paraxial | I want to check if is damaged // @ darkmeson will test this. thank you ! | 00:10 |
paraxial | | 00:10 |
paraxial | maim | 00:10 |
paraxial | fullstack, where did you download it? | 00:10 |
paraxial | othias: i imagine then i could a) return a struct (no idea how to signal error then, without using nasty globals)? b) take a pointer to struct and make the function return some error code | 00:10 |
Kongaloosh26 | \x: 2018-09-04 - 00:24:39 <Highdude> tell \x | 00:39 |
Kongaloosh26 | and it'd be cool to be able to have the ability to gift plexpass to another user for life or buy an app for another user as a gift | 00:40 |
Kongaloosh26 | about 30 usd for 3 fans + a controller | 00:40 |
nmm5 | Hello | 00:45 |
loganlee | that's a bitmap | 01:32 |
loganlee | if even 80% is well-informed, the 20% that aren't create more than large enough of a market for specific companies to carve a niche in marketing only to them | 01:32 |
drewery29 | what tool are you using to test with SNI? alanhuang | 01:54 |
drewery29 | de que hablan | 01:54 |
asyd14 | 1000w | 01:55 |
asyd14 | i'm not discouraging you from optimising parsec, quite the opposite | 01:55 |
doppo7 | are read-only mirrors of the branches in another repository. //it is read/write | 01:59 |
doppo7 | there's no current rating on them :( | 01:59 |
doppo7 | shouldnt any windows irc client be able to connect to a weechat relay when the protocol is set to IRC? | 01:59 |
theborger2 | Let the terminal handle that | 02:08 |
theborger2 | triceratux: who's the sjw ? | 02:08 |
theborger2 | Why only ancient Greece? | 02:08 |
Knunez5 | Apachez: pppingme: ssh -D 1234 server: on ssh client side, listen on *local* port 1234 and *forward* everything to a *remote* port on the ssh server side, which again *forwards* it post routing. Correct? | 02:25 |
Knunez5 | just ask questions, don't wait for particular people :) | 02:25 |
Knunez5 | so a fork is just a clone of a repo that you push onto a place you have write access to | 02:25 |
muteki27 | and it turned out to be a good book as well | 02:26 |
muteki27 | and thank you to you too romainl | 02:26 |
rm_work25 | Wha..? | 03:07 |
rm_work25 | looks like the link went down and up | 03:07 |
sze3 | | /':./':. (o) /__) _) ) | 06:24 |
sze3 | installed muh bulbs | 06:24 |
sze3 | Tin_man: BTW it's a built in webcam | 06:24 |
sze3 | /etc/cups/cupsd.conf this file is missing as you can see , | 06:24 |
sze3 | javi404: probably 14.10 | 06:24 |
sze3 | j3kyl_: if you want a wireless chip with free firmware you can't use intel. | 06:25 |
Guest90973 | just about anything | 06:48 |
Guest90973 | sara2010: I think so ... | 06:48 |
trench24 | from the parameterization of a torus as (cos s (a+b cos t), sin s (a+b cos t),. b sin t) | 07:15 |
trench24 | confirmed. i have not seen. | 07:15 |
trench24 | сuѕtomers are not ԁoіᥒg Аlⅼɑh іs doіng | 07:15 |
Jarnomus | or some gapps shir | 07:19 |
Jarnomus | ayjay_t: To do what? | 07:19 |
crayfishx9 | Not here its not. | 07:32 |
crayfishx9 | Was that it? I'm just trying with `vim -Nu NONE -O b1 b2` and it still works for me, even though nohidden is still set | 07:32 |
omahn1 | suvdev: all that does afaik is set http_proxy and https_proxy in the environment. Applications are free to ignore those. | 08:09 |
omahn1 | Tentacles: you're welcome | 08:09 |
computertechieOw | that it was an accident? yeah | 09:04 |
computertechieOw | ayecee: yeah. I have been trying to dockerize something and it has been painful. definitely something a very skilled sysadmin would be good at | 09:04 |
computertechieOw | autopsy: let's just say that grub is bigger than the entire chroot | 09:04 |
computertechieOw | what sort of clamps | 09:04 |
computertechieOw | today is not a good day | 09:04 |
lifwl | RhodiumToad: is the plan for the correct remote SQL | 09:12 |
lifwl | AAA after your comment UUID is starting to make more sense to me | 09:12 |
avocadoIu | iCookie why u make lol bitch ?:/ | 09:53 |
avocadoIu | repost: Anyone have opinion best way to install Steam, repo or snap? | 09:53 |
avocadoIu | Simounet: Next, you need to make some changes to your installation so it has the right bootloader. | 09:53 |
avocadoIu | darkmeson: let me find the link! | 09:53 |
aakvikdk | no, in a .h | 11:49 |
aakvikdk | but not all of them | 11:49 |
aakvikdk | it's stuck in a desktop in the back with all the cables and under a desk? | 11:49 |
TheAssassinQG | Padawan-, i'm suspecting he was a "handy" ready to use function rather than a modelled/constructed one | 11:50 |
TheAssassinQG | mark721: my bad: for i in dev proc sys ; do sudo mount -o bind /$i /mnt/$i ; done | 11:50 |
TheAssassinQG | Totally_David: rest assured that nothing is better for servers than linux | 11:50 |
TheAssassinQG | all good brushes are stainless steel they last lionger and clean better | 11:50 |
Guest30163 | driver in use >> lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use' | 12:27 |
Guest30163 | Forget that, I just have a single virtual function defined in extendedArrayList. Otherwise it just provides a pointer to arrayList | 12:27 |
Guest30163 | but the other build has status=failed (?) | 12:27 |
Guest30163 | chisight: not recognition, but text to speech | 12:27 |
stgraberKU | sort of like a table | 12:41 |
stgraberKU | katamo: i already did | 12:41 |
t0x0shFu | is a function with two points at the same x,y coordinate still be continuous? | 13:00 |
t0x0shFu | That's the thing with app dependancy. Once the app exists on Linux, people finally start to make a decision based on the merits of the OS, not the apps they're stuck with using. | 13:00 |
Dad`is | Yeah, it varies across kernel versions and hardware, apparently. | 13:41 |
Dad`is | ok, that is what I expected. | 13:41 |
Dad`is | what is this mean? | 13:41 |
Dad`is | AeternusIgnis: try to exaplin your problem please. | 13:42 |
Dad`is | ozzzy_: Getting something really-really sharp is not easy. | 13:42 |
Dad`is | british: we don't need to be racist. We have a class system, whereby you can even discriminate against those who look like you. | 13:42 |
nitramLy | ya I was reading that | 13:57 |
nitramLy | unyu. Ah great! I've often wondered what 'pushing a finite number of symbols' actually means too! | 13:57 |
Guest15964 | Ah, indeed. | 14:28 |
Guest15964 | oh like caviar gold kind of joint? | 14:29 |
Guest15964 | AstralStorm_: | 14:29 |
Guest15964 | ghc so helpful | 14:29 |
Humtek_ | they confused P(B) with P(B|A) | 15:38 |
Humtek_ | << array<char, 4>().size() | 15:38 |
mateuszcn | it's called disklabel | 17:21 |
mateuszcn | I have never used foldl in a productive way. | 17:21 |
Victor-1EB | dbus is revolutionary | 17:50 |
Victor-1EB | You probably can view it that way, but I just meant in the usual analysis sense of "for any polynomials p of given degree n, there exists delta such that ..." | 17:50 |
Victor-1EB | but it says they are not spamming us | 17:51 |
Victor-1EB | i meant it as in avoiding to print anything | 17:51 |
Victor-1EB | madnight, problem is, haskell98 is fairly easy to implement (under a few thousand work hours) | 17:51 |
bazzuo | backnforth: you can read the code... | 17:55 |
bazzuo | nothing, i'm just waiting for an opportunity to afc and look at the docs ;) | 17:56 |
bazzuo | davor, so... | 17:56 |
bazzuo | I think that should work | 17:56 |
lukexjFI | thats how i printed the tricorder case | 18:01 |
lukexjFI | Murii, Windows XP | 18:01 |
neoticnS | and runs these as commands at appropriate lines | 18:10 |
neoticnS | they are software programs | 18:10 |
devxiT | Boot0014* ubuntuHD(1,GPT,<UUID> | 18:41 |
devxiT | it says so | 18:41 |
devxiT | i think i meant more "*WHICH_cast<Phantom<U>*>(this)" | 18:42 |
devxiT | ovulating? | 18:42 |
devxiT | Well, not invoke, but 'write', I guess. | 18:42 |
devxiT | nai: Third one? | 18:42 |
orev | Is there anything wrong with result[0] = '\0'? | 18:53 |
orev | <msmith> does for me, yes | 18:53 |
orev | well. thanks for the input and enjoy your workday. | 18:53 |
orev | (But yes, I too prefer TypeApplications to Proxy.) | 18:53 |
Guest23669 | username234:^ | 19:17 |
Guest23669 | sc_: damn, thought I'd disabled that on this box | 19:17 |
Guest23669 | kludge and i don't want an old car.. i want my sattelite radio and android auto and big infortainment system | 19:17 |
hexoroidYn | skhan23, also integrating might not work at all (in term of finding an elementary formula) | 19:24 |
hexoroidYn | greycat: what part of that document shows how to preserve \ escapes within a var that youre expanding? i cant find it | 19:25 |
hexoroidYn | Also tried several versions of ubuntu server (16.04.1 16.04.5 18.04.1( | 19:25 |
hexoroidYn | that's him thanks very much Vigdis | 19:25 |
jamesbvaughan | why on earth are you using round() | 19:32 |
jamesbvaughan | you cɑn not get marrieԁ ᴡіtho∪t tһᥱ pеrmⅰsѕⅰοn of ɑllaһ | 19:32 |
distantoriginrc | extension ? | 19:41 |
distantoriginrc | it is just another name | 19:41 |
fringe | hey baby are you http, because :// | 20:16 |
fringe | RaphGro: mhlavink was last seen in #fedora-devel 2 days, 6 hours, 5 minutes, and 29 seconds ago: *** mhlavink <mhlavink!quassel@nat/redhat/x-ekordawbidsxsymt> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | 20:17 |
fringe | is the quickest way to just get some lines of text into a text file from bash to do something like `cat >myfile.txt` and then just type and hit <CTRL+D>? or is there a better way? | 20:17 |
fringe | b1 is a local branch, and b2 is a branch at some remote: "remote/b2" | 20:17 |
jw358li | default with gentoo | 20:40 |
jw358li | irrenhaus3: that's what happens when you go all C-mode and declare your variables at the top of the function :( | 20:40 |
jw358li | so, i wonder if it was missing too | 20:40 |
jw358li | Pentode: this is: VERSION="18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver)" | 20:40 |
XXCoderFh | But I want something that works even when the field is not algebraically closed. | 21:00 |
XXCoderFh | | 21:00 |
XXCoderFh | don't see anything about safe mode there | 21:00 |
XXCoderFh | BootScout: that looks about right, mine is -rwxrwxrwx 2 root root 1208184 Apr 3 06:22 /mnt/Windows/System32/winload.exe | 21:00 |
AexodenPZ | i smell something new brewing ^^^ | 21:14 |
AexodenPZ | and how older predatory practices aren't working anymore | 21:14 |
AexodenPZ | The name has to be transmitted before the cert is sent, so it's in the clear | 21:14 |
AexodenPZ | tpa, sort of | 21:14 |
AexodenPZ | 84c lol | 21:14 |
yashsrivyC | wow, ocd and obnoxious. good combo, sport. | 22:36 |
wingrime2 | John9_ smart would be not to start with 'guys' | 22:37 |
wingrime2 | shit I questioned everything | 22:37 |
blobvB | effortDee, ? | 22:49 |
blobvB | svuorela: i don't see the validity in your statement. | 22:49 |
unixdudeZc | horribleProgram: Because most people naturally "don't care", until that day they "do care". It can take time to see the reason to care. | 22:49 |
mianosmnp | otherwise these might be getting a bit k-lined | 23:10 |
mianosmnp | Ah, that was it! Thanks. | 23:10 |
mianosmnp | I feel so much more ready gloved and goggled | 23:10 |
mianosmnp | tomreyn: if I kill the install (after it hangs) the machine will boot to a grub> prompt | 23:10 |
mianosmnp | davor, 3062 right now. dropping as a fix optimization problems introduced. i have no way to test this, so it's anyone's guess whether or not it'll "just work". i'm sure there's something i screwed up. | 23:10 |
mianosmnp | because you're just going to say? | 23:10 |
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