PasNox1 | only windows fails at using the external ip from inside the local network? | 00:02 |
PasNox1 | that was my lame attempt at it | 00:02 |
PasNox1 | well there are 138 people in the channel here, dunno if it's bridged or what | 00:02 |
PasNox1 | Is that why you joined, cableblox ? No, actually a lot of such messages are broken up, mid sentence. | 00:02 |
PasNox1 | catbeard: no, i cant do it like that. im doing gpu passthrough (and usb passthrough for my keyboard and mouse) | 00:02 |
PasNox1 | and am the one who enjoying sniff pass | 00:02 |
LiruCookies | darkmeson: i am responding to the suggestion of creating a directory and copying the binary | 01:07 |
LiruCookies | !mint | Ruzzy | 01:07 |
LiruCookies | dyl: so a URI reference is leaving of the file part (the scheme) when constructing a path | 01:07 |
cthuluh1 | measure what | 01:24 |
cthuluh1 | i am using.. well trying to use PID control to control Fan speed related to the pressure measured, but i am having a hard time handling the PID tuning, i was wondering is there is an other method then PID control that comes close to the same use | 01:24 |
cthuluh1 | a typename alias changes nothing regarding conversions. | 01:24 |
cthuluh1 | released a bunch of bugs | 01:24 |
cthuluh1 | i don't understand that logic | 01:24 |
haltdef29 | would it be on the default gateway device? | 01:45 |
haltdef29 | so maybe it's now fixed, and the config file was the problem. | 01:45 |
haltdef29 | !patience | qwebirc15664 | 01:45 |
tzafrir24 | tawr: that's a possibility | 01:45 |
haltdef29 | only my data folder | 01:45 |
tzafrir24 | srji: of course, but competition is orthagonal to cooperation. While cooperation was needed to create Fx the competition was the thing that was driving people to work | 01:45 |
tzafrir24 | if you want to leave no trace of the history you can go into a different shell like sh, rm .bash_history, killall bash | 01:45 |
haltdef29 | So stupid question - I've got a stepper motor here. It is rated at a fairly low current (0.5A) but claims a higher rated torque than my other motors. What gives? Like, is it more efficient than my other motors, since it's getting more torque for a given current? Or is the torque rating kinda BS? | 01:45 |
tzafrir24 | namesillo | 01:45 |
desaster0 | It is not “simplification” under any stretch of the term. It is the FOL equivalent of minimizing the number of characters in a C or Perl program while preserving the externally visible behavior. | 01:54 |
desaster0 | kalven: yes, but a static constexpr template variable... | 01:54 |
desaster0 | | 01:54 |
desaster0 | reygoch: how complicated is the "nested" data? | 01:54 |
desaster0 | I think it's a valuable thing to be interested in the past | 01:54 |
slunkad | mnoonan: it's a joke based on Back to the Future | 02:16 |
slunkad | seems to be working now | 02:16 |
slunkad | dont even waste time looking him up his shitty site dosn't need the traffic | 02:16 |
acln19 | so, "parents" | 02:50 |
acln19 | this used to work, did i do something bad: | 02:50 |
acln19 | I think I see what may be the case... I looked in kernel.spec, and under #kernel-headers there is a list of --with options... I wonder if now you have to include a --with headers in rpmbuild -bb ? | 02:50 |
acln19 | no need to stop | 02:50 |
acln19 | containered: I think the bug in this instance is that the widget stays where it's placed until the next restart, not that the restart resets its position | 02:50 |
duckpupp- | zincy: how's ["val1", " val2"] instead | 03:19 |
duckpupp- | AVC | 03:19 |
duckpupp- | I could hardly believe it. | 03:19 |
duckpupp- | which should be the 2nd anyways | 03:19 |
duckpupp- | tho i did find it in /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/include/stdarg.h | 03:19 |
duckpupp- | *ptr1 is dereferencing the pointer to get an int, but the &var is taking the memory address of var, so you're trying to assign an int* to an int realbadhorse. The spacing for a declaration doesn't matter. int* p, int *p, and int * p are all equivalent. | 03:19 |
Tomasu0 | unyu: i miss remembered the name probably | 04:21 |
Tomasu0 | well billionaires are all old af | 04:21 |
Tomasu0 | is there any relation between vcpu and physical cpu? if yes then please let me know | 04:21 |
Tomasu0 | actually got both the gnu toolchain & qemu-kvm desquirreled on xubuntu 18.04.1 today. havent done that on a buntu since 15.10. the thing is solid | 04:21 |
Shanmugamp717 | tony: You are here in #fedora-unregistered because you are not registered or identified with freenode. See or /msg nickserv help register for more information. | 05:18 |
Shanmugamp717 | that's cool. | 05:18 |
Shanmugamp717 | well it lacks empty, but nearly | 05:18 |
Shanmugamp717 | we explained this, in depth, the other day. | 05:18 |
Shanmugamp717 | if plugging in usbdev causes reboot, things are unlikely to work well in the long run | 05:18 |
Shanmugamp717 | Jan- just linked to "Dark-Eyed Cossack Girl" - Leonid Kharitonov & The Alexandrov Red Army Choir (1969) - YouTube - Leonid Kharitonov (Леонид Харитонов) | 05:18 |
Guest35938 | Was it acquired through the Ubuntu software store? | 06:11 |
Guest35938 | But regardless, you can represent 8 bits however you want | 06:11 |
Guest35938 | turn the camp on | 06:12 |
Guest35938 | why do I has 2 b intelligent | 06:12 |
Guest35938 | Thank you for the help | 06:12 |
sztanpet26 | oh, there is already an islamic party in NL kek | 06:14 |
sztanpet26 | Trolling rolling rolling trolling. | 06:14 |
sztanpet26 | the stupid way is to use git update-index --assume-unchanged | 06:14 |
sztanpet26 | didnt get the catch up | 06:14 |
sztanpet26 | 2018-09-20T04:24:36+00:00 | 06:14 |
test222___14 | darkmeson> I am using the gnome disk utility which is a gui. | 06:19 |
test222___14 | Well it would be if it wasn't so easy to intercept with a phone call to your provider, most of them will even mail you a fresh sim to any address even if it doesn't match your billing addr | 06:19 |
test222___14 | [qc]( But IRC in here is just a courtesy for our holdout friends, where those joining this side see it at least as a "Bouncer". But help for that is off-topic in here, where is the place. | 06:19 |
test222___14 | stranglerfish, usually shorthand for "standard." | 06:19 |
lemourin14 | | 06:36 |
lemourin14 | shiranaihito: doas pfctl -s states : that will show you what are the states | 06:36 |
lemourin14 | blurgh | 06:36 |
lemourin14 | _ikke_: he does. * text eol=lf and also had core.autocrlf=input | 06:36 |
LnL23 | 70-200 2.8 ? | 08:09 |
LnL23 | I don't understand what you said | 08:09 |
LnL23 | freenode seems to have turned off channel listing maybe | 08:09 |
LnL23 | You usually want to use a different job for every unique piece of software. | 08:09 |
kanarip4 | not sure why it makes sense to be rude to someone that is legit treying to understand | 08:12 |
kanarip4 | since there are likely vastly many numbers above 1023 (and for that matter, below 0) that are representable by int, it is highly likely that the uninitialized values are in that set | 08:12 |
kanarip4 | nOooOOooOOOooOOoooOOoooooOOOooooOOOOOOoooO | 08:12 |
kanarip4 | i see. and from what rio was saying it would be all multiples of some arbitrary "basis" vector | 08:12 |
kanarip4 | oh i have had buyers tell me that they had to pay more rubles or whatever | 08:12 |
kanarip4 | flip . (flip .)) .) . flip flip c . ((flip . (flip .)) .) . flip flip c . ((flip . (flip .)) .) . flip flip c . ((flip . (flip .)) .) . flip flip c . ((flip . (flip .)) .) . flip flip e . ((flip . ( | 08:12 |
mrtux21 | and df -h | 08:14 |
mrtux21 | proof: let x in X s.t. x<sup(S) and suppose for every s in S, x NOT <s, i.e. s<=x. Then x is an upper bound for S but x<sup(S), contradiction. | 08:14 |
mrtux21 | fujisan make one for qwant | 08:14 |
E713 | ...vs a mapping to insert tabs? | 08:34 |
E713 | so does this involve a type stricture => ? | 08:34 |
E713 | 9900 is like 8C/16T that's going to be all sorts of limited | 08:34 |
E713 | or i think i get. "composing actions...', it's just i was adding 'squitr a value through' thinking of OOP value with a 'system' pointer | 08:34 |
E713 | i cant seem to login on their web interface altough ive been mining for a few hours | 08:34 |
Chromaryu13 | are you in australia? | 08:53 |
Chromaryu13 | :t foldl sad 0 . map fromEnum where sad a i = a*2 + i | 08:53 |
Chromaryu13 | Heck, define "tree-wide modification awareness" for that matter | 08:53 |
prime_0 | telegram has swipe to reply, that's the best imo: fast, but you won't do it accidentally | 09:03 |
prime_0 | should be enoght | 09:03 |
prime_0 | i7, 16GB, 1TB | 09:03 |
prime_0 | today I saw mr. rat again | 09:03 |
prime_0 | how does a CoC make it any less of being about the code than it already is? | 09:03 |
prime_0 | got no signaturesw | 09:04 |
andydrew_ | and it gets stuck there | 09:08 |
andydrew_ | aalm: I am on 6.3 | 09:08 |
andydrew_ | oh i need to somehow make it say one to one | 09:08 |
stalactit14 | rcombs, could disabling local media assets be related? like by forcing unnecessary queries | 09:22 |
stalactit14 | ubuntu update is telling me to recheck my internet but obviously it works because here I am but the error message is actually appstream exitting early/crashing | 09:22 |
stalactit14 | i typo'd in the first | 09:22 |
iamayam7 | anyone know how I would go about getting an invite? | 09:24 |
iamayam7 | * could be used if you turn on the dotglob shell option, otherwise it omits the "hidden" filenames. | 09:24 |
iamayam7 | what did you sell it for? | 09:25 |
iamayam7 | I don't seem to have an intuition for comonads either | 09:25 |
iamayam7 | anyone know if it's possible to optimise the sum of squares? | 09:25 |
iamayam7 | needs to ensure it's the same profile for example... wouldn't want to -vcodec copy h264-baseline stuff and transcode a GOP into h264-high at the end :P | 09:25 |
AJaeger0 | Becomes rough in large networks though. | 09:39 |
AJaeger0 | grawity: riight.. | 09:39 |
AJaeger0 | because it's actually an android app? | 09:39 |
AJaeger0 | ok, just wanna make sure i understand it all so i can do it myself in the future | 09:39 |
nurupo10 | magic sys rq? | 10:19 |
nurupo10 | dataN: yeah that's what I'm thinking | 10:19 |
nurupo10 | it will not emulate a serial port in the way one thinks, only "here comes a bag of bytes, all in a lump" | 10:19 |
donofrio0 | any recommendations for an appropriate WAP though? :D | 10:50 |
donofrio0 | then two identical classes which differ only by permutation of its parameters could be written as one declaration. | 10:50 |
donofrio0 | Fix in progress. | 10:50 |
donofrio0 | > foo=x; () { local foo=y; : ${(P)1::=z} } foo; echo $foo | 10:50 |
donofrio0 | also, /help alias | 10:50 |
ZirconiumX11 | arvut: glencoco was last seen 10 days, 21 hours, 41 minutes and 15 seconds ago, quitting IRC (Quit: Lost terminal) | 11:13 |
ZirconiumX11 | a_0 | 11:13 |
ZirconiumX11 | the default is to recover all available WAL files, stopping only when it runs out | 11:13 |
ZirconiumX11 | ne2k: yeah. I'm still hunting down the ovpn config file documentation, since their "documentation" is all based on their shitty GUI | 11:13 |
ZirconiumX11 | yeah I'm gonna stick with nnoremap <space> : | 11:13 |
ZirconiumX11 | C-Net I only looked at superficially, because it started to get really computer-networky, so it wasn't something you could fully read about in two or three hours. | 11:13 |
dprime114 | I mean, intro to the topology of Rⁿ. | 11:26 |
dprime114 | while threads started since app startup is a counter | 11:26 |
dprime114 | to get access again | 11:26 |
dprime114 | cuz 100 C | 11:26 |
tse25 | Six courses per semester and reading a math book seriously is just too insane a workload. | 11:31 |
tse25 | but if you're not around, it's no use | 11:31 |
tse25 | JohnMH: | 11:31 |
tse25 | ... what Unit193 says in particular. | 11:31 |
tse25 | that looked like the best steak I've ever seen tbh | 11:31 |
asm891 | What do you mean by “applied trigonometry” here | 11:34 |
asm891 | vimplication: I think kind in this case is the way vim got the list? | 11:34 |
asm891 | For now it seems I can only manipulate everything on top of ip layer which is some fucking joke and windows mentality | 11:34 |
asm891 | Pfft. Linus has some room to tone it down, if for no other reason than "reporters" blow it entirely out of proportion any time he gives someone a mean look | 11:34 |
asm891 | <gtmanfred> imho, pchanges just needs to be removed, and then when it is to be added, it has to be added to all state modules at once | 11:34 |
voker5718 | ok... a freenode server died | 11:53 |
voker5718 | !s John's Special Day | 11:53 |
voker5718 | yes here | 11:53 |
voker5718 | probably if 1 mm motion means "no motion" then you have to compute framrate such that 1mm is moved for each frame | 11:53 |
voker5718 | I'm just tring to run the hspec example lol | 11:53 |
mrtekn017 | oh ha, although i cant watch amazon prime movies | 14:40 |
mrtekn017 | if you have random people tampering with your machine you have a bigger issue. | 14:40 |
mrtekn017 | Corvus`: you're a decent person most of the time, but you just ruin the channel when you behave like this | 14:40 |
mrtekn017 | hey i got that pci raid card anyway lol | 14:40 |
AndrewMC25 | As someone numerate, I've always disliked (oddp) or odd(), the maths flows more easily than the words. | 15:00 |
AndrewMC25 | I talked to a rep in sales and told them I wanted to sign up for service. I was told they didn't have service in my city yet. | 15:00 |
yothsoggoth | Anyone is please be patient | 15:32 |
yothsoggoth | Monero price in USD = $99.21 | 15:32 |
yothsoggoth | but you need to google "hv icsp arduino' | 15:32 |
yothsoggoth | or how does it work | 15:33 |
yothsoggoth | tomeaton17: what do you mean | 15:33 |
Neico21 | kurahaupo: Yours said this: "install: invalid option -- 'u'" | 15:36 |
Neico21 | look again | 15:36 |
Neico21 | bomb-on only macaronis for me | 15:36 |
Neico21 | my terminal really doesn't like this, thanks though | 15:36 |
Neico21 | tomorrow i will try it out when i go to Redbank | 15:36 |
Neico21 | How to turn plane around? | 15:36 |
marcusramberg | konrados: yes | 17:13 |
marcusramberg | or I just want to increment one | 17:13 |
marcusramberg | its not about that | 17:13 |
marcusramberg | stephenfin: give me some details in query, mostly how you represent patchwork and a short tl;dr of what it is, then I'll give you next steps (it's rather simple, in the end it's you sending an e-mail, us doing a verification, some minor paperwork and done) | 17:13 |
marcusramberg | fvr: You could try data Foo = forall x. Show x => Foo (x, x -> x) | 17:13 |
Mantorok | *proof of technical superiority | 17:39 |
Mantorok | do I need to add " to &comments? | 17:39 |
Mantorok | you could try not to be | 17:39 |
Mantorok | that means, use the interface, even if the ip changes | 17:39 |
Mantorok | yah, but you can just torrent sequentially and have the same effect | 17:39 |
Mantorok | web development with assembly > java ee > JS > \x's trap jewellery > PHP | 17:39 |
reidmv | djph, ts-100 | 17:50 |
reidmv | like the other one, | 17:50 |
reidmv | substinance* rather. :p | 17:50 |
reidmv | (which makes you easily trackable from exit node to exit node) | 17:50 |
Kingsy15 | and if they listened and used dehydrated, they'd be up and running long time ago. *shrug* | 19:20 |
Kingsy15 | thats obviously the classic animal example.. but imagine using an interface to swap the backend of a set data structure between an tree and an array | 19:20 |
Kingsy15 | darkxploit.. one mo | 19:20 |
pepesza27 | Sometimes it hibernates just fine | 21:41 |
pepesza27 | The problem is not Gajim-specific, it happens in every not-terminal-app in KDE | 21:41 |
pepesza27 | If it's being edited by humans to make it pretty, then any ol' text editor could be adding tabs as well as spaces, so that advice is sound. | 21:41 |
pepesza27 | It's programmable. | 21:41 |
pepesza27 | yes, i agree deshipu. | 21:41 |
bittyx20 | a couple of minutes after stating that any opened link in chrome wouldn't respect the default browser | 22:24 |
bittyx20 | hrnz: fun with balls ? | 22:24 |
bittyx20 | Yup at 100% now :( | 22:24 |
bittyx20 | | 22:24 |
tortal11 | I put the new URLs in the filter with the / intact, thus it never matched. | 23:15 |
tortal11 | i remember it was quite popular to use spamhaus with your postfix/dovecot setups some years ago, is that still so? | 23:15 |
tortal11 | Ubuntu intel i5 m460 Supporting? | 23:15 |
tortal11 | ski: Yeah, that's what I"ve done for now, and I'll probably stick with it. | 23:15 |
Guest10884 | z1haze: state of your branch at that date, at midnight I would assume (since a time wasn't specified) | 23:24 |
Guest10884 | stock vim + ghci is as good as an IDE | 23:24 |
Guest10884 | thanks c|oneman | 23:24 |
vertigo | sine0: and yes, that is the correct syntax. | 23:31 |
vertigo | • No instance for (Fractional Int) arising from a use of ‘/’ | 23:31 |
vertigo | int-e, I've cleared the IRC logs | 23:31 |
vertigo | actually 470k and 47k | 23:31 |
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