
xubuntu24wWhat is the best way to write the 18.04 image to mass storage in Windows 10 right now?00:07
xubuntu24wI have Cygwin installed, so dd is an option00:07
=== GridCube_ is now known as GridCube
xubuntu24wUNetbootin it is00:30
Unit193I thought linux live usb creator was good, but that's been a few years.00:30
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
Babloyiis there something in thunar that by default blocks users from changing permissions of regular files?09:53
BabloyiI made a build of this thing for linux, and when I check the permissions, it says it is executable, but gives the message "Allowing untrusted programs to run presents a security risk to your system"09:54
Babloyiand I can't even click anything in the Permissions tab of the properties, except to move to the other tabs09:54
Babloyi-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root are the permissions for the file10:01
Babloyibut even in the terminal it then says "Permission Denied" when I try running it10:01
Babloyinevermind, shifting it to home instead of the separate partition worked10:07
Babloyiwhy is executing stuff on the separate partition blocked?10:07
brainwashBabloyi: ntfs partition?10:10
brainwashalso, can you run it via terminal?10:10
Babloyisays Permission Denied10:11
Babloyihow do you tell what sort of partition a partition is?10:11
Babloyigparted doesn't come installed by default?10:12
brainwashI'd think that it does10:12
brainwashat least it's present in the live session10:13
BabloyiCommand 'gparted' not found, but can be installed with:10:13
SpassGparted is only on liveCD, it's not installed by default10:13
Babloyiis there a way to just check without installing gparted?10:13
brainwashtry the 'mount' command10:14
pubmainIs there any way to make switching from XFCE to LightDM more fluid?  Especially when locking the screen.  It seems the LightDM login screen, XFCE, and LightDM lock screen all use different resolutions.12:39
brainwashpubmain: using the open source graphics driver for your GPU should help with that12:45
brainwashthe nvidia driver is known to cause issues with VT switching12:46
pubmainThat sucks12:46
brainwashother than that, using another screen locker is the way to go12:47
pubmainI'll probably look into other screen lockers12:47
brainwashxscreensaver or mate-screensaver/gnome-screensaver12:47
pubmainI'll give it a shot, thanks brainwash12:48
brainwashgood luck :)12:48
=== mpmc_znc is now known as mpmc

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