
WafficusI did the ssh steps, and added my key to Phab, and am still getting the "Please make sure you have the correct access rights" error00:06
Wafficusnow I'm trying that quiltrc section, and it says there's no such file or directory00:09
wxlwhat do you mean?00:09
WafficusI'm assuming the quiltrc section means, click the link, and look under the Patches section00:10
wxlso add that section to $HOME/.quitrc00:10
wxlerr quilt00:10
Wafficusyeah it doesn't exist though00:10
Wafficusit says quilt is installed too00:11
wxlthat doesn't mean you'll have it00:11
wxlyou have to create it00:11
Wafficusits in the my etc folder00:11
wxldon't bother with that00:12
wxljust copy and paste the bit from the link into $HOME/.quiltrc00:12
WafficusI made a directory called .quiltrc00:12
Wafficusin home like requested00:13
Wafficusits a file right?00:13
wxla file $HOME/.quiltrc00:13
WafficusI tried that arc command, and i'm getting an error:00:16
WafficusARC: Cannot mix E and E00:16
WafficusUNIX: NO such file or directory00:16
WafficusI skipped that installing arcanist step00:17
Wafficuslemme look into that first00:17
Wafficuswhere should I install Arcanist?00:17
Wafficuslike in bin?00:17
wxlthe instructions basically tell you to put it wherever you want00:18
wxland that's reasonable00:18
Wafficuswhere are typically programs stored in lubuntu00:19
Wafficusok cool00:19
WafficusI assumed bin but just wanted to confirm00:19
wxli'd probably put it in $HOME/bin personally00:19
Wafficusdo I add that path variable to the Bash terminal's rc file?00:20
Wafficus*for arc?00:20
wxlyou should do that so you don't have to run it again next time but for the purposes of doing the work where you're at, you can just run the export PATH00:21
Wafficuswell its fine, i'd rather define an alias type idea00:21
Wafficusor rather the path variable00:21
Wafficusits in the rc file for bash right?00:21
wxltypically $HOME/.bashrc00:22
wxlunless you zsh XD00:22
Wafficusok I added export PATH="$PATH:/somewhere/arcanist/bin/"00:22
Wafficusat the end of the .bashrc file in $HOME00:22
wxlyou actually have a /somewhere?00:23
Wafficusnah I made a directory called arcanist00:23
Wafficusoh damn00:23
Wafficusyou're right haha00:23
wxlright :)00:23
Wafficusjust copied and pasted that00:23
Wafficusthanks for noticing00:23
Wafficusi'll be back in a sec00:27
Wafficushey back00:28
Wafficusso I exited all terminals just to make sure that path variable thing works00:28
Wafficusand apparently i'm getting the same error00:28
WafficusARC: Cannot mix E and T00:28
WafficusUNIX: No such file or directory00:28
Wafficuswhere should I set the phabricator.url URL to be?00:32
Wafficuslike my Phab account's main page, or the Lubuntu's uri for that bug?00:32
WafficusI changed the URL in the .arcconfig file to be: 00:35
Wafficusit still gave me that UNIX error00:35
WafficusI skipped to the install-certificate part, but its just listing all the options I can do00:36
Wafficusi'll try that portion of the guide tomorrow I guess00:43
wxli have no idea what that E and T business is00:46
lubot<tsimonq2> I'm willing to bet .bashrc is at fault.00:50
lubot<kc2bez> @wxl did you want me to try Trojita again?01:22
wxl@kc2bez sure02:38
lyoriantsimonq2: what time did you set the cronjob to build the manual to?02:58
lubot<tsimonq2> @lyorian [<lyorian> tsimonq2: what time did you set the cronjob to build the manual to?], Hourly02:59
lubot<tsimonq2> Every hour at the top of the hour02:59
lyorianoh wow02:59
wxl@tsimonq2: any reason why we don't create a git hook to trigger the rebuild rather than doing it periodically?03:06
lubot<tsimonq2> @wxl [<wxl> @tsimonq2: any reason why we don't create a git hook to trigger the rebuil …], No server side code for it03:07
lubot<tsimonq2> ...you can't just magically POST to a cronjob. :P03:08
Wafficushey guys can anyone help me with that issue regarding phabricator?03:08
lubot<tsimonq2> Or local scripts.03:08
Wafficusif so ill hop on my laptop03:08
wxlnot a cronjob dum dum03:09
wxlit's certainly possible to get it to run a script on a remote server03:10
lubot<tsimonq2> @wxl [<wxl> not a cronjob dum dum], Then fix it, boss :)03:10
wxlWafficus: what does `which arc` say?03:10
Wafficusbooting into it now03:11
Wafficusbe back03:12
Wafficusits saying No repository "PACKAGE" exists03:16
Wafficusgit clone ssh://git@phab.lubuntu.me:2222/source/PACKAGE.git03:16
Wafficus^ for that command03:17
wxlread the line above the block section03:17
Wafficusoh wait sorry hold on03:17
Wafficusyou asked about the arc section03:17
Wafficusone sec03:17
Wafficuslemme try that03:17
Wafficusarc set-config phabricator.uri "https://phab.lubuntu.me/"03:17
Wafficusit stating:03:18
WafficusARC: Cannot mix E and T03:18
WafficusUNIX: No such file or directory03:18
wxland what does `which arc` say?03:18
WafficusI have it on the PATH variable as well in my bashrc03:18
Wafficusit says:03:18
wxland what does `echo $PATH` say?03:19
Wafficusarc set-config phabricator.uri "https://phab.lubuntu.me/"03:19
Wafficusone sec03:19
Wafficuswrong command03:19
wxlsince /usr/bin is first, that's your problem03:20
wxlyou should change to `export PATH="/home/sbpc/bin/arcanist/arcanist/bin/:$PATH"`03:21
wxlyou're competing, likely, with arc the archive utility03:22
wxl!info arc03:22
ubot93arc (source: arc): Archive utility based on the MSDOS ARC program. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.21q-5 (cosmic), package size 52.2 kB, installed size 110 kB03:22
wxlthat said, i don't know why you HAVE it XD03:23
wxl@TheWendyPower wnt to take care of that changelog?03:23
wxlwhy do we use the manual on launchpad and not on phab?03:31
wxlthat might be kind of problematic03:32
Wafficuschanged it to that export statement you just said03:32
WafficusI'm still getting the ARC and UNIX error with:03:33
Wafficusarc set-config phabricator.uri "https://phab.lubuntu.me/"03:33
Wafficusthat's my .bashrc file03:34
wxlif you still get /usr/bin/arc from `which arc` my guess is you put it in .bashrc but didn't (A) run the export command in your terminal (B) source .bashrc or (C) open a new terminal03:34
wxloh i see the problem03:34
wxlyou realize that $PATH means 'insert the value of the PATH variable here' right?03:34
Wafficuslike the PWD of the PATH variable?03:35
Wafficusdidn't really know03:35
wxlso you're setting PATH to the existing path + your arcanist path + the existing path03:35
wxl$something is a variable03:35
wxlif you do:03:35
Wafficustrue, that much I remember from pHP03:35
wxlecho $something → this03:35
wxlif you do:03:36
wxlecho $something → this:that03:36
wxlif you do:03:36
wxlecho $something → this:that:this03:36
wxlwhat we're trying to do is to end up with "that:this"03:37
wxlinstead you have "this:that:this"03:37
wxl export PATH="$PATH:/home/sbpc/bin/arcanist/arcanist/bin/:$PATH"03:37
wxlshould be03:37
Wafficusyeah I see your reasoning03:37
wxl export PATH="/home/sbpc/bin/arcanist/arcanist/bin/:$PATH"03:37
wxlwhen looking for an executable is searches the PATH from the beginning. the first instance wins03:38
wxlif $PATH is before your special path, inevitably $PATH will win where a conflict exists03:38
wxlthat said, given the other arc, this is an error on their part03:38
WafficusI see your point03:38
Wafficus$PATH is the ultimate location its looking for03:38
Wafficuslike you give it the starting path03:39
Wafficusand it should look for an .exe there03:39
Wafficusor in the linux sense, .run or whatever03:39
wxl$PATH ultimately is a list, delimited by colons03:39
wxlit iterates through the list looking for whatever command you typed03:39
wxlagain, first one wins03:40
Wafficusso when I save that path variable03:40
Wafficusaka any changes to an rc file03:40
WafficusI have to exit the terminal and come back to it for changes to result right?03:40
wxlit would be like if you had two bathrooms and you sent someone to look for toilet paper and you gave them a list of the master bathroom followed by the guest bathroom, they'd bring you the toilet paper from the master bathroom03:40
wxlyou have three choices:03:40
wxl 1. run the export command in your existing terminal03:41
wxl 2. run `source $HOME/.bashrc` in your existing terminal which will reload the whole thing03:41
wxl 3. open a new terminal03:41
Wafficuswrote that down in a .txt guide file for myself03:43
Wafficusappreciate that advice03:43
WafficusI have guides in my guide folder for weird linux tricks I don't know off the top of my head03:44
WafficusAPI Token installed03:45
Wafficusyeah I'm still getting that error lol03:48
wxl`which arc` ?03:48
wxlor do you mean the git error03:48
Wafficusthe git error03:48
Wafficuswhich arch:03:48
Wafficuswhich arc:03:48
wxlnevermind that03:49
wxlit says PACKAGE doesn't exist?03:49
Wafficusit has two slashes near the end03:49
Wafficusthat can't be right03:49
wxlif `arc --version` returns something like this you'll be fine:03:49
wxlarcanist d9a4293ae734756823b4a3ca202f185c57f3e834 (3 Aug 2018)                                                       03:50
wxllibphutil 5b341cc09ca9bb707be469c7f23bbf6a961bc593 (15 Aug 2018)    03:50
Wafficusyeah it returns 14 september 2018 and 1 oct 201803:50
wxlthen leave that alone03:50
Wafficusok so that's fine I guess03:50
wxlso now the problem is the PACKAGE doesn't exist?03:50
wxldid you reaed the line in the instructions that says:03:50
wxl"arcanist d9a4293ae734756823b4a3ca202f185c57f3e834 (3 Aug 2018)                                                       03:50
wxl"Anything in caps represents a field you'll need to fill out based on your particular situation."03:50
Wafficusits okay, copying and pasting for me is a pain too03:50
Wafficusidk why tmux is a pain with it03:51
WafficusI usually have to pull up another terminal all together to copy and paste lol03:51
Wafficusidk why03:51
Wafficusso is it a prob on my end then do you think?03:59
wxlPACKAGE is not what you should be using03:59
Wafficusoh so its the bug specific .git file04:00
wxlthe actual repo for the code04:00
wxlall the repos are here https://phab.lubuntu.me/diffusion/04:00
wxlthe repo you want is here https://phab.lubuntu.me/source/calamares-settings-ubuntu/04:01
WafficusI have a change to the main.py fil04:01
wxlclick the clone button and you'll see PACKAGE = "calamares-settings-ubuntu"04:01
Wafficusok will do04:02
Wafficusaha you're right04:03
Wafficusso would it be git clone ssh://git@phab.lubuntu.me:2222/source/https://phab.lubuntu.me/source/calamares-settings-ubuntu.git04:04
Wafficusor just that git command right?04:04
Wafficusgit clone command rather04:04
wxlgit clone ssh://git@phab.lubuntu.me:2222/source/calamares-settings-ubuntu.git04:05
wxljust like in the instructions04:05
wxlonly you replace PACKAGE04:05
wxlfor everything in that list, you will need to tweak anything in CAPITAL_LETTERS to what your specific need requires04:05
Wafficusok I cloned it successfully04:06
Wafficuswould "main.py" be the CODENAME in that section?04:07
wxlno, cosmic04:07
wxlthe codename of the release04:08
Wafficusah I see04:08
WafficusIm in that directory04:08
Wafficusand I did git checkout ubuntu/cosmic04:08
Wafficuserror: pathspec 'ubuntu/cosmic' did not match any file(s) known to git.04:09
wxlugh yes i guess @tsimonq2 did not set up the branches appropriately04:09
Wafficushold on it might be me04:09
wxlyou can continue in the master branch. `git branch` and make sure master is selected04:09
wxlno i'm sure it's not04:09
Wafficusokay I ran git branch04:09
Wafficusthen I got a * master04:10
WafficusI'm guessing I am now in the master branch04:10
Wafficusok, so I tried: uscan --download-current-version04:11
Wafficusit sayid: uscan warn: No watch file found04:11
wxlah yes04:11
wxlthis is because it's an exception04:11
wxlscroll down to "native"04:11
wxltl;dr skip to all that plus the quilt stuff. make changes and move on to the dch bit04:12
Wafficusokay, so we apply changes directly to src04:12
wxlyou won't need to do the `rm -rf !(debian) .pc/` step either04:12
Wafficusso do:04:13
Wafficusdch -i?04:13
Wafficus-i vs -a04:13
Wafficuswhat do these flags represent04:13
Wafficusinclude vs append?04:13
wxli should write a whole section on this04:13
wxlyep one sec04:13
Wafficusgotcha, lemme know04:18
wxli need about 5 min to type this out04:18
Wafficushmm, should I hit you up tomorrow then about this revision04:18
Wafficusis it mission critical?04:18
wxli just want to type this once04:18
WafficusI only ask04:19
Wafficuscause its like 12:19 AM here in NY04:19
wxlit's important, yeah04:19
wxlah go to bed :)04:19
Wafficusbefore you type it out04:19
Wafficushelp me push my change first04:19
Wafficusand then do what you want04:19
wxlwell i'm trying to answer your question04:19
wxland in the documentation so others see it04:19
Wafficustrue again04:19
Wafficusso any updates my dude?04:28
wxlalmost done04:28
Wafficussorry to rush04:28
WafficusI just know that my main.py will probably save the day tbh04:28
Wafficusit fixed the getcountry() and getmirror() functions04:29
wxlok updated with a note about version numbers04:30
wxltl;dr `dch -i` (increment). you should be on 22.04:31
Wafficusincrement gotcha04:31
Wafficus22 for what/04:32
Wafficuslike line 22 of the guide?04:32
wxlversion 2204:32
Wafficusah gotcha04:32
WafficusI refreshed the page04:32
Wafficusit looked similar04:32
Wafficusfor the guide that is04:32
wxllook at the line for dch and read its entirety04:32
Wafficusnvm I saw the change04:32
Wafficusmaybe its my add or something04:35
WafficusI see the reading and yeah that's good04:35
Wafficusbut im assuming there's no additional changes04:35
Wafficusso would it be -i for that flag in this case?04:35
Wafficusok I'll try that04:35
WafficusI appreciate that section04:35
Wafficusso before I do this dch business04:36
Wafficusshould I just replace the main.py with the one I made earlier04:36
Wafficuscause before it had all that quilt stuff before04:36
wxlyou can do it before or after04:36
wxlyou should get into the habit of doing it before tho04:37
wxlif you're going to follow that guide for other things04:37
Wafficusok will do04:37
wxlsince the quilt section involves the changes04:37
wxlquilt can be.. particular04:37
Wafficusok so I see this doc it opened up04:37
Wafficusthese are the changes i'm assuming right04:37
Wafficusdo I write my section that I'm changing right?04:38
wxlfollow the format you see there04:38
wxlbasically you'll want to just add a bulletpoint briefly describing your change04:39
wxlpastebin me the changelog after you've done the `dch -r` step and i'll doublecheck it04:40
Wafficusok I did that dch -r step04:44
WafficusI did wq! in VIM04:44
Wafficusand now its back in the same directory04:44
Wafficuswas it supposed to give me a paste bin04:44
Wafficusoh the change log04:44
Wafficusyeah one sec04:44
Wafficusmy copy and paste doesn't work in tmux04:45
Wafficusso I'll try to write it out like usual04:45
Wafficusdch: warning: debian/changelog(15): badly formatted heading line04:46
WafficusLINE: urllib.request. This is due to a renaming or urllib's modules in Python 3,04:46
Wafficusdch: warning: debian/changelog(16): badly formatted heading line04:46
wxlso pastebin the changelog04:46
wxlnot the output of dch04:46
WafficusLINE: which was causing Bug # 1794844.04:46
Wafficushow do I get to the change log?04:47
wxlcat debian/changelog | pastebinit04:47
wxlgive me the URL from that04:47
wxlok yeah04:48
wxli did say "briefly" XDF04:48
wxlso several things here:04:48
wxl 1. version should be 22 not 21ubuntu1 as i said before (this is a native package)04:49
wxl 2. You clearly do not have DEBEMAIL or DEBFULLNAME set because your name and email are invalid04:49
Wafficushmm I set the git user full name and email though04:49
Wafficusany other things missing?04:50
wxl 3. The reference to the bug can simply be "(LP: #1794844)"04:50
ubot93Launchpad bug 1794844 in calamares-settings-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "Calamares crashes in calamares/modules/automirror/main.py in run()  country = getcountry() with urlopen error [Errno 0] Error" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179484404:50
wxlignore that04:50
wxlthe git user is not enoguh, which is why i have both of them in there04:50
wxl 4. do your bulletpoints like this:04:51
wxl(something like this)04:51
Wafficushold that thought04:51
Wafficuslemme get onto another terminal one sec04:52
wxl * Updated getmirror() and getcountry() for urllib.request (LP: #194844)04:52
ubot93Launchpad bug 194844 in ufw (Ubuntu Hardy) "ufw complains when ipv6 and/or ip6_tables is not available" [Undecided, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19484404:52
wxl * Updated getmirror() and getcountry() for urllib.request (LP: #194844)04:52
Wafficusokay go ahead with that bullet point section04:52
wxlin general you want to keep it under 80 characters04:52
Wafficusok i'll keep it brief04:53
wxlif you go to a different line because you're feeling really blabby, it needs to be nested under the previous line like:04:53
wxl * Something something04:53
wxl  blah blah blah04:53
wxllet me do that again04:53
wxl * Something something04:53
Wafficusno worries04:53
wxl   blah blah blah04:53
wxllike that04:53
wxlthe S and the first b line up04:53
Wafficusok i'll just keep it to one line04:53
wxlsimpler that way04:54
Wafficusah gotcha04:54
Wafficusyeah tab out until they match04:54
WafficusI get the idea04:54
wxlMaybe even just do this:04:54
wxl * Updated automirror for urllib.request (LP: #194844).04:54
ubot93Launchpad bug 194844 in ufw (Ubuntu Hardy) "ufw complains when ipv6 and/or ip6_tables is not available" [Undecided, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19484404:54
wxlsimpler still04:54
wxlugh wrong bug but you get the ide04:54
Wafficusso can I still incremeent it again04:55
Wafficuswith that -i flag04:55
Wafficusor do I have to undo it right?04:55
wxljust `dch`04:55
wxlyou'll probably have to edit it04:55
WafficusI put my personal email04:59
WafficusI changed it to version 2204:59
Wafficuskept it under 1 line for the change04:59
wxlpastebinit please?04:59
Wafficusand added my full name04:59
Wafficuswhat's the command again?05:00
Wafficussorry my chat log disappeared cause im now in LxTerminal05:00
wxlcat debian/changelog | pastebinit05:00
wxlyou don't need the calamares in there05:03
wxland actually I'd just use automirror rather than mentioning the functions05:03
wxland don't forget the LP bug reference05:03
Wafficusautomirror instead of Calamares?05:04
Wafficusor Lubuntu?05:04
wxl * Updated automirror for urllib.request.05:04
wxldon't even need the lubuntu05:06
wxland don't forget the (LP: #BUGNUMBER)05:06
wxland a period :)05:07
Wafficusdang I forgot the bug number one sec05:07
wxlif i want to be super anal: use "Update" to keep verb tense the same05:07
wxlyou forgot the period but it's ok :)05:09
wxllanguage now05:09
* wxl covers @tsimonq2 's sensitive ears05:10
Wafficuswhoops sorry05:10
Wafficusyou're right one sec05:10
wxlShip it05:11
Wafficusbut I still need to update the main.py with mine05:11
Wafficuswhere is that section with the main.py05:12
Wafficusok I changed it05:15
Wafficusaka I put the main.py in the correct spot05:15
WafficusI did arc diff05:17
Wafficusand its asking me to Enter a commit message05:18
Wafficusjust save it and get out right?05:18
wxlyup you want to do that05:18
Wafficusdon't write anything?05:18
wxlmore or less same as the changelog entry05:18
wxllike "updated automirror for urllib.request"05:18
Wafficusit gave me a fatal error05:19
Wafficussaying I don't have an email address05:19
Wafficusgot 'sbpc@sbpc.(none)05:19
wxlwhoa that's new05:20
wxlwth does that mean05:20
wxlit means someting isn't set right05:20
wxldoes `echo $DEBMAIL` and `echo $EMAIL` both give your email?05:20
Wafficusnothing returns05:21
wxlwhat about well then you didn't follow the instructions05:21
wxlsee requirements 2.A.b05:21
Wafficusso now I get a STDERR aborting commit due to empty commit message05:27
WafficusI did put a message with a pound sign at the bottom05:27
Wafficusaka a comment05:27
Wafficusor does it want this without a # sign?05:27
wxlyeah that's empty05:27
wxlwould you commit something on git with a commit messge like "# something someting" ?05:28
wxlrhetorical question; the answer is no05:28
WafficusCommand efailed with error# 105:28
Wafficusgit commit -F '/tmp/dyncdd9xmz480g4o/5349-owCMXj'05:28
wxlyou can't do an empty commit message05:29
Wafficusbut I did git add -A05:29
Wafficusand then arc diff05:29
wxland then you need to enter a commit message05:29
Wafficuswrote in the comment at the bottom with a pound sign in front of it05:29
wxlthat's an empty commit message05:29
Wafficusso don't include the pound sign?05:29
wxlif you make a bash script and it's got a bunch of commands with #'s before them, it's not going to run antyhing05:30
wxlit works the same way on github05:30
Wafficuswhat do you want for test plan and reviewers?05:31
wxltest plan should be something like "verify basic function in US, but then also have non-US users test for functionality, especially paying attention to time"05:32
wxlreviewers is now documented at the end of the thing, but "@tsimonq2, @wxl"05:32
Wafficuslike literally write that?05:33
wxlleave it blank05:33
WafficusI made the change05:34
WafficusRevision URI: https://phab.lubuntu.me/D2305:34
Wafficusdamn it did it do another change without asking me?05:34
Wafficusisn't it supposed to be 22?05:35
Wafficusthanks though05:35
wxlthat's the differential revision number05:35
Wafficusah gotcha05:35
wxlnot the version number of the package05:35
Wafficusok cool05:35
wxlit looks to me like this should functionally be the exact same thing05:36
Wafficusoh wow05:36
wxlam i wrong?05:36
Wafficusyeah but on its own, without those dot operators, it will mess up05:36
Wafficusthis is a common urllib mistake05:36
Wafficuseven people in #python were like05:36
Wafficususe requests library instead05:36
wxlit still needs the try/except bits as aforementioned05:36
WafficusI've had the same issue personally though anyway05:36
wxland needs a timeout of some kind05:36
Wafficusah I see05:36
WafficusI fixed the easy issue that I could see05:37
wxl(and the try/except bits should handle the timeout)05:37
wxloh yeah that's a step in the right direction05:37
Wafficusanyway, thanks for your help man05:38
Wafficusgood night ;)05:38
wxlno problem05:38
wxlthank you05:38
wxlnow doing the next steps should be easy05:38
wxlat least once you've written them :)05:38
Wafficushopefully haha05:38
wxlstart with the timeout. that should be fairly simple05:38
Wafficuswell I made a couple guide text files05:38
wxlmake it arbitrary like i don't know 90s or something05:39
Wafficussounds good05:39
wxlthen add a very simple try/except05:39
wxlno real error handling05:39
wxlthen add a little error handling here and there05:39
Wafficusyeah you're just waiting for a ping to the server right?05:39
Wafficuslike a basic REST function?05:39
wxlyeah the bug seems to reflect timeouts05:39
wxli could be wrong05:40
wxlthis may be all we needed05:40
wxlstill those other bits should add some additional robustness05:40
Wafficusanyway peace out for now05:41
wxlanyone in a foreign country please see https://phab.lubuntu.me/D23 and see what sort of results you get out of the installer06:08
lubot<acheronuk> @wxl [<wxl> anyone in a foreign country please see https://phab.lubuntu.me/D23 and see …], wants me to log in06:42
lubot<kc2bez> @wxl I am able to get Trojita to install now. When I try to launch it throws an error: trojita: error while loading shared libraries: libtrojita_plugins.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory09:00
lubot<TheWendyPower> @wxl yes I absolutely wanted to fix that dang changelog! Sorry I wasn't around last night. My husband was home after being gone for a few days. ... I've got to be out of the house this morning, but absolutely want to have this worked out this afternoon.13:47
lubot<HMollerCl> @wxl [<wxl> anyone in a foreign country please see https://phab.lubuntu.me/D23 and see …], I will now, I was in 18.04 w/o calamares14:23
lubot<HMollerCl> didn't found libcalamares either.14:34
lubot<HMollerCl> My system does nota have /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu)/calamares/14:39
lubot<HMollerCl> should it?14:45
lubot<HMollerCl> Has anyone bluetooth? Apparently Papirus-Dark "system tray icon" for BT is dark (same as volume) so it doesn't look well with Lubuntu Arc.14:47
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T83: Differential ACLs are messed up] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) just created this task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T8315:09
lubot<HMollerCl> @HMollerCl [Has anyone bluetooth? Apparently Papirus-Dark "system tray icon" for BT is dark …], That can be solved disabling "colorize icons based on widget style" maybe should it be the default????15:12
wxl@acheronuk: @tsimonq2 updated it so it's now viewable. i now also changed the default view policy for differential to public. 15:30
lubot<acheronuk> great. maybe I should make an account anyway, but publicly viewable is best :)15:31
wxlyeah i'm not sure for what reason we had public for who can use is but all users for viewing15:32
wxlif anything the other way around15:32
acheronuk'reason' and phabricator are not comfortable bedfellows15:34
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T83: Differential ACLs are messed up] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T83#156215:36
wxl@HMollerCl you won't have x86_64-linux-gnu if you're on i386 XD15:38
wxli think it's probably reasonable to say we don't want to colorize the icons on the widget style unless we match the panel style to the widget style15:39
wxloh and re: everyone that tested trojita: thanks. it confirms my suspicions that i need to make use of the debian packaging15:42
wxl@TheWendyPower what time would be good for you?15:43
wxlwhy are the bug reports always against lubuntu-tweaks? i don't even15:51
wxlanyways @tsimonq2 do we need to worry about discover being too sucky? wasn't ian complaining about this when he wasnt' complaining about the size of gnome games? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/discover/+bug/179563215:55
ubot93Launchpad bug 1795632 in discover (Ubuntu) "18.10 32-Bit: The 'Discover' software centre is Slow + Unstable." [Undecided, New]15:55
wxltfw your processor supports vtx but not 64 bit 15:56
lubot<HMollerCl> @wxl [<wxl> @HMollerCl you won't have x86_64-linux-gnu if you're on i386 XD], But I'm on 64bit16:03
lubot<HMollerCl> Any other reason why it isn't there?16:05
wxlmaybe you used x86-64 ?16:06
lubot<tsimonq2> @wxl [<wxl> anyways @tsimonq2 do we need to worry about discover being too sucky? wasn …], Do we have any other reasonable option for a software center?16:13
lubot<HMollerCl> @wxl [<wxl> maybe you used x86-64 ?], more general, I don't have /usr/lib/(i138-linux-gnu|x86_64-linux-gnu)/ where teh code of D23 shoudl be16:16
lubot<HMollerCl> the "Adwaita (The Only One)" icon theme, breaks thing. After using it the shutdown and lxqt-configuration icons are gear, no matter what theme you use. After re-login it solves.16:24
lubot<TheWendyPower> @wxl I should be home about 12:30 MDT16:24
lubot<HMollerCl> @HMollerCl [the "Adwaita (The Only One)" icon theme, breaks thing. After using it the shutdo …], could we get rid of adwaita-icon-theme to avoid it?16:28
wxl[m]@tsimonq2 muon only?16:30
lubot<tsimonq2> @wxl[m] [<wxl[m]> @tsimonq2 muon only?], Hasn't been updated in a whole.16:30
lubot<tsimonq2> *while16:30
lubot<tsimonq2> I'm surprised we still ship it16:30
wxl[m]@HMollerCl is it clear that (this|that) means either this or that?16:31
wxl[m]@TheWendyPower that's 1130 here which should work for me.16:32
wxl[m]We should pick one16:32
wxl[m]I haven't looked at Kubuntu this cycle. What are they doing?16:32
lubot<HMollerCl> @wxl[m] [<wxl[m]> @HMollerCl is it clear that (this|that) means either this or that?], yes, my question is. Shoudl I have it by default or should I create it.16:42
lubot<HMollerCl> @wxl[m] [<wxl[m]> We should pick one], @tsimonq2 at least for me, they are different used differenly. Discover is like software center, muon like synaptics package manager.16:43
lubot<tsimonq2> @HMollerCl [@tsimonq2 at least for me, they are different used differenly. Discover is like …], Right16:50
wxl@HMollerCl you DEFINITELY should have /usr/lib/<architecture>-linux-gnu16:51
lubot<HMollerCl> sorry, what I don't have is calamares16:55
lubot<HMollerCl> usr/lib/<architecture>-linux-gnu/calamares16:55
wxlif it's an installed system you likely won't16:56
wxlyou could install calamares and the lubuntu settings for it16:56
lubot<tsimonq2> *grumble* *grumble* merged /usr by default16:56
wxlyou what?16:56
lubot<tsimonq2> They kinda flipped that on recently, I think.16:57
wxlthey changed the location of the libs?16:57
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Unapproved: accepted lubuntu-default-settings [source] (cosmic-proposed) [1.14]16:58
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Unapproved: accepted lubuntu-default-settings [source] (cosmic-proposed) [1.15]16:58
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Unapproved: accepted lubuntu-meta [source] (cosmic-proposed) [1.12]16:58
lubot<tsimonq2> Perhaps. Let's just blame xnox and move on. XD16:58
wxlyeah i'm usually more inclined to blame agaida but ok :)16:58
lubot<tsimonq2> True.16:58
wxlalthough i'll give him credit: we had a long talk about packaging the other day and he was remarkably helpful16:59
wxlmaybe i caught him while the caffeine was still metabolising XD16:59
lubot<tsimonq2> Maybe XD17:00
lubot<HMollerCl> unchecking colorize icon make it better to see on sys tray, but worse on pcmanfm.17:01
lubot<HMollerCl> could we get rid of adwaita-icon-theme to avoid strange behaivour?17:02
lubot<tsimonq2> @HMollerCl [could we get rid of adwaita-icon-theme to avoid strange behaivour?], Sure can; if it works as intended, wanna submit a diff to the seed blacklisting it?17:02
lubot<HMollerCl> I should add it to the blacklist file only?17:04
lubot<tsimonq2> No, see how we blacklist other packages in `desktop`.17:05
lubot<tsimonq2> But you should also see if it's a recommend or a depend of lubuntu-desktop. If it's the latter, this gets harder.17:05
wxl!package e.g. https://phab.lubuntu.me/source/lubuntu-seed/browse/cosmic/desktop$3717:06
ubot93Factoid 'package e.g. https://phab.lubuntu.me/source/lubuntu-seed/browse/cosmic/desktop$37' not found17:06
lubot<tsimonq2> XD17:06
lubot<HMollerCl> @tsimonq2 [But you should also see if it's a recommend or a depend of lubuntu-desktop. If i …], How can I check it?17:22
lubot<HMollerCl> @tsimonq2 [No, see how we blacklist other packages in desktop.], Blacklist is done with a ! before?17:22
wxl@HMollerCl yep and you can use apt-rdepends17:24
lubot<tsimonq2> @HMollerCl [How can I check it?], Close your eyes and prey? XD17:24
wxl@tsimonq2: you want him to go hunting?17:24
lubot<tsimonq2> For wabbits17:24
lubot<tsimonq2> It's wabbit season17:24
* wxl facepalms17:24
lubot<tsimonq2> @wxl [<wxl> @HMollerCl yep and you can use apt-rdepends], Or this...17:25
lubot<tsimonq2> Hehe17:25
lubot<HMollerCl> apparently muon can dot it17:30
lubot<HMollerCl> nope, does not do reverse.17:35
lubot<HMollerCl> lubuntu-desktop appear in apt-rdepends -r adwaita-icon-theme17:36
lubot<HMollerCl> but there are a loooot of things that appear that shouldn't be affected. For instance: xorg.17:36
lubot<HMollerCl> but all the Humanity icon theme depends on adwaita17:38
lubot<tsimonq2> Try `reverse-depends` from the `ubuntu-dev-tools` package.17:38
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rLUBUNTUMETAARCHIVEd9d8f9c5d22c: DSC file for 1.12] Diffusion committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rLUBUNTUMETAARCHIVEd9d8f9c5d22c17:38
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rLUBUNTUMETAARCHIVE3dcd10886793: Import patches-unapplied version 1.12 to ubuntu/cosmic-proposed] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rLUBUNTUMETAARCHIVE3dcd1088679317:38
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rLUBUNTUMETAARCHIVE179b0ce71180: Import patches-applied version 1.12 to applied/ubuntu/cosmic-proposed] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rLUBUNTUMETAARCHIVE179b0ce7118017:38
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T85: CI for packaging repos] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) just created this task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T8517:45
lubot<HMollerCl> @tsimonq2 [Try reverse-depends from the ubuntu-dev-tools package.], that's nicer17:46
lubot<HMollerCl> hmoller@hmoller-pc:~$ reverse-depends adwaita-icon-theme ... Reverse-Recommends ... ================== ... * entangle ... * gnome-themes-extra ... * lightdm-gtk-greeter ... Reverse-Depends ... =============== ... * adwaita-icon-theme-full ... * apturl ... * fcitx-config-common ... * gnome-core ... * humanity-icon-theme ... * ibus ..17:46
lubot. * libgtk-3-0 ... * libgtk2.0-0 ... * neurodebian-desktop ... * numix-gtk-theme ... * ubuntu-mono ... * unity-asset-pool ... * unity-control-center17:46
lubot<HMollerCl> any of this is problematic?17:47
lubot<tsimonq2> The question really is how it's pulled in.17:49
lubot<HMollerCl> sorry, I don't undersatnd your question. What I know is that: ... 1.- it exist an adwaita-icon-theme-full which has all the icons. ... 2.- but this package is not the full, it has the icons that are missed in humanity. ... 3.- apparently, since it has not all the icons, produces this trange behaivour.17:53
lubot<HMollerCl> i purge it in my system and beside of droping the humanity icon set, I don't see any other issue.17:53
lubot<HMollerCl> I believe that if someone install a gnome app, it will be added.17:55
Wafficushey guys, did my patch work out?18:12
Wafficusjust wanted to make sure before I try the "try and catch" clause exception handling later18:12
lubot<HMollerCl> @tsimonq2 [The question really is how it's pulled in.], firefox needs adwaita18:31
lubot<HMollerCl> adwaita-icon-theme18:33
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rLUBUNTUDEFAULTSETTINGSARCHIVE0d04c762c8a9: DSC file for 1.15] Diffusion committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rLUBUNTUDEFAULTSETTINGSARCHIVE0d04c762c8a918:34
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rLUBUNTUDEFAULTSETTINGSARCHIVEc152060087cf: DSC file for 1.14] Diffusion committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rLUBUNTUDEFAULTSETTINGSARCHIVEc152060087cf18:34
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rLUBUNTUDEFAULTSETTINGSARCHIVE3135ca7cb3a3: Import patches-unapplied version 1.14 to ubuntu/cosmic-proposed] TheWendyPower (Wendy Hill) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rLUBUNTUDEFAULTSETTINGSARCHIVE3135ca7cb3a318:34
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rLUBUNTUDEFAULTSETTINGSARCHIVEf8cf380412c2: Import patches-applied version 1.14 to applied/ubuntu/cosmic-proposed] TheWendyPower (Wendy Hill) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rLUBUNTUDEFAULTSETTINGSARCHIVEf8cf380412c218:34
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rLUBUNTUDEFAULTSETTINGSARCHIVE36fcb2a618eb: Import patches-unapplied version 1.15 to ubuntu/cosmic-proposed] hmollercl (Hans P. Möller) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rLUBUNTUDEFAULTSETTINGSARCHIVE36fcb2a618eb18:34
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rLUBUNTUDEFAULTSETTINGSARCHIVEaf14d4cf67e6: Import patches-applied version 1.15 to applied/ubuntu/cosmic-proposed] hmollercl (Hans P. Möller) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rLUBUNTUDEFAULTSETTINGSARCHIVEaf14d4cf67e618:34
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T86: Reorganizations of official titles] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) just created this task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T8618:58
lubot<tsimonq2> @lugito [<lugito>  3[  13T86: Reorganizations of official titles  3]   15tsimonq2 (Simon …], wxl, @TheWendyPower: ping ^18:58
lubot<tsimonq2> I decided to not create that internally so we could have a more public discussion about it.18:58
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T87: Online account integration] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) just created this task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T8719:11
lubot<tsimonq2> I have had caffeine, I'm spitting ideas out real quick :)19:13
lubot<TheWendyPower> @wxl @tsimonq2 I'm at my desk now, so I'm ready to chat about whatever we need to chat about. What would be really nice is if we caould all just go grab a coffee....19:16
lubot<tsimonq2> @TheWendyPower [@wxl @tsimonq2 I'm at my desk now, so I'm ready to chat about whatever we need t …], Agreed :)19:18
wxlBTW @kc2bez etc. apparently there's nothing in the code that would preclude the showing of the "empty disk" option........ unless the partition is mounted19:20
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T67: Repository for manual for LXQt] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T67#159219:20
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T78: Make icons for Telegram to put on Lubuntu.me] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T78#159419:21
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T72: Fix HTML for lubuntu-devel list] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T72#159519:21
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T86: Reorganizations of official titles] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T86#159619:22
lubot<TheWendyPower> @wxl Now that you mentioned it, I had mounted the hard drive, as I moved files from it, into the live environment. I didn't even think of that before now.19:23
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T67: Repository for manual for LXQt] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T67#159719:23
wxlok phew19:24
wxli'm going to count that as not a bug for the time being unless we can find otherwise19:24
wxlso wendy where are we at with this thing?19:24
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T70: Evaluate BlueMoon] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T70#159919:25
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T70: Evaluate BlueMoon] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T70#160519:26
lubot<TheWendyPower> @wxl we are at me needing to scroll back to where you were talking to Hans about it. I didn't pull the instructions at the time, I need to go back and get them. I'll do that now.19:26
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T67: Repository for manual for LXQt] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T67#160619:27
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T41: Test the Openbox SRU] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T41#160819:28
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T86: Reorganizations of official titles] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T86#161019:30
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T86: Reorganizations of official titles] TheWendyPower (Wendy Hill) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T86#161119:30
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T6: Telegram everywhere] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T6#161219:30
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T62: Minimal install is broken? ] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T62#161419:33
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T86: Reorganizations of official titles] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T86#161819:35
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T6: Telegram everywhere] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T6#162019:37
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T62: Minimal install is broken? ] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T62#162219:39
wxl@tsimonq2: whatcha up to when you're done dealing with tasks/19:39
wxlare you working on stuff19:39
* wxl jumps up and down19:39
wxlcuz if you are this would be a neat one to bang out https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libfm-qt/+bug/179553719:40
ubot93Launchpad bug 1795537 in libfm-qt (Ubuntu) "Lubuntu 18.10, icon taken from menu to the desktop, shows when executing dialogue box" [Medium, Triaged]19:40
lubot<HMollerCl> @wxl I installed calamares (sudo apt install calamares)19:42
lubot<HMollerCl> run automirror/mai.py19:42
lubot<HMollerCl> hmoller@hmoller-pc:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/calamares/modules/automirror$ ./main.py  ... Traceback (most recent call last): ...   File "./main.py", line 20, in <module> ...     import libcalamares ... ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'libcalamares'19:42
lubot<tsimonq2> @wxl [<wxl> @tsimonq2: whatcha up to when you're done dealing with tasks/], I'm bored in class because I flew through the 20 minute activity in five minutes.19:43
lubot<tsimonq2> I have had waaaay too much caffeine.19:43
lubot<HMollerCl> @wxl when I install calamares it doesn't create an "automirror" directory19:46
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T86: Reorganizations of official titles] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T86#162319:47
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T62: Minimal install is broken? ] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T62#162419:55
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T6: Telegram everywhere] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T6#162619:56
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T86: Reorganizations of official titles] TheWendyPower (Wendy Hill) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T86#162819:57
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T86: Reorganizations of official titles] TheWendyPower (Wendy Hill) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T86#162819:57
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T86: Reorganizations of official titles] TheWendyPower (Wendy Hill) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T86#162920:02
Wafficusis it possible to install Lubuntu without X?20:10
lyorianWafficus: Well openbox only works in X20:12
Wafficusso for an Acer Aspire 3690 with 512 meg ram, is it only good with Ubuntu server?20:13
wxl@tsimonq2: work now!!!!!!!!!!20:15
wxl@HMollerCl you need the settings package to get automirror and you can't call it directly20:15
wxl(not easily)20:15
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T86: Reorganizations of official titles] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T86#163020:19
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T86: Reorganizations of official titles] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T86#163120:20
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T62: Minimal install is broken? ] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T62#163220:23
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T6: Telegram everywhere] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T6#163420:26
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T86: Reorganizations of official titles] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T86#163520:29
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T62: Minimal install is broken? ] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T62#163620:32
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T62: Minimal install is broken? ] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T62#163720:33
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T86: Reorganizations of official titles] TheWendyPower (Wendy Hill) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T86#163820:37
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T86: Reorganizations of official titles] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T86#163920:38
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T86: Reorganizations of official titles] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T86#164020:39
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T86: Reorganizations of official titles] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T86#164120:45
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T86: Reorganizations of official titles] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T86#164220:47
lubot<tsimonq2> wxl: I'm not going to budge, my friend.20:49
lubot<tsimonq2> I enjoy Release Management waaaay too much.20:49
wxlthen we should train a backup20:49
lubot<tsimonq2> Mkay20:49
lubot<tsimonq2> ...who? XD20:49
wxlwe need to find and identify someone20:49
lubot<tsimonq2> Good luck with that :)20:50
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T86: Reorganizations of official titles] TheWendyPower (Wendy Hill) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T86#164320:50
lubot<HMollerCl> @wxl [<wxl> @HMollerCl you need the settings package to get automirror and you can't c …], how do I call it?21:18
lubot<HMollerCl> how can I test it?21:18
wxlthe easiest way: boot live, apply the patch, start calamares21:20
lubot<HMollerCl> ok, will try that in a couple of hours21:22
lubot<HMollerCl> is there a known behaivour for the logout/shutdown dialog? I don't see it now in the betas of 64bit and 32bit and the last 3 64bit dailies. But I saw it in 32bit beta in a physical machine.21:24
wxlwhat are you talking about?21:25
lubot<HMollerCl> when you want to shutdown, sometimes a dialog appear21:27
lubot<HMollerCl> aaaa, now I get it is the "leave" dialog.21:32
lubot<HMollerCl> when you press leave it opens a very nice dialog.21:33
lubot<TheWendyPower> @wxl So I need to clear up some steps, as I seem to be missing something.  ... 'git pull' ... Then there is an error with the changelog ... 'remote: Counting objects: 13, done. ... remote: Compressing objects: 100% (13/13), done. ... remote: Total 13 (delta 9), reused 0 (delta 0) ... Unpacking objects: 100% (13/13), done. ... Fr21:33
lubotom https://phab.lubuntu.me/source/lubuntu-default-settings ...    7b7f148..4be7e41  ubuntu/bionic -> origin/ubuntu/bionic ...  * [new tag]         ubuntu/0.54.1 -> ubuntu/0.54.1 ... Auto-merging debian/changelog ... CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in debian/changelog ... Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.' ... That21:33
lubot is when I run 'git log' to find the change the happened before mine. I use the  ... I'm still unsure how I'm supposed to use that info to create the patch. I see 'git diff revision-before-your-changes HEAD' but is that the commit number-letter-string that I place in there?21:33
wxlall you need to do is fix the changelog, really, Wendy21:34
wxljust edit it so that it's ordered correctly21:34
wxland then do something like `git commit -m "merge upstream changes"`21:35
wxland then, assuming you've done everything else, you should just be able to get push21:35
wxlHOLD ON21:35
wxlLinda J Black21:35
lubot<TheWendyPower> So I'm making this really really hard when it is not.21:35
wxlubuntu/bionic -> origin/ubuntu/bionic21:35
wxlyou're in the wrong branch21:35
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T86: Reorganizations of official titles] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T86#164521:35
Wafficuswere the branches corrected btw wxl 21:36
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T86: Reorganizations of official titles] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T86#164621:36
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T86: Reorganizations of official titles] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T86#164721:36
wxlnot that i'm aware of Wafficus 21:36
lubot<TheWendyPower> I've been using ubuntu/cosmic... Let me try this again...21:36
wxl@tsimonq2: calamares-settings is ubuntu, not ubuntu/cosmic21:36
wxlWendy: yeah, probably just because you were away from it for a while21:36
lubot<tsimonq2> @wxl [<wxl> @tsimonq2: calamares-settings is ubuntu, not ubuntu/cosmic], Baaaah21:37
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T86: Reorganizations of official titles] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T86#164821:38
lubot<tsimonq2> @lugito [<lugito>  3[  13T86: Reorganizations of official titles  3]   15wxl (Walter Lapc …], @Wolfenprey :)21:39
lubot<tsimonq2> Ermagerd wxl, we can get a Lubuntu Council going, and in real life we can call it "the lick" XD21:41
lubot<tsimonq2> Get it21:41
lubot<tsimonq2> Because... L C21:41
lubot<tsimonq2> LC21:41
* wxl sighs21:41
lubot<tsimonq2> Ha ha haaaaaa21:41
lubot<tsimonq2> ...I'm terrible. 😆21:43
wxlyou need to go do some development work21:43
Wafficuswxl: random question wxl, what do you do for work for like money? I'm looking to break into dev stuff later, probably something Quality Control related first though I need the full 2 years at this job first21:44
Wafficuswxl: Rather, what's the best way to get dev gigs for money?21:44
lubot<tsimonq2> wxl has /the/ most hipster job on the planet XD21:44
wxlWafficus: i sell custom bicycles and also do a little IT stuff for them21:44
Wafficusis he a bike store manager?21:44
Wafficussweet wxl 21:45
wxlWendy you get it fixed?21:46
lubot<TheWendyPower> @wxl yep, being on the right bang brach makes everything better! :P21:47
wxlok ping me if you need help21:47
lubot<TheWendyPower> Sounds good!21:48
lubot<Wolfenprey> @tsimonq2 [@Wolfenprey :)], yep im on work, but reading!21:50
ubot93Launchpad bug 1795539 in lxqt-config (Ubuntu) "can't set chromium-browser as default" [Undecided, Confirmed]21:53
wxloooh it got worse https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxqt-config/+bug/179553922:02
ubot93Launchpad bug 1795539 in lxqt-config (Ubuntu) "only falkon and firefox can be set as default browser" [Undecided, Confirmed]22:02
lubot<kc2bez> @wxl [<wxl> oh and re: everyone that tested trojita: thanks. it confirms my suspicions …], Let me know if you need something tested again.22:10
lubot<kc2bez> @wxl [<wxl> BTW @kc2bez etc. apparently there's nothing in the code that would preclud …], I don't think I explained my situation here too clearly, plus I found some more information. Check this pastebin https://pastebin.com/0iQJjCkz22:14
lubot<kc2bez> @wxl I can shoot you a screenshot as well if you need.22:14
wxlget the logs out of ~/.cache22:15
lubot<kc2bez> standby, I'll paste them up.22:18
lubot<kc2bez> https://pastebin.com/nb5HVYc922:23
lubot<kc2bez> (Photo, 949x283) https://i.imgur.com/JwxgTtF.jpg As you can see in this screenshot, I don't have the erase option.22:42
lubot<kc2bez> I think I am a fringe weird case (pretty much true all the time).22:43
wxl@kc2bez try `swapoff /dev/sda5` before running calamares22:45
lubot<HMollerCl> @wxl [<wxl> the easiest way: boot live, apply the patch, start calamares], How should I know if it works? After installation ends? Or before?22:49
lubot<kc2bez> It liked that. Erase is there now.22:50
wxl@HMollerCl if it's proceeded to installing packages that's usually a good sign. You can watch the log in ~/.config to see when it enters and leaves the automirror section, too22:50
wxl@kc2bez remember what i said? won't offer it if something is mounted. apparently the swap gets automounted for some reason.22:51
wxl@tsimonq2: do you know any reason why booting live would automount a swap partition on the drive?22:51
lubot<HMollerCl> When you talk about starting calamares, you mean starting installation, right?22:51
lubot<kc2bez> @wxl it makes more sense to me now. I had to tap it out for it to sink in.22:52
wxl@HMollerCl if you look at /etc/calamares/settings.conf you'll see the sequence of options. automirror is before packages, but after users, etc.22:54
lubot<tsimonq2> @wxl [<wxl> @tsimonq2: do you know any reason why booting live would automount a swap …], No22:56
wxl@kc2bez if you start afresh again BEFORE RUNNING CALAMARES is the swap partition mounted? maybe give me `lsblk` again22:57
lubot<TheWendyPower> https://phab.lubuntu.me/D2423:22
wxl@TheWendyPower reviewed!23:35
=== genii is now known as Barista
wxl@tsimonq2: where/how do we remove calamares after install?23:41
wxl@tsimonq2: or is it more that we don't install it at all? that's it right?23:41
tsimonq2wxl: https://phab.lubuntu.me/source/calamares-settings-ubuntu/browse/master/lubuntu/modules/packages.conf$523:42
Wafficusquestion regarding lxterminal, so is it possible to full screen it?23:49
Wafficuslike fully full screen it?23:50
wxllxterminal or qterminal?23:51
wxlmmm don't think so23:51
Wafficus*feature request ;)23:51
Wafficushey you know what would be a cool thing23:51
Wafficusif this isn't a thing already23:51
Wafficuswhat if you could visualize git branches like ranger23:51
lubot<TheWendyPower> Fixed @wxl and comment added @tsimonq2 to D2423:51
Wafficusthat'd be sick23:51
wxlthe one thing i would say is that lxde's development is reaaaaaaaaaaly slow23:51
wxlthey had to work hard enough to get gtk3 support let alone have full screen terminals XD23:52
tsimonq2wxl: ""23:52
tsimonq2The only "oddity" is this. Why is there an option to install Lubuntu on23:52
tsimonq2my desktop after I've installed Lubuntu? 23:52
tsimonq2wxl: That's a whoooooole separate issue.23:52
wxl@tsimonq2: which?23:52
tsimonq2I gotta fix that shiznit.23:52
tsimonq2wxl: ubuntu-quality23:52
wxlwhat issue is that because i don't even see it???23:53
Wafficuswxl: did you want try and except clauses for getcountry() AND get mirror() right?23:53
Wafficus*for automirror23:53
wxl@tsimonq2: seems that live images automount swap by design (to deal with low ram). the problem with this is that if a drive has a swap partition, then the entire disk option is not displayed23:53
tsimonq2wxl: Different issue.23:54
wxlWafficus: for now, getcountry()23:54
Wafficuswxl: gotcha thanks23:54
tsimonq2wxl: It'll take less time for me to fix it and show you the fix and you understand the fix than for me to explain it to you.23:54
wxl@tsimonq2: dude when you figure out how to speak in complete sentences, come back, ok? :)23:54
tsimonq2wxl: Shhh, fixing it.23:55
lubot<kc2bez> @wxl It automounted swap but I think you already figured that out.23:58
Wafficuswhat's a good light weight internet browser for lubuntu btw?23:59

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