RoguePointer | bad ^ | 00:34 |
RoguePointer | and then, if i switch back to terminal mode and scroll around, then switch back to normal mode again, it will duplicate this top part yet again: | 00:34 |
RoguePointer | TommyC: `pkg_info -Q ms | grep fonts` gives nothing ... :-) | 00:35 |
StrangerVPNV | Sterile: how so | 01:20 |
StrangerVPNV | KaffeeKatrin: Vagrant definitely works well too, for local VMs. What zer0_her0 is targetting is a dev server it seems, not a local dev environment. | 01:20 |
StrangerVPNV | from that grep. | 01:20 |
gildeanZU | time to get the boat out | 01:32 |
gildeanZU | Ellenor / FlashCode: ok, so it wasn't causing that issue... it's happened more overnight with that script unloaded :< | 01:32 |
meglawdD | i randomly choose one | 02:34 |
meglawdD | you gotta dab dem pods | 02:34 |
habithLp | anything about min space requirements tho? | 03:16 |
habithLp | just less headache | 03:16 |
ajk_ | simbalion: No, it's definitely not that. | 06:04 |
ajk_ | !info baobab | jdwee | 06:04 |
ubot5 | jdwee: baobab (source: baobab): GNOME disk usage analyzer. In component main, is optional. Version 3.28.0-1 (bionic), package size 163 kB, installed size 904 kB | 06:04 |
ajk_ | perl-libs ? | 06:04 |
ajk_ | TCCR1B |= (1<<ICES1); | 06:04 |
ajk_ | g://screeps | 06:04 |
ajk_ | or an intel one if you don't really give a damn, in which case getting software running will probably be easier :p | 06:05 |
minorisEk | It was a laptop, and I got an inheritence | 06:17 |
minorisEk | so this will be the flow (if u think there's something im missing, let me know pls) | 06:17 |
minorisEk | if you absolutely must categorize'd be a "cosmetic" issue | 06:17 |
maczal | Mochi | 07:07 |
maczal | That thing was a WAR CRIME | 07:07 |
Telvanaye | the default binaries in Ubuntu do not come with symbols (they are stripped) so sometimes stuff crashes and Icannot get a clean stack trace. Is there a clean way to just get all of the in-box ubuntu binaries with symbols w/o manually recopiling them myself? (i am talking about things like /bin/ls, /bin/cat/, ...) | 08:01 |
Telvanaye | zenix_2k2: eh well... of course you must be able to represent your greater-than number | 08:01 |
Telvanaye | darkis8, watch it won't boot now. | 08:01 |
Telvanaye | so looks like tracking and ignoring can be simultaneously interesting. | 08:02 |
sanitypassingwi | Monero is #10/1988 @ 0.92% ~ $125.87 / 0.00794441ɱ ~ 1h/1d/7d: -0.8/2.23/8.14 ~ 24h vol. 268,068.73672705ɱ / $33,743,059.29 | 08:46 |
sanitypassingwi | you'll find one of these in most of the locations now | 08:46 |
sanitypassingwi | Not necessarily. Nothing saying you cannot map some memory in userspace, and point the card's DMA to that | 08:46 |
ozybE | i would like to make tap to click more sensitive on bionic touchpad: whats the command for it? | 09:23 |
ozybE | RussellB2814: You are here in #fedora-unregistered because you are not registered or identified with freenode. See or /msg nickserv help register for more information. | 09:23 |
ozybE | oh it's the even older | 09:23 |
ozybE | I prefer console access to anything anyway, even built my own powershell client for the damn windows crap | 09:23 |
mrmoneyc_ | slack1256: probably vinyl | 09:48 |
mrmoneyc_ | fіlesỿstеⅿ dοes not ᴡrⅰtᥱ wіtһοut perⅿiѕsіoᥒ of ɑllɑh | 09:48 |
mrmoneyc_ | so it actually works... | 09:48 |
Guest83511 | personx, so you remember this dkms.conf you need to change the kernel_version MAKE line to include this /usr/src/linux-3.16.7-42/ | 09:59 |
Guest83511 | for what it's worth, I do geninely really like the whole male choir thing you guys do so well. | 09:59 |
Guest83511 | Coffee: | 09:59 |
Guest83511 | I get minus 41.79 degree's | 09:59 |
glenfeOz | xterm also has an upstream, so it may be just to keep the diff smaller | 12:46 |
glenfeOz | a few hours ago mentioned something about reflection at compile time and metaclasses in C++2a... is there any proposal/draft about that? the subject interests me because I'm working on something related | 12:46 |
glenfeOz | Chester A Arthur linix | 12:46 |
glenfeOz | what's the reason to elide the size? | 12:46 |
globinVf | I'm not lol | 12:49 |
globinVf | I'm having issues understanding the fundamental group at x | 12:49 |
globinVf | if traccert hits your router, then the interface didn't make it up | 12:49 |
globinVf | But I'm thinking that the temperature is 120C higher than it's supposed to be | 12:49 |
globinVf | | 12:49 |
efdeeTO | ab9rf: a functor is a kind of semantics mapping between domains. | 12:55 |
efdeeTO | zouhair: no output | 12:56 |
efdeeTO | Bradipo: so strace things and find out what's going on. | 12:56 |
nick1234ES | C18 draft's typesetting style makes it an excellent text book | 12:59 |
nick1234ES | | 12:59 |
nick1234ES | this has been plauging me for the past week | 12:59 |
nick1234ES | my boss is black - do you think that would've been the case 50 years ago? | 12:59 |
nick1234ES | hmm no change | 12:59 |
nick1234ES | is there a list of things I have to check when taking the sqrt of both sides of an inequality? | 12:59 |
shpaqkq | runjutsu: which part of IT? | 14:32 |
shpaqkq | I also have nonretina and its nice :D | 14:32 |
shpaqkq | well the plastic is all melted and burnng and it smells also of burning plastic | 14:32 |
shpaqkq | But but but it has non-seeded machine learning! You don't have to train it first! | 14:32 |
shpaqkq | so for some reason it is trying to open the first arg as a file | 14:32 |
shpaqkq | don't wanna get banned! | 14:32 |
fr0tzed | qwebirc66236: maybe some portable external ssd? | 14:38 |
fr0tzed | bazhang: it's a toughbook cf19 running ubuntu 18.04 | 14:38 |
EchozQs | I don't honestly remember specifically how I did that | 16:35 |
EchozQs | and don't IRC as root, you silly. | 16:35 |
EchozQs | ok, I haven't seen "lifting" yet. lemme look that up. | 16:35 |
EchozQs | it works pretty correctly | 16:35 |
EchozQs | it appears that SoftwareSerial's print(int16_t) takes the var in dec form and sends ASCII for each digit | 16:35 |
tobiasuKp | newbieG: Add the missing type. | 16:53 |
tobiasuKp | Porkepix: I can't be sure it's a terminal issue though, but I don't know how weechat could be responsible anyway | 16:53 |
tobiasuKp | which is a requirement but thats only for storing the private key and cert in the file | 16:53 |
tobiasuKp | Ok I think I will give this a break and try in the morning | 16:53 |
tobiasuKp | tomty89: No, the thread you linked was about a guy being a tool about his damaged system | 16:53 |
rmkUx | No.ž | 17:02 |
rmkUx | foo() { PROGNAME=foo /your/script "$@"; } | 17:02 |
rmkUx | so that memory isnt really for code, just for flash memory | 17:03 |
syndikatewJ | > let d = (Data.Map.fromList [(1::Int, 2::Int)]) in (d ^. at 1) | 17:03 |
syndikatewJ | lotuspsychje if u still wanna help me out i did the command u told me yesterday | 17:03 |
syndikatewJ | EriC^^: I wonder, isn't the A12 actually kind of new? Maybe 18.04 with the newer kernel would help? | 17:03 |
syndikatewJ | heh - oh well - if it fries itself - its dells problem ;p | 17:03 |
aethjT | no it is not complete | 18:36 |
aethjT | But how so | 18:36 |
aethjT | paper compilers* | 18:36 |
aethjT | kremator: B) Is not a strong argument, also cracking doesn't make much sense. One power of free software is that when somebody find a flaw, someone fixes it quite fast; so it's more like most exploits don't survive long | 18:36 |
aethjT | open covers work fine in metric spaces, and rudin has a section on it (in the compactness part) | 18:36 |
MiX-MaN | Which are autogenerated, but somewhat patched | 19:41 |
MiX-MaN | -bash 4.4 >>> fc-cache -f | 19:41 |
zed2k_ | how can i set payment threshold pls? | 20:11 |
zed2k_ | just gettin' by | 20:11 |
zed2k_ | I never did use Lion | 20:11 |
averageuh | lin_noob, ah, but dont they have a lot of business in Japan and China lately? | 20:22 |
averageuh | Loetmichel: If your boss goes to prison, are you going to have to look for a new job? | 20:22 |
averageuh | the equivalent GET request url would be where #### would be the room number | 20:22 |
RamJettil | i also found this and it has different settings | 23:51 |
RamJettil | one of my favorite thing in seeing PCBs is un- or partially populated areas | 23:52 |
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