SpCombgj | I am familiar with PEP 8 and conform with it. | 00:01 |
SpCombgj | countingsort: you either need to look up and provide the partition offsets in the file, or use a tool to do it for you | 00:01 |
SpCombgj | at the beginning I mostly answered all the easier questions even when it required a bit of research, because I wanted people to be free to answer my harder questions | 00:01 |
SpCombgj | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A48_YJ9etvE | 00:01 |
SpCombgj | garyman223: I unbanned them. | 00:01 |
newhoggyOJ | but I just tried and it didn't work either | 00:06 |
newhoggyOJ | i can't even remember how i did that.... | 00:06 |
Ta1}s0n | this means a lot of JS libs won't work properly in node. | 01:37 |
Ta1}s0n | pull up the datadog dashboard so i can see if i eat so much IO it's an issue... | 01:37 |
Ta1}s0n | Hello! I have a problem with one repo and doing push. I looked at the .config and found this: http://dpaste.com/3HTN3NZ - I... think this isn't correct right? I mean the structure, the [branch "master"] being there twice... | 01:37 |
Ta1}s0n | dhess: so the pid goes defunct, and the parent is never notified that the proccess has died | 01:37 |
Ta1}s0n | but you can still host on your native ip | 01:37 |
SexualRickshawvk | ah, yes it can | 01:51 |
SexualRickshawvk | I guess 14 euros delivered | 01:51 |
SexualRickshawvk | Although /nix/store and /var/lib/name are on the same drive, so hardlinking could work | 01:51 |
SexualRickshawvk | sklarr: what version of netcat? The netcat -v -l 55555 version works the same for me as the long one. | 01:51 |
SexualRickshawvk | names of functions are strings :p | 01:51 |
Welcome | elon musk | 03:03 |
Welcome | Ah, you're stuck with old versions? | 03:03 |
Harlocktk | cousteau: labyrinth | 03:26 |
Harlocktk | With words or with numbers | 03:26 |
henrynguyen5Bx | Did not know the flag existed few minutes ago | 05:26 |
henrynguyen5Bx | And not that crap Jack Daniels or Wild Turkey, either. Real whiskey, like Knob Creak. Maker's Mark, etc. | 05:26 |
henrynguyen5Bx | '15.6" FHD (1920x1080), Wide-View' | 05:26 |
henrynguyen5Bx | garyzeasshole: you sent out your mail? | 05:26 |
glycerineqN | XMR on Binance at 0.01781900 BTC; -1.52% over 24 hours on 731.563 BTC volume | 07:32 |
glycerineqN | Lucid - LOL at that video. If I didn't have that plugin that lets me pick the PHP version on a per site basis I'd seriously do something I regret involving a ball bat. | 07:32 |
StianLgL | light: https://clbin.com/cW0MR | 07:48 |
StianLgL | currently Ubuntu and win 10 are on separate SSDs. | 07:48 |
RatherOutspokenu | Thanks. Right now on Github, someone's opened the discussion about the options the Qubes OS project has about being ported to the PPC64 architecture, in particular, the Talos II. | 09:26 |
RatherOutspokenu | np. | 09:26 |
preisiwP | i was going to ssh to the pi and control vlc-nox that way | 12:00 |
preisiwP | don't rewrite it | 12:00 |
preisiwP | some people solve problems by adding term level variables, Halogen does it by adding type level variables | 12:01 |
preisiwP | 'M a -> F (M a) -> M a' likewise | 12:01 |
preisiwP | rajrajraj, if this were windows, I had say SumatraPDF | 12:01 |
KevinCarbonarahG | then you can make conditional on the returned data | 13:16 |
KevinCarbonarahG | I once compiled a kernel with the "yes to everything" flag | 13:16 |
KevinCarbonarahG | i think i have to close down all my buffers and start again ...this is a pain | 13:16 |
tgVo | radens: you do this on ubuntu, that'S the only thing we support here also. | 14:59 |
tgVo | I dont know, if its even possible, of course I want to set this variable in docker run .... But docker can not handle arrays I guess | 14:59 |
tgVo | if it is, then you don't need to reinstall any packages | 14:59 |
tgVo | The problem these days is half these kids weren't even alive when Y2K rolled around, so they think they've got 80+ years to not care about the first two digits of the year changing. | 14:59 |
tgVo | and that works because you already exported PS1 | 14:59 |
uncle-wanSp | is that a thing? type level fusion? | 15:34 |
uncle-wanSp | yeah, I know B plays nice with n/2 distinct eigenvalues and nothing silly in the eigenvectors | 15:34 |
ven473CZ | but in western nations they change the fundamentals of the country by posing as victims and accumulating victim privilege until thy get enough power to have an Islamic revolution | 17:42 |
ven473CZ | audiophile, the canonical basis vectors are eigenvectors for a diagonal matrix | 17:42 |
GreybeardHr | usbnet.ko | 18:10 |
GreybeardHr | Rufie = cannibis roll-your-own where I come from | 18:10 |
GreybeardHr | Hi, how do I connect to VPN in Qubes R4? | 18:10 |
GreybeardHr | Roq: in India. | 18:10 |
GreybeardHr | pingfloyd sry. | 18:10 |
wlfshmn | take 5 [1..] | 19:05 |
wlfshmn | How does one do composition within the monad? I have f :: a -> IO b and g :: b -> IO c. I am currently doing: f x >>= g. If it was not IO, then I would do (f . g) x. | 19:05 |
wlfshmn | Like, a Haskell program that uses stuff from the project? | 19:05 |
[SLB]bX | please copy and paste the output of the command you ran and the output returned by it. the command which resulted in the initrd generator hanging. | 19:09 |
[SLB]bX | update doesn't copy | 19:09 |
[SLB]bX | I am curious if this is something to do with a newer version then the one in the tutorial, or do I have this all wrong? lol | 19:09 |
[SLB]bX | because second edition no longer served as the standard for the programming language, and was simply a book about it | 19:09 |
forkrx | well it was in response to atk's mention | 19:17 |
forkrx | is there a term for "the number of non-zero coefficients" of a polynomial (specifically, a minimal polynomial)? | 19:17 |
forkrx | Sorry Psi-Jack | 19:17 |
forkrx | Paste is available without ads on http://pastebin.com/raw?i=pus0t8sF | 19:18 |
forkrx | pagios: is there any blinking light on the usb stick? | 19:18 |
Nascherzi | well, I'd rather sit at the "end of the world" geographically than somewhere where the world is ending | 19:56 |
Nascherzi | hm, right, bgavran, thanks for the idea. | 19:56 |
Nascherzi | would damage occur? | 19:56 |
automagiccW | i tried adding 'autocmd FileType * setlocal formatoptions-=o' | 20:38 |
automagiccW | I believe it's C++ | 20:39 |
automagiccW | :_( | 20:39 |
minasotawS | ah, just realized, today is APPLE DAY | 21:47 |
minasotawS | compgen | 21:47 |
minasotawS | squeek | 21:47 |
minasotawS | this has been demonstrated with a perl script on a decade-old netbook doing 32-bit collisions with gnupg key ids | 21:47 |
minasotawS | > foldl (-) 10 [1..4] :: Expr | 21:47 |
minasotawS | change as required. | 21:47 |
BardackvK | (construction throws exception -> leak since you've lost the allocated pointer) | 22:05 |
BardackvK | Sveta: Yes in local system. | 22:05 |
BardackvK | try pinfo instead of gnu's info browser | 22:05 |
BardackvK | it won't transform it | 22:05 |
BardackvK | you're welcome, Hazza | 22:05 |
blackbit | well "correctly" is a limiting word, and maybe a strong word too... it's up to you. and, you might like doing the development work on linux | 23:33 |
blackbit | wait so the GE window units in walmart arent made by GE? | 23:33 |
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