
rbasakahasenack: I stole your weekend triage slot. Hope that's OK.07:24
zioprotocoreycb: with the same user if I login to the shell via ssh, and then I give the command, everything works fine07:28
zioprotoit should make no difference in doing 'ssh host command' or in logging actually in and then giving the command07:29
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
tobias-urdincoreycb: another upgrade bug if you don't mind checking ubuntu pkg09:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1794259 in neutron "rocky upgrade path broken requirements pecan too low" [Undecided,New]09:12
tobias-urdinhttps://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/16439/ for ref09:12
tobias-urdincoreycb: another friendly reminder to make sure you populate /etc/cinder/resource_filters.json12:34
coreycbtobias-urdin: for pecan the min version possible to pick up for rocky is 1.2.1 (bionic version) so I think we're good there13:04
coreycbtobias-urdin: checking on /etc/cinder/resource_filters.json. i'm not sure i'm familiar with the issue there.13:05
tobias-urdincoreycb: this is the bug atleast dont know which version it's solved https://github.com/pecan/pecan/issues/9613:06
tobias-urdincoreycb: some more info the resource_filters.json file https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/16448/13:07
tobias-urdinjust wanted to let you know so you could be sure its installed by the deb pkg13:07
coreycbtobias-urdin: ah looks like we do need to force 1.3.2 min version for pecan13:08
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coreycbtobias-urdin: i'll fix that. very much appreciate you letting me know. as always!! :)13:09
tobias-urdinno worries :)13:10
coreycbtobias-urdin: btw i think these sort of issues aren't hit with apt dist-upgrade which is what our tooling uses13:12
tobias-urdincoreycb: yeah, the RDO package testing did exactly the same which is why my ansible-based upgrade toolbox catches them since13:26
tobias-urdinits rolling upgrades it upgrades some parts at a time13:26
coreycbtobias-urdin: got it. makes sense.13:28
blackrootHas anyone here tried to setup openstack on a single workstation? Like this guide here tells you: https://www.ubuntu.com/openstack/install13:47
coreycbblackroot: i should be able to point you in the right direction. having problems with anything in particular?14:14
blackrootcoreycb: yes, a few things. first i should tell you that the machine is a 1U DELL PE with 16gb ram and dual xeon cpu. it has dual NIC aswell14:24
blackrootUsing a fresh install of ubuntu 18.0414:24
blackrooti follow the short guidance in the link i posted14:25
blackrootexcept i additionally have to snap install juju14:25
blackrootwhen i have both NIC's (dhcp) to a switch, i can't get past bootstrapping. But when i disconnect the eno2 before ubuntu install, i can get past that and to the package deployment. which doesn't work, until i connect eno2 to the switch again. then it fails during deployment14:26
blackrootwhich i can't figure out14:26
blackrootit starts the deployment, but fails after a while14:27
blackroot2018-09-25 14:14:14,853 [WARNING] conjure-up/openstack-novalxd - juju.client.connection: connection.py:227 - Receiver: Connection closed, reconnecting14:28
coreycbblackroot: are you using conjure-up?14:30
coreycbyes obviously, sorry :)14:30
coreycbblackroot: ok probably going to want to get some logs but let's move the conversation to #conjure-up on freenode14:30
dxchi folks15:11
dxcJust upgraded to ubuntu 18.04 server15:11
dxcwanted to know how I can remove a couple lines from my MOTD on login15:12
dxchttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pMPxwKk7dH/ I want to remove the read about ubuntu updates line, the having fun line, and the highly secure kiosk line15:13
rbasakdxc: edit /etc/default/motd-news15:15
coreycbtobias-urdin: i have new cinder and neutron packages on their way for rocky to address the issues you brought up15:15
dxcty rbasak15:15
tobias-urdincoreycb: cool, nice work :)15:16
coreycbtobias-urdin: np thanks again :)15:17
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burton_hi can anyone help me with postfix sendmail is listening in the port but not postfix and i have removed it19:47
tewardburton_: start by running: sudo service sendmail stop19:47
tewardif that doesn't work just reboot the server, if sendmail is truly gone it won't exist to start up19:47
tewardor find the sendmail pids and issue `sudo kill -9` to the sendmail pids.19:47
burton_still got the issue listenning to port 25 it says sendmail:MTA19:52
burton_can anybody help me its listening to master now but i still have a lil problem20:00
burton_burton_ SET PASSWORD m00nlights21:54
blackflowhoo hoo!22:02

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