
jbichaRAOF: please push your pristine-tar branch for colord00:37
jbichaupstream branch too01:20
RAOFjbicha: They're already pushed?01:29
RAOFAs far as I can tell.01:30
jbichaRAOF: no, there's only the master branch https://salsa.debian.org/debian/colord/branches01:36
RAOFHuh. That 404s for me!01:36
RAOFjbicha: Would you kindly pull the pristine-tar and upstream branches from https://salsa.debian.org/raof-guest/colord ?01:37
jbichaRAOF: I gave you access instead01:39
RAOFI will accept that as a workable solution :)01:40
jbichaI've never seen that meson build stamp stuff before but I guess it makes sense01:40
RAOFjbicha: It's a huge faff.01:41
RAOFBecause meson won't let you generate the build system twice.01:41
jbichamaybe you could ask debhelper to allow maintainers a more elegant way of overriding configure flags for arch-indep01:42
jbichathere's a nodoc build profile that probably works for most cases like that, but these aren't docs01:43
jbichathe repo is private, that's very strange01:52
RAOFI didn't set it up; blame Seb :)01:55
didrocksgood morning07:18
willcookemorning all07:55
willcookesuddenly Wednesday07:55
jibelmorning willcooke08:00
jibelwillcooke, could you try latest Cosmic in vbox again and check if you reproduce the problem from last week? It works for me but I'm on cosmic and it's a newer version of virtualbox08:01
willcookejibel, sure thing08:01
willcookejibel, this image?  2018-09-25 16:451.9G08:02
willcookecurrent or pending08:02
willcookeoh, they are the same08:02
willcookeWe should probably think about removing this text now:08:03
willcooke"Warning: This image is oversized (which is a bug) and will not fit onto a standard 703MiB CD. However, you may still test it using a DVD, a USB drive, or a virtual machine."08:03
willcookesince it's a bug which is never ever going to get fixed08:03
willcookeAny ideas who owns that page?08:04
jibelwillcooke, yes this image08:04
jibelcdimage AFAIR08:04
jibelthere might be a bug existing already08:04
jibelcannot find the exact package name, I'll search08:05
willcookejibel, don't worry about it now08:05
willcookenot important08:05
willcookeI'll speak to inifinity at the release sprint08:05
Laneyit's lp:ubuntu-cdimage08:10
Laneysize_limit() function08:10
willcookehi Laney08:11
Laneyguten tag08:11
willcookeca va?08:11
willcookejibel, black screen here08:12
Laneymuy bien08:13
LaneyА вы?08:13
willcookeestic cansat08:13
jibelwillcooke, which version of bionic?08:17
willcooke  Installed: 5.2.10-dfsg-6ubuntu18.04.108:18
willcooke  Candidate: 5.2.10-dfsg-6ubuntu18.04.108:18
willcooke  Version table:08:18
willcooke *** 5.2.10-dfsg-6ubuntu18.04.1 50008:18
willcooke        500 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-updates/multiverse amd64 Packages08:18
willcooke        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status08:18
willcooke     5.2.10-dfsg-6 50008:18
willcooke        500 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic/multiverse amd64 Packages08:18
willcookejibel, I removed quiet and splash from the kernel options and I got a live session log in screen08:19
* willcooke looks at Plymouth 08:19
jibelwillcooke, it'sthe same problem I had last week, on my laptop, the shell fails to start08:20
jibelah, it doesn't boot after installation, same problem than yesterday08:23
Laneyprobably will get the new gdm later today08:24
Laneymaybe you can try that to see if it changes anything08:25
willcookemy vm has locked up now08:25
jibelit seems to be when snaps are installing08:25
willcookeafter reporting a problem with xorg08:25
willcookejibel, I didnt even get that far08:25
willcookeI'll try agai08:25
jibelwillcooke, can you try the version of vbox from cosmic. If it's installable on bionic of course08:26
willcookethe "Live Session User" should have no password, right?08:27
willcookei.e. it's not "ubuntu"08:27
willcookejibel I got in to a live session this time (removing quiet & splash  from the boot options) and I'm trying the install now08:28
willcookeI get "Would you like to report an error" about xorg, but it still seems to be running08:28
willcookejibel, I'll nurse this through installation and then try a different version of vbox08:33
willcookeit feels a bit slugish right now08:33
willcookelike something's not right08:33
jibelwillcooke, it's bug 1432137, xorg crashes, the shell cannot start and the session restarts08:34
ubot5bug 1432137 in xorg-server (Ubuntu Cosmic) "Xorg crashed due to assertion failure "!global_keys[type].created" in dixRegisterPrivateKey" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143213708:34
willcookejibel, yeah, it;s dead.  Ok, trying the Cosmic version of virtual box08:41
willcookehm, I dont want to scre up this machine08:41
willcookeI will install B on my test machine and try it there08:41
willcookebut before I do that I have to finish a couple of other things, can it wait a few hours?08:42
jibelwillcooke, np, i'll do it08:43
willcookejibel, I can make a start, I'll let you know how far I get08:45
jibelis there a way to "unseed" snap so the system is in the same state than first boot?08:46
willcookee.g. while it's installing I can write docs08:46
willcookenot sure08:46
willcookeas in, the snaps haven't been started or updated?08:47
willcookeYou could rm -rf the ~/snap dir?08:47
jibellike the snaps have never been installed on the system08:52
jibeland installed on boot08:52
jibelI think that's what causes the black screen08:53
=== Class7_ is now known as Class7
willcookejibel, B installed on my test machine09:26
willcookejibel, shall I just try and install the vbox debs from C?09:26
jibelwillcooke, yes, if the kernel module is compatible with the kernel from B it should work fine09:27
willcookejibel, lots of missing deps, mainly around qt, this will take me a while to unpick09:31
willcookeurgh, and libc09:32
willcookeWould one expect that software-properies-gtk does not show that nvidia proprietary drivers are available in the live session?11:26
willcookei.e. I open it and it says there arent any drivers, but I think that there should be11:26
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch
Laneyjibel: might want to try the gdm in ppa:laney/ppa to see if it changes your bug at all12:05
jibelLaney, I've another failed boot. I'll try your ppa12:21
jibelI cannot even switch to a tty12:21
=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski
cpaelzertkamppeter: would you have an advice what a good next step to debug http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sDWCS83qKd/ might be?12:31
cpaelzerThe TL;DR is - it sometimes works after boot, but if it doesn't then no printer on/off nor cable replug can resovle it12:31
cpaelzerthe /dev/usb/lp1 entry that it would usually gain never appears and I'm lost where to check for more12:32
cpaelzerI wondered if I should try a HWE kernel, but wanted to hear your opinion first12:32
jibelwould anyone know a way to disable snaps initialization on first boot?12:51
willcookejibel, like stopping snapd from starting?  Can we just disable the systemd unit?12:57
jibelwillcooke, another machine running cosmic, same version of vbox and cosmic doesn't start12:59
tkamppetercpaelzer, do  not worry about the usblp kernel module. It is not used any more for years. The USB CUPS backend does raw USB access via libusb. Otherwise have a look at the "USB printer" section on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingPrintingProblems.13:00
willcookejibel, I dont follow, are you saying its racey?13:01
tkamppeterAnyone can help me on a gnome-control-center/network setup issue?13:01
tkamppeterI have a problem with gnome-control-center. In the VPN config window the green "Apply" button is always grayed out and I cannot change my settings.13:03
willcooketkamppeter, which sort of VPN?13:05
willcookePPTP or OpenVPNB13:06
tkamppeterwillcooke, our Canonical VPN.13:13
tkamppeterwillcooke, I do not know whether it is PPTP or OpenVPN.13:15
tkamppeterwillcooke, I also selected the config where the VPN is only used for the internal hosts for which the VPN is actually needed.13:16
tkamppeterwillcooke, another hint: On Monday it happened to me that my home directory ran full. I immediately cleaned up to have space again, but I do not know whether it can have broken something in my g-c-c config, perhaps something which allowed me as normal user having root access to certain config settings.13:18
tkamppeterAnyone has an idea here?13:51
willcooketkamppeter, Our VPN is OpenVPN13:53
tkamppeterwillcooke, any hint? Whon could help me with this?13:54
willcooketkamppeter, can you send me a screenshot of the config you've got set up so far13:54
willcookeI got it working, so it must be possible13:54
tkamppeterwillcooke, I got it working in the first place and then it suddenly stopped.13:55
tkamppeterProbably I will simply remove everything related to it and follow the instructions again, as I had nver done it.13:55
tkamppeterI hoped that I am here with the guys who maintain g-c-c and have a quick hint for me.13:57
jibelLaney, when booting an iso do you know if it's possible to break after the squashfs is mounted but before ubiquity-dm starts?14:06
Laneyjibel: I usually use systemd.unit=rescue.target14:09
Laneyand then systemctl start network-online.target to get network14:09
Laneyis that enough?14:09
jibelLaney, yes it should.14:11
tjaaltonjibel: you've filed the same bug twice now :) please install the new mesa, it should fix it14:12
tjaaltonjibel: oh, unduped it.. that's better14:13
jibeltjaalton, actually I am not sure they are duplicates because the boot failure happens without the xorg crash and on errors.u.c there are no crahs for cosmic14:13
tjaaltonthat crash is just a symptom of a failure somewhere else, like in this case the gallium swrast driver14:15
tjaaltonI wonder if it's a theme bug that I can't select text on a split terminator window from the start of the line, it always grabs the vertical border instead14:20
tjaaltonin cosmic, bionic was fine but it has issues with some elements being transparent..14:21
tkamppeterwillcooke, I have tried to enter all again and it seems that something has changed in the g-c-c. Now it seems to be required to have a CA private key or a CA key password. This is not contained in the provided credentials.14:23
tkamppeterwillcooke, therefore the "Apply" button is grayed out.14:24
willcooketkamppeter, I have a private key in my VPN set up, so I think it does exist, but likely the instructions haven't been updated recently14:24
willcookefwiw, my private key is called "canonical-will.key" inside .vpn14:25
willcookeinside ~/.vpn/14:25
tkamppeterwillcooke, this is the "User Private Key". What it also wants to have is a "CA Private Key".14:26
willcookehm, not sure14:29
willcookeI'll set it up from scratch on another machine14:29
Laneytkamppeter: it's probably https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/network-manager-applet/issues/2014:45
gitbotGNOME issue 20 in network-manager-applet "Cannot import VPN configuration from standard ovpn files" [Closed]14:45
Laneymaybe you could try the linked merge request (!27) and see if that fixes you14:45
jibeltjaalton, it boots with mesa from canonical-x ppa14:48
willcookethanks Laney14:49
Laneyde nada14:49
tjaaltonjibel: great. it's uploaded to the queue already, should hopefully enter cosmic after the beta is out14:50
willcookeThat means beta gets released broken though, right?14:51
tjaaltonI'm not opposed if someone pings the release team about it.. I've tried14:52
tjaaltonuploaded it to the queue last night14:53
willcooketjaalton, ack14:53
tjaaltonpinged again14:59
tkamppeterLaney, thank you very much. I will try it soon. Is it already planned to go into Cosmic?15:25
LaneyDon't know, but it would be a good idea15:28
TrevinhoLaney: can you please publish https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3440 ?17:00
TrevinhoLaney: no sorry, don't.17:01
Trevinholooks like I've to remerge the src in the pkg first -_-17:02
jibelsil2100, toreporduce bug 1794280 did you keep the default options in the installer?17:08
ubot5bug 1794280 in gdm3 (Ubuntu Cosmic) "gdm doesn't start on a fresh installation of Cosmic Desktop" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179428017:08
jibelto reproduce*17:08
sil2100jibel: basically only things I did was disable downloading updates during install and selected minimal17:19
sil2100jibel: rest was default basically17:19
jibelLaney, no improvement with your ppa17:21
jibelLaney, the difference is that gdm tries continuously to restart the session17:22
TrevinhoLaney: https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3440 now is fine18:29
=== Class7_ is now known as Class7
tkamppeterLaney, I have tried the patch for libnma and now I can set up Canonical's VPNs again, the "CA Private Key" field simply went away after applying the patch. Thank you very much.20:45
tkamppeterLaney, so please let this patch go into Cosmic.20:46
tkamppeterLaney, only the DNS problem is not solved. I cannot connect to rugby.internal.20:50

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