
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
Kalovhello xubunters01:59
RudyValenciais there an easy to use MIDI sequencing tool and a way to use SoundFonts without a SoundBlaster card?02:13
kumulRudyValencia, yes04:44
Tektronikhi !14:31
Tektronikquelqu'un serait-il pourquoi lors de ma dernière mise à jour xubuntu, j'ai de temps en temps un disque fantôme qui apparait sur le bureau, d'environ 4,1Gio14:33
Tektronikau faît je ne peux ni l'ouvrir ni l'éjecter, bien sûr lorsqu'il est présent14:36
Spass!fr | Tektronik14:46
ubottuTektronik: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:46
Tektronikok i am going to try translating14:51
rud0lfhello.. i set in .local/share/Thunar/sendto a custom activator (.desktop file) named leopard.ovh (it sends file to my web server).. unfortunately, after every use it creates new entry "userapp-leopard.ovh-??????.desktop" in .local/share/applications (?????? being 6 random characters and numbers)16:43
rud0lfso when i select "open from" it sometimes show 10 or more "open with leopard.ovh"16:43
rud0lfmy /home/rud0lf dir mode is 711 if that matters16:44
rud0lfmaybe touch 26^6 files to exhaust it? ;)16:46
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
brainwashrud0lf: I would check the Xfce bug tracker17:39
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 14118 in General ""sendto" file from registering itself in the "open with" list" [Normal,New]17:41
RedSoxFan07Anybody here having an issue where after they log in their background displays but the rest of the desktop environment doesn't show up until they hop into the CLI (Ctrl+Alt+F2) and back into the desktop environment(Ctrl+Alt+F2)?18:28
diogenes_RedSoxFan07, never heard of that18:30
SpassRedSoxFan07, I had that issue couple times in my VM install (18.10), but never on a real hardware18:31
RedSoxFan07Could my GT 1030 be the cause? Or maybe a bad update for its driver?18:31
RedSoxFan07Which GPUs are you guys using?18:31
SpassGTX650Ti with "nvidia" drivers from the official repo, Xubuntu 18.04, no issues, only in VM18:33
=== HalfWord is now known as Byte
=== Byte is now known as HalfWord

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