
jvolkman(in reality)00:03
jvolkmanOh. :-)00:03
JRTGuyI can define one if you want to?06:35
JRTGuyyeah and the clients are coming fast06:35
y0shFRSeems so!14:55
y0shFRYeah I know what you mean14:55
y0shFRBut s/  */ / would work14:55
anarres___goosfraba:  it's legally limited15:54
anarres___have it run that on desktop login15:54
zolvarin1it's still only 4:29PM here22:41
zolvarin1But I can't keep on rebooting every 10 minutes, nevermind the fact that the last reboot didn't seem to clear this behaviour, so I'm not quite sure what's going on.22:41

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