
konmaeyeah my umask got messed up so for some reason i cannot build package for a meta port i just wrote00:09
garann_8most media players suck tho, I have directory structure for music management, fuck off with your libraries and fancies00:20
linux_probe4esotericnonsense: how to find out next time: dpkg -S $(which ip)00:43
linux_probe4OK, JSON is a third contender for coding hack.00:43
FroZnShivahollusion: the 100 percent sure data is destroyed method.  First shred the hdd/ssd into 1mm square bits device shredder then take it to a like a gold processing pit and have it dropped in and disolved.01:20
bkuhl_Congratulate me.  I just had a brain fart.02:17
ObsidianX21nighty-: is the http server example not enough? all you do is use `new_from_stream` instead of the other request handling02:45
Sigyn27heh, thought you were saying _php_ was no longer supported02:47
nikc11this snap stuff is confusing... how do i give it access to a random directory?04:32
SirScott42420rpm on full voltage. some sensor excerpts that are a few months old all have 2600 rpm and more.04:56
mttyfatpointer: Books, references, tutorials, for all levels of learning: http://isocpp.org/get-started ; https://isocpp.org/faq ; http://www.dev-hq.net/c++/ ; http://learncpp.com/ ; http://stackoverflow.com/q/388242 ; https://github.com/isocpp/CppCoreGuidelines ; http://cppreference.com/05:06
mttymdash: oh, that's likely the easiest, if it's a possibility, indeed :)05:06
pauper19i started looking at multiplication (mod p), then switched to mod powers-of-two05:37
lorenzosu10Blondie101010: Okay, then battery capacity winds down over time05:42
mandrake`3ekaj: no journalctl either?06:40
mandrake`3You tell me!06:40
aballiera^n+b^n=/=c^n where n = 306:58
aballierAliceMeow: concepts was just mentioned as a way to control it. but you really can't possibly change the rules in c++ now. someone might be using it to sfinae something06:58
zkanda11also a nazi07:20
zkanda11that makes total sense07:20
rlmaers6Yeah, now that sounds like a more specific question - may be someone will answer you, dka07:47
Zeruel92Salve ho dei problemi a collegarmi alle rete Eduroam della mia università usando il wifi. La scheda è una RTL8188EE integrata nel portatile. Con altre reti funziona bene07:54
Zeruel92Uso Ubuntu 18.0407:55
Chinorro10in fact, let me try to get the exact package name07:55
ericst12h off of a single AA so they're not super-bright, but I can clearly see them at the side of the path when I come home at night07:55
Carlin0Zeruel92, le realtek danno parecchi problemi07:57
Zeruel92eh me ne sono accorto però non posso farci nulla questa c'è dentro XD07:58
Carlin0purtroppo sono mal supportate da linux a livello di driver07:58
Carlin0ma ora sei connesso Zeruel9207:59
Zeruel92no sto usando una scheda di rete usb al momento08:00
Carlin0ah ecco bhe mi sa che è la soluzione migliore , o cambi scheda interna o ne adotti una usb08:01
Mr_PanZeruel92, usb esterna o con 30 euro compri una intel e le metti nel laptop al posto di quella che hai ora ...08:02
Carlin0ha già la usb esterna , lo vedo connesso dal wifi del'uni08:02
Mr_Pansi si08:03
Mr_Panho visto08:03
Zeruel92Sisi ho già una scheda di rete usb, un pò vecchiotta ma quanto meno si collega08:03
Zeruel92speravo esistesse qualche soluzione software per risolvere08:05
leming2probably doesnt exist!08:27
leming2RenaRouge, cuál?08:27
=== Janvitus_ is now known as Janvitus
Apoc4lypseKFsudo apt install dolphin10:03
dav1xhGhello, is it okay to ask here a general question about unix (not about kernel in particular)?12:25
th3voic3bTLike a UArray is, I guess.12:49
th3voic3bTinstall a newer bash, or use ksh/zsh, or use find12:49
th3voic3bTAⅼlaһ is ⅾoinɡ12:49
d33tahAfthe_document: It was Bill's time13:29
Polylith_you could write tarballs to it though, that should be safe13:42
dhessbD_za1b1tsu_: thanks i'll try kitty13:46
vincent_cFsYep. What you're describing is an DMZ and the capability and difficulty level in creating one is going to depend heavily on your router.13:57
la-CarlinArACarlin0,luridissimo morto di figa trafitto a 90,hai finito di dissetarti la trachea bevendo piscio di fregna come l'ultimo degli sconfitti sfigati oppure sei cambiato e ti sei fatto una vita da quando manco io qui? disabile schifoso maledetto pezzo di merda frocio che non sei altro li mortacci tua,esci e fatti degli amici e una donna che ormai manc13:59
la-CarlinArAa poco morirai solo come quel porco di gesù cristo in croce li mortacci tua13:59
ryuujinche merdoso14:01
ryuujin-SUKKIAryuujin merdoso c'è quella merda paralitica di tuo babbo che marcisce sottoterra rosicato in corpo da tutti i vermi che il diavolo gli ha assemblato dal buco del culo fino alle budella mortacci tua e sua lurido zingaro merdoso pescarese figlio di troia tu e tutti gli zingari rom come te figlio di gran potentissima e lurida puttana14:06
kipukunso it is stored in memory even before the main function begins14:37
ryuujinahah evvai.. ora sono famoso anchio14:42
geordiMarkB2: but, probably, a apt update && apt-full-upgrade should do the trick14:44
segnior_It's a command to specify which "compiler" (or in this case linter) you want to use14:54
APTX_yBi'd be willing to bet https over https exists for the meta-data-hiding reason you already mentioned :(15:05
Carlin0-IDIOTUSma l'anima di quella gran puttana di tua mamma che giace morta sottoterra come l'ultima delle puttane li mortacci sua,ma ti pare che la gente vive come te in chat,senza una vita figlio di quella puttana?ti pare che siamo tutti come te che viviamo dinanzi un pc?di che fatica parli ti morisse la persona a te + cara!15:06
Victor-1EBdbus is revolutionary17:52
keithzgVYrotary encoder code is on 15118:07
Matt_YOFkSnow-Man: After doing 1GB work_mem and vacuum: https://explain.depesz.com/s/vubg18:28
=== Janvitus_ is now known as Janvitus
crash_caUnfortunately that's the only way to get a really good idea of what to disable.19:43
apusobinoob: also what fred1807 said and check your internal network assumed wifi does not have "client isolation" on19:50
znmwrWxthat is the first I have heard of such a j19:56
defraggerKpn2: but a nice screen and good controls20:55
dkeavZklet's all keep makin shit21:41
cpplearnerrHyeah same thing. still can't get it to connect22:19
brewmasterecMake sense so var?22:28
AnarchicfVI have apache serving regular website + files then I have couple custom go apps that I made myself22:37
skeezix-hfPDtry to eject it before you pull the plug next time ;)22:47
biniarWIthough those have i3's, 5's and 7's in them now as well23:01
Sentirei was 1423:49

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