
Sleepy_Coder6and not everybody can easily see exactly what's in their clipboard00:14
Sleepy_Coder6dd = disk destroyer00:14
Sleepy_Coder6Kick me, just don't ban me. ;-)00:14
Sleepy_Coder6leftyfb: --^ do you know?00:15
Sleepy_Coder6realy no official app on IOS?00:15
Sleepy_Coder6tjt263, you can, more or less: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transmission_Control_Protocol#TCP_segment_structure00:15
ubrl⇪ f: Transmission Control Protocol - Wikipedia00:15
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ZeiP22Then see greycat's find01:36
ZeiP22Okay, I see.01:36
ZeiP22I'm not convinced the adapter is in good shape01:37
evert_if in doubt, pragma specialise I guess02:37
evert_yeh, I think type level nats are just going to be slow there. it's trivial to write but not encouraged02:38
evert_khanm78: nvidia has reconfigured the installation lately, and pulls in a ton of additional packages. What release are you running ?02:38
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Amelie0always wanted to be a leader of a cult02:48
Amelie0python476, TVs equipment doesn't use DP because DP doesn't have HDCP02:48
Amelie0Not really; PC104 appeals to be in a strange way though, I like it's lego-like qualities, haha02:48
Amelie0jim,  in theory, debain or devuan}02:48
Amelie0(there's a chance that its ref is in a packfile)02:48
=== pity_ is now known as pity
Amelie00.00029303 ┃⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠘⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⢄⣠⠾⢷⣤⢤⠄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣀⠀⠀⢠⡆⠀⠀⠄02:48
korans1i was just testing back then02:52
korans1or is it because of my wrong spelling?02:52
korans1wow, because of the terminology I feel like a rocket scientist talking to professional collegs. well, I just an enhanced GUI noob and can only copy paste and brain some stuff... way to much for just an encrypted ubuntu ... :(02:52
korans1i worked at a sandwich shop, we had a guy come in with a damn masters degree in fine art, looking for a job; any job02:52
korans1all you care is u02:53
korans1linux_dream: unplug the network cable, plug in the network cable, see if the message goes away. sometimes autonegotiation fails, which is why autonegotiation is sometimes disabled in datacenter environments.02:53
=== JPei1 is now known as JPei
=== wiiw is now known as iIlL10oO
starz0r15pretty sure both name lookup and overload resolution are in that category03:31
starz0r15dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1M count=103:31
starz0r15How is active directory support in Linux going? Any recent world-changing progress?03:31
Schrapnel1Apple won't touch them.04:18
Schrapnel1CrayZed: but feel free to watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8LbkfSSR58&list=PLbgaMIhjbmEnaH_LTkxLI7FMa2HsnawM_04:18
ubrlSchrapnel1: ⇪ Category Theory 1.1: Motivation and Philosophy - YouTube04:18
Schrapnel1oh riehgt04:18
=== JPei1 is now known as JPei
Imtek26And then account twitter off; account twitter on06:44
Imtek26sudormrf: It really is just about "base 10 to base 65536" :)06:44
Imtek26Αⅼⅼah is ԁoinɡ06:44
Imtek26wyre: what price range do you define as 'more economic'?06:44
Charlie@dave9: The inner windows are external programs, xterm is what I'm experimenting with. Shouldn't it handle the expose event itself?06:47
Charliekoz_: the ghc-8.6.1 release?06:47
Charliedarkmeson, theres a giant cave in vietnam06:47
Guest65398b-b-b-but 5ghz07:18
Guest65398narakrish: that '0x48C' means very little ot us07:19
Guest65398or just try a beta (or ditch the beta?)07:19
Guest65398yes exactly07:19
Guest65398what the heck is "destroymemory"07:19
Guest65398ah repeated myself, sorry07:19
^k^新  软件推荐 • termux- 打造手机上的linux环境  http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=488576 termux是一个模拟器,类似terminal,功能很强大,ssh, 数据库,python, 渗透软件等都有,还有自己的源,非常棒 现在的手机配置都很高,有些都快赶上电脑了,所以想在手机上配置一些常用工具,可07:23
^k^ ─> 供日常学习和使用,在安装scrapy的过程中,出现的些问题,见附件,推荐的同事,也希望 …07:23
cebruns24I thought I was getting somewhere by considering all subsets of nodes of size four and how many edges would be in the resulting subgraphs.07:30
cebruns24`Guest00000: probably possible gcc inlines them07:30
cebruns24a n y w a y07:31
wgwz14Linuxes for chinese mainframes, even.08:04
wgwz14lotuspsychje, it is commented out08:04
wgwz14catern: `IO` is the usual giant super-monad.08:04
wgwz14i know Micron is currently developing 1Z and 1-alpha tech for DRAM08:04
wink3namecheap is what #networking recommended as well08:12
wink3I guess seeing it encapsulated in a box with variables and functions makes it a little clearer08:12
wink3gunni: should be in #include <linux/netlink.h>08:13
wink3oh damn, been a while08:13
wink3i fucking love life08:13
wink3I like the dark frame with the white theme08:13
bananas27PETG doesnt need an enclosure and has little fumes08:45
bananas27like should I use sand paper to remove coating or something like that? use higher temperature? use other ways?08:45
^k^暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 不能空腹喝水 : 有一艘游轮快沉了。 甲问乙:"船都快沉了,你怎么还有心思吃面包呀?" 乙回答:"我的医生告诉我不要空腹喝水。"08:47
kryten28if you leave lead paint alone it should be fine08:56
kryten28no, nobody wants that08:56
kryten28fedora 28 was 4.16.3. you have to upgrade your kernel for 4.18.5. & archlinux live is nothing like swagarch live https://swagarch.gitlab.io/08:56
ubrl⇪ f: SwagArch GNU/Linux | A simple and beautiful Everyday Arch Desktop08:56
kryten28no hurry, I'm just curious to look at it08:56
kryten28retrosenator, not sure about that... I think they might just stay shitty, or get shittier.08:56
kryten28steven: it's not as much about switches as it is about ONE LETTER switches or non-obvious long switches08:56
Majadon16no it has kind Nat09:15
Majadon16hi ubuntu people!09:15
Majadon16ekleog: zramswap before regular swap. just sayin'09:15
Majadon16MiseryMyra, oh, binomial formulas… of course! thank you09:15
^k^新  启动和引导 • 外接硬盘装了Ubuntu,开机没引导选项  http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=488578 我在外接硬盘上装了Ubuntu18.04,重启开机直接进入win10。 以前我装双系统,出现这种问题,是进入试用Ubuntu系统,然后用boot-repaire工具修复的,。外接硬盘不懂 统计信息: 发表于 由 五级09:43
^k^ ─> 灵风 — 2018-09-29 16:4809:43
^k^暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 竟然是图片 //i2.xiaohua.fd.zol-img.com.cn/t_s600x5000/g4/M0A/0B/00/Cg-4WVI2oqyIWkQ1AADVu8mENsMAALrKAD0yh8AANXT868.jpg 哥们,你还笑,你刷牙没有?11:07
^k^暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 别给他打 : 母子俩参观军事展览馆。儿子看到一具导弹,饶有兴趣地问讲解员:"这是什么?" "AA导弹。" "干吗用的?" "地对空,打飞机的。" "哦! "儿子高兴地说,"那架飞机正飞过这儿,打给我看一下吧。" 母亲正颜厉色地说:"别给他打,这孩子没礼貌,他连'请'都不说一声12:24
^k^ ─> 。"12:24
Sketch15Zegnat: tantek__ left you a message 12 hours, 23 minutes ago: perhaps we should organize some "request all my data" sessions at IWC NUR & BER to walk people through requesting their data from various silos12:40
Sketch15unyu: essentially, yes.12:40
^k^新  Ubuntu中文衍生版 • 怎样用vnc远程访问ubuntu-mate?  http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=488579 系统是 ubuntu-mate 18.04,网上的教程都是在ubuntu下桌面图形界面设置实现的, ubuntu-mate好像没把vnc集成进图形界面,请问怎样用vnc远程访问ubuntu-mate? 需要安装什么软件?最好有图形界面设13:23
^k^ ─> 置,谢谢. 统计信息: 发表于 由 fengtou — 2018-09-29 21:2213:23
Gestra12there can be only one13:26
Gestra12that really doesn't help counting the possibilities13:26
^k^新  Ubuntu国外衍生版 • 怎样用vnc远程访问ubuntu-mate?  http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=488580 系统是 ubuntu-mate 18.04,网上的教程都是在ubuntu下桌面图形界面设置实现的, ubuntu-mate好像没把vnc集成进图形界面,请问怎样用vnc远程访问ubuntu-mate? 已经安装了vnc4server xbase-clients xorgxrdp xrd13:26
^k^ ─> p,还需要安装什么软件?最好有图形界面设置,谢谢 统计信息: 发表于 由 fengtou — 2018-0 …13:27
^k^新  因特网相关软件 • 国外VPS SSH远程管理旁门左道  http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=488581 买个vps跑v2ray,ssh远程登陆总被gfw检测到并干扰,换端口无济于事,那就开发个新姿势吧 vps的sshd和v2ray监听地址都改为0.0.0.0 除了v2ray服务端监听端口放行其他端口全部拒绝 CODE: iptables -A I13:53
tomaluca9515I didn't. If there's a good circuit siumulator I don't need an account for, or isn't browser based, I'd show you what it looks like. It'd have to work on linux though.14:44
tomaluca9515hah, i read that as social worker14:44
pvtri enter to wireless i try to set up the hotspot, the network start to recognize but only take some secconds and the network became disconect and say error to recognize15:04
pvtrErr, P(AB) / P(B)15:04
pvtrI do still keep a regular mouse around for the once-in-awhile game and for friends who hate trackpads15:05
pvtrWell because it’s single lead15:05
pvtrwhat else can you do when you're piss poor and naked Mochi10115:05
finnzi26Asterisco: wifi or wired?15:19
finnzi26hrnz: how do you get beyong \omega?15:19
finnzi26I see that same bar when I jsut run fzf on a regular command line15:19
finnzi26I am already very familiar with Android so it would work for me15:19
finnzi26sud0x3 - option 2 only needs installation once, and the preseed thing is for installation only, not for live right ?15:19
bmcorser_I smoked as a teen to escape my problems, not because I didn't have any15:29
bmcorser_zwelmi: write it in /tmp/ or a tmpfs/mfs filesystem and eval it before running borg, this will set up the env variable15:29
bmcorser_Great to have it there for when you want it though. Or want to show vim off.15:29
bmcorser_Trying to figure out ikev2 here, I already have a psk, IKE psk shared key of 32 character. Do I still need to create the PKI and Certificate authority?15:29
bmcorser_Now I just add a .vimrc file at the root of the project and that gets it done.15:29
bmcorser_^7heo, The idea is that the people could bring their personality result to their car insurance and get a discount.15:29
mlncn23you should declare what types a function expects so the compiler knows what to do when it encounters use of the function.15:41
mlncn23-autorotate gives the same error when applied as an input/output option15:41
mlncn23veek, these build instructions are a bit vague... you must have gotten through them somehow... how did you get these "third party" libs?15:42
=== Findar_ is now known as Findar
blue20so this is why its compiling, though you get warnings which you should read carefully15:47
blue20(x-2)^2 = y  =>  (x-2) = +/-sqrt(y)15:47
kirkland13!mint | jil15:58
kirkland13you can overrule C15:58
=== Findar_ is now known as findar
=== findar is now known as Findar
=== Kves is now known as ^k^
CrunchyChewie20why did it only stop half way through the recovery?16:52
CrunchyChewie20Yeah, that would certainly be useful ("Problem in file A referred to by file B" or some such)16:52
CrunchyChewie20lpaste changed quite a bit16:52
CrunchyChewie20including dielectric, strength, adhesion, etc16:52
CrunchyChewie20crimps are the preferred method.16:53
CrunchyChewie20<msmith> is that only in a single location or do you intend the repo to be stored somewhere else? if the latter then you don't need to both with push16:53
Mic9210you're doing pretty good if you can pull that one off for anything beyond hydrogen17:06
Mic9210Zipheir: Right, the one thing that stands out to me about examples like (+) <$> Just 2 <*> Just 3 is that if you unboxed the Maybe values, and removed the operators it would just be (+) 2 317:06
Mic9210Or, You know, you dont get a case17:06
mrqchron0: http://termbin.com/kvxt17:16
ubrlmrq: ⇪ text/plain17:16
mrqdepends on the context where it can't be neglected ofc17:16
mrqwriting a function to parse an int out of a string is... 15 lines with error checking?17:16
Pikk0n14not no pansy MIT/BSD license18:13
Pikk0n14I mean unless you just want a status, i.e.: git status18:13
Pikk0n14i wasn't expecting it to be so good18:13
Pikk0n14kremator: make a wrapper script and call that from the .desktop file instead18:13
Pikk0n14I am not that person however18:13
emcepefooman2011: you can press the button then pause the simuluation and mouse over the scope to see the time values18:42
emcepee.g. Mac only18:42
emcepeanyone know if there is a show tonight?18:42
SargethI suspect the firmware or driver is fucking up18:44
SargethmadLyfe: Now, I'm not entirely sure if a sudden poweroff of the system would cause damage do those remote files.18:44
Sargethamorken: I thought you could twiddle metrics_path in relabel configs.18:44
Guest820561750g isn't that silly for a 14" laptop19:15
Guest82056but indeed, just the sort of thing for a soc solution.19:15
crypt1711rio: I just need to establish that one of them is transcendental which would make the whole expression transcendental.19:15
crypt1711are you opposed to buying a router?  ubiqiti edgerouters are reasonably priced19:16
esclerofilo28Hello, I am learning c++ and I have come across behaviour that I find unusual. So in this snippet, when I comment out the last cout, the first cout prints the memory address, whereas if I don't comment out the last cout, the first cout prints the value at the address19:25
esclerofilo28(root can trivially escape a chroot, and is root for all non-FS-related purposes anyhow)19:25
esclerofilo28it seems like IO expander19:25
esclerofilo28ksft: zssh+lrzsz :)19:25
tongpu25I hear they did a poopstarter for a i.mx8 laptop19:57
tongpu25sensive though19:57
tongpu2516GB or ram more than sufficient for a VM or two19:57
tongpu25I think I'm thinking about it wrong because reactive components don't shift the whole waveform but just shift current and voltage separately19:58
f0o19Oh, yes, it did. Just had the windows in a strange place.20:13
f0o19Hey there, is this the correct place to be if you're seeking math help?20:13
qpd00z7What is “isomorphic to addition modulo p-1”?20:26
ubrlqpd00z7: define:“isomorphic to addition modulo p-1” not defined.20:26
qpd00z7thunderseethe: We have a pseudo-ring typeclass though, it's Num20:26
Matthieu`if somebody has your pc secureboot isnt stopping him from getting your stuff, what's the point really?20:33
Matthieu`So, emerge itself appears to be Python. I can keep bash on my build box certainly, but I'll try it on a binary-only client.20:33
Matthieu`gagarin: see https://www.simplified.guide/vim/auto-complete-php20:33
ubrl⇪ f:  How to auto-complete PHP code in Vim20:33
Matthieu`waterxx: what was it about?20:33
Matthieu`How do you compute these error terms?20:33
Chrisz_use a god damn kjnife20:47
Chrisz_there is a label on the unit20:47
Chrisz_yeah i've done some projects but was looking for something more inclusive and straight forward20:47
Chrisz_I don't get how you create the R set from Dedekind cuts :'(20:48
Chrisz_Its for some photoetching components. I need like ONE demo unit to show off to investors/businesses. But the setup charges are insane $1000 for 100 units worth.20:48
xinliang10so parts of the implimentation are non-free21:09
xinliang10i asked in the electronics channel but no one is biting so i guess ill ask, does anyone have experience with paralleling power supplies, not using or diodes but power supplies that operate on a bus that allow voltage following21:09
hexo_17「PNG image data, 2000 x 1543, 8-bit/color RGB, non-interlaced」21:59
hexo_17Tree opened by buildbot@chromium.org: Tree is open (Automatic: (•_•) )21:59
hexo_17Is there a python backend for GHC?21:59
hexo_17thats marmalade21:59
hexo_17Wouldn't you prefer to format the line and then re-shorten it?21:59
hexo_17it means the additive inverse in the additive group on the same set21:59
crystalclaw10so the ae stays up if one line stops22:33
crystalclaw10he said 1-2 months like 2 days ago kek22:34
crystalclaw10you just have to do it on the sly22:34
crystalclaw10julian: yeah22:34
crystalclaw10therefore, the slew rate is voltage gain independent and only depends on the bias current22:34
ZongvaCurrently, the portage/ directory is included, but none of its contents.23:39
ZongvaPsi-Jack, it's not blocking people, it's just a policy of that company to force their employees use that specific application23:39
Zongvato each a in [(a, String)] from the running of the `Parser a` on the input string23:39
ZongvaI got a little disappointed when I looked at a setup which had a unifi security gateway, unifi switch 8, and a unifi ap, even though all were on the same controller I felt like I had to jump between devices to configure them23:39
UristMcRM|Tux15or if I remove them and connect them to a different USB slot?23:50
UristMcRM|Tux15well he didnt promise anything23:50
UristMcRM|Tux15well that is probably the last resort before just offering a pdf of what you write.. anyway html and web protocols were never math friendly in the first place23:51

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