
duflujamesh, was there a logical reason for changing the default branch on https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-audio-dev/pulseaudio ?05:49
dufluHmm, can't be. It changed to "master" which doesn't exist. And so the web interface showed the latest branch instead. Now changed back to "ubuntu"05:51
jameshduflu: I'm not sure how to change the default branch, so it if was something I did it was unintentional06:05
duflujamesh, no, looks like a launchpad bug/change06:05
dufluThe default branch reverted to "master" which does not exist so confuses the web interface06:05
jibelGood morning06:06
dufluMorning jibel06:06
jibelHey duflu06:08
didrocksgood morning06:18
jameshhi didrocks, jibel06:18
jibelHi jamesh and didrocks06:19
didrockshey jamesh, salut jibel06:27
jibelduflu, I reverted the title of bug 1792932 , it's more discoverable for user of cosmic on vbox. Also even if the assertion is the same it may just be a symptom of different root causes.06:33
ubot5bug 1792932 in xorg-server (Ubuntu Cosmic) "Cosmic Desktop fails to boot in vbox: Xorg assert failure: Xorg: ../../../../dix/privates.c:384: dixRegisterPrivateKey: Assertion `!global_keys[type].created' failed." [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179293206:33
duflujibel, I think assertion failures in general indicate a bug. Even if you arrive at the failure by different means it's a nice clear-cut way to identify the bug by the assertion so should be considered the same bug. The only definite fix for assertion failures is to modify the code so the assertion no longer exists, or never fails06:35
dufluBut I don't think it's helpful for xenial users etc to say "cosmic" or "vbox"06:36
dufluI've said enough on that now and won't change it again06:37
Nafallohmm I see loop devices in Other Locations on nautilus=1:3.26.3-0ubuntu4. known regression?07:40
Nafalloon bionic07:41
didrocksI didn't hear about it07:41
didrocksmaybe check with andyrock once he's around, he worked on the lib to hide them07:41
Nafalloall of them are lxd. no others.07:42
didrocksah, could be that we only have hidden the snaps, but I don't think it would be a regression then07:42
didrocksmaybe lxd changed?07:42
didrocksworth checking with them :)07:42
Nafallooh, sorry. lxd snaps...07:42
didrocksyeah, could be a regression in the lxd snaps maybe, talk to stgraber07:43
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:45
willcookegood morning07:49
willcookeHappy October07:50
didrockssalut oSoMoN, hey willcooke07:50
didrockshappy october indeed07:50
oSoMoNmorning willcooke, didrocks07:50
oSoMoNgoodbye September07:51
willcookeWoah, suddenly I've got tab completion inside gmail.07:55
willcookeIt offers to finish my sentences for me, and it's pretty good07:55
oSoMoNnot good enough until it learns to write your e-mails entirely for you07:57
jibelif it could work for me and pay my taxes it'd be perfect07:58
oSoMoNduflu, welcome back07:59
dufluMorning oSoMoN, thanks08:00
willcookejibel, out source yourself08:00
dufluMorning didrocks, Nafallo, willcooke08:00
Nafallohey duflu :-)08:00
oSoMoNis https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/high-power-consumption/8191 something we are aware of?08:16
jibelI saw it but it's too vague08:18
seb128good morning desktopers08:19
oSoMoNsalut seb128, ça va?08:19
seb128lut oSoMoN, ouais, et toi ?08:19
oSoMoNtrès bien! les vacances étaient bien?08:20
seb128coming back from holidays and realizing you forgot the power block from your laptop and don't have a spare one08:20
seb128nickel !08:20
oSoMoNperfect excuse for an extra week of holidays to go fetch it08:20
Laneyhey seb12808:23
Laneyfeeling relaxed?08:23
seb128oSoMoN, I should :)08:23
seb128Laney, yes, very much!08:23
seb128I wonder if I can find a latitude power block in town08:23
seb128I moved my disk to an old laptop but that's slow and noisy :/08:24
seb128even slower than my personal old laptop :p08:24
Nafalloseb128: eeepc? ;-)08:24
seb128what is eeepc?08:25
seb128ah, I guess a type of netbook/slow laptop?08:25
Nafallofirst netbooks. 2008 ;-)08:25
Nafallounderclocked celeron @ 630MHz, 4GB DDR, 4GB internal USB stick, 7" screen. something like that.08:26
Nafalloactually. probably not 4GB memory :-P08:26
LaneyI had one of those08:26
Laneyseb128: where is it? at the holiday place?08:26
seb128no, at my place in France08:27
willcookeseb128, just buy a new laptop.08:27
seb128I could have it send by post, it's going to take a few days though08:27
seb128willcooke, I plan to do that, but I probably want a Dell one so need to web order and it's going to take a bit08:27
seb128meanwhile I would like a machine I can use to work :)08:27
Laneythat's what the cloud is for!08:28
seb128or you say it's fine I don't work until new laptop arrive?08:28
* seb128 goes to the swimming pool08:28
Nafallo512MB memory, not 4GB :-P08:28
Nafalloand DDR208:28
willcookekenvandine, jibel:  WOAH!!!! I connected to the Windows PC via VNC, started an Ubuntu machine in Hyper-V, copied a load of text to the clipboard and then pasted in to an email on this machine!08:30
jibelseb128, or buy a generic power supply with interchangeable connectors and power. hopefully one will be compatible.08:31
willcookeUbuntu -> Hyper V -> Windows -> VNC -> Ubuntu08:31
jibelwillcooke, I'm happy that makes you happy :D08:31
willcookeha, thanks08:31
Nafalloseb128: I suppose laptop-ng will be changed with USB-C then ;-)08:31
Trevinhohi all, and welcome back seb128 :)08:33
seb128good morning Trevinho!08:33
oSoMoNmorning Trevinho08:33
dufluMorning Trevinho08:35
willcookeduflu, jibel thanks for replying to that post that oSoMoN linked to08:46
willcookethanks for pointing it out oSoMoN08:46
dufluwillcooke, no worries. ~ubuntu-power-consumption is a lonely place these days but mostly because it's much better than it used to be08:47
dufluWithout the tilde08:47
dufluwillcooke, I wonder... is Tuesday morning still OK for Australia to submit reports? Same as before. That's bascially "Monday night"08:56
dufluI guess the answer is yes unless you're collating them at 2am-ish08:57
willcookeduflu, yeah that's totally fine08:59
willcookeI dont intend on collating anything, the hub posts should be just that09:01
willcookeso as long as there is something for you to read before the meeting so that you can either raise questions on the hub or however we do it09:02
dufluI know, but that's the verb which came to mind09:02
willcookethat will work09:02
dufluI think that will be true either way. We will have all Tuesday to read it09:03
willcookekenvandine, seb128 - is this blocked until the other MIR review goes through?09:04
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1749672 in xdg-desktop-portal (Ubuntu) "[MIR] xdg-desktop-portal" [Undecided,Incomplete]09:04
seb128duflu, that requirement was more for europeans to write the summary on their monday, so robert_ancell has a chance to read them before the meeting (since he's usually off by the time europe starts on tuesday)09:06
dufluYes, he is very close to the international date line. Relatively09:06
seb128willcooke, yes09:06
seb128oSoMoN, I'm reading the irclog from past week, what happened to "  - prepared and tested 62.0.2 update in a PPA, waiting for feedback from Chris before I upload to cosmic, and I will then proceed to prepare the updates for bionic, xenial and trusty"?09:29
seb128still waiting on chrisccoulson?09:29
seb128Laney, are the gstreamer point updates somewhat on your todo?09:51
Laneysomewhere yes09:51
seb128good, thx09:53
seb128k, I'm almost done with IRC backlog from past week :)09:57
seb128didrocks, hey, I see Till mentioned vpn issue past week, which is resolved by a n-m-applet revert (https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/network-manager-applet/issues/20) could you have a look at backporting the change in cosmic? (sorry that you got your name on that one from the update :p)09:58
gitbotGNOME issue 20 in network-manager-applet "Cannot import VPN configuration from standard ovpn files" [Closed]09:58
oSoMoNasking meld to diff two 70k lines build logs: not a good idea10:08
seb128you usually want to sed replace some of things in build log as well, like builddir, to simplify the diff10:11
Laneydidrocks: ignore that, I started preparing on friday (for debian, then we'll can merge, you can handle that part if you want) (seb128)10:18
Laneybubblewrap needs promoting now plz10:25
seb128Laney, didrocks, having it through Debian is fine, but what I care about is having it in cosmic before we release, unsure if we plan to remerge n-m-applet at this point so please one of you get it by the way you prefer (merge/cherry pick/...)10:28
Laneyyes seb10:29
LaneyI would have done the merge but since you pinged I offered it up10:29
* Laney knows how this works10:29
seb128I'm sure Didier is happy to let you handle it :)10:29
seb128thx Laney10:29
Laneyit's not hard to ask10:30
seb128Laney, blubblewrap is pulled it by gnome-desktop3 now right?10:32
seb128yes, looks like it10:32
Laneysee excuses10:32
seb128I got confused by the changelog summary10:32
seb128you kept the items in the "remaining changes" section10:32
seb128and then listed them as dropped bellow10:32
seb128now makes sense :)10:32
seb128Laney, I did promote it but noticed after that the bug was not "fix commited"10:35
seb128I hope I don't get dok_oked over it :p10:35
LaneyI think we said at that meeting that we didn't have to go back to the mir team in this situation10:37
Laneybut the status might have been wrong since the updates happened before that10:37
* Laney shrugs, we'll see10:37
seb128jbicha, woff2 promoted as well while I was at doing those10:41
* didrocks is happy to let Laney handling it, ofc :)10:42
Laneythx & morning10:42
didrocksmorning Laney ;)10:48
didrockswillcooke: hey, have you seen https://github.com/ubuntu/yaru/issues/676#issuecomment-425258757? (got pinged because of the new uploads without those changes)10:51
gitbotubuntu issue 676 in yaru "Ubiquity improvements" [Design, Discussion, Enhancement, Open]10:51
willcookedidrocks, what's the ask?  To re-do the sceenshots in the insatller?10:52
didrockswillcooke: "I had to change the folder structure a bit, but you can grab the images and CSS from there."10:53
didrocksfrom what I read10:53
didrocksI'm trying to convince him to do some launchpad bzr MP so that it's easiest for you to review10:53
willcookedidrocks, I still dont follow, what are they asking to be done?10:53
willcookeNew CSS in the installer?10:54
willcookeI thought that link was a picture, it's interactive10:54
willcookeWell, I can test it here, but feels a bit too risky for me now10:55
didrocksI'll let you answer on the MP10:55
willcooke2 weeks before release, and maaaybe the installer will break10:55
willcookeon github right?10:55
didrockstrying to teach him launchpad, I'll let you know10:55
willcookeoki, well I can reply on the github issue if needed. But I won't just yet otherwise they won't try LP10:56
willcookeFTR - happy to merge these right at the start of next cycle, but IMO it's too late this cycle and too risky10:56
didrockswillcooke: here you go: https://code.launchpad.net/~madsrh/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/Yaru-CSS/+merge/35591311:08
andyrockTrevinho: do you mind cherry-picking https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/commit/7ea034c7190d2bd13a0b3ab863df0d6700a1732e and https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/commit/11fb91f60f17f6013e40992563936ac0a98262cb in gnome 3.28 branch ?11:10
Trevinhoandyrock: join gnome-shell, garnacho said there might be some fallout11:19
Trevinhoso you might talk better than me there11:19
willcookethanks didrocks11:22
GunnarHjHey Laney, can you please look at the FFe request at bug #1791367?11:31
ubot5bug 1791367 in xkeyboard-config (Ubuntu) "[FFe]: Airplane mode key on Asus ZenBook Flip UX561UD laptop not working in gnome-shell (X or Wayland) but working on console (Cosmic 18.10)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179136711:31
LaneyI try not to look at 100% of the desktop issues, so I'd prefer if you ask in #ubuntu-release initially please11:32
GunnarHjLaney: Ok, will do.11:34
Nafallodidrocks: it's loops where the backend file has been removed.11:53
Nafallodidrocks: so something didn't tore down the loop device before snap removed the file. I suppose I should talk to someone else now? :-)11:54
didrocksNafallo: no, I would still check with Stéphane11:55
didrocksas the loop was created by lxd11:55
Nafallodidrocks: the snap loops are created by lxd?11:57
Nafallobah. I had to reboot, and of course the issue disappeared...11:58
didrocksNafallo: wait, you told the loop devices were the ones created by lxd?11:58
didrocksnow, you think it's the one created by snapd?11:58
Nafallodidrocks: no, that it was the lxd snap loops...11:59
didrocksNafallo: talk to Stéphane, really, to see if this is the one created by lxd itself or the snap11:59
Nafalloit's not related to lxd more than that being the snap that got refreshed...11:59
didrockshe would know better than a man in the middle :p11:59
didrocksif you are sure it's a snapd issue, please check #snappy12:00
Nafalloyeah. will do :-)12:00
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch
popeywillcooke: added a couple of handy links to your post :)12:04
willcookepopey, ah!!! Nice one, thank you.  I will copy that for next time12:04
willcookeI like seeing the posts on there already.  Good plan team12:08
k_alamHi, which branch is for merge proposals in ubuntu-themes ? https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-themes/+git12:31
k_alamubuntu/devel ?12:32
didrocksk_alam: you sure rather use this branch: https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-themes (lp:ubuntu-themes) as the target12:33
didrocksthe others are some autogenerated by launchpad12:33
didrocks(if you are talking about the theme pre-cosmic)12:33
k_alamSo , using bzr ?12:34
didrocksyes, it seems they are using bzr by default12:35
didrocksthis is for ambiance/radiance12:35
k_alamAh. Right. Thanks. :)12:36
didrocksyw ;)12:37
Laneyjust found a "This is a temporary workaround" patch in gnome-shell that is approaching its first birthday 🎂12:38
Laneyguess that is young in the grand scheme 😉12:38
didrocksLaney: what was it? The extension one?12:39
=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski
Trevinhowhen someone has time.. https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/ubuntu/+source/gnome-calculator/+git/gnome-calculator/+merge/35591913:36
TrevinhoLaney: yeah, actually I think it's not either needed anymore with current theming, but not sure... andy did it, but I never have been able to reproduce it13:36
Trevinhosil2100: hey, could you check the discussion at https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/ubuntu/+source/gnome-calculator/+git/gnome-calculator/+merge/354330 and see if you're ok with that?13:53
sil2100Trevinho: let me take a look at it in a minute14:35
seb128Trevinho, Laney, does https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glib2.0/+bug/1795230 ring any bell to you? (a bit difficult to know what's going on without debug info, I commented asking for details)14:41
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1795230 in glib2.0 (Ubuntu) "Product crashes after upgrading to glib2.0 2.56.2 in Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver" [High,Confirmed]14:41
Laneynot really14:43
seb128k, thx anyway14:44
Laneya better bt would help for sureu14:44
k_alamHi, I have couple of merge proposals, please review14:48
k_alam1. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-themes/+bug/177304514:48
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1773045 in ubuntu-themes (Ubuntu) "Radiance/gtk-3.20/gtk-main.css attempts to import nonexistent gnome-builder.css" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:48
k_alam2. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-settings/+bug/179514514:48
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1795145 in ubuntu-settings (Ubuntu) "Turn on background plugin by default (Ubuntu 18.10)" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:48
k_alam3. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/telepathy-mission-control-5/+bug/179541214:48
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1795412 in telepathy-mission-control-5 (Ubuntu) "Allow read access to /usr/share/unity/themes/ for telepathy-haze" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:48
k_alam4. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/telepathy-mission-control-5/+bug/170837514:49
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1708375 in telepathy-mission-control-5 (Ubuntu) "Add support for purple-telegram (telepathy-haze)" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:49
k_alam5. FTBFS: indicator-sound: https://code.launchpad.net/~khurshid-alam/indicator-sound/gicon-fix14:49
k_alamIt only fixes the regression in glib, but not other errors, Trevinho please take a look...14:49
k_alam6. [FFE] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-control-center/+bug/174102714:49
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1741027 in unity-control-center (Ubuntu) "[FFE] Screen sharing panels abort using an non-existent vino gsettings key" [High,In progress]14:49
k_alamnot really ffe, because ui for sharing panel has been landed in bionic. but anyway...14:49
seb128k_alam, hey, I'm not sure that spamming the channel this way is the best way to get your review14:50
seb128try maybe emailing the ubuntu-desktop@ list? Also we stopped maintaining the unity component so maybe you should land those without seaking for us to approve first14:50
jbichaseb128: do we still use that email list? we talked about just using the Community site14:51
seb128jbicha, you unsubscribe I guess :p14:53
seb128the git merge request emails go there and I approve them daily14:53
k_alamseb128: sorry about that, but nobody reviews them and I was asked to ping on #ubuntu-desktop14:53
seb128so we sort of use it for workflow (automated) messages14:53
seb128not for discussion14:53
didrocksespecially spamming the channel for already merged MP14:54
jbichak_alam: maybe you could ask bigon to review the telepathy-mission-control change for Debian (and the minimal Ubuntu diff)14:54
didrocks(like the ubuntu-themes one)14:54
jbichaI guess I'll take the ubuntu-settings one14:55
k_alamdidrocks: I see it merged...Thanks14:56
didrocksyeah, and please assign the team rather than individuals14:56
didrockslike themes was for me, ubuntu-settings seems to be directly assigned to (?reasons?) Laney14:57
didrocksk_alam: jbicha: please don't turn the background plugin for all in ubuntu14:57
didrocksonly do it in the unity session14:57
didrockswe don't need/want that in all session inheriting "ubuntu"14:57
k_alamdidrocks: So it stays as turned off for Ubuntu, or should I remove it , as g-s-d doesn't use that any more14:59
jbichahow do you guys handle accepting git merge proposals?14:59
seb128you mean?15:00
seb128launchpad has an UI similar to the one it has for bzr ones15:00
didrocksk_alam: keep it off, I didn't look at g-s-d code to ensure it's not used anywhere or that there is no side-effect in other pieces15:00
jbichayeah, GNOME itself doesn't use the active keys in g-s-d any more, we just kept those because unity-settings-daemon hadn't adapted to that yet15:00
seb128you can change the status and it auto mark as merged if you merge/push15:00
didrocksk_alam: so, better to only turn it on back in unity for cosmic15:00
k_alamdidrocks: All right.15:01
k_alamjbicha: Can  I ask xnox about mission-control ?15:01
* didrocks would prefer this kind of "cleaning" at the start of the cycle than after FF, maybe just trying to be too conservative… :)15:01
jbichak_alam: bigon is sort of the Debian maintainer :)15:01
seb128k_alam, I pinged j_dstrand on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/telepathy-mission-control-5/+bug/1708375 and he suggested changes15:08
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1708375 in telepathy-mission-control-5 (Ubuntu) "Add support for purple-telegram (telepathy-haze)" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:08
didrocksjbicha: have you merged ubuntu-settings?15:09
didrocksah, it seems you changed in the commit itself directly15:10
didrocksok, was expecting k_alam to do it or a message in the MP :)15:10
jbichaI figured it wasn't worth the back-and-forth since we already discussed it here15:11
didrocksyeah, you could have move with all others "Unity" properties though15:11
didrocksas I tried to organize the file for readibility…15:11
k_alamseb128: Yes,  I am updating the patch. Thanks.15:11
didrocksjbicha: also, the default in org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.gschema.xml is true, no?15:12
didrocksso basically, the override is wrong15:12
didrocksyou need to set it "false" for :ubuntu and reset it true to :Unity15:12
didrocksjbicha: want me to fix it?15:13
jbichajust a moment15:13
jbichathe default is whatever we want it to be since those keys are part of g-s-d's revert-gsettings-removals.patch15:14
didrocksas you wish, one way or the other, just ensure that default for ubuntu session is false15:15
didrockswhich isn't the case with your last commit15:15
didrocksI don't have opinion, if g-s-d will have an upload with default set to false, that's fine by me15:15
jbichaI mean I'm confident that g-s-d doesn't pay any attention to that key15:15
didrocksnot related to the discussion, we decided to go on the safe path for this cycle, and ensure the key is false15:16
jbichagrr, oops15:23
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
xnoxwillcooke, the new desktop theme is way too consistent16:23
andyrockwhat is gnome-get-source.mk useful fore?16:23
xnoxit is nice, but i am taste-less person and would rather just smear orange all over the place, and then complain about orange smeared all over the place16:24
jbichaandyrock: we're eventually getting rid of it in favor of just using uscan with debian/watch16:30
andyrockjbicha: that's to say that if I find a package that still uses it I can remove it?16:31
jbichaas long as the package still builds16:31
andyrockkk thanks16:32
jbichaevolution currently uses a variable set in that file, but most packages don't16:33
jbichaone reason we had it was to fulfil the get-orig-source requirement but that was dropped in Debian Policy 4.1.416:35
andyrockthanks for the info!16:52
willcookegnight all17:44

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