[00:00] sorry for the weird one. [00:00] someone said to use lynx instead of w3m in terminal, but I wanted to know a smaller memory hog one for GUI web browsing [00:00] I hate the depending on Chrome on this comp tbh [00:00] well it depends on what you want it to do [00:01] i mean, dillo is pretty small [00:01] but the web is run on javascript [00:01] so maybe falkon or qutebrowser or something of the sort is a better choice [00:02] true [00:02] falkon and qutebrowser, cool, will look in the lubuntu repo for that [00:02] *those [00:02] right now falkon is default for 18.10 [00:02] it's qt so since lxde is largely gtk and not qt, it will mean pulling in some qt libs. qutebrowser too [00:03] xombrero used to be a thing but i don't know where it went [00:03] @VikingRedwolf likes opera but i doubt that's light [00:03] @kc2bez i don't think that's too strange, actually [00:04] hmm, btw did anyone figure out what the default mirror should be for the getcountry() function? [00:04] or rather [00:04] whoops poorly phrased [00:04] that has to deal with getmirror() [00:04] I guess I have to add a timeout block to make the computer wait for the country right [00:04] ^^ @tsimonq2 [00:04] yeah [00:05] do we we need a try and except block for the getcountry() function? [00:05] isn't that only for the getmirror() function? [00:05] mirror calls country and country's the one that fails, so country [00:05] ah ok [00:05] so I put the code that was previously placed into the try block [00:05] now for the default except part [00:05] if in doubt, US lol? [00:06] or we have to assume other countries as well [00:06] or rather, the issue is to make a time out function [00:06] do I have to consult the "REST api" for Python in this case? [00:07] probably [00:07] but [00:07] i don't know [00:08] no, the country is used to pick a mirror [00:08] so there is no default country then [00:08] well we need to pick one [00:08] i'd say pick the US [00:09] like there would be no except clause other than saying "country not found" [00:09] yeah I was gonna say [00:09] and oregon state university's mirros :) [00:09] good idea [00:09] didn't know we mirror from that university [00:09] they mirror everything [00:09] I knew a transfer student at the college I went to that went there [00:09] mega cute [00:09] anyway [00:09] lets see [00:09] default mirror should be oregon state university mirrors huh [00:09] makes sense [00:10] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T53: Must haves for 18.10 release] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T53#1649 [00:10] i wish lugito showed diffs [00:21] @Wafficus [ question regarding lxterminal, so is it possible to full screen it?], F11 [00:22] the best I have done [00:24] HMollerCl: but how do I get rid of the menu at the top too? [00:24] like to hide it [00:24] Thanks though for the F11 trick, appreciate it a ton [00:26] @Wafficus [ HMollerCl: but how do I get rid of the menu at the top too?], I don't think it can be done. Can't you use tty? (ctrl+alt+f1 f2, f3....f6) com back to x with ctr+alt+f7 [00:28] Preferences > Display > Hide menu bar [00:29] woah [00:29] yeah I just got back to this [00:29] that was a trip [00:29] I didn't even know you could do that [00:29] thats crazy [00:29] you mean virtual terminals? [00:29] yeah whatever the hell that was [00:29] ctrl + alt + f1 [00:29] yep [00:29] I thought I totally screwed up my computer [00:29] hah [00:29] is that lxterminal? [00:30] be warned: that's not running in x [00:30] or is that something else [00:30] yeah I assumed [00:30] I kinda like that [00:30] something altogether different [00:30] pure terminal baby :) [00:30] maybe that's the solution to my other laptop [00:30] keep X for boot [00:30] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_console [00:30] but immediately go into virtual terminal [00:31] or just don't even boot into x [00:31] use it iff. you need it [00:33] yeah I got an old Acer Aspire 3690 with 512 meg ram, considering just having purely terminals on that [00:33] I tried looking at what "ubuntu server" distro I needed yesterday but was confused ha [00:34] Wafficus: D24 is waiting on upstream. Blaming agaida. XD [00:34] er [00:34] wxl [00:34] no hell with that [00:34] dude [00:34] The package LITERALLY WON'T INSTALL. [00:34] when that fix comes, we can mvoe it back [00:34] :) [00:35] what are you talking about? [00:35] lxqt-globalkeys and lubuntu-default-settings would be impossible to ship at the same time. [00:35] Two binaries can't ship the same files. [00:35] lxqt-globalkeys already ships the files. [00:35] Which means we either have to hack up the LXQt package or we have to wait for upstream to do XDG properly. [00:36] @tsimonq2 [ Which means we either have to hack up the LXQt package or we have to …], that's for Super_L ? [00:36] oh god. well reading their bug the latter is not coming any time soon [00:36] yes @HMollerCl and any other changes we want to make to keys [00:36] and that's the thing --- we WILL want to make changes [00:36] so i vote hacking lxqt then :/ [00:36] I'm pretty sure that my installation from mid august had Super_L as default [00:36] I tyhink I can download again right? [00:36] I really can't do that in good conscious, but I can close my eyes and whistle if you get a change sponsored to lxqt-globalkeys by another Ubuntu developer. :P [00:37] ugh [00:37] to test it and see what cahanged? [00:37] It is very annoying for the main menu shortcut default to be set to Alt+F1 [00:37] well then i guess we can kiss globalkeys changes goodbye [00:37] Faulty logic. :P [00:38] not for a while at least [00:38] Find how other LXQt packages just pull from XDG settings, and then make PRs upstream to lxqt-globalkeys. [00:38] go for it [00:38] For someone who isn't familiar with the codebase, probably a 2-3 hour job. [00:38] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [00:38] cuz i'm sure if the developers of the actual software can't figure it out, joe pleeb sure can [00:39] dude [00:39] agaida is just lazy [00:39] wxl: So its time.sleep(10) for 10 seconds in Python [00:39] @HMollerCl there's only a day or two of images available, sorry [00:39] did you want that BEFORE localdata gets initialized [00:39] or after [00:39] @tsimonq2: no, the bug is something he made because he wants it changed [00:39] in automirror's main.py? [00:39] Wafficus: no, no. urllib.request has a timeout option [00:39] Wafficus: See palinek's comment. [00:39] ARGH. [00:39] wxl: YOU. [00:39] :) [00:43] wxl: 07:42:07 PM <+agaida> and it should be easy to implement - but not for me :D [00:43] I TOLD YOU DO [00:43] *SO [00:43] ok well whos' going to do it? apparently no one cares [00:43] You apparently care. [00:43] :P [00:44] s/no one/no one with sufficient skill and knowledge of the code/ [00:44] dude [00:44] It's just C++ [00:44] then knock yourself out [00:44] or we just change the default in lxqt-globalkeys and problem solved [00:46] Knock yourself out; the packaging's in Phab. [00:48] hey so I'm looking at that link: [00:48] https://phab.lubuntu.me/D23 [00:48] I don't see a comment that told me to look into urllib.request() for a timeout section [00:48] I will anyway [00:48] but am I not on the same page? [00:48] there's not a timeout section. it's an option to urllib.request [00:48] like it's a feature of urllib.request itself [00:51] gotcha [00:52] got a solution to the problem @TheWendyPower [00:53] @wxl........ 😏 [00:54] @TheWendyPower blame me. I didn't knwo two binaries couldn't provide the same file. [00:54] wxl: Hey check out my pastebin: [00:54] wxl: https://pastebin.com/YyvW7Ym2 [00:54] wxl: is that what you wanted using the 'timeout' parameter? [00:59] Anyone else have botched networking with the daily under QEMU? [01:00] @wxl I'll just go back to working on the slide show... [whispers to myself] It is much safer there... 😉 [01:00] ahahaha [01:00] Good work! [01:01] @wxl now I will try the calamares thing [01:01] on a vm [01:01] wxl: hey man, did you check out my paste bin above? [01:15] mmm @wxl it's taking pretty long on unsquash filesystem [01:17] at least now it is in 22% before was in 21%. [01:20] create locale [01:21] 39% [01:29] @HmollerCI unsquash seems to take a long time [01:31] tsimonq2: live session or installed? [01:31] tsimonq2: I have it working fine with virtio nic [01:32] and error [01:32] in the live session [01:33] yes [01:34] @TheWendyPower https://community.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-cosmic-cuttlefish-release-parties/8228 [01:37] @HMollerCl what error? pastebin the logs if you can [01:37] man i wish Wafficus would just stay put XD [01:37] (Photo, 375x286) https://i.imgur.com/pABdcrI.jpg [01:37] never used pastebin what should I do? [01:37] @TheWendyPower so you're giving up? :( [01:38] @HMollerCl `cat somefile | pastebinit` [01:39] did you copy and paste @HMollerCl? that might be the issue. python is really picky about indentation [01:40] @wxl [ did you copy and paste @HMollerCl? that might be the issue. python is real …], ok, that can be [01:40] @HMollerCl here's the raw file you can just replace it ith https://phab.lubuntu.me/file/data/tkqb45bqwzr2kzcz6vtl/PHID-FILE-6gnqqtxh3ra6vc6mgajb/common_modules_automirror_main.py [01:40] @wxl goodness no I'm not giving up! I am drinking an adult beverage and making dinner for my husband and 4 children. :-) [01:40] @TheWendyPower ok good because you did really good and you're almost done!!!! [01:41] although the thought of wendy coding drunk… [01:41] Hahahahahaha [01:41] don't spill the adult beverage on your computer [01:43] It isn't going near the computer... I just can't have another ruined keyboard right now. 😁 [01:44] https://www.wetkeys.com/Washable-Computer-Keyboards-Waterproof-Computer-Keyboards-s/3.htm [01:45] I may have to get one of those..... [01:45] i hear that adult diapers help, too, since you don't have to bother getting up XD [01:47] I've changed diapers for 4 kids, I'm done with diapers!!!! [01:48] oh you don't have to tell me twice and i only have one [01:49] LOL! [01:50] @wxl [ @HMollerCl here's the raw file you can just replace it ith https://phab.lu …], ok, starting all again, btw, now the system only gave me the manual partition option [01:51] @HMollerCl if that's the case you should quit calamares and look at your disk set up with e.g. `lsblk`. chances are you have a swap partition mounted. run `swapoff /path/to/swap` and then run calamares and it will work [01:52] I did the manual partition, manual erase and created [02:13] the installation ended w/p problems [02:14] w/o [02:15] @HMollerCl that's a good sign. can you send the logs over? [02:15] i don't remember if there's timing info in there. [02:16] mmmm, y did the reset after installation. Can I recover them? [02:16] maaaaybe. look in ~/.config [02:18] don't see anything. But to be honest, during the installation I didn't found logs in .config either [02:19] oh they're there somewhere [02:23] apparently I will have to instal again [02:24] Are you looking for calamares logs? maybe /var/log/installer/ [02:24] will look there [02:32] @wxl I think I have some logs. How can I send it to you? [02:32] sorry i meant ~/.cache not ~/.config [02:33] you can put it on paste.ubuntu.com or share.riseup.net or wherever..... or just `cat file | pastebinit` and give me the url [02:33] here's my log i just finished https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/j3r4jmHfCY/ [02:34] if you go to automirro you can i pass through the automirror in like a second [02:35] less than that, really [02:38] http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CjpCr7krjW/ [02:39] hope this help [02:39] hm that seems to be the bad one [02:39] oh wait no i'm wrong [02:39] the good one follows [02:39] so it took about 3 seconds for you [02:40] yup, the two [02:41] ok, I need to sleep. Good night. [02:41] thanks be well! [02:43] oh it looks like the timeout thing might not be an issue. looks like without specifying it has no timeout! https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29649173/what-is-the-global-default-timeout#29649638 [03:12] night @HmollerCI [03:40] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rTROJITA0cfb42a5926b: fix changelog for patches] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rTROJITA0cfb42a5926b [03:40] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rTROJITAa6f8fc187fce: make libs private] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rTROJITAa6f8fc187fce [03:40] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rTROJITA9993bd2d5a91: fix control like debian] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rTROJITA9993bd2d5a91 [03:40] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rTROJITAc1462efb141b: fix copyright like debian] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rTROJITAc1462efb141b [03:40] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rTROJITAd5e6039cdfbe: fix copyright location] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rTROJITAd5e6039cdfbe [03:40] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rTROJITAe5e794796f86: fixed rules like debian] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rTROJITAe5e794796f86 [03:40] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rTROJITA89a8d4ee2ccb: removed qtkeychain install] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rTROJITA89a8d4ee2ccb [03:40] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rTROJITA25b6f3744da3: updated install files like debian] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rTROJITA25b6f3744da3 [03:40] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rTROJITA833ff3c8f2e0: update watch like debian] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rTROJITA833ff3c8f2e0 [03:40] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rTROJITA8dff8499daa3: update lintian-overrides like debian] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rTROJITA8dff8499daa3 [03:40] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rTROJITA333756f70e66: add postinst from debian] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rTROJITA333756f70e66 [03:44] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rTROJITA9d3b8c7fb783: update checklist] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rTROJITA9d3b8c7fb783 [03:56] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rTROJITA7400605453bd: fix extra copyright] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rTROJITA7400605453bd [03:58] @wxl [ @VikingRedwolf likes opera but i doubt that's light], I'm liking Epiphany more and more lately, but I need security plugins in my life. And the sync feature of Opera is perfect, including the speed dials. Firefox 's bookmarks are awful. But yes, being a Chromium thingie it's not that fast loading, but it is rendering [03:58] . [04:16] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rTROJITA65ed8057f809: slight watch improvement] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rTROJITA65ed8057f809 [05:37] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rTROJITA1e09bbd0632e: nevermind the private lib patch] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rTROJITA1e09bbd0632e [05:37] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rTROJITA6ef6d5bae702: fix install paths] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rTROJITA6ef6d5bae702 [05:41] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rTROJITA08cc6d0a1e63: update changelog] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rTROJITA08cc6d0a1e63 [06:02] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rTROJITA86995307a458: deal with lintian errors] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rTROJITA86995307a458 [06:07] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rTROJITAc95112a60e52: i kan spell] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rTROJITAc95112a60e52 [06:11] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rTROJITA65c2957631a8: triggers not necessary after all] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rTROJITA65c2957631a8 [06:24] new trojita coming down the pike. with all of agaida's debian packaging. this should be good. [06:35] ok trojita 0.7-0ubuntu1ppa4 has now successfully built and is publishing as we speak. go test everyone! https://launchpad.net/~wxl/+archive/ubuntu/testy-testy [06:41] @tsimonq2: any idea if those luks/encryption changes made it into calamares and what patches we want to pull down if they have? [06:43] ugh trojita is almost there [06:44] i'm in this weird catch-22 trying to deal with lintian errors but the solution is to move libtrojita_plugins.so from /usr/lib/trojita to /usr/lib [07:04] ok ppa5 on the way should fix that [07:06] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rTROJITA4ed3cbc196f7: fixed location of libtrojita_plugins.so] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rTROJITA4ed3cbc196f7 [07:07] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rTROJITA182419ae2198: triggers necessary after all] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rTROJITA182419ae2198 [07:08] now i got to bed [10:25] @wxl I tested trojita. Everything seems to work as expected for me. Install went fine and I was able to send and receive emails. I think you got it! [12:28] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T81: Swap out KDE Falkon for Firefox until Falkon becomes more stable] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T81#1650 [12:30] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T73: set up Lubuntu Membership] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T73#1651 [12:30] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T73: Set up Lubuntu Membership] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T73#1651 [14:04] Thanks @kc2bez! [14:06] See that task T81 above if you have objections about swapping Falkon for Firefox folks [14:07] I have no objection. [14:21] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T86: Reorganizations of official titles] TheWendyPower (Wendy Hill) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T86#1653 [14:32] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T73: Set up Lubuntu Membership] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T73#1655 [14:35] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T72: Fix HTML for lubuntu-devel list] TheWendyPower (Wendy Hill) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T72#1657 [14:36] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T72: Fix HTML for lubuntu-devel list] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T72#1658 [14:47] Who else has tried Trojitá? [14:56] I've not tried it but I can. [14:57] Dooooooeeeeeeet [15:03] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T73: Set up Lubuntu Membership] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T73#1660 [15:08] There, I've sort of laid down a foundation for Lubuntu governance. [15:32] @tsimonq2: a switch? really? because you said we were waiting on a new release [15:35] @wxl [ @tsimonq2: a switch? really? because you said we were waiting on a new rel …], What? [15:35] @tsimonq2: encryption [15:36] Yeah, the release was done aaaages ago [15:36] We haven't been waiting for a while [15:37] * wxl sighs [15:37] @wxl[m] [ Who else has tried Trojitá?], how should I install it? apt install? [15:37] @lubuntu_bot [*wxl: sighs*], Love you too. Now go enable LVM in a live image and try an install! [15:37] @HMollerCl `sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wxl/testy-testy && sudo apt install trojita` [15:38] @tsimonq2: well first i have to figure out flipping the switch, right? also you're pinging the bot. [15:39] @wxl [ @tsimonq2: well first i have to figure out flipping the switch, right? als …], I'm not pinging the bot, just replying to you... The switch is in the docs [15:39] I don't know offhand [15:39] h0837 < lubot:#lubuntu-devel> @lubuntu_bot [*wxl: [15:39] Bah [15:41] this is the switch? https://github.com/calamares/calamares/blob/v3.2.2/src/modules/partition/partition.conf#L62 [15:42] I dunno, try it :) [15:42] ugh [15:42] you seem to have expressed some understanding about this. i know nothing about it. [15:46] Me neither. I just RTFM'ed. [15:46] then you should be able to say yay or nay, no? [15:46] anyways i guess you'll be of little help [15:46] why do we have neverCreateSwap to true? this ensure suspend basically won't work [15:52] @wxl [ why do we have neverCreateSwap to true? this ensure suspend basically won' …], Because Ubuntu does swapfiles [15:52] I dunno [15:56] You can't suspend with swapfiles???? only swap partition? [15:56] @HMollerCl [You can't suspend with swapfiles???? only swap partition?], You can [15:56] @HMollerCl no, you can. i didn't recognize that fact [15:56] Which is why we don't need a partition [15:56] that si my understading too. [15:57] I also think wxl is confusing suspend with hibernate. You can suspend without swap, you can't hibernate without swap. [15:57] And hibernate has been disabled for aaaages. [15:57] but you can enable it. [15:57] @HMollerCl [but you can enable it.], Can you? [15:58] Also wxl I really want to know your thoughts on the whole LC proposal [15:58] suspend needs ram, hibernate needs disk [15:59] @tsimonq2: it's fine but i'd consider dealing with the iso as a little more important [15:59] Mkay [16:00] @tsimonq2 [Can you?], yes, I did that. From what I know ubuntu disabled hibernation for computers NOT certified for lubuntu. [16:00] https://askubuntu.com/questions/361734/hibernation-is-still-missing-from-menu-in-13-10-after-enabling-via-polkit-how-t/362499#362499 [16:00] https://askubuntu.com/questions/94754/how-to-enable-hibernation [16:02] althought https://lwn.net/Articles/764841/ [16:18] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rTROJITAe49198de1e73: updated timestamp] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rTROJITAe49198de1e73 [17:12] wxl: Did you see the pastebin I did last night, wxl? [17:15] has anyone tried wine in 18.10? [17:16] Wafficus: i sent you a memo [17:16] No I have not, but I've thougt about loading up Steam. [17:16] In my installation from august, after ... sudo apt install wine [17:16] when I run wine it says: [17:17] it looks like wine32 is missing, you should install it. ... as root, please execute "apt-get install wine32" [17:17] wxl: On phab? [17:17] wxl: If its through IRC's private messaging, how do I access my IRC inbox? [17:17] Wafficus: /msg memoserv [17:18] you should have got it when you logged in [17:18] might have not noticed it in the spew [17:18] while you're at it go try trojita: `sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wxl/testy-testy && sudo apt install trojita && trojita` [17:19] got your memo [17:20] what's trojita? [17:20] I'm accessing freenode via browser at work, so I'm not any particular machine tbh [17:21] our email client for 18.10 [17:21] i just finally got it packaged in a reasonable state [17:21] already have one +1 on it but i need as many eyes on it as possible [17:21] word of warning though: imap only [17:24] wxl: Ah gotcha, yeah I'll install it on my Lubuntu laptop at home [17:24] what's imap? [17:26] most likely, the email protocol you're used to [17:31] gotcha [17:31] I do defaults for lubuntu [17:31] so I have no idea lol [17:32] well i think that claws or whatevre it was that we shipped could do either [17:32] and in other news looks like we have kernels stuck in proposed keeping our images from building [17:33] so take a break from testing images and test trojita :) [17:34] yeah sylpheed does pop3, imap up to 4rev1, smtp (duh, that's sending) as well as nntp (news) [17:34] trojita's not that cool. [17:34] but i'm not the world's biggest fan of pop. it has its value, but i don't need it. [17:39] well I'll take a break when I finally fix that function's timing issue [17:39] or whatever you want then htough [17:39] I just want to make sure its solved [17:39] I always just use outlook in browser, I've never used mail clients in an OS ever [17:39] just only in a browser tab [17:40] @wxl, just confiigured an IMAP account. There is no "authentication failed" message [17:40] actually i'm thinking the timeout is a red herring [17:40] I would want to learn mutt though [17:40] i don't remember if i sent you that [17:40] yeah you said that [17:40] infinity is a long time out [17:40] mutt rules. [17:40] I could never find out how to change the default email though through their man page [17:40] @HMollerCl you configured this through trojita? [17:40] I tried waiting in #mutt too but no response [17:40] *for Lubuntu [17:41] @wxl [ @HMollerCl you configured this through trojita?], yes [17:41] usually update-alternatives will do the trick [17:41] @HMollerCl how do you know you were suppossed to get an authentication failed message? maybe you put in the right password after all? XD [17:42] I had to open a "IMAP protocol" window to see the problem [17:42] And it is still trying to connect, how can I stop it? [17:45] that i'm not sure of [17:48] tring to reply an e-mail I got: APPEND ha fallado: Client tried to access nonexistent namespace. (Mailbox name should probably be prefixed with: INBOX.) (0.001 + 0.000 secs). [17:48] really don't get what should be prefixed with INBOX. [17:49] where did you make an account at? [17:54] i don't even get how you can make an account [17:54] seems like all you can do is add an existing one [18:19] I'm confused between make an account and add an existing one. [18:19] In making an account are you thinking in a server? [18:19] well in thunderbird you can sign up for an account on e.g. gmail, in addition to simply entering your information for an account that already exists at gmail [18:20] aaa, I don't know thata. My trojita just crashed [18:20] i don't think trojita can do much more than just enter an existing account [18:20] @wxl [ i don't think trojita can do much more than just enter an existing account], I think the same [18:21] post up the crash if you can [18:21] probably something in /var/crash [18:24] got it but I can't connect to pastebinit [18:24] weird [18:24] maybe that's why trojita crashed: network issues [18:26] [Errno socket error] The write operation timed out [18:27] yeah that sounds like a network issue. can you `ping paste.ubuntu.com` ? [18:27] ING paste.ubuntu.com ( 56(84) bytes of data. ... 64 bytes from druzhnaya.canonical.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=43 time=217 ms ... 64 bytes from druzhnaya.canonical.com ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=43 time=224 ms ... 64 bytes from druzhnaya.canonical.com ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=44 time=217 ms ... 64 b [18:27] ytes from druzhnaya.canonical.com ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=43 time=228 ms [18:27] i'd try it again [18:35] still getting the same error, still able to ping paste.ubuntu.com [18:36] @HMollerCl what's the exact command you're using? [18:36] cat _usr_bin_trojita.1000.crash | pastebinit [18:37] let's try passing `-b paste.debian.net` to pastebinit [18:38] cat _usr_bin_trojita.1000.crash | pastebinit -b paste.debian.net [18:38] ?? [18:38] yep [18:38] same error [18:38] huh it just dies [18:39] bizaare. open up paste.ubuntu.com and copy and paste it then XD [18:43] it gave me a 502 error [18:43] wth [18:44] well something is certainly not behaving right with your networking [18:45] after pasting the data, after I press the "paste" buton it give me 502 bad gateway [18:46] apparently wine has problems creating entries in the menu. [18:46] no suchn problems https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DxCvjpVxNs/ [18:47] even more https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GPk2wW6bDx/ [18:48] i will ry in the host system [18:48] yup, no problem there [18:48] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Bv2rBjXC9K/ [18:57] winecfg ... 001e:err:winecfg:open_mountmgr failed to open mount manager err 2 [18:57] not sure whta that means [18:57] is a wine error [18:58] Isn't there a wine channel? [18:58] Oh well probably not on Telegram === ChunkzZ is now known as Z3D0T === Z3D0T is now known as Z3DD0T === Z3DD0T is now known as Miidlandz [19:51] 16:50:47.618 Submission gotError: APPEND ha fallado: Client tried to access nonexistent namespace. (Mailbox name should probably be prefixed with: INBOX.) (0.001 + 0.000 secs). ... 16:50:47.618 Submission STATE_FAILED [20:13] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T60: Improved Wallpapers] TheWendyPower (Wendy Hill) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T60#1670 [20:32] wxl, @TheWendyPower: Can I get your thoughts on the LC stuff ASAP so I can get the ball rolling? [20:36] @tsimonq2 I've read through it a few times today. It sounds good to me. [20:36] Cool. [20:36] wxl wxl wxl wxl wxl [20:36] Waiting on wxl :) [21:04] i already said go [21:05] btw calamares seg faults trying to do luks [21:05] no clear response from anyone at #cala as to what the issue might be [21:18] Ah [21:23] Just checking current daily. @TheWendyPower 200px button is ok [21:23] Gtk theme enable is ok, screen grab is out [21:24] Only thing apparently doesn't work is to define gth-theme arc-darker. The override in gnome worked but adwaita still appears as default [21:30] @HMollerCl [Only thing apparently doesn't work is to define gth-theme arc-darker. The overri …], So, LXQt isn't reading it correctly? [21:36] I will send what happens after installing it [21:36] *see [21:51] Nope, still puts adwaita [21:52] Apparently the .config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini must exist [22:01] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T29: Calamares should support encryption, other file systems, etc.] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T29#1671 [22:21] the setting of default gtk-theme from gsettings was added on sept2. This should be taken into cosideration by 18.10 right? [22:22] https://github.com/lxqt/lxqt-config/pull/278/commits/10945b90c8d9a084977675bc8b1db158acd4c909#diff-b37764f38e63f6ed1fa485106bf34ccaR294 [22:24] i'm pretty sure i added that patch to mkpath if not exist [22:25] it's certainly something that came after the last release https://github.com/lxqt/lxqt-config/compare/0.13.0...master [22:26] https://phab.lubuntu.me/source/lxqt-config/browse/ubuntu%252Fcosmic/debian/patches/mkpath-for-null-gtk-settings.patch [22:26] so you can see that's only part of it [22:29] so that's why it isn't working. [22:37] giving that, the only way I see we can define a default is to create .config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini [22:42] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T29: Calamares should support encryption, other file systems, etc.] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T29#1672 [22:42] @HMollerCl you could pull the rest of that patch in if need be [22:43] how? [22:43] use that one as an example [22:43] more or less you want to do this: grab the diff from github, import it with quilt, and there ya go [22:43] that's what i did with that one [22:44] mm I will have to thinks about it to see if I understand it. [22:44] i can walk you through it step by step if you need it [22:45] i refer to the general concept in the packaging notes but i don't explain it. it's on the todo [22:45] thanks, now I have to go, will ping you when I have time. [22:45] ok [22:49] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T29: Calamares should support encryption, other file systems, etc.] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T29#1673 [22:51] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T29: Calamares should support encryption, other file systems, etc.] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T29#1674 [22:51] wxl: hey I'm home. What did you want me to dl again? A new mailing client to test out right? [22:51] Wafficus: You should also get a bouncer first. ;) [22:52] tsimonq2: what's that my dude? [22:52] tsimonq2: is that the "bot" magic you guys have going? [22:52] Wafficus: wxl would love to explain. [22:53] Wafficus: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wxl/testy-testy && sudo apt update && sudo apt install trojita && trojita [22:53] wxl: thanks will do right now [22:53] I'm using that terminal console right now [22:53] kinda liking this a lot :) [22:54] way nicer than LxTerminal tbh [22:54] do you guys know how to use the keyboard to select text in IRC without a mouse lol? [22:55] I'm using weechat [22:55] looking through the man page now in any case [22:56] dling the packages right now [22:56] for trojita that is [22:58] so I installed it via that command [22:58] do I just run it as "trojita" in bash? [22:58] wxl: [22:58] or you can click on the right icon [22:59] ah gotcha its x based [22:59] ill be back in that case [23:03] hey back [23:04] so I installed it on the terminal console window in F1 [23:04] now im on the X window aka F7 [23:04] I don't see the icon, do I have to reboot to see Trojita? [23:04] *like in any relevant menus in the start menu [23:05] I'll try rebooting [23:09] hey weird question [23:09] what's the default font in LxTerminal? [23:10] got it its mono space [23:15] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T29: Calamares should support encryption, other file systems, etc.] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T29#1675 [23:19] I don't see Trojita as an icon in my start menu [23:19] and whereis trojita doesn't work [23:19] wxl: [23:20] just run it on the command line. we'll fix that later [23:20] command not found [23:20] trojita: command not found [23:20] then you didn't install it right [23:20] can you copy and paste that command again [23:20] sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wxl/testy-testy && sudo apt update && sudo apt install trojita [23:22] its giving 404 Not Found [IP: 80] in one of the lines [23:22] im assuming that was just for one of the mirrors [23:22] fix your internets :) [23:22] well if im on this [23:22] then clearly my internet works [23:22] some of it does at least [23:22] hmm [23:23] what is a command that i can put the output of my bash console into a text file [23:23] like just use the arrow key right [23:24] like: [23:24] sudo add-apt-respository ppa:wxl/testy-testy > test.txt? [23:24] yep [23:25] I did that command and now I'm waiting [23:25] I'm wondering how its gonna take the input for the Enter key [23:25] its just hanging for now [23:26] it probably won't [23:26] damn [23:26] alright I'll just copy and paste it then [23:26] It should show under the Internet category on your menu after you get it installed, it worked for me. [23:26] you can use the -y switch [23:26] @kc2bez he is having more fundamental problems [23:27] I see that. I just wanted to let you know @wxl that it did populate my menu. [23:27] yay :) [23:28] https://pastebin.com/ws02hThq [23:29] ^ there's my output [23:30] Wafficus: give us /etc/apt/sources.list [23:32] Bionic? [23:32] ok [23:32] oh actually yeah [23:32] all kinds of broken things [23:33] should be cosmic no? [23:33] well he might be on bionic [23:33] trojita won't work on it, though [23:33] you should open up a virtual machine and run it that way Wafficus [23:33] yeah I wondered. [23:34] https://pastebin.com/2VRGdz0a [23:34] I only have 2 gigs of ram though wxl [23:36] so? [23:36] lines 56 and 58 are duplicates [23:36] I didn't think I could run vms on this thing :0 [23:36] 4 gigs of ram rather sorry [23:36] not 2 [23:36] also if you look in /etc/apt/sources.list.d you'll find files related to cool-retro-term and compton that should be removed [23:37] so run a vm with 1gb of ram [23:37] I've never done it :/ [23:37] in any case you can't run trojita on bionic [23:37] do I have to install vmware? [23:37] am I on Bionic? [23:37] virtualbox would probably be easiest but if you can figure it out, virt-manager (kvm/qemu) would probably be a better use of resources [23:38] lsb_release -a will tell you [23:38] ah yeah I'm on bionic [23:38] so I have to download an iso of cosmic then? [23:38] yep [23:38] ok [23:40] I have x86_64 [23:40] so I'm assuming 32 bit release Cosmic right? [23:40] 64 [23:40] really? [23:40] i'm on x84_64 right now [23:41] ok [23:41] that's 64 [23:41] ah gotcha [23:41] dling the iso [23:41] installing virtualbox [23:41] gonna be fun [23:41] I kinda like the vm idea, never really did it [23:42] I guess I love emulators too, so I've been doing it for a while without really realizing it haha [23:42] but yeah when I get the ISO, just do a live disc boot of it right? [23:44] yup [23:45] ok i'll keep you updated [23:45] like usual I kinda only have an hour at home so I'll hopefully get this done before 8:30 pm [23:45] once I get it, run that command right, and make sure it installs [23:45] and just test it out right? [23:46] yeah, you shouldn't even need to install the system [23:47] cool will do [23:47] makes me wanna distro hop a bit haha [23:47] jk, I still like Lubuntu a lot [23:48] I tried Puppy like a month ago, ugh, somethings so jenky about that [23:48] like i wanna like it for being able to run that fast, but damn, is the actual GUI menu just all over the place [23:48] that is the ugly underarm pimple of linux [23:48] at least ours is elegant [23:48] ANY other distro is better [23:48] wxl: I see you agree haha [23:48] wxl: What's your take on it? [23:48] it's gross and disgusting XD [23:48] wxl: I say its the menu that just isn't user friendly, its all over the place [23:49] under the hood it's just bizarre too [23:49] really? [23:49] btw how do you leave a channel in IRC? [23:49] just wanted to leave #linux for now [23:49] /part #channel [23:50] I tried that [23:50] hmm [23:50] I tried /part ##linux [23:50] weird [23:54] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T29: Calamares should support encryption, other file systems, etc.] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) commented on the task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T29#1676