
=== GridCube_ is now known as GridCube
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
knomeUnit193, what?06:42
knomebluesabre, potentially getting it finished today, depends on the real work (tm)06:43
brainwashprinter applet will eat your memory https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=86322712:30
ubottuDebian bug 863227 in system-config-printer "system-config-printer: applet.py does not exit with session" [Normal,Open]12:30
Spassfirst part of my beta ISO testing is done - live session, I've reported my issues (there are many, unfortunately)13:47
Spassnow I'm going to install it on my secondary drive13:48
flocculantamyone planning beta testing - should wait for the respin16:48
brainwashSpass: "xflock4 command didn't work at all" light-locker is not started in the live session anymore, therefore xflock4 won't do anything17:41
Spassbrainwash, ahh ok, in that case sorry, I didn't know that17:42
brainwashis locking the screen part of a test case?17:42
Spassno, but I thought it was important17:43
Spassso is that related to my "not resuming from suspend" issue also?17:43
brainwashunlikely I'd think17:44
brainwashyou could test with the regular Ubuntu beta17:45
brainwashdid suspend break only in the beta for you?17:46
SpassI can test that later with a regular Ubuntu LTS17:47
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: thunar 1.8.2 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-thunar-1-8-2-released-tp51869.html (by Alexander Schwinn)17:51
flocculantbrainwash: locking screen is in fact part of a testcase - post install 18:27
brainwashflocculant: in that case it will work18:31
brainwashjust not during live session18:32
flocculantyea I know 18:32
Spassso maybe, if it's possible, it would be a good idea to disable "Lock screen" button from the Whisker Menu in Live Session?18:33
Spassbecause it doesn't work at all during live session, as brainwash wrote "light-locker is not started in the live session anymore, therefore xflock4 won't do anything"18:34
flocculantat times - hardware doesn't work in the live session - do we disable the live session :p18:34
SpassI just don't see a point to that button being visible, if locking is disabled18:34
flocculantSpass: I really don't think it's that important18:35
Spassit may confuse users18:35
SpassI'm not saying that it's critical or something18:35
Spassand not "once", because it doesn't show any message with information that "it is disabled in the live session, move on"18:36
flocculantI suspect it's muich too late for 18.10 anyway18:36
flocculantbluesabre: on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/396/builds/181438/testcases/1303/results18:39
flocculantresult from malysps, #1 - pretty sure I've seen a bug report for this - but can't find it18:40
brainwashSpass: well, maybe think of it like this: it "locks" the screen, but instantly unlocks it due not being password protected in the first place18:42
brainwashit it wasn't, what password would you type to unlock?18:42
Spassbrainwash, I still don't see a point to "Lock screen" button being visible in the main menu, when locking is disabled, but I agree, not a big problem18:43
Spassflocculant, I've mentioned those disappearing buttons here: https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14606 maybe that was it?18:43
brainwashthat's just the default menu config18:43
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 14606 in Settings "xfwm4-settings keeps crashing when changing 'Button layout'" [Normal,New]18:43
brainwashyou are free to run light-locker manually, and then use the button18:44
Spassbrainwash, I know, and if it's not possible to change it during the live session only, that's not an issue at all18:45
flocculantSpass: thought I'd seen something 18:46
flocculantoh - now I see you're malysps lol18:46
Spassyup :)18:46
Spassyou got confused, once18:47
flocculantha ha ha 18:47
Spassnew beta ISOs will be released soon? or no specific date yet?18:48
flocculantSpass: not sure when18:49
flocculantit'll definitely be before tomorrow pm as they need testing by tomorrow pm ;)18:49
flocculantthey have to wait for the package fix to land before they can respin18:50
Spassok, I'll try to test them also18:50
flocculantI'll check the manifest diff to see what changes have landed - likely none that particularly affect us18:51
flocculantapart from the obvious one18:51
flocculantlive virtualbox fails18:51
flocculantso - if that's the main change all we really need to do is smokestest 18:52
Spassbrainwash, Ubuntu 18.04 live session, my laptop resumed from the suspend correctly after lid close / open18:53
Spasswill test that on new Xubuntu 18.10 beta again18:54
Spassyes, I just wanted to check if my laptop suspend is working with LTS at all18:54
brainwashah I see18:54
Spassto check for possible regression 18:55
brainwashI assumed that this was given18:55
brainwashand suspend only broke in 18.10, maybe just recently in the beta18:56
brainwashochosi: you may be able to explain this one: xfce4-terminal --icon=123 is not able to find 123.png in ~/.local/share/icons/, but it can if moved to ~/.local/share/icons/<theme>/<category>/<size>/19:24
brainwashcould be the intended behaviour19:25
ochosiyeah, sounds as expected19:26
brainwashalright. thanks19:26
ochosimaybe it works if you put it to ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor19:26
brainwashwill try that19:26
brainwashdoesn't work19:27
ochosimaybe you need to add the <category>/<size> path too19:40
ochosicause it all depends if the index.theme file of the respective icon theme defines the path you're using19:40
ochosi(as far as i know)19:40
brainwashpersonally, I only remember putting icons in ~/.icons, and it just worked some years ago19:43
ochosihmm, possible19:45
ochosii've maintained elementary-xfce for so long, i don't clearly remember the times before ;)19:45
Unit193Oh dang, forgot to tell bluesabre that elementary-xfce is up to date in Debian.20:39
Unit193elementary-xfce 0.13.1-1 uploaded by Unit 193 <unit193@ubuntu.com>20:39
ochosithanks Unit193 20:40
bluesabreUnit193: thanks! Hopefully I get a chance to tackle that soon21:51

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