kaddi | Hi, does anyone have an explanation why nslookup host would fail, but nslookup -debug host works? I'm trying to figure out a search domain issue and nslookup itself (and everything else) can't resolve it. But nslookup -debug resolves it just fine.. which implies that to some level things are set correctly? | 00:09 |
kk4ewt | and nslookup is ancient i have been told to use dig now a days | 00:13 |
rfm | kk4ewt, dig talks the dns protocol directly, doesn't apply the search in resolv.conf, so is not quite testing the same thing. | 00:15 |
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bparker | I'm trying to get a zfs boot/root working on 16.04, and everything looks correct to me (pool is online, initrd contains zfs stuff, I can mount it fine from a livecd) but upon booting from the drive, I get dropped into the initramfs shell. any ideas why? zpool list from that shell shows the pool just fine. | 00:39 |
bparker | the zfs mountpoint is also set to / | 00:40 |
mouses | bparker: this helped me, and applies pretty much as is to 18.04 as well | 00:41 |
mouses | https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs/wiki/Ubuntu-16.04-Root-on-ZFS | 00:41 |
mouses | oh they did a 18.04 guide too | 00:41 |
mouses | https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs/wiki/Ubuntu-18.04-Root-on-ZFS | 00:42 |
deadghost | any software recs to remove audio static? | 00:46 |
deadghost | ffmpeg seems to just have a lowpass highpass thing | 00:46 |
deadghost | which doesn't appear to be doing the job | 00:47 |
bparker | deadghost: audacity | 00:47 |
bparker | but it's really quite bad IMO | 00:47 |
bparker | crashes all the time and it's really hard to use | 00:47 |
bparker | but the filters are nice | 00:47 |
mouses | deadghost: https://www.audacityteam.org/ | 00:47 |
bparker | mouses: yea I've been looking at it, unfortunately it doesn't really help me debug what's going on right now though | 00:47 |
mouses | bparker: weird, I never get a crash with it and find it very simple to use | 00:47 |
bparker | you might not be doing much complicated work with it then | 00:48 |
bparker | similar situation to the people that say 'gimp works fine for me' when they don't otherwise use photoshop professionally | 00:48 |
mouses | bparker: idk, I do a lot of live DJ work and audio editing - a lot of the 'simple stuff' can be handled with it | 00:48 |
mouses | bparker: *nods* that's fair | 00:48 |
mouses | bparker: for more advanced stuff (hate to admit this) I have a windows box and NI software for that :( | 00:49 |
bparker | yep | 00:49 |
bparker | I just try to use the right tool for the job | 00:49 |
mouses | still for 'removing static' audacity should be very easy to use for that | 00:49 |
mouses | I mean it's a built in filter | 00:49 |
bparker | agreed | 00:49 |
bparker | and it works well for that in my experience | 00:49 |
mouses | bparker: Wish I could be more help with zfs - it's still a bit of 'here there be dragons' for me | 00:50 |
mouses | I have it working but it's hard to even remember how I pulled it off :( | 00:50 |
bparker | well, if we look at this from a 'what do we see' perspective, and forget about zfs | 00:50 |
bparker | we know I'm getting the initramfs shell | 00:50 |
bparker | so all things being equal, how might I start to debug why that would happen | 00:50 |
bparker | I don't see any other messages before it appears | 00:51 |
nacc | bparker: that presuably means it was unable to boot / | 00:51 |
nacc | *mount / | 00:51 |
bparker | and running 'exit' seems less than helpful | 00:51 |
nacc | bparker: look in syslog | 00:51 |
bparker | nacc: this system has never booted successfully before | 00:51 |
bparker | so there wouldn't be a log I think? | 00:51 |
nacc | bparker: look in `dmesg` ? | 00:51 |
bparker | I did, nothing unfortunately :/ | 00:51 |
mouses | bparker: what nacc said - check dmesg, also I remember having serious issues with free space 'before' the /boot | 00:52 |
mouses | bparker: I want to say it was a partitioning issue | 00:52 |
mouses | but it's been years ;( | 00:52 |
nacc | bparker: can you mount / now? | 00:54 |
bparker | nacc: in the initramfs shell? if I try 'zfs mount poolname' I get 'mount /: directory is not empty' | 01:14 |
bparker | and just 'mount /' says it's not in fstab | 01:14 |
bparker | which, it wouldn't be | 01:15 |
bparker | it's also not just one drive but a large array | 01:15 |
Niytro | anyone know the technician login for spectrum askey routers | 01:21 |
NotLim | which country is that? | 01:21 |
Niytro | us | 01:24 |
bparker | Niytro: admin/admin | 01:28 |
Niytro | bparker, thats default login, sometimes there is a secondary technician login | 01:29 |
Niytro | bparker, which has more options | 01:29 |
bparker | you didn't even give a model number or anything though | 01:30 |
bparker | how could one possibly answer your question seriously | 01:31 |
Niytro | RAC2V1K | 01:34 |
Niytro | because i think this model is nationwide | 01:34 |
Niytro | its all there is | 01:34 |
Niytro | maybe im wrong | 01:34 |
Niytro | time warner used to use different routers but they were acquired by spectrum | 01:34 |
Niytro | askey RAC2V1K | 01:35 |
Niytro | i think is what it is | 01:35 |
Niytro | there is no option to update firmware manually so i thought there might be a technician login | 01:35 |
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Niytro | i guess i could bridge mode it to my own router | 01:36 |
genii | They might know more about your router in the #openwrt channel | 01:37 |
Niytro | thx | 01:37 |
bparker | Niytro: https://www.timewarnercable.com/content/dam/residential/pdfs/support/WirelessRouters/Final%20Askey_User%20Manual_20170612%20(1).pdf just says admin/admin and looks like it gives you access to everything | 01:40 |
Niytro | spectrum restricts it | 01:47 |
Niytro | thats okay ill just have to call emm | 01:48 |
bparker | you don't say what it restricts | 01:49 |
bparker | or how | 01:49 |
Niytro | firmware upgrade | 01:50 |
Niytro | i think its cause they do it | 01:50 |
Niytro | its possible its restricted over wifi | 01:53 |
Niytro | maybe I have to plug it in ethernet | 01:53 |
bparker | mouses: nacc: I added the debug kernel cmdline param and it output a logfile in /run/initramfs, it says 'No init found. Try passing init= bootarg.' at the bottom | 01:57 |
bparker | this filesystem was previously rsync'ed from another (running) box and I'm just trying to move it other to this new box | 01:57 |
bparker | move it over* | 01:57 |
bparker | apparently /lib/systemd is somehow missing a bunch of files, guess my rsync didn't really finish like it said it did | 02:00 |
bparker | ugh | 02:00 |
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kaddi | @kk4ewt dig just can't resolve it at all | 02:17 |
kaddi | I'm focusing on nslookup because I'm trying to understand why one works and the other doesn't.. Hoping from there I hope to figure out why it doesn't work by default | 02:18 |
NotLim | kaddi: what's the problem? | 02:19 |
kaddi | NotLim: Problem is when I connect to a VPN the two search domains get added to /etc/resolv.conf however only the first of the two is actually used. The VPN works fine on debian testing, windows, mac and as I recently found out, if I do a nslookup -debug host, nslookup will actually correctly append the search domain and find the host. When I do nslookup host, it doesn't. So I'm trying to see what the difference between how the two resovle the address is | 02:21 |
NotLim | you're testing in debian? | 02:22 |
kaddi | no, I'm on ubuntu 18.04 | 02:23 |
kaddi | I just know that it's working for a colleague on debian testing | 02:23 |
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NotLim | ok | 02:23 |
kaddi | https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/khnz7wD88F/ | 02:23 |
kaddi | nslookup output | 02:23 |
RoscoePColtrane | kaddi: use nslookup FQDN | 02:25 |
kaddi | RoscoePColtrane: that works obviously. I'd like to get the search domains working though | 02:26 |
kaddi | RoscoePColtrane: it's not just nslookup that is'nt working. Nothing can resolve it (except nslookup -debug apparently) | 02:26 |
RoscoePColtrane | kaddi: and that's actually preventing you from production or being productive??? | 02:27 |
kaddi | RoscoePColtrane: Yes, because there's a bunch of different servers I need to contact and it's a major PITA to type name.subdomain.domain.page.com rather than name | 02:28 |
kaddi | and yes it's something I have to do daily | 02:28 |
RoscoePColtrane | kaddi: or is it one of those situations where you have plenty of free time/ spare time to just ponder things? | 02:28 |
RoscoePColtrane | kaddi: oh i see | 02:28 |
kaddi | I mean the easiest solution would probably be to switch to debian | 02:29 |
kaddi | but I kinda like to understand what's broken and why | 02:29 |
kaddi | already tried to switch from resolved to dnsmasq, but that didn't fix the issu | 02:29 |
kaddi | the search domains are listed in /etc/resolv.conf | 02:30 |
kaddi | so I'm not sure where they aren't listed but should be | 02:30 |
RoscoePColtrane | no i wouldn't expect a switch from resolved to dnsmasq to net different results | 02:30 |
kaddi | well I was working under the assumptoin that it's a bug in resolved, since everyone online is bitching about how nothing works as it should with resolved | 02:31 |
kaddi | but obviously that's not it | 02:31 |
RoscoePColtrane | a bug?...hmmm dns resolution works perfectly as it should for myself and many others i'm sure | 02:32 |
kaddi | resolved changed how search domains are appended (if I understood this correctly) to avoid spilling the internal infrastructure to public dns servers and there's many cases where especially search domains just didn't work at all and eveyrthing needed to be used in FQDN | 02:33 |
RoscoePColtrane | maybe something with each problem reporting users network infrastructure and or configuration | 02:33 |
RoscoePColtrane | maybe you have avahi installed...it can have odd effects on certain network topology scenarios in regard to dns | 02:34 |
kaddi | guess it's not a bug per se.. it's a feature that's upsetting many VPN users.. even though I can understand the end-goal | 02:34 |
kaddi | is there an easy way to disable that to test it? | 02:35 |
RoscoePColtrane | you probably got avahi installed as it's installed by default | 02:35 |
kaddi | yeah, I'm fairly sure I've seen it in the running processes here and there | 02:35 |
RoscoePColtrane | and like i mentioned avahi can have odd effects on dns name resolutioin | 02:35 |
RoscoePColtrane | resolution | 02:35 |
kaddi | is sudo systemctl disable avahi-daemon sufficient to disable it? | 02:36 |
RoscoePColtrane | disable it? maybe...i just remove it...because for my environment it's does more harm than it could ever possibly be of any use | 02:36 |
kaddi | haha, I'm reluctant to remove entirely without knowing what it does.. disabling should be fine since I can always reenable it :p | 02:37 |
kaddi | how did you remove it? | 02:37 |
RoscoePColtrane | i uninstalled it | 02:37 |
kaddi | sudo apt-get remove avahi? | 02:38 |
RoscoePColtrane | i could simply "reinstall" it if i ever needed it...which i won't ever need it | 02:38 |
RoscoePColtrane | replace "remove" with "purge" | 02:38 |
PLLunlock | is anybody else using Gigamonster for their ISP? | 02:38 |
kaddi | ok, will try that | 02:38 |
kaddi | bbiab | 02:38 |
bparker | mouses: nacc: actually, missing files wasn't really my problem... this was: https://github.com/zfsonlinux/grub/issues/25 | 02:40 |
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mouses | bparker: Ahh! | 02:44 |
nacc | bparker: interesting | 02:44 |
leonardus | How can I know whether this will work with Ubuntu? https://www.amazon.com/Fingerprint-PQI-Matching-Biometric-Security/dp/B06XG4MHFJ/ | 03:07 |
neurot | @leonardus All the questions and answers on Amazon on that product says it does not work on Linux Windows only | 03:13 |
leonardus | Are there any that work with Ubuntu? | 03:13 |
neurot | Amazon has a good return policy :-) | 03:14 |
neurot | https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2377298 | 03:15 |
neurot | https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2377298 | 03:16 |
leonardus | no replies | 03:16 |
neurot- | Stupid NVIDIA drivers crashed my PC | 03:22 |
neurot- | back to nouveau drivers | 03:23 |
Kon- | I've always had much better luck with the Nvidia drivers, personally. Nouveau doesn't even really work with the newer generations of hardware | 03:24 |
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neurot- | GeForce GTX 760 that is what I have | 03:25 |
neurot- | <Kon-> do you add the Nvidia ppa for your drivers | 03:26 |
Kon- | neurot-: http://ppa.launchpad.net/graphics-drivers/ppa/ubuntu | 03:27 |
neurot- | Is it safe another thing to is I'm running KDE Neon | 03:29 |
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Kon- | It works exactly the same on Neon as it does on Ubuntu | 03:29 |
Kon- | sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa | 03:29 |
neurot- | Kon- thanks | 03:31 |
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Kon- | neurot: For the GTX 760, you should be using either the long-lived 390 branch or the current short-lived 396 branch | 03:32 |
neurot | Kon thank you for the help | 03:35 |
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neurot | I am now running the latest drivers thank you kon- | 04:23 |
neurot | https://www.backtrails.net/next/index.php/s/7RBCmNNaNmRHqey | 04:25 |
ilias_gr | hi all. does anyone maybe know why using skype for ubuntu the systray icon doesn't change when user switch between different system's icon packs? | 04:28 |
neurot | its a snap | 04:28 |
neurot | right | 04:28 |
ilias_gr | neurot: yes it is. any solytion to override this issue, so that default icon will change according the system's icon pack chosen from user | 04:29 |
ilias_gr | ? | 04:29 |
neurot | I don't think snap icons can change with an icon theme set but I could be wrong that's just my thought | 04:30 |
neurot | Just blame it on Microsoft because they won't allow it and its proprietary hahaha | 04:30 |
neurot | ilias_gr Snap packages are packaged up different I have no idea | 04:32 |
ilias_gr | neurot: i saw that in notification area the name is 'skypeforlinux'. if an icon from an icon theme will renamed to 'skypeforlinux' under /status the icon change only in notification area appearance but it doesn't the icon in systray itself. that's strange too. any idea? | 04:32 |
neurot | ilias_gr sorry i dont | 04:36 |
neurot | And I wrote it tutorial on fixing something similar to that but it was a native program for the private internet access icon | 04:37 |
neurot | lol | 04:37 |
ilias_gr | neurot ok, thanks. i hoe someone could think a solution | 04:37 |
ilias_gr | *hope | 04:37 |
neurot | ilias_gr Good luck | 04:38 |
ilias_gr | thanks | 04:38 |
ilias_gr | neurot: i read that snaps are isolated from the other system and work in a read only directory. if i uninstall a snap will every file move from my system? which is the best command using terminal to purge a snap? | 04:43 |
neurot | ilias_gr Someone will figure it out what theme said are you using | 04:44 |
ilias_gr | neurot i am using faenza icon theme, but elementary theme cannot also change this systray icon. so i consider to purge skype snap and install the deb package officially available from skype web site | 04:47 |
neurot | deb package for skype I thought they got rid of that | 04:48 |
neurot | I guess not just looked sweet for you | 04:50 |
neurot | lol | 04:50 |
ilias_gr | neurot i think so too but the deb package is now available in skype web page. | 04:52 |
neurot | I guess so just looked sweet for you | 04:52 |
neurot | Sorry I was using voice to text program | 04:53 |
neurot | I should proofread my stuff | 04:53 |
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ilias_gr | hi all. does anyone maybe know why using skype for ubuntu the systray icon doesn't change when user switch between different system's icon packs? i use *.deb package not a snap one. | 05:31 |
Ben64 | because the other packs don't include a skype icon? | 05:31 |
ilias_gr | i noticed that in notification area appearance the icon set to faenza icon but in systray remains the default one | 05:33 |
ilias_gr | Ben64: faenza icon theme include under /status all appropriate icons for systray | 05:40 |
ilias_gr | Ben64: the names of files maybe are different. i renamed the online icon to skypeforlixux and i can see that the icon changed in notification area appearance menu, but it is not in systray. remains the default icon | 05:41 |
mbnt | Hi, I installed Natron and now do not know how to uninstall it | 05:41 |
mbnt | I tried the purges, doesn't work | 05:41 |
mbnt | I get "E: Unable to locate package natron", but it is installed | 05:42 |
Ben64 | mbnt: whats the exact command you're doing | 05:43 |
ilias_gr | Ben64: the window button icon also remains the same (the default one) although i am changing the system's available icon themes (elementary, gnome, faenza etc). How can i handle this situation? | 05:44 |
mbnt | Ben64, I tried a bunch, one of them was apt-get sudo apt-get purge package | 05:44 |
mbnt | I tried synaptic as well | 05:44 |
mbnt | Ben64, I downloaded and installed off the website | 05:44 |
Ben64 | oh well it looks like natron isn't a package that is in the ubuntu repositories, so that won't work | 05:44 |
mbnt | Ben64, But I downloaded a beta called Natron2 and that will not launch and Natron will not launch either so I want to get rid of them both and just get Natron instead | 05:45 |
Ben64 | find the package, then 'sudo dpkg -r package.deb' | 05:45 |
ilias_gr | Ben64: the package has been removed ! | 05:49 |
mbnt | Ben64, does not seem to work | 05:49 |
Ben64 | then contact whoever makes natron | 05:49 |
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ilias_gr | does anyone maybe know why using skype for ubuntu the systray icon doesn't change when user switch between different system's icon packs? i use *.deb package not a snap one. | 06:10 |
lotus|NUC | ilias_gr: does your theme have a new skype icon? | 06:13 |
ilias_gr | lotus|NUC: faenza icon theme has all the icons (maybe with other names) . | 06:14 |
adityaduggal | Hi people, I am facing an issue with my ubuntu server box, I have just installed a new network card and due to this I am unable to connect to my server | 06:15 |
lotus|NUC | adityaduggal: join #ubuntu-server please, volunteers might take a look mate | 06:16 |
lotus|NUC | ilias_gr: did you check your icon pack if it has a 'newer' skype icon? | 06:16 |
cim209 | anyone here has experience with vgaswitcheroo? | 06:35 |
ilias_gr | hi all. does anyone maybe know why using skype for ubuntu the systray icon doesn't change when user switch between different system's icon packs? i use *.deb package not a snap one. as you can see in notification area preference appears the faenza icon after configuration set (https://pasteboard.co/HGy8pJE.png) but in systray appears the default icon (https://pasteboard.co/HGy9Biy.png) any idea on this issue? | 06:55 |
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funabashi | hui guys ens192.3 means its tagged with vlan 3 ? | 07:12 |
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spindown_ | is anyone able to help a beginner with a problem with wifi failing to start when resuming from sleep? | 09:06 |
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nagyg | hi all | 09:42 |
nagyg | I'd like to install mariadb on my ubuntu 18.04, however when I run apt-get install mariadb-server mariadb-client it returns with an error: mariadb-client : Depends: mariadb-client-10.1 .... E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. | 09:43 |
nagyg | this is the first time I tried to intall mariadb | 09:43 |
nagyg | at least dpkg -l | grep maria shows no packages installed | 09:43 |
nagyg | what packages can be "broken"? | 09:44 |
nagyg | dpkg -l | grep ^..r does not list any broken packages | 09:44 |
nagyg | can it be that the fact I have mysql installed causes this? | 09:46 |
ztane | haha sigh this snap+gnome shell... I opened a link from slack desktop client, it launched a firefox - then gnome shell thinks all subsequent firefox windows belong to slack :D | 09:46 |
ilias_gr | hi all. does anyone maybe know why using skype for ubuntu the systray icon doesn't change when user switch between different system's icon packs? i use *.deb package not a snap one. as you can see in notification area preference appears the faenza icon after configuration set (https://pasteboard.co/HGy8pJE.png) but in systray appears the default icon (https://pasteboard.co/HGy9Biy.png) any idea on this issue? | 10:09 |
ilias_gr | hi all. does anyone maybe know why using skype for ubuntu the systray icon doesn't change when user switch between different system's icon packs? i use *.deb package not a snap one. as you can see in notification area preference appears the faenza icon after configuration set (https://pasteboard.co/HGy8pJE.png) but in systray appears the default icon (https://pasteboard.co/HGy9Biy.png) any idea on this issue? | 10:10 |
q9 | Do i need gvfs for HintSystem=yes and HintIgnore=yes to be respected in GNOME? | 10:16 |
guiverc | nagyg: the packages you likely have 'broken' are not from mariadb, but a prior command that had issues, that was ignored, try `sudo apt-get -f install` | 10:54 |
spindown_ | anyone able to look at a pastebin for a wifi connection that keeps reporting unable to connect after resuming from sleep? | 11:01 |
lotus|NUC | spindown_: could you provide us more details please, ubuntu version? chipset? syslog errors? | 11:05 |
spindown_ | of course. ubuntu 18.04.01 LTS. Network-manager 1.10.6-2ubun | 11:08 |
spindown_ | im pretty much a linux beginner, which is a pain | 11:08 |
lotus|NUC | spindown_: for the chipset: sudo lshw -C network | 11:09 |
lotus|NUC | spindown_: you dont need to paste everything, just the chipset line, and have a look at bottom if driver= is active | 11:09 |
spindown_ | its an intel wireless 3165 , driver=iwlwifi | 11:12 |
lotus|NUC | spindown_: ok thank you for checking | 11:13 |
lotus|NUC | spindown_: can you try this: tail -f /var/log/syslog and disable wifi and re-enable then hastebin all the text new comming in your tail? | 11:14 |
spindown_ | i get some errors in the network manager log that i don't fully understand: e.g. | 11:14 |
spindown_ | 09:43:53 NetworkManager: <info> [1538469833.3469] device (wlp1s0): state change: unavailable -> disconnected (reason 'supplicant-available', sys-iface-state: 'managed') | 11:14 |
spindown_ | okay, will do | 11:14 |
spindown_ | the problem only appears when resuming from sleep - do you still want me to try that command that you mentioned? | 11:15 |
spindown_ | ok, done that. the error appeared.ill pastebin | 11:16 |
lotus|NUC | spindown_: you can keep your tail on try hibernation too, and come back with the new errors | 11:18 |
spindown_ | https://pastebin.com/2W1YhEiY | 11:18 |
spindown_ | during this, three errors came up regarding the connection. then i manually connected | 11:19 |
spindown_ | https://pastebin.com/bsVtmNuc | 11:21 |
spindown_ | second paste, after putting on standby. same three errors, then manually connected | 11:21 |
lotus|NUC | spindown_: so if i understand right, after the wakeup you dont get an automatic wifi connection right | 11:24 |
spindown_ | correct | 11:24 |
lotus|NUC | spindown_: then you select your ssid manually and connect? | 11:24 |
spindown_ | yes | 11:24 |
lotus|NUC | and that works | 11:24 |
Heebie | Hello. Does anyone know why Ubuntu 18.04's timezone package incorrectly sets Europe/Dublin to LMT instead of the correct IST? | 11:25 |
Heebie | My time is off by 1 hour because of it. | 11:25 |
lotus|NUC | spindown_: can you doublecheck your system settings/power settings see wifi settings & hibernate | 11:26 |
spindown_ | will do | 11:26 |
lotus|NUC | spindown_: your system is up to date to latest also? check kernel with: uname -a | 11:27 |
spindown_ | Linux laptop 4.15.0-34-generic #37-Ubuntu SMP Mon Aug 27 15:21:48 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 11:28 |
lotus|NUC | looks good spindown_ | 11:28 |
spindown_ | im looking in the settings. | 11:28 |
lotus|NUC | spindown_: tell me wich settings are enabled there? | 11:29 |
spindown_ | they are fairly basic settings in the settings-power section | 11:30 |
spindown_ | under power saving, dim screen on, blank screen 5 mins, wifi and bluetooth are on, automatic suspend when on battery is 20 mins | 11:30 |
lotus|NUC | spindown_: ok tnx | 11:31 |
spindown_ | im just doing an apt update just in case | 11:31 |
lotus|NUC | spindown_: apt-cache policy linux-firmware gives you version 1.173.1? | 11:32 |
spindown_ | yes it does | 11:33 |
lotus|NUC | spindown_: ok lets make a new bug for this mate | 11:33 |
lotus|NUC | spindown_: ubuntu-bug network-manager (from a terminal) | 11:34 |
lotus|NUC | spindown_: if you dont have a launchpad account yet, create a new one | 11:34 |
hollusion | is /lib/udev/rules.d and /etc/udev/rules.d equivalent? in terms of the system loads all ruels from boths places? | 11:35 |
cim209 | how do i move the system tray icons? | 11:35 |
cim209 | two of them don't have the same spacing as the others | 11:36 |
spindown_ | cool, will do. thanks | 11:37 |
Toxtlo | Hi, I am trying to learn on iptables. I want to configure a setup with virtualization and macvlan. Is it actually possible to configure a macvlan interface via iptables? I need to somehow loop my traffic back via nat... | 11:37 |
lotus|NUC | spindown_: call the bug something like intel wireless 3165 does not connect after wakeup | 11:38 |
lotus|NUC | spindown_: and describe your story to the bug, adding your pastebins etc | 11:38 |
leeyaa | hello. i would like to run a second php-fpm instance. is there an official way of doing that? i am on bionic, with php-fpm 7.2 | 11:43 |
leeyaa | i tried duplicating php-fpm init.d script, changing a few variables here and there, but i couldnt make it work for some reason | 11:44 |
spindown_ | submitted | 11:44 |
leeyaa | it was still controlling my main php instance instead of the new instance | 11:44 |
lotus|NUC | spindown_: ok now try to do some testing yourself too and keep your bug updated ok | 11:45 |
lotus|NUC | spindown_: like, testing other kernel, other ubuntu version, perhaps test hibernate with cable, | 11:45 |
lotus|NUC | spindown_: and thank you for submitting the bug, you helping yourself and the community like this | 11:45 |
BluesKaj | Hey folks | 12:05 |
pa | hi | 12:23 |
pa | my system got screwed | 12:23 |
pa | i tried to start in recovery mode, but not even that starts | 12:23 |
pa | how can i fix it? | 12:23 |
pa | i already started another ubuntu, mounted the partition and proc/sys/dev/etc, and chrooted into it | 12:24 |
pa | also fsck'ed the partition | 12:24 |
hollusion | graphical text editor that can filter text? (hide line that contain XYZ) | 12:24 |
hollusion | *lines | 12:24 |
arabcoder | how to install ubuntu? | 12:43 |
bailroc | google? | 12:43 |
cim209 | magic | 12:43 |
bailroc | get a disk, burn it, put it in cdrom drive and follow the instructions? | 12:43 |
bailroc | or, install to usb key, and install it it | 12:44 |
arabcoder | cdrom drive damaged... | 12:44 |
bailroc | by following the DIRECTIONS | 12:44 |
bailroc | anyways.. your option is usb key or pxe | 12:44 |
cim209 | download iso, download usb iso burner from http://etcher.io | 12:44 |
arabcoder | thanks... | 12:44 |
cim209 | that's how i installed ubuntu 18.04 to my macbook | 12:44 |
arabcoder | It is possible to keep windows too? | 12:45 |
cim209 | yeah, use this http://www.rodsbooks.com/refind/ | 12:46 |
BluesKaj | !dual boot | 12:46 |
ubottu | Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot | 12:46 |
cim209 | you'll need two partitions, one for swap and one for the OS | 12:46 |
arabcoder | I have only one partition... | 12:48 |
pa | i rly donno whats wrong | 12:49 |
pa | i ran debsums -a | 12:49 |
pa | everything seems alright | 12:49 |
pa | update-grub reinstalled grub | 12:50 |
pa | what else can i do? | 12:50 |
arabcoder | thanks... | 12:50 |
pa | when i try to install grub i get: | 12:51 |
pa | grub-install: warning: this GPT partition label contains no BIOS Boot Partition; embedding won't be possible. | 12:51 |
nbusrone | hi , I need a bit help installing ubuntu 18.04 SSD.Should I partition a swap on it ? When reading the guide , swap size is suppose to double my RAM.Having 16GB of ram which mean I need to reserve 32GB on my 120GB SSD ? | 12:56 |
nbusrone | Can I reduce the swap size ? | 12:57 |
servergeek | you can skip swap | 12:59 |
servergeek | with 16 gb of ram it's kind of useless | 12:59 |
servergeek | you don't want swap anyway | 12:59 |
BluesKaj | nbusrone, that swap rule shouldn't apply to a 16GB Ram system ...yes keep your swap about 8GB if you think it's needed | 12:59 |
nbusrone | BluesKaj : thanks , so what is the best partition you suggest for an 120GB ssd ? | 13:01 |
pragmaticenigma | nbusrone: It should be noted that 18.04 doesn't need a dedicated swap partition. In 18.04, Ubuntu will create a swap file if no swap partition is defined. It will automatically allocate a reasonable size to the swap file for you. | 13:02 |
BluesKaj | nbusrone, best? depends how you want to set them up | 13:02 |
BluesKaj | pa, for a simple install, create a dos partition table instead of gpt, and legacy mode in the bios,.That's if you don't need any more than 4 promary partiitons | 13:12 |
BluesKaj | primary rather | 13:12 |
berkley | I see in 18.04 LTS unattended security upgrades are enabled by default, and the unattended-upgrade manpage suggests it is to be run via /etc/cron.daily/apt, but that file does not exist. Anyone know if I need to create it or if it is already configured elsewhere by default? | 13:13 |
pa | BluesKaj: but i'm not sure what's wrong. This drive was booting before the system crashed and somehow got corrupted.. | 13:13 |
pragmaticenigma | berkley: Did you enable the option during install? | 13:14 |
nbusrone | pragmaticenigma BluesKaj : How does 10.04 allocate swap ? and ho do I check whether it 18.04 use swap ? | 13:15 |
BluesKaj | pa in gpt you need to install grub to /uefi/boot afaik ..in ubuntu the the auto install is supposed to do that for you | 13:15 |
berkley | pragmaticenigma: I installed via preseed, but I guess I should look there. I'm ordinarily a redhat guy | 13:15 |
pa | ha | 13:16 |
pa | BluesKaj: so now i try to recover with a live 16.04 | 13:16 |
pa | now i was trying to recover with a non-live 14.04 | 13:16 |
pragmaticenigma | berkley: I'm not familiar with preseeding ... I would think there might be an issue with the way the preseed was configured though | 13:16 |
ecormier | ubuntu we have a problem :) | 13:17 |
pragmaticenigma | nbusrone: Your question doesn't make any sense... Ubuntu 10.04 is long past it's support and documentation is no longer available for it. | 13:17 |
berkley | pragmaticenigma: The only line which references it is this: "d-i pkgsel/update-policy select unattended-upgrades". I guess I need to RTFM now :P. Thanks for your help | 13:18 |
pragmaticenigma | ecormier: Is there an Ubuntu support question we can help you with? | 13:18 |
nbusrone | pragmaticenigma BluesKaj : ops sorry ,I mean 18.04 | 13:18 |
ecormier | libreoffice calc: when I use the sum function, updates to the refered cells DO NOT update the summed cell | 13:18 |
pragmaticenigma | berkley: Please mind language and acronyms | 13:18 |
berkley | my apologies | 13:18 |
ecormier | this is a new issue since the last oo update | 13:18 |
ecormier | known bug? | 13:18 |
pragmaticenigma | berkley: If this is your first attempt at using Ubuntu, I'd recommend installing from the regular images... See how things are configured by default there... then use that to build your preseed | 13:18 |
pragmaticenigma | ecormier: Have you tabbed out of the cell after making the change? | 13:19 |
ecormier | also in writer: opening a 2 page .doc with 2 tables, one on each page displays one page with the two tables superimposed | 13:19 |
ecormier | pragmaticenigma: yes | 13:19 |
pragmaticenigma | ecormier: not experiencing any issue with LibreCalc and not updating a cell populated with SUM() | 13:20 |
ecormier | pragmaticenigma: look at my bottom row: http://pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=ac358f6dff4b28b8a3f8f34d6f33f0ec | 13:21 |
ecormier | hehe, should have fuzzed those names anyways | 13:21 |
pragmaticenigma | ecormier: Without knowing what you placed in those cells... the image doesn't tell me anything | 13:22 |
pragmaticenigma | ecormier: and yes, you should have fuzzed both the names and the Student IDs | 13:22 |
ecormier | those are '1's in each cell, last cell is =SUM(C15:AL15) | 13:22 |
ecormier | pragmaticenigma: all publicly available anyways :) | 13:23 |
ecormier | I'll try a reboot, but that's not good behavior | 13:23 |
pragmaticenigma | ecormier: You might want to make sure the field types are numbers as well. beyond that... I'd try a fresh spreadsheet and see if you can replicate the issue there... If you can, file a bug report | 13:24 |
pragmaticenigma | !bug | 13:24 |
ubottu | If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. | 13:24 |
ecormier | apparently, saving, closing a reopening starts the cell updates and now it works... but still a bug... let me test a little more | 13:25 |
nbusrone | pragmaticenigma BluesKaj : anyhow , that for the advice.Do I need to do some command for SSD installing 18.04.Read some need to type a command for trim but it's enable on 18.04 ? | 13:25 |
ecormier | reboot first | 13:25 |
tomreyn | nbusrone: fstrim runs weekly by default on supported file systems on 18.04 | 13:26 |
tomreyn | nbusrone: you may need to enable it on underlying layers if any. | 13:27 |
pragmaticenigma | nbusrone: As long as you use official installation sources for Ubuntu, those are not necessary. Something to note, whatever you are reading, check for a publication date, if it is older than 2 years... find something else. If it doesn't have a date, consider it to be garbage and find another source | 13:27 |
tomreyn | nbusrone: i.e. if you use, for example, full disk encryption, trim passthrough may not be anbled by default | 13:29 |
ecormier | cell update issue seems to be gone, writer/table overlay issue still present... I'll look into that when I have more time | 13:32 |
nbusrone | pragmaticenigma tomreyn : regular user , not using any disk encryption .Yeh , I checked , but it's a long read of understanding all the SSD stuff in it.I bit more technical term for me https://wiki.debian.org/SSDOptimization | 13:34 |
pragmaticenigma | nbusrone: First issue, that's for Debian, not Ubuntu | 13:34 |
nbusrone | pragmaticenigma : is it the same distro ? | 13:37 |
pragmaticenigma | nbusrone: not even close | 13:37 |
pragmaticenigma | nbusrone: Ubuntu started with debian as a base, years ago. From there it has gone in a completely different direction. | 13:38 |
pragmaticenigma | !debian | 13:38 |
ubottu | Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/ubuntu-and-debian - !Repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu! | 13:38 |
nbusrone | pragmaticenigma : Thanks , i had a hard time reading and understanding them :(. | 13:38 |
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BluesKaj | -- | 13:51 |
guardian | hi, I need a bit of help. I did echo "foo" > /etc/hostname and then I did hostnamectl set-hostname foo | 13:54 |
guardian | then I rebooted | 13:54 |
guardian | and I still have the previous hostname | 13:54 |
guardian | and /etc/hostname has been changed back | 13:54 |
guardian | how can I change my hostname please? | 13:54 |
lotus|NUC | !hostname | guardian | 13:56 |
ubottu | guardian: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. | 13:56 |
c0fe | I am using LXD, I have ubuntu 18.04 as a container image and I am trying to add 80 and 443 into the allowed ufw ports but i am getting this error: https://hastebin.com/etukatuvec.rb | 13:56 |
c0fe | why? | 13:56 |
BluesKaj | guardian, so change it in /etc/hosts as well | 13:58 |
guardian | there's no mention of the old hostname in /etc/hosts | 13:58 |
BluesKaj | guardian, yes, but add the new hostname there anyway | 13:59 |
guardian | systemd's a joke right :( | 13:59 |
TJ- | Has anyone done an accurate export from Scribus to LibreOffice Writer (e.g. for a letterhead design -> writer template) ? | 14:01 |
guardian | it seems it's cloud-init that changes the hostname back | 14:03 |
guardian | cloud-init's a thing I don't need but is there | 14:03 |
=== Rumbles_ is now known as Rumbles | ||
BluesKaj | guardian, should look somehtning like " Hostname" in /etc/hosts | 14:06 |
BluesKaj | guardian, are you sure you don't need cloud-init? is this a production machine ? | 14:11 |
guardian | it's there when you install ubuntu server | 14:13 |
BluesKaj | best to ask in #ubuntu-server chat about that, guardian | 14:17 |
guardian | k | 14:17 |
guardian | thanks | 14:17 |
majuscule | Is it possible to have a user local sources.list? | 14:29 |
majuscule | I am on a restricted machine but would like to be able to use `apt-get source` | 14:29 |
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TJ- | majuscule: are you able to create containers using LXD ? if so, you could do it within a container | 14:31 |
majuscule | don't know, i'm not familiar with lxd | 14:31 |
Ool | hi, with an Ubuntu 18.04 I want to clean the gdm users list at login before (16.04…) I could rm /var/log/wtmp to do that but now, I don't know how to do that | 14:31 |
majuscule | ugh this is all so gd annoying. i really just want an easy way to install libraries locally so i can compile shit | 14:32 |
pragmaticenigma | majuscule: please mind your language and acronyms | 14:32 |
pragmaticenigma | majuscule: Also, you should be taking this up with the system administrator who set the policy to be restrictive. There is a reason it's setup that way, and you probably shouldn't try to circumvent it | 14:33 |
TJ- | majuscule: you can do it somewhat manually, but if you don't have permissions to use "apt-get build-dep <package>" you'll find building to be difficult/frustrating, due to missing required libraries. In an unprivileged container you have full 'root' access though, so can do it all | 14:33 |
JimBuntu | You see pragmaticenigma , this is why I always escalate my privs. On a serious note, majuscule , you really should talk to the admin. | 14:35 |
majuscule | i have been encouraged by the admin to compile whatever i desire | 14:37 |
compdoc | good luck with that | 14:37 |
majuscule | thank you :-) | 14:37 |
TJ- | majuscule: for containers, to test if you have the facility, try "lxc launch ubuntu:1804 my_container" | 14:37 |
TJ- | majuscule: if that works you'll have a running container, which you can get a shell in using "lxc exec my_container /bin/bash" | 14:38 |
pragmaticenigma | majuscule: Then you should speak to the admin about being able to install packages you need. | 14:38 |
majuscule | unfortunately i do not have lxc installed. i might be able to get docker/vagrant or something | 14:38 |
TJ- | majuscule: can you install snaps? | 14:39 |
majuscule | pragmaticenigma: i'm not sure why you are repeating that. i asked a question about installing local libraries, not about debating policy | 14:39 |
pragmaticenigma | majuscule: Because the policy of the machine is what is preventing you from completing your task. That's why. There is no one here who can change that | 14:40 |
majuscule | pragmaticenigma: are you saying that it is technically impossible to install libraries user local? i know for a fact that that is not the case. | 14:41 |
pragmaticenigma | majuscule: If you can't install anything, then anything recommended here won't work, since nearly all suggestions so far have required the ability to install packages | 14:41 |
majuscule | in fact i can do so manually, and my original question was only if it was possible to configure apt-get source user locally to make it easier | 14:41 |
pragmaticenigma | majuscule: To answer your original question, the answer is no, it is not possible | 14:42 |
majuscule | thank you. | 14:42 |
ArminiusTux | Hi, any OpenGL driver tweakers around? | 14:43 |
TJ- | majuscule: Yes, there is a way. If you have 'fakeroot' then "fakeroot apt-get source <package>" | 14:43 |
pragmaticenigma | ArminiusTux: This isn't the correct forum for that topic. This channel is focused on providing support | 14:44 |
majuscule | oo that's a very interesting idea, thanks TJ- | 14:44 |
pragmaticenigma | !alis | ArminiusTux | 14:44 |
ubottu | ArminiusTux: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http" | 14:44 |
ArminiusTux | pragmaticenigma: thank you for the hint, I sort of need a solution how to switch OpenGL drivers within Ubuntu | 14:45 |
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pa | And it's alive.. | 15:10 |
pa | damn.. | 15:10 |
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jilocasin | afternoon all | 16:22 |
jilocasin | does anyone know how I can stop notification spam? | 16:23 |
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CarlFK | how do I find out what package supplies libX11.so.6 ? | 16:45 |
TJ- | CarlFK: if it's installed, then "dpkg -S libX11.so", if not you'd need to install "apt-file" then do "sudo apt-file update; apt-file search libX11.so" | 16:47 |
CarlFK | thanks - I was poking apt-cache | 16:47 |
=== Richard is now known as Guest88012 | ||
_BIGSHOT_ | i have apple imac 2009's keyboard bluetooth but it is not pairing what to do? mouse bluetooth connected fine!!! | 16:54 |
_BIGSHOT_ | i get message "failed to connect"!, but keyboard bluetooth shows up in devices of bluetooth | 16:55 |
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TJ- | _BIGSHOT_: there's a sequence you have to follow to make it work | 17:01 |
TJ- | _BIGSHOT_: see my comment #29 at bug 1490347 | 17:02 |
ubottu | bug 1490347 in bluez (Ubuntu Wily) "[Regression] 16:04 + 15:10 - Cannot pair with devices using (legacy LMP Link Management Protocol) PIN codes" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1490347 | 17:02 |
nemo | hm. Is there any particular reason that an old ubuntu would have better support for my monitor than debian? I was wondering if for example there was some ubuntu-maintained monitor mode-line database or something | 17:21 |
=== Dreaman is now known as BgLamersTeam | ||
pragmaticenigma | nemo: You would have to explain what you mean by better support. also, comparing Ubuntu and Debian against each other doesn't work. While Ubuntu started with Debian as it's base, they are no longer similar. | 17:25 |
snukn | hi I just joined :) do I have to do the /msg NickServ everytime I start irssi? | 17:25 |
pragmaticenigma | snukn: Due to a high volume of spam, anyone desiring to chat in #ubuntu support/chat channels need to register their nicks. Which means you will need to authenticate each time | 17:26 |
pragmaticenigma | snukn: you can look at the documentation to find out if there is a way to have irssi automatically log you in each time. Or look here: https://freenode.net/kb/answer/irssi | 17:29 |
nemo | pragmaticenigma: I switched from ubuntu 14.04 to devuan for reasons that hardly need elaborating - I noticed immediately monitor's max resolution was well below the default 1600x900 - kicked myself for not having grabbed the modelines from xrandr before installing | 17:29 |
snukn | thanks pragmaticenigma I'll have a look at that | 17:29 |
nemo | pragmaticenigma: but then started wondering why exactly was it failing to detect - I was using the FOSS driver with both... | 17:29 |
snukn | btw im getting some weird symbols with irssi at the nickname part | 17:30 |
snukn | can I post a screenshot of my desktop and see if you know what it is? | 17:30 |
pragmaticenigma | nemo: There are a large number of reasons. You're question would be better sent to the Debian group since it is with Debian that you experience the issues. | 17:30 |
pragmaticenigma | snukn: You can post picture and place a link here. Remember to obscure (black out) anything private or that you don't want being exposed on the internet | 17:31 |
snukn | alright sec | 17:32 |
snukn | ignore the black line in the middle of the middle screen, i used my wacom cintiq and accidentaly drew a black line there :P | 17:35 |
snukn | https://i.imgur.com/KCIZ0jX.png | 17:35 |
snukn | it's low quality, but you can see stuff like "?" after the nicknames | 17:35 |
pragmaticenigma | snukn: those are place holders for unrecognized character codes. I'm not sure why irssi is doing that or the terminal emulator is doing that | 17:38 |
nemo | pragmaticenigma: yeah, I'm following up with them, but I was wondering if in particular, ubuntu might have a project where it maintains such additional modeline information | 17:38 |
snukn | hmm im using rxvt unicode | 17:38 |
nemo | pragmaticenigma: which is something ubuntu would know more about than debian ☺ | 17:38 |
rdg | pragmaticenigma: you tried to help me with swapping workspaces in dual monitor mode in ubuntu and ubuntu would only move to a new workspace on teh primary monitor | 17:38 |
nemo | pragmaticenigma: this would be helpful regardless of non-ubuntu distro if the information was, presumably, open | 17:39 |
pragmaticenigma | nemo: That would be found in the source code | 17:39 |
rdg | pragmaticenigma: I forget the name of teh tool.. it was. $something-tweaks. .. but you use it to enable workspaces across both monitors | 17:39 |
pragmaticenigma | nemo: I suspect it's a difference of version for X11, where Ubuntu could be running a newer version of X server that enables/handles support for high density displays. | 17:40 |
pragmaticenigma | rdg: gnome-tweaks | 17:40 |
nemo | pragmaticenigma: fair 'nuff, although I'd swear I've had no such issues for a very long time - and the idea that Ubuntu 14.04 would be a newer version seemed rather odd to me. | 17:42 |
pragmaticenigma | snukn: I don't know what those settings are, or what would be a better setting to choose. You may have some luck seraching for "irrsi displaying unknown characters" | 17:42 |
nemo | pragmaticenigma: but. can't hurt to check I guess! | 17:42 |
nemo | pragmaticenigma: but. yeah, this is not a "high density" display, 1600x900 is a pretty standard laptop resolution, and the laptop itself is very very old ☺ | 17:43 |
pragmaticenigma | nemo: One of Debian foundations is to stay the course on the most stable version. That often means it's far behind other distros in versions | 17:43 |
nemo | pragmaticenigma: yeah. naw. both are on x11 7.7.. hum | 17:45 |
nemo | durn changelog link on ubuntu.com is dead ☹ | 17:46 |
pragmaticenigma | nemo: that's a good question then... | 17:46 |
nemo | in fact xerver-xorg-video-radeon is on 7.8 in devuan, and 7.3 in trusty updates. | 17:47 |
nemo | pragmaticenigma: but ok, was just wondering if there was some secret sauce - I guess my next step is to try an ubuntu usb boot to see what on earth it's doing | 17:48 |
pragmaticenigma | nemo: that appears to be more related to graphics card driver handling, than x server | 17:49 |
pragmaticenigma | nemo: In my experience, I've had different distros do completely different things with monitor detection, even when everything appears to be on the same version. X server is a large beast of an application, and there are lots of little nuances to how it configures itself and works. | 17:50 |
nemo | pragmaticenigma: mm :/ | 17:51 |
pragmaticenigma | nemo: I know that I have used xorg.conf files created on what I preceived to be a working setup, work completely differently in another distro on the same hardware | 17:51 |
nemo | pragmaticenigma: poking around online, there's more than a few people who've run into problems with the Precision M6600 on various distros, even ubuntu - but I'd swear it worked for me prior | 17:51 |
nemo | *sigh* if it wasn't my total opposition to the systemd thing, I'd not have left my comfy ubuntu setup at all. ah well. | 17:51 |
TJ- | nemo: it all depends on the driver receiving EDID from the monitor. Check the Xorg.0.log to see what was returned, or on a live system use "xrandr -q" | 17:52 |
nemo | TJ-: kk thanks for the hint | 17:52 |
TJ- | nemo: X will select the 'best' mode as returned in the EDID that matches what it understands the GPU can support | 17:52 |
nemo | TJ-: xrandr -q only lists 1152x864 and 1024x768... | 17:52 |
nemo | TJ-: let's see if the EDID block in the xorg log offers anything different | 17:53 |
TJ- | nemo: is that from the Ubuntu boot? | 17:53 |
nemo | TJ-: sorry, ubuntu is gone now - I should not really be getting support here, it's just 'cause you offered, and I'd initially come here w/ quest to find out if there was an ubuntu-specific modeline database or something ☺ | 17:54 |
nemo | interesting. the xorg log shows 1600x900 modelines... | 17:54 |
nemo | let's see if I can force 'em w/ xrandr.. | 17:55 |
TJ- | nemo: right; if you had the Ubuntu Xorg.0.log we could compare; but for any X system, see that log to get an idea of the EDID provided modes received, and modes selected | 17:55 |
nemo | TJ-: http://m8y.org/tmp/Xorg.0.log if you're curious | 17:55 |
nemo | there shouldn't be anything secret in there ☺ | 17:55 |
nemo | well, my boot hash but whatever 😝 | 17:56 |
TJ- | nemo: if xrandr -q is reporting something different to what Xorg log reports, that suggests a problem with the driver | 17:56 |
nemo | hmmmmm | 17:56 |
nemo | TJ-: maybe I should downgrade then! | 17:56 |
TJ- | nemo: and your issue is it is only using the VESA driver, not the GPU-specific driver (radeon) | 17:59 |
nemo | OMFG | 17:59 |
nemo | TJ-: aaaagh I checked glxinfo and glxgears to make sure direct rendering was happening and at a decent framerate | 17:59 |
nemo | TJ-: how could I have missed something so basic | 17:59 |
nemo | wild. glxinfo still says direct rendering: yes | 18:00 |
nemo | O_o OpenGL vendor string of... vmware? wut | 18:00 |
TJ- | nemo: root cause is "[ 5271.879] (II) [KMS] drm report modesetting isn't supported." | 18:01 |
Jordan_U | nemo: VMware has paid developers to make llvmpipe, a driver that provides OpenGL via the CPU. | 18:01 |
TJ- | nemo: that warning is followed by this error: "[ 5271.879] (EE) open /dev/dri/card0: No such file or directory" | 18:02 |
Gazooo | hi, so I have a stability issue with my home server running ubuntu server, I lose connectivity via SSH and pretty much all my running services stop working, machine still has power but is headless, I have to force reboot by power switch. I am thinking it could be a hardware issue but was wondering if there's any suggested software I could run to ke | 18:02 |
Gazooo | ep track of things over time and I can debug issues when they next occur | 18:02 |
Gazooo | syslogs aren't showing much and are hard to sift through with so much running on the machine | 18:03 |
TJ- | nemo: does "lspci -nnkd 1002:6720" show a kernel driver in use? | 18:03 |
nemo | Jordan_U: ah. interesting. I'm impressed by the performance then | 18:03 |
nemo | TJ-: huh. I wonder if it's possible that I was using that awful unstable closed source radeon graphics driver and just forgot | 18:03 |
Jordan_U | nemo: Please pastebin the complete output of "glxinfo". | 18:04 |
nemo | it may be with hardware this ancient I have no choice though | 18:04 |
nemo | Jordan_U: http://termbin.com/c4aa | 18:05 |
nemo | Jordan_U: and lspci http://termbin.com/90jo 'cause why not | 18:06 |
Jordan_U | nemo: Yup, that's llvmpipe. Entirely CPU :) | 18:06 |
nemo | Jordan_U: I guess I need to see what the FOSS radeon driver support for the Radeon HD 6970M is | 18:06 |
nemo | Jordan_U: welp. TIL - once upon a time I knew to always check "direct rendering" | 18:06 |
nemo | Jordan_U: in hedgewars support I've asked users on various linux distros to check that too | 18:07 |
nemo | now I know that's wholly inadequate | 18:07 |
Jordan_U | nemo: What version of Ubuntu are you using? | 18:07 |
nemo | Jordan_U: so... you kinda missed how I got here, sorry, I *was* using Ubuntu 14.04 - but I decided to make the transition to Devuan Ascii since 14.04 was approaching EOL | 18:07 |
nemo | Jordan_U: I've used it for so long I may have utterly forgotten that I was using closed source graphics driver though | 18:08 |
nemo | I may have installed that like 4 years ago out of desparation | 18:08 |
nemo | *desperation | 18:08 |
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tomreyn | Gazooo: first of all it'd be good to check whether everything stops working, including the kernel, or just some processes. syslog should tell whether the kernel was and systemd were still operating fine. | 18:27 |
nacc | nemo: so you're not on ubuntu now? | 18:31 |
nacc | Gazooo: i would recommend you set up a serial console | 18:31 |
tomreyn | Gazooo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSystemCrash | 18:31 |
nemo | nacc: well, I am on a number of machines, but not this one - this one was an experimental transition - I attempted first to see if I could do a live migration from ubuntu 14.04 to devuan ascii - which failed fairly miserably, although not for wont of trying. so I wiped it and did a clean install. I decided to drop by here to find out if possibly ubuntu had additional monitor info, but seems I was on totally | 18:33 |
nemo | the wrong track | 18:33 |
nemo | nacc: my eventual plan is to shift all the remaining 14.04 to devuan tho, sorry.. | 18:33 |
nacc | nemo: right, so migrating to devuan would be offtopic here, and so would switching to it. | 18:39 |
nemo | nacc: yeah, I know. as noted, I came here simply to find out if ubuntu had its own monitor database. but it was just because, as noted, I was totally off target in what was going on | 18:41 |
nemo | nacc: I was trying to keep it on that target, but then TJ- helpfully offered some X11 support which I gratefully took him up on | 18:42 |
nemo | nacc: so now I know I have a driver problem | 18:42 |
nacc | nemo: cool | 18:42 |
nemo | nacc: and, FWIW, looks like this dude who I found on askubuntu https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=100743 has 'sact same problem | 18:45 |
ubottu | Freedesktop bug 100743 in Driver/Radeon "Support for Radeon HD 6970M" [Normal,Reopened] | 18:45 |
nemo | might need to submit a patch | 18:45 |
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FreeBDSM | hello | 19:07 |
FreeBDSM | when I click on a link from skype - it opens chromium without my profile | 19:07 |
FreeBDSM | how to fix that? | 19:07 |
nemo | FreeBDSM: since no one is answering here.. | 19:21 |
nemo | FreeBDSM: I have no familiarity w/ chromium due to a strong antipathy but my guess would be separate chrome/chromium instances or... separate profiles? I think they have that now? | 19:21 |
nemo | FreeBDSM: maybe some clue in ~/.config ? like having both chrome and chromium in there? | 19:22 |
pragmaticenigma | FreeBDSM: Is skyped installed as a Snap? | 19:22 |
FreeBDSM | ah, turns out I use a snap'd version of skype | 19:22 |
FreeBDSM | yeah | 19:22 |
nemo | hah | 19:22 |
pragmaticenigma | FreeBDSM: Applications running in a snap run in a protected environment. So when Skype requests a URL handler to open a web page, that application inherits the same environment as Skype | 19:23 |
FreeBDSM | that sucks | 19:24 |
FreeBDSM | but I guess it's still better than having skype installed into the system | 19:24 |
pragmaticenigma | Firefox operates in a shared environment setting. If you had an instance of Firefox open, I think it would reuse that instance instead of launching a new one. | 19:25 |
FreeBDSM | mozilla ruined Firefox, I find it no longer usable and I had to switch from Firefox (I stayed with it since ~ v1.5 up until 57) to Chromium | 19:26 |
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cim209 | hello i am wondering if my machine is using two GPUs at once https://pastebin.com/WDLXzFKe | 19:49 |
pragmaticenigma | cim209: take a look at the output of: lspci -vnnn | perl -lne 'print if /^\d+\:.+(\[\S+\:\S+\])/' | grep VGA | 19:51 |
pragmaticenigma | cim209: look for the [VGA controller] at the end of each device. Whichever device has it, is the active GPU. | 19:52 |
cim209 | ok hold on | 19:52 |
cim209 | pragmaticenigma, it's both | 19:53 |
pragmaticenigma | cim209: Or just go to Settings => Details => About and check what is listed under Graphics | 19:53 |
cim209 | graphics says AMD Turks | 19:54 |
pragmaticenigma | THen the AMD card is the currently active card | 19:55 |
cim209 | when i use vgaswitcheroo, it says permission denied | 19:55 |
pragmaticenigma | cim209: are you running it as sudo? | 19:56 |
cim209 | yeah | 19:57 |
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cim209 | i'm lookign at the docs | 19:58 |
cim209 | for hybrid graphics | 19:58 |
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cim209 | the file /etc/init.d/rc.local doesn't exist | 19:58 |
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solrac | Hello :o I'm in need of some help regarding an Elantech ETPS/2 Touchpad. It's detected but it's not working. Its only detected when I add the i8042 options in the grub, but even after installing libinput (instead of synaptic) it still doesn't seem to work. But I do get an error in dmesg https://pastebin.com/41ytRaJq | 19:59 |
blip99 | The ZSH version on ubuntu is really outdated, I'm confused why that is. Ubuntu 18.04 still running ZSH 5.4.2 | 20:00 |
blip99 | The reason I care, is that oh-my-zsh seems to require zsh 5.5 https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/wiki/Installing-ZSH | 20:01 |
nacc | blip99: 18.10 has 5.5 | 20:01 |
solrac | anyone @u@ | 20:02 |
nacc | !latest | blip99 | 20:02 |
ubottu | blip99: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. | 20:02 |
pragmaticenigma | !patience | solrac | 20:02 |
ubottu | solrac: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/ | 20:02 |
solrac | ty | 20:02 |
blip99 | !backports | 20:02 |
ubottu | If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging | 20:02 |
blip99 | nacc, thanks | 20:03 |
nacc | blip99: yw | 20:03 |
blip99 | !sru | 20:05 |
ubottu | Stable Release Update information is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates | 20:05 |
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subcool | The local folder exists... whats going on? --- subcool@HP-m7:/mnt$ sudo mount // /mnt/Programs | 20:14 |
subcool | mount: /mnt/Programs: bad option; for several filesystems (e.g. nfs, cifs) you might need a /sbin/mount.<type> helper program. | 20:14 |
subcool | <subcool> Im trying to add this to my FSTAB. | 20:14 |
subcool | <subcool> / /mnt/Programs cifs credentials=/etc/samba/credentials 0 0 -- Results in error: sudo mount -a mount error(2): No such file or directory Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs) | 20:14 |
blackflow | subcool: //192 .... (double forward slashes) | 20:15 |
nacc | subcool: if you added the correct entry to your fstab, then you just specify the mount point to `mount` | 20:16 |
nacc | subcool: either give all the options on the commandline, or give just the mountpoint to mount (where fstab has the appropriate options) | 20:16 |
nacc | subcool: also, use a pastebin to dump commands and output. line breaks make it hard to read | 20:17 |
subcool | nacc, not sure i completely understand | 20:28 |
nacc | subcool: which part? | 20:29 |
subcool | your first line. | 20:29 |
subcool | blackflow, sorry, thats just how it got pasted. It is // | 20:29 |
nacc | subcool: if you have a fstab line describing how to mount /path/to/mountpoint, you just tell `mount` to mount it, like: `mount /path/to/mountpoint` | 20:30 |
subcool | so in fstab put "mount //address/share /local/folder etc" | 20:30 |
nacc | no. | 20:31 |
nacc | subcool: 'mount' never goes in fstab | 20:31 |
TJ- | subcool: do you have "cifs-utils" installed for "mount.cifs" ? | 20:31 |
nacc | subcool: you wrote above that you ran `sudo mount // /mnt/Programs`. If you have a fstab line for /mnt/programs, that was an incorrect invocation of `mount`. | 20:32 |
TJ- | subcool: on the remote server, you realize that :mnt/Storage/Programs will be relative to the connecting user? do you really mean to use :/mnt/Storage/Programs ? | 20:33 |
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subcool | nacc, yeah, thats what im not getting. | 20:34 |
nacc | subcool: 'that'? | 20:34 |
subcool | TJ - doubtful. lol. this is a fresh install. | 20:34 |
subcool | nacc, are you trying to say to simply CLI the mount command and test the location? - i have. it errors too. | 20:35 |
subcool | TJ-, the directions indicated i didnt have to put ":" - but i added it trying to make it work. | 20:35 |
nacc | subcool: it's always better to make sure you can `mount` without fstab before adding it to fstab, yes. | 20:36 |
subcool | TJ-, yes, cifs-utils are installed. | 20:36 |
subcool | nacc, yes, i have tried to do that. pretty much same error. | 20:36 |
nacc | subcool: use a pastebin and show your exact output and command. You might also need to comment out lines in fstab to ensure they aren't adding options. | 20:36 |
subcool | sudo mount // /mnt/Programs | pastebinit | 20:37 |
subcool | mount: /mnt/Programs: bad option; for several filesystems (e.g. nfs, cifs) you might need a /sbin/mount.<type> helper program. | 20:37 |
subcool | You are trying to send an empty document, exiting. | 20:37 |
nacc | subcool: you need to redirect stderr to stdout | 20:38 |
TJ- | subcool: I think your ":" is wrong; on the remote server, is the directory you want to mount /mnt/Storage/Programs ? | 20:38 |
nacc | subcool: that line doesn't make sense | 20:38 |
nacc | subcool: you aren't telling it filesystem type or options. | 20:38 |
nacc | subcool: again, you *either* need to put everything in fstab and specify only a mountpoint or put everything on the commandline and don't put it in fstab. Stop mixing syntax. | 20:39 |
TJ- | subcool: try this: "sudo mount -t cifs // /mnt/Programs" | 20:41 |
subcool | TJ-, yes, that is the directory im mounting from the remote server. the error appears to erroring the local location. | 20:42 |
subcool | nacc, i agree, but some of the syntax doesnt make sense. or might cause issue. The directions gave me instances of user, gid and something else. | 20:43 |
nacc | subcool: if you agree, why are you doing it in a way that's different? | 20:43 |
nacc | subcool: i think TJ- has you on this one, but it appears to be user error | 20:43 |
subcool | nacc, because i usualy dont have to put so much in the fstab. - i dont disagree its user error, but - it still doesnt work. | 20:44 |
subcool | The code he just gave me shouldve worked... | 20:44 |
subcool | sudo mount -t cifs // /mnt/Programs | 20:45 |
subcool | Password for root@// ********** | 20:45 |
subcool | mount error(2): No such file or directory | 20:45 |
subcool | Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs) | 20:45 |
nacc | subcool: please use a pastebin. (even if it means manual c&p) | 20:45 |
TJ- | subcool: is the remote actually sharing /mnt/Storage/Programs? Can any other devices see/mount that share? | 20:45 |
TJ- | subcool: locally /mnt/Programs/ exists as a directory on a read-write file-system? | 20:47 |
subcool | TJ-, yes.. i just ssh'd into it | 20:47 |
TJ- | subcool: that doesn't seem to answer my question. SSH is not going to prove if 1.42 is actually offering the share on the network | 20:48 |
subcool | Oh, ok. well. Yes. i can open dolphin and goto \\ | 20:48 |
subcool | local - drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 2 14:30 Programs | 20:49 |
TJ- | subcool: that's a better test :) | 20:50 |
TJ- | subcool: on the server you can also use "smbstatus --shares" | 20:50 |
subcool | Storage 96125 Mon Oct 1 10:45:21 2018 PDT - - | 20:51 |
TJ- | subcool: if Dolphin can successfully mount the share, use "grep 42 /proc/mounts" to get the mount command/options used | 20:54 |
subcool | TJ-, results were empty. | 20:57 |
subcool | smb:// --- is the "url" in dolphin | 20:57 |
outoftime | I have gparted installed, have no live iso and internet connection. How to split root partition "/"? | 21:03 |
nacc | outoftime: what do you mean by 'split'? | 21:04 |
nacc | outoftime: in general, what you are asking is not possible for an actively used partition. | 21:04 |
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outoftime | nacc: need free space for another distro nearby | 21:04 |
nacc | outoftime: splitting the partition isn't all you need to do then, you need to resize the filesystem, and the partition it is on. | 21:05 |
nacc | outoftime: which means you can't be using it while you are doing htat | 21:05 |
TJ- | outoftime: does the OS use a separate /boot/ file-system ? | 21:06 |
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outoftime | tj-, I have 2 partitions for root and home | 21:07 |
outoftime | tj-,I have installed grub, everything works perfectly | 21:08 |
TJ- | outoftime: there is an (involved) method, if there is a separate /boot/ file-system, to insert tooling into the initial ramdisk image, that would allow you to resize/partition from the initrd. But as you don't have that, the point is moot | 21:09 |
outoftime | tj-, how much space boot could take? | 21:12 |
subcool | TJ nacc - I have to reboot a few things.. brb. | 21:18 |
outoftime | broken 3g connection | 21:19 |
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c0fe | has ubuntu 18.04 got rid of ufw? I am getting this error when I try to set ufw policies: https://hastebin.com/pevimiyavi.rb | 21:38 |
nacc | c0fe: that module exists just fine here | 21:46 |
nacc | c0fe: does this file exist? /lib/modules/4.15.0-36-generic/kernel/net/ipv6/netfilter/ip6_tables.ko | 21:47 |
c0fe | nacc: nope, no ip6_tables.ko | 21:48 |
nacc | c0fe: `apt-cache policy linux-modules-4.15.0-36-generic` in a pastebin? | 21:49 |
c0fe | nacc: https://hastebin.com/ameyakefop.cs | 21:50 |
nacc | c0fe: `dpkg -L linux-modules-4.15.0-36-generic | grep ip6_tables` in a pastebin | 21:51 |
c0fe | nacc: https://hastebin.com/igociduzuy | 21:52 |
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nacc | c0fe: and you are sure that file does not exist on the filesystem? did apt-get recently fail on a command by any chance? | 21:52 |
c0fe | nacc: not in the directory you listed | 21:53 |
c0fe | nacc: i am sure | 21:53 |
nacc | c0fe: in the directory tht you just pastebinned? | 21:54 |
c0fe | nacc: no | 21:54 |
c0fe | nacc: there are two: 4.15.0-29-generic 4.15.0-36-generic | 21:54 |
nacc | c0fe: as in, `ls -ahl /lib/modules/4.15.0-36-generic/kernel/net/ipv6/netfilter/ip6_tables.ko; ls -ahl /lib/modules/4.15.0-36-generic/kernel/net/ipv6/netfilter/` | 21:54 |
nacc | in a pastebin, plese | 21:55 |
c0fe | nacc: https://hastebin.com/fuvufekufo.diff | 21:55 |
nacc | c0fe: ... so it does exist | 21:56 |
nacc | at the exact path | 21:56 |
c0fe | nacc: not in 4.15.0-36-generic | 21:57 |
nacc | c0fe: it's not supposed to be in that path, and i never mentioned that path. | 21:57 |
nacc | c0fe: it's supposed to be exactly where it is. now, does /lib/modules/4.15.0-36-generic/modules.dep.bin exist ? | 21:57 |
c0fe | nacc: https://hastebin.com/enolemimuc.css | 21:58 |
nacc | c0fe: is that in /lib/modules/4.15.0-36-generic ? | 21:59 |
c0fe | nacc: yes | 21:59 |
nacc | c0fe: are you doing this in a container or anything funky? | 21:59 |
nacc | c0fe: modprobe said it couldn't open that file | 21:59 |
nacc | c0fe: can you use `ls -ahl` and pastebin? | 22:00 |
c0fe | nacc: this is on my host machine that is on baremetal but it is running lxd | 22:00 |
nacc | c0fe: is it a privileged container? | 22:00 |
c0fe | nacc: https://hastebin.com/jukovusuxe.css | 22:00 |
nacc | c0fe: i think you have a rather significant misunderstanding of how containers work :( | 22:00 |
c0fe | nacc: i am running these commands on my baremetal server | 22:00 |
c0fe | the hypervisor if you will | 22:01 |
nacc | c0fe: oh ok. | 22:01 |
c0fe | nacc: https://hastebin.com/jukovusuxe.css | 22:01 |
nacc | c0fe: i meant `ls -ahl /lib/modules/4.15.0-36-generic` | 22:01 |
nacc | c0fe: so 'test' is the name of your barmetal server? | 22:01 |
c0fe | nacc: https://hastebin.com/getolupiju.diff | 22:01 |
c0fe | nacc: no, it is one of the vm's that's running in lxd | 22:02 |
c0fe | nacc: name of server is just server | 22:02 |
nacc | c0fe: ... | 22:02 |
nacc | c0fe: ok, so please stop mixing systems up | 22:02 |
nacc | c0fe: https://hastebin.com/pevimiyavi.rb | 22:02 |
nacc | is what you showed as a symptom | 22:02 |
nacc | that is running in a lxd? | 22:02 |
nacc | if so, then you have just used up a bunch of time that wasn't necessary. Containers don't load kernel modules generally, because that affects the *host* kernel. | 22:03 |
nacc | c0fe: and lxd container != vm. | 22:03 |
c0fe | its been a long | 22:03 |
c0fe | day | 22:03 |
c0fe | sorry nacc | 22:03 |
c0fe | i appreciate the attempt to help | 22:03 |
nacc | c0fe: it's ok, get some rest and start again tmrw :) | 22:03 |
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snukn | hi, im having some issues trying to install my arcade stick in 18.04 | 22:46 |
snukn | i've googled a bit but only found stuff for older releases | 22:47 |
snukn | would really appreciate it if anyone could help :) | 22:47 |
tomreyn | snukn: what's an arcade stick? an input device? | 22:53 |
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tomreyn | seems to be something like a joystick. how is it connected? via usb? if so, connect it and run this command, then post the http address here: lsusb | pastebinit | 22:55 |
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snukn | https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jDDG3WV9ZT/ | 22:57 |
snukn | dont know which one it is | 22:57 |
tomreyn | snukn: run "dmesg -wT" and unplug / replug it, this will tell | 22:58 |
snukn | https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/B2KH8b5sXs/ | 22:59 |
snukn | its the dragon rice | 22:59 |
snukn | dragonrise :D | 22:59 |
tomreyn | snukn: maybe try this https://askubuntu.com/questions/26772/dragonrise-usb-gamepad-not-working | 23:03 |
tomreyn | Bus 002 Device 014 in your case | 23:03 |
tomreyn | general configuration notes on joysticks / gamepads: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Gamepad | 23:04 |
subcool | Ok - ive been in #freenas for a min. and tried a couple things. Idk whats up with the fstab and mount- but im pretty sure something is up with my Filesystem. SOmething is wrong with my directory /mnt/Programs | 23:07 |
snukn | well i think i calibrated it atleast | 23:09 |
snukn | but I still dont know how to get it to work on steam | 23:09 |
snukn | To realy see on which path your device is use cat /proc/bus/input/devices | 23:09 |
snukn | I did that and it showed up | 23:09 |
subcool | This is the read out of my Directory. - drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 2 14:30 Programs | 23:09 |
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subcool | nacc, starting to figure it out, i have a fresh install, so - i didnt have nfs install, samba at first.. lol... | 23:26 |
nacc | subcool: :) | 23:30 |
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