
sergiusenserio: `source-branch` should do the trick01:33
sergiusensjoc: mind looking into https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/snapcraft/jobs/435246430#L1574 during your morning?01:33
eriohey sergiusens01:41
erioif you ever find time, I really really need help doing this snap https://github.com/ericoporto/ags-snap01:43
erioI can't find a way to consistently build it on my computer vs on build.snapcraft.io01:45
erioa ton of my adventure is reported here: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/need-help-to-snapcraft-alsa/764701:46
erioand here: https://github.com/ericoporto/ags-snap/issues/401:46
eriothe whole source of bugs is alsa01:47
erioI couldn't figure out how to make parts being built to link and include each other in a way it works01:49
erioI've been online trying to make this for 40h already, gotta sleep.01:49
cwaynesergiusens: joc is off next week FYI02:02
* Son_Goku waves05:14
Son_GokuI'm finally heading to sleep05:14
Son_Gokumborzecki, I'm working on a rollback patch for snapd packaging in Fedora so that the SELinux policy compiles again on EL705:18
mborzeckiSon_Goku: yay, thank you!05:18
mborzeckiSon_Goku: need any help?05:18
Son_Gokuat the moment I'm fine05:18
Son_Gokujust tired and sick05:18
Son_Gokuthe confirmation that I can't get around the dumb issue with glibc-static is what made me give up on trying to workaround it while preserving hardening flags05:19
Son_Gokumborzecki, could you also file a bug report about that against RHEL 7?05:19
mborzeckiSon_Goku: ok05:20
Son_Gokumborzecki: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/enter_bug.cgi?product=Red%20Hat%20Enterprise%20Linux%207&component=glibc&version=7.505:20
Son_Gokufeel free to CC me on the bug after you file it05:20
Son_Gokuthat works by email address, so use my regular gmail address (it's the one I commit in snapd as)05:21
mborzeckiSon_Goku: on friday i ran into more issues, though with mounts this time, spent some time debugging it with zyga, 3.10x seems particularly picky about unmounting stuff05:21
Son_Gokuyeah, there's a lot of weird things going on there05:21
mborzeckiSon_Goku: sure, will do05:21
Son_Gokuit'd be ironic if things worked better on the kernel-alt variant for ppc64le and s390x simply because that's kernel 4.1405:21
Son_Gokuthe two arches I can't test at all :P05:22
Son_GokuRHEL 7 uses 3.10 kernel for the arches it launched with05:22
Son_Gokubut all the newer arches use a 4.14 kernel05:22
mborzeckithat'd be fun05:24
Son_Gokuaarch64, s390x, ppc64le use 4.14 kernel now05:24
Son_Gokux86_64 uses 3.10 kernel05:24
Son_Gokus390x and ppc64le give you the choice of kernels05:25
mborzeckiSon_Goku: maybe i'll just open a PR with centos today to keep track of what's happening there05:25
Son_GokuPR with centos?05:25
Son_Gokuhow are you going to do that?05:25
Son_Gokucentos doesn't patch or change the sources from RHEL05:25
Son_Gokuif you have a patch to fix the issue, propose it and attach to the RHEL bug05:25
mborzeckiSon_Goku: i mean i'd open a PR to snapd with centos added to spread suite05:25
Son_Gokuthat's probably not a good idea right now, given how broken it is05:26
Son_Gokubut we do need spread images with centos+epel enabled05:26
Son_Gokuafaik, those don't currently exist05:26
mborzeckiSon_Goku: whcih packages from epel you're insterested in?05:28
Son_Gokukyrofa maintains it in Fedora and EPEL05:29
Son_Gokualso, golang is probably going to move to epel once it is dropped from RHEL05:30
mborzeckiSon_Goku: they're dropping golang?05:30
Son_GokuRHEL is planning to replace the golang package with the go-toolset SCL, which provides golang SCLized05:31
mborzeckiah, so software collections basically?05:31
Son_Gokuscls will be updated each year with the latest version of those stacks from stable Fedora05:32
Son_Gokuso that means golang 1.10 or 1.11 will show up05:32
Son_Gokuand once golang is out of RHEL, it can be reintroduced in EPEL05:32
Son_Gokuand kept up to date with Fedora, just as rust is05:33
mborzeckimhm, makes sense05:34
mborzeckiamzn will then be affected too, unless they keep their go packages05:34
Son_GokuAmazon is likely basing their go stack on Fedora05:35
mborzecki(and update)05:35
Son_GokuI believe their Rust packages are also derived from ours05:35
mborzeckiheh, mix & mash all the bits05:36
mborzeckii guess whatever works for them and their customers :)05:36
Son_Gokumost large EL users wind up using large portions of Fedora for their purposes anyway05:38
Son_GokuEPEL is ridiculously popular :)05:38
mborzeckiSon_Goku: zyga mentioned some stats that were shown during flock05:39
mborzeckiSon_Goku: did you get an email from rhbz?05:45
mborzeckiSon_Goku: bug report is here: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=163448605:46
Son_Gokuyep, got it05:46
zygagood morning06:33
* zyga is grumpy but happy 06:34
zygahappy because the day is nice, it's very cold but sunny06:34
zygagrumpy because apple resellers suck06:34
zygahey mborzecki06:36
mborzeckizyga: they didn't replace the mbp?06:41
zygawell, it's more than that06:41
zygafirst of all, I don't have it yet06:41
zygathey don't respond to email06:41
zygaI guy in another ispot said that apple NACKed the DOA claim because it was more than 5 days after purchase06:41
mborzeckibut the laptop was paid for already?06:41
zygaand the service NACK the nack and ... nothing06:41
zygaso nobody wants to fix it06:42
zygaand nobody bothered to tell me06:42
zygaI'll go there today for a refund or a new unit06:42
zygait's just %@!#!@ that I have to bother06:42
mborzeckiand you didn't get it back?06:42
zygano, it's still "in service"06:42
zygabecause they don't know what to do with it06:42
mborzeckicustomer service06:42
zygaanyway, I'll know more later06:42
zygareal apple service is better06:42
zygait's just reseller adding the complexity that suck06:43
zygaand real apple service told me to contact them if this fails06:43
zygareally, the only thing missing is proper apple store somewhere in .pl06:43
zygabecause reseller quality varies06:43
zygaand is not that controlled06:43
zygaand the "service" broke the LCD06:43
zygaI'm very very grumpy06:43
zygado they even train their staff?06:44
zyga(where service is reseller-service)06:44
zyganot apple06:44
zygaI have a shellcheck failure06:47
zygaon _one_ system only (18.04)06:47
zygaas if shellcheck was updated there now06:47
zygaah wait, that's not the case06:47
zygait's just confusing output of shellcheker06:47
zygamborzecki: the spellchecking script for yaml should really not spam about 1000s of things it doesn't consider as fatal errors06:48
zygahow am I supposed to find the one it complained about?06:48
mborzeckispread-shellcheck <file>06:48
zygano, from the log06:49
mborzeckither's a summary at the end06:49
zygaI know I can re-run the experiment and see06:49
zygaERROR:root:validation failed for the following non-whitelisted files:06:49
zyga - tests/main/layout-symlink-bind-revert/task.yaml06:49
mborzeckiyup, there you go06:49
zygabut the actual error is buried in that full log06:49
zygawell, I know that's the only file I added06:49
mborzeckiwell, that's because we have'nt landed everything yet06:49
zygaI'm arguing that it should not show the other output at all in this mode06:50
zygait's just noise06:50
mborzeckiwhat reminds me i should probably revisit that branch again now06:51
zygayeah, perhaps we can just land it all quickly06:51
zygahey pawel07:05
=== mborzeck1 is now known as mborzecki
zygasyscall.Unlinkat has different signature than what the kernel claims07:19
zygathere's no flags :/07:19
mupPR snapd#5884 closed: overlord/snapshotstate: store the SnapID in snapshot, block restore if changed <Created by chipaca> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5884>07:31
zygaI sent a PR with a test in it, I'm working on fixing the issues but if anyone wants to read it and merge it please be my guest https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/588307:44
mupPR #5883: tests,cmd/snap-update-ns: add test showing mount update bug <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5883>07:44
mvopedronis: good morning! it looks like 5878 is good to go except for the one "NoStore" test that jamie asked for(?)07:47
mvopedronis: we can do that test in a followup if you prefer it this way btw (to avoid another spread-wait-for-green cycle)07:50
zygaI'd say I'm freezing but it's not quite sub-zero yet07:53
zygabut it's not warm anymore either07:53
pedronismvo: he asked some other things if possible, I'll look a bit and decide whether to them there or follow up08:02
mvopedronis: thanks08:02
pedronismvo: seems he was explicit about wanting the test before merging, otoh the other stuff is problaby later follow up material, it will touch preexisting tests08:06
mvopedronis: ok08:06
pedronis(more comments, remove vestigial code, maybe rename CheckInterfaces)08:07
pedronismvo: pushed, thanks for the review btw08:14
mupPR snapd#5892 opened: tests: shellchecks part 9 <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5892>08:31
mvomborzecki: nice, thanks for more shellcheck fixes08:47
niemeyerMorning all08:51
* zyga fires spread and goes to warm up with tea08:55
zygahey everyone new :)08:55
mvohey niemeyer , good morning08:56
mupPR snapd#5878 closed: overlord/ifacestate: make sure to pass in the Model assertion when enforcing policies <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5878>09:01
mborzeckihow do you remove apparmor profile withouth a file?09:02
zygaI understand your question09:03
zygayou cannot09:03
pedronisniemeyer: hi09:03
zygabecause a profile "file" is just a definition of arbitrarily named actual profiles09:03
zygayou can remove those if you know their name09:03
zygabut the "customary" way of doing that is to parse the profile again and remove the actual profiles from the kernel based on the parsed data09:03
pedronismborzecki: I went grepping around, it seems indeed we have cover the SnapID usages that were problematic already,  and aliases code seems to use local snap names already, so it looks like it should work but test would be useful09:04
zygato remove an actual profile you just write its name to a special file in sysfs09:04
mborzeckipedronis: thanks, i'll write a test for aliases nontheless09:04
pedronismborzecki: yea, we need a test about installing a 2nd version of a snap with auto-aliases and what happens with install, install --unaliases, and then prefer09:05
mborzeckipedronis: agreed09:05
zygamborzecki: what prompted this?09:05
mborzeckizyga: apparmor package landed in community, so i rebooted with appamor enabled and some profiles were loaded, but aa-status output could not account for all of them, so i went fishing, and for instane when i removed a snap i saw a profile getting loaded, but once remove was done the profile was still there (?)09:07
zygamaybe we have a bug09:07
mborzeckizyga: idk, still looking, that's why i wanted to remove all the snap.* profiles that are there but should not be :)09:08
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
zygamborzecki: go to sysfs09:08
zygathen to apparmor part of that09:08
zygathere's a bunch of dot files there09:08
zygayou can enumerate profiles09:08
zygaand remove them as I explained09:08
mborzeckimhm, trying09:09
zygamborzecki: perhaps we remove the file before removing the profiles from the kernel?09:12
zygamborzecki: on top of that we must see the old text in them09:12
zygamborzecki: before they are changed09:12
zygamborzecki: youck09:12
zygamborzecki: if this is the case we need to change some things to make that possible09:14
zygamborzecki: I'll wrap this up and we can talk09:15
mvoniemeyer: when you have a moment (not urgent) could you please add "github.com/snapcore/pi-gadget" to the things that mup watches?09:17
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
niemeyermvo: Of course, will do09:18
pedronisniemeyer: it would be good if could review #5882 (it has a +1 from jamie already)09:21
mupPR #5882: many:  support and consider store friendly-stores when checking device scope constraints <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5882>09:21
niemeyerpedronis: Sweet, thank you09:21
pstolowskiif anyone has external usb camera - https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/have-a-pluggable-usb-camera-help-me-collect-some-data/765409:37
zygayay, the leftover placeholders are gone now09:37
zyganow just to patch the affected unit tests09:37
zygapstolowski: actually, any internal camera should be fine09:38
zygathey are usually attached via usb, no?09:38
zygapstolowski: as such they go though the entire hot plug event system09:39
pstolowskizyga: how can i see remove event for it? in any case, i'd like samples anyway, i'd like to see vendor/products/serials and other attrs09:41
zygapstolowski: unplug it09:41
pstolowskizyga: ah, indeed, udevadm trigger -c remove /dev/video0, nice, thank you09:44
pstolowskizyga: anyway... i'm interested in more smaples.. i see an anomaly with lime sdr, wonder if it happens to other devices09:45
* zyga nods09:45
pstolowskidevices i tried so far report a wealth of attributes when removed - including serial numbers - basically mirroring what i get when i plug them. but lime sdr for some reason only reports a subset when removed, in particular serial number is not reported even though it is present on 'add'09:48
zygapstolowski: interesting09:49
zygaperhaps proprietary udev thing like Nvidia?09:49
pstolowskizyga: don't know about nvidia, can you tell me more?09:50
zygapstolowski: yeah, it's not registered in udev09:50
zygapstolowski: because GPL symbols and what not, I don't recall the details09:50
zygapstolowski: but presumably because it doesn't register in sysfs09:51
pstolowskizyga: ack. it's weird, on remove i'm getting vendor and product names from udev db, just not serial... as long as device is plugged udevadm info reports all the nice data, i really don't get the logic behind this09:58
zygapstolowski:  look at /run09:58
zygasee if the serial is written there09:58
zygaremove can only report what is there09:58
zygaand what the kernel says09:58
pstolowskiappears to be there09:59
pstolowskizyga: ^09:59
zygahmmm :D10:00
zygathen yeah, now I'd jump at udev10:00
zygaas in, read the source10:00
mupPR snapd#5893 opened: interfaces/apparmor: report apparmor support level and policy <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5893>10:13
mborzeckizyga: ^^10:13
niemeyerpstolowski: Reviewed #5759.. the key is a bit too simplistic atm.. we'll need to get something slightly better there10:21
mupPR #5759: ifacestate: implementation of defaultDeviceKey function for hotplug <Hotplug> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5759>10:21
pstolowskiniemeyer: thanks. yes, the second part of your comment (versioning) crossed my mind at some point10:25
niemeyerpstolowski: Yeah, this is a real issue.. without something along those lines we cannot ever improve on the keying logic10:26
pstolowskiniemeyer: yep, that's valid concern indeed.10:26
niemeyerpstolowski: #5782 reviewed too, with two suggestions10:38
mupPR #5782: ifacestate: helpers for generating slot names for hotplug <Hotplug> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5782>10:38
mborzeckizyga: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/D6Fz5Fw3pb/ yeah, so the files are removed early, then apparmor_parser --remove has nothing to remove, but does not error out (?)10:39
zygaI think it'd be nice if we remembered (in the state perhaps?) what was set up10:40
zygathe name of the actual profiles10:40
pstolowskiniemeyer: by the way, a (random) remark about these keys: they are not "global" across interfaces, they are grouped by interface type at higher level of hotplug logic, so they need to be unique only within given interface; so, say key "1234" of "serial-port" interface might be different than "1234" of "camera" interface. this doesn't change any aspect of what you commented on, just mentioning becuase it's not apparent from10:40
pstolowskithat PR10:40
zygain either case we must have visibility into profile names10:41
niemeyerpstolowski: That's awkward10:41
pstolowskiniemeyer: i can explain10:41
niemeyerpstolowski: At least it's the initial gut feeling10:41
pstolowskiniemeyer: that goes back to what we discussed about the ability for any interface to provide own HotplugDeviceKey method10:41
zygamborzecki: we can ask apparmor_parser for the names stored in a file10:42
niemeyerpstolowski: I can understand the key generation being unique, but seems suspect to have the storage of those keys being done at the interface level10:42
zygamborzecki: apparmor_parser --names <fname>10:42
zygamborzecki: the question is how to sequence that into the current framework10:42
niemeyerpstolowski: Or do you mean the keys are still centrally managed, but that the central map includes the type as part of the key?10:43
niemeyerpstolowski: That would be nice10:43
mborzeckizyga: heh, i'm looking what we have avaialbe in the handlers, and it's only snapsup :/10:43
zygamborzecki: can you expand on that idea, what were you hoping to find?10:44
mborzeckizyga: checking if there's snap.Info avaialble anywhere near there10:44
zygamborzecki: and then?10:44
pstolowskiniemeyer: no, storage is not done at interface level. hotplug machinery uses either the device key computed by the method from my PR, or - if interface has own method - it takes interface-calculated key string instead. and yes, that's centrally managed, basically interface type name becomes part of the internal map as well.10:44
niemeyerpstolowski: I still don't quite understand the picture.. it says storage is done at interface level, but then it says that it's centrally managed10:45
niemeyerpstolowski: What is done at the interface level, and how is it centrally managed then?10:46
mborzeckizyga: then you have apps, so you know the file names, security tags etc. but that's not really helping this particular case10:47
mborzeckizyga: how does it work on ubuntu when profile files are removed?10:47
zygaone sec10:49
niemeyerpstolowski: I do understand that the key is created by the interface, per our agreements.. that's sensible10:49
zygamborzecki: you mean as in regular packages?10:49
pstolowskiniemeyer: interface can implement HotplugDeviceKey method which returns a string representing a key, made of attributes od the device event, that's all. the returned key string is then used by hotplug machinery in internal maps, but interface type name is used together with the key10:49
zygamborzecki: that's a good question, I _think_ it's handled by apparmor debhelper things10:50
zygamborzecki: and because those files are shipped in /etc they are confffiles10:50
zygamborzecki: so probably not removed until you purge10:50
zygamborzecki: so perhaps that's how it works10:50
zygaor just nobody noticed if the profiles stay in the kernel after removal10:50
niemeyerpstolowski: Aha, okay.. sorry for not getting it. That's great.10:50
mborzeckizyga: and how about snaps? the code clearlyl removes profile files before attemptint to call apparmor_parser --remove10:50
zygamborzecki: well, it clearly does not work10:51
zygait's just that the fact that the profile are in the kernel is not immediately obvious or problematic10:51
zygaso nothing was reporting any issues10:51
pstolowskiniemeyer: thinking about your comment re devicekey, i wonder if it shouldn't become a proper object, rather than a loose string10:52
niemeyerpstolowski: If we use a digest, we might just prepend a "0" to the output so we know that's version zero.. this allows us to evolve the logic of keying later so we take into account current keys10:52
niemeyerpstolowski: I'd try to keep it simple while we can10:53
pstolowskiniemeyer: okay10:53
pstolowskiniemeyer: btw, lime sdr has an annoying quirk that i discussed earlier this morning ^10:53
pstolowskiniemeyer: well, it can be udev quirk10:54
mupPR snapd#5877 closed: cmd/snap-update-ns,osutil: move helpers to osutil <Created by zyga> <Closed by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5877>10:58
mvoreviews for https://github.com/snapcore/pi-gadget/pulls would be great, should be pretty trivial11:05
zygamvo: done11:07
mvozyga: \o/11:07
* zyga runs some more spread tests before proposing another fix11:16
diddledannetplan is passé? https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=nettools-new-linux-network11:17
zygadiddledan: https://github.com/c-util/c-list/blob/dda36d30c7d655b4d61358519168fa7ce0e9dae9/src/c-list.h11:19
zygaI feel happy now11:19
zygait's not just me ;-)11:19
zyga(it's referenced from n-dhcp-...)11:19
* zyga returns to spread11:20
mupPR snapd#5889 closed: make run-checks --static pass again w/shellcheck installed <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5889>11:27
Chipacamvo: if you want to see the stages in operation, https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/snapd/builds/435555961 is on11:28
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
mborzeckiChipaca: nice11:41
sergiusenscwayne: anyone who can cover for that thing that broke on plainbox?11:41
Chipacamborzecki: my comment to mvo, or my comment to you about journalctl -o json?11:41
Chipacamborzecki: either way, thanks :-)11:41
mborzeckiChipaca: hah, the stages11:41
Chipacamborzecki: stealing ideas (and tests!) from snapcraft11:42
Chipacamborzecki: just don't tell sergiusens or his head'll grow11:42
Chipaca(let's call it "cross-pollination", as snapcraft is also picking up some ideas from our test suite)11:43
sergiusensChipaca: hah.11:44
diddledanSergio, Sergio, he's our man, if he can't be bothered, Kyle can :-p11:46
diddledanmsdos 2.0 is on github: https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Microsoft-MS-DOS-GitHub11:47
diddledanPRs welcome?11:47
Chipacadiddledan: licensing is unclear tho11:47
Chipacaalso we already have a dosbox part, right?11:48
diddledanaccording to the repo LICENSE.md file it's MIT now...11:48
diddledanref: https://github.com/Microsoft/MS-DOS/blob/master/LICENSE.md11:48
Chipacadiddledan: https://github.com/Microsoft/MS-DOS/issues/211:48
mborzeckipedronis: quick question, i've installed test-snapd-auto-aliases_foo, now when doing snap install --unaliased test-snapd-auto-aliases_1.snap it fails complaining it cannot enable automatic aliases for test-snapd-auto-aliases because those are already enabled for _foo, but i passed --unaliased, so i'd expect it to install the snap nonetheless11:49
pedronismborzecki: ok, sounds like there is something to fix then11:55
mborzeckipedronis: after a quick look, checking for conflicts with enabled aliases does not look at the --unaliased of the snap being installed, but checks AutoAliasDisabled of snaps that are already present11:57
pedronismborzecki: that sounds strange11:58
pedroniscan't be the full picture11:58
mborzeckipedronis: yeah, i'm more than likely to miss something, anyways, need to dig into the code11:59
Nafallohiya! :-)12:00
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch
mupPR snapd#5782 closed: ifacestate: helpers for generating slot names for hotplug <Hotplug> <Created by stolowski> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5782>12:02
NafalloI noticed a bunch of three loop mounts in nautilus this morning, which turned out to be lxd snaps. a bit more investigation and it turned out to be loop mounts where the backend file had been removed. looks like the loops didn't get teared down during the refresh or something?12:02
NafalloI had to reboot just now, which obviously removed the issue :-/12:03
Nafallothere might be something in logs though, if anyone feel up for a debugging session...12:04
pedronismborzecki: afaict   unaliased set snapst.AutoAliasDisabled of the being installed snap to false and then checks the conflicts12:06
pedronisconsidering that value12:06
popeypstolowski|lunch: how many reports about webcams are you after? We can post on the snapcraft socials, drawing people into that post12:07
popeypstolowski|lunch: given it's a really easy way for people to contribute, might be nice to promote?12:07
pstolowski|lunchpopey: just a few is really all i need for now, but thanks for asking!12:08
popeyno worries12:08
ograNafallo, they go away after a reboot, i told stgraber about it a while ago12:09
ogra(i think i had three lxd updates since my last reboot ... they pile up in the launcher :) )12:10
mborzeckioff to pick up the kids12:10
Nafalloogra: so a known one. excellent :-)12:11
ograwell, i didnt file a bug iirc12:12
Nafalloogra: gogogog ;-)12:13
diddledanaudacity 2.3.0 just went to the stable channel12:14
popeydiddledan: shame the version string is a bit verbose12:18
diddledanyeah, that's because I didn't trim the git tag - I wanted to use a portable script that any repo can use12:19
diddledannote the `$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_NAME` to allow it to work on any project https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/nvi3aI7B/12:20
diddledanI don't like the comment wording though. it confuses me. I stole the script from wormhole12:21
popeyhm, just looks a bit nasty having the version number in the snap info12:22
popey(the name in the version number obv)12:22
diddledansurely we want the version number :-p it's the name we don't want :-p12:23
diddledanyeah that ↑12:23
ograhmm, i have some very weird behavious of a configure hook12:42
ogra#! /bin/sh12:42
ograset -e12:42
ograIP="$(snapctl get serverip)"12:42
ogra[ -n "$IP" ] && echo "setting Server IP to $IP"12:42
ograthats all thats in there ...12:42
ograit automatically rolls back my snap when i try to install it12:43
ograis snapctl automatically exiting 1 when there is no value set ?12:43
ogra(so that the set -e kills the hook )12:43
diddledanogra: does snapctl require the snap name?12:44
ograshouoldnt when used inside a hook12:44
ografun fact .... it uploads an oops to errors.ubuntu.com with completely useless content12:45
ijohnsonogra: I've had it where the snapctl symlink isn't set up and so my configure script killed the install because it couldn't find snapctl12:45
diddledanthat'll annoy someone trying to triage :-D12:45
Chipacaogra: I love that you're using these things in ways we haven't tested12:45
ijohnsonogra: Did you by chance disable re-exec?12:45
Chipacaogra: I hate that your testing is not producing bugs we can action12:46
ograijohnson, i'm running in a core vm12:46
ijohnsonogra: okay nvm not the same issue I ran into then12:46
ograChipaca, https://errors.ubuntu.com/oops/b35c50a6-c576-11e8-92cf-fa163ee63de612:46
ograrun-hook: Error12:46
ograERROR run hook "configure": exit status 112:46
ogranot sure what i should report as bug here ...12:46
mvoogra: did you had a reply? I did not read all backlog but for me:[ -n "$IP" ] && echo "setting Server IP to $IP" ; echo $?12:47
mvo 12:47
* ogra removes set -e from the script 12:47
mvoogra: i.e. if $IP is empty the script will fail12:47
mvoogra: instead of removing set -e just put it inside an if condition12:47
mvoogra: if [ -n "$IP]; then echo...12:47
ograor changing && to ||12:48
diddledangood catch mvo12:48
ograyeah, thanks !12:48
diddledanif the test fails then the return code will be 1 so the whole script will die12:48
mvoogra: your choice, I personally find the "if .." easier to read but then I don't do much shell (if I can help it ;)12:48
ograsad is that the oops is really useless in this case12:48
mvodiddledan: thank you12:48
mvoogra: yeah12:48
diddledanyou can either replace with an `if [ -n` or do `[ -n .. ] && foo || bar`12:49
diddledanoh, or `[ -z .. ] || foo`12:50
ograactually i dont even need that line at all12:50
ograwas just for debugging12:50
diddledandebugging breaks the script12:51
ogra(in fact i wouldnt even need a hook if i could just call snap set without one ... )12:51
diddledanI like those12:51
ograbut snap set checks first if a configure hook exist12:51
diddledanit does?12:51
ograi dont realyl use the hook but use the value in a startup script ...12:51
ograso the hook in itself is totally pointless cruft here12:51
diddledanI thought it would just add the config and then exit if there's no configure hook12:52
ogra(startup wrappers can directly call snapctl get ... so if you dont write a config file but read it directly a hook is moot)12:52
diddledanthat was my theory, too12:52
ograogra@localhost:~$ snap set dashkiosk-browser serverip=
ograerror: cannot perform the following tasks:12:53
ogra- Run configure hook of "dashkiosk-browser" snap (snap "dashkiosk-browser" has no "configure" hook)12:53
ograso you need an empty hook script and it works12:53
diddledanwell fooey12:53
diddledanI call shenanigans!12:53
Chipacadiddledan: touch configure; chmod +x configure12:53
ograogra@localhost:~$ cat chromium.launcher12:53
ogra#! /bin/sh12:53
ogra# get the IP from setting12:53
ograIP="$(snapctl get serverip)"12:53
Chipacaliterally an empty configure script12:53
Chipaca(I don't think we support that inside a strictly confined snap, sadly -- the empty executable being true is cool)12:54
=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski
mupPR snapd#5892 closed: tests: shellchecks part 9 <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5892>13:01
mupPR snapd#5894 opened: many: enable AppArmor on Arch <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5894>13:04
mborzeckipedronis: fun fact, we're not even sending --unaliased when installing from file14:03
Chipacamvo: a silly question for you sir14:03
pedronismborzecki: I'm not surprised, is a bit of a corner case, and we didn't think about it14:04
Chipacamvo: in https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/snapd/jobs/435622042 if you expand the "build-dep" install step, there's a lot of progress noise despite me saying --quiet14:04
pedronismborzecki: I would be more suprised if it was done half-way14:04
mborzeckipedronis: i'll at it along with some tests, need this workaround for spread tests14:04
Chipacamvo: how do I tell it --no-really-i-dont-want-progress-bars?14:05
mvoChipaca: I believe so but let me look, its been a while since I did that feature14:06
Chipacamvo: :-D14:06
mvoChipaca: try "apt install -o Dpkg::Progress-Fancy=false  ...." (or apt-get will also turn this off)14:11
Chipacamvo: ta14:21
cachiozyga, hey, https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/error-removing-snaps-after-refresh-core-snap/763214:22
cachiozyga, could be related to namespaces?14:23
zygaon the phone14:25
Chipacacachio: that test that's failing on core, how do you know the thing has rebooted?14:25
cachiowe call revert14:26
cachiothen it waits until ssh is not available14:26
cachioand then tries to connect14:26
cachioChipaca, the core is reverted14:26
cachioChipaca, but I am not explicity chacking the reboot was done14:27
cachioI could add an extra ckeck14:27
Chipacacachio: maybe I'm misunderstanding something, let me dig a bit more first14:28
zygacachio: what were you expecting to see?14:30
zyga(still on the phone)14:32
ChipacaThe contributor stolowski@gmail.com has not signed the CLA.14:33
zygablasphemy ;-)14:34
ChipacaI'll change the checker to also check the canonical group14:34
Chipacaright now it just checks for canonical email14:34
cachiozyga, well, it should not fail to remove the snap14:35
pedronismvo: sorry for the slight FUD in the standup, I'm also worried that of the current processes (that we want to replace) assume that seed is writable14:35
mvopedronis: no worries, it was good feedback. I will write down what we would have to do but I think gustavo is right, we can always add it later14:38
zyga- Stop snap “lxd” services ([start snap.lxd.daemon.service] failed with exit status 5: Failed to start snap.lxd.daemon.service: Unit snap.lxd.daemon.service not found.14:47
zygacachio: ^ this is unexpected, is it stopping or starting, the error message is inconclusive14:48
cachiozyga, well, it should be stopping because it fails when we do "snap remove lxd"14:49
cachiozyga, but in the errror tries to start it14:50
cachiozyga, it is also happening with other snaps, not just lxd14:51
mupPR snapd#5895 opened: client, daemon: support passing of 'unaliased' option when installing from local files <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5895>14:52
mborzeckipedronis: the client/daemon part ^^14:52
niemeyermvo: Had a conversation with Bret15:05
mvoniemeyer: nice, what is the outcome?15:05
niemeyermvo: We may end up going with something in between.. splitting up the kernels based on visibility and using tracks within those15:06
niemeyermvo: It's a reasonable compromise.. it doesn't offer full reusability, but means no further implementation time either15:06
mvoniemeyer: ok - so what does it mean for the kernels I care about right now? pi-kernel, pc-kernel and dragonboard-kernel? how will those be handled?15:06
niemeyermvo: It'll be unfortunately only in those cases where we might actually reuse a kernel for a different customer15:06
niemeyermvo: Think core18 kernel on Brand X devices15:07
niemeyermvo: We may end up with a "pi-kernel", with tracks named as before inside it15:08
mvoniemeyer: that works for me, thanks for the followup on this one15:08
mupPR snapd#5893 closed: interfaces/apparmor: report apparmor support level and policy <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5893>15:08
pedronismborzecki: ack15:08
mvoniemeyer: is there further discussion needed or can I go ahead with asking for tracks for the "pi-kernel" ?15:09
niemeyermvo: Same for the others15:09
niemeyermvo: noise][1 was going to give some further thought and post comments in the thread, so perhaps best to wait a bit to see whether others will comment furthr15:09
mvoniemeyer: ok, so pc-kernel with 18-{i386,amd64} and dragonboard-kernel with just 18 (there are no variants for this one (yet))?15:09
mvoniemeyer: ok, I will wait then :) thanks again for chasing this!15:10
niemeyermvo: There's an interesting question on that one15:10
niemeyermvo: Do we need the i386/amd64?15:10
niemeyermvo: Note that we already split up arch internally15:10
mvoniemeyer: indeed15:10
mvoniemeyer: yeah, for those we don't actually need it15:10
niemeyermvo: It's curious that we cannot do the same on the pi15:10
mvoniemeyer: I guess its all the same arch for the pi so that (neat) trick does not work. or am I misunderstanding what you have in mind?15:11
mvozyga: one more trivial review for snapcore/pi-gadget if you want15:11
zygamvo: sure15:11
* zyga just returned with fresh coffee15:11
roadmrogra: tools r1129 are now in the store15:12
* ogra hugs roadmr 15:13
mupPR snapcraft#2306 opened: setup: remove broken setup dirs done on import <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2306>15:13
niemeyermvo: No, that's it indeed15:23
niemeyermvo: It's just curious because i386 and amd64 have a similar relationship15:24
mvoniemeyer: indeed15:28
mupPR snapcraft#2306 closed: setup: remove broken setup dirs done on import <Created by sergiusens> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2306>15:34
mupPR snapcraft#2307 opened: setup: improve dir setup for when running in legacy mode <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2307>15:37
mupPR snapd#5876 closed: selftest: rename selftest.Run() to sanity.Check() <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5876>15:38
pstolowskiniemeyer, zyga got hotplug removal sorted out per you suggestion regarding sysfs paths, work great \o/. and startup enumeration and its delta is based around device keys, no challenge there. my mistake for trying to implement 'remove' in a way that required computation of device key.15:42
ograjdstrand, hmm, so browser-support disallows daemon ? ... how do i get around that for a browser based kiosk client app ?15:42
zygapstolowski: glad to hear that :)15:42
diddledanogra: jdstrand: if browser-support kills daemon then these instructions need to be revised: https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/electron-kiosk#215:43
ogradiddledan, well, prehaps i'm missing something ... thats what build.s.io gave me in return after building my dashkiosk-client-browser snap15:44
jdstranddiddledan: I don't see 'daemon: ???' in there15:44
ograyeahm there is no daemon15:45
jdstrandogra: there is a way to override that in the store15:45
diddledanjdstrand: next page has it15:45
niemeyerpstolowski: No worries, and thanks zyga for the progress15:45
niemeyerpstolowski: What was the trick?15:45
diddledanI lunked (past tense of linked) the wrong page15:45
ograjdstrand, would be lovely, what do i need to do ? send boxes of beer your way ?15:45
jdstrandogra, diddledan: we should continue to override until we have privilege dropping. browser-support as root allows a few scary things15:45
jdstrandogra: what snap?15:46
ograjdstrand, dashkisk-client-browser15:46
ograit is essentially chromium with a wrapper and doesnt have any desktop'y plugs in use ... (though it uses wayland for mir-kiosk)15:47
pstolowskiniemeyer: well, just maintain an in-memory lookup based on sysfs paths, for the purpose of handling hotplug removal - rather than trying to compute device key from attributes of 'remove' udev event (which turned out to be incomplete sometimes, for lime sdr at least)15:48
niemeyerpstolowski: So a sys path => device key?15:49
diddledanin fact that electron-kiosk tutorial is confusing - it has a comment in the yaml that you can't have "identical plug/slot name in same yaml" so the author created a plug called `x11-plug` with interface `x11`, but I don't see any other usage of `x11` in that yaml at all15:49
ogradiddledan, it uses a loopback to itself15:50
Chipacaniemeyer: mvo: https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/snapd/builds/435647396 <- finishing spread after 30 minutes of previous tests, no timeouts15:50
diddledanif all the plug definition is doing is stating that it is interface `x11` with no further config (which is what the yaml says) then surely just `plugs: [x11]` will do the same thing15:50
pstolowskiniemeyer: more-less yes, it's sysfs path => interface name => device key(s)15:50
diddledanogra: there's no definition of any slots anywhere in that yaml15:51
niemeyerpstolowski: Hmmm.. that doesn't make much sense I guess15:51
diddledanoh wait15:51
ogradiddledan, the thing is that XWayland is shipped and run by the same snap ...15:51
diddledannow I see it15:51
diddledanhidden in the apps: stanza15:51
ograto connect to XWayland you need the x11 interface15:51
niemeyerpstolowski: The sysfs path can't map to the interface name alone as we wouldn't know which device it is still15:51
ograso the snap provides the plug to itself in a loopback15:51
pstolowskiniemeyer: sorry, i mistyped, i mean sysfs path maps to (interface name, device key) - possibly more than one if multiple interfaces created slots for a single device15:56
niemeyerpstolowski: Aha, gotcha, that makes sense15:57
vidal72[m]how core18 is going? :)15:59
zyga vidal72[m] I think it's going good15:59
mvoChipaca: nice!16:05
niemeyerChipaca: Nice indeed, what's the full time now?16:09
Chipacaniemeyer: without the extra "wait 30 minutes just to see if the whole thing times out"?16:09
Chipacaniemeyer: about 11 minutes from unit tests & etc, and 34 minutes from spread16:10
niemeyerI guess it's a good deal still16:10
Chipacawe gained about 1 minute by moving static into unit16:11
Chipacawe can probably shave 5 minutes off the unit test by skipping (or fixing! ha ha crazy talk) the slow ones16:11
Chipacaok, time for a break, bbl16:20
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
* zyga break while my daughter needs my desk to build something16:47
mupPR snapcraft#2307 closed: setup: improve dir setup for when running in legacy mode <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2307>18:41
mupPR snapcraft#2308 opened: plugins: remove the copy plugin when using a base <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2308>18:44
mupPR snapcraft#2309 opened: snap: improve early base detection logic <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2309>20:32

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