rotaerk4 | needo: ah, ${buffer.num_displayed} should work | 00:24 |
rotaerk4 | no that won't due. say i have a million cronjobs, i need to make sure the same cronjob doesn't run in parallel, the simple solution here is to give each cronjob its own lockfile, right? | 00:24 |
zapster22 | all bleeding edge technology have revisions, like the Model-T did | 01:19 |
zapster22 | fooman2011: that sounds like firmware | 01:19 |
zapster22 | NobodyNobodyNobo: if you just started mining it will take awhile to accurately reflect your average speed on the web site too. | 01:19 |
zapster22 | for any fs you want to enable discards for | 01:19 |
RobnRene2 | Ariakenom: yeah, looked into that a bit... it's still quite fresh, but I'm hopefull :) | 02:07 |
RobnRene2 | | 02:07 |
pio_ | The Salt docs are pretty good. There is a tutorial there. | 02:43 |
pio_ | install interface i meant not that it matters debian is easy enough | 02:43 |
SkillyOnFire28 | and I'm not gonna support that | 04:48 |
SkillyOnFire28 | @pl \f -> memo (\k -> memo (\j -> memo (\i -> f i j k))) | 04:48 |
SkillyOnFire28 | bipul: right, like i said, its mileage may vary. use a wired connection. | 04:48 |
SkillyOnFire28 | so next problem: | 04:48 |
paws | yeah, but some got planned maintenance, as you saw | 05:20 |
paws | dry: Please post the url returned by `git log -n 20 --all --graph --format="%h %p %d %s" | curl -F text=@-` to give us an idea about what your situation is (increase the -n argument if your problem is more complex than 20 commits can explain) | 05:20 |
paws | mochi101 you got aids? | 05:20 |
paws | cardz: revolut can do that now | 05:20 |
AlvaroMolina16 | Seven dual-layer DVDs worth with FCP 6 & 7 | 05:21 |
AlvaroMolina16 | <== new page illustrates the heating up of the police state in America | 05:21 |
aitch6 | you can ege to position at a word ending. then ls<CR> | 05:25 |
aitch6 | wigums, g++, yes | 05:25 |
aitch6 | woot :) | 05:25 |
aitch6 | XRP domains | 05:25 |
aitch6 | just because they don't hide them, it doesn't mean you have to seek them out ;) | 05:25 |
Slartibart | dviola, i haven't either | 05:39 |
Slartibart | BarnabasDK: i believe they left | 05:39 |
rich028 | do you have staged files? | 06:05 |
rich028 | /mode #channel +e <banmask> | 06:05 |
rich028 | i use a butane iron for such work | 06:06 |
rich028 | while the rest of the hipster editors are dead | 06:06 |
jasom14 | could be different depending on how you've installed I suppose, but it'll be somewhere | 06:27 |
jasom14 | why would you want to remove vim anyway :P | 06:27 |
jasom14 | why don't they make movies like these anymore? | 06:27 |
fakeful0 | I like github because whenever something doesn't work, I check the issues and quite often I find the solution there, because so many others use it, too | 06:28 |
fakeful0 | just standing still | 06:28 |
Platonides13 | phy1729: this bash script throws an error and doesn't continue on to the "echo done" | 06:57 |
Platonides13 | pretty sure that is the elliptic curve private key | 06:57 |
rozie12 | | 07:53 |
rozie12 | “Give us the black sheep. I want artists who are frustrated. I want the ones who have another way of doing things that nobody’s listening to. Give us all the guys who are probably headed out the door.” | 07:53 |
rozie12 | pretty strange, i guess it makes more sense if i plug in some real values and take a look | 07:53 |
rozie12 | | 07:53 |
rozie12 | put it on your butthole | 07:53 |
rozie12 | dminuoso: Applicative f => a -> f a | 07:53 |
JimBuntu26 | ah .. ok thnx | 07:57 |
JimBuntu26 | and have it still work via virtual calls | 07:57 |
JimBuntu26 | Unfurtunately they seem to only have PLA and ABS but heard a lot of good things. | 07:57 |
JimBuntu26 | Streaker: I once cooekd a frozen hot dog in under a minute with a 1/5m dish I made :D | 07:57 |
casdr11 | either way that doesnt mean that tracking what LOBs to dump when dumping a table is any less useful. It just means keeping --blobs for full lob export is still useful. | 09:17 |
casdr11 | MilkManzJourDaddy [99-Problems/A📌🚁/Falayalaralfali]: thanks | 09:17 |
Community | you're almost never gonna use $" | 09:26 |
Community | Skipp_OSX: I figure it'll be one or the other, but not both. | 09:26 |
Community | @Bios says i have the latest bios version F2 | 09:26 |
m0shbear12 | and he never does any linux work | 11:10 |
m0shbear12 | not that that's atypical... | 11:10 |
ManyRaptors28 | ^ try a vpn good idea! | 12:11 |
ManyRaptors28 | zzarr, are they ubuntu sourced packages?? or 3rd party? (ie. ppa, or other non-repo; or can you provide an example?) | 12:11 |
ManyRaptors28 | djapo | 12:11 |
ManyRaptors28 | A is a matrix and lambda is a number | 12:11 |
Redfoxmoon23 | Dan39, by connecting a vm guest to the bridge | 12:23 |
Redfoxmoon23 | oldlaptop, do you do any CPU intensive work e.g. algorithmic trading etc? | 12:23 |
Matthew_16 | madLyfe: ... what? ubuntu packages are debs, yes. | 12:43 |
Matthew_16 | At least we can run Blodwen on JS :D | 12:43 |
Matthew_16 | ah use C++ | 12:43 |
Matthew_16 | fendor: I mean like -with-rtsopts on the command line. It "bakes in" some RTS options as default in the resulting executable. | 12:43 |
Matthew_16 | Bad Robot (Productions)? | 12:44 |
iooner25 | Khaotic: | 12:50 |
iooner25 | I like to former better though | 12:50 |
iooner25 | And in the right order. | 12:50 |
dmgk22 | like i said, just launched | 13:10 |
dmgk22 | rafasc, 'undefined' | 13:10 |
dmgk22 | but yeah. i never knew that myself. but then again if i ever had to mux something I’d go with mkv because it’s so much better than anything else | 13:10 |
dmgk22 | MacinMan: production is definitely no longer accommodating SD ratiod TVs.. they all seem to be assuming everyone can handle 16:9 now.. case and point, just watch the lower thirds on the local news.. none of it is inside the 4:3 safe zone anymore.. so if you happen to be one still on a 4:3 set, you pretty much have to get your ATSC box to letterbox the 16:9 on your set, or you will set titles cut off and such. | 13:10 |
Etienne__16 | Bajax: This is why it's vastly simpler to not use out of band signaling | 13:27 |
Etienne__16 | audioburn: Well, then you won't have that issue, but your API will only resolve a small selection of hostnames (which may be good) | 13:27 |
lubko13 | phogg: GNU truncate accepts suffixes. | 14:01 |
lubko13 | Chris1: hold | 14:01 |
michalisko2 | if you a) have physical access b) the bootloader isn't password-protected - you can restart the system, stop the bootloader at the kernel selection and add something like ' init=/bin/sh' to the boot command line | 14:37 |
michalisko2 | but yeah, this overkeks better and doesnt hit 100 degrees celsius on vrm temp | 14:38 |
michalisko2 | crux-capacitor: Thx! | 14:38 |
michalisko2 | mixfix41: in bash, instead of $(cat) you can use $(<file) | 14:38 |
Adagio25 | just mean there is no downside to doing it | 14:40 |
Adagio25 | no. but you can install Xquartz that is launched on demand if you have X applications | 14:40 |
Adagio25 | where are you from MissWa? | 14:40 |
Adagio25 | % lift (\x y z -> x <> y <> z) (Just "a") (Just "b") (Just "c") | 14:40 |
zph9 | having dicks on our forehead would be a more rational position than in the groin area | 15:08 |
zph9 | sarcasm oxyde is nasty | 15:08 |
zph9 | but obviously I don't want encryption disabled | 15:08 |
prikk11 | You have four states there. Think about what those states are, what they do, and when. | 15:40 |
prikk11 | The current block height is 1,653,406. Difficulty is 64,671,789,426. Hashrate is 539.61 MH/s. | 15:40 |
prikk11 | hum... IMHO i think group theory can be a freshman course like lin. alg. | 15:40 |
prikk11 | always looking for nails | 15:40 |
n3ob24 | red-0011: You are here in #fedora-unregistered because you are not registered or identified with freenode. See or /msg nickserv help register for more information. | 16:49 |
n3ob24 | duckduckgo is down? | 16:49 |
n3ob24 | thx :) | 16:49 |
n3ob24 | ARoxdale: are you asking about your snippet? | 16:49 |
n3ob24 | You just substitute the definition on y(t) | 16:49 |
mikedlr22 | autopsy :done man! everything looks good.. but my laptop touchpad is not working. I am using external mouse tho | 16:51 |
mikedlr22 | yeah the SE isn't even for sale any more | 16:51 |
Vaevictus0 | you can do what msvc does and just barf on people that try such things | 17:06 |
Vaevictus0 | quiet mangy | 17:06 |
Vaevictus0 | I couldn't find basic commands like lspci or lshw | 17:06 |
Vaevictus0 | (Which would be fine by me.) | 17:06 |
Vaevictus0 | I took out the colon because the template doesn't have the colon. | 17:06 |
Vaevictus0 | be being the maximum value before scaliing you andw , and a being smallest | 17:06 |
jtperreault5 | retrosenator: work out the RC time constant for the line capacitance and the R. | 17:16 |
jtperreault5 | what where for binary trees t = 2? | 17:16 |
jtperreault5 | oops, date_send(date) | 17:16 |
jtperreault5 | i would love to spend an hour explaining it | 17:16 |
jtperreault5 | hexa-18: You are here in #fedora-unregistered because you are not registered or identified with freenode. See or /msg nickserv help register for more information. | 17:16 |
frail_ | dw1: that is facutally incorrect, your last 2 lines: | 17:29 |
frail_ | yes, in the FAQ | 17:29 |
rroa26 | FXpro: I've got a 2012 core i7 at about 2.5 GHz, four cores | 17:49 |
rroa26 | so id suggest you consider carefully why you want to drop your account, and feel free to let us know why youre wanting to delete it in case we can solve whatever the issue is (or just get a better understanding of why) | 17:49 |
darkbyte | joe42: are perms set properly on your compiled bin? | 18:53 |
darkbyte | okies, thanks | 18:53 |
darkbyte | joel1nux: for instance? | 18:53 |
SPoF950 | who cares, it's for home gear | 20:31 |
SPoF950 | I'm getting the following error in cinder api.log: ERROR cinder.api.middleware.fault MessagingTimeout: Timed out waiting for a reply to message . I'm trying to figure out how to increase the timeout for this. | 20:31 |
SPoF950 | ifconfig output may easily confuse you when multiple addresses etc are involved | 20:31 |
SPoF950 | dave9: well, we're talking coders here | 20:31 |
sdfgsd | x=85/.85 | 20:42 |
sdfgsd | the gather function is declared as returning a table but you're assigning it into a record. | 20:42 |
sdfgsd | well it sounds more like the issue is in terms of matching the architecture of the thing to the problem, rather than trying to solve this dynamic function composition problem | 20:42 |
sdfgsd | I have some.. also have grout | 20:42 |
Roconda | or one RHEL customer needed it, or the redesign that happened 3 years ago just didn't think it was useful, etc | 20:52 |
Roconda | onpora: make backup, check drive | 20:52 |
Roconda | LTCD: that would be a good additional step | 20:52 |
Roconda | Why are some packages suffixed with a hash, but others not? | 20:53 |
Roconda | iCookie i did, but not sure about my twisted mind ^^ | 20:53 |
Roconda | Hmm. I don't like it | 20:53 |
flacko22 | Asked differently: does anybody know some resources/examples to read up on how to interface with a transactional database in QT? | 21:50 |
flacko22 | ok, will take that advise | 21:50 |
flacko22 | Also, for any value, we can make a parser which consumes none of the input (but does so successfully), and simply returns the given value | 21:51 |
PLPD-Bot19 | is there something in your hosts file? | 22:56 |
PLPD-Bot19 | well they could really do onw with Q | 22:56 |
darkbyte | how much do you have? | 23:04 |
darkbyte | you do the same but there is one difference | 23:04 |
thelinuxguy19 | i installed xmrig to mining on my raspeberry | 23:35 |
thelinuxguy19 | x = x++; is undefined behavior. If x was initially 1, then after that it may be 1, 2, 47, cause some sort of segmentation fault, who knows. | 23:35 |
ASeems9 | it's all under INVOCATION. also, arch linux's /etc/bash.bashrc has a non-interactive check so that's why i was observing different behaviours | 23:38 |
ASeems9 | [@kevinmarks] ↩️ Indieweb doesn't require you to learn html unless you're a tool builder, but it encourages thoughtful use of html so that sites can be interconnected. Both mastodon and generate great indieweb friendly html without users having to learn it. ( | 23:38 |
ASeems9 | lamefun: Is not it guaranteed that int32_t is defined in the Header <cstdint>? | 23:38 |
ASeems9 | Anyone using kubernetes-client? | 23:38 |
ASeems9 | Oh, this is the output: | 23:39 |
ASeems9 | then git add that | 23:39 |
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