
sdx23mCpingfloyd: bios yes, firmware of what? if motherboard then yes (to me that's bios)00:44
sdx23mCIuri - (BR - owner: CONECTA LTDA.)00:44
sdx23mCI'm looking for a suggestion if anyone has got one00:44
sdx23mCmeh wrong one00:44
richrdaadid they add that recently?01:10
richrdaaWelcome back.01:11
richrdaacocreature: Yes sir, actually this bit is incomplete01:11
ideopathicUKthe foldl variant will overflow the heap01:33
ideopathicUKmedia/media-ended.html is flaking01:33
nshpPcthe big mac just has different sauce and a middle bun its the same meat as the mcdouble02:23
nshpPcUEFI-Challenged: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2330267 <-  set "trust" on the Ubuntu/grub .efi files.02:23
nshpPchmm, couldn't one just extend any f'(z)=g(z) to complex plane?02:23
nshpPcwazdat?? =)02:23
nshpPc[ Lorde South Park Spoof Was Weird Yeah, Yeah, Yeah - YouTube ] - www.youtube.com02:24
javlenstried to remove it and LCD works :D04:43
oreiguit worked this morning, just don't know why this happen.. I didn't change anything05:20
oreigusome sort pure linux for phones05:20
oreiguwait :)05:21
oreiguElodin, ##c and ##c++05:21
oreigu[R]: I cant tell, what needs the headers?  I had to install them from the repo but cant remember why.05:21
axxisdgp: the recall witht he IBM cards was year 2000 same time as y2k issues.05:56
axxisGeekNerd, no space for writing in lipstick on old PATA drives05:56
axxischief-: Look in the topic of this Matrix room.  One helpful link is:05:56
axxislot more distros for sure05:56
axxissentiment: Hence why I said problem solving might be more appropriate for you than building foundations. Problem solving motivates foundations, rather than the other way around, anyway.05:56
axxisYeah sorry I thought it came out at the end of july, and it'd been a week and a half05:56
KwukDuck__UMJust a quicky - does file.managed compare hashes?06:04
KwukDuck__UMdo you want to be a linux expert? Do you need expertise in linux for a new job? Dont worry! Call 555-archlinux TODAY!06:04
KwukDuck__UMbut I think maybe it is the FAQ-ness that maybe makes it difficult to determine what all goes in there06:04
KwukDuck__UM(No pun intended!)06:05
KwukDuck__UMshut u06:05
PipeItToDevNullUand go to india09:22
zjetti mean, for folks who are down w/ the SE .... they're ducked11:22
zjettand anyway my newest chip from that other company is ivy bridge11:22
zjetthow to get the memory usage of a process in bytes or mbytes, not percentage?11:22
zjettHI, has anyone had issues with kwin_x11 and plasmashell taking a lot of ram? My system usually uses only 1.5 gb ram, but now, it uses 4.5gb ram, any idea why?11:23
zjettthat's me11:23
KingsyQeonly 10% faster11:57
KingsyQemaybe u got a bug in the upper script not passing those values to the script11:57
KingsyQewell if they're going to bomb their homes how come they dont have the balls to just put them in concentration camps11:57
KingsyQewhat is the first line of this script?11:57
bairuibuZz: but it wont cover all the bootloaders12:09
bairuiHow many syscalls exist in linux kernel ?12:09
costamsmckyeah i also read something about enterprise agreement13:21
costamsmcknoobly: you cant use modules for the rootfs-related drivers unless you have an initramfs to load them13:21
costamsmckvimplication, thank you, I will research in that direction.13:21
THE_GFR|Wok guys.. bed time for me13:47
THE_GFR|Wbomb-on: when wownero fork13:47
THE_GFR|WWafficus: edit the file, add the alias line13:47
THE_GFR|Wwhat effect does this have https://lpaste.net/888022434484060160 ...will it compile the current local project with O0 or O2?13:47
jyaworskigbobby: anyways, the standards look pretty useful, I've saved them :)14:48
jyaworskiSorry for your loss14:48
jyaworskireplace command with whatever your hearts desire ^^14:48
Guest72943yes, old Windows used to be UCS-2, and then they changed gradually to either treat it as UTF-16 or add Ex API for that.15:28
Guest72943we converted to a different terminal type so those all went in the bin, by way of my pickup truck bed15:28
Guest72943but problem is YT is a monopoly owned entirely by Googal15:28
Guest72943I did - just though easy to use in .gitconfig15:28
Guest72943(it isn't, but it's the closest thing like that)15:28
jpaulovi_nah youtube15:38
jpaulovi_Can I execute a command on all active servers?15:38
jpaulovi_so survival probability for the 10 seconds is just (1/2)^1015:38
SpiffyrCHow do I format the disk?16:40
SpiffyrCponyrider: "exit the terminal mode" and "doesn't go back to my file" are both vague, who knows what he actually wants16:40
SpiffyrCwe call that blowing the carbon out16:40
SpiffyrCmorning indieweb; I've been thinking about terminology, and I think we're not doing it right: indieweb is not federated, it's distributed.16:40
Guest96051if (( ${#__lines_list} > 0 ))17:08
Guest96051davor, like if the library has taken a timer overflow and you don't have access to that interrupt, you could instnall and interrupt for output compare and put your own isr there.17:08
Guest96051results in this:17:08
Guest96051seeiᥒg is ᥒot doing Ꭺⅼlаh iѕ dоiᥒɡ17:08
Guest96051autoload -Uz compinit && compinit17:08
sword_smithnuman... that's news17:29
sword_smithnuand defining benefit can also be difficult17:29
mva_gdisk works behind the OS's back, any changes made to that drive won't be seen by the OS until it re-appears.18:37
mva_Blondie looking for a local term emu with multi tabs, select to copy and maybe color coding18:37
tronikLJHmm this sounds like an interesting post19:48
tronikLJdnf has --advisory?19:48
Lord_NightmareUykatamo: call us, the JACKHAMMER20:06
Lord_NightmareUybut seriously, when I started going to seminar talks, I was usually lost about 5-10 minutes in20:06
jyaXChrnz: Inequalities20:49
jyaXCLol not now. I wrote down everything she wrote on the board and now I am trying to piece the lecture together haha20:49
MacInLew* status update* PID control is working well! atm fine tuning it to make it as good as i can :)21:32
MacInLewdllbrt: use hardware for that21:33
MacInLewHmmm.. I've noticed.21:33

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