
pauldubclIndeed, it would seem pf is blocking.00:55
Sousaproofjohnjay: I think you'll end up writing poorly in both languages00:57
Sousaproofso I'd like to figure out how to tell the builder to disable parallel builds but just for aarch6400:57
SousaproofMadbrad20023: You are here in #fedora-unregistered because you are not registered or identified with freenode. See https://freenode.net/kb/answer/registration or /msg nickserv help register for more information.00:58
ubrlSousaproof: ⇪ Nickname Registration - freenode00:58
Sousaproofhence the pythonic short for "kwargs"00:58
SousaproofYes, for playing with errors00:58
adrian_broherCyThe printer has only just been put together, as  isaid, he is disabled,  he's only been using it for less than a month.01:58
adrian_broherCyThe category of affine schemes is (up to equivalence) the opposite of the category of rings. Hence a product of rings corresponds to a coproduct of schemes. And this makes sense, because the prime ideals of A × A are of the form (0) p × B for a prime ideal p ⊂ A, and (1) A × q, for a prime ideal q ⊂ B. But the category of rings doesn't have coproducts as far as I can tell. Does this mean that there is no produc01:58
ariabucklesiPvingthor321: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.02:54
ubrl⇪ f: ReportingBugs - Community Help Wiki02:54
ariabucklesiPdamn the premium NCP client costs $4002:54
ariabucklesiPWhat?  It has a WeChat client built in?02:55
synx508lKoh, liftM2 is just a constrained liftA2...12:45
synx508lKSuperQ: I highly recommend using GitHub permalinks whenever you link to code publicly. There's quite a few broken links in the mailing lists from you (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/prometheus-users/5bRDIPnOhwI).12:45
ubrl⇪ f: Google Groups12:45
synx508lKkepler: i'm not entirely sure. I'm just trying to learn12:45
synx508lKNiklas9751: you might check that your kernel config is configured for the cpu you have.12:45
nachoesaBI learn %s/dsada mechanically13:47
nachoesaByeah, i would say so13:47
nachoesaBsyscall that linux uses to implement threads and forks13:47
nachoesaBthats morbide13:47
matsmCoh maybe some countries block it i forget14:35
matsmCNot extensionS but one extension.14:36
matsmCtell me if you still see same behavior.14:36
Saulzarok so high cardinality labels are just as bad as unrolling them?14:48
SaulzarM5M400: subadresses? :P14:48
SaulzarThen I'd do UPDATE FROM, as you suggested, I think14:48
Saulzarsome_weirdo22: You are here in #fedora-unregistered because you are not registered or identified with freenode. See https://freenode.net/kb/answer/registration or /msg nickserv help register for more information.14:48
ubrlSaulzar: ⇪ Nickname Registration - freenode14:48
md_5CHthanks you!21:02
md_5CHhes a dumbfuck21:03
md_5CHmissing the part where he sets that stuff on fire21:03
mbalmersimilar workflow to what i do J9 only i use rs23223:12

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