:01
qwebirc95665@<nisankhindia_> i cant see the bios20:01
qwebirc95665i didnt even saw the bios one time20:02
nisankhindia_qwebirc95665: switch off the zsecure mode in BIOS otherwise no matter whatever you do it wont boot to anyother OS ( if secure boot option is there )20:02
qwebirc95665i dont want to boot to another os20:02
qwebirc95665i want to boot in ubuntu20:02
EriC^^qwebirc95665: actually try to enable the F12 key blindly, i think this should work https://au.answers.acer.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/6814/session/L2F2LzEvdGltZS8xNTM3ODE5MzMwL2dlbi8xNTM3ODE5MzMwL3NpZC9mVU81azZxaGNYU05keUlWWWozbDd0MUJvcGtoMFByNXBuJTdFdVB0SjBRX2ZUUTVwREl5NEM1TWc0MDdUeU45cWRmZ2J0YUdIVDFEeWxXbSU3RXVGdUhSYkJLNE1hSExsSWhIbFNPNlo5NnhWU2NBNVlCJTdFTFQ4cmtpZ3clMjElMjE%3D20:03
nisankhindia_qwebirc95665: read your system manual how to open BIOS settings20:03
nisankhindia_qwebirc95665: name your system make and model ??20:03
qwebirc95665Aspire V3 772G20:03
bpromptqwebirc95665:   that's not the issue, so long "secure boot" is ON in bios, external devices are blocked from booting due to lack of a boot key/hash to boot with20:03
nisankhindia_qwebirc95665: qwebirc9566520:03
bpromptqwebirc95665:   which I think is why you're not usb is not being sought to boot from by the system, not that the stick is bad or anything.20:04
nisankhindia_qwebirc95665: generally F9, F10 for BIOS boot20:05
nisankhindia_qwebirc95665 and acer aspire series has an BIOS level security to blcok any other OS boot using USB ( secure boot mode )20:05
EriC^^qwebirc95665: press F2, then right arrow key, then down down down, enter, down key, enter, right right right, enter enter then F10 and20:05
EriC^^watch the youtube video so its clearer what you're doing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oDZZ8yTij020:06
nisankhindia_qwebirc95665: if you are confused than check the official details at acer aspire community web site20:06
EriC^^if you've ever played mortal kombat it shouldn't be much harder than those brutality fatalities20:06
EriC^^those were hard O.o20:06
nisankhindia_qwebirc95665: untill and unless you are not there and disable the secure boot mode , whatever you do system will not boot from USB20:07
EriC^^qwebirc95665: secure boot is in the 0:47 of the video20:08
qwebirc95665ok i try the blind bios thing20:10
qwebirc95665ca later20:10
nisankhindia_qwebirc95665: dont be blind with BIOS , mis configuration or BIOS causes system dead , so careful20:11
qwebirc95665EriC^^ did not work20:18
qwebirc95665i think another bios path20:18
EriC^^did you enable the f12 key?20:19
EriC^^did it do anything different? like if you press it and not do anything it stays waiting in bios mode?20:19
qwebirc95665it didnt restart after i tried to exit bios20:19
EriC^^why doesn't windows boot currently?20:20
qwebirc95665it tried to reinstall20:21
nisankhindia_qwebirc95665: are you asking ABOUT WINDOWS HERE???20:21
naccnisankhindia_: no they are not.20:21
naccEriC^^: iirc, it doesn't drive their display or something20:21
EriC^^aha interesting20:22
naccnisankhindia_: and there is no reason to yell (caps).20:22
naccEriC^^: and their internal display is broken :) it's a mess (IMO)20:22
EriC^^qwebirc95665: can you maybe access a windows safe mode command prompt?20:22
qwebirc95665i dont even know20:22
qwebirc95665i cant see$20:22
naccqwebirc95665: what files do you need from the windows disk so badly? have you tried plugging the disk in while still at grub, rather than once the system is booted?20:23
JustAPersonAnyone know a gnome plugin that implemnents "mouse follows focus", whereby when you alt tab between windows the cursor is centered in the newly focused window?20:23
EriC^^qwebirc95665: do you have a windows installation usb?20:23
JustAPersonUsually the "focus follows mouse" feature in other WM implement this as well, but no the GNOME extension by the same name20:24
EriC^^try nacc 's suggestion of plugging in grub20:24
EriC^^qwebirc95665: ^20:24
naccqwebirc95665: my thinking being that at least then, linux will init the controller with the disk attached already20:24
naccqwebirc95665: and it shouldn't matter to grub once it's already probed the disk20:24
qwebirc95665nacc yes i tried if i input the hdd 1-2 sec after powerbutton press i does ot boot it20:25
naccqwebirc95665: so if you plugged it in when the grub menu is shown, the system doesn't boot?20:25
naccqwebirc95665: or do you not see grub?20:25
qwebirc95665i dont see grub20:26
EriC^^qwebirc95665: look at number 6 here https://www.digitalcitizen.life/4-ways-boot-safe-mode-windows-1020:26
qwebirc95665the first thing i see is my cryptopasswordinput for fulldistencrypton20:26
qwebirc95665Preparing Automatic Repair wont show ether on screen20:28
qwebirc95665in safe mode i dont get my nvidea driver at all20:28
cristian_cnacc: any other ideas?20:28
EriC^^i say try nacc 's idea20:28
EriC^^qwebirc95665: try holding shift to get grub, then plug the hdd in20:29
EriC^^and continue booting and see what happens20:29
qwebirc95665what key do i have to press to continue from grub?20:29
naccqwebirc95665: enter key, usually20:29
nacccristian_c: sorry, i've lost context again20:29
cristian_cnacc: about blackliat issue20:30
qwebirc95665ok i try, see you later20:30
powerninjaHello I'm having issues with vsftp and using passwords with Ubuntu 16, it stop working when I restart the services  any help would be appreciated20:31
cristian_cnacc: I'm talking about somethink unknown is blocking blackliat of module20:32
cristian_c*or ignoring it20:32
JustAPersonAnyone know of a way to center mouse on newly selected window when alt-tabbing20:32
EriC^^cristian_c: see in "lsmod" what depends on it that's loading it, also be sure to run sudo update-initramfs -u -k all    after adding the blacklist20:34
cristian_cah, ok, I've notmtried -k all20:34
EriC^^JustAPerson: you could probably do it with xdotool and some scripting or something20:35
cristian_cEriC^^: I'll check also update-initramfs output to be sure20:35
nisankhindia_powerninja: whats your environment20:35
EriC^^JustAPerson: something that picks up on alt-tab, then uses something like wmctrl to get the pixels of the windows boundary and then use xdotool to put the mouse in the center20:38
pragmaticenigmaEriC^^: I think they're looking for a setting that moves the mouse to the window that has focus20:39
nisankhindia_powerninja: check the configuration , there verify the chroot , chroot list , enable filters etc etc20:39
pragmaticenigma*setting that enables mouse move to active window in the DE20:39
powerninjayeah I didn't make any changes I only try to add  new sftp user20:40
EriC^^pragmaticenigma: it already does, i thought they meant they want the mouse always in the center of a selected window20:40
powerninjaadd new user to ftponly user group20:40
pragmaticenigmaEriC^^: Maybe... my interpretition is a little different I guess20:41
powerninjasftponly user  /etc/group I mean20:41
nisankhindia_powerninja: output of /etc/vsftpd.conf20:41
pragmaticenigmaEriC^^: but the left :-( we're left to forever wonder20:41
powerninjaOK it's default hold on thanks20:41
qwebirc95665did not work20:43
nisankhindia_powerninja: post the content of " cat /etc/vsftpd.conf "20:43
EriC^^qwebirc95665: did you try pressing the button on the laptop to switch to hdmi after you plugged it in?20:43
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EriC^^you know, the one that looks like a box and 2 lines next to it20:44
qwebirc95665which button?20:44
EriC^^oh nice20:44
qwebirc95665i can switch between the 2 cabels20:44
EriC^^it might work then, it's the button that looks like this |[]|20:44
EriC^^qwebirc95665: it's Fn-F5 on acer20:46
nisankhindia_powerninja: try to reconfigure the service , set the default settings than integrate ssl+vsftp configuration including all trhe currect configuration for chroot , chroot list , filter , ssl cert path ( you can use self signed or letsencrypt )20:46
powerninjaHi nisankhiindia_ here's the settings https://hastebin.com/enusolenow.shell20:46
EriC^^qwebirc95665: try using it while in bios, it might work, my other laptop does the same, just until windows will it start the hdmi, earlier you need to press a button20:46
powerninjait's the default20:47
qwebirc95665EriC^^ yes, it make the monitor deactivate20:47
powerninjathe only thing I added was in /etc/ssh/sshd_config20:47
EriC^^qwebirc95665: it should activate hdmi too20:47
qwebirc95665@eric so going into bios press this button and connect via vga?20:47
nisankhindia_powerninja: i can see in quick an error in line number 3120:47
nisankhindia_powerninja: line number 31 should be uncommented20:48
EriC^^qwebirc95665: yeah go to bios, put the cable of hdmi then press the button20:48
qwebirc95665ok i try20:48
powerninjaOK but it has been working since then, until I added a new user20:49
powerninjalet me try on my dev sftp server thanks20:49
nisankhindia_powerninja: wait looking around for any changes or modification that should be required20:49
powerninjaOK thanks, I'm trying to use sftp-internal with ssh and password thanks20:50
nisankhindia_powerninja: compare the sections of /etc/vsftpd.conf from here i have mentioned with descriptions https://zerobin.lagout.org/?aceb155e5e3bebe7#YqxGtEPXKVLGMDudRApTRu3SdJ9Eikw6IeVNhzuB4+0=20:51
nisankhindia_powerninja: than we will proceed to next20:51
powerninjaI'm using the ssh sftp-internal. per https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/64523/how-to-configure-sftp-so-it-behaves-like-ftp-chrooting-user-to-his-home-director20:52
nisankhindia_powerninja: wait20:54
qwebirc95665did not work20:54
powerninjaOK, yeah I shouldn't have to make all those changes if I use sshd_config and internal-ftp, correct?20:55
qwebirc95665its realy hard20:55
nisankhindia_powerninja: for that you just need to mention within /etc/vsftpd.chroot_list  # add users you allow to move over their home directory20:55
qwebirc95665i tought like mount this, bin drive is there20:55
qwebirc95665is there no hardwarerescan in ubuntu20:56
naccqwebirc95665: if you can figure out the correct scsi bus you can issue a rescan20:57
EriC^^shouldn't it have scanned though if you plugged in back in grub or no?20:58
naccEriC^^: oh i did't realize they succeeded in that20:58
qwebirc95665i didnt work with grub20:58
naccin that csae, yes it does rescan (in that it scans in the first place)20:58
naccqwebirc95665: i or it? your typos are killer :)20:58
nisankhindia_powerninja: reconfigure the package , and keep it simple , enable the SSL and go ahead20:59
qwebirc95665hm if i do something like hibernate will it boot windoof or ubuntu20:59
qwebirc95665hibernate in ubuntu20:59
nisankhindia_powerninja: Retrictive SFTP with Chroot  , thats what you need21:00
EriC^^qwebirc95665: if you hibernate ubuntu it'll still boot windows21:00
qwebirc95665how can i find one of there scsi buses?21:00
powerninjahow about sshd_config? https://hastebin.com/budayevequ.coffeescript21:00
nisankhindia_powerninja: and how you have specified the pam file in ftp service ( vsftp )21:01
powerninjaUsePAM yes21:02
nisankhindia_powerninja: do your users included in the same group21:02
EriC^^qwebirc95665: in ubuntu try typing "mokutil --sb-state"21:04
nisankhindia_powerninja: lets make it simple , we have a global default configuration of vsftp , than we just need to read the commented lines in that than we need to intruct it to use chroot and chroot list ( for users )21:04
powerninjayes they are in sftponly21:04
qwebirc95665SecureBoot enabled21:04
EriC^^qwebirc95665: ok21:04
qwebirc95665is this good??21:05
EriC^^qwebirc95665: what about the uefi list entries, maybe it'll lead us to something "sudo efibootmgr -v | nc termbin.com 9999"21:05
nisankhindia_powerninja: than we can create some security files , cert files ( self or letsencrypt)21:05
nisankhindia_powerninja: mix them in main config properly21:05
EriC^^qwebirc95665: maybe we can disable the default windows booting path using efibootmgr, if we're very lucky21:06
qwebirc95665no output21:06
EriC^^qwebirc95665: it should give a link, try one more time21:06
EriC^^aha so ubuntu is actually first in the boot order21:07
EriC^^i wonder why it's booting windows when you plug the hdd in21:07
EriC^^qwebirc95665: is windows connected via usb?21:07
qwebirc95665may be its first because windoof is not there?21:07
qwebirc95665no via the other hdd21:07
EriC^^maybe it thinks it's a removable device and using a default booting, like a live usb21:07
qwebirc95665its a identical hdd21:08
EriC^^no, the hdd cant change the bios uefi entries, they're on the MB21:08
qwebirc95665i even try to switch them around21:08
EriC^^that's odd21:08
nisankhindia_powerninja: you can find it easy it you have any web interface to do the same , like webmin21:08
qwebirc95665i hoped it will try to boot from the left side21:08
EriC^^maybe this list isn't really what it uses, it has some other internal one that shows in the bios screen21:08
powerninjaI think I was using this setup https://www.linode.com/docs/tools-reference/tools/limiting-access-with-sftp-jails-on-debian-and-ubuntu/21:09
powerninjausing sshd instead of vsftpd?21:09
EriC^^qwebirc95665: did you try the vga and hdmi using the Fn-F5 key stuff?21:09
EriC^^also you might need to press it multiple times21:09
nisankhindia_powerninja: wait let me check what they mentioned , but you can manage server using webmin as managment tool21:10
qwebirc95665both cabels21:10
EriC^^no other laptop / pc at all?21:10
qwebirc95665i have one, but it cant communicate with the hdd21:11
qwebirc95665but i could try with the life stick21:11
EriC^^yeah give that a shot!21:11
qwebirc95665i tried to boot it that way21:11
EriC^^live usb + windows on it?21:11
EriC^^i mean windows hdd plugged21:11
powerninjaI think I originally used the following instructions.. https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-enable-sftp-without-shell-access-on-ubuntu-16-0421:12
nisankhindia_powerninja; looks pretty minimal configuration and well working , But i think you could find it more easy if you go with web GUI for server using webmin21:13
powerninjayeah, I think I might have mixed sshd sftp-internal setup with vsftp21:14
powerninjaI probably don't need vsftpd if I'm using the sshd_config settings?21:14
nisankhindia_powerninja: yup SFTP is similar to SSH21:17
nisankhindia_powerninja: you may read this to understand https://doc.lagout.org/operating%20system%20/linux/decouvrir-et-configurer-le-protocole-sftp-avec-mysecureshell.pdf21:17
nisankhindia_powerninja: its in de but you can undertsand the configs and commands21:18
powerninjaOK thanks21:18
nisankhindia_powerninja: if you know german than read the whole21:18
nisankhindia_powerninja: sorry i have given you the france version21:19
qwebirc95665 EriC^^ the other pc wont boot with this hdd in, it wont me even let acces bios with that hdd in it (the ubuntu one id not work ether, i tried this before. it seems 1 tb is to big for that pc21:21
nisankhindia_powerninja: yes i can see if you want just SFTP than you don't need any other packages coz you have ssh already21:21
powerninjaOK, but I keep getting Permission denied (publickey).21:22
qwebirc95665the hdd is a WD10JPVX21:23
nisankhindia_remove previous key saved in your client21:23
powerninjasftp -o PreferredAuthentications=password -o PubkeyAuthentication=no21:23
powerninjaOK let me try that thanks21:23
qwebirc95665its one of the crapy bios with an integrated browser21:24
qwebirc95665the only other device i have is an 32bit laptop21:24
powerninjastill no luck :(21:25
nisankhindia_powerninja: is it a cloud server or what ??21:25
powerninjasftp is also still over TCP 22, correct?21:25
powerninjayeah it's cloud server, I can ssh to it but not sftp21:26
nisankhindia_powerninja: than dont play around this , just install webmin web GUI for server managment than from there login using your cloud server root user and go for SFTP and configure it21:27
powerninjaWhat really bums me out was that it was working21:28
naccnisankhindia_: please stop recommending webmin21:28
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.21:28
nisankhindia_powerninaj: webmin GUI is useful for all type of server services from DNS , DHCP , NTP , HTTP to everything21:28
nisankhindia_webmin supports ubuntu16.0421:28
naccnisankhindia_: it's also incredibly insecure21:28
naccnisankhindia_: esp. for a public facing system, you're asking for them to be exploited, and it's totally unnecessary.21:29
naccnisankhindia_: that's not what that faq is asserting21:29
nisankhindia_powerninja: than solve it .. to make it easy webmin will go with GUI way and when done remove webmin21:30
nisankhindia_powerninja: you are using 16.04 right ?21:30
powerninjaLooks like the problem is PasswordAuthentication no21:39
powerninjaIf I set PasswordAuthentication yes, does that send clear text password for sftp?21:40
powerninjaOr is that still being encrypted?21:40
tgm4883powerninja: with that set to no, you have to use ssh keys to login21:48
tgm4883powerninja: with that set to yes, it allows the use of a password to login21:48
tgm4883powerninja: the passwords are still encrypted21:48
powerninjacool, thanks for the helop21:48
powerninjaI think I'm all good now.21:49
PowderKegHello. I've moved from win to ubuntu and after 4 months I want to gouge my eyes out. First thing first - my mouse does not report middle mouse button. xinput reports it as holtek mouse, button map report 9 buttons, extra buttons are working, but xev does not report nothing on middle mouse button. How can I debug that further?22:02
naccPowderKeg: what version of ubuntu?22:04
PowderKeggnome 3 I think22:05
naccPowderKeg: lsmod | grep hid-holtek ?22:07
PowderKegnacc: no results22:07
PowderKegmouse is fujitsu-siemens22:08
PowderKegbut maybe it matched to some firmware lowest common denominator22:08
PowderKegthe thing is it has extra side buttons which are detected fine22:08
PowderKegmousewheel works as well22:09
PowderKegit just does not register mmb at all - is there some utility to capture raw signals from mouse?22:09
naccPowderKeg: you could look at the last few comments in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/158108822:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1581088 in linux (Ubuntu) "Middle mouse (wheel-click) button stopped working after upgrade to 16.04" [Medium,Confirmed]22:10
PowderKegOk, I will look into that. The second biggest issue: my monitors are not working properly. Dual screen, one via HDMI, one via DVI -> VGA connector. The one via connector does not report any meaningful data on EDID, even tho windows had it right. I can't use 1920x1080 on it, only 1600 resolution. The one on HDMI does not wake up from being logged out, it starts to cycle powersaving mode and being off - I22:13
PowderKegdisabled powersaving mode on it, but not much changed22:13
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PowderKegLet me see which drivers I use22:13
PowderKegBefore driver window loads, I can also say that turning the HDMI one off and on again works22:14
PowderKegbut at the same time the order in which I enable displays matters - if I turn on HDMI before the other one, the non-hdmi goes bonkers and goes into on-off loop22:15
georgempHi. I'm trying to setup a Ubuntu server as an internet gateway router. My networking setup is Netgear_Wan_router---(over wireless bridge)--->TP_link router---over ethernet-->Virtualbox host machine(hosting Ubuntu VM). When connected to the TP_link router over ethernet or from other VM's on the host machine, the gatweay works fine. But, when connected to the netgear router, I can't access WAN using the ubuntu22:15
georgempgateway. However, I can ping it and other local machines. Any ideas on why this would be? Thanks22:15
PowderKegok, I use nvidia 390 driver, newer ones kill everything22:15
PowderKeggpu is 750ti22:16
naccPowderKeg: i don't use the drivers, sorry. Maybe someone else can help.22:17
Bashing-omPowderKeg: This maybe pushing a "new user" off the deep end : http://albertomilone.com/blog/?p=670 ; but good as food for thought .22:21
PowderKegOk, number #3 theen22:21
PowderKegI use custom wifi drivers for my adapter: https://github.com/kaduke/Netgear-A6210 I set the dkms auto build feature, but on each kernel minor version update it goes to shit. I don't have the error message right now, but it says something along the lines "mod_unload magic kernel version mismatch"22:24
PowderKegit reports the old kernel value there22:24
PowderKegI have to remove it from dkms, rebuild and install22:24
PowderKegthen it works22:24
Bashing-omPowderKeg: BCM43 series WIFI driver ?22:25
PowderKegNot really sure22:26
jeremy31PowderKeg change the Make line in dkms.conf to MAKE="'make' all KVER=${kernelver}"22:26
PowderKegI tried replacing https://github.com/kaduke/Netgear-A6210/blob/master/os/linux/Makefile.6#L731 with custom KERNEL_VER22:26
PowderKegjeremy31: are quotes around make required?22:28
jeremy31PowderKeg yes22:28
PowderKegjeremy31: from my last attempt I see I tried to use `${kernelver}`, the script in Makefile uses `${shell uname -r}` - should I change that to `${KVER}`?22:30
PowderKegand if yes, do I have to reinstall dkms module?22:30
PowderKegas a sidenote, when I upload files all download stops, it does not support 802.11AC, and probably vulnerable to CRACK22:32
jeremy31PowderKeg once you change the dkms.conf in your home directory, remove/uninstall the dkms version and then add it back again, you may have to manually delete the /usr/src/Netgear-A6210-2.5.0 folder22:32
PowderKegI'd prefer builtin ubuntu driver, but nothing ever is perfect22:32
jeremy31PowderKeg Does your device have a kernel driver?22:35
PowderKegjeremy31: Sorry, I don't know what that means. You mean one natively supported by linux kernel? I guess not, I did not have wifi until I built this driver manually.22:36
PowderKegYour make command worked without errors, but I won't know if nothing broke until restarting my computer22:36
PowderKegThank you either way22:37
jeremy31PowderKeg actually it might be better to update the dkms.conf in /usr/src/Netgear-A6210-2.5.0 and then you don't have to do anything with dkms commands22:39
PowderKegI keep my source there22:39
PowderKegbut still reinstalled22:39
PowderKegjust in case, I saw there's some linking to /var/...22:40
sebsebsebI would like to check this, how well is 32bit supported really in 16.04.  I belive the ISO's got dropped, but yeah 32bit repos then ?   Is it worth recommending someone with a 32bit system to upgrade to 18.04, properly worth it I mean ?22:41
jeremy31PowderKeg /var/lib/dkms/Netgear-A6210 is a placeholder, when dkms does its thing it looks at the source in /usr/src22:41
sebsebsebin 18.04 I meant above22:41
PowderKegI guessed so, but I cloned the repo into /usr/src/netgearblah22:41
naccsebsebseb: they have an actual 32-bit only cpu?22:41
PowderKegwell, if next time after kernel update I don't have to dance around with dkms I guess I owe you a beer22:42
PowderKegBashing-om: were you affected by this bug?22:42
PowderKegI don't really know if I use gdm3 or lightdm22:42
jeremy31PowderKeg If you don't find help here, you can find me on ubuntuforums.org22:42
sebsebsebnacc: I am not sure, but I assume possibly, since the lap top is like ten years old22:43
Bashing-omPowderKeg: Sorry ..lost the context as I had to reboot my system .22:43
PowderKegThanks. I usually try finding the answer through searching the route of stackexchange -> ubuntuforums -> here22:43
sebsebsebnacc: on the other hand many had 64bit 10 years ago I think as well support22:44
PowderKegwell, here not really, mostly random hobbyist blogs22:44
naccsebsebseb: i would say it's not worth it (if actually 32-bit only), 16.04 supported for ~3 more years.22:44
naccsebsebseb: if it does support 64-bit, id' recommend reinstalling22:44
sebsebsebnacc: yeah we got soeone using ubuntu at an event we did in June becaues of that :)  he came to our lug for help on Saturday22:44
sebsebsebbut I am thinking is it 32bit or 64bit the install etc22:44
sebsebsebhe's got 16.04 installed currently since that's what was on the sub22:45
sebsebsebnacc: he wanted to breathe life into a old lap top I guess, with a battery that no longer works for example22:45
naccsebsebseb: iirc, you can check cpu flags for bitness, or check the mfr. specs22:45
sebsebsebnacc: yeah how can he check  the easy way?  I want to put that in a email, about that22:46
PowderKegBashing-om: Nvidia gpu not detecting edid of dvi -> vga connector and not waking up hdmi display22:46
naccsebsebseb: but yes, if it's already installed and it's that old, keep it going with what it has (i'm not sure getting 'latest and greatest' software on an old machine is that relevant)22:46
sebsebsebnacc: that's what I am thinking too, there may be very little advantage upgrading, if any really22:46
naccsebsebseb: i think 'lm' in /proc/cpuinfo flags?22:46
sebsebseblm is the command ?22:47
naccsebsebseb: no, grep lm /proc/cpuinfo22:47
sebsebsebI could try here then22:47
sebsebsebas well22:47
naccsebsebseb: it will be inthe 'flags' field22:47
sebsebsebhe's Linux newbie, but we started teaching him basic things including in the terminal on Saturday h eh22:47
sebsebsebnacc: that gave lots of output,  looks like random stuff, and I don't seem to see flags field22:49
naccsebsebseb: we all have to start somewhere :)22:49
naccsebsebseb: `grep lm /proc/cpuinfo` will only return output if that string is found22:49
sebsebsebnacc: it was nice on Saturday, someone who came in from an event I organised aimed at public  to try and get people into Linux :)22:49
Bashing-omPowderKeg: No, I have no direct experience with any of those issues .22:49
naccsebsebseb: feel free to pastebin22:49
PowderKegHow do I enable bioinic-proposed repostories? Standard apt-add?22:49
PowderKegBashing-om: no worries, thanks for the pointer anyway22:50
naccPowderKeg: `sudo apt-add-repository proposed`, or use the GUI repository tool22:50
naccPowderKeg: but you undrestand how to test -proposed?22:50
naccPowderKeg: because you can easily break your system by just "enabling it"22:50
sebsebsebnacc: yeah looks werid on mine, I can pastebin22:50
PowderKegnot at all, just following bug report claiming they have a fix for my problems22:51
sebsebseband mine was a 16.04 upgraded to 18.0422:51
naccPowderKeg: in the bug report, if they ask for testing of -proposed there is either instructions or a link to them, on how to test.22:51
naccsebsebseb: cpuinfo is provided by the kernel, not really related to your OS release software22:51
PowderKegnacc: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-prime/+bug/1778011 - this is what article linked by Bashing-om linked me to22:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1778011 in HWE Next "SRU: PRIME Power Saving mode draws too much power" [Undecided,New]22:52
Bashing-omsebsebseb: ' grep -w lm /proc/cpuinfo ' - If you see "lm" in red, it's 64 bits. Otherwise it's 32 bits.22:52
sebsebsebnacc: https://pastebin.com/WNkfyRan22:52
PowderKegIf there is a possiblilty to just install lock those specific packages to this repo it would be great22:52
naccPowderKeg: c#3722:52
sebsebsebmine is 64bit, but wanted to test commands so22:52
naccPowderKeg: like i said :)22:52
sebsebsebbut this out put looks odd to me22:53
sebsebseblike random stuff22:53
naccsebsebseb: lines 2, 3, 4, etc. are 'flags ...' ?22:53
PowderKegnacc: thanks22:53
naccsebsebseb: and there is an ' lm ' on each said line.22:53
naccsebsebseb: not sure what you're confused by. It's not random, it's showing you the flags your CPU supports.22:53
sebsebsebyes I got red lm's22:54
sebsebseband what are the cpu flags really ?22:54
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naccsebsebseb: they are feature flags22:54
naccsebsebseb: each one is a specific feature, 'lm' is 'long mode' (64-bit)22:54
sebsebsebspecific features such as ?22:55
naccsebsebseb: like being 64-bit.22:55
naccsebsebseb: or having virtualization extensions22:55
naccsebsebseb: physical hardware features22:55
sebsebsebyeah I got something for virtualbox I guess for example, if I remember correctly22:55
sebsebsebI guess he can run that, and if it shows lm in red, he has 64bit, there will b e other ways to check really too22:56
PowderKegnacc: offtopic - every few years I tried ubuntu and got into trouble you were on this irc - how long are you here22:56
sebsebsebsuch as yes about ubuntu in the gui22:56
sebsebsebbut ok I will give him both ways in my email ok :)22:57
sebsebsebterminal is powerful !22:57
sebsebsebnacc: altough going back to what I was asking oringally 18.04 has limited 32 bit support ? via repos? and then no 32bit iso's so ?22:59
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naccsebsebseb: i'm not sure, tbh23:01
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PowderKegnacc: Back! It threw me after login into disk check for some reason and I had to use ctrl+f2 to get to normal gui, but nothing else broke so far23:09
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naccPowderKeg: nice, that's not ... terrible :)23:12
PowderKeg$ apt policy nvidia-39023:15
PowderKeg  Installed: (none)23:15
PowderKeg  Candidate: 390.87-0ubuntu0~gpu18.04.123:15
PowderKegsorry for multiline23:15
PowderKegdoes not look right23:15
sebsebsebnacc: Bashing-om yes thanks for help, email sent23:16
sebsebsebemails even since the '    heh,23:16
Bashing-omPowderKeg: Back to square1, what shows ' sudo lshe -C display ' .. purge and re-install the nvidia driver :?23:18
PowderKegBashing-om: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SpjTDwKhpb/23:21
Bashing-omPowderKeg: Humm .. that says a driver is installed . which ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' ?23:22
PowderKegI started purging already23:23
PowderKegwait, wtf23:24
Bashing-omPowderKeg: Maube that is a good thing :P .. ubuntu system can chhose the driver to unstall ' sudo apt update ; sido apt upgrade ; sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ' .23:24
PowderKegafter purge and install from that bug report23:25
PowderKegthe nvidia 390 driver is on lower version now23:25
PowderKegii  nvidia-driver-390                          390.77-0ubuntu0.18.04.1                 amd64        NVIDIA driver metapackage23:25
PowderKegii  nvidia-kernel-common-390                   390.87-0ubuntu0~gpu18.04.1              amd64        Shared files used with the kernel module23:26
Bashing-om!info nvidia-driver-39023:26
ubottunvidia-driver-390 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-390): NVIDIA driver metapackage. In component restricted, is optional. Version 390.48-0ubuntu3 (bionic), package size 368 kB, installed size 1066 kB23:26
PowderKeg!info nvidia-kernel-common-39023:26
ubottunvidia-kernel-common-390 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-390): Shared files used with the kernel module. In component restricted, is optional. Version 390.48-0ubuntu3 (bionic), package size 11 kB, installed size 43 kB23:26
Bashing-omPowderKeg: version ^^ in the software repository.23:26
Wafficushey there, question about the cp command, how do I use the -t flag to move a copied file to my home directory?23:27
Wafficuscp (file) -t $HOME?23:27
PowderKegYou pointed me to an article which pointed to bug report which told me to add -proposed repo23:27
Bashing-omPowderKeg: OH yeah .. lemme look . back in a bit .23:28
naccWafficus: are you moving one file or many23:29
Wafficusone file23:29
naccWafficus: also, the `man cp` page shows clearly how to use the -t flag :)23:29
naccWafficus: then just do `cp $file ~/.`23:29
WafficusI tried cp -t $home lubuntuCalamares.txt and it said its not a directory23:29
naccWafficus: did you type that literally "$home" ?23:29
naccWafficus: it's $HOME or ~ in the shell23:30
naccWafficus: and, in any case, seems like the wrong approach, -t is mostly for copying multiple files23:30
naccWafficus: and note, it's copy, not move (as your original question phrased it)23:30
Wafficusum well23:32
WafficusI tried23:32
Wafficusmv lubuntuCalamaresNotes.txt $home23:32
WafficusI tried that and its saying its a read only file system23:33
Bashing-omPowderKeg: Version in proposed: " nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 (390.77-0ubuntu0.18.04.1) " .23:39
htafdwesWhats the default username and password in Ubuntu Minimal kvm image?23:41
htafdwesOr how do i access it?23:41
nacchtafdwes: usually you'd use cloud-init and specify ssh keys, etc.23:43
htafdwesIs there a tutorial i could follow? Web search was very unhelpful23:44
htafdwesIs this one? https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-to-use-kvm-cloud-images-on-ubuntu-linux/23:46
nacchtafdwes: i was going to sugget using uvtool, yes23:47
htafdwesBtw, would you recommend kvm or lxc? One issue i have is frequent crashes so i'm thinking of offloading some processes into vm so if they crash it wont take down the whole server23:48
nacchtafdwes: they are very different things.23:49
nacchtafdwes: do you need full virtualization?23:49
nacchtafdwes: if you don't, use lxd, it's much easier and lightweight23:49
htafdwesWell i need resource isolation. Like i need my host to have a guaranteed core available to it and some block  of memory to avoid crashes.23:50
nacchtafdwes: you can do resource isolation with either model23:50
nacchtafdwes: that's an orthogonal thing (IMO) to what software technology you want23:51
nacchtafdwes: containers do not have their own kernel, is the biggest thing for most applications23:51
nacchtafdwes: if you are just wrapping applications, you might also want to look at docker23:51
htafdwesCan i assign how many cores lxd uses?23:51
nacchtafdwes: which arguably, is even lighter weight than lxd23:51
nacchtafdwes: https://stgraber.org/2016/03/26/lxd-2-0-resource-control-412/23:51
htafdwesYeah i use docker, but they don't have resource isolation.23:52
naccthat's old, but it's still true in 3.0, afaik23:52
nacchtafdwes: sure they do, docker processes are just processes23:52
nacchtafdwes: you can isolate any process on any linux system, with the right tools23:52
htafdwesOkay so how can i isolate firefox? It keeps crashing my laptop.23:52
htafdwesI tried making it nice but didn't work.23:53
nacchtafdwes: how is firefox crashing your laptop?23:53
htafdwesWell often when i'm browsing  on firefox it freezes up. Can usualky still move the mouse. But can't even login in a tty, so have to forcibly shutdown.23:54
nacchtafdwes: you need to figure out why23:54
nacchtafdwes: what version of ubuntu?23:54
nacchtafdwes: fwiw, i've been using ubuntu for many years and have never once encountered that :)23:55
htafdwes16.04 and 18.0423:55
nacchtafdwes: and resource isolating firefox may not fix whatever is actually what's crashing23:55
nacchtafdwes: as it can still crash your kernel, even if isolated, if that's what it's doing23:55
htafdwesWell so how can i keep firefox to only use 1 core?23:55
b-yeezihtafdwes, lxc config set <container> limts.cpu <cpu limit>23:55
nacchtafdwes: but you can use cgroups and make a restricted cgroup for it23:55
naccor as b-yeezi said, you can put it in a lxd container and set its limit23:56
nacchtafdwes: however, you may not just want resource limits, but resource allocation -- not only does it get only 1 core, it only gets to use one specific core23:56
nacchtafdwes: there are some extra steps required to run GUI apps in lxd, iirc23:56
nacchtafdwes: there is #lxcontainers for support, as well23:57
htafdwesOkay, cool. So if it is a kernel crash issue then i'd need to use kvm or virtualbox?23:57
b-yeeziI agree with nacc . You can check out the blog post he linked to23:58
nacchtafdwes: that would avoid the host kernel crashing, yeah23:58
nacchtafdwes: and you might get guest kernel logs as to what is crashing, which would help fix the issue23:58
b-yeeziSince we are on lxd, how can you expose the logs to the host for monitoring? It seems more straight forward with Docker23:59
nacchtafdwes: uvtool is also mostly for spinning up lightweight, headless image23:59
nacchtafdwes: which again won't help you much with firefox23:59

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