
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
mybalzitchI sure do like the Ubuntu server installer02:43
deemandI can't install Ubuntu Server 18.04 on a machine with no enabled network card. Is this a known issue, or is there a way I can work around this inconvenience?09:48
deemandIt doesn't work with 18.04, the installer will throw me in a loop. However, I got it working with the less fancy 18.10 installer.12:04
tewarddeemand: if you are using the 18.04.1 live installer, then yes, that won't work it needs networking to work.  If you're using the 18.04 alternate installer it should work16:31
deemandteward: It doesn't mention that it's a live installer on the download page. It's a 800 MB image, it shouldn't require a network connection just to set up a system. If I had wanted that I would have picked the network install image. This is not a feature.16:42
tewarddeemand: i didn't create the ISOs, don't shoot me :P16:43
tewardI'm not a fan of it either, but I work with mostly VMs nowadays, so I just created one VM with the ISO and clone that template around :P16:44
deemandThe bad thing was that the installer didn't even give feedback. I also missed the feature to set up a KVM host at install time. I'm not sure why that was cancelled either. And I really don't shoot or aim at random people.16:58
tomreynthe network requirement is bug 175081918:14
ubottubug 1750819 in subiquity "Impossible to install without network" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175081918:14
tomreyndeemand: ^18:15
deemandtomreyn: Thank you. I see it's all been discussed before, so the community is aware of that matter. It's alright then.18:36

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