
mike-kfedlol, lattice00:08
mike-kfedmadnight: That question is truly unanswerable. Who knows what Hask' is? It might even be a discrete category for all we know.00:08
wonko7i have say but i find an other solution00:36
wonko7not only being "trained" on a very narrow skill/toolset like the educational system does, where you're only supposed to repeat but to comprehend things, look above the horizon00:36
wonko7it's like they don't realize that results can vary because of the filter bubble00:36
wonko7catphish: any problem in life can somehow be solved with "more scotch"00:36
wonko7this is the cog that I am mentioning00:36
zgrep18But I have a formula for the amount of microstates. It's (q + N -1) chooses q, where q is the number of possible states. Maybe the constraint doing something, but that should lower the amount of possible states Millennial00:38
zgrep18fooԁ dоᥱs not takе аᴡɑy tһе һunɡer Αⅼlaһ tаkes away tһe h∪ᥒgᥱr00:38
zgrep18you want to NOT show it?00:38
zgrep18"strangling you in the kitchen" "no wait how can you evGRRRKRKRKRK"00:38
julius17and https://restic.readthedocs.io/en/latest/070_encryption.html01:43
julius17I've used a button with the 7segment to count up and with the sensor ive used an led to test im wiring them up correct01:43
julius17Hey. Is there any good way to set auto away on idle/01:43
julius17Then please do so.01:43
otti14j416: could you elaborate more on "using another index"?02:21
otti14well he didnt promise anything02:21
otti14i am usin certbot.  how should i schedule updating my old certs?02:21
Monkeh14one min and ill be testing. just hooked up now. but arduino software takes ages to load for some reason02:27
Monkeh14(unreg) <yandex_browser> execi: of course.  yes, there can be padding between02:27
Monkeh14tell it all02:27
Monkeh14jim: Correct! :)02:27
Monkeh14TheRealNoob, before or after the RAM MAfia cartel in china getting up the prices?02:27
Monkeh14math101: not sure what that example should be about02:27
Hamcha_Running Ubuntu SERVER latest, 04:19
Hamcha_'fetch me this url'04:19
Hamcha_i guess i need to be in the news next month to prepare04:19
Hamcha_:h system(04:19
Hamcha_yitz, one sec04:19
xyz15I guess point . f == fmap f . point06:41
xyz15as109: sorry, yeah that is confusing yes, the way these equations are written doesn't translate to single line text well at all06:41
xyz15Triffid_Hunter, I didn't say can't, I said the opposite.06:41
xyz15"signal" sure06:41
Ankhers9it's not kilowatts08:07
Ankhers9fromBeyond, I'll just note in passing that there is a channel #awk, in case you need to check with a bunch of folks who know stuff ;)08:07
Ankhers9So the file /srv/salt/states/base/myfile.txt is referenced via salt://myfile.txt08:07
Ankhers9like, how to divide polynomial x^2 + 2x + 1 by polynomial (x+2) with remainder08:07
Ankhers9but do try working with turned around mouse08:07
Ankhers9right, but the dynamics of legacy systems is a strong contender 08:08
revprez_anz...hopefully that'll no longer get me banned for saying it :P11:36
revprez_anz        hashed)         __style=${FAST_THEME_NAME}hashed-command;;11:36
revprez_anzlog_statement = none11:36
ariabuckles14Do you think a 670 MHz -3 dB bandwidth is sufficient for digital data up to 500 Mbps?13:16
ariabuckles14here is a CAT charge up and explosion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_V6fJh_eSI13:17
ariabuckles14Exterminador: without password as in he can't login?13:17
ariabuckles14I'm going to go for no on that one13:17
filcab5kirk781: mx-linux ? https://opensource.com/article/18/2/mx-linux-17-distro-beginners "After testing this baby out for three weeks, I can honestly say that I've never been more satisfied with an operating system."13:39
filcab5I suppose it's rather interesting what causes the side effects? Is that magic that happens inside the entry code of a thunk?13:39
filcab5perhaps it's as easy as let stderr = stdout in ... ?13:39
intermezzo2[...] is the description for the option itself, everything after the : is related to the arguments it takes13:59
intermezzo2I know the theory, no need to explain. just insecure about it lol14:00
acfrazier6I do 90% of stuff in the terminal anyway14:08
acfrazier6autopsy: i did but nothing happend14:08
Orez8hrnz just quickly calculated that in the head14:44
Orez8I got a fairly modern i5, 16GB ram and ssd14:44
Orez8caskit: Haskell, here. :)14:45
percY-19azulakina: it's also subject to easier exploit15:34
percY-1910000 kWh per year. not too bafd15:34
percY-19mqsf - I did change that, so I don't remember what the default is15:34
percY-19kludge: i’ve got something for the vintage love in you15:34
waxb___27why you will recieve a call?15:52
waxb___27That's precisely why the terms are different – because they mean different things. Which is why in the beginning of this conversation, I advised dunpeal to quit translating.15:52
waxb___27now im dying to know what gnomovision is, i wonder if it predated gnome15:53
panikovsky10Wow, talk about perks.  That's one lucky cat.16:06
panikovsky10does it matter? it's still a least three minor versions until it's usable :)16:06
panikovsky10So really f'(x) = f'(0) for all x16:06
jarib16pingfloyd: hasty generalization16:16
jarib16pf.conf(5) does document state handling, did you take a look at that?16:16
jarib16i guess int-e's matrix encodes the pt in it16:16
jarib16I'm just saying they assume it this time for the student to guess16:17
jarib16who is WE?16:17
jarib16but I'm shit tired this thursday morning16:17
jwheare10at least it keeps the settings that I had previously16:22
jwheare10a lol a day keeps the doc away.16:22
jwheare10<Jewish_Monk> Is there any way to auto run multiple commands upon connecting to a server? I am using "autosendcmd" to automatically identify a user, but I also want to ask a room for an invite and then join that room.16:22
vlee5when I connect with wvdial it returns local ip address(inet) remote ip address(destination) and dns server 1 : and 2:
vlee5no void *16:55
vlee5streetvillains, is tehre something i can help you with?16:55
vlee5We need people testing the code :)16:55
Guest7570and #fortinet is still spammed the hell out lol17:45
Guest7570err, got, didn't buy that piece.17:45
Guest7570because of caching17:45
irsol1im0nde: if you don't have a publicly routable IP, this is a non-starter19:16
irsol1spaces: the limitations of the PI 3 could undermine all the power savings basically.19:16
irsol1lin_noob: it's not about being important, it's about marketers wanting to know where to direct all their spam (among other things)19:16
irsol1yes, set -x is called "xtrace"19:16
ben21I've learned better than to assume other peoples' competence =p19:28
ben21it's Arduino19:28
ben21apparently it was the IMF that forced them to sell the mines in the first place in return for aid. The sold for millions, while the mines make billions yearly.19:28
roflbox18but the way I wrote it is recommended for one-liners in IRC20:24
roflbox18let me get a link20:24
roflbox18and they are both put into a timestamp field without timezone20:24
voidlily8no wonder its having trouble21:02
voidlily8And I apologize for absolutely ignoring the instructions21:03
voidlily8adrian_1908: yeah, but that'd be braindead :)21:03
voidlily8morning, you hosers.21:03
voidlily8ohh noo extra kludgy code?21:03
yasoob_   -> Cue long list of these for every possible type in this container21:08
yasoob_and deleted the vardir21:08
yasoob_n3xuz, no problem.21:08
yasoob_haha thanks!21:08
yasoob_So i guess i missedsth21:08
BradMc(unreg) <yandex_browser> manny: that's why i put spaces around multiplication operator (binary *) and do not put space after indirection operator (unary *)21:10
BradMcit doesn't :)21:10
zouhair25apparent collision with curry, et. al.22:02
zouhair25or Free Vector...22:02
zouhair25friendofafriend: yep, TS100, impressive device22:02
zouhair25bdie scales up to 2V if you can cool it22:02
dschoepe_pingfloyd i know22:11
dschoepe_right, why not use halide directly22:11
dschoepe_it works on my desktop, but not on my laptop, and both are running nearly identical installs of Debian 922:11
dschoepe_and not caring about the data...22:11
apw29by saying 'nice' I means if you think something is terrible you are free to invent it yourself.22:18
apw29i have 3 headphones and one iem22:19
killtheliterate6and led strips, are typically 60 leds per meter22:27
killtheliterate6the google english->french is fanfuckingtastic22:27
Genesis-"Show for single layout" That was turned off.22:58
Genesis-Even now the thing lags so I type too much thinking nothing happening22:58
Genesis-yeah, each variant has many configs.22:58
joako21Chikkuri:  you mean using  arccos[ (v.w)/(||v||*||w||) ]  to get the angle between v and w ?23:28
joako21i think it means that it requires an invitation23:28
joako21I've heard, here I think, that if your dog is afraid of the roomba then what you gotta do is yell at the roomba in front of it, establishing that you are still the dominant member of the pack23:28
Kingsy1but interspecies differences are nice and clear23:28
Kingsy1michalrus: Disable -Werror for one module, in which you define `useConstraint :: HasCallStack => ()`.23:28
Helio-from that screen, it looks like you have too much idle cpu and not enough ram23:59

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