
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
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flocculantso as a member of the Xubuntu team - and for the moment the Qa team - how do I print a screenshot?23:23
Unit193Ristretto has a print option, no?23:23
flocculanttook one - but seems like I don't have a print option - do people install things to do it ?23:23
flocculantUnit193: nope ...23:24
flocculantwe missed that I guess ;)23:24
flocculantwe don't have that by default23:25
flocculantyou missed the inherent sarcasm :D23:25
Unit193Indeed not, if you want default then you can import into a LO writer doc and print. ;P23:25
flocculantnot defaul then :D23:25
flocculantoh hang on - I tried that23:26
flocculantUnit193: where is import a screesnshot?23:26
flocculantI tried open with Writer23:27
Unit193Usually you import an image.  OK, so here it is, knew there was something.  There's a thunar action, thunar-print will print an image using `lpr`23:28
flocculantaah ok - so not default23:29
flocculantand unfortunately all of this was so I could actually do something - not prove some esoteric point :|23:30
flocculantreally confused how to do that without addin things :|23:51

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