
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
=== sorinello1 is now known as sorinello
flocculantbluesabre: here's one - grabbed a screenshot of a thing, open it with the default app - how can I print it?23:21
flocculantIn fact with the default 18.04 how do I print it? 23:21
flocculantand to forestall all the - this is the dev channel nonsense - I asked in #x23:22
flocculantand it ended in nonsense 23:30
Unit193But, but, but...I did a helpful. :(23:49
flocculantha ha - I love you - purely puritanical23:51
flocculantunless they're weirdo's23:52
flocculantin which case I don't - I hate you23:52
flocculantunless the weirdo's do that23:52
flocculantslickymaster: I toild it to change the address - but I did it linux so it knew what was best, so you doidn't get the memo23:54
flocculantso I fwdd it ...23:56

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