
M3nti0n3Specs:  The basement router is set up as   and the 2nd floor router is set up as
M3nti0n3so it appears to be identical in function00:08
M3nti0n3brett1479: do you know how the denominator of 2(|a|^2 + 1) is derived? I'm still having trouble jumping from x^4 - a^4| < e to |x^2 - a^2| < min(1,e/{ 2(a^2+1) } )00:08
NoctyCourse, everytime she says it it sounds like she's saying "Hey silly!"01:25
Nocty:t Constrained01:25
Noctyor just add that line to vimrc ?01:25
Noctywhile using the disk its unencrypted01:25
Noctythere's some post going around about how some lady put "const" in the linux kernel and got a scholarship01:26
abernix_27caveman: no, but those are 3 popular choices.01:33
abernix_27So `max' 0 n = 0; max' n 0 = 0; max' m n = max m n` for AntiZipList.01:33
abernix_27ryuo, yup, I suspect it's in there, I'd just like to figure out which schema to look at01:33
abernix_27The real reason is concentration and accessibility. I cannot trust my self not to wander off in my head if I don't take it seriously. I can't take literature seriously if it's not in paper form.01:33
ioni28"the confederation of the original Thirteen Colonies into one republic was influenced by the political system developed by the Iroquois Confederacy as were many of the democratic principles which were incorporated into the Constitution itself"01:44
ioni28I agree that unions should usually be wrapped in a struct, but I'd still consider that "using unions", which it looked like you were arguing against01:44
ioni28fromBeyond: because it is "not an interactive shell" - one that you're typing commands into01:44
ioni28marriage is on my list, right after suicide01:44
ioni28you'll get differently shaped/sized/skewed boxes depending on where you are in the world, for instance01:44
ioni28ur a liar :(01:44
refp19I'm just trying to leap the mental chasm from having stuff in an ass. array to declaring variables01:51
refp19but doesn't it store local var temperature in global var Temperature?01:52
avarage28is there any good tool to watch the behavior of a TCP stream? rtt, evolution of window, resends, dup acks, things like that02:12
avarage28well hydrogen is given off at the cathode and oxygen at the anode02:12
avarage28Is it a general behaviour of linux terminals to send the same bytes as \C-_ sends when typing \C-/?02:12
avarage28"it's very simle, I'm right they're wrong" the people who demanded thsi behavior didn't buy that argument then02:12
avarage28\\\---\\\, its even better, so you should get more uptime02:12
avarage28sql standard02:12
DeliriumTremens1it must be a parameter for it to unify02:16
DeliriumTremens1how much ram is in it?02:16
DeliriumTremens1hmm could've sworn I tried enabling AllowAmbiguousTypes when I was tinkering with this, did see it in the error02:16
applejack1me out02:45
applejack1darkmeson: dd is supposed to use the optimum block size for the device automatically no?02:45
applejack1i feel desperation here... :/02:45
wiiaam12are you here to argue with people ? who is asking you to trust me ?03:06
wiiaam12its less efficient than storing them as bytea03:06
wiiaam12If your monitor is flickering when you connect/disconnect a resistive load elsewhere, then it's either your mains, or the monitor at fault. If the mains is not a very high resistance, that is an actual fault in the monitor.03:06
wiiaam12mini you need muscles03:07
AppStore17he runs a fishing equipment shop03:08
AppStore17yeah, the switch IP is actually in my arp table but packets do not arrive03:08
AppStore17(when the function was called from lua_call or lua_pcall or from lua, that is - if you call C from C then the stack is unchanged)03:08
detsegthat's not a choice for inner-city folks is it?03:19
detsegso there's still a market for desktop vs17 c++ apps?03:19
detsegcthulchu: tell itunes to ignore that phone03:19
r4nt19what does the script do ?03:38
r4nt19Bits to bits to pieces to pieces.03:38
r4nt19nggraham: awesome, thanks03:38
Zeising21fuck no05:11
Zeising21gurki, hmm05:11
Zeising21how many you want?05:11
Zeising21degrеe іѕ not doiᥒɡ Aⅼlah іѕ dοiᥒɡ05:11
Zeising21that does a chdir?05:11
amuck26m_ben: https://github.com/pangloss/vim-javascript06:23
amuck26viktorbraun: math doesn't have a single foundation so it depends on which one you choose06:23
amuck26(Eq a, Functor f) => f a -> f (a -> Bool)06:23
amuck26for the curious :D06:23
Guest59850there is your freedom :) you chose not to have to come up with a lot of money per month to maintain a fixed address... you're free to do it...06:33
Guest59850I have successfully configured the kernel, I tried running make && make modules_install but the following error popped up:06:33
Guest59850is there any way to install linux, fresh  ... without killing my existing grub dual boot setup?06:33
Guest59850Even though it might actually be easier to just define that customers use http-01 and we use dns-01 by default06:33
u6319the patched font btw is fura (license issues) if you used nerdfonts06:57
u6319all the colors of the rainbow and the script says everyone is green06:57
u6319I think sometimes you can help make it easier by breaking large functions down into smaller ones with descriptive names06:58
u6319i haven't found a non-paywalled coding standard that seems particularly authoritative yet06:58
Guest4374MAGIC: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.07:25
Guest4374I've never seen that before a discussion here a few days ago. Why do people do sudo su?07:25
Guest4374nikopol_jenkins:  Hello, how is it going?07:25
Guest4374cabal new-* is awesome07:25
Guest4374You're wiping free space so it shouldn't matter right?07:25
tmandryeu-west-1b specifically08:27
tmandryi cant find my soic8 clip08:27
tmandryenzotib No, it does not. But ls "path with/white space" does. The declare command looks promising, though. In case you wonder. I've got the sting as an element of "$@". It contains '--destinamtion=path with/whitespace'. Now I have put everything behind the = in a variable.08:27
Zombie_RyushuArahaelPi: Probably depends which work is being referred to... the great thing about the higher order functions used by Lens is that they are really widely applicable, so that things other than fancy record updates can use e.g. the optimisations afforded by Kan extensions08:31
Zombie_Ryushuaccording to legend, you stop fairies by scattering a lot of something small, and they have to count them all before going on08:31
Zombie_Ryushuto get these bugs and problems08:31
Zombie_Ryushudff if you executed the dd command correctly, it would have wiped all of disk008:31
Zombie_Ryushuhttps://docs.pagure.org/pagure/usage/flags.html ?08:31
ffernand10I don't know actually, I'll test it for a while first anyway09:28
ffernand10Argh, duh.09:28
ffernand10sigh, third time's the charm: $'s/\r$//'09:28
ffernand10yes that's what Submit does09:28
ffernand10was doing some basic physics stuff in C but thats not C specific09:29
ffernand10That seems like a drastic conclusion09:29
ffernand10why people consider fundamental theorem of algebra important ?09:29
ffernand10teward: thanks.  use case is i'm responding to webhooks from a web service that doesn't have an ip whitelist.. so i'm blocking traffic that doesn't have a special header that the web service sends.09:29
ffernand10MBA started at $1899 I think09:29
ffernand10phlux: maybe you want /set weechat.look.buffer_time_format "${color:250}%H:${color:245}%M:${color:240}%S"09:29
ffernand10still my son starts school soon so ima get something going09:29
ffernand10people are just lazy and don't want to type09:30
ffernand10i have a Sun keyboard with a USB-thingy09:30
ffernand10again, thats discussed in the first paper above09:30
ffernand10So probably best way is to write a script that just dumps all commit hashes of both directories in two files and then go one by one over them until they diverge :D09:30
ffernand10fastputty: did oyu also "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"?09:30
ffernand10yo tomreyn - still not listed here: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-applet/+question/14034409:30
ffernand10LeoNerd: What is 'Tickit::Widget::VTerm'?09:30
ffernand10and a lot of mentally ill, unpaid-yet-weaponized useful idiots too09:30
ffernand10I loathe buying them for my older DMMs09:30
Bram12(because they both phone home...a LOT)10:57
Bram12if bot really is the empty set, then r -> bot is either a singeton set (if r is the empty set) or the empty set (if r is not the empty set).  (r -> bot) -> bot, double negation, is the proof irrelevance operation.  all you know is that there is a proof of r or not, but you do not care what it is.  it's like classical logic10:57
Bram12and latest seems to be 2.12 now10:58
Bram12sfaxon: yeah Im a video guy, use fcpx and premiere. I got filmic way back when you guys added animorphic support for the moondog labs lens10:58
Bram12whats the recommended way to do timeouts without async exceptions10:58
Bram12got a haemorrhoid so I'll give that a miss10:58
Bram12glad you  found it :)10:58
Bram12albech: these are years old at this point.10:58
Bram12Z-module: you are cool :)10:58
skunkworks11eetu that doesn'T matter, check which server the DNS request went to11:35
skunkworks11literally nothing11:35
dupondje16sloth: yes.11:45
dupondje16that still doesn't resolve the issue for other chat program users11:45
dmnd6between 00:00 and 23:5911:55
dmnd6the complete lack of for loops in haskell means that list comprehensions are more readily available, such that the use of (!!) is then less frequently used.11:55
dmnd6Which set-theoreic notion of function?11:55
Iamnacho28also if you have connection tracking in the middle somewhere that may also have interesting consequences13:24
Iamnacho28Time-Warp: here you go13:24
Iamnacho28also theres plenty of programmers out there who dont have to be bribed or manipulated. thelly just do it13:24
Iamnacho28Do you know what an NI 43-101 is?13:24
codebytere14so my question is unanswered, so I have created a partition on md0 but I cannot see this partitioned device anywhere. So that I can make it luks partiton. what is the name of my new partiion? bls darkmeson13:29
codebytere14i cant find an esp32 dev board laying around13:29
codebytere14aaah... I haven't tried TOR.. .I'll give it a shot. Thanks Futurian13:29
codebytere14no_gravity: I use it all the time13:29
nexxus618No. It means YOU did something wrong.13:31
nexxus618other trick: start wireshark on your pc, then power up the router13:31
nexxus618i don't think most lists like that are gonna more useful than topic/user count, especially on weekends13:31
nexxus618well, except when you burn bootloader. I think it gets filled with 0x0 or 0xF (can't remember which).13:32
nexxus618hmm how do you mean? previous bash versions will still have it's own files and the new ones can be converted to new format13:32
nexxus618Orbstheorem: nope.13:32
PoueT23i dont have big boobs garyzeasshole13:40
PoueT23thanks so much darkmeson! :)13:40
C-Keen8Literally, it's a binch of ram/flash/eeprom start and size, block size entried in a structure.  Datasheets should enable expanding that easily enough.14:12
C-Keen8people taking calc 314:12
SjB15Because it's in a column expression.14:33
SjB15it exists as a default place for certain tools to connect to14:33
SjB15Lenovo installed a malicious CA cert to intercept https traffic on their laptops until they got caught.14:33
SjB15join ##hardware14:33
SjB15I looked up the meaning of "snob" and it doesn't sound too bad14:33
SjB15peerce: How do i do that then?14:33
AJ_Z020please stop giving bad advice14:41
AJ_Z020Urchin[emacs]:  have you seen an old typewriter?14:41
AJ_Z020Sorry. Not unanswerable. But not easier to answer than your first one.14:41
light23hrnz just quickly calculated that in the head14:48
light23I got a fairly modern i5, 16GB ram and ssd14:48
light23caskit: Haskell, here. :)14:48
SiFuh20Calling sh seems like an odd thing to do when the argument was for replacing it14:59
SiFuh20if you write a file with, say, visual studio, and then try to check it in using cygwin/babun git, it'll be 75514:59
LeandroLuiz18lmao imagine being old and dying earlier than me, must suck lol15:00
SiFuh20what happened to linus?15:00
LeandroLuiz18Just helping you know your target potential sponsor better as you reach out 😄15:00
Literallie3i assume it's to stop people guessing the links and not paying for a sub15:31
Literallie3'Set coordinates expression for top left, top right, bottom left and bottom right corners'15:31
Sirocco14hrnz: arr, like matrix ?16:03
Sirocco14Stutters: Code of Conduct16:03
Sirocco14yeah so |z| <= K... i think16:03
Sirocco14Hi, does anybody know of a command line tool to download fb videos? Something like youtube-dl16:03
Sirocco14sure you fugured it out16:03
vbgunzhotest CPU is running at 195.8F lol - 91C16:27
vbgunzNo, np, just so.16:27
vbgunzI even used %q16:27
vbgunzshit my bad, I said .pub16:28
dan-28oldlaptop: probably at least some17:26
dan-28Damar: I dont get any "type your password" as it should be.17:26
dan-28Okay. I think I am understanding how this works a bit now. Thanks for the help caoliver!17:26
Lehvyn8[ A seriously "oh crap" moment : Australian Railways - YouTube ] - www.youtube.com17:29
Lehvyn8the openbsd way is to update the port so everyone can get the newer version17:29
Lehvyn8so i know its not just a bugged out mobo17:29
Lehvyn8:help map-overview -> http://vimhelp.appspot.com/map.txt.html#map-overview17:30
Lehvyn8okuu, you can still see that e^(z+w) = e^ze^w17:30
yrlf7Hi want to mine using my pc.17:38
yrlf7maybe because the regex doesn't match and you discard its return code?17:38
anonymous20rouji: if you could try with vim -u NONE, maybe you will see what we're seeing17:38
anonymous20anyways going to eat a mango then brush teeth and sleep going to the doctor tomorrow17:38
anonymous20i did some OTA with nrf24l01 before17:39
anonymous20for a while i was happy17:39
tismith8well, guess ill spend the morning trashinging everything by removing all structs. :)18:12
tismith8Iarla after that echo "blacklist brcmsmac" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf18:12
tismith8set shell=False18:12
tismith8I'm a woman18:12
GeekShadow18git show/log acts differently for those18:25
GeekShadow18no_gravity: made any progress? I'm very interested in it :)18:26
GeekShadow18[WIKIPEDIA] Alien (creature in Alien franchise) | "The "Alien"  (colloquial:  "Xenomorph XX121"; binomial: Internecivus raptus ["murderous thief"]) is a fictional endoparasitoid extraterrestrial species that is the eponymous antagonist of the Alien film series. The species made its debut in the film Alien (1979), and reappeared in the sequels Aliens..." | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alien_(creature_in_Alien_franchise)18:26
GeekShadow18dmwit: I can't quite make a whole lot of sense of the error messages yet, so I'll just post them: https://pastebin.com/6bk1EapG18:26
GeekShadow18and bring emacs interface to the 21st century18:26
GeekShadow18you'd want to output it a second time in less? then sure18:26
czwolfMLarabel, Brexit19:27
czwolfIt means so much, yet so little19:27
czwolfdmwit, ok, I will try to read the archlinux page on cabal to see what I have done last year and try to do as you said, thank you19:27
bbt3134how do we proctect those seeds in practice?20:20
bbt3134enojelly: it's a movie20:20
bbt3134Psi-Jack I think I saw you in Mint chat.20:20
Croepha13i am using automount with freeipa but we aren't doing kerberos or anything20:56
Croepha13TR1950X:  what OS/distro?20:56
pew15the caption says: During electrotonic potential propagation, the potentials decay exponentially, and the temporal and spatial constants are key parameters of this process.21:34
pew15Uh huh, and you're pasting this why?21:35
pew15hmm and now /data/db is full of stuff21:35
pew15the information on that support page is misleading then21:35
Dyonisos23% where you at?21:35
pew15It was on reordering for like an hor21:35
Dyonisos23i am in freenode anyway21:35
Dyonisos23ponyrider, sudo dd if=~/Downloads/devuan_ascii_2.0.0_amd64_dvd-1.iso of=/dev/sdc bs=512 && sync21:35
Dyonisos23is the config stored on one of the hard drives?21:35
Swannie1trying to install rapidminer on ubuntu 18.0422:28
Swannie1yes. setting the bg colour would have given it that colour22:28
Swannie1they're very sexually liberal if that matters...22:28
Swannie1hello babes22:28
bin_zsh22that's what windows are for23:05
bin_zsh22No, I've just had college level chemistry classes23:05
xebfe_what would I need to look for to determine if the script expects termguicolors23:11
xebfe_oh what's that?23:11
xebfe_Opened that file in a text editor but I don't know what the syntax error would be really..23:12
xebfe_later I could replace Euler with something like RK423:12
Snert__It worked!23:24
Snert__(`Ix' basically tells how to map the values of the type, plus array bounds, to a contiguous sequence of integers)23:24
Snert__nolash: run the terminal in Emacs, maybe?23:24
Snert__cnx: :h ctrl-^23:24
Snert__may not be a bash issue, but if anyone know the answer please?...23:24
localhorst13tradar: You're describing an implementation detail23:44
localhorst13lin_noob: there's a workaround for that, and also for getting access via Tor23:44
localhorst13whatre the deets?23:44
localhorst13it's a bit hacky but it'll probably work23:44
localhorst13survietamine: but that is an option, right?23:44

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