
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
flocculantbluesabre: if you see cosmic beta on the tracker can you mail the link out - I did the first call, if not I'll do it when I get home05:27
Unit193xfce4-weather-plugin GTK3 PPA'd, not going to Cosmic.05:53
Unit193bluesabre: Hah, wondered how that text got in there, didn't think I submitted a patch to upstream Xfce about https. :D05:53
brainwashbluesabre: this is just cosmetics, but wouldn't it look better if "Print file/s" was changed to just "Print"?08:32
brainwashbluesabre: this way it would be in line with other context menu entries like "Delete" etc.08:32
brainwashit's not "Delete file/s"08:32
brainwashon Windows it's just "Print"08:33
bluesabrebrainwash: yes, that makes sense08:55
brainwashI tried to print a document without having a printer installed, but the command used by thunar-print did not return any error08:57
brainwashlibreoffice -p <file>08:57
brainwashbluesabre: did you test if printing actually works?08:58
bluesabrebrainwash: I did not test the printing, instead took ochosi's word for it08:59
brainwashmaybe the libroffice command can be fine-tuned08:59
bluesabreJust tried it, got a file coming out the printer now08:59
ochosibluesabre: i think we should try to pull this into 18.10 (took me a bit to fix the remaining icons) https://github.com/shimmerproject/elementary-xfce/releases/tag/v0.13.121:39
Spassochosi, did you see pull request #666 \m/ on elementary icons upstream? seems like they've changed all the manila folders a bit21:56
ochosiSpass: yeah, i did, but the change is not drastic21:57
ochosihaven't merged it in yet21:57
SpassI'll try to create my first ever pull request in the near future, going back to my old suggestion - https://github.com/shimmerproject/elementary-xfce/issues/10221:58
Unit193knome: Poke.21:59
Spassmaybe I'll be useful, I'll try ;)21:59
ochosiany help is welcome22:00
Unit193Spass: I can't artwork at all, and even I find a way to help. ;)22:00
Unit193...By nagging ochosi. :(22:00
Spassthat's kinda what I was doing too22:01
ochosi(and by doing distro-agnostic packaging to get the stuff to debian)22:01
Unit193(I package elementary-xfce in Debian.)22:01
bluesabreknome: any news on the wallpaper front? Seems ubuntu landed theirs today22:07
ochosii saw a very nice preview of it in here a few days ago, nice work on that knome (if i haven't said so)23:19
bluesabreYea, that preview was looking really good23:20
Unit193I may have missed this.23:20
Unit193bluesabre: I'll have elementary-xfce in Debian later tonight, not sure if you want to sync, update for Ubuntu, do paperwork, or what.23:34
bluesabreUnit193: awesome, thanks!23:34

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