
guiver_dhyding: i can't help with your issue, it could be no-one is around at this time (it's a nice sunday morning! etc) and you may do better asking at another time...00:00
hydingthanks :)00:01
hydingdo you have this `device.map` file that the kernel package wants? Maybe if I knew what one looked like, I could construct one that would allow me to proceed.00:02
hyding(I'm assuming it's supposed to appear somewhere under /boot)00:02
guiver_dsorry well outside my area of knowledge - https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub/html_node/Device-map.html00:04
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hydingyeah, mine too - I already had done some googling, but the docs seem devoid of examples, and I can't quite seem to parse them correctly to make a functioning file00:05
granttrecis there anything like red hats llvm-toolset on ubuntu?00:21
guiver_dgranttrec: llvm-dev maybe00:26
RoscoePColtranehyding: release upgrades sometimes go problem free for "some" users...sometimes it's less problematic to just reinstall the newest if chasing the newest distro is something you're into00:33
granttrecis there a meta package for llvm on ubuntu01:22
Lavinhogoood night01:35
Lavinhohow to install ubuntu on lenovo ideapad 320s ?01:35
Lavinhokernerl panic message01:36
Lavinhohelp me please01:36
TimeDoctorLavinho: the KP might have more info on what's going wrong01:38
pauletinhard to say what's wrong. Do the Ubuntu Live CDs work?01:46
bparkeruhh... where's x86/x64? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/xenial/release/02:05
ChaiTRexbparker: It's called amd64 because AMD created x86-64.02:07
TimeDoctorthere isn't any amd64 on that page, either02:07
GerbilSoftcdimage only has the less popular archs - http://releases.ubuntu.com/xenial/02:08
bparkercause that's documented...02:09
ImageJPEGAnyone have experience with VPNs, Ubiquiti Unifi equipment and Ubuntu 18.04?02:19
RoscoePColtraneImageJPEG: just elaborate on the Ubuntu issue you're having02:21
RoscoePColtranethis is the #ubuntu channel after all02:22
WSTWNwhois RoscoePColtrane02:24
ImageJPEGI'm trying to setup a L2TP VPN with my Unifi USG. I had everything setup and working with 16.04 LTS and recently "upgraded" to 18.04. I removed the repo associated with 16.04 and added universe into my repo so I could install the l2tp package.02:45
ImageJPEGFrom what I've heard, now I need to input the Phase 1 and 2 algorithms but the Unifi software doesn't get that detailed so I don't have a clue what to put in.02:46
guiver_dbparker's documented ** found & being fixed...02:52
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Lavinhogppd night03:16
Lavinhohelp me please03:16
Lavinhothe kernel panic not syncing03:17
guiver_dLavinho: on boot up?  during operation?  what version of Ubuntu?  kernel version?  real hardware or vm?  details can be helpful.03:19
Lavinhoon boot up usb03:19
Lavinhoũbuntu 18.0403:19
Lavinhohardware  ideapad 320s03:19
guiver_dDid you verify the download (md5sum etc), did you 'check disk for defects' (ie. confirm write to usb was okay)?03:19
guiver_dLavinho: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2396635 speaks of issues with amdgpu & later kernels - you could try by adding 'amdgpu.blacklist=yes' to the linux line (e to edit line in grub; can't recall if you can do this on live sorry) on boot as a trial.03:30
elec64any pulseaudio wiz in here? wondering why my pulseaudio sees my hdmi audio output as 'unplugged'04:13
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noob2starHi, I'm having this problem on 3 different distros (ubuntu, kubuntu, and xubuntu) where when I try to change my resolution, I get kicked back out to the login screen and logging in does not work. Any tips?04:35
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Bashing-omnoob2star: Graphics driver loaded ? ' sudo lshw -C display ' .04:43
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AhtiHello, I have all my docker-compose files in /opt. I installed docker-ce using snap and I can't for the life of me get docker-compose to read the config file from /opt05:21
AhtiFile permissions are set up correctly05:21
AhtiDoes snap sandbox apps?05:21
granttrecAhti: yep05:51
Ahtigranttrec, thx06:12
granttrecAhti: tbf I've run into permsson issue myself but was not a big enough problem for me to go investigating much06:13
AhtiI changed the directory where my yml files were to $HOME/snap/docker/common, that solved that (bit of confusion how to get docker accessible by non-root, but anyway)06:17
AhtiNow i'm having an issue with docker running behind ufw,06:18
AhtiI shouldve used docker.io instead of the snap me thinks to make this a bit simpler06:19
Ahtibut oh well, learning opportunity06:19
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leeijawI have no probem openning this link in browser07:55
leeijawbut `apt update` gives 403 Forbidden07:56
leeijawWhat can I do?07:56
leeijawI am on Xenial07:56
guiver_dleeijaw: all I get for https://dl.bintray.com/rabbitmq/debian/dists/xenial/Release is "Forbidden !"  (which I think is the contents of the file!)08:01
leeijawSo there is nothing I can do.08:02
leeijawIt is the server's fault.08:02
guiver_di tried to wget it; no 403 error is correct - the server is rejecting me too.08:03
tykayn1hi folks08:03
tykayn1can anybody help me on the resetting of the root mysql password? i tried the dpkg-reconfigure but it nevers asks me anything about root password08:04
guiver_dleeijaw: i'm not aware of anything you can do, beyond looking for another source for whatever you want from there.. sorry08:05
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Victor83Hi, guys! I have an issue with Ubuntu 18.04 and Phpstorm. Is anybody here who use it also as me?09:14
Victor83here is a link to video with bug that I have https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ionrzHo0hLHzAakwwjTyTvKkwTdG9YvW09:18
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ilias_grhi all. where exactly in /root do i have to add a .png or .svg file to have the option to see it in system's icons?10:20
zunkwhy do you want to put it in roots home dir?10:22
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MrokiiHello. This is not directly about Ubuntu, so I'm sorry if it's not fitting in here, but of curiosity... is Pascal a viable, worthwhile option to develop GUI apps on (K)ubuntu?10:41
ducasseMrokii: you'd better ask in ##programming, but afaik pascal isn't used much these days (i learnt it in school ages ago)10:50
Mrokiiducasse: Okay, I will, thanks. I've heard about about pascal many years ago and I like how code is structured. As I highly dislike c I'd be interested in an alternative that produces compiled apps and so thought about Pascal. :)10:55
ducasseMrokii: well, the people over in ##programming would have much more knowledge about this than me, i'd rather ask them than listen to my bad ideas :)10:57
granttrecwhat is ^@ hidden character in text file called?11:02
granttrecnull char11:04
Mrokiiducasse: I just went in there and asked. Somebody suggested Javascript... I take that as a joke. :)11:07
ducasseMrokii: i would too, a pretty bad one :) "yeah, just use node.js..."11:08
ducasseMrokii: if you search alis for programming-related channels, there are plenty11:09
Mrokiiducasse: I've had my experiences with Javascript and accompanying things like CSS and I will never touch that again if I can avoid it. :)11:09
ducasseMrokii: not for desktop applications, at least11:14
Mrokiiducasse: Exactly.11:14
ducasseMrokii: you might try #ubuntu-offtopic as well, it's just a bit offtopic in here11:17
Mrokiiducasse: I did, but didn't get any answer there, so I tried in here. But I'm trying other suggested rooms now.11:18
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mvassilevhi, I am running an Ubuntu Server 14.04.3 and got auto upgraded from bind9:amd64 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.17 to 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.18, how can I downgrade to bind9:amd64 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.17?11:23
EriC^mvassilev: try to remove the package then use apt-get install <package>=<version>11:23
EriC^and maybe pin it so it doesnt auto upgrade11:24
EriC^!pinning | mvassilev11:24
ubottumvassilev: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto11:24
ducasse^^ will only work if the previous version is still in the repos11:24
mvassilevit is not :)11:25
EriC^what do you mean by it is not?11:25
jcduttonMrokii, popular options for GUI apps are C++ for native, and Java if you want the app to appear in a web browser.  Similarly, java for an Mobile App.11:25
mvassilevI do not have 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.17 in /var/cache/apt/archives11:27
EriC^mvassilev: archives are just the deb's you've installed previously, not the actual ubuntu repos11:27
jcduttonmvassilev, you can use apt to force a particular version11:28
Mrokiijcdutton: Thanks, but I looked at these options and don't really like them. Part of why I dislike c-like languages is there (to me) extremely confusing syntax, and that includes c++ and Java, as far as I can tell. That's exactly why I did look for more exotic options. :)11:29
jcduttonMrokii, will you ever want you app on a mobile phone or tablet?11:30
mvassilevjcdutton: it says - E: Version '1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.17' for 'bind9' was not found11:30
jcduttonR13ose, I see you found that the bad memory chip was the one you could remove.11:31
mvassilevthere is only the '1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.18' version11:31
ducassemvassilev: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/1424525811:31
Mrokiijcdutton: Nope, I'm just thinking about Desktops, Linux in particular.11:31
ducassemvassilev: you should be able to grab the .deb there11:31
mvassilevducasse: will all the dependencies will be satisfied?11:32
R13osejcdutton: yep.  Did you also read that I had to redo my liveusb and fsck the HDD before everything worked again?11:32
mvassilevducasse: so installing via apt-get is not possible?11:32
ducassemvassilev: you can install with 'apt install ./filename.deb' or 'dpkg -i filename.deb'11:35
R13oseThe only other issue left is I think my wifi is not working well.  I use wired in my bedroom but try don't move the machine for various other reasons.  How do I fix this?11:36
jcduttonmvassilev, It appears that .17 has been removed. Maybe it has a vulnerability.11:37
mvassilevyes, .18 is a security update11:38
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mvassilevbut I was wondering whether installing .17 could be done via repo11:38
jcduttonmvassilev, the version available in the pool are: http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/b/bind9/11:39
jcduttonthat covers versions for all ubuntu versions.11:40
jcduttonmvassilev, what is wrong with version .18 ?11:40
mvassilevjcdutton: we have some virtual machines behind proxy that no longer have ping to the outside world and this happended after automatic security updates11:44
mvassilevwe are trying to figure out what caused this failure11:45
jcduttonmvassilev, were the machines rebooted?11:46
mvassilevjcdutton: yes11:46
jcduttonmvassilev, probably just a routing problem, that someone at some point changes the route entries to make it work, but forgot to make them perm11:49
jordilamy (Bionic) system crashes at boot ... showing 'systemd-gpt-auto-generator: Failed to dissect: Input/output error' ... i'm puzzled. Any hints ?12:01
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jcduttonmvassilev, pings not working are more likely to be kernel level problems, and firewall config12:07
jcduttonmvassilev, than any problem related to package versions for applications12:08
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kristian_on_linuhi all12:34
kristian_on_linuI am having trouble with my wifi chip and want to update the kernel manually. I have not done this for years, so the procedure may have changed12:35
kristian_on_linulscpu gives me: Architecture: x86_64, CPU op-mode(s): 32-bit, 64-bit12:38
kristian_on_linuwill following the advice in answer #2 here work? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1030043/unable-to-upgrade-kernel-after-4-16-312:39
glitchdhello all12:46
glitchddoes anyone know any possible change to how the sudoers file is handled in 18.04?12:46
glitchdcame from 16.04 where i wrote a simple script to automate updating the system "sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade", I named it upd and i put it in /usr/bin/. then i adjusted the sudoers file to be able to run the command without needing to fill in my sudo password. however, putting the same exact line in my sudoers file in 18.04 does not work, its still asking for my password each time.12:49
enzotibglitchd, it also depends on the position in the file, it is the same?12:55
glitchdenzotib, well in my 16.04 install i had it at the end of the file and it worked fine, and when i put it in the same position in 18.04 it completely ignores it.12:57
enzotibglitchd, can you show me the line?12:58
glitchdenzotib, this is what i had in 16.04, "glitchd ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/upd"12:58
glitchdthat was the very last line in the file12:58
glitchdwithout the quotes of course..12:58
glitchdenzotib, and this is where it at currently in my 18.04 install12:59
glitchd# User privilege specification12:59
glitchdroot    ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL12:59
glitchdglitchd ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/upd12:59
enzotibglitchd, wait a moment, please13:00
glitchdenzotib, but previously, i did have it as the last line.13:00
glitchdenzotib, np take your time13:00
glitchdenzotib, these are the groups i am in "glitchd adm disk cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare vboxusers"13:01
enzotibglitchd, I cannot find any problem in your setup, seems OK to me13:06
glitchdenzotib, thats what i thought, but its still asking for a password.13:08
glitchdenzotib, thats why i was asking if there had been any changes to the way the sudoers file was handled13:08
enzotibglitchd, but it is still on the last line of sudoers?13:09
glitchdenzotib, no currently it is higher in the list.# User privilege specification13:09
glitchdroot    ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL13:09
glitchdglitchd ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/upd13:09
enzotibglitchd, move it to the last line13:10
glitchdenzotib, ok13:10
glitchdenzotib, now its here, at the bottom.13:10
glitchd#includedir /etc/sudoers.d13:10
glitchdglitchd ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/upd13:10
glitchdthere is a space between those 2 lines13:11
enzotibno problem13:11
glitchdenzotib, should i save it to sudoers.tmp, or to sudoers?13:11
enzotibglitchd, are you using visudo, right?13:11
glitchdenzotib, yes13:11
glitchdenzotib, sudo visudo13:12
enzotibthen save and exit13:12
glitchdsave it to sudoers.tmp or to sudoers13:12
enzotibit moves the .tmp to the nontemp after checking the syntax13:12
glitchdok, just checking13:12
enzotibit is automatic13:12
enzotibjust save13:12
enzotibwith the name it propose13:13
glitchdi saved as sudoers.tmp, then i opened another terminal and entered upd, it still asked for my password.13:13
enzotibon the other hand, you already modified sudoers, so you should know how to do13:13
glitchdyes, i was just making sure i was rihgt13:14
enzotibglitchd, sudo tail -1 /etc/sudoers13:14
glitchdthat command returns nothing13:15
enzotibglitchd, sudo tail -2 /etc/sudoers13:15
glitchdenzotib, $ sudo tail -2 /etc/sudoers13:15
glitchdglitchd ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/upd13:15
glitchdenzotib, should the spaces between words, but tabs instead?13:17
enzotibno, I don't think13:17
enzotibglitchd, you have visudo still open or, you closed it?13:18
glitchdits been closed13:18
enzotibno ideas13:19
glitchdthank you anyways13:20
enzotibglitchd, when you try to run upd, visudo was closed?13:23
glitchdyes it was closed13:23
glitchdi closed visudo, then opened another terminal windows and tried upd and it asked for my password13:24
enzotibglitchd, I should confirm that it works here, so the working of sudo/sudoers is the same in 18.04, there should be something other that we make wrong13:28
glitchdenzotib, hmmm...13:29
glitchdenzotib, could it be the permissions of the file? this is the output of "ls -la /usr/bin/upd"13:30
glitchd-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 80 Sep 30 07:55 /usr/bin/upd13:30
enzotibwow, 755 is more than enough13:31
glitchdso maybe i should change it?13:31
glitchdls -la /usr/bin/upd13:31
glitchd-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 80 Sep 30 07:55 /usr/bin/upd13:31
glitchdstill asking for password13:32
enzotibglitchd, your username on the system is exactly glitchd ?13:33
glitchdthis is frustrating.13:35
htafdweshow do I set a static route via device in netplan?13:35
htafdweslike ip route add 2000:ff:ff::1 dev br013:35
enzotibglitchd, what's the exact content of upd?13:36
glitchdenzotib,  cat /usr/bin/upd13:36
glitchdsudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt autoremove && sync13:36
enzotibglitchd, and how you launch upd, with or without sudo?13:37
enzotibno, I don't think it should work this way, you should remove every sudo from the content of upd and launch it with sudo upd13:38
glitchdthats odd, i had it this was exactly in my 16.04 install and it worked perfectly13:39
glitchd*this way13:39
enzotibglitchd, so you don't run upd with sudo, so why to put upd in sudoers?13:41
glitchdi didnt want to have to type sudo before the command, thats why i put it in the script.13:42
glitchdit worked like that in my 16.04 install13:42
glitchdall i had to type was "upd" and it ran "sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade" without asking for my password13:42
ylel9how can i install version 18.0413:43
ylel9in kubuntu13:43
enzotibglitchd, so you need to put apt in sudoers, not upd13:43
BluesKajhowdy folks13:44
ylel9have come one uptade i dont know how can i do13:44
glitchdenzotib, that makes no sense to me. i didnt have to do that in my previous install. what changed between the 2 versions?13:45
enzotibglitchd, don't know, but it make sense, because sudoers check if he should ask the password when you run an executable with sudo, and you DON'T run upd with sudo, so there is no need to put it in sudoers, it has always worked this way13:46
glitchdagain, that makes no sense. this worked exactly in 16.04.13:47
glitchdi have my sudoers file from 16.04 still13:47
enzotibglitchd, probably you put the setuid mode on the executable in 6.0413:47
glitchdenzotib, i dont remember doing anything else besides what i have done already13:47
glitchdenzotib, i made the script, put the line in the sudoers file, and it just worked.13:48
enzotibglitchd, OK, I don't know, soory13:48
glitchdenzotib, thank you for all your help.13:49
R13oseHi BluesKaj13:50
enzotibglitchd, if you want to try, run sudo chmod +s /usr/bin/upd13:50
BluesKajHi R13ose13:50
R13oseBluesKaj: what's new?13:50
BluesKajR13ose: not much, morning coffee as usual  :-)13:51
mra90If I have a DSP firmware which communicates with HOST via IPC how each of them know where to send and look for message?13:53
R13oseMy wifi is not connecting all the time and have to use wired for the most part.  Some people think this is because of old chip and due to interference from neighbours. Yet, using this laptop elsewhere does have a hard time getting wifi.  What should I do to fix this?13:57
BluesKajr1 cahnge the wifi channel in your router from ch6 to something 1 orr 11, but that depends on you location/countrys wifi protocol...whatever the default wifi ch is should be avoided if possible due to most wifi users stick witht defaukt channel it can become very crowded, hence intereference from the neighbours14:03
BluesKajR13ose: ^14:03
AxyHello channel14:03
AxyWhen I run my chmod +x 'ed hello.sh file, I get "command not found"14:04
Axybut when I do "bash hello.sh" it runs14:04
Axy(it just echoes hello world actually)14:04
AxyWhat can be the cause of this ?14:04
BluesKajR13ose:  s'cuse the poor punctuation14:04
R13oseBluesKaj: even if this is happening elsewhere too with this machine?14:06
BluesKajR13ose:  as i said most users don't relalize this can be a problem, especially windows users in your area14:07
BluesKajor anywhere14:07
R13oseBluesKaj: yes but works with every other machine and device in the house.14:08
SysGhostAxy: is it named 'ed Hello.sh', or just hello.sh?14:08
SysGhostif the latter, it should be "chmod +x hello.sh"14:09
BluesKajit's usually one of the first things toi try ...as for other devcices they might have less interference due to the location in the house, R13ose14:09
SysGhostand then you'd run it with current path: prefix, if the path isn't part of $PATH: ./hello.sh14:09
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lunorianWhat file system does Ubuntu 18.10 use by default? I see in disks LVM/LUKS14:13
lunorianWhat about the actual FS14:13
lunorianIs ext3/4 being used under that?14:14
lunorianThe Xorg-server issue I talked about with the crashing last night, Wayland doesn't have that issue.14:15
lunorianUsing Wayland for now :)14:15
lunorianmaybe make Wayland the default ;)14:17
flipsWhich log can I see details on why wayland dies upon login (there was a bit in /var/log/lightdm/something, but not much) Maybe I need to add a debug or verbose flag to something?14:19
flipsAxy: ./hello.sh, as SysGhost mentioned :)14:20
R13oseI can't connect to wired connection14:23
AxyOH thanks!!!! flips14:26
Axyand SysGhost14:26
AxyOk here is another question14:26
AxyI have this line fps=$(echo "${vstreaminfo}" | grep -Po '[0-9]+(?=\s+fps)')14:26
Axythis is supposed to give me the fps of a gif file, this is from the mid section of a longer .sh14:27
Axynow the problem is - some .gif files does not have a fps value so this variable is undefined (I believe)14:27
AxyI don't know what i becomes when -technically- there is no fps value in the gif file14:27
Axythe process just stops when I use this with a gif fi,le without a set fps14:27
Axyso what I like to do is to set this to 1 when there is no value provided14:28
Axyfps=$(echo "${vstreaminfo}" | grep -Po '[0-9]+(?=\s+fps)') || 114:28
BluesKajR13ose:  no ethernet cable?14:28
Axythis is how I would do it in javascript way but it does not work obviously :)14:28
AxyI don't know much about shell scripting so if anyone can give me a hand with this I'd be very pleased14:28
enzotibAxy if [ -z "$fps" ]; then (the string is null, do something); fi14:29
Axyenzotib, checking now!14:30
flipsAxy: or one could use ${fps:-"some value"} to use "some value" instead, or := if you want to use "some value" and assign it to $fps14:31
flips(if you use :-  it will leave fps unset, if it's not set, := will set it)14:31
Axyhttps://hastebin.com/qirapotuxu.bash cc flips enzotib14:32
Axystill not right obviously14:32
AxyI'll have to learn bash scripting at some point14:32
AxyI started to need this often with ffmpeg stuff14:33
enzotibAxy, you missed the "then" keyword14:33
Axyhttps://hastebin.com/dufazeyemi.bash this still doens not echo anything enzotib14:33
AxyI only get ${vstreaminfo} echoed14:34
enzotibAxy, you're still missing the "then" keyword: if [ condition]; then14:34
R13oseBluesKaj: working now.  As for your wifi idea, I tried that last time I asked in here, months ago and didn't help.14:35
Axyhttps://hastebin.com/bazateduba.bash enzotib ?14:35
enzotibAxy, the semicolon should go before the then14:36
lunoriananyone else here had a lot of issues with the signal desktop snap?14:37
lunorianIt won't launch for me14:37
Axyhttps://hastebin.com/qaqatapoza.bash enzotib --- this finally?14:37
R13oselunorian: if you can Pastebin the errors that would be good14:38
lunorianI ended up switching to Debian package and removing the snap14:38
lunorianif there's still a way to get the errors I'll submit them14:38
lunorianbut it just silently failed14:38
AxyWhat I realize is that it does not echo anything14:38
lunorianso not sure if anything would of been logged14:38
AxyI mean, after echo ${fps} now I have echo "whatever" and the code never echoes that as well14:39
Axy(with or without the if section we just added)14:39
Axyso I believe something else is wrong here14:39
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: when or how long ago in hours/minutes did the wifi stop  working?14:39
R13oseRoscoePColtrane: has been working on and off for awhile.  Not hours but I think a year if not months for sure.14:42
R13oselunorian: not using Ubuntu?14:42
lunorianI'm using Ubuntu 18.1014:42
lunorianI switched to the Debian (.deb) package for Signal14:43
lunorianSo it doesn't have the launch issue14:43
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: open terminal> sudo apt install inxi14:46
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: let me know when done14:46
R13oseRoscoePColtrane: done14:48
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: in terminal>   inxi -Fxxprzc0|nc termbin.com 999914:49
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: share url/link here..if you do not get a url/link..say so14:49
R13oseRoscoePColtrane: http://termbin.com/ubnf14:51
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: in terminal>   journalctl SYSLOG_FACILITY=SUPPLICANT|nc termbin.com 999914:51
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: share url/link here..if you do not get a url/link..say so14:51
R13oseRoscoePColtrane: http://termbin.com/6667f14:54
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: the most recent disconnect i see is from August 29 from 'RajasKingdom'14:58
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: Aug 29 12:34:36 shawn-Aspire-V5-572 NetworkManager[733]: <warn>  [1535560476.8968] sup-iface[0x563e86814ba0,wlp3s0]: connection disconnected (reason -3)14:58
R13oseRoscoePColtrane: that is correct.  As I said this has been working on and off.  This never fully works totally that is why I am on wired now.14:59
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: so maybe you've given up using wifi for a while and have been hard wiring with a ethernet cable14:59
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: I understand14:59
SomeTI am runing ubuntu in virtual box15:00
SomeTwhenever I resize a window15:00
SomeTthe whole system goes slow15:00
R13oseRoscoePColtrane: yes but sometimes the RajasKingdom doesn't even show up15:00
SomeTI have enabled 3d accellation in virtual box settings15:00
SomeThow can I fix this?15:00
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: in terminal>   journalctl SYSLOG_FACILITY=WIFI|grep arn|nc termbin.com 999915:02
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: share url/link here..if you do not get a url/link..say so15:02
AxyWhat's the difference between grep -P and grep -Po15:05
R13oseRoscoePColtrane: http://termbin.com/l1bw15:05
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: hmm taking too long to associate15:07
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: Sep 30 10:27:48 shawn-Aspire-V5-572 NetworkManager[712]: <warn>  [1538317668.0027] device (wlp3s0): Activation: failed for connection 'RajasKingdom'15:07
rnmhdnmy system has become sooo slow and laggy since yesterday15:07
rnmhdnthe cpu usage and ram usage seem fine15:07
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: Sep 30 10:34:25 shawn-Aspire-V5-572 NetworkManager[719]: <warn>  [1538318065.0018] device (wlp3s0): Activation: (wifi) association took too long, failing activation15:07
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: dis associate / forget this RajasKingdom wireless network, then attempt to (re) associate with it next time you have the opportunity to15:09
R13oseRoscoePColtrane: I deleted that network and disconnected and reconnected to wireless but see no wireless connections showing up15:11
R13oseNow I see it15:12
R13oseRoscoePColtrane: didn't connect and now disappeared.  Should I reconnect to wired?15:13
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: yes reconnect to wired15:13
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: in terminal>   journalctl SYSLOG_FACILITY=WIFI|nc termbin.com 999915:14
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R13oseRoscoePColtrane: http://termbin.com/jhjo15:18
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: in terminal>   journalctl SYSLOG_FACILITY=SUPPLICANT|nc termbin.com 999915:21
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: info got cut off at Sept 16th...it was too much for termbin to handle hahaha15:22
R13oseRoscoePColtrane: http://termbin.com/vh32x15:24
rnmhdnany idea how I should proceed?15:25
jcduttonrnmhdn, what does top say?  is it using any swap?15:26
jcduttonrnmhdn, is the disk nearly full?15:27
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: iw reg get|nc termbin.com 999915:27
R13oseRoscoePColtrane: http://termbin.com/d92k15:28
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: sudo iw reg set US15:30
R13oseRoscoePColtrane: I am in Canada15:31
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: then try to connect using wifi and stay on wifi and see if you have further issues15:31
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: Canada is fine15:31
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: proceed15:31
R13oseRoscoePColtrane: I tried twice to connect and didn't work.  Now wifi network disappeared.  I will go on wired.15:34
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: okay that is fine15:34
R13oseRoscoePColtrane: anything else to try?15:35
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: info is cut off before todays date so i can't see whats going on presently from the termbins above, I may need you to sort out the info to todays date and only pastebin the info for our experimentation today or better yet over the last 30 minutes or so15:36
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RoscoePColtraneR13ose: would require some scrolling and copy paste work for you15:37
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: can you do that for me?15:37
R13oseRoscoePColtrane: I can try15:37
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: in terminal>   journalctl SYSLOG_FACILITY=SUPPLICANT|less15:38
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: oldest stuff appears first at the top, you'll need to scroll using arrows to the bottom15:38
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: might be fairly long scroll15:39
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: just get to today15:39
jcduttonRoscoePColtrane, how about journalctl SYSLOG_FACILITY=SUPPLICANT|tail -100015:39
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: make a pastebin/termbin of the stuff from today15:40
RoscoePColtranejcdutton: yeah that would work...i was gonna take a minute to make coffee though15:41
R13oseRoscoePColtrane: http://termbin.com/wx4215:43
R13oseThanks jcdutton15:43
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: in terminal>   journalctl SYSLOG_FACILITY=WIFI  don't forget to add the tail 1000 part15:48
R13oseRoscoePColtrane: http://termbin.com/2dt115:51
RoscoePColtraneSep 30 11:34:05 shawn-Aspire-V5-572 NetworkManager[719]: <warn>  [1538321645.0003] device (wlp3s0): Activation: (wifi) association took too long, failing activation15:52
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: does association take too long with other wireless networks or only RajaKindom?15:53
R13oseRoscoePColtrane: there is no other wireless network I can connect to around here to know.15:53
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: are there others you can connect to to test, or can you create a hotspot using your mobile smart phone15:54
R13oseRoscoePColtrane: let me try hotspot15:54
SomeTreally simple question, if I am running a droplet on digital ocean but terminal only ubuntu, do I need more than 1 GB of ram where usually you need 4 GB of ram I believe to run ubuntu?15:55
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R13oseRoscoePColtrane: hotspot worked and connected.  Now on wired.15:59
SomeTpls help16:02
avuSomeT: 1GB RAM is more than enough for a small server serving some webpages for example16:02
avuSomeT: if it's really enough for you depends on your specific workload16:03
SomeTnah its just to run one application16:03
avuSomeT: the OS on its own is fine with less even, the 4GB you've read about are for a desktop system16:03
SomeTanyway thanks16:04
SomeTI think I got my answer boss16:04
nikolamHi, anyone using OpenCL on Nvidia on Ubuntu (9800GT here). For example i weren't able to turn on OpenCL support inside LibreOffice, etc16:04
nikolamAnd some test app compained like, OpenCL core not loaded or something16:04
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: ok so would you agree the symptom is isolated to "RajaKindom"...if yes...do you have physical access to RajaKindom access point/ router?16:06
adrian_1908nikolam: Are you using proprietary drivers? If not, I'd try that.16:06
nikolamadrian_1908, what's th point usign other drivers, then those provided inside Ubuntu, what possibly speed one should expect to get instead using Nvidia drivers on Nvidia card. Yes, I suppose they are proprietary..16:08
R13oseRoscoePColtrane: yes but could this be linked to others that haven't been tested.  I do have access to access point/router.16:09
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adrian_1908nikolam: I'm talking about Nvidia drivers vs Nouveau, the former are more likely to support extended features like OpenCL.16:10
nikolamI think I have nvidia drivers installed.16:10
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: power off RajaKindom access point/router for 10 seconds...then plug it back in and try to connect16:11
nikolamnvidia-opencl-icd-340 also installed.16:12
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: the hotspot equals (others that have not been tested) in this circumstance, isolating the symptom to RajaKingdom16:12
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R13oseRoscoePColtrane: done.  I don't see the wifi network showing up.16:19
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: give it a bit, it could still be initializing16:20
R13oseRoscoePColtrane: how long?16:23
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: should be up by now...use the hotspot to narrow it down to RajaKingdom16:25
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: does hotspot show up?16:26
R13oseRoscoePColtrane: still not showing up.  As far as I know, the wireless networks should show up automatically and isn't.  All I see under the available connections is hotspot.16:27
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: connect to hotspot then back to wired16:28
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: Then check to see if RajaKindom shows on the smartphone16:28
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: does Rajakindom appear for the smart phone...if not...RajaKindom isn't active after a reboot of router16:30
R13oseRoscoePColtrane: it is the wifi network I am on now on my phone.16:30
R13oseRoscoePColtrane: anything else to do?  If not, I will leave as is and come back at a later time to try and fix.  Thanks for the help.16:37
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: you can connect to the hotspot without issue16:39
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: and consistently connect to the hotspot16:39
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: if you have less than desirable/optimal wireless network infrastructure configuration..Ubuntu isn't going to address that16:41
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: you have no other wireless networks to compare to/with besides the hotspot which from the ubuntu perspective functions as expected or designed16:42
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: maybe if you had a neighbor with wifi or a public wifi you could travel to, to test a second known good wifi infrastructure16:43
R13oseRoscoePColtrane: I do not16:43
moosenonny10R13ose: What's going on?16:44
R13osemoosenonny10: wifi network not showing up or does and disappears16:46
moosenonny10R13ose: and was it the hotspot from your phone?16:46
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: it's important you inform others that its only 1 wifi network that "doesn't show up"...not a "global" problem16:47
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: it's misleading to pass it off as generically "all wifi networks don't show up" because we know that's not true, proof being the hotspot16:47
moosenonny10RoscoePColtrane: I actually did understand what he meant16:48
moosenonny10(or she)16:48
R13oseRoscoePColtrane: right, I will do that until I have more evidence this is a wider problem.16:48
R13osemoosenonny10: this is router wifi not hotspot.16:48
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: Mcdonalds and starbucks in the usa have free wifi...maybe it's the same in Canada...make you can go there with your Acer laptop16:49
moosenonny10R13ose: Oh, I see16:49
R13oseRoscoePColtrane: right but moving this laptop is a pain for various reasons.16:49
moosenonny10R13ose: You could create a hotspot using your phone and see if your laptop can connect to that16:51
RoscoePColtraneyeah we know it works with a "known good" wifi from hotspot...tested and confirmed already16:51
RoscoePColtraneit's isolated to RajaKingdom SSID16:52
RoscoePColtranefrom testing it's reasonable to expect other SSID's would function as designed or expected16:52
moosenonny10oh ok16:52
moosenonny10my bad16:53
RoscoePColtraneno worries16:53
R13oseYet, testing is needed to know 100% for sure.16:53
RoscoePColtranetesting other wifi infrastructure yes...16:53
RoscoePColtranebut you can't take the laptop out the house so unless you got friends with spare routers you can borrow..it's best you just hardwire with a cable...you can't move that laptop anyway16:54
R13oseI can move the laptop, I just feel this is hard.16:55
RoscoePColtraneas long as you understand that you cannot address a infrastructure problem from ubuntu16:56
R13oseI know.16:56
R13oseIf I could close the laptop, I could take this anywhere and test this out.16:58
moosenonny10that explains things17:02
moosenonny10that is very inconvenient17:02
R13oseYep.  Need someway to fix this.17:18
DbuggerWhen I try to update my Gnome Extensions I get an error every time. Does anybody know why could this be?17:18
moosenonny10Dbugger: what error?17:26
Dbuggermoosenonny10, I am using the browser extension, so I am not sure how to see any logs on that17:27
moosenonny10Oh, that17:27
moosenonny10Dbugger: you can't update system extensions from the website17:27
Dbuggermoosenonny10, no? On my other computer works...17:28
Dbuggerwhat would be the point of the extension then?17:28
Dbuggermoosenonny10, how would you recommend me to update the extensions?17:29
moosenonny10I can't remember :(17:29
moosenonny10I had this problem but I fixed it somehow17:29
Dbuggerbut it should be possible to do it from the website, no?17:30
Dbuggerafter all, i installed them from there17:30
moosenonny10No, the one in the picture was preinstalled17:31
Dbuggermoosenonny10, yeah, but I have more17:31
DbuggerHere is my post, more complete, on this issue: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1055028/gnome-extensions-give-me-error-when-updating17:32
R13oseRoscoePColtrane: thanks for the help17:32
moosenonny10Dbugger: not all of those were preinstalled extensions17:33
moosenonny10My bad17:33
Dbuggerthere's gotta be something in the system that is preventing from doing these updates, no?17:34
DbuggerI guess I can start a bounty on my question17:34
moosenonny10The directory they're stored in is `~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions` iirc17:35
moosenonny10You could check permissions there ig17:35
Dbuggerthe directories there are rwxrwxr-x and the files inside are mostly rw-rw-r--17:36
moosenonny10Sounds fine17:36
Dbuggeryou think maybe I should try deleting one of them, and see if the re-install?17:36
moosenonny10Also make sure they're compatible with your version of gnome-shell17:37
Dbuggerhow can I find that out?17:37
moosenonny10I think if you go to the extensions website and click on the extension it will tell you.17:37
DbuggerI dont see any warning... so I take it that it is compatible17:38
Dbuggerinstalling seems to work... maybe I should just re-install. But since it happens with ALL of them, I thought there might be an underlaying reasong17:39
RoscoePColtraneR13ose: no prob17:40
moosenonny10Dbugger: Yeah, there probably should be17:43
moosenonny10But who knows17:43
moosenonny10It's pretty hard to debug17:43
* moosenonny10 realizes that he left17:44
Dbuggernot sure what I did but it angered my machine to a reboot =P17:47
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SomeTwhy can't I execute this binary: https://gyazo.com/ed7462fce277376ef2dd61595e2fdc9a it is for the program here: https://wtfutil.com/getting_started/ additionally see for chmods: https://gyazo.com/be1ca072c767cf84ae31a27cef53b06a18:00
SomeTI do ./wtf and get that error btw18:00
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tomreynSomeT: you should seek support on this non ubuntu packaged software form its developers.18:11
ecormierSomeT: you're running it as root... sounds scary18:14
ecormiermake sure /root/.config/ exists ... that command should have been mkdir -p ....18:15
ecormierand stop running it as root18:16
ecormier~/.config will exist18:16
SomeTI only just this server up is why18:17
SomeTI will sort that later18:17
SomeTfor now its vital I just get this one app running18:17
ecormierlike I said, it's not meant to be run as root, create a user and run it18:17
SomeTroot exists18:18
SomeTbut way above this folder18:18
SomeTI get what you mean18:18
* ecormier facepalms18:18
SomeThow can I see a list of all current users?18:18
SomeTthing is this is a digitalocean snapshot18:18
SomeTso before creating another user need to check which current users are already there18:19
ecormierSomeT: google man18:19
SomeTI dont use google18:21
SomeTit banned in my country18:21
qwebirc61687Hello all. I am a long-time linux user (1998-99 ?) and use ubuntu LTS for a ~decade now. I am using LTS versions since ~2010, and upgraded to 1804 at the same time I changed my PC after 9+ years of 0-issues. A lot has changed and I am a bit lost to diagnose the X11 boot issue when using Nvidia drivers18:21
ecormierSomeT: lame excuse, pick any search engine18:21
qwebirc61687Point taken .I did use a lot of googling and so far have not reached a functional state nor anything super useful. I did find that I could configure Wayland vs X11, which I switched to X11.18:22
ecormierqwebirc61687: that message was not directed at you ... that was for SomeT18:23
qwebirc61687OK ^^. No pb anyway.18:23
tomreynSomeT: getent passwd | cut -d: -f1 | sort18:23
qwebirc61687First question: I found X11 logs into ~user/.local/share/X11/Xorg.*.log18:24
qwebirc61687I don't know how this can be located there and not /var/log since my user is not yet logged in when X11 starts, but there is a single user, so maybe... However I could not find any error there18:24
SomeTI created a new user18:25
SomeThow do I check if its set to root or not?18:27
ecormierSomeT: if what is set to root?18:27
ecormiersu <new user>, and then run wtf18:27
ecormierand ops, don't ban me, 'wtf' is the app he's trying to run18:28
ecormiernot sure of the COC around here18:28
SomeTok so I put wtf in default directory ~/ before, so now with this new user do I need to put it in home/username instead?18:29
SomeTdoing ~/ brings up nothing :'(18:30
SomeTbut I have an idea I think18:30
ecormierSomeT: I would put the program in /usr/local/bin18:30
ecormieryou run it from the new users home18:30
tomreynqwebirc61687: if you run 'ps u' on the PID listed on the first line of ~/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.*.log you will notice that X is actually running as this user now.18:30
SomeTso not usr local bin18:30
SomeThome/username instead?18:30
SomeTor ~/18:30
SomeTdefine home pls18:30
tomreynecho $HOME18:31
ecormierput the program wherever you like (/usr/local/bin/ is the traditional place) then login as the user you created and run 'wtf'18:31
ecormieryw, bye :)18:32
SomeTso soon18:32
SomeTdont go18:32
qwebirc61687anyone with some good knowledge of X11/nvidia on ubuntu 1804 ?18:33
ecormierqwebirc61687: sorry, I'm all intel over here18:34
JIZHANHUANGhello. what are the best alternatives to Adobe Acrobat for Ubuntu?18:35
ecormierJIZHANHUANG: I like evince18:35
qwebirc61687@ecormer: maybe at least how to diagnose a boot on X11 ? I can't even find a log with any relevant error...18:35
qwebirc61687can't find latest X11 log for example18:35
qwebirc61687where is it ?18:35
qwebirc61687used to be /var/log/X1118:36
tomreynalso /var/log/syslog18:36
qwebirc61687surprisingly I find only old versions of that log. Could it be that it's back to Wayland somehow ?18:36
qwebirc61687ah, syslog18:36
ecormierJIZHANHUANG: or atril (for the gnome 2 variant)18:37
qwebirc61687syslog showing: gnome-shell: error: unable to lock: Lock was blocked by an application18:37
SomeTok progress18:38
JIZHANHUANGthanks i am installing :)18:38
SomeTso now I get: -bash: ./wtf: Permission denied18:38
SomeTso is this a chmod issue or a user permission issue or both?18:39
qwebirc61687@SomeT: chmod +x path/to/wtf18:39
SomeTI get no such file or directory lol18:39
SomeTdo I have to put the full path in?18:39
ecormierSomeT: yes18:39
qwebirc61687need to play with with my daughter... I will continue later today on my issue I guess18:40
SomeTI still get permission denied18:40
JIZHANHUANGuh... ecormier could you recommmend an *editor* like Adobe Acrobat?18:40
SomeTthats what its currently set as chmod wise18:40
ecormierJIZHANHUANG: pdftk .... there's no gui editor as far as I know18:41
ecormierSomeT: then your chmod didn't take18:41
ecormierthere are no x's there18:41
mouseschmod ugo+x /path/to/whatever18:42
mousesthere you go18:42
SomeTI fixed it by pointing it to the filename the executable18:42
SomeThowever now a new error lol18:42
SomeTI think its having trouble creating config files?18:43
ecormierSomeT: mkdir ~/.config18:43
SomeTabove wtf?18:43
SomeTthe error says18:44
ecormierthe error says there is no directory /home/somet/.config  .... so make it18:44
SomeT`/home/somet/.config/wtf: no such file or directory18:44
SomeTok that works18:45
SomeTthanks so much for your help!18:45
ecormierit's trying to create wtf folder in the non-existent .config folder18:45
SomeTis there a way to make .config unhidden?18:46
SomeTbecause when I try and access it via ftp in windows18:46
SomeTI cant see it at all18:46
SomeTit does not show on normal ls either18:46
SomeTbut I can cd to it18:46
ecormierls -al18:47
mousesSomeT: the -a flag in ls (all) will show ALL (including hidden) files18:47
ecormieryour on your own for the windows ftp question18:47
mousesin windows you'll need to configure whatever FTP client you are using to show hidden files18:47
mousesalso consider not using FTP18:47
mousesit's outdated, insecure, and generally a very bad idea18:47
mouseswe have SSH now18:47
ecormiernow lol18:48
mousesecormier: hehehe :)18:48
ecormierscp/rsync are wonderful (and putty on windows, I hear)18:48
SomeTI am using SFTP18:48
mousesOh, good :)18:49
SomeTI just said FTP out of laziness apologies lol18:49
mousesSomeT: Nevermind then.  Just making sure.18:49
SomeTneed to set up ssh key on my server and all sorts still18:49
SomeTwas trying to run ubuntu as a sub system, cygwin on windows, and virtual machine18:50
SomeTdroplet on do seems best way via putty18:50
SomeTfor a dual monitor setup, linux on one, windows on the other18:50
lenny_lemonany advice how can I download videos from udemy? ubuntu 16.0419:28
mouseslenny_lemon: Umm, that's all done in your browser, same way it would be under any OS19:29
mousesthe instructor must have enabled that for it to work.  If they have not, talk to the instructor as downloading it anyway would be piracy and this is not the place to discuss that.19:31
Ploppzthe BitTorrent links here don't work :/ https://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads20:12
tonytif you are looking for linux isos get them from https://linuxtracker.org/20:18
tonytif you are looking for linux isos torrents get them from https://linuxtracker.org/20:18
Ben64Ploppz: yes they do20:19
rfmPloppz, those links are working fine for me, and the tracker's fine too (my seeds via transmission are running right along as we speak)20:19
rfmPloppz, your problem must lie elsewhere20:20
tomreynPloppz: which link were you using exactly? how do you tell it doesn not work?20:22
PloppzSorry. I tried "Ubuntu 16.04.5 Desktop (64-bit)".  It's just forever loading20:24
Ploppzanyway ok, since they work for you then never mind20:24
Ploppzok, turns out my VPN was the problem20:25
ztychrHas anyone had success installing the pokeone mmo on linux? tried wine, lutris with 32bit and 64bit20:49
haroldv22Hi, I have a problem with my Brisk menu in ubuntu mate 18.0421:08
haroldv22somebody here ?21:17
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ph88how can i get memtest86+ in grub ?21:43
ph88i already tried   sudo update-grub21:43
ph88 hai21:46
haroldv22I have a problem with my brisk-menu21:47
Bashing-omph88: EFI system ? then mem-test has to be gotten as a 3rd party .21:47
haroldv22ph88, in ubuntu 18.04 I edited the menu manually and this crash21:47
ph88as second solution i put memtest86+ on usb stick but the usb stick doesn't show up in the boot menu21:49
ph88ok i boot in legacy mode now it finds the usb stick .. i guess thats fine for now21:52
outoftimeHow to move `/home` into enother partition without coping everything into partition?21:53
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ecormieroutoftime: impossible, if you want the contents of /home on another partition, you will need to copy21:55
outoftimeecormier: I just have almost enough space, there will be few MBs free...21:57
ecormieroutoftime: why do you want to move /home on a different partition?21:57
outoftimeecormier: want to reinstall system, clear setup.21:58
ecormierand you do not have a backup?!?21:58
outoftimeecormier: If I'll move my home, I'll be satistied. I'm scared to loose my keys I have already backed up.22:00
ecormieranyways, learn how to backup... trust me, you will lose stuff if you don't, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow... but someday22:01
ph88outoftime, clear as much space as you can then make small partition then move some stuff there, then resize partitions .. repeat until everything is moved  .. but i agree you are better off buying external HDD .. it's cheap22:08
outoftimeph88: thank you for an advice22:08
outoftimeecormier: I know, it happends sometimes. Working with what I have.22:10
haroldv22I have the same proble,22:32
Bashing-omharoldv22: :) 1150 or so peeps in here .. many with issues .. now which of these many issues " I have the same problem" do you belong in ? :)22:34
haroldv22I have a problem with my brisk-menu in ubuntu 18.0422:35
haroldv22Bashing-om, I have a problem with my brisk-menu in ubuntu 18.0422:35
Bashing-omha.. K ... i do not use. so await here for one who has that experience to respond :)22:36
haroldv22Bashing-om, ok thank you22:37
hggdhharoldv22: and you might want to be a tad more specific. "I have a problem on ..." does not help much22:37
haroldv22hggdh, the brisk-menu not appaers in my desktop22:38
haroldv22hggdh, I have this problem https://github.com/solus-project/brisk-menu/issues/10922:46
hggdhharoldv22: there are some bugs reported in LP about crashes in brisk-menu: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/brisk-menu/+bugs22:52
hggdhharoldv22: but the upstream bug also lacks *any* detail on what might have gone wrong...22:53
=== pav is now known as phd
haroldv22hggdh, I solved with this https://ubuntu-mate.community/t/mate-panel-is-crashing/11925/7 thanks23:08

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