
__marcoHello. I am uploading source packages to launchpad and sometime the packages are not built. The package are correctly uploaded: "Successfully uploaded packages." but the build is not launched09:40
__marcoFrom launchpad I cannot see any related information09:40
__marcoI uploaded the same package for three distributions: trusty, xenial and bionic and only the bionic upload succeed09:41
__marcoThe first attempt was to create a source package for the tree distributions, listing all of them in the changelog. The build was never ran.09:42
__marcoIn the second attempt I uploaded the package for bionic only and it worked.09:43
__marcoIn the third and fourth attempts I uploaded the package for trusty and xenial, using the same procedure and the builds has not be lunched09:44
__marcoI just notice this message: "Package includes an .orig.tar.gz file although the debian revision suggests09:45
__marcothat it might not be required. Multiple uploads of the .orig.tar.gz may be09:45
__marcorejected by the upload queue management software.09:45
__marcoand actually the orig.tar.gz package is the same for the three distributions09:45
__marcoSorry for the noise, every time I received an email, but I didn't notice10:00
wgrantYeah, dput doesn't provide much opportunity for feedback, so email it is10:18
wgrantYou'll always get an email unless you didn't sign the .changes properly10:18
__marcoHow much time does it takes to remove a package? I uploaded one this morning at 9:30 UTC+2, removed short after but it is still there.14:07
__marcoThe is an incompatibility with the source package and I am blocked14:08
acheronukwhat is the message in the email?14:11
__marcoFile vde-netemu_20180929.orig.tar.gz already exists in virtualbricks, but uploaded version has different contents14:32
acheronukright. well you can never upload the same source file name with different contents in the same PPA. the PPA remembers the file hash for ever and will not permit it14:36
acheronukso you will have to increase/change the orig.tar name in some way14:37
__marcoacheronuk: I removed that package but the files are still there. And, by the way, the content is the same but it hashes differently. Different compression levels in different machines?14:37
__marcoI will increase the version14:38
acheronukit remembers even if you delete it ;)14:38
__marcoacheronuk: I abuse of your kindness. How would you upload the *same* package for different distributions?14:40
acheronuksensible if you think about it. it protects the consistency/integrity of any archive so you don't get altered source packages without any sign they have changed14:40
__marcofirst I tried to use different distributions in the changelog. Didn't work14:41
__marcoI remember once upon a time I used to upload the orig for one distribution but not for others14:42
acheronuk__marco: change the distribution in the changelog, then build and sign the new source package14:42
__marcoI forget how I did it and it was a personal repository, not launchpad14:42
__marcoacheronuk: but then I have to change the version too. The error is because I try to upload the same version for different distributions14:43
__marcoDid you try this:https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/Uploading#Using_packages_from_other_distributions?14:44
acheronukyes, append a ~ version for different ubuntu series14:48
acheronuke.g. https://launchpad.net/~rikmills/+archive/ubuntu/latte-dock/+packages14:49
__marcoacheronuk: I see. Thank you14:49
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