
erle-Why the heck is Nautilus still not updated?09:42
erle-Will there be an optional nautilus3.0 packet or something?09:43
vincenzomlhi there, I've got a BCM20702A0 bluetooth adapter which is detected in the logs; I also downloaded the right firmware from the appropriate github site and got rid of an error message loading firmware; 09:51
vincenzomlhowever, the adapter won't work and bluetoothctl won't list my card09:51
vincenzomlI've seen it listed before, but today I tried blacklisting the modules iwlwifi and btintel by adding "install <module> /bin/false" to blacklist.conf09:51
vincenzomlhowever that was the only way to stop the internal, combined wifi/bt card to pop up and become the default device. The internal card is broken and causes segfaults after some day of uptime. Tested for months.09:52
vincenzomlany suggestions? The BCM adapter has worked reliably for months too, in fedora, but I want to get back to ubuntu.09:52
howarthI am a tad confused about the new theme in cosmic22:10
howarthThe original Community theme had the 'Show Applications' in a rounded icon22:11
howarthBut the a dist-upgrade from 18.04 leaves the original Gnome icon in its place22:11
howarthDoes this mean that the dist-upgrade isn't complete in replacing the previous preferences or have they changed the icon back?22:12

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