
he||ra|zer22geekosaur: In my hands I hold the ultimate proof that settles the debate "tabs vs spaces" once and for all.01:46
he||ra|zer22ok, that's 12k more commits01:46
he||ra|zer22M .gitignore01:46
he||ra|zer22accordingly if I wanted to before re-encoding it.01:46
Yames26wad that isn't an Ubuntu kernel05:03
Yames26I never mentioned it being on the client side05:03
Yames26Zexaron, use dmesg instead.05:03
Yames26so, what is the advantage?05:03
yastero0but /something/ borked the drivers before I upgraded, as they were already broken06:24
yastero0pantsu ⸾ also, C-A-F3 and do loginctl show-session $XDG_SESSION_ID06:24
yastero0tomreyn: finished reading?06:24
yastero0It's fine on ubuntu.06:24
eNigmaFx24it worked for python but this is a completely different story :)06:39
eNigmaFx24arooni: Ah, so you /are/ one of the people who think it's the best laptop ever :P06:39
shenghi16bschip: su - username07:24
shenghi16you can't even explain how it works07:25
shenghi16sounds like mine are an exception then... :P07:25
isaquetonsofpcs: I think he completely got rid of one of the 2 pieces of AT&T hardware.  In my house I have Fiber coming in which goes to a box.  Out of that box comes a CAT5 cable, but to my understanding it's not ethernet, it just happens to use the same cable.  That cable then goes into the all in one gateway, router, accesspoint piece of garbage07:57
isaqueand direct07:58
laamaelain10spare: so in theory perfectly audited code it would be impossible to just bribe one person to back door it.08:37
laamaelain10i have no need of a delphi parser :)08:38
laamaelain10blackk: x^2 + 3 have this property ?08:38
esp32_proggparent, hrrrr.08:52
esp32_progzumba_addict: if that fixes it that means i get some of your paycheck right08:52
esp32_progMVC bounty is still around and 6000eur08:52
esp32_progFor most things, I use hexchat.08:52
esp32_progit was the first embessed Linux distro!08:52
esp32_progSo you want memcached.08:52
asunderwe should start measuring building height in Jans11:19
asunderthat was one sentence strechted over three lines. you are not fooling anyone11:19
hrkfdn_4I can see it happening though. Especially since Apple is interested in having the ultrathin laptop, that can lasts for hours.11:33
hrkfdn_4well its there and it works quite well, better yet it uses fully standard things11:33
Allegretto5aeonzh: which proof don't you understand?11:34
Allegretto5the worst part is as far as i know im stuck ordering online, we dont really have any decent electronics supply houses around me other than for building11:34
abernix_4and how did you do that alter user if you can't connect?12:16
abernix_4look back the whole computer histories, everything is full of wonder12:17
abernix_4ask-ygU5AP56, i think almost a bios issue12:17
abernix_4That particular trigger was a bit of a risky one, but at the time they were sending rapidly-changing ASCII-art spam that I was trying to fight.12:17
piyer14esselfe: you're mom is from openssl13:15
piyer14ahh ok13:15
chouseknecht8isemenov: You are here in #fedora-unregistered because you are not registered or identified with freenode. See https://freenode.net/kb/answer/registration or /msg nickserv help register for more information.13:48
chouseknecht8it happens with Firefox or Chrome. Basically the tabs will lock up, my mouse will slow down, and then the machine will lock up. After 10-15 minutes it doesn't do anything and I have to hold down the power button13:48
xMopx8The injection is *2, the surjection is what most programming languages would call %2.15:18
xMopx8less confusing and you no longer need the if's15:18
=== lynn_ is now known as gryphon
aloy0You need the talent to take advantage of it16:14
aloy0fastputty,  sudo apt full-upgrade  (G be with you)16:14
aloy0madnight: It’s more like Haskell programs tend to break unpredictably when using unsafe functions light-heartedly. You absolutely cannot use unsafePerformIO in a safe way as a beginner. In Java, you can maneuver your way around null from day one.16:15
ThorneliusChipguy, really, post your code.16:53
Thorneliusunyu: I don't understand the issue. Rudin uses "the metric space's own balls"16:53
Guest44688hm, that's interesting16:58
Guest44688[ The Deathcap (Amanita phalloides) - YouTube ] - www.youtube.com16:58
thaumavorio28Windows 7 didn't exist in 200617:36
thaumavorio28ppf: that's a better reason.17:36
KFBI90% of 10 is 9 yes? 10 * 0.9 == 917:39
KFBIahh, I had an extra \ in there, \. not \\.17:39
leveldocBut can it be the case that an element x with order n (where n is the order of the subgroup) does not lie in the "main" subgroup?18:21
leveldocwhat do you mean alphabet ?18:21
Hackerpcs19>does k18:43
Hackerpcs19what can i use then18:43
Hackerpcs19Got a network loop of 2 devices to switch over copper and fibre between them, how would I go about using the fibre line? Both have fibre on a separate NIC18:43
ohgeetee26the UPS having mains -> [charger] -> battery, and battery -> [inverter] -> output, with the two parts in [] being isolated, but mains earth being connected from mains in to mains out, doesnt sound at all unusual. this would mean the battery negative is not connected to mains earth, and is floating, and hence why leakage is visible (its not meant to be an exposed contact at all, so no19:02
ohgeetee26i read internet pages concerning tar and had my command reviewed here Dagmar19:02
quuxman18pingfloyd: I am doing that (I have a subset of my data with just 100000 records), but I will need to deal with a lot more later19:06
quuxman18justsomeguy : personal preference or force of habit i would think19:06
quuxman18tomreyn: hmm, that would require resetting boundaries perfectly19:07
quuxman18but in the latter case weak symbols will do19:07
quuxman18good stripper name19:07
itsdatnycdude_btw, it *is* a directory, of course :p19:21
itsdatnycdude_Because there is nothing to "get".19:22
itsdatnycdude_akdev, gots VMs? :)19:22
itsdatnycdude_when new fork19:22
magicbit15Magissia, this might help  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/GitKernelBuild19:54
magicbit15if "it" is the iterator, then "*it" is the object it refers to19:54
md_515gladiac: zdohnal https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2018-5003344ca120:14
md_515so basically , my completion script needs to build a list of candidates - then load them into a numeric array? then pass that array to _arguments ?20:14
md_5152018-09-04 - 21:30:5720:14
md_515and ah, i see, i only tried logb(256) :)20:14
md_515alright, the manual is a 71-page PDF20:14
donofrio2frendShot_: I see why you are gone, I am going too... bye! Have fun.20:21
donofrio2is there a 3rd party util maybe?20:21
hsorbo_What room?22:15
hsorbo_veers, associate is not the lowest rank here22:15
plasticle26this is a good thing.22:34
plasticle26that FXO FXS interface22:34
heiler26i want to group them23:18
heiler26I hear the distortion when playing the file back in Audacity23:18
Dan-Bennett27Caspan: try `find /Volumes/Mount/ -type d -or -type f | wc -l`23:24
Dan-Bennett27and we've deployed a metric shit ton of those switches23:24
Dan-Bennett27perhaps it's becoming Moar Complicated not Moar Bettererer23:25
Romlok13tomreyn: it's gnome classic23:33
Romlok13thats from where i do my commits from, do i need to check where i pull from?23:33

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