
IrcsomeBotN P was added by: N P03:46
IrcsomeBot<N P> Hello everyone03:46
IrcsomeBot<N P> I am new to kubuntu.. And already facing an issue of wifi.. It seems it's a common bug.. Can anyone help me resolve the issue03:47
krytarikYou'd have to mention any specifics first.03:50
IrcsomeBot<N P> Installed fresh kubuntu.. Initially wifi worked flawlessly.. Then I received the updates.. So updated.. Worked for a while.. Downloaded and installed few softwares.. And then shutdown.. After I switch on.. The wifi keeps connecting for a while and won't connect03:54
IrcsomeBot<N P> Disable kde wallet.. Thought it was the issue.. Changed the store password to all yours unencrypted.. Still no use03:54
IrcsomeBot<N P> *all users03:55
IrcsomeBot<N P> Even ethernet does the same03:55
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Try manually removing and readding your network connections from the networkmanager.  I have seen issues, espicallly when wifi passwords change where the existing network connections become non-functiona andl un-editiable....03:59
IrcsomeBot<N P> Yeah did that several times, rebooted alot.. Still nothing changes04:01
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> which version of Kubuntu?04:01
IrcsomeBot<N P> 18.04 lts04:01
IrcsomeBot<N P> Latest04:02
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> I have not heard of any network issues with 18.04.  Do you have backports installed?04:04
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> what do you see if you type: ip link show04:05
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> what are the results of: lspci -vnn | grep Network04:07
IrcsomeBot<N P> (Photo, 1280x273) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/Q0MI83wD/file_9695.jpg04:08
IrcsomeBot<N P> (Photo, 1280x130) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/Xwnw3KCG/file_9696.jpg04:10
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> both your network devices are down...04:10
IrcsomeBot<N P> Got No idea to bring'em up😅04:12
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> try: ip link set dev wlp2s0 up04:13
IrcsomeBot<N P> RTNETLINK answers : operation not permitted....04:15
IrcsomeBot<N P> It's what I got in response04:15
krytarikPrepend "sudo" to it.04:16
IrcsomeBot<N P> Yup.. Did it.. And checked back.. If any change..04:18
IrcsomeBot<N P> Still down04:18
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> I have not had direct experience with RealTek:  You may want to follow these instructions here: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=238488904:19
IrcsomeBot<N P> Thank you.. Will check it out04:29
IrcsomeBot<N P> Not resolved.. Still04:41
IrcsomeBot<N P> But somehow.. Network devices are up04:41
=== shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer
IrcsomeBotlivio1011 was added by: livio101110:27
IrcsomeBot<livio1011> Hi there10:27
IrcsomeBot<livio1011> I'm new on Kubuntu10:27
IrcsomeBot<livio1011> And I would change a key on my keyboard10:28
IrcsomeBot<livio1011> (Photo, 960x1280) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/VJFxASZ5/file_9697.jpg10:29
IrcsomeBot<livio1011> It's a teclast f7 with us layout (that's a sticker) and I would apply the "arrows"10:29
IrcsomeBot<livio1011> I made the same on Windows 10, but now I don't know what to do10:30
hateballI am not sure, are you looking to rebind that key or? I don't quite understand what you are trying to do10:31
IrcsomeBot<livio1011> I would change the "end" key with the arrows (<>) resetting the keyboard10:34
IrcsomeBot<livio1011> I Need to change us layout in Italian layout :)10:34
BluesKajHowdy folks12:22
IrcsomeBot<Barika> Hey guys when I open windows in KDE they don't open full maximized.  How do I correct this?13:22
BluesKajBarika, maximize the window, right click on the titlebar, choose more actions then special window settings, then choose remember for position, size and desktop13:32
BluesKajfor each window13:33
IrcsomeBot<Barika> I found the option I wanted in Windows Behavior.13:41
BluesKajyeah, didn't think of that, but I don't maximize, so i use the options that I posted13:45
IrcsomeBot<livio1011> @BluesKaj, No solutions?14:08
BluesKajlivio1011, solutions to ?14:12
IrcsomeBot<livio1011> To change keyboard map14:25
BluesKajlivio1011, I joined after your question, so please repeat14:26
BluesKajlivio1011, https://www.librebyte.net/en/gnulinux/change-keyboard-layout-in-kde/14:30
IrcsomeBot<livio1011> For layout it's ok. What if I would change the behavior of 1 Key? Like, push the "a" Key and write "z"? Understand?15:26
BluesKajlivio1011, in that casr open system settings>input devices>keyboard>layouts tab ...you'll find several options there15:44
IrcsomeBotVJAV_CC was added by: VJAV_CC16:04
IrcsomeBot<VJAV_CC> https://www.vjav.cc/watch/horny-japanese-whore-tsukasa-aoi-in-best-amateur-close-up-jav-video_wpz7FyIJiK5q61o.html16:11
BenediktXVIIHi everybody, for some reason I can not send e-mail with Kontact. I get the following error: "Failed to transport message. Server error". It seems gmail is blocking of my Kontact app. However I have authorized the "Akonadi Resources for Google Services" in my gmail account.16:16
BluesKajBenediktXVII, using kmail to connect to your gmail? Whynot just connect to gmail directly through your browser.16:23
BenediktXVIIBluesKaj: because I use it as a PIM app. I have 5 gmail accounts and several calendars to manage.16:25
aedigitalmaybe needed config smtp or imap server16:27
BluesKajBenediktXVII, ok, not a PIM user, so not familiar with that configuration for email etc16:28
BenediktXVIIaedigital: retrieving mail works fine. It's just sending mails which has issues, which is quite annoying, given that I use it in a production environment. :/16:29
IrcsomeBot<livio1011> @BluesKaj> livio1011, in that casr open system settings>input devices>keyboard, Useless16:47
IrcsomeBot<Barika> Is there a way to diagnose what a keyboard shortcut is executing.  I am only having problems with one app and I want to see what it is actually trying to execute.16:52
IrcsomeBot<Barika> https://streamable.com/jt0ho16:53
BenediktXVIIHi everybody, for some reason I can not send e-mail with Kontact. I get the following error: "Failed to transport message. Server error". It seems gmail is blocking of my Kontact app. However I have authorized the "Akonadi Resources for Google Services" in my gmail account.20:26

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