[00:43] { int x(); } [00:44] :-) it's already in the current ports tree, but I have been meaning to read the porting guide [01:50] ah, yes it can [01:50] I guess 14 euros delivered [01:50] Although /nix/store and /var/lib/name are on the same drive, so hardlinking could work [01:50] sklarr: what version of netcat? The netcat -v -l 55555 version works the same for me as the long one. [01:50] names of functions are strings :p [02:07] Learath2: In general the mapping x |-> x^2 from R to R is not safe because it is not injective. [02:08] no, when he posted that [02:08] still lots of ways for others to get at it [02:08] i closed two terminal windows that weren'tdoing anything and then it was able to eject [02:08] they’re not hard to use but they force you into ST/IO which can be annoying at times [02:08] fujiwarat++ [03:20] Quote #849: <+Snipa> Nah, working on my roomie's car. | <+Mochi101> Mechanical? | <+solar_> no its horse-drawn [03:20] and l will ask you to display 143 matches? [03:21] thanks lambdabot [03:21] ok guys. so i ran some more tests and changed my code to provide more details into where the process is dying: https://pastebin.com/guCqEDAK [05:15] wait... what? intero doesn't use the project ghc version? [05:15] any suggestions? :) [05:31] time to buttchug [05:31] much smaller [05:31] fendor: well in that case, you can do it as dmwit suggests [05:31] the wise man is told about the unnamed register and uses it. the average man is told about the unnamed register and searches for it. [07:04] Is the mail server configured to use a different copy of the files? Does it need to be reloaded or restarted? [07:04] and then back again made some long days one day was 12 hours because the park had a special celebration [07:04] michael: After you recover the data (and you're sure you got ALL of it), the disk can be formatted to use it again. Sorry if I confused you on that either. [07:04] CoJaBo29: You are here in #fedora-unregistered because you are not registered or identified with freenode. See https://freenode.net/kb/answer/registration or /msg nickserv help register for more information. [07:04] valentinbuzanq: ⇪ Nickname Registration - freenode [07:04] Cauchy [07:04] flaf: great :) [07:13] <^k^> 新 Ubuntu 18.10 • ubuntu18.04 蓝牙的开关突然变成灰色不可点击,适配器找不到 http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=488593 ubuntu18.04 蓝牙的开关突然变成 灰色不可点击 ,提示: 未找到蓝牙,插入蓝牙适配器以使用蓝牙 可是明明昨天我还在用蓝牙音响听歌的,今天就不行了!!真的奇怪 [07:13] <^k^> ─> 软件更新里面也没有相关的驱动未安装什么的,昨天我就安装了 VLC,smplayer,kodi,Chrom … [07:48] stawp [07:48] I aim for 100ms [08:23] hi [08:24] 想问下高手 [08:24] 这里有人玩samba 吗? [08:24] register === mbilvu_ is now known as mbilvu [08:29] hi [08:29] mbilvu:点点点. 16:29 [08:30] 你好,想问这里的高手有人玩samba ? [08:35] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 你爸爸接你来了 :     某幼儿园某阿姨,夫妻伉俪情深。一日夫来探妻,众小儿已知巴结阿姨,齐奔至阿姨面前大呼:"阿姨,阿姨,你爸爸接你来了。"众阿姨喷饭。 [08:36] 难道这边很少人玩samba? [08:38] 都不说话吧,我是小白… [08:45] just4[m]: haha 小白好 [08:53] 大佬好! [08:54] 我是来打瞎凑热闹的 [08:59] I'm devop from Lithuania and Im currently have to decide how to install our feature servers (now we have 20). [08:59] pi--: that is (by necessity since you're modifying the video content) re-encoding the video. Video encoding takes time. There are options you can use to change the speed/compression/quality tradeoffs. [09:00] you just run the compiled binary directly [09:00] skimmed over that when I was checking [09:19] the OGs [09:19] blingrang: I just barely tried to do make it work at one point, I ended up using a sftp jail :) [09:26] any ppl know how to change domain name in samba [09:26] it like dont have guide on it [09:38] rafael13: You're not in #systemd yet -- please log in to your freenode account first. (Type /topic for more info. If you're human, use ?invite to get a pass.) [09:38] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIZYw89uFDE [09:38] AntaresrW: ⇪ DEUTSCH NEPAL : "Tolerance" - YouTube [09:38] darkmeson: I don't understand [09:39] i find it amusing how almost everybody on irc has had an attempt at an irc client or server [09:39] and I want a safe atomic filesystem rename and a free pony [09:39] Are the new AMD CPU's good for XMR? [09:56] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 谁最呆 : 小呆:大呆,十一点半的火车为什么我们十点就要在这儿等?? 大呆:笨啊!这样别人五点才到台北,我们三点半就能到了埃 小呆:对喔!那我们可以多买几张票,就可以早点到了说。 大呆:所以我说你比我笨,我早就想到了!你看这里有十张票,我们一人五张,这样我们 [09:56] <^k^> ─> 九点半就能到台北了啊! 小呆:喔…怪怪的…。 [10:01] First Rule of Public Beta Club [10:01] es que tu me parece muy maricon [10:01] mochi101 come, i can gib u free waffle [10:01] know why it is crashing? [10:01] bls: Yes, indeed, but it's limited mostly [10:07] it reports the old kernel value there [10:07] come on IRC nerds, pretend like you're normally-socialised [10:07] that is irrelevant. if there is a bug in the std lib then anything is possible. something works silently, and something else may crash your program. [10:08] I pg_basebackup'd with -x option. [11:17] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 招供 : 一只考古队从埃及带回一具木乃伊。因为确定不了这具木乃伊已经存在了多长时间,科学家们只好找情报部门帮忙。情报部门的人员在实验室里忙了4个小时,然后告诉科学家们说,木乃伊的确切年龄是3147岁,科学家们很惊奇,问情报部门的人员是怎么得出的结论。 "很简 [11:17] <^k^> ─> 单,"一个情报部门的人员说,"他招供了。" [12:40] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 竟然是图片 //i0.xiaohua.fd.zol-img.com.cn/t_s600x5000/g4/M08/0B/00/Cg-4WlI2saqIZIE0AACTqhTCoKoAALrVgG35JkAAJPC266.jpg 这样的头盔太帅了 [13:05] <^k^> 新 启动和引导 • Ubuntu16.04 swap占用过多,电脑死机怎么解决? http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=488594 如下图,在编译一个程序时出现卡顿,看了资源使用情况,发现swap占用特别的,而内存倒是没完全用起来,请问这种情况是可以通过设置方法解决,还是说电脑硬件配置无法满 [13:05] <^k^> ─> 足编译程序的需要?若可以设置,应如何设置解决? 统计信息: 发表于 由 Jemma — 2018-10-0 … [14:28] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 以借对借 : 邻居匹克屡次叫小孩来伏特家借醋,今天又来了:"我家晚上吃蟹,借点儿醋好吗?"于是,伏特也吩咐小儿子到匹克家借东西:"今天我家要吃醋,请借一些螃蟹好吗?" [14:37] <^k^> 逛了一下论坛,暂时无新贴. [15:26] opqdonut: Consider how say C++ gives us sequentiality of statements with (;) - but we can't capture that semicolon as a first-class value, pass it around in functions and use it somehow. [15:26] We bridge it, but it's not perfect :/. I've been trying to diagnose how we sometimes just lose modes. [16:03] why is this happening? [16:03] it will fetch from my branch origin [16:04] ( 2 dx + 0 dy, 0 dx + 2dy) was right === Sevk is now known as ^k^ [16:17] rajrajraj: as far as I can remember, you bother yourself with OpenSSL and friends for some time now [16:17] [ WACK - YouTube ] - www.youtube.com [16:17] maybe some fisharoni will make Rooofy hongry [16:17] "why is the os telling the user to save the changes they don't want or literally lose the entire file? :)" [16:36] Uh..... [16:37] DHE: I see that -r sets the frame rate. But how can vlc know that value? Isn't mjpeg just a sequence of jpegs? [16:37] how do i do this [16:37] Like :split and :vsplit [17:26] 好神奇,隔壁opensuse-cn进去还要验证 [17:44] you need to write your code so that some y comes before some x. [17:44] or fsck the ext and use the '-e' or similar option for those xterms and such [17:44] There is also 4.19 experimental [17:44] oh right :( [17:44] edmund: for replication, if the streaming connection is broken for some reason, it will fall back on the archive. [17:44] BlackDalek: okay, now i'm puzzled why the "sudo mount -o remount,rw /home" command didnt return an error message. but i think we can ignore this [19:11] lldooe2: show me the output of "/statusbar" on your irssi [19:11] my cpus hit 67c and there's the smell of soy sauce coming from the heatsinks????? [19:11] is adolf on coinbase yet? [19:13] totally legit, though mostly you only ever see it in ioccc entries. [19:13] TheNH813, yeah i've even done a complete uninstall of samba/samba-*, reinstalled, and pulled the configuration from the working box onto this one to ensure they are all the same but still nudda [19:13] pragmaticengma I wish I remembered [19:14] anycast helps a lot against this kind of attack [19:14] _always_ [22:06] let him tell you about the shit that is reality [22:06] so to power the blender, I have to put button on 'off' [22:06] im on a crosshair vi [22:13] zincy: there's no such thing in unix as a "websocket". there is just a socket. the additional mechanics to make ita websocket are added by user-level code. [22:13] oh no wait it was the saudis [22:13] and would have sufficient logic swing for the TGs [22:13] sadly I dont [22:14] davor, i don't have a clear cut answer. i'm just saying with a few hours of screwing around i bet you could fine a way to hook into what you need without inteferring with how the existing code works. [22:14] .mine 2500000