
IrcsomeBot1<griphook> Hey guys if I install Kubuntu 18.10 beta now would I be able to upgrade to the LTS version later easily?00:14
IrcsomeBot1<griphook> Iโ€™m assuming I would but wanted to check first. ๐Ÿค”00:17
krytarik!final | @griphook00:25
ubottu@griphook: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Cosmic and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 18.10 when it comes out. To make sure, type ยซ sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade ยป in a terminal.00:25
IrcsomeBot1<griphook> Sweet thanks00:29
IrcsomeBot1<phillipprado> Does anyone know how I see all of the ppas I have on my system in Kubuntu?02:28
IrcsomeBot11 2 was added by: 1 203:33
IrcsomeBot1<Phil Linux> @ace_player, As far as I heared there will not be a new Plasma Version for 18.04 because that would also need a new version of QT.05:06
lordievaderGood morning06:01
kalikatzgood evening06:11
IrcsomeBot1<Phil Linux> Good morning!06:40
IrcsomeBot1<weltimeister> @phillipprado, Muon>Settings>Configure Software Sources>Other Software โ€ฆ In Discover click on Settings then on the burger button in the right top corner then software settings>other software07:18
BluesKajHowdy folks11:39
IrcsomeBot1<phillipprado> @weltimeister, ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘13:16
bane500Can anybody help me configure my graphics drivers on my kubuntu :X14:31
bane500my syslog is currently going bananas after trying to install the nvidia driver14:31
hateballbane500: how did you try installing it?14:32
hateballand what kind of setup do you have14:32
hateballeg GPU/computer14:32
bane500through the little display popup but here are the errors I'm receiving: https://snag.gy/7eOLl5.jpg14:33
bane500hateball: And thanks for taking the time to help14:33
bane500hateball: Here is what ubuntu-drivers devices output14:35
bane500Any idea why it's using 3 different drivers lol14:37
IrcsomeBotitsmagnanobitch was added by: itsmagnanobitch14:39
hateballbane500: that just shows which drivers are available to the device14:41
hateballbane500: "sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall" *should* install nvidia-390 and blacklist nouveau as needed14:42
bane500hateball: ah okay14:42
bane500so i just need to reboot then?14:42
hateballbane500: you need to reboot after driver install yes14:42
hateballor well, reload modules, but rebooting is quicker usually14:42
hateballas you need to reload modules and xorg anyhow14:43
bane500hateball: Ah i see... hopefully I can log back in lol14:44
bane500let's see if syslog is still going crazy14:45
bane500works great14:46
bane500thanks so much14:46
IrcsomeBot1 2 was added by: 1 219:30
TJ-What's the default Bluetooth manager in Kubuntu?21:21
bpromptTJ-:    I'm on 16.04 and that'd be KDE Connect, will be in the System Tools menu21:26
bpromptbut of course, the hardware must have a bluetooth adapter for that to show up there21:26
TJ-I'm helping a user in #ubuntu - we just figured out it should be bluedevil21:26
TJ-it seems it isn't showing up although the BT hardware is up and available21:27
bpromptTJ-:   could be that it might be turned off, like a Wifi, you can always disable it by keyboard-combination or just a small switch on the side of the machine, I don't have bluetooth on this one, so nothing shows up in kde connect21:29
bpromptno all laptops have a bluetooth adapter21:29
TJ-bprompt: yeah, we've covered that. This is a desktop system with built-in. Original issue was the BT hardware not showing up at all. Now we've got it to show up and bind to btusb, and we have the hci, and can control it from bluetoothctl, but some issues with controlling it from GUI apps21:30
valoriekde-connect does not control bluetooth!21:49
valoriethe manager is in systemsettings21:50
valorieI'm not sure that kdeconnect uses bluetooth yet -- it works on shared networks21:51
TJ-We've had the weirdest issue with BT there; finally it appears to be working but you wouldn't believe how we fixed it21:56
kinghatcan i remove installed java/jdk(version 10) and then install jdk 11 from the repo and the links will point to java/javac 11?22:20
geniikinghat: Alternately, if you just install jdk11 it's install scripts should just do that for you23:14
kinghatgenii: is it odd that installing `openjdk-11-jdk` prints that 10.0.2 is installed for java/javac http://paste.debian.net/hidden/e4f92a84/ but the SDK in intellij IDEA shows: https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/3lsVts5P/image.png23:14
geniiIn this case sounds more like you need to tell the SDK differently23:15
geniiYou could try update-alternatives method for all the java things and see what options it has23:15
kinghat`sudo update-alternatives --config java`?23:16
geniiI forget the exact syntax23:17
geniiYou may need to consult the manpage to make sure23:17
genii!info default-jdk23:17
ubottudefault-jdk (source: java-common (0.63ubuntu1~02)): Standard Java or Java compatible Development Kit. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.10-63ubuntu1~02 (bionic), package size 1 kB, installed size 6 kB23:18
kinghatall thats in the jvm dir: https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/CMC3siIL/image.png23:18
genii!info openjdk-11-jdk cosmic23:20
ubottuopenjdk-11-jdk (source: openjdk-lts): OpenJDK Development Kit (JDK). In component main, is optional. Version 10.0.2+13-1ubuntu1 (cosmic), package size 17 kB, installed size 74 kB23:21
geniikinghat: According to the bot 10.0.2 is correct for jdk 1123:21
kinghatis that how it should be?23:25
kinghatso is it actually jdk v11 though?23:26
geniiI would have to think so, but I'm on Xenial right now and so cannot directly poke at it to make sure23:28
kinghatah ok. maybe the guy in ubuntu is updated.23:29

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