deemand | Hello there. May anybody give me a rough estimation of the license fees for a Cisco IOU or IOL commercial license? Is it even possible to acquire such a license? | 06:12 |
deemand | Oh, wrong window. I apologise. | 06:13 |
adityaduggal | Hi people, I am facing an issue with my ubuntu server box, I have just installed a new network card and due to this I am unable to connect to my server | 06:16 |
lordievader | Good morning | 06:20 |
adityaduggal | lordievader, Good Morning | 06:20 |
adityaduggal | Can any one let me know why my running network is now not working by just installing a new network card which does not even have a wire connected to it as of now | 06:21 |
lordievader | What version are you running? | 06:21 |
Jenshae | adityaduggal: Is it in a machine that is connected to the network via another NIC? | 06:23 |
adityaduggal | lordievader, I am running ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS | 06:24 |
lordievader | Hmm, that should have a new enough udev which uses bios devnames. | 06:25 |
adityaduggal | Jenshae, basically I was using this machine as a media server and I just installed a new network card on that machine and after that its not connecting to the network did not change a thing except that I installed a new network card | 06:25 |
lordievader | How was your network configured? Simply through /etc/networking/interfaces? | 06:25 |
lotus|NUC | adityaduggal: .5 for xenial is out, its unsafe to keep running older ubuntu/kernel like that | 06:25 |
adityaduggal | lotus|NUC, If only I can connect my machine to the internet I would be in a position to upgrade it correct? | 06:26 |
Jenshae | Experience wise, I had a faulty printer's NIC blasting the network with noise. Guessing, I was going along lordievader 's line of thinking I suspect, where your machine was confused about what NIC it might be using or be expecting to bridge them / trying to send the signal over both devices, so only half actually goes. | 06:28 |
adityaduggal | lordievader, I think the answer to your question is yes. Since I cannot recall setting anything else. And also `cat /etc/network/interfaces` shows correct settings | 06:28 |
adityaduggal | I have even tried to disable the second NIC by `sudo ifconfig virbr0 down` so that the system is not confused with the 2 NICs | 06:29 |
lordievader | The second nic is called virbr0? | 06:31 |
lordievader | Wait a minute, your secondary nic is virtual? | 06:32 |
adityaduggal | well ifconfig is giving me 3 address one for enp2s0 which is for the network I was connecting earlier, second lo (loopback), 3rd is virbr0 which has a inet addr: | 06:36 |
adityaduggal | I don't even know if the 2nd NIC is installed properly but since my system has stopped working I am sure the OS is confused as to which nic to use and since earlier settings were keeping in mind only 1 nic I am guessing that its causing an issue but the real question is that how do I resolve it. | 06:38 |
lordievader | What you are describing sounds like a single real network interface. | 06:40 |
lordievader | adityaduggal: What does `ip link show` tell you? | 06:40 |
adityaduggal | lordievader, even I just read that but how is it possible that the system creates a virtual bridge the moment I install a new nic adapter | 06:40 |
lordievader | That is very strange. | 06:41 |
adityaduggal | lordievader, I would try and type since I cannot copy paste from the other machine right now | 06:41 |
adityaduggal | ip link show give the below output | 06:42 |
lordievader | You don't need everything | 06:42 |
lordievader | Just the interface names ;) | 06:42 |
adityaduggal | lo: UP | 06:42 |
adityaduggal | enp2s0 UP | 06:42 |
adityaduggal | enp3s0 | 06:42 |
adityaduggal | virbr0 UP | 06:42 |
adityaduggal | virbr0-nic | 06:42 |
adityaduggal | So basically the system has automatically created a bridge when I installed enp3s0 | 06:43 |
adityaduggal | SO I need to delete virbr0 would this be a good solution: | 06:43 |
lordievader | Do you have a /etc/systemd/network folder with configuration files inside? | 06:44 |
adityaduggal | That folder is empty | 06:46 |
* lordievader is really starting to wonder how adityaduggal network is configged. | 06:47 | |
lotus|NUC | where is etherape when you need it :p | 06:47 |
lordievader | adityaduggal: To answer your question, sure you can remove it manually but if you have configuration which creates it, it is going to be back after the next reboot. | 06:48 |
lordievader | So it is better to look at your network configuration and make sure it is set up correctly. | 06:48 |
adityaduggal | Ok so how do I do that, I am kind of confused myself that why just adding a network card would make it trouble the existing network, I think I should remove the network card and try to connect to the network again | 06:50 |
adityaduggal | lordievader, I am going to remove the newly installed nic and check if the problem persists | 06:50 |
adityaduggal | lordievader, just checked and removing the nic indeed works like a charm. Now the question is why is it not working with the 2nd nic installed even though the nic is not connected to any network | 07:00 |
adityaduggal | lordievader, so it seems that virbr0 is not the trouble maker as of now. Here is the output of my ifconfig | 07:03 |
adityaduggal | Also `ip link show` the output is here: | 07:04 |
adityaduggal | I was planning to use this media server as a firewall as well for my home network but I guess since the second nic is creating issues I cannot do that? | 07:05 |
adityaduggal | lordievader, Also the output of command `cat /etc/network/interfaces ` is here: | 07:10 |
adityaduggal | Anyone who can help me? | 07:12 |
lotus|NUC | patience adityaduggal | 07:13 |
lordievader | adityaduggal: When the second nic is inserted the first doesn't get an IP anymore? | 07:15 |
adityaduggal | well the ping to the gateway is destination host unreachable instead of request timed out. Now does that mean its not getting an IP, I guess that should be the case. | 07:17 |
adityaduggal | Just to give another information my router (gateway) is assigning the ip address based on HW address (MAC-Address). Could it be that inserting the 2nd nic can change the HW address of the first Nic (highly unlikely though) | 07:19 |
adityaduggal | lordievader, I think I would try it once again with inserting the 2nd nic. The other thing I am thinking is that what if the 2nd nic was not inserted properly and hence the issue was coming. Let me install the 2nd nic again and check. | 07:22 |
lordievader | The first nic is doing DHCP, I assume? | 07:24 |
lordievader | adityaduggal: ^ | 07:24 |
adityaduggal | lordievader, Well just checked after installing the 2nd nic again and same issue that the server is not getting the IP address | 07:28 |
adityaduggal | So surely its not an issue with my installing the HW wrongly but just a peculiar issue with ubuntu-server or maybe the way I have done my settings, now the thing is to find the real reason and resolve it. | 07:30 |
lordievader | Does the logs (syslog, dmesg) show anything why it is not setting the ip address? | 07:31 |
adityaduggal | lordievader, Voila FOUND the reason | 07:33 |
adityaduggal | Well I just check ifconfig and found that the HW Addr of my enp2s0 is changed when I install the 2nd nic, that is very STRANGE indeed, why is this happening | 07:34 |
adityaduggal | Now since my router has reserved the ip address of my server for a particular HW addr it just does not allow the server to take the IP as its reserved for the HW addr | 07:35 |
guardian | hello, I just installed ubuntu server and I discovered (thanks to etckeeper) that during the night the system refreshed snap core. With trial and error I realized it did "snap refresh" | 07:35 |
guardian | when doing snap refresh manually, I get | 07:35 |
guardian | Download snap "core" (5328) from channel "stable" | 07:35 |
guardian | what's this? and why do I need this? | 07:35 |
guardian | I'm annoyed systemd is going to download and mess with /etc at night :( | 07:36 |
lordievader | adityaduggal: Does enp3s0 have the mac address of the previous enp2s0? | 07:36 |
adityaduggal | lordievader, yes why is this happening | 07:37 |
lordievader | The first nic is probably not in the first slot on the motherboard ;) | 07:37 |
lordievader | Empty pci slots are skipped in the counting. | 07:38 |
adityaduggal | OK so this is the issue, the first nic is basically the inbuilt one and the second one is now being considered as the first one. | 07:38 |
lordievader | Hmm. that is strange. | 07:39 |
lordievader | Anyhow, edit your config appropriatly and things should work again. | 07:39 |
adityaduggal | So basically this is what is causing the issue now I need to do the settings on enp3s0 instead of enp2s0 | 07:40 |
adityaduggal | Yeah, thanks lordievader for being this is a very strange thing that the inbuilt nic is counted after the one added later on the slot in motherboard | 07:41 |
adityaduggal | lordievader, Well now everything is working as expected, just wanted to know if you know can I use this media server of mine as a firewall as well, basically that was the intent of installing the 2nd nic. | 07:51 |
lordievader | Ofcourse you can 😉 | 07:53 |
Futurian | Hi All. | 10:50 |
Futurian | It's do-release-upgrade day today, wish me luck... | 10:51 |
* Futurian dives over grenade proof wall as he hits the enter key.. | 10:51 | |
ahasenack | good morning | 12:05 |
rbasak | ahasenack: are you affected by the git-ubuntu submit breakage? | 12:13 |
ahasenack | no, not submit, just build{,-source}, a problem with libraries | 12:13 |
ahasenack | rbasak: related? | 12:15 |
rbasak | Hmm. No, that's different. | 12:19 |
ahasenack | rbasak: that's with r434, edge | 12:24 |
ahasenack | rbasak: in another topic, lars filed a couple of ftbfs buts about mysql 8.0, I presume that's forward looking, and not something for cosmic, right? | 12:24 |
ahasenack | rbasak: example: | 12:25 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1795304 in asterisk (Ubuntu) "FTBFS with MySQL 8.0" [Undecided,New] | 12:25 |
ahasenack | the other one is bacula | 12:25 |
rbasak | That'll be for cosmic+1, yeah | 12:25 |
ahasenack | ok | 12:27 |
coreycb | jamespage: neutron is in the bionic unapproved queue and i've added the sru template to bug 1790598. can you fill in the rest of the template details? | 12:28 |
ubottu | bug 1790598 in neutron (Ubuntu Bionic) "metadata service calls to nova-api-metadata with IP based SAN's fails" [High,Triaged] | 12:28 |
rbasak | ahasenack: do you have steps to reproduce your pastebin failure please? build-source worked for me | 12:35 |
rbasak | (might be related to the host release in use) | 12:35 |
rbasak | ahasenack: or to start with, what release is your host using? | 12:35 |
ahasenack | rbasak: depends on the package, quilt has to be invoked, and then we have that {m,g}awk confusion | 12:36 |
ahasenack | rbasak: try with ipsec-tools, that's where the pastebin came from | 12:36 |
ahasenack | rbasak: and host is bionic | 12:36 |
ahasenack | rbasak: and I have just mawk installed | 12:36 |
ahasenack | rbasak: my core snap is 16-2.35.2 r5548 from the beta channel | 12:37 |
rbasak | ahasenack: the mawk/gawk thing is a bug in the core snap and only edge regressed. So beta should definitely work, and edge when they have landed the fix. The readline error is different though I think? | 12:37 |
ahasenack | yeah, but it's around the same area, awk definitely rang a bell | 12:37 |
ahasenack | same happens when I use gawk, btw | 12:38 |
ahasenack | coreycb: hey, I see you are familiar with keepalived? :) | 12:45 |
ahasenack | coreycb: this showed up in triage today: | 12:46 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1795420 in keepalived (Ubuntu) "Keepalived update from 1.2.19 to 1.2.24 breaks support for /dev/tcp health check" [High,Triaged] | 12:46 |
ahasenack | rbasak: have you seen this mysql error before: | 12:57 |
ahasenack | 2018-10-01T07:00:11.667268Z 0 [ERROR] unknown variable 'myisam_recover=BACKUP' | 12:57 |
ahasenack | I don't know if BACKUP is a special term here, or just a syntax error | 12:57 |
ahasenack | hm, looks like it's a valid value | 12:57 |
ahasenack | hmm | 13:03 |
ahasenack | Renaming removed key_buffer and myisam-recover options (if present) | 13:03 |
ahasenack | looks like the name changed | 13:03 |
* ahasenack checks release notes | 13:03 | |
ahasenack | wow, this was a good one | 13:13 |
ahasenack | | 13:13 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1795332 in mysql-5.7 (Ubuntu) "package mysql-server-5.7 5.7.23-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,Invalid] | 13:13 |
ahasenack | hi, can a channel op please change the "docs and resources" url from the #topic to point at 18.04? | 13:33 |
lotus|NUC | ahasenack: try #ubuntu-ops perhaps for that request | 13:37 |
lotus|NUC | !server | 13:38 |
ubottu | Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Bionic (Bionic Beaver 18.04) - More info: - Guide: - Support in #ubuntu-server | 13:38 |
lotus|NUC | ahasenack: also usefull ^ | 13:38 |
muhaha | Can anyone help? I am using prepend in dhcpclient.conf but seems that my /etc/resolv.conf is still same . Iam using 18.04. Thanks | 16:47 |
muhaha | how to restart network service in ubntu 18.04 ? | 17:17 |
muhaha | sudo systemctl restart systemd-networkd ? | 17:19 |
xnox | muhaha, i think you want to edit /etc/systemd/resolved.conf | 17:43 |
xnox | muhaha, and restart systemd-resolved | 17:44 |
xnox | muhaha, dhclient is not used by default | 17:44 |
muhaha | xnox: i did echo "" >> /etc/systemd/resolved.conf && systemctl restart systemd-networkd, but it does not work | 17:45 |
xnox | muhaha, can you pastebin all of your /etc/systemd/resolved.conf ? | 17:46 |
xnox | muhaha, output of $ systemd-resolve --status ? | 17:46 |
muhaha | | 17:47 |
xnox | how do you configure your network? is it netplan based? in that case you may need to / want to adjust /etc/netplan/* files instead of fiddling with the /etc/systemd/resolved.conf. | 17:47 |
xnox | or change your dhcp _server_ to send those search domains. | 17:47 |
muhaha | wait a moment | 17:47 |
muhaha | iam using vagrant, there is by default some cloud init in netplan, but seems that my oneline works... I need to redeploy and retest it | 17:49 |
xnox | muhaha, testing locally, it seems to work for me (the stanza) | 17:50 |
xnox | muhaha, yeah, maybe you have some other debug / fix attempts that are in the way. | 17:50 |
muhaha | is resolved reloaded by systemctl restart systemd-networkd ? | 17:51 |
xnox | no | 17:52 |
xnox | restart systemd-networkd.... restarts systemd-networkd.... | 17:53 |
xnox | systemd-resolved is separate.... | 17:53 |
xnox | systemd-resolved does monitor what networkd has acquired via dhcp, but that's about it, in terms of integration between the two. | 17:53 |
xnox | one creates and configured networking interfaces; the other configures and queries nameservers | 17:54 |
muhaha | well. echo "" >> /etc/systemd/resolved.conf && systemctl restart systemd-resolved works. Thanks | 17:54 |
ahasenack | rbasak: a git question, if I may | 18:03 |
ahasenack | rbasak: I want to bring in a range of commits from another remote | 18:03 |
ahasenack | rbasak: to the branch I'm sitting on | 18:03 |
ahasenack | rbasak: I used "git rebase --onto HEAD c1 c10" | 18:04 |
ahasenack | rbasak: it worked, I got all commits from that range applied to my local branch | 18:04 |
ahasenack | rbasak: but it didn't move my branch pointer | 18:04 |
ahasenack | rbasak: git log now shows, from top to bottom, HEAD, then all the c1 c10 commits, and then my branch | 18:04 |
ahasenack | rbasak: like so: | 18:05 |
ahasenack | I was expecting to see "debian-sssd-dep8-tests" alongside "HEAD" at the top, because that's where I was before I issued the rebase | 18:05 |
rbasak | AFAIK, rebase assumes that "c10" in your example is your branch pointer and that's where it starts from. Since that's not a branch ref, it couldn't move it. | 18:06 |
rbasak | But you can use git reset --hard to move any branch pointer you want | 18:06 |
rbasak | git checkout debian-sssd-dep8-tests && git reset --hard HEAD@{1} I think | 18:07 |
ahasenack | you mean before the rebase, or after? | 18:07 |
rbasak | After | 18:07 |
ahasenack | that's some git-fu | 18:08 |
ahasenack | nacc: remember pmdk/ndctl? | 18:23 |
ahasenack | nacc: sru into bionic completed | 18:24 |
nacc | ahasenack: nice! :) | 18:24 |
nacc | congratulations | 18:24 |
ahasenack | so many people worked on that :) | 18:24 |
nacc | ahasenack: i remember mostly being in your way :) | 18:24 |
ahasenack | nah | 18:25 |
ahasenack | that was step by step work | 18:25 |
ahasenack | incrementally getting better | 18:25 |
muhaha | xnox:ping | 19:11 |
xnox | muhaha, yeah?! | 19:11 |
muhaha | xnox: I guess that is not possible to update resolv.conf from another resolv.conf in systemd-resolved? I have a binary (checkpoint snx vpn) which edits /etc/resolv.conf, but of course this is not working for systemd-resolved. Its closed source | 19:12 |
xnox | muhaha, systemd-resolved does have resolvconf compatibility interface which knows how to read and consume resolv.conf | 19:15 |
xnox | muhaha, however, it's not yet available or exposed by default. | 19:16 |
xnox | muhaha, you can install resolvconf package, and feed your resolv.conf to it via command-line, and it should end up in the resolved's brain.... but it is a bit fragile. | 19:16 |
xnox | in the future there will be an interface to do what you want =/ | 19:17 |
muhaha | i have no other choice, becuase SNX binary will always populate resolv.conf for me and I need to use this as /etc/resolv,conf | 19:17 |
xnox | muhaha, rm /etc/resolv.conf (it is a symlink anyway) | 19:19 |
xnox | muhaha, touch /etc/resolv.conf -> such that it becomes regular file | 19:19 |
xnox | muhaha, let SNX binary do whatever it wants with /etc/resolv.conf | 19:19 |
xnox | muhaha, $ sudo apt install libnss-resolve | 19:19 |
xnox | muhaha, that should do mostly what you want.... i.e. if you do $ systemd-resolve --status -> the stuff from static /etc/resolv.conf will be there. | 19:20 |
muhaha | but this will work only if I do it manually, right ? | 19:20 |
xnox | muhaha, and because of the libnss-resolve module.... things will be queried via systemd-resolved which would also have any other settings from /etc/systemd/resolved.conf and from networkd picked up. | 19:20 |
xnox | muhaha, systemd-resolved reads /etc/resolv.conf --- if and only if, it is not a symlink, back to an systemd-resolved managed file. | 19:21 |
xnox | it's a little known detail. | 19:21 |
xnox | muhaha, | 19:22 |
muhaha | ah, so if I remove /etc/resolv.conf symlink , let SNX populate /etc/resolv.conf -> profit .. when is VPN off, there will be fallback resolution with libnss-resolve, right ? | 19:23 |
xnox | yes | 19:24 |
xnox | muhaha, but it is fragile, as you can tell =) | 19:24 |
xnox | muhaha, cause there are softwares that do not use NSS resolution. and actually try to read /etc/resolv.conf | 19:24 |
xnox | muhaha, maybe you can have a "hook" in your VPN thing, such that in pre-start it like moves /etc/resolv.conf to /etc/resolv.conf.back; and then on stop moves it back, or some such. | 19:25 |
xnox | cause in normal cases you want /etc/resolv.conf to be the symlink to systemd-resolved managed file. | 19:25 |
blackflow | ahasenack: oh hey, congrats on uh... coredevship! :) reading the server dev summary mail. | 19:26 |
muhaha | hmm. Thanks. SNX is very obscure old binary, maybe some wrapper should be a good solution, still I will try to use libnss-resolve... Its for Vagrantbox so there will be no harm I guess | 19:27 |
ahasenack | blackflow: :) | 19:30 |
shubjero | Anyone have any issues adding the ceph luminous repo to Ubuntu 18.04 (bionic)? I've added the repo but apt is never considering packages from that repo, its preferring ones from the default ubuntu repo. I've even pinned the ceph repo to a higher priority. Here's some apt output: | 19:36 |
shubjero | Asking in here because of general apt support :) | 19:37 |
nacc | shubjero: apt-cache policy <specific pkg> ? | 19:38 |
jelly | so your repo does not contain a "ceph-common" | 19:38 |
jelly | nacc: they did. Scroll down. | 19:38 |
xnox | shubjero, which one of those urls supposed to have ceph packages? i have no idea which one is luminous | 19:38 |
xnox | never mind | 19:38 |
xnox | i see it now. | 19:38 |
nacc | jelly: ah thanks | 19:39 |
nacc | shubjero: it's what jelly said | 19:39 |
xnox | shubjero, that repo only has one package "ceph-deploy" for bionic. | 19:39 |
xnox | shubjero, it's quite ceph-less, at least for bionic.... | 19:39 |
xnox | shubjero, see | 19:39 |
shubjero | oh yeah, what the heck | 19:39 |
shubjero | thanks all | 19:40 |
shubjero | thats odd :S | 19:40 |
xnox | shubjero, vs eg. xenial | 19:40 |
xnox | which has a lot. | 19:40 |
xnox | i'd say they did not do bionic packages yet. or distro ones are good enough. | 19:40 |
shubjero | yeah, thats right actually.. the stock repo for bionic does contain ceph luminous.. but its a few releases old | 19:40 |
shubjero | you were all a great help, thank you | 19:41 |
jelly | version numbers being old doesn't matter if it's in "main", the supported branch | 19:41 |
shubjero | Well the main ubuntu repo for ceph luminous is only serving 12.2.4 with 12.2.8 being the latest | 19:43 |
sarnold | I think there were kitten-killer bugs in newer ceph releases | 19:44 |
sarnold | if you run into problems with what's in the repos, please file bugs | 19:44 |
shubjero | yep, i always try to contibute | 19:44 |
shubjero | *contribute, sorry | 19:44 |
shubjero | 12.2.8 is a pretty good release as far as i can tell. No major problems on the mailing list and such.. nor in our 9PB cluster :) | 19:45 |
Jenshae | I have had problems with the "universe" repo, commented them all out, re-added them one by one and was definitely that one. The universe updates one was no problem. | 20:25 |
muhaha | xnox: one more question | 20:29 |
xnox | which is? | 20:31 |
* xnox wonders if you are typing or not | 20:31 | |
muhaha | resolv.conf , why system resolving domain lan? | 20:31 |
muhaha | and not | 20:32 |
muhaha | lan is appended from my router (dhcp dnsmasq) | 20:32 |
muhaha | but I just want to prepend search domain to be able to resolve | 20:32 |
kinghat | is there a simple way to log out of a ssh session to my server? | 20:37 |
muhaha | maybe theres is some mismatch between search domain and domain in /etc/systemd/resolv.conf? | 20:38 |
Jenshae | kinghat: "logout" just type it. | 20:38 |
kinghat | im dumb. tyvm | 20:38 |
sarnold | kinghat: once you get tired of that, hit ^D | 20:38 |
Jenshae | np, half of people try logoff | 20:38 |
kinghat | thanks guys. | 20:39 |
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