
mwhudsonrbasak, nacc: i pasted a fairly horrifying but apparently working script to the bug00:07
naccmwhudson: rbasak: tyvm00:09
naccsomeday i'll find time to get back to it :)00:09
naccrbasak: the nice part about your idea is that `uupdate` already does it for us (the unpack somewhere) ... we can control it a bit, possibly.00:09
naccrbasak: alternatively, the user can provide us the tarball to use in theory00:10
mwhudsonararararagh the python upstream tokenize changes broke pylint it seems?00:43
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mwhudsontalking of the importer, it seems to be lagging, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/astroid/2.0.4-1 hasn't been imported 12 hours after upload03:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1794229 in dh-python (Ubuntu) "python packages should not ship colliding /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/.pytest_cache" [Critical,New]05:41
lathiati created a bug for thjat05:41
lathiatmaybe that was premature?05:41
lathiatjust read the convo above05:41
lathiat(affects astroid and alembic)05:42
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=== shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer
alterjsiveis fake raid 1 supported by ubuntu?09:22
sladenalterjsive: mirroring, yes:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID09:45
alterjsivesladen: so if it stopped working , I should file a bugreport? I used fake raid 0 without problems for years. it just worked without any extra configuration.09:52
alterjsiveout of the box09:53
alterjsivenow boot fails after a kernell update.09:53
alterjsiveif I switch back to my old kernell version, it boots fine.09:53
sladenalterjsive: okay, that is a bug, yes09:54
sladenalterjsive: what is the before-kernel (working), and the after-kernel (not working)09:54
alterjsivesladen: sorry, i'm not sure, it took me a while to figure out it's not my hardware. I thought it was just a harware faillure. I even bought new ssd's09:56
alterjsivesladen: I will file a bugreport tonight, thx09:56
sladenalterjsive: it needs hard facts ... version number before and after.  Exact partition arrangement, and how Grub is configured09:57
sladenalterjsive: yes, please file a bug in Launchpad with the instructions of exactly what happens09:57
alterjsivesladen: ok, will do.10:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1794318 in mdadm (Ubuntu) "kernel update breaks boot on intel fake raid 1" [Undecided,New]15:36
alterjsiveanything I need to add?15:38
alterjsivebbl going home.15:40
xnoxalai, you didn't mention15:50
alaixnox, wrong nick i guess?15:52
xnoxalai, yes, alterjsive quit by the time i did autocomplete.....15:53
alainp at all15:53
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mdeslaurinfinity, kees, stgraber, slangasek: tech board meeting in 5 min18:54
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xnoxdoko, i am confused by python's autopkgtests.22:34
xnoxe.g. test_tls1_3 (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests) ... skipped 'test requires TLSv1.3 enabled OpenSSL'22:34
xnoxis seen in python2.7 test, triggered by openssl, both of which are from proposed, and do have TLSv1.322:35
xnoxi wonder, if i'm missing something.22:35
xnoxi'll retry all of them with all-proposed=1 but it would be nice to go over the "regressions" tomorrow, to figure out what's missing.22:36

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