[01:40] lapion: no, we are talking now about YOU wiping THIS system [02:01] by my calculation, 30 Sanyo 18650's can provide 1600w for about 15 minutes. a 15 amp draw per battery. does that sound right? [02:19] ali1234: it seemed to help a little, but the skipping is still there [02:27] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bs_fEkU8Qco [02:27] tempate: try it and find out [02:42] you could potentially memory map at least a very impressive amount of gigabytes to something [03:24] leonardus: That is dependent on the graphics card's ability to support it [05:54] yed [05:55] I'm on a 2015 iMac [06:59] arteomp: what does hdparm -t /dev/ give you? [07:33] what freq is the audio? [07:45] stɑrs arе ᥒοt doiᥒg Allɑh is dഠⅰnɡ [08:25] I meant, it should be X and Y *in some places* and x and y in *other places*. [08:27] <[hades]21> now query pg_locks where relation=16431 [08:50] and every time I leave plugins by accident I get thrown back on top of the home page [09:02] not to you [09:27] then i don't understand the question? [09:43] davor, can't beleive the \r thing you mean? [09:43] "This is all confusing. Let's just stick it in its own environment" [09:47] Speaking of algebra, a while back I asked this question and got no answer: Suppose you have a commutative ring R. Is there some easy way to check whether an R-module can be extended to an R-algebra? [10:08] this is why you don't brag about your crimes on facebook Descartes [10:09] coroner, yes, actually the one I got used sha512sum [10:41] ciao a tutti [11:27] OK. I unfortunately don't have time to look into why at the moment, but I can put a note in the README [11:28] Also, #bringspanishluatoflourish https://github.com/tilkinsc/LuaSpanish [11:28] libertyprime: good one [11:38] harkenedraven: ok, lets assume Im a noob and not wholly sure what you mean :) separate controlers is more than just separate usb ports/slots right? [12:01] If you guys would like to see what ansible actually does on the remote, use ANSIBLE_KEEP_REMOTE_FILE=1 and check the files. [12:05] ciao [12:06] c'è qualcuno che può offrire supporto tecnico? [12:06] !qualcuno | Leprotto [12:06] Leprotto: la maggior parte delle prime domande fatte in questo canale è del tipo «qualcuno puo' aiutarmi/qualcuno ha tempo/qualcuno usa...?». Fate la vostra domanda tecnica e se qualcuno sa, rispondera' [12:06] lol [12:07] forse per quello nessuno rispondeva :D [12:07] dunque [12:09] cosa mi dite di FAT-fs (sda1) io charset iso8859-1 not found [12:09] sda1 è la partizione di boot efi [12:09] già provato con fsck [12:09] e non trova niente [12:09] capita una volta su tre all'avvio, circa [12:10] da quando ubuntu è passato alla versione kernel 4.15 [12:10] ma si avvia o si blocca ? [12:10] possibile bug non ancora risolto? [12:11] allora entra in emergency mode e se cerco di proseguire mi da quel messaggio [12:11] che ubuntu usi Leprotto ? [12:11] mi tocca fare reboot [12:11] 18.04.1 LTS con desktop plasma [12:11] kde plasma ? [12:11] sì [12:12] non è una derivata ufficiale mi spiace [12:12] !no-supporto [12:12] in questo canale diamo supporto esclusivamente a ubuntu , alle sue derivate ufficiali e al software proveniente dai repository ufficiali ubuntu [12:13] spiego [12:13] io ho installatu ubuntu gnomeù [12:14] e poi hai aggiunto i ppa di kde plasma [12:14] ma poi ho cambiato il desktop manager perchè gnome non mi piaceva [12:14] sì [12:14] quindi il risultato è quello sopra citato [12:14] c'entra qiualcosa secondo te? [12:15] ti posso solo dire che la 18.04 ha il kernel 4.15 di default , tu hai anche avanzato di versione per caso ? [12:15] ah sì [12:15] io avevo unubtu 17.10 prima [12:16] eh ... cmq sia ora quella è kde plasma e qui non diamo supporto a derivate NON ufficiali [12:16] poi ho fatto l'aggiornamento e infine ho cambiato de [12:17] ma kubuntu non era una derivata ufficiale? [12:17] non hai solo cambiato de hai aggiunto i repo di kade plasma [12:17] kde* [12:18] Leprotto, quella NON è una derivata ufficiale NON è kebuntu [12:18] quindi secondo te conviene reinstallare da capo e mettere kbuntu? [12:18] kubuntu* [12:18] meglio che salvi i dati e reinstalli [12:18] capito [12:18] tra avanzamenti di versione [12:18] e ppa aggiunti [12:20] devo andare ... [12:20] grazie mille [12:20] ciao [13:19] i add a relay: port 9001, relay: ssl.weechat, IPv4+6. But when i connect it with my phone, it prompts error password. But i am pretty sure the password is right. [14:23] pingfloyd: there probably isn't a more divisive topic, but that's not because it's inconclusive [14:46] one card for both screens [14:51] so you want me to force install 1by 1? [16:05] wondiws: If it was made after 2000 the GPU and the display panel will likely tell X everything it needs to know [16:15] given how small a 20-30W charger can be, it's surprising that Anker-or-whoever doesn't do a multi-C charger [16:50] Let's imagine that there is a teapot in orbit around the sun between mars and jupiter. [16:58] \renaud: https://gist.github.com/crised/e3e73f761c36d69c22bd11d20670484d [16:58] Liu Kang [17:10] johnw, I don't see anything wrong in your paste. is the program closed source? [17:34] Salve [17:35] Ho istallato ubuntu ma al momento del riavvio il mio pc rilegge la pendrive riproponendomi una nvuova istallazione e se la levo invece mi chiede di inserire un device (ho eliminado windows) [17:43] elbarbaro71, hai installato grub? [17:45] non so cosa sia, faccio una ricerca per capirlo [17:50] esiste una guida per farlo_ [17:51] elbarbaro71: durante l'installazione dovrebbe chiederti di installare il bootloader nel disco di avvio, altrimenti, appunto, non si avvia [17:52] grazie per l aiuto, ma non mi sembra me lo chieda [17:52] elbarbaro71, con cosa hai preparato la chiavetta usb ? [17:53] rufus [17:55] hai uefi ? [17:55] sisi [17:56] puoi provare a ripristinare il grub se manca solo quello [17:56] !grub [17:56] http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/ | Per ripristinare Grub: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/Ripristino [17:57] segui la guida per il ripristino [17:57] grazie mille, ci proverò [18:43] (caused by having an NViDia card, I believe) [18:43] the thing is to find a C++98 compilant solution [18:48] grawity: Well, some config. [18:48] idnar: it is. Really? That's not my experience at all... [19:03] if its like the typical system I see, 0.1% of your users generate 90% of the posts :D [19:27] Buonasera, ho scritto precedentemente in quanto non mi trova la grub dopo aver istallato ubuntu e quindi non si avvia e anzi mi ripropone l-istallazione , ho seguito le guide per risolvere ma niente [19:29] if it doesn't resolve in a couple of days, then perhaps file a bug [19:31] ? [19:46] elbarbaro71> https://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmministrazioneSistema/Grub/Ripristino [20:05] non funziona [20:06] The only force which exerted upward pressure on wages was Unions [20:22] the usual definition of polytope is "convex hull of a finite set of points", which is convex pretty much by definition; all faces of a polytope are also necessarily convex [20:30] Sorry I meant Ubuntu Desktop. [20:41] /help script [20:41] that all i need [21:22] Any 256-bit integer will work for the private key? [21:30] ok, I will try: I hope you are right. [21:55] "would you jsut take a check for $55?" um, no, how about a check for the $10 you're short? [22:06] Dagmar: So it's not the disk problem? [22:35] [ Eraserheads - Ang Huling El Bimbo - YouTube ] - www.youtube.com [22:35] I don't know ansible [22:35] Not to say rwbarton didn't also notice it, but he wasn't the first to be sure. [23:29] FLASH! AHH AHH [23:29] _ymir, then give me the timestamp when that message was sent and also the current timestamp [23:52] the derivation path depends on the type of wallet, which address you want to generate, etc [23:57] tomreyn: yeah, it's almost ready to go.. ;) [23:57] Ask the Kurds.