=== iIlL10oO is now known as Guest27707 === Guest27707 is now known as wiiw === wiiw is now known as ikk- [00:43] bmoraca: i know, wut dah fuq [00:43] daurnimator: ok? [00:43] is this correct to see if a package is installed? [00:44] I can't touch the prototypes [00:44] detha: What do you mean in userspace? I thought something like that was fundamentally in kernel space? [00:52] ah exercism, sorry i need more coffee ^^ [00:52] quite a few [00:52] thats what im talking about [02:04] mbwgh: And if quitting accidentally is costly. [02:04] after that, it sounds like you want some form of calendar where you just stick in the device ID, and a reservation slot. [02:28] the other usual complaint with jaycar is everything costs several times as much as it should [02:28] dibs: ah there you go :) [02:28] What's unsettling to me is "data Int64 = I64# Int#" [02:28] in my company we only drink starbuks [02:28] Nei: THX. I will try your suggestions. You helped me a lot. I was banging my head against the wall, not konwoing that there could be a different encoding for nick and text... [02:53] dude I think my washing machine can play doom [02:53] phogg: but there are some good "bundles" right? i've heard good things about ipfire pfsense (yes i know bsd but) and tangle and... apparently according to one article sophos utm but curious what the pros use and ofc we know the pros are in #linux chat :) [02:53] i'm curious if there's a way to have a global type name Foo, and have it be unified wherever it appears in the program, without having specify what it is [03:29] well you can only use malloc() in C, and C++ you can use malloc, but you're suppose to use `new' [03:29] And then USB the updated DMG file over and install it [03:29] ^ has fzf example [03:35] tejr: what does that install [03:35] Hi I make a partition smaller is it safe to move my ext4 partition left to fill the now empty space? It says moving a partion might make the os unable to boot but this isn't a OS partion [03:35] endojelly just linked to LITTLE BIG - GIVE ME YOUR MONEY (feat. TOMMY CASH) - YouTube === ikk- is now known as iIlL10oO [05:37] it's nasty. [05:37] chenpan: what does your fstab look like? [05:43] so you can just make sure that comes first on the path [05:44] I rebooted [05:44] I don't think there is such thing as a vim specific keyboard, there are good keyboards which are programmable though [05:44] can ghcmod-vim also show the type declaration [05:44] my respotories is all messed up ill do a paste in a min [05:44] and what does the `sizeof(request->nbdrequest.handle) - 1` do? [06:51] but then youre providing the voltage... [06:51] ok thanks so im restarting [06:51] ah ok. in the case of my colleague, there was more corruption. [06:51] bambanx: text isn't a picture... [06:52] I figure oh cool let me combine my startup powertable script and miner script [06:52] You would have to be a real noob not to find a single computer you can't exploit with Metasploit sitting right in front of you and lots of Windows systems running XP out there. [07:30] <^k^> 新 Wubi安装讨论 • 求助,u盘安装ubuntu18.04.lst开机找不到 http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=488584 用u盘安装ubuntu。重启电脑后蓝屏,出现default boot device missing。请问如何解决 统计信息: 发表于 由 流星落黑光 — 2018-09-30 13:01 [07:34] <^k^> 新 办公、图像、机械电子设计等 • 请问如何设置可以做到ctrl+j键代替下键 http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=488585 我希望能全局设置ctrl+j键替换↓键,我尝试了在系统设置-键盘-快捷键,这里给ctrl+j键设置命令xdotool key Down,但是并没有效果。 还请指教如何可以成功设置? 统计信 [07:34] <^k^> ─> 息: 发表于 由 xingchenxf — 2018-09-30 15:32 [08:22] kalev: The f30 mutter build with egl-device enabled is for nvidia eglstream support? [08:22] your book doesn't define cosec or sec? I find that hard to believe but even if that's the case, I'm sure wikipedia can help https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trigonometric_functions [08:22] ⇪ f: Trigonometric functions - Wikipedia [08:23] mlehhh [08:41] [ BRAWL IN CELL BLOCK 99 Movie Clip - Prison Yard Fight Scene (2017) Vince Vaughn Crime Drama Movie HD - YouTube ] - www.youtube.com [08:41] amd + nvidia [08:42] error: syntax error, unexpected $undefined, at /home/drakonis/.config/nixpkgs/home.nix:3:32 [08:42] i'm going to be working on custom bitstreams \x [08:42] oh heck, tivo death watch? [08:57] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 竟然是图片 //i3.xiaohua.fd.zol-img.com.cn/t_s600x5000/g4/M01/0B/00/Cg-4WVI2ruOIRP1KAADIsb7nc5IAALrTwDwT9sAAMjJ589.jpg 个性美女坐电梯 [08:59] No, never encountered Morse theory [08:59] qoura, a reliable source [09:12] How can one list all open buffers including the hidden ones? [09:12] It takes 0.5 seconds to check the product rule works [09:12] Mochi101: head over. cybterbunker. [09:12] Anyone all in on SONO IPO? [09:15] that's where the concept of series comes from; you start with a sequence of partial sums, and here you take the limit [09:15] I dont know about 3D myself, I know a bit of 2D though [09:45] there's some randomness to it [09:45] my favorite feature of Lua are metatables [09:45] jim: but still it should work [09:45] https://github.com/GermainZ/weechat-vimode/blob/master/vimode.py#L918 [09:45] ⇪ f: weechat-vimode/vimode.py at master · GermainZ/weechat-vimode · GitHub [09:45] \x yeah, the fact that he just tried to get me to rm -rf [09:50] water dripping [09:50] goosfraba: Have you checked out google mesh wifi [09:50] but /shrug [10:12] Anthaas_: There are some similar but better (more restricted scope, higher code standards) projects [10:13] BCMM: I'm sure their implementation of ps uses BSD-specific system calls, just like their implementation of sysctl doesn't use Linux-like proc/sys [10:20] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 太过份,小心妹子骂死你 : 今天下雨,我步行去上班。一小车在我身后停下:"妹子,去哪?我捎你一程。"陌生人的车能上吗?然后我就说:"谢谢,不用了,我马上就到了。"然后那人说:"我能骗你吗?你长的又不好看~" 尼玛,你长的才不好看,你全家都不好看! [11:16] Yeah I don't think I've had an iMac Pro kernel panic in at least a month [11:16] Blondie101010: After I flip the power switch, I see black until I hear a beep and see the fancy installer screen. [11:41] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 竟然是图片 //i0.xiaohua.fd.zol-img.com.cn/t_s600x5000/g3/M01/00/07/Cg-4WFI2oEyISbPKAADfmXqVB0AAALq9QO0qqEAAN-x790.jpg 家庭作业 [12:28] What type of gin? [12:28] but my theory is that hig sierra fixes it [12:29] i read about execute but probably I'm trying a wrong syntax [12:29] mᥱԁicine is nⲟt ԁoiᥒɡ Aⅼlaһ is doinɡ [12:29] MiseryMyra: \ and / does not mean the same thing ? [12:29] [ Apple Jeus (@AppleJeus) | Twitter ] - twitter.com [13:00] i used some your code as a starting point [13:00] the us gov is smart enough in some dept to use email. for example, passports via postoffice to state.gov can incrementally handle via phone / email [13:00] https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/containers.html#implicit-sharing-iterator-problem [13:00] ⇪ f: Container Classes | Qt Core 5.11 [13:00] As in MAC addresses? [13:00] http://www.peoples.ru/character/literature/max_otto_von_stierlitz/shtirlic_3.jpg [13:02] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 计高一筹 : 两个庙祝谈起怎样分配香油钱,一个说:"我在屋子中间放一张桌子,拿钱向桌上掷去,落在桌上的归菩萨,落在地上的归我。"  另一个说:"我的方法不同。我把钱掷向天花板,菩萨收去的归菩萨,掉在地上的归我。" [13:06] that's the one [13:06] would she like that [13:39] rmbeer: you should fix the warnings [13:39] dminuoso: well but actually i'm more interested in the ct view point than it's application in hask, for me hask is only one small instance (and not my focus) [13:39] My assumption was that the automatic switch would switch between DHCP and the manually input DNS addresses, but this would be redundant since there is already check boxes for this. [13:39] than you can check with git diff about if what've changed looks OK [13:39] <^k^> 新 笔记本、UMPC支持 • 笔记本触摸板右击无效 http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=488586 华硕顽石系列笔记本,ubuntu1804系统,安装还算正常,无线网卡什么的都可以。 也没作什么设置,触摸板正常移动,左击都有效。 就是按动触摸板右侧按键时,系统不是识别为右击,而是识别为 [13:39] <^k^> ─> 正常单击。 求解! 统计信息: 发表于 由 百草谷居士 — 2018-09-30 21:39 [14:06] aalm: how do I do that? [14:06] there are like 9 others with his Pease Porridge column, and mail-box... [14:06] patr0clus: https://itsfoss.com/resolvconf-permanent-ubuntu/ [14:06] ⇪ t: How To Make Changes In resolv.conf Permanent in Ubuntu [Quick Tip] | It's FOSSEmailFacebookGoogle+InstagramLinkedinPinterestRSSTwitterYouTube [14:06] my* [14:13] the point of the exercise is to make you think about the data you have and explain various effects i think' [14:13] romainl: what does :echo has('balloon_multiline') print? my terminal vim give me 0 [14:13] don't encrypt the things that you commit, that'd be pointless [14:13] (if you add a random element of Z/2^32Z to anything, you get a random element of Z/2^32Z) [14:13] poutine: nah, you don't have to do that anymore [14:13] When I exposed my app-metrics via node-exporter it worked awesome. [14:19] <^k^> 新 网卡问题以及网络和拨号 • ubuntu 18.04上网慢,cpu100% http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=488587 从ubuntu16.04升级到ubuntu 18.04后,出现一系列问题,烦请大牛进行解答: 1)网速和CPU一直处于半抽风状态,如下图: 2) 对于网速方面尤为怪异,比如如果我一直浏览同一域名的网站,如 [14:19] <^k^> ─> 在http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn刷各种帖子,网速正常,响应迅速,但如果我突然要百度下的话, … [14:54] profmac: consider #ifndef USER \ #define user "his \ #endif then do -DUSER=\"his\" etc [14:54] dirty stinkin hippies [14:54] matrix like photographer [15:46] AAALLL I’m with you, it’s an awesome feature [15:46] X-Scale quit (~ARM@ Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- In tests, 0x09 out of 0x0A l33t h4x0rz prefer it :) [15:46] cwarner4: ⇪ HydraIRC - A popular IRC client for Windows [15:47] (every time i say that, ghc goes ahead and does it) [15:47] johan: As with all updates, make sure you have a full Time Machine backup first. [15:47] that's probably for the best. centralization isn't all it's cracked up to be [16:04] try again with `git commit --gpg-sign` in case it's using the wrong config === Sevk is now known as ^k^ [16:25] use this so you don't break anything https://raid.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Recovering_a_failed_software_RAID#Making_the_harddisks_read-only_using_an_overlay_file [16:25] ⇪ f: Recovering a failed software RAID - Linux Raid Wiki [16:25] after rebuilding it with just my screen connected and the crystal it still does not communicate [16:25] and IIRC, old OSX is the only OS supported by cqueues that doesn't have a CLOCK_MONOTONIC [16:43] Mochi101: 4.56 [16:43] Apachez: tried forcing ipv4? [16:43] mazocomp: replying to the question would be better now. you have vmd process. do you have some virtual machine ? and if yes, how memory are allocated for it ? [16:43] the gateway and other devices (that it can ping) is on the same network [16:55] it doesn't call gcc [16:55] Yes, no icecold [16:55] certbot++ [16:55] newdimension: If you have made a change in your working directory and have NOT YET COMMITTED, you may "float" that change over to another (`git checkout oldbranch`) or new (`git checkout -b newbranch`) branch and commit it there. If the files you changed differ between branches, the checkout will fail. In that case, `git stash` then checkout, and `git stash apply` and go through normal conflict resolution. [16:55] if you do for (i = 0; i < 10; i++); printf("%d\n", i);, the compiler is free to translate that directly into puts("9") [18:22] it doesn't (or didn't) in mysql, fyi [18:22] o ok [18:22] Dagmar, did you literally not just read what I just wrote [19:00] I expect atomic_fetch_add to be safe to use from multiple threads -- multiple threads should be able to increment the value safely and atomically. [19:00] its all for me yay [19:00] some_weirdo17: You are here in #fedora-unregistered because you are not registered or identified with freenode. See https://freenode.net/kb/answer/registration or /msg nickserv help register for more information. [19:00] snadge29: ⇪ Nickname Registration - freenode [19:00] so [19:00] wondiws, they ripped support for older adapters when they started doing serious changes to x11 [19:54] but it's definitely not something to bother the freenode staff about :) [19:54] just don't know why i would define =(T) rather than =(const T&) [20:04] a new partition of the ssd, mounted in /home. That's okay actually and it's not part of my problem. I was trying to give some context [20:04] It's been so long since I logged into my account manually that I forgot the user name I gave myself. [20:04] any help for my quesiton please [20:04] sitlanigaurav__: You are here in #fedora-unregistered because you are not registered or identified with freenode. See https://freenode.net/kb/answer/registration or /msg nickserv help register for more information. [20:04] i was cool 10 years before it was cool to be cool [20:04] why is matlab so friggin stupid [20:07] dmj`: It's not public. I can make it available to you, but not until I get to work tomorrow... [20:07] But I think you guys pointed me to something: I'm going to create my custom widget around a QTabWidget and then insert it in the scene with addWidget(). The resultint ptr to the proxy will be used to set the item selctable, movable, its position, etc. [20:08] MrHindsight just linked to Replace Your Exploit-Ridden Firmware with Linux - Ronald Minnich, Google - YouTube - The Linux Foundation [20:08] Looks like I got it. Would be nice to have a UI for this instead of a rube goldberg machine of private messages to different agents 👿 [20:08] for example, if G is any group and X is any nonempty set, declaring g.x = x for all g in G, all x in X gives a trivial group action. [20:52] bomb-on: make wall cronjob... [20:52] if you are able to escape to something more interesting then you're doing well [20:52] should i try -threads ? [20:52] how are the wife and kids [20:52] obinoob: https://sdf.org/ [20:52] ⇪ f: SDF Public Access UNIX System - Free Shell Account and Shell Access [21:41] Was anyone here able to escape the latest Mojave beta 9 AppleEvents sandbox? Bypass the prompts? [21:41] but your sense of guilt [21:51] Planckwalk [21:51] stack overflows happen when people write a recursive function with no exit [21:51] as in `a = b = 1;` ? [21:56] romainl: it's a long depressing story [21:56] might catch an unexpected branch being taken/command being run [22:21] axum: seems worth a try [22:28] jim: I love the videos. [22:28] you cn use fets [22:28] snappy: double precision integer [23:20] @letlpaste 213220743717060608 [23:20] and if i cant build a proof of concept, i dont waste time progressing on a nice version [23:20] kneeki: so permissions are ok [23:20] phogg: is there a way to do that incrementally so that the process doesnt die? [23:20] ... and there's that, too :P [23:39] hey i'm a networking noob, trying to set up a bridge+tap for a qemu vm, but when i do `sudo ip link set wls3 master br0` i get: "Error: Device does not allow enslaving to a bridge" [23:39] just use http [23:54] Heavy usage (mainly JS/node [23:55] FrozenFox: "some memory requirement to mitigate GPUs/FPGAs/ASICs" -- and rule out mobile devices