
bwoahArthe biggest problem for me is locations of configuration files and how each is formatted and used.  it's not rly something that can just be memorized.  just picked up through repetition00:08
bwoahArI named a disk 'staging storage' and I want to remove the space00:08
bwoahArlotus|NUC: Another thing about the drivers is that there has been some wierdness with uefi boot.00:09
h31CYit just goes to the next line without telling me anything02:13
h31CYI know lots of people who do excatly that02:13
h31CYlinux_probe: that's racism02:13
upperdeckaaronpk :)02:16
upperdecklinux8659: why not just run mate?02:16
=== Findar_ is now known as findar
miss_jwoville, is a reference not a pointer-like thing?04:56
miss_jwoalso, don't gcc/clang translate to their own internal "code" that's easier to optimize, rather than translate directly into assembly?04:56
[b__b]XXyes, each time you roll it05:35
[b__b]XXcan you describe what that property is?05:35
[b__b]XXVoziv: then I don't think you've actually rebooted since running that usermod05:35
[b__b]XXpingou: Karma for churchyard changed to 8 (for the current release cycle):  https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any05:35
[b__b]XXBlondie101010, that's what I am trying to figure out05:35
ubrl⇪ f: Fedora Badges05:35
[b__b]XXspaced0ut: that's what i do05:35
adhawkinsZDnice img uploader/storage on the go05:58
adhawkinsZDit says dpkg: warning: ignoring request to remove linux-headers-4.15.0-34 which isn't installed05:58
adhawkinsZDnah that wouldn't make sense...05:58
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
^k^新  Ubuntu 16.04 LTS • 求助!win10+ubuntu双系统安装问题  http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=488591 大佬们好!我在安装双系统时候遇到了以下问题(一天还没有搞定): 首先我自己的原系统是win10,安装在ssd中,在机械硬盘上空出了200g给ubuntu,利用u盘安装ubuntu16.04时最后完成重启卡死07:23
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
karuYpHow do I solve this issue?07:50
karuYp*Or the task07:50
karuYpReplace the router, perhaps?07:50
karuYphttp://jinja.pocoo.org/docs/2.10/templates/ - search for "scoping behavior"07:51
ubrl⇪ f: Template Designer Documentation — Jinja2 Documentation (2.10)07:51
karuYpI assume he means the latter ;)07:51
kd2kiqRaphGro1: ye08:30
kd2kiqthe documentation oscillates between qualified and unqualified imported functions and i got confused08:30
kd2kiqbut you have time to reinvent it with chewing gum and string08:30
^k^暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 女人的情人 : 女人在家正和情人幽会,男人打电话来,情人问:"谁?"女人说是男人。情人立即要走,女人说:"别走,他说正和你在办公室打牌,晚一些回来。"08:45
hardc0dereven tho its more recent09:39
hardc0dertry an odroid-go09:39
hardc0deri found this on the web: https://askubuntu.com/questions/177825/how-to-mount-an-external-hdd09:39
ubrl⇪ f: hard drive - How to mount an external HDD? - Ask Ubuntu09:39
hardc0derwhat do you mean by skip existing values?09:39
qrestloveRvcomputer science09:51
qrestloveRvΑⅼlɑh iѕ dοing09:51
qrestloveRv^^ hear hear09:51
qrestloveRvzenix_2k2: this is good for most pcb work https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005T8N8B6/09:51
ubrlqrestloveRv: ⇪ 取标题: no title09:52
ubrlqrestloveRv: ⇪ 取标题: no title09:52
qrestloveRvhave all the toys in the world yet the fuckers still cry for more09:52
synchriswhy doesn't /dev/ttyACM0 appear?10:07
synchristhe specific voltage depends on the type of battery10:07
^k^暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 纠正 : 罗斯先生的狗在比赛中夺得了第一名,巴库先生称赞说:啊,先生,祝贺你得第一。 罗斯先生纠正说:先生,是狗得了第一。 巴库先生忙说:对不起,先生,那么这次狗得了多少奖金? 罗斯先生生气了:不,先生,是我得了奖金。10:07
synchris! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined)10:07
olblakfxqwebirc77703, we don't have any good alternatives to it10:15
olblakfxnot working out too well..10:15
olblakfxOpera used to run nice10:15
olblakfxoiaohm: with SELinux, you can soft-restrict the root user, but of course, you can always change your security context; These protection is mostly effective to avoir for example to prevent accidents10:15
olblakfxI recomend you download and install VIRTUALBOX and one Ubuntu image10:15
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
dbenoitI think first you make the bikeshed stand up on its own. Then you can argue about its color.11:21
dbenoitwell, cloaks are supposed to hide your IP so no effort was put into doing so, basically11:22
dbenoitFlashCode: a bot should never reply to notices but some things require it11:22
dbenoitI want them to be stored and everything to be done as usual, but after reboot, it should become exactly same as day 1, sort of like a resetter.11:22
dbenoit\x: I last saw djdp at 2017-11-13 - 10:29:06 in here, saying my pw isnt working anymoar11:22
^k^暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 狗眼看人低 : 一个美女带着她的狗气势汹汹地走向宠物店! 美女对老板说:"你把这条狗卖给我看门,昨晚小偷偷了我300元,可这狗连吭都没吭一声! " 老板立即回答:"这狗以前的主人是千百万富翁,这300元它根本不放在眼里! "11:28
deltabupghasshee: Great :)11:58
deltabupmadLyfe: not an ubuntu package? seems like you'd need to ask wherever you got it from11:59
deltabupRicardasSim: No.11:59
mrdRxcould there be a connection between point-free and graphs? see: https://imgur.com/a/9BV4vSe12:31
ubrlmrdRx: ⇪  Imgur: The magic of the Internet12:31
mrdRxI don't think it's quite that easy.  From looking at the man page, it appears that you'd have to write a program which uses syncfs.12:31
mrdRx: "=d" (cnt), "=&d" (val), "=r" (res) \12:32
mrdRxthe question is why12:32
mrdRxis there a way to add a flag to gcc?12:32
w3stsideveclasick: i always use freenode brah13:54
w3stsideveprintf("%f", 5/2); is printing 0.000000 as output. why is not 2.00000, since 5/2 = 2 because of integer division?13:54
systemfaultxihalogenandtoast: at the very least you are going to have to tell us which editor you are using but it also seems like you might have more luck asking that question in the support channels for that editor than here :)13:54
systemfaultxiI ate at the ford road one a couple times it was ok13:54
systemfaultxinot sure haha i am new to records.. i thought it would be normal since i was using mail @ domain.com13:54
systemfaultxihalvis: Thanks.13:55
systemfaultxioh wow I didn't know about that, thank you, I'll do that right away, lemme see...13:55
systemfaultxiYou didn't say irssi crashed :P13:55
xulfervKYou're not getting 200MBps on a USB 3.0 device that cost quite a bit14:03
xulfervKBluesKaj: I only have three repos. I don't see universe14:03
xulfervKjp: he just wants to "pass" - execv wont give you anything you dont already have basically14:03
xulfervKthis is when I try add instead of set-url14:03
jonfatinouohave you tried git log --topo-order ?14:18
jonfatinouotool: Austria did their part and pushed for it.14:18
liuyb1f a = a14:25
liuyb1you can try this;14:25
liuyb1LucidDreamZzZ:  I agree with you...  some people are just annoying and don't deserve any respect14:26
liuyb1the_document, rosin flux is mainly tree resin; it's "ish". i dont know of long term effects but it's sort of like incense14:26
liuyb1good job Mochi10114:26
lemmingsI didnt test it it myself but it should work with ntfs15:44
lemmingsthen when you work, you can just push to both places.15:44
lemmingsallow temrinal to use xterm 2560 colour mode15:44
=== Kves is now known as ^k^
Inari-I'm trying to POST the last exit code to an api. Strangely, my approach always outputs '0', even running `false ; ./pushbullet.sh` https://www.pastiebin.com/5b774efa70fab16:46
ubrlInari-: ⇪  Pastiebin.com 5b774efa70fab16:46
Inari-Jan-: that is a one arg call, you have a 2 arg impl.16:46
Inari-lol what is candide doing16:46
Inari-what is this notation? https://i.imgur.com/lPxLWCn.png16:46
ubrlInari-: ⇪ image/png16:46
utzigadWhat is unowned?17:29
ubrlutzigad: define:unowned not defined.17:29
utzigadthe bad thing about plasma is that distros seem to like to only ship broken versions17:29
utzigad ycon_  for what17:29
utzigadcase $choice in 1) deployed ;; 2) internal ;; ... ;; esac17:30
utzigadEspiritus ki onda? :v17:30
sysrqb_AW!patience | Guest629318:32
sysrqb_AWI don't see what generality is loss though18:32
sysrqb_AWpodman run --volume "$(pwd)":/home/factorly:Z --interactive --tty --rm elixir:latest bash18:32
sysrqb_AWAppAraat: you're passing the content to the column program and reading it back in. that cannot be down block-wise18:32
sysrqb_AWSo help me, I almost started doing that...18:32
sysrqb_AWSeems weechat doesn't recognise it on this system.18:32
ndeineHAhey I have an old apache config and I'm trying to replicate its behavior in nginx. in apache using NameVirtualHost my.ip:443 and <VirtualHost my.ip:443> does not bind it to listen on my.ip:443. it listens on *:443 according to lsof. but I can still have a default_server that redirects all traffic to one vhost. if I try do use default_server in nginx it complains that I can't have two on but if I19:42
ndeineHAit's going ot be a VERY hard hurdle to jump19:42
gnomethrowerc__: can you provide us some syslogs please?19:57
gnomethrower(Also the docs say not to rely on the fact that it is implemented using IPs.)19:57
p0358_bleh avr :P20:25
p0358_Oh. Ugh. I had paged up20:25
p0358_it's the UFS reports making the oceans warmer20:25
optiz0rIEack thx21:48
optiz0rIELet's imagine that there is a teapot in orbit around the sun between mars and jupiter.21:48
=== u0_a255 is now known as pennyee
Sleepy_Coderhhsorry for the paste, that was the output of the command you gave me.23:03
Sleepy_Coderhhone of the many projects I worked on while at TWRX was some animation compression to reduce the size of some installs so that they fit on fewer floppies.  Ugh, the days of floppy installs...23:03
Sleepy_Coderhhbut that's their corporate decision to make23:03
Sleepy_Coderhhlyra2: what?23:03
Sleepy_Coderhhso it blows hot air away from me23:03
c0ll1sionhFjohnjay: ubuntu has a very different release model than debian23:48
c0ll1sionhFit's kind of like asking "Well I know that all lions are felids, but how do I show that non-felids can't be lions?"23:49
c0ll1sionhFnoobly: yes23:49
c0ll1sionhFright now all I see are this one: http://isocpp.github.io/CppCoreGuidelines/CppCoreGuidelines#Rl-name  and the following NL.1023:49
ubrl⇪ f: C++ Core Guidelines23:49
c0ll1sionhFor some client's COPY support for a program client23:49
c0ll1sionhFsimbaclaws: die() { printf %s\\n >&2 "$*"; exit 1; }; cd /foo || die "I wanted to put a special error message here"23:49

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