
Guest1584(Moreover, your constants are wrong.)00:08
Guest1584hi everyone. does access token work when oauth2 is enabled?00:09
Guest1584For retrieving from only one server, you can also use port forwarding for that one specific port and avoid the default route thing.00:09
Guest1584ye, but he's too much into religious shit which ain't better00:09
Guest1584how can I keep vim from putting swapfiles in ~/.cache/vim/swap?00:09
Guest1584kmc: no, just police and earlier fire fepartment00:09
irb1I'm not sure if it's a but in the liubrary, or just I'm doiung something wrong.00:51
irb1OlofL, i use fiberworks.no norwegian distributor, with norwegian warehouse. i normaly get my sfp's the day after i order if it is in stock00:51
irb1This is my current spec file: https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/KZfgfZjCScdYOof~KjXf-Q (I was trying to use ${version} in the %global tag and was running into issues as well)00:51
irb1do_delete is a must, latter can be both, but one of the conditions must result in true00:52
Logg10rudeness begets rudeness, by the way.01:04
Logg10wait, are the postits on the boxes or in the boxes01:04
Logg10jborean93 you around? invite sigyn?01:04
Logg10it does it all :)01:04
pseudonymousyes i have the same habits Zexaron01:57
pseudonymousthe speed of editor load01:57
pseudonymousif I were to express it as a refinement type... probably newtype ABSPath = Refined (StartsWith '/') FilePath01:57
pseudonymousYou could probably just #define EYOUIDIOT EINVAL01:58
pseudonymousin practice, if you try to actually use it, ghc will notice that no such instance exists and complain about that01:58
dive3I should've marked the argument as a reference too.02:31
dive3my long-term memory isn't very great02:32
dive3jokrebel: I just tried that, but it doesn't do anything.02:32
dive3JFox762: probably have it the profile for it turned "Off"02:32
dive3and resistors and diodes02:32
dive3Anyone know who manages the epel certbot package for CentOS? The package doesn't include logrotation scripts or cron jobs02:32
imchairmanm24nonsense, a here string is introduced with <<<02:43
imchairmanm24FishPencil: see thats where experianse meets expectations and really, the *sense's just dont get there02:44
imchairmanm24ananke: I disagree a bit. I know of lots of parents who put youtube autoplay on an ipad and leave their young children to spend all day on it02:44
imchairmanm24noted, novumsensum thanks for pointing... actually i want to open encrypted file made by vim that use bf2 and will do some text operation using bash/python script on the fly then save it again... is it possible02:44
imchairmanm24Ah, that's what it also says in the first essay02:44
mischief7djph: It has a bunch of different 'modes' you can select, "router", "repeater", "media bridge", "aimesh node", etc05:47
mischief7but not by default, right05:48
mischief7what if you don't want to be married?05:48
mischief7also, i get a button 'View #21' on that url05:48
rcj11is there a rxvt-unicode-terminfo pkg?10:36
rcj11especially the chinese clones10:36
rcj11mischief: 'could not resolve hostname [::1]'. I wonder if I've messed something up in my ssh_config. the stuff about sftp is only 3 lines but still10:36
rcj11read the datasheets first10:37
rcj11(I'm looking at CertbotTLSAgen right?)10:37
rcj11sudo commands10:37
rcj11Also networks and touchpad have no icons... weird.10:37
rcj11yay work purposes10:37
rcj11depends on your cpu10:37
rcj11aaron1995: So, sin(theta)/cos(theta) = y/x.10:37
rcj11i have a mass of ethernet cable under the rack. off to the size would probably be much tidier but i'm not sure what sort of tools exist for that10:37
rcj11zamza:  you can try but it will likely fail10:37
rcj11going on it10:38
rcj11yes, you can10:38
rcj11phy1729: I note with amusement that even KDE doesn't understand the "gophers" protocol10:38
rcj11and hard to put antennas and PV ontop10:38
vhasi19ok that's what I thought, I can't do it like that.11:20
vhasi19if the crf is 111:21
duritong_oh you mean teslys12:10
duritong_but yeah i'm sure PS0 don't exist12:10
duritong_i wonder if i can edit the theme directly and see if i can add a border12:10
duritong_but you now configured the 1284p for 16mhz, so try to normal arduinoisp12:11
duritong_ty, i found a similar answer to that also12:11
zdzichuThere's more chat at the "on-offtopic" channel12:19
zdzichuand Sigyn really isn't doing its job very well :/12:19
tureba7it's just a distraction13:03
Tha-Fox9its only for C13:32
Tha-Fox9Although if multiple color encodings are supported, all of them should work with backlog too, not just weechat or something13:32
fnordz6That's a pretty easy way to get an ACME server locally (but you'll need to fiddle with some Certbot args to get it to talk to Pebble & to use the right CA certificate for the HTTPS API)14:10
fnordz6Algebra shouldn't be like this, or should it?14:10
fnordz6Makes sense. Thank you.14:11
fnordz6for each sample and each variable one x14:11
fnordz6cat /etc/os-release, if it's stretch your on 14 if it's jessie your on 13.14:11
LeandroLuiz18lmao imagine being old and dying earlier than me, must suck lol14:57
LeandroLuiz18Just helping you know your target potential sponsor better as you reach out 😄14:58
brsk4no quote available for: "899"14:58
brsk4i have no trust at all left for FTDI14:58
IvanBlagdan5we are working on it, she refused estrogen replacement therapy15:22
IvanBlagdan5Diodalysxd, de donde eres?15:22
IvanBlagdan5Relays often fail closed, much worse than failing open in many cases.15:22
kurgan15or RPi head units :)15:34
kurgan15im still here15:34
kurgan15{} without any other context groups commands15:34
kurgan15Hyouchuu: We were working for a company that did a lot of stuff overseas.  China, Taiwan, Korea and so forth, so our vendors were a little more agile than most15:35
kurgan15Linus does get a pretty hefty paycheck from them15:35
wlfshmn    Illegal kind: forall k. k15:35
wlfshmnkubuntu is an ubuntu flavour15:35
wlfshmnI was looking at kextutil and couldn't find the "list" argument15:35
wlfshmnhe was a bizzare virgin\15:35
Yoda4do I have to enable that or something, verbose mode ?15:40
Yoda4(unreg) <stonair> The purpose is to remove everything under Trash folder. But I don't want it to creep up the directory.15:40
Yoda4If R were an integral domain, this would be easy to see.15:40
Yoda4I got a bit confused there15:41
Yoda4bkt: what does apachectl configtest say?15:41
Yoda4Protofall_Dev: i can see your messages here, but most people can't15:41
sebl2you need one part for your answer, and the other part to keep around for your next call to random15:49
sebl2TotallyNotAFraud - (VN - netname: VIETTEL-VN)15:50
sebl2I thought I had, but when I drove my car over it...15:50
sebl2obligatory "which python?"15:50
sebl2dnf search golang   returns a ton of results. Is there a better way to figure out how to get golang installed?15:50
woodcruft1medard: you can set the tx power to manual and then assign power per bandwidth or globally16:22
woodcruft1screwsss_: I'd have said pidgin/finch, but it is (and always has been) a security nightmare (despite being aesthetically pleasing and sane)16:22
woodcruft1rmbeer, I understand you're swimming in anti-patterns16:22
woodcruft1CppCon: if you claim X is flawed, and then reply "give me money" or "my free advice has its limits" when asked for any example, then it's quite silly16:22
salasrod10Αⅼⅼɑh iѕ doіᥒg16:27
salasrod10i remember when you had to do the configure/make/make install dance if you were switching from linux to solaris to freebsd...16:27
salasrod10dmaetpo: as in, the majority of the internet won't be faced with that. Apologies for any inconveniences that might cause but it's a necessary anti-spam measure16:27
salasrod10uniusz: I customize some single colors in the colorscheme I use, simply put in your .vimrc `colorscheme whatever` and then some lines like `hi Comment ctermfg=Green`. You can see all the available types of highlightable tokens by running :hi inside Vim.16:27
makomk0Psi-Jack: but not visibly to the people using it16:31
makomk0If anyone is familiar with generating JWTs with jose, I'm running into a malformed token issue and I'm not sure why.  https://gist.github.com/adrice727/db4774aea0fe3711a99a7cd03dc8b2fb16:32
makomk0on the standby, SHOW hot_standby_feedback;16:32
Epic|0danso: always start reading a declaration at the name being declared, and work outwards16:56
Epic|0The book of Numbers16:56
Epic|0so do you have privileges when opening the file?16:56
enissay3what about bux16:57
zakwilson18because i could just have 1 6 pin connector17:28
zakwilson18tairikuookami: I was asking an actual consultant from Splunk what some information on the HF web interface meant.17:28
zakwilson180 extra symbols used except to intend some specific relation17:29
zakwilson18merijn, dmwit: I'm a little confused by "Name of source file" here17:29
Clouder10Under Ubuntu 18.04, I can connect to my wireless router via 2G but not 5G. It’s a MacPro 2008. I’ve check the channels and 5G does come up17:34
tuskkk___or 1024*768 resolution17:34
Clouder10but in general, not impossible17:34
tuskkk___nai, so sh is POSIX-mode?17:34
tuskkk___There was much earlier request in their former feedback system, but they retired it... https://web.archive.org/web/20160914051638/https://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/feedback/details/218968/provide-a-hint-to-force-intermediate-materialization-of-ctes-or-derived-tables17:35
tuskkk___yeah I need to be smarter this time17:35
tuskkk___Celmor: there's another distro in the making, LuciuOS, designed for malware analysis which does the same as QubesOS. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/malware-has-new-home-its-name-luciuos-logan-hicks : The luciuos.com site was up a few months ago...guess it's down now.17:35
trees18so what about this other subgroup {1,7}, is G/{1,15} = G/{1,7} ?18:25
trees18Which would be inconsistent18:25
trees18but this is what was in my shell history18:25
trees18ⅿοon іѕ not ⅾoіᥒg Αⅼlɑh iѕ ԁoіnɡ18:26
Guest92868and yes, the mega uses a different regulator than the Uno18:49
Guest92868evil ls18:49
Guest92868for LCD display it's often good to just display 14,387 as 14.4k18:49
flux5just be aware that anyone who gets hands on your key will be able to use it to login in your behalf, so it isn't really recommended.18:50
flux5gunix I have toyed with atomic hosts and atomic workstation (now project silver blue or something).18:50
flux5and behind a very restrictive pfsense firewall18:50
flux5people who suggest alternatives are wasting their time unfortunately in this case, I'm maintaining a legacy application whith a ftp client, the ftpserver can't be replaced by soemthing else as it's hardcoded, it would be waste of time trying to replace it, for legacy device with18:51
flux5other than that, not that I know of. You could hack something together from options.json (nix build -f '<nixpkgs/nixos>' config.system.build.manual.optionsJSON) and jq and fzf :D18:51
mrherderI thought only matrices had elements.19:19
mrherderSitri: You are incapable of doing that19:19
mrherderbut pg didn't have sql until 199519:19
mrherderjohnjay: What if C says it's well-defined?19:19
mrherderlol holy shit19:20
mrherderTJ-: sweet crackers, I got in via wifi only19:20
phryk28and then 1 : bottom would be up the 1 side from that19:40
phryk28baldengineer, shared memory to pass information19:40
phryk28is there a terminology I should be using to describe my problem? It kind of reminds me of taylor series19:40
phryk28Use the paste and the mica pad or use the gooey pads from berquist and they are both fine but your local supplier probably stocks the mica.19:40
phryk28C++ says to use the C minimal ranges.19:40
phryk28if the theorem doesnt have a name, "a theorem from the lecture says" should always be enough19:41
lostgravity3sometimes you want to start with it, generate the basic cabal file once, then remove package.yaml and use the cabal file thereafter20:22
lostgravity3YellowDrink: no, that's #bsd20:22
f91woh nvm, you already fixed. Thanks!20:38
f91w_abc_: because some times it can render a bit of the web page20:38
f91wso people know who to ping if they're having trouble20:38
f91wproving that Maybe is a functor is no fine: https://bpaste.net/show/6d150799af9f (please confirm); I am unsure about the last code block, proving second Functor law for undefined.20:38
f91wAlso, if you were planning on updating to Mojave next week when it hits, that might be a good time to do a full Time Machine backup and clean-slate the machine completely.20:39
f91wtry /bin/kill -INT 0 should terminate with an exit code of 13020:39
R8ns0m20jwh: amen. "JBoss" and "Tomcat" spring to mind as similar solutions20:49
R8ns0m20Ugh - when I use alt and arrow keys, I am changing ttys - how do I stop this?20:49
R8ns0m20how could i have the last # header (markdown header) displayed in the status line?20:49
R8ns0m20joehillen: Thanks!20:49
R8ns0m20Or something else.  I made a number of changes from the SPEC in the bz recommended in fedora-java, I guess I need to go back and try the suggestions one at a time.20:49
R8ns0m20For t mo20:49
fernie19select current_date - 2; --> 2018-08-0621:13
fernie19Soul_Sample: it's better to yell it out loud at the ISP21:13
roundtripi'm seeing that.21:19
roundtripthe accident is in the other lane21:20
s3kritis your attempt open source / followable?23:06
s3kritBerkeley's critcism was primarily a support of Christianity23:06
s3kritWhat is AUR missing ?23:06
s3kritThen it doesn't need to pass through the origin23:06
s3kritbomb, dirty like what23:06
mihait13hitting <enter> on the filename just shows an empty buffer23:12
mihait13I think you'll have to do that in two commands23:12
mihait13Code Monkey get up get coffee. Code monkey go to job.23:12
mihait13hmm, it seems like everyone is thinking Slackware23:12
kotto27kmc: my costs so far are about $40023:17
kotto27Which cert warning? Let's Encrypt certificates are only for hostnames, not IP addresses, so it will warn that the name doesn't match.23:17
kotto27tradermyx: since none of our suggestions qualify to your definition of "easy" and "effortless", i think you really need to define what that actually means. HOW do you want your users to open these darn files anyway?23:17
stakdso there’s an extra LM358 in there23:26
stakdexclusions are completely up to you23:26
stakdapparently /dev/tcp and /dev/udp accept "service names" as port numbers too23:26
Und3rf10w15aalm: my internets died23:53
Und3rf10w15graps, maybe kde/plsama might be more familiar and comfortable for him...I'm 75 and been on Liniux for 13 yrs23:53
Und3rf10w15Aeso: Id need to replace all NIC as well when going from IB to RoCE, right?23:54
Und3rf10w15markasoftware: in addition, modifying string literals is undefined behavior23:54
Und3rf10w15you said quicksort is always used. it's not23:54

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