
zakipavlushka, 17:29
pavlushkazaki: hey17:30
zakipavlushka, my sudo password not working suddenly !!17:31
zakidon't know how and why!17:31
pavlushkazaki: that indicates logically that you are out of sudoers file17:32
pavlushkayour user I meant17:32
zakiI mean How that can happen ! 17:32
pavlushkazaki: your lsb_release please17:33
pavlushkazaki: lets check on the condition17:33
zakieverything was okay yesterday 17:33
pavlushkazaki: we need to do a routine check up that /etc/sudoers file and user's groups are all intact.17:34
u-la-la[ Ubuntu Pastebin ] - https://paste.ubuntu.com17:35
pavlushkazaki: the exact sequence is "lsb_release -rd" but its okay17:40
pavlushkazaki: paste the "groups" output17:42
zakipavlushka, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/q4fvs3yR5R/17:43
u-la-la[ Ubuntu Pastebin ] - https://paste.ubuntu.com17:43
pavlushkazaki: try "su root" and then give the root's password17:46
zakisu: Authentication failure17:47
zakipavlushka, ^17:47
pavlushkazaki: is your caps lock is on?17:48
zakipavlushka, no. :D 17:49
pavlushkazaki: what is the current keyboard input method?17:49
zakipavlushka, English (US)17:50
pavlushkazaki: can you see the /etc/sudoers file?17:52
zakipavlushka, nah, permission denied 17:56
pavlushkazaki: how many systems do you have on your disk?17:57
zakipavlushka, got it , a weird problem 17:59
pavlushkazaki: what it is?17:59
zakiI think this is keyboard problem , suppose my password 302010 it's working okay here 18:00
zakibut when I type it in terminal after 3 there is an extra character printing automatically 18:02
zakilike 3~2~18:02
pavlushkazaki: so it seems that the key before 1 is shorted in your keyboard.18:03
zakiyep 18:03
pavlushkazaki: if you can login remotely using any other device, you can do the admin works that way :)18:04
pavlushkazaki: but how you get through the login window?18:05
zakiit's work everywhere but the problem start when I type in terminal :/ 18:05
zakiweird 18:05
zakiwill disconnect this key 18:07
pavlushkazaki: I have more than 3 terminal applications, like lxterminal, mate-teminal, xterm and ...18:11
pavlushkazaki: if you have any other terminal, you can try the same in that terminal to see if the issue is with the terminal actually.18:12
zakiInstalling ..18:12
pavlushkazaki: and also you can go to "ctrl+alt+f1 up to......f6"18:13
pavlushkazaki: and there you can try the same thing and see what happens there18:13
zakipavlushka, same issue 18:18
pavlushkazaki: ok, so the key is shorted but in a weird way I must say :D18:18
zakihehe 18:19
zakipavlushka, I will show you using screen cast before disconnect that key 18:19
zakipavlushka, up ?18:28
zakipavlushka, up for a jokes? 18:29
u-la-la[ Imgur: The magic of the Internet ] - https://imgur.com18:29
zakisee the magic :P 18:29
zakiit's happen when I only press button 3 and 2 , others are okay 18:30
zakiand peek is a nice app for creating gif like this . :D 18:32
pavlushkazaki: wow, good to know that18:32
zakiI just searched for this :D 18:33
pavlushkazaki: lucky you18:33

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