[00:02] by the time you put the phone on your face, it's already unlocked while i was getting it out of my pocket [00:02] Bacteria: yes, it went thata way ------------> [00:02] not really ;) [01:43] right. now just gang ghetto [01:43] give it a go anyway [01:43] "why you should never use , 2018" [01:45] >inb4 another massive bullshit to 2k [01:45] tar -rf archive.tar newfile [01:45] Hello, I need help understanding a timeout in the snmp-exporter. I'm trying to scrape multiple HP iLO. The ones in the local datacenter work fine, but the ones over in the backup datacenter timeout. When I do a normal snmpwalk, the local ones take about 70 seconds, the remote ones 90 seconds for the full walk. I already increased the timeout for the snmp to 120s, but it just won't work. Anyone got any ideas? [01:45] Hey there! [01:45] Okay, so in my own tradition to completely overengineer, I will transmit my SPI signals over 5ft of twisted pair using LVDS transceivers. [01:46] boblamont: did you run make clean before rerunning make [01:46] if I ask to -ddump-splices -ddump-to-file, where do the TH splices end up? assuming I build with stack and supply the flags in the ghc-options field of the library stanza of the Cabal file [02:08] How does one undef with yahb? [02:08] pk2010, the voltage range is a soft limit [02:08] koollman: lol. Damn. [02:09] ._. === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk [06:12] What? That feature is typically free! [06:13] That's why knives should be banned from sex play. === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [07:28] <^k^> 新 系统安装和升级 • 在win10下安装Ubuntu一直死机 http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=488596 我刚买了联想的ideapad330,自带了win10系统,我想安装ubuntu。一开始是安装成功了,但是进去一分钟左右就会死机,连鼠标都不能动,还有一次是在输入了 shutdown之后死机的,它也不会自己关 [07:28] <^k^> ─> 机。只能强行断电,后来又安装了两次,直接在安装过程中就死机了,大概是在联网那一 … [07:38] CoJaBo: could you move the services in the mean time? [07:38] markweston: no [07:39] so can compute 1/j mod M for j = 1,...,k and do the whole thing with multiplication [07:39] dmwit: Oh, no way to do it with the old commands [07:45] <^k^> 新 笔记本、UMPC支持 • 华为最新的AMD Ryzen 5 笔记本--终于让我们等到了 http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=488597 如我在另帖提到,我们约一个月前在 Amazon.com 订了一台华为最新的 Matebook D 笔记本: https://forum.ubuntu.com.cn/viewtopic.p ... 6&t=487234 结果被通知卖光了。后来这台机器的价格 [07:45] <^k^> ─> 节节上涨,我想我们没有希望了。哪知道几天前收到 Amazon.com 新通知,说又有货了,预计 … [08:07] .. [08:08] <^k^> 新 网卡问题以及网络和拨号 • 一台有两张网卡的ubuntu电脑,如何实现这样的一个网络结构? http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=488598 如图所示,我网上查了一下,好像要用到iptables? 不熟悉网络设置,请高手指点。 统计信息: 发表于 由 21grams — 2018-10-04 16:08 [09:29] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 摸手识新郎 : 一位女士和一位足球教练结婚快40年了,她深知球赛对丈夫来说总是头等重要的事。有一天她特别沮丧,脱口而说:"弗郎克,你呀,宁可误了我的葬礼,也要去看球赛! " 大夫非常心平气和,答道:"罗伯塔,到底是什么使你想到,我会把你的葬礼安徘在有球赛的日 [09:29] <^k^> ─> 子呢?" [09:29] ok so it's 1.66 [09:29] If they're not already, they're probably getting there at an incredible rate. [09:29] that's not so bad [09:29] whats next? football played with hands? [10:50] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 不必太破费 :      女顾客:"我想买些东西,送给我丈夫,你看什么最适合男子用的呢?"     女店员:"太太,请问你们结婚多少年了?"     女顾客:"大概有十几年了。"     女店员:"那么请到楼下廉价部去买吧。"  [11:06] Apple doesn't split out sales by model so there's no way to know really [11:06] old discussion, I don't like transformers in general and avoid them, which is very easy when you are already in IO === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk [12:09] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 竟然是图片 //i2.xiaohua.fd.zol-img.com.cn/t_s600x5000/g4/M06/0B/00/Cg-4WVI2sQOIG0enAAByEg-nKGQAALrVAKcukYAAHIq748.jpg 好妖娆的眼神,我真的hold不住了 [12:49] <^k^> 新 华北校区 • 北京市十一学校_HCC社团(为数不多的中学社团) http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=488599 今天才看到这个论坛是不是有点晚呢?不过我们还在哦!社团一直使用linux,服务器用的是debian,哈哈!hajimimashite 统计信息: 发表于 由 liboqiao — 2018-10-04 20:40 [13:33] got valuable tips from y'all tonight [13:33] ip range* [13:33] There's a new "fearure" that'll show what pr0n you're watching on the lock screen, and his wife disagreed. Hilarity ensued. [14:12] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 如果小朋友一天就长成大人好不好? : 答:时间过得太快,一会会儿就要吃饭了,肚子还没消化呢。 如果时间过得很快,人一会会儿就死掉了,那么世界上就没人了。(……好、好有远见。-o- ) 如果比爸爸妈妈大了,怎么叫爸爸妈妈呢? [14:37] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) • ubuntu18.04可以卸载ibus吗 http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=488600 之前版本的据说不能卸载ibus,如果强行卸载会卸载很多东西,不知道18.04这个版本是否允许卸载ibus 统计信息: 发表于 由 xihuan — 2018-10-04 22:37 === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [17:54] i sense +2k\pi 's are missing somewhere [17:54] https://www.mankier.com/4/libinput [17:54] ⇪ t: libinput man page - xorg-x11-drv-libinput | ManKier [17:54] omg ~/.weechat is intense [18:55] now* i'm trying to figure out [18:55] but I still can't deal with the remaining 30% [18:55] nimay87: how can we help you? [18:55] Curious, mainly. At work - where we don't use Haskell, we use a lot of COM. These COM objects just happen to be implemented in .NET most of the time now. [18:55] here: determine whether the series is convergent or divergent [19:14] the_document: they don't ship parcels to/from individuals in Russia. Only documents. try EMS [19:14] Counterpoint: I dont think anyone's tried it on the moon yet. [19:14] cristian_c: i assume with more paramters than just -u ? [19:15] no I did nto darkmeson [19:15] it'd be nice to have 3g/4g on a pi3+ [19:15] yes. you can get that page if you click on Status link [20:17] pingfloyd: yea... E: Unable to locate package command [20:17] and then figure out how to run an external command via Lua [20:17] currently they are in a module, but I don't want to duplicate the manifests over the 2 environments, and there are common files to the envs in this module [20:17] it has no knobs [20:17] still too vague of a question. be more specific. way way more specific. what problem are you trying to solve? [21:09] Ah this might do the trick: https://man.openbsd.org/man8/amd64/boot.8 [21:09] ⇪ f: boot(8) - OpenBSD manual pages [21:09] do you have backups? [21:09] i would just do it all in one go but well [21:09] wouldn't the kernel cache it instead? [21:15] sibiria: thats really good going even for standby [21:15] but that would allow me to only `lift` a IO function, no? [22:06] But that's the opposite of what you initially stated was the problem. [22:06] do you have the account name? [22:06] ayecee: I didn't get your point about file -s , ffs read [22:06] In C# and javascipt